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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I’m still wondering why Liam didn’t call Steffy out for forcing Hope into taking Thomas back in the first place? She could have easily given him a job with one of the other lines and found a hot new designer to lead HFTF. She forced them to work together and then worries about them working together. Make it make sense. I think if everyone would just shut up about it each and every day Hope questioning her feelings would go away. 

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I would love to see a "Succession" type scenario where Eric finally retires, Ridge moves into Eric's position (whatever that is) and Steffy, Rick, and Thomas all battle it out for the solo CEO position.

That would be like comparing apples to acorns, but it would be hilarious to see those four try to bumble their way through it. Except I don't think "f*** off!" would be allowed on daytime TV! 😁

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Taylor is really going on about "Logan blood"? Seriously...has she seen those 2 freaks she's given birth to? A couple of criminal stalkers...of course she's been stalking Ridge for years(and shot a man in the back)...so they came by it honestly.

Edited by KnightStorm
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Ridge give me a break. I can think of more than 100 places more perfect than Rome in the spring.  Greece, Ibiza, Monte Carlo, Lisbon come to mind. Even their favorite Aspen is better.  

Did the monkeys with a keyboard have to build up Lurch by bring down Hope 😤

Taylor the ultimate wolf in sheep’s clothing has to find an excuse to once again go after Ridge be bastardizing Brooke. Taylor and Stuffy are the glasshouse twins. Taylor can have Ridge and Brooke should go back to Deacon. Even with Deacon’s faults he’s twice the man that Ridge is. Beside being better looking. 

Taylor I got news for you. It’s not the Logan blood that that runs through Hope’s veins.  It’s the pseudo Spencer blood that runs through Lurch’s veins.  

Taylor goes running to Deacon to tell him that Brooke Logan is Brooke Logan. Doesn’t she realize that Taylor Hayes is Taylor Hayes. Most of all Taylor Hayes doesn’t think that Lurch Spencer is Lurch Spencer anymore. Taylor Hayes has tunnel vision.

Taylor why stab Brooke in the back when you could easily stab her in the front. 

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3 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

I’m still wondering why Liam didn’t call Steffy out for forcing Hope into taking Thomas back in the first place? 

I’m not picking on you @Angeleyes, I just want to post for the nth time that either the writers/producers must be in love with JMW - or - it’s in JMW’s contract that B&B can never ever ever (did I say never ever?) make Steffy be in the wrong. Ever.

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I cannot believe I ever rooted for Braylor. 

I should have known it was only a matter of time before Taylor’s true colors were revealed. 

She and her daughter are two of a kind. Hypocritical, self-righteous, self-serving heifers. 

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So is Taylor’s simmering rage stemming from Brooke’s refusal to believe that Thomas has changed?  Has Taylor, the world renowned psychiatrist, forgotten how much hurt and pain he’s caused, especially to Brooke and Hope?  Brooke and Hope both need to stop being polite and they need to start launching some truth bombs.

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1 hour ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

So is Taylor’s simmering rage stemming from Brooke’s refusal to believe that Thomas has changed?

This! Count me confused as well. I thought the initial gripe was that Brooke didn't tell Taylor that Hope blasted Thomas behind his back and that Thomas overheard. I am fairly certain Brooke left Hope's office and didn't encounter Thomas.

Now, this has somehow pivoted back to picking old scabs open over Brooke's past and now, Ridge. That statement, "She has Logan blood." WTH?

Then, the cryptic remark to Deacon*, "Brooke Logan is Brooke Logan."

I am not understanding the end game here. Taylor obviously wants Deacon and Brooke together, but insists she doesn't want Ridge and wants to honor the "pact," but she's now starting to daydream about Ridge. 🤔 It appears fairly obvious to me that Ridge is leaning in Brooke's direction (again.)

I think it would be hysterical (and fitting) if both Taylor and Brooke have really been playing each other all this time and didn't think the other knew it. 

Anyhoo ... I believe once again, Taylor will be disappointed by Thomas and passed over by Ridge for Brooke. She will also have lost what looked like a promising friendship. Once again, all alone and bitter except for the company of her two sociopathic offspring. 

Has Ridge ever considered, like ... buying his OWN house? He can certainly afford it. Why does he need to squat at everybody else's house?

*I am surprised that Deacon didn't pick up from Hope that she has feelings for Thomas. 

Edited by CharlizeCat
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The way Hope was acting, sprawled over the bar, made me wonder if she is being drugged. Or drunk. 

Ditto for Taylor as she was OTT with her Logan ranting today. Even if I knew her being besties with Brooke couldn’t last. 

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Taylor's not wrong, Brooke can go on and on about Thomas and Taylor understood. Steffy says Hope has feelings for Thomas and it's the worst thing ever and Brooke needs Taylor to tell Steffy to take it back? Go talk to Steffy yourself. 

Brooke has none of the Steffy comments to give Ridge? Instead it's work. 

I liked Taylor and Deacon.  If he's a catch the two of them should get together. 




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2 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:


Has Ridge ever considered, like ... buying his OWN house? He can certainly afford it. Why does he need to squat at everybody else's house?


At one point he did have his “artist’s loft”, but that passed to Thomas and then later to his “best friend” Carter. Apparently in Bell L.A. there is a housing shortage even for rich people. Even Thomas can’t seem to find a house. And he and Paris had to room together in the squatty apartment for a while. 

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I really don't want Brooke back with Ridge, but, at the same time, after today's show, I totally want Brooke to just go crook her finger and have him come running, just so Taylor can see that she's always going to be second choice. 

And I did want to see a story where Taylor and Deacon try to scheme to get Ridge and Brooke, but then fall for each other, but I think Deacon may be too good for her. 

I think Brooke went into this friendship with the best of intentions, and she truly intended to honor it. But, I think Taylor went into it because she knew Ridge would pick Brooke after the whole CPS call truth came to light, so she figured that this friendship pact would keep Brooke and Ridge apart, and then she could slowly work her way back to Ridge over time while pretending she tried super hard to resist. Trying to set Brooke up with other men was part of that. 

"I was trying to do what was best for everyone." Yeah, and, in your mind, pairing Brooke up with someone else so you had a free path to Ridge was what you thought was best for everyone. As long as she was happy with Deacon, she wouldn't mind you going to Ridge. What Taylor fails to realize is that the split second Deacon tries to pursue anything with Brooke, Ridge will break land speed records running to her side and playing the "destiny" card. 

4 minutes ago, Angeleyes said:

Even Thomas can’t seem to find a house. And he and Paris had to room together in the squatty apartment for a while. 

Aren't they still? 

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8 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

I’m still wondering why Liam didn’t call Steffy out for forcing Hope into taking Thomas back in the first place? She could have easily given him a job with one of the other lines and found a hot new designer to lead HFTF. She forced them to work together and then worries about them working together. Make it make sense. I think if everyone would just shut up about it each and every day Hope questioning her feelings would go away. 

He did, though. It was during the episode when Hope told Liam that she had changed her mind about working with Thomas. (I think he had discussed it with Wyatt?) He says something along the lines of Steffy "making Hope go along with" rehiring Thomas, and Hope points out that Steffy wasn't the only person pushing. This entire arc seems to be focused on Hope's agency and her ability to make decisions as an independent, mature fully formed person when everyone around her constantly treats her like a child. There was all this talk about "pressuring Hope" when she has said countless times throughout this entire thing that she made the decision to save her line. No one forced them to work together. In fact, this is brought up again during one of Liam's rants to Steffy (can't remember the episode offhand) and she says something along the lines of "everyone is watching Thomas" and "I wouldn't have brought him back if I thought she would be in danger." This was all said during the "friendship" phase with Hope/Steffy and Braylor, so there's no real reason to doubt her sincerity in that moment, and Liam himself agrees that she wouldn't knowingly put Hope at risk. A few episodes after that, I believe Steffy asked Hope and she said everything was cool. The real issue is that (a) everyone seems to be unable to accept that Hope is capable of having "feelings" for Thomas without his interference and (b) Hope seems to think that having these feelings will tarnish her in some way, when really, as long as she continues to "manage them," it doesn't have to be anything more than a fleeting fantasy. Sadly, she feels so much pressure to be nothing like her mother that she is spiraling, and she apparently has no friends she can talk to without judgment. 

This even goes back to when she was trying to build her relationship with Deacon a year or so ago and everyone kept telling her to not trust him, etc. She kept talking about how frustrating and demoralizing it was for everyone to dissuade her from building a relationship with her dad and how it feels like no one trusts her or her judgment. This has been building for a while, and her frustration is only getting worse.

Edited by MajesticMariposa
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That’s the point though that Steffy did not have to put her in the position of hiring Thomas or losing the line entirely. I don’t blame Hope for wanting to protect what she’s worked for as well as protecting the jobs of the other people that we don’t see that would work for her line. Steffy made a decision to possibly cut the line after an arbitrarily short time of the line not bringing in higher numbers (that timeline wouldn’t even make sense in the real world because of fashion world seasons). Again, Steffy could have hired Thomas back for any of their other lines or she could have held off until her dad returned to make a decision about that. She also could have worked with Hope on other solutions to save the line like hiring a new designer or working on a new ad campaign. Instead she blindsided Hope into making a choice between Thomas and losing the line for good. For Hope, that was really no choice at all. However, after Hope gave in and accepted Thomas every day at work someone is asking her if she can handle working with Thomas or worrying about her working with him, etc. I agree that the people in her life try to limit her agency, but my position is that Steffy also did that by interfering in the HFTF decisions and forcing Hope into taking Thomas back when everyone knew there had been previous issues with the two of them. 

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While I fully expected the Braylor lovefest to unravel sooner rather than later, I did not expect the level of venom from Taylor. "Logan blood", really? You're a rapist and a killer, and your son has turned out to be both as well. I'd worry more about the Hamilton-Marone blood.

I do wonder if Hope is being drugged, but who could be doing it? It would be perfectly legit for it to be Thomas, who has form, but I have the awful feeling that Brad Bell plans to give us a SHOCKING reveal of the culprit being Deacon, at Sheila's behest.

Edited by Aymery
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55 minutes ago, Aymery said:

I do wonder if Hope is being drugged, but who could be doing it? It would be perfectly legit for it to be Thomas, who has form, but I have the awful feeling that Brad Bell plans to give us a SHOCKING reveal of the culprit being Deacon, at Sheila's behest.

If she is being drugged, I do think they'll have it be someone doing it on Sheila's behalf. First, somehow, it will be discovered that she's being drugged. Everyone will think it's Thomas, even Taylor and Steffy, who will act like they're the biggest victims in all of it. But it will turn out to be someone else doing it for some convoluted plan of hers to break up Finn and Steffy by making Liam single and on the rebound. We haven't seen Paris for a while, maybe she somehow ended up sucked in by Sheila (for some ridiculous reason) and is doing her bidding.  

Once the truth eventually comes out, everyone will have to kiss Thomas's ass, again, for daring to think that the guy who has done exactly this sort of shit before was doing it again. 

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Welp see ya Braylor, it was truly nice while it lasted. So it's back to fighting over Ridge's mediocre dick again? *sighs endlessly*

Brooke didn't discuss Steffy's behavior with Ridge because she knows from experience he's gonna do fuck all about it. He'll just get guilt-tripped for "siding with a Logan" and we'd have to hear that revisionist shit about Ridge being a deadbeat to his oldest children. To hell with that noise. Brooke assumed Taylor was more dependable, as her (ex)friend. Not that Brooke's request made sense either. It's just beyond cringeworthy to have women who are grandmother's fighting their grown children's battles. 

Taylor you were Stephanie's favorite pawn for decades and "Logan blood" is the best you can do? 😭 Is it bad that I'm actually a little embarrassed for this psychopath? Lol 

17 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

I’m still wondering why Liam didn’t call Steffy out for forcing Hope into taking Thomas back in the first place? She could have easily given him a job with one of the other lines and found a hot new designer to lead HFTF. She forced them to work together and then worries about them working together. Make it make sense.

Welcome to the world of convoluted writing & making characters do/say stupid shit just to move the dumb plot along! Liam did bring up being pissed at Steffy once but that's a trump card he should've saved when she told him Hope has feelings for Thomas. She's so worried about her brother but no one can adequately explain how blabbing to Liam & her parents(even if it's true) helps Thomas. Steffy running around like a chicken with it's head cut off when she has the power to dead all of this would be funny if it weren't so obviously plot driven...

Edited by Skarzero
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8 hours ago, Aymery said:

While I fully expected the Braylor lovefest to unravel sooner rather than later, I did not expect the level of venom from Taylor. "Logan blood", really? You're a rapist and a killer, and your son has turned out to be both as well. I'd worry more about the Hamilton-Marone blood. 

And the "Logan blood" is just another way of calling Brooke a slut which is appalling considering both Taylor and Steffy's own behavior when it comes to men and doing what they want regardless of other peoples feelings.

I would love a reveal that Hope was being drugged and/or hypnotized into being attracted to Thomas but it would be devastating if it was Deacon who was behind it all.  A cool twist would be if it was Finn who was in turn being controlled by Sheila.

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12 hours ago, Artsda said:

I liked Taylor and Deacon.  If he's a catch the two of them should get together. 

I could definitely get on board with Daylor or a Breacon redux. I seriously don't understand what is the obsession with Ridge when Deacon is right there

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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

This time around, Daylor has more chemistry than Breacon.

I agree They've had good chemistry in every interaction they've had since KA took on the role. 

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Pee-yooo, Tay is garbage! Girl, if you gotta do all this scheming to keep a man away from another woman, he. doesn’t. want. you. I can’t wait for this Deacon b.s. to blow up in her face. 


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8 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

I think it's time for Taylor to take another dirt nap. Third time's the charm, you know! 😴😄

Although it wouldn't be hard to find the body because those bony shoulder blades would be poking through the dirt. 🤣 

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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

Although it wouldn't be hard to find the body because those bony shoulder blades would be poking through the dirt. 🤣 

Along with those spiky fake nails she seems to be so enamored with.

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Taylor is coming off a bit deranged. Maybe time to see a therapist there, Taylor. But not the one your son is seeing. The jury is still out on that one. 

Brooke sadly overestimates Taylor's maturity and integrity. While she's telling Ridge how they both are prioritizing their friendship, Taylor is over there manipulating Deacon into pursuing Brooke so she can go shoot her shot with Ridge and talking about how their friendship isn't really working out like they'd hoped. I hope both Deacon and Ridge bust her to Brooke. 

Since we're clearly going to get Bridge again, I hope it happens before JMW's maternity leave. I want to see the turnabout is fair play version of that smug conversation Steffy sought out Brooke for back in Aspen. I also think the Bridge reunion will expose the first crack in the St. Thomas the Neuter facade. We all know how Thomas acts when he doesn't get what he wants. 

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Can someone please tell me why the moneys with a keyboard are so enamored with Rome?  Is the Rome department of tourism paying them to travel to Rome. 


Deacon and Brooke 👍👍 

Katie and Carter 👎👎

Ridge with anybody 🤢🤮 

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On 5/31/2023 at 11:45 AM, Angeleyes said:

I’m still wondering why Liam didn’t call Steffy out for forcing Hope into taking Thomas back in the first place?

Liam Spencer may be the only person with sense where Tom-Ass is concerned but he's still Liam Spencer at the end of the day. He has let Steffy skate on far more devious shit than this.

On 5/31/2023 at 2:56 PM, Waldo13 said:

Lurch Spencer


12 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Can someone please tell me why the moneys with a keyboard are so enamored with Rome?  Is the Rome department of tourism paying them to travel to Rome. 

Given the Bells' connections and the fact that this is the most widely viewed soap opera in the world (to the point that an Australian band even made a chart topping song about the show!), there's very likely a payout here.

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Taylor really showed her fangs today. I'm sure she'll try some spin to claim Brooke didn't hear what she clearly did...not that it will work. Ridge knows that Brooke honored the "pact" despite his best attempts to get her to break it. Taylor is the on e who showed what a backstabber she is. I don't even like NuRidge....but I want Bridge together just to make Tay and her brats miserable. 

Edited by KnightStorm
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21 minutes ago, KnightStorm said:

I don't even like NuRidge....but I want Bridge together just to make Tay and her brats miserable. 

Yep. This show is making us spite-ship. 

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I think Brooke seeing Taylor trying to set her up with Deacon as breaking the pact was a stretch, particularly because Brooke’s happily gone along with Taylor setting her up in the past. I get the distinction that Deacon would be a serious relationship and not a fling, but it still seemed a little much to jump to that conclusion (even though it was correct). Ijs, it’s not as if the pact explicitly involved them not setting one another up with other men for Brooke to over-the-top recoil like that.

That said, couldn’t be more pleased about Brooke seeing Trash-lor for what she is.

Count me in with spite-shipping Bridge just to hurt Taylor’s feelings.

Imagine doing all of this… for Ridge. And then it doesn’t even work.


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16 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Can someone please tell me why the moneys with a keyboard are so enamored with Rome?

My understanding is that the show is extremely popular in Italy and it's a very big deal to the many viewers there when the show comes over to shoot. Keep your eyes open for articles about the trip when they're over there. There will basically be a national day/week of celebration with keys to the city and everything.


Tay-tay seems to be unhinged and delusional. Maybe she's the one drugging Hope.

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CJ looks a lot better without a shirt and is not smiling. 

Brooke seems to be more concerned about her friendship with Taylor than Taylor is.  Taylor you are a pice of shit lier blaming it on Brooke. 

Taylor and Stuffy are concerned about Hope corrupting Lurch but why would they because Lurch is a changed man. As a changed man, wouldn’t Lurch reject Hope’s advances?  They act like Lurch will give in to Hope and hinder him from becoming a better man.  


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"You're a backstabbing TRAITOR!!!"  Well my wish for Brooke to stop being polite to Taylor's about to come true and I am here for it :):) 

Taylor's going on about Brooke's lack of integrity and that she's the exact same woman she's always been made my head spin.  Did I miss Brooke's swearing she's a changed woman?  Changed from what? 

And I don't really see why Brooke has to accept that Thomas has changed, how does this affect her friendship with Taylor?  If Thomas has truly changed then it will be evident by his actions.  Why would Taylor have to be angry at Brooke's not believing Thomas?  Who cares?

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Taylor has some issues. She hasn't let herself get really pissed off about her big grand dream reunion with Ridge being blown to pieces, because she'd have had to be mad at Thomas, Steffy, and Ridge. And the four of them can't be the superior Forrester family if she were to let loose on any of them. Instead, she threw herself into this friendship with Brooke so she could keep her eye on her and Ridge. And Thomas has to be reformed, or she might have to be mad at him or let it affect their relationship, and then she might not be the sainted mother figure she imagines she is (despite how much she's contributed to them being messed up all their lives).  Now that Steffy has planted the idea in her head that Hope has feelings for Thomas, Taylor has somewhere to direct her anger - those evil Logan women. That harlot, Hope, is going to lead her sweet little boy down a bad path with her Logan feminine wiles, and that's Brooke's fault for being Hope's mother. Anything but examining her own family's shit. 

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Taylor was giving me serious second hand embarrassment in those scenes with Ridge. It seemed to me like Ridge was well aware what she was trying to do, and he kept trying to play dumb and redirect her until she decided to make it so blatant he couldn't pretend he didn't know what she was doing any more. 

And it just occurred to me that Taylor may have really fucked Deacon over. Ridge and Bill agreed not to tell anyone about Deacon's relationship with Sheila, since he helped them catch her in the end. But, how fast do you think Ridge would go back on that if he hears Deacon made a play for Brooke again? He's going to go running to Brooke to warn her about Deacon and Sheila. I know Taylor doesn't know those details, but he'd still be collateral damage in her scheming, and despite the fact that she sat there blowing sunshine up Deacon's ass about how great it would be for Hope to have her family together, she won't give a single fuck that Deacon ends up with his relationship with Hope damaged. 

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Co-signing all the above. I do think at first that Taylor was sincere about being friends with Brooke, or at least she had convinced herself of that. Now, I see it must have just been a rebound.

Why either woman wants Ridge is mind-boggling. He cruelly dumped Brooke without giving her the real (or any) reason and left Taylor at the altar to chase after Brooke. 

Maybe Taylor will snap again and pick up the gun. Shoot and fatally wound Ridge in one of those "if I can't have him, nobody will," moments. That would put EVERYBODY (mainly, us) out of our misery. 

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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

Why either woman wants Ridge is mind-boggling. He cruelly dumped Brooke without giving her the real (or any) reason and left Taylor at the altar to chase after Brooke. 

And it’s not the first time he’s done it to either of them. It feels like I’m watching an episode of Maury. Like, this is the dude y’all fighting over?

1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

Maybe Taylor will snap again and pick up the gun. Shoot and fatally wound Ridge in one of those "if I can't have him, nobody will," moments. That would put EVERYBODY (mainly, us) out of our misery. 

This is why I got excited when they brought Sheila back; maybe she’ll kill someone I hate! (Which, better than even money on this show.) But she never does. I feel like Charlie Brown with the football. 

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Welp see ya Braylor, it was truly nice while it lasted. So it's back to fighting over Ridge's mediocre dick again? *sighs endlessly*

And this highlights one of the biggest issues with this show. The complete unwillingness to do something different and stay there. Why must we always snap back to the status quo? The writers do something different with Taylor and Brooke and then boom ... Taylor is obsessed with the greasy waffle again. Ugggh. I just hate it. Hate.

Let Taylor hook up with Deacon or with Bill. She actually has chemistry with both -more than with TK! But nope we just have to have Taylor and Brooke continuing this ridiculous feud. Honestly both are far too old for this nonsense.

How much longer before we are watching the Liam /Hope/Steffy show again?

I don't hate ship ... I hate watch this show.

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4 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

How much longer before we are watching the Liam /Hope/Steffy show again?

I give until the end of Tanner Novlan's contract.

Let's just be glad that TIIC aren't working this pregnancy into the show.

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OK, call me dense, but did I miss the big reveal on Friday as to why RJ came back to L.A.?

Granted, I was eating dinner and only half paying attention to the repetitive Hope and RJ discussion, but the only thing I got was that RJ came home to ensure Brooke is doing OK without Ridge.

Seriously, is parent-trapping the best that the writers can come up with for the younger generation? First, the Taytots, then Douglas, and even little Kelly have jumped onboard the train. And don't forget Felicia and Thorne back in the day. I can't roll my eyes hard enough. 

I remember when summers had interesting SLs like Dylan the male stripper, Sly and teenage pregnancy, and Macy and drinking. I know the social issues that young people face today are much different, but they could still be woven into the SLs. Also, in the earlier years, the younger characters were always having fun and hanging out at the beach and Bikini Bar.  I would be entertained by watching RJ go around and find stuff to spotlight and post on SM. He could have Douglas tag along. I can't get enough of little HJS!

No single set of kids is ever going to be happy if a mom and dad reunite since everybody's bloodlines are so intermingled. Gross.

I know I am preaching to the choir, but still ... 


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16 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Or the Amber/Becky baby switch. Or even the paternity of Amber’s first baby - would Rick or Usher be the dad? 

Ugh, that storyline was amazing, she had to disappear to give birth because she wasn’t sure the baby was white. Outstanding moment of daytime trash.

ETA: And, and? It had nothing to do with Brooke, Ridge, and Taylor. These teens had their own lives going on, and we didn’t have to watch another round of a SL that was already stale in the 90s.

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2 minutes ago, Rye said:

Ugh, that storyline was amazing, she had to disappear to give birth because she wasn’t sure the baby was white. Outstanding moment of daytime trash. 

Trash indeed but entertaining trash. Unlike the smelly garbage that passes for show now. 

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2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Or the Amber/Becky baby switch. Or even the paternity of Amber’s first baby - would Rick or Usher be the dad? 

And it didn't matter because the baby was born dead! That was the most amazing and shocking daytime drama moment I ever experienced. That is why I have to stay unspoiled for this show.

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21 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

And it didn't matter because the baby was born dead! That was the most amazing and shocking daytime drama moment I ever experienced. That is why I have to stay unspoiled for this show.

OMG that’s right, I forgot about that, after all the angst Amber had trying to trap Rick, it was his baby but the baby died! Iconic SL.

There are so many people they could bring back to the show who have established histories and relationships, and every time they just go back to this tired crap. Where’s Bridget? Rick? Amber? Kristen? Thorne? Felicia? Donna? Can Maya get a SL that’s not about being trans? Hello? Anybody??

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8 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

And don't forget Felicia and Thorne back in the day. I can't roll my eyes hard enough. 

What makes that one even worse is Felicia was one of the few people who was very much in support of Eric and Stephanie's first divorce and was the person that told Stephanie that she really needed to stop defining herself by her marriage. At least Steffy and Thomas could claim trauma around having Taylor gone during their formative years to explain away their nonsense but these two acted like their parents were some loving couple for 50 years before Donna showed up. 

8 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Or the Amber/Becky baby switch. Or even the paternity of Amber’s first baby - would Rick or Usher be the dad? 

Outside of some rather gross implications (that Bell learned nothing from, given that shit Eric ED story), this was exactly the type of dynamic story that B&B has been lacking for so long. It's been clear for a long while that no one writing the show has been interested in developing their younger set, and that was obvious back in the mid 2000s when Bridget was wasted on Nick and Phoebe was put in a triangle with men who were closer to 30 than 20.


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