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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I'll take "forged over traumatic events" over "Liam sees Slattern riding the Stallion" like I thought they were headed towards.

This show is a trip. There was once a time where I would've said Steffy, slag that she is, deserved better than Liam's waffling.  But this isn't like the situation with Hope where he bounced back and forth to whichever girl was easiest to tolerate that week. It's not a rebound romance like Ivy was.

I feel like the debacle with SF has opened his eyes to the person he once was before Steffy imprinted on him like her name was Renesmee Cullen. That guy who once stood up to Bill when the latter threw him a party to enter society and Liam was very adamant about being faithful to Hope. 

Edited by Anna Yolei
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3 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

The one piece of advice I will give Sally and Liam is watch and heed the lessons of Speed. Relationships begun/crystallized due to a bond forged under shared traumatic circumstances usually don't last. Liam is currently your Keanu but next year you could be with a Jason Patric (aka Wyatt).

Uhhh, no!  Wyatt is fifty shades of all kinds of icky.  Shudders.  I think Sally and Bill are going to be a couple.  Shuddering at that, too.

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6 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Wow, the Botox or filler in Steffy’s face was very evident today with her disaster makeup on...nothing moved above her upper lip when she talked...NOTHING!  I was also noticing she is starting to look more and more like Taylor with the work she is having done...I wonder if that is on purpose..unfortunately she can resemble her but it still looks artificial especially when she tries to move...rant over!

The other day I thought she was going to an audition for a community theater production of “Flower Drum Song” what with her eyes pulled up so tightly.

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That was an awfully good show yesterday.

So, they have completely and utterly killed Brill. I can never see Brooke going back to Bill now. I am so glad Brooke pointed out that maybe Bill could learn some lessons from his son, and how accidents follow Bill like a bad smell. But Bill can’t see it; look how he kept trying to put the blame on Liam. No.No.NO!!! Every time Bill has pulled something he has given his edict about no harm coming to anyone, yet that is always what happens. Telling Justin to “cool him off” meaning drop Ridge into the water, not give him a 50 foot free fall into the Persian Gulf, nearly killing Ridge and robbing him of his ability to perform his livelihood, albeit short lived. Then telling Justin “no one gets hurt” when he ordered the fire; yet Sally wound up in the hospital. And now this. What Bill fails to understand is that you cannot control things. Bill also fails to understand that these edicts before the fact do not in any way absolve him of owning responsibility for his actions. How many people are going to have to be hurt before Bill learns that the caveman way is maybe not the right way. And he has hurt Brooke too.

I am beside myself with sadness that once again a promising relationship for Brooke has failed. And if it has failed to once again visit Bridge? I honestly don’t know if I can continue watching. I could always fast forward through them, but then I would be denying myself watching my girl, so what would be the point? I have stood by and witnessed the demise of Brooke’s best relationships; Eric (round 1), Connor Davis, Thorne, Nick Marone (before he lost his mind), and now Bill. Notice no Bridge in there. Never was and never will be a supporter of that pairing. It is all so tiring, and I can only imagine how Kelly Lang must feel. It is a crime that one of daytimes longest running, incredibly gorgeous, and well liked actresses, has been fed this non-ending swill, and been forced into some of the worst SL’s (Deacon, Posse Boink, Boinkberry), and has steadfastly been denied any type of lasting happiness. How about you let Brooke find some of that? Even if it means she is alone; it would be better than some forced no chemistry destiny.

I appears TPTB don't approve of KKL's new spiky haircut. The first day they had it pulled up, which is ok because she looks great in any kind of up-sweep. But yesterday? I see we are back to the stringy, lifeless extensions.

I don’t know how someone could have a building imploded on them, and be stuck under concrete and debris, with all manner of stuff raining down on them, and still look sexy as hell. But Sally sure did. I found that disheveled red hair and smudged, makeup less face on point. Courtney Hope is one of those rare women who almost look better without makeup. Sally looks so innocent and so vulnerable sans makeup, it is like she is an entirely different person. And man, was she ever tugging at my heart strings laying in that hospital bed looking so defeated, and lost, and alone.

Please tell me that stank ass heifer did not have the temerity to imply that Sally wanted this? That she wasn’t making comments about people “like” Sally and people “like” Liam, right to his face? Dear Lord, that useless wench is that full of herself? She thinks she can tell her husband he is like “that” or “this”, intimating he is in a different class than her? I have never been Liam’s champion. He is a waffler, and he is weak, but no one deserves to be pigeon holed by their fucking elitist wife. I think Countrygirl was right. There is no going back from that moment Liam and Sally shared under that rubble. It is imprinted on both of them like a beacon. So my best advise to Liam would be:


Don Diamont has been so good through this entire SL. He has shown the gamut of emotions. Anger, disbelief, horror, disgust, but yesterday? Man. As mad as I am at Bill, and as much as I think he is getting what he deserves, still, he looked so broken. I don’t know if he has learned anything from this, or from losing Brooke, it certainly doesn’t appear that way, but I think he is feeling things he has never experienced, and is about to find out what it means to be shut out. I doubt he will have Wyatt or Justin to lean on, because I think he will not be on board with Wyatt slipping the sausage to Katie and I think he will blame Justin for what happened at the demolition. I would suspect Katie might be hesitant to leave Will with his dad now too. My money says the only person Bill is gonna have going forward is his treacherous DIL.

Spectra is really and truly gone now. What does that mean? The gang has no where to meet and congregate. Does this mean an end to that SL? I sure hope not. No more Sally Says Recycle. Crying now………

Edited by RuntheTable
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I'm going to assume he demise of the building is just an excuse to give SF a fresh new set. I mean, they've recycled names, gotten Saul's grandson onboard and forced the dynamics of original Stephanie/Sally down our throats so the least they could do is give them a modern office to call their own. And maybe bring Sasha back for a modeling gig for Thomas #4 to begin reconnecting with as Sally begins to waffle from Waffles, but I won't be greedy. ?

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Recap for Wed. 11/8/17:

We open at the hospital where Liam, sporting a hospital gown, is right next to Sally's bed.


I'll ignore the ridiculousness of them still covered with soot because they look so darn cute together.

The doctor comes in then, surprised to see Liam there. Well, hello, handsome. 

Dr. Hottie: "Mr. Spencer, didn't we have you on the other side of that privacy curtain?"


Sally: "It's okay, doctor. Liam can hear anything you have to say to me."

Liam: "And vice versa." Awww....

Dr. Hottie: "You ought to have compound fractures, hematomas, at least a hairline cranial break. Your lungs are a cloudy mess from all the dust you inhaled, but outside of that, your cuts, your scrapes, your bruises, they're the worst of it. Diagnosis -- insanely lucky." There's not a little bit of sarcasm in his voice. They both start coughing. "You're gonna be coughing for a while. And if it lasts longer than 48 hours or you bring up some blood, you need to get back here and see us."


Sally: "That's it?"

Dr. Hottie: "That's it. You got a crowd waiting outside for your good news." 

Liam: "Wow."


They look at each other after he leaves.

Liam: "Good to be alive, huh?


Sally: "Yeah, I'm just now sure how to...how to do that." 


Liam tries to make light: "Heh... just keep breathing, maybe. Stay away from falling concre-"


Sally gives him a look: "I mean, go back to the lives that we had."


I think they both know there is no going back to before the demolition and the kiss they shared before almost dying. A kiss they are both thinking about right now.


Fauxdi comes in then and the sight of her smudged face is enough to put a smile on mine. Pig Pen's got nothing on this heifer.


Steffy, ignoring Sally completely as she approaches Liam, "What did the doctor say?"


Liam: "Actually, uh... nothing bad. All good."

Steffy: "What? Oh, my God! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God." She tries to eke out a few tears. "I'm so happy you're okay." She embraces him and his half-hearted embrace did not go unnoticed by me.


Sally sits there and watches it all.


Outside in the waiting area, Shirley, Saul, Darlita, and a recently-arrived Coco take Bill to task and seriously, he has some nerve showing up at the hospital.

Saul: "You really think either of the patients will want to see you?"

Shirley: "You could always blow the place up if they don't."

Bill: "I was told they were out of the building." No one gives two shits what you thought, Bill. You had no right to blow it up in the first place.

I did have to smile at how DD looks, all rumpled hair and dirty.


I could help him clean up...

Ahem...where was I?

Coco: "And that way if they died, it would be their fault. Not yours." I like fiesty Coco, especially when Slouchey isn't attached to her hip.

Shirley: "Oh, it's never his fault."


Bill: "I hope none of you ever has to know the fear for even one moment that you may have unknowingly caused the death of your own child. You work with my wife.  If I was the heartless killer that you say I am, would she be married to me?"

Coco: "I didn't think she was anymore."


Damn, Coco....

Bill: "Look, my people have identified a space right on the edge of the fashion district. It's a little bit more compact than your former place of business, but it'll work for you guys. It'll work perfectly."

Saul: "Nothing's more compact than our former place of business is now."

Bill: "All right, look, I'm willing to cover your relocation costs, and I'll pay for your first year's rent."

Shirley: "You know what, you can buy off the planning commission, you can buy off the cops, the courts. But don't think for one little minute that you can buy off your shriveled little...conscience. We. Don't. Want. Your. Help."


Bill is rethinking his decision to show up at the hospital right about now.


Back inside Sally and Liam's hospital room, Steffy can't believe they walked away, relatively unscathed. I can't believe it either but there you go.

Liam: "No. No, nothing. I mean, nothing too messed up but my lungs." He coughs, illustrating the point.

Steffy finally acknowledges Sally: "And for you?"

Sally: "Same. Except for feeling like the cause of so-"

Steffy, dismissive as always,: "No, don't talk about that right now. I'm just glad that both of you are alive." Big of her. She also starts coughing and is playing it up if you ask me.

Bill enters the room, so quietly that no one notices him, until he speaks: "I just spoke to the doctor. But I wanted to see for myself that you're all right."

Liam's face speaks volumes as he responds: "None of this is all right."


Bill looks at Sally: "I heard your grandmother sing out, 'thank you, God!' So I assume that she got some good news, too."

Sally: "Is my grams okay? Who's out there with her?"

Bill: "She's good, she's good. Uh, she's out there with, um... your team. I-I don't know their names." He looks halfway embarrassed. 

Liam: "Oh, yeah? Does that make it easier to take away their livelihood?"

Bill: "Liam, I'm not about running a popularity contest. I'm their boss, not their friends." Since when is he their boss?

Liam: "They know that. I just don't think the concept of other people is a real thing to you." I think Liam's right.

Bill: "You're real to me. And as God is my witness, I was told you were out of the building."

Liam counters: "Yeah, well, you would have known if you checked for yourself."

Bill: "You were seen leaving! Why would you go back in? You knew what was gonna happen."

Liam, stating the obvious: "Because, Dad, I thought maybe the prospect of me dying would be a deterrent."

Steffy eyes them both: "Okay, Liam, all that matters is that you two are okay."


Oh, sure, let's just brush the rubble under the rug. How convenient for your precious $ Bill.

Liam: "Is it? Is that all that matters? I don't think so."


Bill: "Sally, um... I want to help you guys get back on your feet. And I think I've found the perfect location for you."

Sally: "I don't think so, thank you." It's far too little, too late to make these gestures now.

Bill: "All right, I appreciate pride.  I respect it. But you still have your talent, you have your team, and the rest of it can be replaced."

Sally looks him directly in the eye: "No, it can't. Spectra has owned that building for generations. It's where we had our family reunions. It's where my Aunt Sally gave her inspirational pep talks, and it is where we were measured for our Christmas presents. So I can accept that you didn't want to kill me. Just my future. And my past." So much heartache in that statement.

Steffy is annoyed (as usual): "Oh, God. God, I wish you just saw Bill's face when you guys went inside the building. He wants to make things right." Unless he can turn back time and undo the demo or even better the fire, I don't see him making things right.

Liam pounces on this: "Oh, so what? He feels bad, so we're supposed to feel bad? I've seen this before. I know how this works. I've fallen for this trick like a million times, okay? If you want to fire me, just fire me. You have Wyatt's vote. That's all you need. So, please, go, go keep setting fires and blowing stuff up." He is just over this shit.

Bill: "Everyone will disappoint you if you know them long enough, Liam. Everyone." He's actually not wrong here, but this goes far beyond disappointment.

Liam: "What -- oh, just 'cause she doesn't have your connections and money? You almost killed us. So why don't you go home and tell everyone, hey, at least you tried?" 

Bill doesn't know how to react to this bitter, jaded, over it, Liam.

Bill: "I'll tell you what. We can pick up this conversation after you've cooled off." But if he looked closely, he'd see there's no anger in Liam right now, just resignation. Steffy's sad sack face is cracking me up right now.


Liam: "I won't."

Later, Sally gets the news that she can be discharged. Liam has apparently left with Steffy. 

Shirley learns that a "Mr. Spencer" paid the bill but it's not clear which one.

Saul steps over to the bed, visibly upset: "I should've been there...with you."

Sally shakes her head: "No. You have the hands of an artist. What we do if they got crushed?"

Saul swallows back tears, then adds, his voice on the edge of breaking: "I'm just, I'm glad that somebody could be with you. You know, even if it...if it wasn't me." Sally sadly smiles, thinking of the one who was there for her and where he is right now and with whom.

Over at FC, Brooke is stunned to hear the latest from Katie. I love her navy sleeveless pantsuit. Such a great color for her.


Brooke: "Wait, what?! Liam and Sally were in the building when it got demolished?"

Katie: "Bill didn't know that they were in there."

Brooke: "Oh, my God!"

Katie: "He must be devastated." She glances closely at her sister: "Do you think that you should go and...check on Bill?"

Brooke: "Well, isn't he at the hospital?"

Katie: "I'm not really sure how long he's gonna be there."

Brooke: "How did you find out about all of this?" Uh oh...how to explain she was with Wyatt.

Katie: "Um, I was at, um...Bill's office, and Wyatt was there, and he told me." 

Brooke is too busy worrying to notice how flustered Katie is: "Oh, god. I can't believe this, really. Why does he have to be so impatient? Why does bill have to want everything right now?"


Because he's $ Bill "Instant Gratification" Spencer.

Katie shares how things were getting better between Bill and Liam but that reconciliation was totally false.

Brooke remarks on how nice it is that she and Wyatt are growing closer, ever since the fashion challenge collaboration.

Katie: "Yeah, it's been really nice."

Brooke: "And you're on Bill's side, so...that's good."

Katie: "I'll always root for Bill when he tries to do the right thing." I know he's the father of her child, but come on!


Brooke: "I feel the same way."

Ugh...Yoda said it best, ladies:


Bill is at home and goes to pour himself a drink, still covered in soot, his hand trembling wildly as he tries, but fails, to raise the glass to his lips.


Brooke appears: "Bill!" He turns and sees her. "My God! Are you okay? Is Liam?"

He's clearly surprised to see her and still out of sorts, considering today's events: "Yeah, everybody is safe now, and Liam's okay. But, things are not good between us."

Brooke sighs: "Yeah, I would imagine not."

Bill is unable to disguise his joy that she's here: "I'm glad you're here. I appreciate you coming to check on me." My Brill-shipping heart is breaking all over again.


Brooke: "Yeah, of course. I wanted to come and make sure that you were okay, and Liam also. So, you actually blew up a building with your son in it?"

Bill: "I didn't know that he was in it. I was told the building was empty."

Brooke: "You didn't check yourself. You didn't realize that Liam did that because of his honor, not because he was having a tantrum."

Bill: "Yeah, I got that. You see, before the sit-in and everything that happened since... Liam forgave me. We forgave... we forgave each other. We had a clean slate." He's on the verge of tears here.

Brooke: "Well, that's good."

Bill, with tears in his eyes, for his son, for her: "Why can't we have a clean slate, Brooke?" She looks back at him and you can see there's a part of her that wants to wipe the slate clean. "I love you, Brooke. That will never change."

Brooke's face softens for a moment: "Oh, Bill. Love has never been our problem."

Bill, reflecting: "You know, I've accomplished extraordinary things in my life. But I seem to have a problem making the ordinary ones work."

Brooke: "Well, maybe if you worked a little bit more on your violent behavior and your capacity for cruelty, then things would change."

Bill: "When have I ever been violent or cruel with you, ever?" To her directly, never (well, once he knew her). But to others...

Brooke: "I've seen the way that you speak to Liam, how you treat him, how you belittle him."

Bill: "Well, maybe you need to pay more attention to the way that Liam speaks to me, the way that he treats me. He needs to see the world the way it is. Liam should be at my side learning the business, not insisting that he knows better." Liam is his own man, not a carbon copy like Wyatt is angling to be.

Brooke: "Maybe you need to see Liam for who he is: a gentle, compassionate young man. Maybe there's things that you can learn from Liam."

Bill: "Funny you say that, Brooke, because if you'd been around, you would see that I've gone to great effort to do that. What he did today was inexcusable."

Brooke: "Bill, you almost killed him." He still doesn't get it.

Bill: "No, he almost killed himself! What is he doing running back into a building that he knows is set to implode? I mean, it was an accident!"

Brooke, calling him out: "So many accidents happen around you, Bill. Maybe things aren't so accidental after all." And that's why she can't come back to him and until he owns what he does and who he is and truly works to change, he has a snowball's chance in hell of ever reuniting with her.


Bill is tired, so very, very tired: "It's been a hell of a day. Actually, it's been a day from hell. And you clearly have absolutely no understanding of what I've been through, thinking that I might have been responsible for my own son's death!" Of course she understands what he's been through but HE is the one who set it into motion.

Brooke cuts through his self-serving bullshit: "But if you lived your life with a little bit more compassion, maybe you wouldn't have to run around looking for this love that you feel so cheated of." No one calls him on his shit like her and he knows it. Her voice is softer now: "You know, I said vows to you, and I was going to honor them for the rest of my life."

Bill's voice is a whisper now: "You still can." But even he doubts she can and he can't exactly blame her.


Brooke is resolute: "Goodbye, Bill."


He watches her walk away, a former shell of himself. The building demo is nothing but a metaphor for how his life has imploded. By his own hand.


Steffy and Liam have arrived at their beach house.

Liam is half-heartedly teasing: "It's not like I can't drive."

Steffy snots: "You said your leg hurts."

Liam: "Am I walking funny?"

Steffy snaps: "I'm just trying to be nice." And just like that, her tears and sympathy - poof!

Liam: "I'm sorry." Dafaq is he apologizing to this bitch for?

Steffy: "No, I'm... I'm sorry." She is so not sorry.

Liam: "No, I mean, you're right. You're right. If it had... if it had been you in there, i would have been out of my mind with worry."

Steffy: "I wouldn't be in that situation." Well, goodie for you!

Liam is taken aback: "Yeah, well, we can only hope."

Steffy: "Because I would never involve myself in those kind of problems." I seriously want to punch her in the vag right now.

Liam: "Steffy, I am Sally's problem. I swore to her that the Spectra property was hers. She borrowed money against it that she can't pay back now because my dad pulled the rug out from under her, and me. You don't think I have some responsibility to make amends or try?"

Steffy: "No." NO????? Seriously, someone drop a house on her. She is such a waste of air.

Liam cannot believe this shit: "I see. Okay. So... so, my dad's whole crusade to ruin her is just one of those things, huh?"

Steffy: "Is sarcasm really necessary, Liam? God, what your father did, it wasn't personal. It was just typical corporate ruthlessness that just went too far." Not Personal??? NOT PERSONAL?????????????????

Liam fires back: "No, it is personal when you're on the receiving end. It is personal when it's all directed at one person."

Steffy: "I just hope you never have to see, much less feel, the kind of terror I saw in your father when he found out you were still inside the building."


Always thinking about her almost lover. Instead of her husband. The moment she took Bill's side is the moment the death knell was sounded for this marriage in my book because there is more than one kind of infidelity. Besides, the countdown to $ Still finally doing the deed is already well under way.

Liam doesn't respond because what is there to say to something like that.

Steffy: "This day is dead to me. Are you ready for bed?"

Liam: "Why are you mad at me?" He almost died and she's mad at him. 

Steffy: "I'm not."

Liam: "Yes, Steffy, you are."

Steffy: "Well, you scared me to death." It's far more than that and she knows it. He knows it, too.

Liam: "You don't think that there's some principle somewhere in there worth fighting for?"

Steffy: "I think this is how people like Sally get to people like you."

Liam: "What people are those?"


Duh, Liam, the peasants who weren't born with silver spoons in their mouth nor overpriced designer crop tops.

Steffy: "You haven't discovered it yet, but there are users out there that will just use you as a gateway to a better life. You try to right their wrongs and mend their broken hearts, but they're never gonna change. They got to fix themselves." Practice what you preach, heifer.

Liam: "Steffy..." He sighs, wondering why he's bothering when clearly she will never get it and doesn't want to: "We have more than our fair share of the good things in life and I think that comes with responsibilities."

Steffy: "To criminals?" Criminals including your motherfucking father-in-law!

Liam: "Maybe."

Steffy: "'Cause that's what Sally is. You believe you're fighting for goodness, but the only one who really benefits has been nothing but trouble for me and my family." 

Liam is silent here, thinking...and dare I hope that he's starting to see Steffy for the selfish, entitled brat she is. At the very least, I think he's starting to dislike who he is with her.

Steffy is still whining: "You know, sometimes i just wonder...'does he have a thing for her?'" Liam gives her a "this, again?" glance. "Don't look at me like that. Your love and loyalty are my rock. But you need to get off this merry-go-round of hard feelings with your father and let Sally land on her feet like she always does."

You can tell by his expression that he's thinking, no way in hell.


Steffy, dead-voiced: "I'm just glad that you're home. I'm just glad that you're alive, baby." She moves to embrace him and he lets himself be hugged.

The cracks in this marriage could not be more obvious and they are mostly of Fauxdi's making.


His mind flashes back to being with Sally in the rubble.


We cut to Sally, getting dressed in the hospital room, thinking back to the very same moment.


We fade from her face to Steamless, lying on the couch and seriously, they didn't shower yet?


Steffy is all cuddled up against him but something tells me her thoughts are elsewhere...with Bill.

As for Liam, I think we know whom he's thinking of.


I'm guessing he won't get much sleep tonight.

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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I am beside myself with sadness that once again a promising relationship for Brooke has failed. And if it has failed to once again visit Bridge? I honestly don’t know if I can continue watching. I could always fast forward through them, but then I would be denying myself watching my girl, so what would be the point? I have stood by and witnessed the demise of Brooke’s best relationships; Eric (round 1), Connor Davis, Thorne, Nick Marone (before he lost his mind), and now Bill. Notice no Bridge in there. Never was and never will be a supporter of that pairing. It is all so tiring, and I can only imagine how Kelly Lang must feel. It is a crime that one of daytimes longest running, incredibly gorgeous, and well liked actresses, has been fed this non-ending swill, and been forced into some of the worst SL’s (Deacon, Posse Boink, Boinkberry), and has steadfastly been denied any type of lasting happiness. How about you let Brooke find some of that? Even if it means she is alone; it would be better than some forced no chemistry destiny.


I totally agree.  It's utterly exhausting to invest in any relationship that Brooke gets involved in.  I have asked for years if some young hazel-eyed blonde broke Bradley's heart in high school because he sure is taking out his pathological anger on the character, Brooke.

To me, Bradley & Co.''s attempt to build "stink" by having an amoral slattern supporting her father-in-law's criminal behavior while rubbing his knee is a cheap, superficial means to build a so-called relationship.  What I deeply resent is that this nightmare pairing was put to bed years ago and here it is rearing its ugly ead again.  Except the circumstances are even worse now.  Evidently, now I'm supposed to buy that "stink" shared something so deep and meaningful after a couple of months that they would sleep together and Bill would develop feelings for her.  Uh-uh.  Fuck that.  I wasn't on board with it then and I'm definitely not on board with it now.

So, what?  We're going to be treated to scenes where the narcissistic Bill is telling his sociopathic fuck-buddy that she makes him a "better man" now?  It infuriates me that fans were asked and suckered into buying into and supporting Brill for FIVE YEARS only to totally trash the pairing barely 5 months after their wedding, as well as the leading man in the pairing.  And, why?  I'm not here to see that cadaver, She Who Must Be Propped, shoved down my throat as she digests the entire show through her crispy-fried lips.  I went from investing in a flawed, but nuanced asshole of a character who was at his best with Brooke to a criminal mastermind hooking up with an amoral slattern with an actual body count.

Congratulations, Bradley!  You've done it again.  You managed to wreck yet another non-GarBridge relationship for Brooke.  When will you get it through your pointy head that GarBridge hasn't worked since the late 1990's? 

I love you, DD, but I'm not about to watch you enact "love" scenes with an "actress" who can't emote and whose face is a death mask.

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15 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I'll take "forged over traumatic events" over "Liam sees Slattern riding the Stallion" like I thought they were headed towards.

I'm not convinced they won't still go there, but I'm in total agreement with your preference!

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy: "You haven't discovered it yet, but there are users out there that will just use you as a gateway to a better life. You try to right their wrongs and mend their broken hearts, but they're never gonna change. They got to fix themselves." Practice what you preach, heifer.

Uh, how old is Liam? If he can handle Bill, he can handle other cons.  If we had seen Steffy in the past get used by some guy conning her, I could believe this attitude but for her to take this stance now? Huh?!

1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Steffy: "Because I would never involve myself in those kind of problems." I seriously want to punch her in the vag right now.

You've reached my Sonny Corrrrinthos levels of hate there, LOL.

Bill actually venting to Brooke and blaming Liam is such a joke. No way is Bill this obtuse. I choose to believe he's unable to process that he almost killed his son and rather than shut down he's lashing out.

Bill really does have it backwards: do you want a spineless son that has no self-respect bowing to you for recognition or do you want a son who will stand by his principles in the face of other asshole men.

Liam is actually the embodiment (these days) of the type of man Bill says he wants him to be and loyal to his Spencer creed (strong in the face of adversity; knows himself; is loyal to his peeps; could do with a tinge less righteousness) while Wyatt is the exact opposite (at this moment) type of guy he should want bearing the Spencer name.

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My hat goes off to the writers putting some legwork into Steamless's impeding demise this time, unlike all their previous breakups where Liam just ran from one woman to the other with no thought. And thank you writers for giving us a year off from their constant fighting before starting this up. My only wish is that this didn' come at Brill's expense, but I guess that's my fault for expecting Brooke to have any happiness, ever.

Speaking of which, I'm so proud of Brooke for shutting his ass down. She too has had a long list of self-inflicted catastrophes but damn. Imagine if Brooke had acted like Bill after the Breacon affair: "I thought you two were headed towards divorce, Bridget! You have to know everyone will let you down at some point." 

Ugh. At this point, I hope they bring back her first fiance Dave and let them ride off into the sunset in the series finale. 

6 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

If we had seen Steffy in the past get used by some guy conning her

Except we have--Steffy/Rick, anyone?

Even still, her shit list is as long as his by now. She's basically Darth Vader in episode 4, but with worse plastic surgery. 

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22 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Bill actually venting to Brooke and blaming Liam is such a joke. No way is Bill this obtuse. I choose to believe he's unable to process that he almost killed his son and rather than shut down he's lashing out.

I hope that's what it is, because this is moving into territory that even Victor Newman has yet to charter through.

22 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Bill really does have it backwards: do you want a spineless son that has no self-respect bowing to you for recognition or do you want a son who will stand by his principles in the face of other asshole men.

Liam is actually the embodiment (these days) of the type of man Bill says he wants him to be and loyal to his Spencer creed (strong in the face of adversity; knows himself; is loyal to his peeps; could do with a tinge less righteousness) while Wyatt is the exact opposite (at this moment) type of guy he should want bearing the Spencer name.

I would argue the point that Wyatt has never been the guy Bill says he wants. When he first showed up, he threw a shit for about wanting the exact house Liam was currently living in and didn't lift a finger to stop the Maya story from running because he was just that desperate to be Daddy's favorite. The only time Wyatt has ever been supported over Liam was during his marriage to Steffy. Make of that what you will.

Initially, the scenes in the hospital reminded me of Bridget's  epic dressing down of Brooke shortly before Hope's birth. But I think this has more echoes of when Massimo tried to pay Nick off to get him to leave Brooke, and Nick--who never suffered fools lightly--told him in so many words where he could stuff that payoff.

My hat goes off once again to whichever spies on the board who conveyed to Bell that Liam's previously bland personality needed an upgrade...and one independent of his love interests. This is the first time I've ever been invested in this character as a person and not a plot device since before the iPad existed.

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46 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Bill really does have it backwards: do you want a spineless son that has no self-respect bowing to you for recognition or do you want a son who will stand by his principles in the face of other asshole men.

Liam is actually the embodiment (these days) of the type of man Bill says he wants him to be and loyal to his Spencer creed (strong in the face of adversity; knows himself; is loyal to his peeps; could do with a tinge less righteousness) while Wyatt is the exact opposite (at this moment) type of guy he should want bearing the Spencer name.

Wow, what a good point!  I never looked at it that way, but you're absolutely right.

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30 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Liam is actually the embodiment (these days) of the type of man Bill says he wants him to be and loyal to his Spencer creed (strong in the face of adversity; knows himself; is loyal to his peeps; could do with a tinge less righteousness) while Wyatt is the exact opposite (at this moment) type of guy he should want bearing the Spencer name.

I disagree, with a clomgomerate of a corporation Spencer Pub is, Wyatt was the one who tried to tell Liam neither of them were ready to be in charge. They didn't have the experience.  They needed to learn.

Liam thought he could blackmail himself in, buy buildings for 50M and give it away. He didn't even know how the basic way Spencer Pub purchased property worked. All Liam wanted was to turn the business into a charity and wasn't about actually building or learning how to run the business. Wyatt at least wanted to learn, knew he wasn't ready and understands that it's a business not a charity to give things away all the time to Sally. 

I'd choose Wyatt over Liam any day. They'd be no business left in no  time left if Liam got Spencer Pub.  

Edited by Artsda
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4 minutes ago, Artsda said:

I disagree, with a clomgomerate of a corporation Spencer Pub is, Wyatt was the one who tried to tell Liam neither of them were ready to be in charge. They didn't have the experience.  They needed to learn.

Liam thought he could blackmail himself in, buy buildings for 50M and give it away. He didn't even know how the basic way Spencer Pub purchased property worked. All Liam wanted was to turn the business into a charity and wasn't about actually building or learning how to run the business. Wyatt at least wanted to learn, knew he wasn't ready and understands that it's a business not a charity to give things away all the time to Sally. 

I'd choose Wyatt over Liam any day. They'd be no business left in no  time left if Liam got Spencer Pub.  

I'm not sure how that was me you quoted, I didn't say it.  I agreed with it, but I didn't originally say it :)

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Stuffy, it's all about Sally in your mind. For Liam, it is mostly about his principles.  Time after time Liam has shown he's the champion of the underdog. Ivy, Hope's kitten, employee benefits, charitable foundations, etc. This time it just happens to be Sally.  There's one thing I don't get though is that Liam's principles won't allow him to lie to Stuffy but, I would say, avoiding the truth is in his wheelhouse is not one of his principles. He still hasn't told Sally about the Thomas lie.  
Brooke who?  Dame the torpedoes full speed ahead is Bill's motto.  It seems TIIC want Stuffy to have revenge sex with Bill. 

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8 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

It seems TIIC want Stuffy to have revenge sex with Bill. 

I hope I know in advance what day this happens so I can preemptively equip myself with a barf bucket.

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Word. Just when I thought I couldn't despise Steffy any more ... Bill's accolades and gushing and fawning over here were making me nauseous. Understanding? Seriously? How "understanding" Was Fauxdi when Liam was publicly committed to and engaged to  Hope? When Owen was happily married to Jackie? The list goes on and on.

I am not eager to see at Swill pairing. Like another poster pointed out, it was kind of hot and enticing the first time around because even though Steffy was way out of her league, there was some spark between Bill and her. Today, she looks she's aged a good 30 years and has a very hard edge to her.  But, when she's in scenes with Bill, the age difference is so glaringly apparent. It's like she can't make intelligent conversation with an adult whom she feels that she can't dominate. Her pet phrases, "I get you" and "I get it," sound so juvenile and work my last nerve.

I am really glad that Brooke put the last nail in the coffin of her marriage to Bill. The only thing for me ... is Brooke endured years of what I consider to be personal cruelty directed at her from Ridge. The repeated being dumped for Taylor, trying to cheat her out of BeLieF, taking advantage of her when she was zonked out on anxiety meds, enabling his hateful mother and the list goes on. I am not saying that Brooke should turn a blind eye to Bill's blatant criminal actions but this seems very out of character for La Logan, who has a history of standing by her man. If this demonstrates that Brooke has finally grown up and developed some self-esteem and self-worth, then power to her! It would be really great if the writers would leave her alone and let her be by herself for an extended period of time before throwing her into another relationship. However, it sounds like nuThorne is going to ride into town on his white steed and rescue her from Sludge and Bill.

I so wish that the writers could come up with something for Ivy. What a waste of beauty and talent. Wouldn't it be cool if AB had been cast as Steffy back in the day? She was able to lose the Aussie accent when she was playing "Faux Fauxdi," so she could have done it again. Hell, if TK and this new guy are able to keep there foreign accents, it could have been easily explained that Steffy had been away at school in Australia. Stranger things have happened.

Well, I'll  go saddle up my unicorn and fly off over the rainbow now!

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14 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Word. Just when I thought I couldn't despise Steffy any more ... Bill's accolades and gushing and fawning over here were making me nauseous. Understanding? Seriously? How "understanding" Was Fauxdi when Liam was publicly committed to and engaged to  Hope? When Owen was happily married to Jackie? The list goes on and on.

I am not eager to see at Swill pairing. Like another poster pointed out, it was kind of hot and enticing the first time around because even though Steffy was way out of her league, there was some spark between Bill and her. Today, she looks she's aged a good 30 years and has a very hard edge to her.  But, when she's in scenes with Bill, the age difference is so glaringly apparent. It's like she can't make intelligent conversation with an adult whom she feels that she can't dominate. Her pet phrases, "I get you" and "I get it," sound so juvenile and work my last nerve.

I think part of the problem is that for the past few years Steffy has been nothing but loathsome. Hateful, vindictive with no redeeming qualities. And yet praised by almost everyone constantly. Also, without Hope on the show TIIC seem determined to retcon her romantic history with Liam, but we saw it. She's the worst. So who's going to root for her happiness? How are we supposed to buy this loyal, understanding nonsense when she's never been either of those things?

Also, time matters. When Swill round 1 happened Steffy was young and brash and spoiled, but not obviously rotten to the core. And like you said, there was heat between her and Bill. Now I just want both of them to go away. Steffy and Bill deserve nothing but misery. 

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It was not a pretty scene in the RunTheTable household last night. My reaction to Show was swift, harsh, and I am ashamed to admit, a tad bit violent, and left me with more questions than answers.


Bill’s talk with Wyatt shows quite clearly that Bill hasn’t learned a damn thing; has not one iota of regret, remorse or quilt. To the contrary, Bill has dispensed with the shovel and has opted for the backhoe in his efforts to bury his relationship with Liam. So, by Wyatt and Bill’s rationale, Liam should have strolled right on back into SPs, high fiving his dad and bro, and should just be happy to be alive. It was nothing personal, just business, and no harm was intended. And it was all Liam’s fault anyway because he won’t be the Spencer Bill wants him to be. All Liam had to do was tell Sally that her and her family, and her family’s legacy, are trash, and not worth saving. There. See how easy that should have been. Except that Liam isn’t that type of Spencer. Liam had a mom too, and it appears she was cut from different cloth than Bill. Maybe like Quinn that is why she kept Liam to herself. Liam may be a zealot. Liam may be stubborn. But Liam has principles. And his principles are based on doing what is right and what is just, unlike Bill’s, which are based on doing what will benefit Bill the most. I am growing weary of Bill’s double speak; telling one crowd he wants to fix things with his son, then telling the other crowd that Liam is ridiculous and is going to regret being the person he is. And to make matters worse with Liam, Bill is fixing to pork his wife. How on God’s green earth does Bill figure that will help to repair his fractured relationship with this son? But what had me steaming mad were Bill’s words about Brooke. HOW DARE he compare his beautiful, sexy, goddess of a wife to that Freak. Brooke didn’t support him? O.M.Fing.G! This notion Bill has of blind support, regardless of his actions, is simply appalling. And now you are going to tear down your wife, the woman you said was your life, the woman you fought for, the woman you waited for? I wanted to smack the taste out of Bill’s mouth. How fucking DARE HE intimate that Steffy is a better person than Brooke. Oh boy, let me tell you my Furbaby Quinn new the shit was on last night! Brooke is her girl too and she somehow instinctively knew that Bill was busting Brooke’s chops and she was standing on the arm of the couch, her beautiful Pittie face in an ugly scowl, just absolutely howling at Bill. What a fucking fucktard!


If I hear that Freak tell Liam one more time that Sally caused this mess I will help CountryGirl punch her in her nether parts. If I hear her whine one more time that Liam is “rescuing” Sally, I won’t need any help deflating her puffy face. This wasn’t about rescuing Sally! It was about Bill’s strong arming, and bullying, and terrorizing someone who never did a damn thing to him, and who had no defense against him. It was about righting a terrible wrong. It was about having principles and being willing to stand up for them. It was about fighting for what is right. I am sickened to my core with Fauxdi and Wyatt hand waving away Bill’s actions. So he didn’t fucking know Liam and Sally had run back in the building! How does that absolve him of any guilt? Maybe if he hadn’t been so trigger happy, and had done his own due diligence to ensure the safety of his son, he wouldn’t be having to justify nearly killing him. And did I really hear that worthless bitch say that Liam and Sally had been through a traumatic experience and that she “gets it”? The fuck? If the dodo “got it” then she would understand why Liam doesn’t trust his father. Why he is wary of him. And instead of staying home and waiting to make sure Liam got to where ever he was going to safely, cause you know, doctors have been known to make mistakes too, the trifling wench goes running right to Daddy-in-law to check on him. And support him. And eyefuck him. Going on about her rock solid marriage, as Liam is wrestling with his guilt about kissing Sally during his near death experience. I can’t wait till the bottom falls out. Especially after listening to that phony go on about how she “see’s the good in people”, and Bill with this nonsense “You’re incredible, you know that? You don’t judge. You don’t jump to conclusions. You really try to see all sides”.  Whaaa???? This wretched wench is the queen of judging! What about Hope and those “awful Logans”? Ivy? Sally? What Bill really meant was that she doesn’t judge him. Oh, it is all just too much. My brain is exploding with rage. I hate them. They are a match made in heaven. Let them fuck each other’s brains out, and let that botoxed wanton spit out little Spencer Devils from her soulless black hole.

Edited by RuntheTable
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12 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

But what had me steaming mad were Bill’s words about Brooke. HOW DARE he compare his beautiful, sexy, goddess of a wife to that Freak. Brooke didn’t support him? O.M.Fing.G!

Brooke would've had to be in the loop to offer support. By the time she knew anything, it was all over.

It's a hollow victory at best to see Brooke walk away over the treatment of his son when the shit he threw at all four of her children* wasn't enough to slow her down and she'll likely end up with Ridge again in the future. But for now, im glad to see anyone tell Bill Spencer no and stand by it.

*I came across one clip shortly after Logan's birth where Liam is apologizing to Brooke for his father running a story on Logan's paternity. At least, I think it was that, because it was one of those foreign monotone dub clips and I couldn't hear everything Liam said.

23 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Let them fuck each other’s brains out, and let that botoxed wanton spit out little Spencer Devils from her soulless black hole.

Why do I get the feeling that any spawn of Steffy's will make Faith Newman look like Mother Teresa (well, the image of her, not the reality) in comparison?

As others have mentioned in the past, Steffy's sainted mother was a thorough hypocrite but Taylor had an actual career. That she earned well before she ever met Ridge. And yeah, she sucked at it, but it was still more deserved than any position Steffy has had in FC since her early days in the mail room with Marcus. You know, the first guy she cheated on with her dead twin's ex boyfriend.

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Congratulations, Bradley!  You've done it again.  You managed to wreck yet another non-GarBridge relationship for Brooke.

I am not a fan of the Bill/Brooke pairing at all, but I have to say I find what has happened ridiculous. I don't know why the writers couldn't have let them be happy for a few months or even a year! Besides the fact they were barely on once they finally got married. Again I didn't much care but for those who liked the pairing it sure has been a mess of a storyline.



It's a hollow victory at best to see Brooke walk away over the treatment of his son when the shit he threw at all four of her children* wasn't enough to slow her down

So so true. Typical Brooke!



I so wish that the writers could come up with something for Ivy. What a waste of beauty and talent.

I am with you on this. I really do not understand why Ivy is sidelined and we are stuck with Steffy - played by an actress who can neither act nor move her face.

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Recap for Thurs. 11/9/17:

We open at Liam's beach house and he's awake and pacing, thinking back to Sally. Her heartfelt words. Their kiss.

Fauxdi shuffles in, fake coughing, and shares that she got a text from Ridge, checking to see if Liam was okay.

Liam: "Well, tell him I am."

Steffy:" I did. I told him you were the luckiest man alive." She is still pissy I see and Liam is not in the mood for this shit.

Liam: "Okay. Okay."

Steffy, whining: "Oh, my god, Liam..."  The fake tears come and by fake, I mean, nonexistent because the awful, talentless JMW isn't capable of eking out real tears and even if she could, I wouldn't buy them coming from Fauxdi.

Liam relents: "Hey. Hey. I'm okay."


Steffy: "Are you? After everything you've been through? After what you and Sally have been through, are you really okay?" He's okay, but he's never going to be the same.

Liam: "My dad just never should have authorized the-"

Steffy, cutting him off: "Shh."


Because God forbid he have any issues with St. $ Bill these days.

Liam: "He shouldn't have done it. There were other options on the table and I was trying to convince him, but no, leveling the building right now was just non-negotiable for him. It's... it's an obsession."

Steffy is right back to defending Bill: "What about your obsession? You defending Sally at every turn. Going toe-to-toe with your father over Sally, that wasn't enough? You staged a sit-in, Liam. You staged a sit-in, something I knew that was gonna end badly, and it did, and for what? For Sally Spectra? Liam, I could have lost you."


She could have lost her husband because of her bastard father-in-law. 

Liam: "Trust me, I wish things could be different with my dad, but after this, they're not gonna be."

Steffy simpering: "Baby... don't say that. He's your father and he loves you." He has a funny way of showing that. She seriously does.not.get.it. He almost killed his own son for a building. A fucking building. But I guess this bitch has as much a hard-on for the building or the man who wants to build it as the man himself.


CountryBoy looked at the screen here and asked, who is this hag? 

Liam: "Yeah, he loves me in his own way. But I meant what I said at the hospital."

Steffy is annoyed that Liam isn't doing his usual roll-over and play dead: "Okay, emotions were high, all right? Let's just go back to a place of forgiveness and understanding like you were only a few days ago with your father." Oh sure, no problem. No reason in the world that rubble can't be swept under the rug.

Liam can't believe this: "How am I supposed to do that when I don't trust him? You understand? I don't trust my own father because he almost killed Sally and me. And all of that was preventable. But, no! Oh, no! Big $ Bill Spencer, he can't look like he's caving in, especially not a puny little sit-in. He has to win, right? He has to win at all costs. That's his thing, and that's exactly what happened. Spectra's gone. Now he gets to build his...idiotic skyscraper and just bask in the glory of that to his ego's content. Well, I don't want to be a part of that, Steffy. Especially if it means compromising what I stand for, which is righting wrongs like this." That is why he did what he did. Sally was incidental. He would have done the same if it was Jane Doe or John Smith. Because right is right.


Steffy: "Wrongs done to Sally Spectra in particular? A woman who I have strong feelings about, a woman who has crossed so many lines and undoubtedly will again? You say you don't trust your father. Well, hey, I don't trust Sally. Look, I'm glad that she's okay. I know that you two went through something very intense together. I'm just...I don't want you to feel like you need to help her anymore. Liam... I get it, okay? You've been a friend to her. You've been.... you've been a real, real good friend. Baby...listen to me. I think you need to cut ties with Sally Spectra. You need to kiss her goodbye." She clearly has no clue what Liam and Sally went through, including the fact that they are most certainly bonded for life as a result. 


She pulls him into her arms here and we can clearly see Liam wince at the "kiss her goodbye" part. I am wincing at the constant "baby, baby, baby." That's what she wants, a baby-man-child she can control, not a man who is willing to literally put his life on the life for what and whom he believes in.


Liam, hilariously, doesn't even respond to any of that. Instead, he tells Steffy he needs to go. I think we all know where he's headed.

Steffy shrugs: "Okay." 

Over at Coco and Sally's place, Sally is reflecting on what happened in the rubble.

Coco breaks her reverie to share she's made most of Sally's favorites.

Sally looks very young and vulnerable with her pulled back hair, make-up free face, and sweats. We all know Fauxdi wouldn't be caught dead in anything that isn't tight and black. But Sally looks just as beautiful as always.


Sally: "You should not have gone through all this trouble.

Coco: "Are you kidding? You're my big sis and my roomie. I almost lost the most important person in my life."

Sally: "But you didn't."

Coco: "Thank goodness. But we did lose Spectra. And I will never forgive Bill Spencer for that."

Talk turns to the neighbor with six cats named Zoe (?!) and Coco wonders if they should adopt a kitten, remarking it's another one of Liam's causes. She refers to him as Sally's guardian angel.

Sally: "Our guardian angel. But you're right. I mean, yeah, without Liam... I was really scared that I wasn't gonna make it out of there alive. That I was never gonna see you or Grams ever again. But if that had been my last moment, at least I said what I needed to say to Liam. I told him how I feel."

Coco nods in understanding: "I read somewhere that people in life-or-death situations tend to share things that they otherwise wouldn't. Is that what happened with you, Sis? You thought you and Liam wouldn't make it out alive, so..."

There's a knock at the door, saving Sally from answering.

I think we all know who it is.

Outside, Liam calls out: "Hey, Sally, it's me."

Coco answers the door and thanks him again, giving him a peck on the cheek before she leaves to hunt up some jam from crazy cat lady.

Sally cuts right to the chase: "I know why you're here. The kiss. I get it. Look, it never happened."

Liam: "Sally..."


Sally shakes her head: "No, Liam. The things that I said, the crazy-frightening circumstances, I honestly did not think we were gonna make it out of there alive. You know, when you're young, you don't ever think about dying. You just take risks because you think it'll all be all right, no matter how much the odds are against-" She trails off, too emotional to finish the thought, thinking how they cheated death and wondering if there will be a price to pay.

He watches her closely, thinking he's never known anyone like her.


Liam: "Sally, the sit-in was my idea. I take full responsibility-"

Sally: "No, no, no. Look, I don't blame you for any of that, okay? You were trying to save Spectra because you knew how much it meant to me and my family, and you were not gonna let Bill destroy it without a fight. I have never had anyone in my corner like that ever before." She almost still can't believe it.


Liam: "I'm sorry I couldn't stop him."

Sally: "Me, too, you know? But we gave it our all. And then some."

Liam: "Well...hey, the building may be gone...but the talent behind it's still there." He reaches out to touch her arm. "You can find a way back from this, Sal."


Aww, he called her "Sal." 

Sally shrugs: "Maybe. But I doubt it will be here in LA." 

The look on his face did not go unnoticed by me.


Liam: "Why not?" He's almost tearful here. 

Sally: "I told you I loved you, Liam. And I said a lot of other things, none of which I want to retract, but...I will keep my mouth shut. About the kiss, about all of it. Steffy does not need to know."


Liam: "Actually, um... I think she does."

Sally: "Why?"


Liam: "I have to be honest with my wife, Sally." And I can appreciate Liam wanting to be honest with Steffy. She is still his wife, nevermind she hasn't been acting like his wife for months, what with the father-in-law ego and knee stroking and hand holding. That he knows nothing about.

Sally: "Liam, you can't."

Liam: "I have to. Sally, I have to. I can't  be keeping secrets from my wife." Because unlike his wife, he actually has a conscience and morals.

Sally: "I know! I know, okay? But the second she finds out that it was me that you kissed..."

Liam: "I promise you I will make it absolutely crystal-clear it wasn't your fault. I mean, it wasn't. It came out of this life-or-death situation." As if the heifer will care about that. 

Sally: "Which it did. It did, okay? But Steffy will never understand that, especially when she feels about me the way that she does. If it was any other woman, maybe, but the fact that it was me..."

Liam: "I can't not tell her. I mean, I already broke the loyalty vow. I'm not gonna break the honesty one, too." Honey, your wifey dearest broke that vow long ago and one kiss under life-or-death circumstances does not constitute a lack of loyalty.

Sally: "Even if it could tear you two and your marriage apart?" The guilt is killing her and she has no reason to feel guilty at this point.

Liam: "I don't think it'll come to that. I have to believe it won't come to that." And it shouldn't. This is not Quidge. But this is Fauxdi we are dealing with and she will go ballistic. Nevermind she had no problem locking lips with Liam after his own engagement party and slipping the still-warm-from-Hope's-finger ring onto her own.

Sally: "Well, I hope not. For your sake. But why even take that chance? Look, I'm not gonna breathe a word to anyone, not to my Grams, not to Coco. I will take this to my grave. Look, Liam, people have their moments, their secrets. I don't expect anything from you. I feel nothing but gratitude and respect for you." It's killing her that she put him in this position. 

Liam: "I appreciate that. But it's not really about you. It's about me, my principles, and the vows I made to Steffy when we were married.  I couldn't sleep last night." And isn't that exactly what I surmised in my final comments for Wednesday's recap? Yup, sure did. But we all know his insomnia has little to do with the secret.


Sally feels terrible, it's written all over here. The last thing she wanted was to cause trouble for her guardian angel. "Oh, my God. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."


Liam: "No. Don't be." Because he's not sorry? 

Sally: "No! I never wanted to hurt you or to haunt you. You are a kind, good man who has been nothing but wonderful to me, and I want for you what you want. Which is Steffy." I hope her words are sinking in and Liam realizes what could be, standing right next to him. "I just don't have a good feeling about it. I really don't have a good feeling. Please don't tell her, Liam. Do not tell Steffy." And she is truly looking out for him, not herself, because I don't think she gives a tinker's damn what Steffy might do to her because what could be worse than what she's already gone through and some of that at Steffy's hands. But she doesn't want him to be punished. If that isn't love at it's most selfless, I don't know what is.

Liam is silent, thinking about many things, I'm sure.

There's a throwaway scene with Wyatt and Bill at SP. Suffice it to say, Wyatt is brought up to speed that Brooke is done with Bill for good and Sally has a "hold" on Liam.


He does take a moment to praise Wyatt for all of his ass-kissing. Let's see how long those warm fuzzies last when he finds out Wyatt's been schtupping his ex.

Later, Bill is home alone, pouring himself a drink when who should sashay through the door.

Ms. Heifer herself.

Steffy: "I called Alison. She said you were at the office and then you left."

Bill: "Yeah, I wasn't getting much accomplished, so...here I am. I thought you would be with your husband."

Steffy:" I was. And then he had to run out, so i just wanted to check up on you." Oh, how sweet of her.

Bill: "Appreciate it. And as you can see, I'm... fine and dandy." Especially now that his ego-stroker has arrived.


Steffy: "I talked to Liam. I'm really trying to get through to him." 

Bill: "Yeah, let me guess."

Steffy: "I'm not giving up, Bill. The Spencer family, we need to heal." There is no healing from this. At least not any time soon.

Bill: "What's left of the Spencer family. Brooke's already bailed."

Steffy: "Have you spoken to her since-"

Bill: "I almost blew my son and his favorite redhead to smithereens. Yeah, she was here. To give me an earful about all of it." His voice is so cold and disdainful of the woman who was and will always be the true love of his life. 

Steffy: "Well, did you tell her it was an accident?" Is she for fucking real???


Bill: "Well, of course I told her. It didn't make any difference. This time, Brooke and I are finally over." He pauses to remove his wedding band.


He places it next to Brooke's rings. Sniff.


With that gesture, Brill is truly over. Five years of wishing and hoping and rooting and longing gone. Because of one man's selfishness.

Steffy: "I'm really sorry, Bill." Sure, she is.

Bill: "Yeah. Me, too. I'm sorry that Brooke couldn't be more understanding. Like you."


My eyes about bulged out of my head hearing that. Brooke has finally stood up for herself and what's right vs kowtowing to yet another man who didn't deserve her or her love and he has the balls to compare the incomparable Brooke to this useless waste of fake hair and lard lips.

I want to punch both of them in their crouches right now.

Steffy: "Brooke and I are very different."


Yes and thank God for that.  "I don't always get her, but the one thing I do know is that she loves you. Despite everything." I do believe that Brooke still loves Bill and always will but it's a love that can't go anywhere and only causes her pain because of Bill's selfish, vindictive ways.

Bill: "Well, I'll always love her, too, but the fact is, when I needed her, when I needed her support, she couldn't give it. Not like you." No wife in the world would have put up with this shit. For him to expect Brooke to handwave arson and assault is beyond ludicrous. And yes, he did some shady shit before but nothing like this and they weren't even a couple for much of it. Not that it makes what he did before okay, but I am totally onboard with his current actions being the final straw that broke the camel's back. Also, it's so obvious here that his plan to really put the screws to Liam, using his own wife to do that, is back in full force.

Steffy: "Maybe because I've seen what you've gone through firsthand and Brooke hasn't. She left you. She walked away before all of this happened." Brooke walked away after learning of the arson and that Bill assaulted his own son. What the fuck should she have stuck around for, exactly?

Steffy is Liam's wife. The moment Bill put his hands on him, she should have been done with her father-in-law forever but here she is, championing him. For all the outcry on other sites over Liam cheating (and no, a kiss under those circumstances is most definitely not that), where is the outcry for this trollop all but spreading her legs (and that's coming, I'm sure) to soothe Bill's wounded ego? 

Bill:" You're incredible, you know that? You don't judge. You don't jump to conclusions. You really try to see all sides." And pick the one that benefits her. And of course she doesn't judge. She lives in the thinnest, brittlest of glass houses. A predatory spider who literally used her vag to bag her taken men from other women or do her damndest trying.

Steffy: "I really just want peace in this family, Bill. I really do. You, Wyatt, and Liam, you are all phenomenal men. I mean, yeah, you guys are different, but you really need to just value and appreciate those differences. Don't use them against each other. You're a leader, you're a renegade, and, yeah, okay... Liam is sensitive. (this last said totally undermining and belittling). But he's committed. And that's why I love him, you know? His commitment, especially to our marriage." What a hollow pep talk, full of platitudes and downright bullshit, that makes light of the very serious issues at hand. 

Bill sits down across from her, asking: "How can you be so wise?" I am laughing again just typing this. Steffy is dumb as shit. So dumb that she doesn't see what's happening here. Unless, of course, she's choosing to be willfully blind to her father-in-law's grooming her to get the ultimate revenge on his son.

Steffy: "Because I come from a marriage with rock-solid foundation." She misses the smirk on Bill's face. "I see the goodness in people. (But not Sally, apparently). And that's really because of Liam. He's opened my eyes to see the importance of devotion and trust in every relationship. Especially a marriage. Liam is loyal and committed. And you two can have that again. Just like Liam and I do in our marriage, and we always will."

That loyalty and devotion started to erode the moment she took Bill's side. You reap what you sow, bitch.

And she's continuing to sow as they stare into each other's eyes.



And awww, they're holding hands again.


We all know it's just a matter of time before they're rubbing uglies. And I do mean uglies.


Well, well, well, take a look at SOD's cover for next week:


Edited by CountryGirl
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59 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Bill:" You're incredible, you know that? You don't judge. You don't jump to conclusions. You really try to see all sides." And pick the one that benefits her. And of course she doesn't judge. She lives in the thinnest, brittlest of glass houses. A predatory spider who literally used her vag to bag her taken men from other women or do her damndest trying

That's a key point: for all her scheming to take unavailable men--Owen, Bill, Oliver--Liam was the only one she's ever managed to snag in any measurable way. And even that is questionable, given the speed in which he'd dump her for Hope. The one time he really seeemed done with Hope was when Steffy was pregnant...and I have the feeling that will be what keeps him with Steffy for another few months.

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On 11/9/2017 at 0:02 PM, CountryGirl said:

Shirley: "You know what, you can buy off the planning commission, you can buy off the cops, the courts. But don't think for one little minute that you can buy off your shriveled little...conscience. We. Don't. Want. Your. Help."

Don't be an idiot, Shirley.  Money is the LEAST of what Bill owes you, take it and run!!!

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Yes Liam, you have to tell Stuffy so you keep the storyline moving.  Liam, tell Sally about Thomas if your integrity is that important. But telling Sally, right now, is a thing of the past unless there is a new Thomas. 

Stuffy, the wonderful amazing beautiful actress portrayed such emotion when Liam told her about Sally.  NOT!  It's all about Stuffy and it's all about Bill. They get together and because they are two peas in a pod, their union will be cast in cement just like Rick and Maya. 

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8 minutes ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Stuffy should be Stiffy now with that concrete face and those eyes slanting at a 90degree angle.

Lord, yes. Her stiff face just took me outta all her scenes on Monday...although the only thing stiffer than her facial muscles is her acting. Good grief, even with her year off the show, she's been on the show longer than Amber was and nearly as long as Nick and her acting hasn't improved one iota. If anything, it's gotten worse--i do seem to remember her being able to cry on cue when Ridge fired her for outing the Posse boink in 2010.

What a shame indeed that Ashleigh Brewer wasn't recast as Steffy when JMW left.

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17 hours ago, ByTor said:


I'd give this +10 for the use of Regular Show (I thought I might be the only one here familiar with that show ?)

But...yeah. Liam's a lot more tolerable than he was a year ago when he was egging Ridge on to do his dirty work and the closest thing to a moral character this show has, buuuuuuuut....

Well, if i can give Thomas a pass after Rape Night, I can let Liam slide on this one. At least until he uses it as a token against nuThomas. Lol

Edited by Anna Yolei
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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I'd give this +10 for the use of Regular Show (I thought I might be the only one here familiar with that show ?)

Since I'm moral like Liam, I can't accept your "likes" under false pretenses, I never heard of the show, I stumbled upon the GIF & thought the characters were cute :)

Edited by ByTor
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I am a fair minded person, who thinks it’s important to see all sides of any issue, without judging, while trying to see the good in others………no, wait………….that would be Steffy. I’m just a lowly non-Forrester, but I am not a hypocrite, so I’m trying to see Steffy’s side in this. I am a married person, and have been putting myself in her place. Now, when I was first married I was real, real jealous. Mr. R was a finely tuned military machine; tall, possessing the perfect V shape, with muscular legs, and an incredible ass. In addition, he had/has beautiful brown eyes, a lovely shock of silky dark brown hair, perfect white teeth and a good sense of humor. So, I am trying to go back there, although that is a challenge after over 31 years, to see how I would have taken the news about Liam and Sally’s kiss. In all honesty, I would have been mad as hell, not to mention hurt. I don’t think the extenuating circumstances would have mattered to me, maybe if I had liked the woman, but if I disliked her like Steffy does Sally, I think my reaction would have been unpleasant. In today’s world though? I would be angry for sure, but think I would be able to get past it. They didn’t fuck. My husband didn’t tell anyone else he loved them, at least not verbally. And I think I would be able to read between the lines of Sally’s words. Even so, I am still hard pressed to drum up any sympathy for Steffy; for various reasons:

1.     She is a horrible person

2.     She has made it her life’s work to interfere in other people’s relationships and their happiness

3.     She is a hypocrite

4.     She is an entitled, elitist snob

Outside of that, Steffy has been stepping out of her marriage for weeks now. Every time she goes to see Bill see cheats on Liam in some small way. The very fact that she supports Bill in his actions, and not Liam in his, speaks volumes. If Steffy loves Liam for the man he is, then she should be getting his stance in the Spectra debate. She should understand how Bill’s actions would inflame Liam’s sense of right and wrong, and how it would spur on his sense of justice and helping the underdog. Because that is who Liam is and that is the person she said she loved and wanted to marry. So, I guess all Liam’s goodness only extends to those that Steffy feels worthy? Only those that Steffy approves of? Then there is all the flirting and petting and eyefucking that has been going on between her and her father-in-law. Sure, no lines have been crossed, although some of those hugs……….still, the simpering looks, clearly telegraphing how much she wants to ride the Stallion?

None of it matters though, because now Sally is not only going to be a liar, a thief, and a criminal. No, Steffy will make it her life’s work to let everyone know that Sally is hitting on Liam, and is trying to destroy her marriage. And of course, everyone will attend the pity party, all decked out in their finest hypocrisy, going on about how Steffy is just the greatest eva! stroking her already overly inflated ego ad nauseam. It hasn’t even begun to happen and my blood is already on a low simmer, and is making me have the most terrible, awful thoughts……..



Edited by RuntheTable
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On 11/9/2017 at 9:54 AM, RuntheTable said:

No more Sally Says Recycle.

That is not acceptable. I don't care where Spectra Fashions hangs their hat, but they better pull that poster from the rubble and hang that up first.

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I guess I am meh, but a single kiss really doesn't bother me. Like RuntheTable said, Lally didn't do the deed and Liam didn't tell Sally he loved her, too. (I think that deep down he does but either doesn't fully realize it yet or is deep in denial/burying his feelings.) Quidge's cheating actions went on quite some time and the kissing between Ridge and Bridget was just wrong given their familial relationship before being retconned. Taylor and James were in a similar situation but actually went all the way. Steffy's OTT hysterical reaction was exactly that.  I imagine she'll be taking broom flight tomorrow to go harass Sally. *COUGH!*

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Okay, Liam has gone over the top with the honest, ethical, moral thing. He didn’t need to tell Stuffy about that kiss or what Sally said. They thought they were going to die, for Pete’s sake! He’s gone too far in opposition to his father. I do so hope Stuffy runs out and has sex with Liams’ dad so he can finally leave her and get with Sally, even as friends. Boy, do I wish I was a writer for this soap! I wouldn’t even ask for all that money that these sorry writers are given. Not EARNING. Just given. 

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I think it really sucks that Steffy's excuse for sleeping with Bill will be the kiss. I would have much preferred Bill and Steffy just sleeping together because we've been leading that way for ages.

Steffy has a big issue with a kiss but she's been emotionally cheating with Bill for a long time. I hate that the writers just had to give her something to whine about. As if she doesn't do enough of that already.

I wish someone could explain to me why Steffy is the focus of so much of this show. Fine she is Ridge's kid, I get it but come on. Then at least hire a half way decent actress to play the part.  JMW is awful.

I do like Liam and Sally together - whether they are just friends or if it goes further (and I'm sure it will).

Bill just wears my last nerve.

Edited by hypnotoad
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1 hour ago, hypnotoad said:

I wish someone could explain to me why Steffy is the focus of so much of this show. Fine she is Ridge's kid, I get it but come on. Then at least hire a half way decent actress to play the part.  JMW is awful.

This! I get Steffy would be more than a little shaken about the kiss because of her massive insecurity when it comes to Sally, but not to the the extent where she went all plastic howler monkey with her pain ?


besides, Liam baring his soul is just an excuse for Steffy to spread her legs and fly straight to $Bill's bed to complete the Spencer trifecta

I'm trying to decide what was worse, JMW's "acting", or the monstrosity of a wig she wore. Tough choice.

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6 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Okay, Liam has gone over the top with the honest, ethical, moral thing. He didn’t need to tell Stuffy about that kiss or what Sally said. They thought they were going to die, for Pete’s sake! He’s gone too far in opposition to his father. I do so hope Stuffy runs out and has sex with Liams’ dad so he can finally leave her and get with Sally, even as friends. Boy, do I wish I was a writer for this soap! I wouldn’t even ask for all that money that these sorry writers are given. Not EARNING. Just given. 

I dunno. I spent this entire year railing on Quinn for not telling Eric what happened immediately about Ridge. Even outside of Steffy’s bullshit with Bill, Liam has had a loooooooong history of just taking off where his dick tells him to go orwaffling out of pure laziness. It would have made him look way worse to keep this from Steffy, and I do believe TIIC are making a true attempt at walking back theyears of toolery.

Having said that, I wished they’d just let Steffy just go fuck Bill and not use this benign kiss as the catalyst to do so. I mean, she couldn’t walk away from him when he was too gutless to tell Hope that he hadn’t signed annulment papers or the many time he dropped her for Hope under far less dire circumstances, but this is the straw that breaks the camel’s back? 

....forget it. Just like when Steffy and Rick broke up offscreen after dominating all of 2009 to that point, if this is what it takes to be done with each other for good, I’ll take it. They both deserve different people, and I’ve never bought Steffy ever cared about him as anything but a carnival prize to be won. And being closer to 30 than 20, sex probably doesn’t have nearly as much pull for Liam as it once did even if Hope announcing her virginity to the world  as a marketing ploy was inconsiderate.

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Recap for Friday, 11/10/17:

We open right where we left off, with Fauxdi still consoling her father-in-law. 


Steffy: "You have a chance to fix this, pull your family back together. I'm gonna help you."

Bill is resolute: "Steffy, you're wasting your time. He shut me out. He doesn't want me in his life!" I can't imagine why...

Steffy: "He feels that way right now. But he's gonna come around. He's your son. The one thing I can count on is Liam's sense of commitment and loyalty." They are really laying this on thick, but sorry TPTB, if you're thinking I'm going to buy Liam and Sally's kiss, one that never would have happened but for literal life-and-death circumstances, as the catalyst for Swill finally sealing the deal, you've got another think coming.

Steffy: "Things look pretty bad right now. But you haven't lost everything. You got Will, you got Wyatt." And me...is what she's thinking.

Bill: "Wyatt's always been loyal to me." Because he's too much of a spineless jellyfish, especially now that he's making time with one of the ex-Mrs. $ Bill's. 

Steffy: "Loyalty alone is not gonna put this family back together."

Bill: "Steffy, I have apologized up one side and down the other. It didn't do any good." Talk is cheap, Bill. 

Steffy: "Liam won't admit it because he's angry. But his relationship with you is important to him." It used to be, I'm not so sure now. Because I think the cracks that have always existed in the Liam/Bill relationship are wide open now - Bill loves Liam because he has his blood but I think that's where it ends, especially when he has eager-to-be-his-carbon-copy Wyatt waiting in the wings and Will, a clueless little boy. 

Bill: "It's important to me, too. And I shouldn't have to say it, but I want you to hear it. I never intended to hurt him." Yes, you did, Bill. Even if Liam hadn't been inside that building when it was blown to smithereens.

Steffy soothingly: "I know that. I know. I get it. I was there."

Bill oozes gratitude: "Thank you for understanding. Sometimes I think you understand me better than anyone ever has." Oh yes, the old "you get me" ploy, making her feel as if she's the only woman on the earth who can possibly know the real him. I seem to recall him saying something very similar to Katie as well as Brooke.

Over at SP, Katie and Wyatt are making out in Bill's office. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to walk in on that.

Katie giggles: "Hmm. Kissing me in Bill's office. A little risky, isn't it?" A LOT risky.

Wyatt: "He's at home." So you assume.

Katie: "How's he doing?"

Wyatt: "Oh. It's been kind of rough on him. What happened to Liam and losing Brooke and everything."


Katie: "Yeah, I was afraid that might happen. Bill has a way of pushing people to their edge." And then some.

Wyatt: "I mean, he really thought that he was gonna be able to win her back, you know? If he could get Liam to forgive him, then why couldn't he get Brooke to forgive him?" Liam's forgiveness was based on a lie. 

Katie: "Well, he couldn't leave Spectra alone. He had to have his tower, no matter what the cost."

Wyatt: "And now Liam doesn't want anything to do with him. Any chance he ever had with Brooke is gone. I mean, I'm just wondering...does he think that this was all worth it?" Of course he does! "I'm gonna do everything I can to help him through this. I want him to know that not everybody hates him." Oh yes, he'll just keep right on ass-kissing.

Katie: "I know you've always felt second best to Liam. But I think Bill really relies on you, and you're kind of golden right now." I get wanting to be supportive of your man, but seriously, Katie? His being "golden" is all because of the ruination of Bill and Liam's relationship. 

Wyatt: "I don't know about that. But we do have similar viewpoints on a lot of things."

Katie: "You realize that the situation with Liam and Bill could have a significant impact on your future." Opportunistic as ever.

Wyatt: "It actually has potential now."

Katie: "So do you think that would change if Bill found out about you and me?"

In a word, well, make that two:


Wyatt: "Come on, Katie. You're right to worry about Dad's reaction. He's been a little on edge lately. But I'm not about to throw away what we have because he might go berserk." What, exactly, do they have beside a lot of sneaking around and fucking?

Katie: "Haven't you noticed that Bill doesn't really go berserk? He just gets even."

Wyatt: "Well, I'm hoping that this whole situation with Spectra has taught him how to stop and think before he reacts." 

Bill, stop and think???


Katie: "Wyatt, listen,  you're in Bill's corner right now, and there are not a lot of people in that position. And you've earned it, and I don't want to see you lose it."

Wyatt: "Well, I don't want to lose it, either."

Katie, pensive: "So maybe we should put this, you know, on hold or...end it." 

Wyatt is stunned: "End it? I mean, is that how you -- is that what you really want?"

Katie: "I want you to have what you want, and I know that this time with Bill has meant a lot to you and the fact that he trusts you and he's made you an equal here at the company." He's Bill's mouthpiece, rubber stamp, co-signer. Nothing more.

Wyatt: "That's all incredibly important to me. But so are you.  I'm willing to do a lot for my dad. I respect him and I will support him. But I'm not about to give up on what we have." Namely, his penis.

They share a smile, inches apart when Bill storms in.


He's immediately suspicious (of what, he's not yet sure) as they practically leap apart: "What the hell is this?"

He wants to know what Wyatt is doing in his office and why Katie is there.

Katie thinks up a lie and thinks it up quick: "Well, um, I thought that you might be here, so I decided to stop by and see if you were okay."

Bill rolls his eyes but totally buys it: "Oh, boy. There it is. The concerned ex-wife voice."

Katie: "Of course I'm concerned about you, Bill."

Bill scoffs: "Right. And now you're gonna tell me why."

Katie: "I'm concerned about you because I think you've been through something really horrific, and I'm sorry." That surprises him and he drops the sarcastic look on his face.

Bill: "Thank you." Genuinely meaning it.

Katie: asks after Brooke and he reveals that he thought since Liam forgave him (again, I don't think that's the case any longer), that Brooke would follow suit.

Wyatt, twisting the knife in his favor: "Liam's forgiveness was a little short-lived."

Bill: "Yeah, dried up the second he found out that my new attitude didn't extend to his redheaded pet project."

Katie reminds him: "Sally isn't to blame for any of this, Bill." 

Bill: "No. I think Liam's obsession with Sally is to blame for this. Liam was willing to risk his life for that woman!"

Wyatt: "Well, he didn't actually think you were gonna blow up the building."

Bill: "Of course I wasn't gonna blow up the building, not if I knew he was in it!"

Wyatt: "Right."

Bill: "I was told it was empty! But Liam, he doesn't want to hear it. It doesn't matter that I could have lost my son, that Steffy could have lost her husband. No, all he wants to talk about is Sally Spectra." Does he hear himself? Does he realize how ridiculous and self-centered he sounds? Me, me, me...I, I, I. 

Katie: "You both have gone through something really traumatic, and--"

Bill cuts her off: "No, Steffy told him to stay out of the building, to stay away, stay clear. But no. Sally had to be protected. You know, I mean, I know Liam is Mr. Bucky Boy Scout, Mr. Honesty, but... I don't know. I just have to wonder." He shakes his head.

Katie: "What?"

Bill: "Steffy's a proud woman. Liam's already alienated me. But if he keeps this up, this 'preoccupation' he has, he's gonna alienate his wife, as well." 

It never occurs to him that Steffy is the one that has been doing the lion's share of alienation by siding with him vs her husband. Consoling him. Pep-talking him. Hugging him. Holding his hand.

Over at Sally and Coco's, Sally is trying to convince Liam that Steffy won't understand what it was like for them in the rubble.

Liam: "I can't lie to my wife."

Sally: "You don't even have to say anything."

Liam: "Yeah, I do."

Sally: "We thought we were gonna die, Liam. We almost did." He remains silent. "Steffy is relieved right now. Her husband is safe. You are all right."

Liam: "I'm not, though. I'm not, and I won't be until I'm honest with Steffy about what happened between us at Spectra. It wasn't just a kiss, Sally." Oh, this is interesting...


Sally assumes that it's all about her and what she said: "I know. I said I loved you. And I won't apologize for that or take that back. You're an amazing man, Liam, and you are proving that right now, insisting on the truth, but you have to be honest with yourself, too. Steffy hates me. You tell her, and she could end up hating you, too."


Liam: "That's a chance I have to take."

Sally: "Why?

Liam: "Because I can't be insisting on everyone having integrity if I don't have it myself. If I'm gonna be this guy, this guy going around talking about values and principles, I actually have to adhere to them. This can't be a secret, Sally.  Steffy has to know what happened between us, and she has to know all of it." What's "all of it," Liam? That you have feelings, too?

I can appreciate, though, that Liam knows he would be the ultimate hypocrite to keep this from his wife. A wife that, quite frankly, doesn't deserve it, considering she's done nothing but stab him in the back for months. The fact that he doesn't know it yet means nothing.

He leaves and Sally's mind is racing, knowing he's off to tell Steffy the truth.

Coco returns and Sally explains that Liam just left. She plays it off like everything is fine but Coco knows better.

Coco: "Look, you're worried about something. I know that look, Sal."

Sally:  "I'm just concerned about Liam."

Coco: "Because of what? Because of the explosion?"

Sally, knowing Liam is going to out them anyway, can't keep the secret bottled up inside any longer: "Because we kissed."

Coco's eyes bulge: "You and Liam kissed?"

Sally nods sheepishly: "Yeah."

Coco is confused: "Just now when I was gone?"

Sally quickly corrects that it was after the explosion.

Coco: "When you were trapped?"

Sally: "It was dark and we couldn't move. And honestly, Coco, I thought we were gonna die. There was this concrete slab above us, and it just kept inching closer and closer and closer, and I... all I could feel was my heart was pounding out of my chest, and Liam was lying next to me, and I thought that was it. This is it. This is it. This is the last moment of my life and I wasn't thinking about right or wrong. I just..."


Coco: "You kissed him." There is no recrimination in Coco's voice, only understanding.

Sally: "And then he kissed me back."

Coco, knowing what that means: "Sally..."

Sally: "Nothing else mattered in that moment, Coco. It's just this feeling just came over me, and I just...I told him I loved him."

Coco, feeling for her sister, "Oh, Sal."

Sally: "I know." Her voice breaks then. "I know.

Coco, processing: "Okay, well, you were scared out of your mind. It probably was just the fear."

Sally: "No! No, it wasn't that. I really do feel that way. But I just don't want to cause him any problems or ruin his marriage."

Coco, sensibly: "Then you have to forget it. And I'm really glad you told me, but you can't tell anyone else."

Sally: "I told Liam that I wasn't gonna say anything, but he will not lie to his wife. He has to be honest with her."

Coco: "So he's gonna tell her?"

Sally: "He's telling her right now."

We end at the beach house where Liam is once again pacing.

He stops to look at the Aspen wedding photograph. Yup, he looks just as clueless as Bambi there with the fright bride standing next to him. Also, they should pull that other picture because JMW looks nothing like that fresh-faced girl now.


Steffy comes home from her consolation session with Bill and stops short, seeing his worried expression.


Liam senses her presence and turns around, saying the most dreaded words in any relationship: "Hey, we need to talk."


Steffy: "Okay."

Liam: "Um... there's something... I want you to understand what happened at Spectra. I just... I have to say it right, you know?"

Steffy: "I understand. I get it. Take your time. I know this is hard for you. But before you get into it... I want you to know that ... I saw your father." I think this may be the first and only time she's admitted to spending time with him. Alone.

Liam sighs, exasperated, mainly at the fact that he wishes she would be half as supportive of him, her actual husband: "I wish you wouldn't do that."


Steffy: "Liam, I can't cut him off. I am determined to bring peace to this family. And I know what your father did was wrong. Something needs to change. And he needs to realize that your values and your principles, they aren't liabilities. It makes you extraordinary. Your commitment, it's one of the traits I love most about you." Too little, too late, for this support and praise. "So tell me. What's on your mind?"


Liam, steeling himself: "There's something important you need to know."

Steffy: "Liam, I know something's weighing on you. You barely slept last night. I still can't believe you organized a sit-in. My God, Liam, I thought I almost lost you."

Liam: "You'll never lose me. You'll never lose me. You have to believe that." Oh, I think she already has. He just doesn't fully know it yet.

Steffy: "I know."

Liam, fumbling: "But what happened at Spectra, it -- it was... we were, um..."

Steffy: "What, baby? What?"


I cannot stand her calling him "baby." Not the way she says it and doesn't really mean it, except that in her eyes, he's the malleable man-child while Bill, the stallion, is the real deal.

Liam: "Okay. I took on Sally's cause because I couldn't-"


Steffy is annoyed: "Can we not talk about Sally right now?" Bitch, he is trying to talk to you. 


Liam: "I know, I know. I just, I have to get through this, okay, 'cause it's important." His eyes warn her not to interrupt and, for once, she keeps that fat trap closed: "My dad was bullying Sally from the moment she reopened Spectra, and I-I had to stand up to him. I had to show him that I wasn't gonna back down. And I know it was risky. That's a risk, right? But that's when you find out how real your values are. And, Steffy, I feel like I'm nothing if I don't live according to how I believe. You understand?"

She stares at him, her expression as blank as ever.


Liam, painting a vivid picture of the previous day's horrific events, his words coming fast before he loses his nerve:

Liam: "Anyway, the second explosion happened, and, you know, the building came down, and Sally and I came to, and we were trapped together. We couldn't move. And there was all this debris falling down around us and there was this big concrete thing, and it looked like it was gonna come down and...we thought it was over. We thought that we were gonna die. And Sally said some things that I know she wouldn't have said in any other context. She told me she loved me. And then she kissed me."


Steffy, fixating on his last words and ignoring all the rest: "Sally kissed you?"


Liam: "She was terrified, and we were buried, and we thought we were about to be crushed, and it was a really intense moment."


Steffy: "And then she told you she loved you." Oh wow, are those real tears in Fauxdi's eyes? 

Liam, coughing, "It was a really emotional situation, Steffy."

Steffy, disgust on her face now: "Then you...kissed. Was it like a -- like a goodbye kiss? What kind of kiss was it?" 

Liam, looking like he's going to be sick: "Okay, listen to me. I wanted to tell you this because I wanted to be honest about exactly what happened." He steps closer to her but she steps away.

Steffy: "Okay, so then -- so you kissed. You -- you let her kiss you. What did you do? Did you just, like, pull away? Did you tell her that she was crazy? What did you do?"


Liam swallows hard and admits: "We kissed again."


Steffy starts to lose her shit then, all gasping and clutching her stomach: "Oh, my God. Oh, my God! You kissed her back?" Oh, now, her hands are dramatically clutched in her hair: "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Everybody warned me." You mean, Bill, warned you? 

Liam, the tears in his eyes spilling over now as he begs: "Steffy."


Steffy: "Everybody warned me. You have feelings for her. You have feelings for her! Liam, you thought you were gonna die, and you weren't calling out for your wife! You weren't calling out for help! You were making out with Sally Spectra?! I can't believe this! I can't -- I can't believe this right now." 


I can't believe this shit either. And the fuck he wasn't calling out for help?

I'm going to climb up on my soapbox for a bit here.

I will be the first to say that if my husband kissed another woman, I would pissed as hell and he would know it. But I would care far more if he chose to keep it a secret (or, obviously, chose to keep on kissing - or worse- another woman).

But Liam kissed Sally once. Once! It wasn't making out. It wasn't a continued thing (i.e. we sure as hell didn't see him moving to kiss or otherwise embrace her at her apartment, did we?) They thought they were going to die FFS and all because of her selfish father-in-law. A man she propped and stroked and egged on to do his dirty, nasty deeds we all know she has a hard-on for. These were extreme circumstances and not even 24 hours later, he's coming clean. Those that have been cheated on (and I'm one of those with a previous rat bastard boyfriend) know that it's the deceit that often kills the relationship, not the actual cheating, particularly if it's an isolated event.

And he's telling all of it - what Sally did and said and how he responded. Not sugarcoating, not shifting blame to Sally, but owning it. All of it.

Contrast that with this heinous heifer who wouldn't know loyalty and fidelity if it walked up and smacked her on her pork rind lips and I'm pushing up my sleeves for the Read Fauxdi for Fillth Tour 2017. Let's recall the traitorous tramp's checkered past and multiple trips down infidelity lane, shall we?

- Cheating with Marcus with her own uncle, Rick, after he had dated both her dead sister and undead mother

- Tried to seduce Oliver (who was dating Hope at the time)

- Tried to seduce Owen (who was/is married to Jackie)

- Had an affair with $ Bill, not once, but twice (the only physical aspect left hanging was actual intercourse) and all while he was very married to Katie

- Used her cha-cha-cha to pull Liam away from Hope while he was either engaged or married to her for far too many years to count

- Crawled into bed with Wyatt while wearing barely-there lingerie so she didn't have to sleep alone while supposedly committed to Liam

- Cheated on Wyatt with Liam when the latter was freed from Captive Cabin (Wyatt/Steffy were still married as of January of this year)

- Brought Caroline II/Dougie back to town for the express purpose of breaking Sally and Thomas up and continuing to perpetuate the Caroline is/was dying lie to keep them apart (not infidelity but clearly shows her penchant for deceit and destroying lives with nary a sleepless night)

- Has resumed her emotional affair with $ Bill, with much propping, ego-stroking, knee fondling, hugging, and hand-holding, not to mention the eye-fucking - and all behind her husband's back

I've got a seat for her and a one-way ticket to FUCK YOU!


Speaking of the most recent actions with $ Bill, where is the compassion and understanding for her husband? Where was her loyalty to Liam when she was hanging on her father-in-law's every last word?

Liam is so contrite and remorseful and scared as hell - it's written all over him here - as he continues to tearfully plead with his wife.


I was screaming at the TV, she's not worth it!!!

No much how much she gasps and coughs and squats down like she's ready to take a dump.


Liam: "I know that you are shocked and you're hurt. And I made vows to you. I made vows that I would be this loyal, committed husband, and I screwed that up. I just didn't want to lie to you about screwing it up."

Steffy turns her head to look at him, seething, spitting, her barracuda teeth on display: "Sally...Spectra?"


Liam, crying now: "I'm so sorry, Steffy."

Steffy just lets out this pathetic little whine.

Liam moves to her side: "I love you."

Steffy, puts her hands up to ward him off: "No, don't, don't. Don't!"


Liam: "Well, I do! I do! I love you so much! I love you more than anything! And I...I just -- I just -- I just need you to understand the situation, what it was doing to us. And I'm not saying that's an excuse, because there is no excuse for this, but I need you to forgive me anyway. I need that from you. Can you do that, please, Steffy? Can you just forgive me?"

This bitch isn't capable of doling out forgiveness or absolution...no, she's only good at being the undeserved recipient.

Steffy just stands there and sobs.


But I see the glint there and know what she's thinking and of whom:


And, of course, in her mind, it will be all Liam and Sally's fault when she chooses to do the thing she's always wanted to do - play the filly and spread her thighs for Stallion $ Bill...

I can't wait for her to be outed as the lying, cheating, sack of shit heifer she truly is.

Edited by CountryGirl
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For crap’s sake.  Liam has an innocent kiss with Sally, while buried under tons of concrete, and Stuffy goes ape shit crazy?  Really?  What would she have done if Liam had actually had sex with Sally?  I see her nuking the guy.  

“You disgust me” says Stuffy?   She should have been looking in the mirror when she said that.  

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Today all I saw was a repeat of Steffy leaving Wyatt because of Quinn with the ultimatum of cutting her out of his life. Today was Steffy leaving Liam because of Sally and the ultimatum of cutting her out of his life -- as well as putting $Bill and Wyatt first (emphasis on $Bill).

And .. seriously Steffy --  Liam disgusts you because he kissed Sally in a tense, life-threatening moment of weakness.  I wonder if Liam with return the favor when he finds out Still are banging -- more than once if spoilers are true.

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