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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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OK so Sheila promised Mateo a $100.000 if he seduces Quinn.  Um.... Mateo has seen the rat trap she lives it, surely he thinks if she has $100K she'd have a nicer place.

AFAIK Sheila is broke.  Sooo.... Did she save up her wages from making license plates in prison?  Is she blackmailing Dr Shrink the Ex?  Does she expect to get the money from Eric once Quinn is caught cheating?  Is she just lying and will welch on Mateo?

Anyone else think Mateo will try but conscience won't let him go through with the Quinn-duction and he'll tell Eric and/or Quinn about Sheila's plot?  Will Sheila find out and try to/ succeed in killing him, maybe framing Quinn for the murder of her "lover." 

Mateo is supposedly only a short term character, but I would love to see him stay around for Ivy.  Make him Darlita's cousin or a high school friend of Sally's. That's how he found out about the job at the Forresters. Thomas mentioned it one day at Spectra. A couple of lines of dialogue will flesh out the whole thing = Darlita hangs up the phone and tells Sally "That was my cousin Mateo. I told him what Thomas said about his grandfather needing someone at the estate.  Mateo just got promoted to estate manager!! (happy squeal, hug for Sally)"

Edited to add -- I second enough with the portrait nonsense, and Shelia needs to get off my screen and off my Show

Edited by La di Diva
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This Shelia ? is getting more and more ???by the day.  Charlie is dumb as a bag of ??? and we going to find that Mateo is in the same bag?  Just a few days ago Shelia was blackmailing Charlie for $1,000 to pay her hotel bill and now she's able to give Mateo a wad of cash?  Where did she get it from because she was only working a few weeks. Shelia is a 2 bit whore but it would take months, on her back, to earn that much cash.  Mateo doesn't know shit from shinola, about Shelia, but she seems to have his cooperation.  All I can say is that I need Jack Daniels and a shower after watching Shelia. 

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Uh, Eric.....most people knock before entering someone's house.  Especially when you're not expected.

I'm liking Katie/Wyatt.  Loved HT's blouse.

Just when you think Sheila's gone....  

Mateo's a cutie.  He would be nice with Ivy.

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Oh, please. Please. Take Sheila off of this show for once and all. I cannot stand to look at her squinty eyes and her smirk. Now she's corrupting yet another innocent person?! When can we be done with this sub-human? Gah!!!!

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10 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Oh, please. Please. Take Sheila off of this show for once and all. I cannot stand to look at her squinty eyes and her smirk. Now she's corrupting yet another innocent person?! When can we be done with this sub-human? Gah!!!!

THIS x10.  OMG i am so done with her.  What was the point of her telling Eric about Wyatt and Katie?  her showing him she's trustworthy?  I really hope she does something to get Bills attention, and then he "accidentally" has Justin take her out, and Brooke realizes he really does love her and doesn't get mad cause he had Sheila killed and everything is back to semi normal on the show.  She is really grating on my last nerve!

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1 hour ago, Cindylou said:

THIS x10.  OMG i am so done with her.  What was the point of her telling Eric about Wyatt and Katie?  her showing him she's trustworthy?  I really hope she does something to get Bills attention, and then he "accidentally" has Justin take her out, and Brooke realizes he really does love her and doesn't get mad cause he had Sheila killed and everything is back to semi normal on the show.  She is really grating on my last nerve!

Kimberlin Brown was awesome in the 90's on Y&R and B&B. She put the crazy in crazy with the character of Sheila. That said, that time has come and gone. It's not working for me now since we had new crazy with Quinn. Also, whoever painted that portrait of Kimberlin Brown should be fired. I don't if it's supposed to be ugly but Sheila thinks it's beautiful but it's not very flattering.

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This Sheila storyline isn't doing it for me either. I think I almost would have preferred it as a straight up redemption story because, with all of this scheming and foolishness, we all know where it's headed.  As it is, everyone involved just looks stupid. 

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Add the Matriarch Portrait to the list of Things I'm Sick Of Seeing On This Stupid Show. Its right up there with GarBridge, "We Were Robbed!", Rick and Ridge's pissing matches over who's entitled to live in homes neither has paid a dime for, Bill bullying young women, Nicole, and the animal abuse inflicted upon the poor creature that doubles for Steffy's hair.

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Ok, the lightening and the portrait changing from Quinn to Sheila at the end.

Are they for fucking real with this?

This show has become a cartoon.

Ingo!Thorne is coming soon. I sense the shift away from Sheila will start happening then.

Gotta agree that Watie is providing the fun sexy hijincks that's needed on this show. Raya, Zencole, and Roco didn't cut it but Watie's coupling and slow reveal are a hoot. We're now getting to the gradual exposure of the coupling and people's reactions stage where they have to justify to everyone why they're together and what their 'plan' is. Right now there is literally no one else on canvas to pull Wyatt away from Katie or make her feel insecure about their relationship and when Katie is unlike all the other girls Wyatt's been with - Quinn can't steamroll her like she did the others. Wyatt also has great chemistry with women who are underdogs like with Ivy. When he's with a princess he's a smug asshole, when he's with a woman with an agenda/of like minds (Ivy and Katie) he flourishes because he's a 'loser' but is always trying to support and lift up his lady. I really can't see any downside to them being in for the long haul or until DB decides to leave and they kill off Wyatt to make Katie a grieving widow and give her another Emmy.

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Sheila must be one hell of a waitress to have amassed that kind of money in a few weeks.

I can’t decide which has me more flummoxed:

1.     Sheila thinking she had to run to Eric and spill the beans about Katie and Wyatt.

2.     Eric actually letting her in his house, listening to her, then hightailing it over to Katie’s, leaving Sheila alone in the mansion.

Given that just a few weeks ago Sheila was trying to extort a few thousand out of Charlie for her expenses, I seriously doubt she has a spare $100K laying around to pay Mateo for fake romancing Quinn. Does Sheila really believe that Eric would be “all in” on her scheme to out Quinn, and that he would pony up that kind of money to pay off her “suitor”?

And didn’t this just happen to Quinn? Wasn’t that Ridge’s plan?

How to explain how pissed I am that they would waste a new, young, good looking character on some shit like this, when they have the talented, beautiful and wasted AB/Ivy sitting on the back burner. 

And I see the Portrait Wars continue.

I don’t know, it is all just TOO.STUPID.FOR.WORDS.

The Summer of Sheila indeed. What a major foul ball this has turned out to be. I find nothing interesting, exciting or compelling about any of it. I can almost predict Sheila’s next move/moves; she is that transparent. And it has all been done before. Her laser focus stares, “evil” giggle, “threatening” tone of voice”, don’t intimidate any longer. They just make me roll my eyes real, real hard.

To my surprise I continue to enjoy Katie and Wyatt.

I didn’t think Eric would have a problem with them, but what if he did? What if anyone does? Wyatt and Katie are two single, consenting adults. So everyone else can just fuck off about it.

I can sum up the show this week (so far) in one word: SUCK

Edited by RuntheTable
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Someone needs to buy TPTB a calendar and remind them that SUMMER IS OVER!!!!!!!

So either send KB to Genoa City to rip off the animal lying atop Lauren's head or pay out the rest of her contract already. 

I go back and forth on Watie...sometimes, I like them...other times, not so much. 

But I'm willing to keep watching them...and will have popcorn on the ready when Daddy Bill and Mama Quinn find out it's Katie's bed that Wyatt's boots have been under.

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On 10/2/2017 at 5:31 PM, La di Diva said:

MatIvy would bring all the pretty!

What on earth could Shelia offer Mateo to get him to go after Quinn?  Sheila has no power and no money.  Eric just made him estate manager -- probably with a hefty salary.  Even if Shelia tells Mateo Quinn has the hots for him 1) why would he believe her and 2) why would he jeopardize his new job?.  

Summer is over, and Sheila needs to be gone.

Evidently, the "Summer of Sheila" has morphed into the "Fall of Fuckery."  I find it difficult to fathom that a show that was rocking on all cylinders a few months ago has sunk to such absurdities.  Not only does Sheila get a job at a restaurant where the Forresters and others have frequent diner cards, she managed to pass a background check.  Hell, she wouldn't have been hired at McDonald's or Taco Bell.  Not to mention she's still obsessing about being "the next Mrs. Eric Forresterrrrrr!" complete with some ugly ass matriarchal portrait in the living room which doesn't look as elegant as it did years ago when the show first aired.  I've yet to understand how a broke as a joke psycho-wench whose money is funny, and whose change is strange can convince someone she can pay him a boatload of cash if he would just do this one little thing for her.  And, these are people who are gainfully employed.  Years ago, I could see it possible, but Sheila is looking quite raggedy these days so she doesn't even have her good looks or "charm" going for her.

I won't even touch on the absurdity of Sludge trying to mack on Brooke.  I know KKL is a professional, but the woman deserves hazardous duty pay because she simply can't hide how utterly fucked up this all is.  I suppose TK got the word that it was GarBridge or nothing else for him (at least until nu-Thorne arrives) because it doesn't appear that Quidge, in all their trifling and sinful glory, will be gracing our screens as our guilty afternoon pleasure anytime soon.

As for Stuffy, all I can say about that skank is, Hey!  Hey!  That's not fair; give that horsey back its hair!

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Geez Louise, doesn't Sludge have anything to do except be all up in Brooke's grill all the the effing time?  Reminding her that he's still here. He'll always be here for her.  He'll always love her. He wants to see her in lingerie,  He wants his "family" back together.  Bill is a rotten piece of rottenness.  He knew Bill would screw up and hurt her.  Oh and did he mention he's still here. He'll always be here for her ....... etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam, Every. Single. Damn. Day.

Brooke gets these tolerant smiles when he goes on like this. She looks like she wants to be anywhere but there and that she wants him to leave and quit bothering her.  I wish Show would have her tell Sludge to back off and go away in no uncertain terms. That she hasn't forgiven him for playing Quinn Kissy-face the night before their wedding and she's not sure she ever will. 

Brooke needs to make it clear that whatever is going on between her and Bill is none of Sludge's business and he needs to butt the hell out, go away, leave her alone and stop, for the love of God, pestering her.  She needs to tell him there is no more Destiny, not now nor in the future. Destiny will never return because he killed it playing Quinn Kissy-face. 

Show needs to let Ridge grow up and stop thinking he is forever the hottest hottie playa in all of Bell LA that can get any woman he wants, whenever he wants. He needs to realize that women are not panting and wanting  and waiting for him to crook his finger and beckon them back.  Brooke needs to tell Sludge she's grown up and maybe it was time he did too.   Maybe Thorne could help this along by telling Sludge a few home grown truths.

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I feel like people have told Ridge to grow up from day one of this show. The entire family, including his enabler mother, called him out for cheating on Caroline I back in the day and every male rival since Thorne has called him every name in the book, but nothing sinks into his brain. And not just because of the two pounds of grease in his scalp, either. :/

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The dead animal Steffy wears on her head had babies and nest just above her eyes.  Hey Steffy, only Groucho Marx can pull off that look  

Brooke, why the hell aren't you telling Steffy to STFU and mind her own business.  Wonder what Ridge would do when he finds out Steffy is on Bill's side and not his. If Steffy was giving me marriage advice, I would do the exact opposite.  Hey Steffy, how many Sallys are there?  Auntie was so team Thomas and now she's all in on Liam.  I guess Auntie likes to follow the money. 

I really liked Sally's hair today. 

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I also wish Brooke would just shoo Ridge away from her house and her personal space. How about he lets her have some time to get used to her new normal away from Bill, live in her own house with her thousand kids and just go back to whatever the hell her "work" is. Leave her alone!! And those multiple dead animals on Stuffy's head? Really? That's the best they can do with her hair? And her dead voiced delivery of her lines just makes me snooze. I say one line and walk over to the other side of the room. You follow me and say your line. I'll turn around and say my line. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Brooke, throw her sorry, bossy ass out of your house. This is none of her business!! I would love to see Sally and Liam get together. For realz. And I'm still waiting for Sally and Thomas to find out that Bill and Caroline lied about her terminal illness. We haven't forgotten about that, writers. Okay, guess those are all of the gripes for tonight. Maybe. 

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@ Anna Yolei -- exactly! Ridge has been a playa and a cheater since the Show's debut.  Because he was a Forrester and handsome (RM) and rich he was the Prince of Bell A and able to cut a wide swath through Caroline I, lots and lots of models, Brooke, Taylor (bouncing between them on infinite repeat), Bridget, who knows how many in Paris, Katie, Carowhine. back to Brooke, Quinn, and now Brooke ..... again. Did I leave anyone out.  Golly Ned pick a lane and stay there.

Problem is while Ron Moss had the looks to pull off the hottie playa, even as he aged, TK does not.  I don't find TK handsome or sexy or interesting at all (YMMV).  He Does. Not. look like an aging, but well-preserved, playa.  He does not look like the Prince of Bell A. He looks seedy, greasy, like he slept in his clothes, in need of a bath, a shave and a haircut.   And every time he shows up at Brooke's he looks more and more desperate.

If I have a choice between TKRidge and JMc Eric I'll take Eric every time. .JMc is still so handsome, even in his 70s . His is the look Ridge should be emulating. Of course I'd really like to take WH's Thorne.  Now there's a man who could convincingly be an aging, well-preserved playa.

Adding:  Don't hate me, but my natural hair color is close to Sally's. Not quite as firey copper, but close.

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I'm sure your hair is just beautiful since it's natural. However, Sally's is fake and her hair don't today was just fugly. She's an adorable young woman and deserves better hair than she's had lately. Or God forbid- Steffy hair. That's bigger than LA!

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Stuffy needs to park her broom. What's with being all up in Brooke's face demanding that she make a decision about her marriage, Sludge, etc.?  Brooke should have told her to STFU and get out of her house. And the same with Stuffy's father.  I don't quite understand why Steffy is so hell-bent on Brooke going back with Bill.  I'd think that Stuffy would be in her dad's corner. I about threw up in my mouth listening to the corny dialogue about growing old together, Brooke in lingerie, etc. What a waste of time. Is that freeloader still trying to worm his way back into living with her?

I loved seeing Stuffy's face crack when Liam told her that Sally was going to SF with him.

I don't know what more to say about Sheila. Hasn't KB heard about the popularity of avocado toast? Her farm must be going crazy trying to fulfill demand. As much as I used to like KB and Sheila, I have to add my two cents that this was a huge mistake by Brad Bell to resurrect the character. Sheila actually risked her job by having another server cover for her so she could rush over to Eric's house to blab about KATIE & WYATT?? Seriously? Then, the buffoon actually went over and walked in on Watie?  Too ridiculous for words.

I am not sure how strict restaurants are about the people they hire. A person close to me was in a rehab facility for substance abuse and the main source of job placement for the patients was in food service establishments. Sheila might very well have not been subjected to a background check. She's a middle-aged attractive woman who comes across as demure and soft-spoken. I am sure that she was able to talk her way into getting hired and even if her past came out, she was probably very convincing with the "I've changed," speech.

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To my surprise I continue to enjoy Katie and Wyatt.

I didn’t think Eric would have a problem with them, but what if he did? What if anyone does? Wyatt and Katie are two single, consenting adults. So everyone else can just fuck off about it.

I really like Katie and Wyatt too. They really are the only thing entertaining me at this moment. But then again I tend to like Katie. I know, I know ... I'm all alone in that assessment.

I really liked TK on AMC. He was involved in a great pairing and I just don't understand what has happened here. At all. I really wish this stupid show ruin Ridge and Caroline for that horrible misunderstanding night. I did like that pairing a lot.

Why is Ivy storyless? Why can't I have Ivy rather than Steffy? Why soap gods why?!?

I will also agree that Ridge needs to give it a rest with Brooke. I am not a fan of them together (I never really was) but geez she has just barely walked away from Bill. She hasn't filed any papers or anything like that. If I must watch them reunite, I wish it would be more organic. Like he just is a friend but is not pressuring her and she ends up seeing him in a new light blah blah. Again, I don't want them together but if that's where we are headed, I'd rather not watch Brooke be guilted or brow beaten into a reunion.

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Someone needs to tell Mateo that pretty is fleeting but dumb is forever. Why would someone with half a working brain cell risk a good, reputable job to accept a sketchy offer from a creepy stranger who lives in a cheap motel? 

If Stuffy is the "most beautiful woman" in LA, then I get stopped multiple times a day by people who tell me I'm a dead ringer for Charlize Theron.

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10 hours ago, grisgris said:


I loved seeing Stuffy's face crack when Liam told her that Sally was going to SF with him.

That was the best part of the episode. The rest? Ugh. Brooke even humoring Steffy's "advice" is laughable. Brooke should have told her "fix your wig before you come for me".

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20 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

send KB to Genoa City to rip off the animal lying atop Lauren's head

As much as I dislike Sheila, I could be down for this, Lauren needs to be taken down a peg or two or twenty thousand.

12 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

I tend to like Katie. I know, I know ... I'm all alone in that assessment.

I won't judge, I'm one of maybe four people who likes Victor Newman :)

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13 hours ago, grisgris said:

Stuffy needs to park her broom. What's with being all up in Brooke's face demanding that she make a decision about her marriage, Sludge, etc.? 

Why the hell would Steffy care after she's made it very clear that the Logans are the scourge of the Earth? I feel like TPTB are trying the Victor Newman maneuver of having everything on the show revolve around her--she's got her pissing match with Sally, and now she's playing peacemaker with Bill and Liam and Bill and Brooke. It just doesn't work.

Meanwhile, the one person she should be taking issue with and harboring a grudge towards she hasn't had a scene within months. Nor has Steffy had much to say about Eric and Ridge and their rift.

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Do you ever get the sense that Stuffy is like the Raymond Shaw (Manchurian Candidate) of daytime? 

"Stephanie Forrester-Spencer is the kindest, the bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life."  Oh, and don't forget "beautiful!" [insert rolling eyes]

It's odd how the most basic of bitches has everyone and their mama singing her praises.  The only difference is that Sergeant Raymond Shaw's men were brutally tortured and brainwashed and suffered PTSD when they returned home from the war, as manifested by their nightmares.  What excuse do the denizens of Bell's LaLa Land have for that bit of mass hallucination?  It wouldn't surprise me in the least if some of the words that IR (nu-Thorne) reads in his first script contain words of lavish praise for a character who killed his onscreen daughter.   That's how ridiculous it's gotten.

Why Brooke doesn't put the trash out of her house--father and daughter--is beyond comprehension.  Sludge needs to be sent on his way with a care package containing men's hygiene products and told in no uncertain terms not to darken her doorstep again.  It's fascinating that that scuzzy motherfucker can grouse about that "hideous ring" that Bill gave Brooke while missing the irony that his own so-called fiancee ran around with an increasingly rancid red ribbon on her ring finger for weeks without Sludge replacing it with a real ring.  And speaking of hideous, that ring that Sludge gave Brooke--that she should have been honored to wear--was another piece of hideousness.  Even worse, Brooke was to feel honored wearing the ring of a woman who once facilitated her rape and visited other indignities on her and her family.  Brooke, girl, just spray that fucker with some Raid and call a company to come in and collect him in a trash bag and take him to the nearest heap pile.

And, of course, Stuffy wants to only spread her legs for Bill with a clear conscience so she has to put on a good show as if she really is "concerned" about the state of Brill's marriage.  Meanwhile, her own husband has his feet out the door, one toe at a time.

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Yikes - all this dumping on TK as Ridge again!  Why he commutes from Connecticut to LA for this show is beyond me.  The man has so much charisma, but it just ain't with Brooke, so why is Show trying to go there?

A better storyline would be Ridge acknowledging his age and realizing that he's not the playboy of LA that he used to be, have a midlife crisis, then find someone to settle down with.  I wish the show would bring on someone new for him, because TK can so bring the fun and romance when he wants to.  This character has never seemed like a good fit for him.

I can understand not liking the actions of the character - I, too, wish he'd stay as far away from Brooke as possible and let her lead her own single life - but I really don't get all the comments about his appearance.  It seems unnecessarily harsh.  I know the character of Steffy gets a lot of crap about her hair, but it does look like a squirrel took up residence on top of her head.  Ridge just seems like a normal guy, and the comments about him looking dirty are puzzling.  I guess Ron Moss must have been an immaculately groomed metrosexual, and TK is just an average guy.

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18 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

It's fascinating that that scuzzy motherfucker can grouse about that "hideous ring" that Bill gave Brooke while missing the irony that his own so-called fiancee ran around with an increasingly rancid red ribbon on her ring finger for weeks without Sludge replacing it with a real ring. 

Weeks? Try months. I'm fairly sure she was still wearing that string when they had achieved what they both wanted outta that relationship, to see Brill busted up called it quits--after Ridge had already moved on to his SOL.

But yeah, it's ridiculous indeed.

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44 minutes ago, maisie said:

This character has never seemed like a good fit for him.

I've never seen TK in anything else, but yes, I think it was a huge mistake casting him as Ridge.  If they wanted him on the show, why the hell could they not have just made him a different character...perhaps someone who's not related to anyone to open up the dating pool at least a little.

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Jon Hensley would have been my pick. I mean, they wasted him for all of two episodes playing Steffy's doctor after her bike accident, and that was months before Ridge was recast. Hell, he could've jumped in as Nick as well, since he started his career as Lily Walsh's rugged stable boy for her horse.

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18 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I've never seen TK in anything else, but yes, I think it was a huge mistake casting him as Ridge.  If they wanted him on the show, why the hell could they not have just made him a different character...perhaps someone who's not related to anyone to open up the dating pool at least a little.

I've always suspected that TK was cast for the role for quite cynical reasons.  Number one, he has a huge fan following from his OLTL and AMC days and would be paired with HTom, who is also considered soap royalty.  Two, it was important for Katie to get her pound of flesh by hitting Brooke right where it hurts, by walking off with her "destiny" and humiliating her in the process.

The problem is that they recast what some would call an iconic role that was closely identified with an actor (cough! cough!) who played him consistently for nearly 30 years with the exception of a small break.  TK's unwillingness to fully commit to the show left gaping holes in and stalled storylines he was involved in because of his grueling commute from the East Coast to the West Coast every two weeks.  Even though TK is a far superior actor than Ronnnnn Mosssss will ever hope to be, he added insult to injury by not bothering to read up on the history of the character he was brought on to portray.  Sadly, he didn't have any chemistry with HTom, and it was clear that Katie and Ridge's relationship was nothing more than a revengemance borne out of some serious butt hurt (understandable for Katie but inexplicable for Ridge).  That the character returned after dumping his wife on their honeymoon over a text message and not being involved in the company and expecting (a) her to just fall back into his arms and pick up where they left off and (b) that he could march into FC like some entitled prince to take over was quite jarring.  With Katie and Ridge, it wasn't even that the thrill was gone; there just was no there there on which to build other than their hurt feelings.  

The writers certainly didn't help matters either when they struggled and sometimes didn't bother to realistically explain why Ridge (Stephanie's favorite child and the No. 1 man in her life) didn't return home during her illness or even her memorial service.  Even worse for those of us who jumped off the Bridge eons ago was the writers' insistence on trying to fit two square pegs (KKL and TK) into round holes when even Stevie Wonder could clearly see that that shit was no longer working.  When RM left the show, the character should have been killed off and had his jersey number effectively retired.  They should have brought TK on as a powerful businessman, who had to travel frequently, which would have accommodated his absences from the show.  Plus, it seems that every time the writers see GarBridge as an option, the writing severely regresses for Brooke, who should have moved on from that mess to other storylines a long time ago.

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On 10/4/2017 at 10:29 AM, Anna Yolei said:

Add the Matriarch Portrait to the list of Things I'm Sick Of Seeing On This Stupid Show. Its right up there with GarBridge, "We Were Robbed!", Rick and Ridge's pissing matches over who's entitled to live in homes neither has paid a dime for, Bill bullying young women, Nicole, and the animal abuse inflicted upon the poor creature that doubles for Steffy's hair.

Let's not forget The Partially Open Door and that Tired Sculpture in the FC CEO office, along with the overall 80' s look of said office. Also, I'm always underwhelmed at how Beige these peoples homes are, especially Brooke's house. I would create a more vibrant and Chic space for her. After all, she is such a flower herself, she did aspire to the good life, and she (can be) a Force of Nature

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Alright, everyone just needs to:



Hows about folks letting Brooke breath for a bit? Hows about they get the fuck outta her face about “what are you going to do?” It has been all of a week and she is supposed to be ready to make a decision? And what is this nonsense that it is either Bill or Ridge? Why can’t Brooke just decide to be on her own? She was for a very long time and seemed much happier. I am irritated and annoyed that it seems we will have some rush, rush bullshit, and once again Brooke will be wondering if she did the right thing. Can you friggin idiots not let this woman have one unadulterated moment of peace and happiness? I am just so tired of this worn out story!

I get that Ridge wants to move right in. But I feel it has way more to do with poking Bill up the ass, than anything to do with his “really deep, and really, real” feelings for Brooke. I have nothing against Thorsten. I think he is talented and sexy, but he just does not work with Kelly Lang; something that continues to amaze me because she is a chemistry magnet. I honestly feel bad for the man; they give him that great SL with Lindsey Godfrey, then go and fuck it up with “stuff”. Then quite unexpectedly, he is paired (well kinda) with Rena Sofer, and again, the sparks were flying. But, the idiots chose to destroy that to bring Sheila back on. I find myself scratching my head at the ill-logic of it all.

And Steffy, Sweetie, you should be at home tending to your own back 40 instead of trying to run interference for your father-in-law. I know you are one arrogant piece of work, and haven’t stopped for one second to consider that Liam might just be seeing the real you, and that he might be getting twinkly feet. Oh well, that is what happens when you set up shop in someone else’s store instead of minding your own. Let it come as a surprise that Liam may not only be trying to help Sally out, but that maybe he is starting to see the forest for the trees.

I like Liam and Sally. No, it isn’t the same as Thomas and Sally, which was just hotness personified. But there is something really sweet that exists between L/S, and there is also a realness to them. I sorta feel like T/S would have flamed out eventually, and he would be hungering for FC’s again. But Liam is a different kind of animal. If he does leave the fake one for Sally, it would be all kinds of awesome because it would happen organically. No one can be running around moaning about “Manipwulation” and “We was ROBBED!” Nope, it would just be Liam opening his eyes and being tired of what he is seeing.

JMW really needs to stop channeling her inner Priscilla Presley:





17 hours ago, La di Diva said:

Adding:  Don't hate me, but my natural hair color is close to Sally's. Not quite as firey copper, but close.

Ginger here too! You know, they say we are a dying breed, so own that shit!

Edited by RuntheTable
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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I can't see John Hensley as Ridge, but I like him and I do wish they would have made the doctor an actual role.

To clarify, I think he would have been a good pick for the way TPTB depict him now (ie, more of an unapologetic asshole), cuz watching his later clips of Holden Snyder, specifically after 2005, still makes me want to punch the sanctimonious character in the face in a way no other character in soapdom does, including Victor Newman and the human weasel that passes for Billy Abbott today.

But when he needed to, he was also able to convey tenderness towards his (many, many, many) kids, especially scenes with Luke during his coming out arc and Faith. That's what TK for his undeniable talent truly struggles with. I couldn't imagine old!Ridge bulldozing Steffy the way he did for co-CEO, for example. And when he thought Brooke and Thomas boinked on the island, he didn't disown him, nor had too many harsh words when the truth came out (honestly, Taylor and Steffy were more livid about that).

Ridge worked because there was a balance. While his appearance doesn't help, that would've been an issue even if they'd cast an actor who looked more like RM.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Puffy just can't stand it that now when she says "Jump!" Liam doesn't ask "How high?" I love it!

BTW, I was watching a Chinese historical drama (addicted to them) last night. The Partially Opened Door's Chinese cousin, the Partially Opened Screen, made an appearance. Soap tropes are universal!

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Fauxdi and her constant "are you SURE you don't want Bill back?" to Brooke is just her loophole (in her mind) of making it okay when she bangs $ Bill because Brooke gave the green light and she was just trying to keep it in the family, I mean, keep the family together by the power of her Fool's Gold cooter.

The fact that she is very married to $ Bill's son is pfffttt...a pesky little detail she'll happily overlook.

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TK as Ridge is a total miscast.  That said, I do feel like sometimes he is castigated on this board for his personal appearance because he doesn't look like Ron Moss.  He CAN have chemistry with certain other characters (Caroline, Quinn) - so why not bring on someone new for him?  A woman in her '40's who isn't Brooke and who can make him forget this DESTINY!!! thing he's got for  Brooke.  As someone else said, I think part of the appeal for TK in snaring Brooke is to stick it to Bill.

When he was on AMC, TK was a suave, impeccably dressed casino owner.  Granted, that was a while ago, but for many of us, he's still got "it" and he is not being used to his best potential as Ridge.

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God, I've been debating on springing for an All Access account for Star Trek: Discovery (the only show I'd even consider watching on CBS), but if I can catch up on the implosion of Steam, one free of hijinxs and robbery and manipulation and Liam developing a personality and a spine after Clifton's third Emmy win and almost eight years on Show, holy shit, I guess I'll have gotten my money's worth ?

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I’m a TK fan from his AMC days, and IA, he was miscast as Ridge.  Back when he was first hired, it was one of those things that I said out loud, but I also didn’t want to be right, trying to reserve judgment as much as possible until he had a chance to prove me wrong.  Other than some stellar individual moments, particularly with John McCook, I don’t think he has owned this role as he has others.  I also blame the writing, in part, and the fact that B&B has a smaller female talent pool for him to be paired with, where he hasn’t sparked with the actresses for various reasons.    

I do want to comment on CaRidge, and this may be unpopular, but while ICAM that he had excellent chemistry with LG, and it was by far the best pairing he has had on B&B, I thought that TK was subjected to the kiddie table when he was paired with LG (which was for about 18 months, not a short period of time), which is not a swipe at her talent, exactly, but more a comment that when there was  CaRidge, Ridge’s romantic rival was his son, though it could have been any other actor younger than TK, and that’s not where TK shines best, at least not on B&B.  That set-up reduced his scenes with DD (which are always biting and terrific) to “don’t hurt my niece!”/“I love your niece, I’d never hurt her”, which was pretty meh, IMO, and not nearly as much fun as watching DD and TK as equals fighting over Brooke or even Katie.  During CaRidge, he also interacted less often with KKL and JMcC, while he had more scenes with the younger set (Steffy disapproved, Rick was his romantic and business rival for a nanosecond, and of course, Thomas thought Ridge was too old for Caroline), and I didn’t think it worked well for TK at all.  A better HW might have found creative ways for Ridge to interact with Brooke, Eric, Quinn, Bill, etc. at the same time as interacting with the 20-somethings, but as things stood, TK didn’t have much to do with the “older” set, and that was also a misuse of his talent.

Whether it's due to money, the size of the cast or a lack of creativity, B&B doesn't usually hire 40+ year old actors, IR and KB being the two glaring exceptions, and going back to TK's hire date in '13, I think only Sean Kanan would qualify as a 40+ yr. old actor who was brought on with some fanfare.  ICAM that TK needs to work with someone new on the show and could still find lightning in a bottle, but that's just not how B&B rolls, for whatever reason, which is why we have B&B toying with Bridge yet again.  Let's see how IR's arrival impacts things, because I get the feeling that B&B is biding its time until Thorne shows up in the not too distant future. 

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I'm ready to blame a lot of TK's misuse on the bad writing on B&B.  I've only been watching since TK started, but I love Don Diamont and John McCook - am a fan of Heather Tom's, and to some extent the actress who plays Brooke - there is some amazing acting talent on the show (let's hear it for Rena Sofer, when she is on!).  I've watched soaps since 1975, (Ryan's Hope, General Hospital, One Life to Live, All My Children and now B&B).  The latter is the most poorly written of all of them.   There are no big surprises - no take on the issues of the day - just the same old tired relationships and office politics.  There are not even an same-sex relationships.  Maya being transgender was a great storyline - but now what?  Her life is perfect since she transitioned? 

I imagine Bell is afraid to piss off his advertisers so he writes safe storylines, but it makes for a fairly dull show. No surprises at all.

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1 hour ago, SingerIslander said:

I do want to comment on CaRidge, and this may be unpopular, but while ICAM that he had excellent chemistry with LG, and it was by far the best pairing he has had on B&B, I thought that TK was subjected to the kiddie table when he was paired with LG (which was for about 18 months, not a short period of time), which is not a swipe at her talent, exactly, but more a comment that when there was  CaRidge, Ridge’s romantic rival was his son, though it could have been any other actor younger than TK, and that’s not where TK shines best, at least not on B&B.  That set-up reduced his scenes with DD (which are always biting and terrific) to “don’t hurt my niece!”/“I love your niece, I’d never hurt her”, which was pretty meh, IMO, and not nearly as much fun as watching DD and TK as equals fighting over Brooke or even Katie.  During CaRidge, he also interacted less often with KKL and JMcC, while he had more scenes with the younger set (Steffy disapproved, Rick was his romantic and business rival for a nanosecond, and of course, Thomas thought Ridge was too old for Caroline), and I didn’t think it worked well for TK at all.  A better HW might have found creative ways for Ridge to interact with Brooke, Eric, Quinn, Bill, etc. at the same time as interacting with the 20-somethings, but as things stood, TK didn’t have much to do with the “older” set, and that was also a misuse of his talent.

Good point. CaRidge was TK's biggest relationship on the show and it didn't work very well. I don't care about age difference but LG spent most of their romance in Caroline personality #47 just baby-voice simpering at him constantly, ruining whatever they had going at the beginning. And like you said, it kept him away from the other good actors on the show who are also the people he works best against. 

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5 hours ago, maisie said:

I guess Ron Moss must have been an immaculately groomed metrosexual



UO's I actually prefer TK's Ridge, and I also like Katie.


Steffy .......... so many fuck you's .......... so little time.

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Ah, those cheekbones.

Ronn Moss would never win awards for acting, but those cheekbones and the way he could fill out a banana hammock was gold.

You believed him to be the thoughtless himbo cad of a man who did have a talent for design that was unparalleled so that he got away with a lot of crap.

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During my working years, I followed the Bold and the Beautiful mostly through Soap Opera Digest or reading recaps at Soaps She Knows and once in a great while via CBS.com.  I was just too busy with a one hour commute home and other after-work tasks that I just didn't have the time to devote to watching each day's video on CBS.  I retired from the workforce at the end of 2016 and I now watch each day's episode sometime during the day.  The husband owns the remote control so I don't watch The Bold and the Beautiful during it's regularly scheduled time, so I wait till I have down time (usually when the spouse takes a nap...lol) and watch it online.

I never quite understood all the vitriol about JMW and her appearance.  Well today, I finally understood.  JMW was pretty and perfect in her youth.  Why on earth did she ever feel the need to augment her appearance is beyond me.   Call me gobsmacked.  This screen grab was taken from today's show when Bill had a flashback.  

Some of you may know that Ronn Moss was / is in a band called Player.  I was a senior in high school when Baby Come Back was released.  Girls, including me, swooned over this song.  I would never kick Ron Moss out of bed if he sang that song to me back then.  Today, not so much.  He's a gray old fart now.


Edited by SimplePleasures
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Man, those cheekbones are AMAZING!  I only saw RM on The Soup when they were mocking B&B.

Steffy was really pretty back in the day.  Why do these gorgeous women fool with their looks?

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