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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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This show is so damn frustrating.

You get great scenes like SC's Liam going toe-to-toe with DD's $ Bill and then Liam caves???

Does not compute.

When he learned about Bill's sabotage (the fake EOF review), he immediately went to Steffy and demanded they tell Thomas, knowing he would make a beeline for Sally, the truth.

The stakes are so much higher here with a far more sinister lie that is literally handcuffing Thomas to Caro-lyin' (awesome name!) and New York and suddenly, he's backing down to see how things play out?

We get the epic, uber-physical catfight between Quinn and Sheila, with Quinn finally kicking some ass and I loved how she feigned passing out so she could take Sheila down.  It was campy as hell to be sure but I always love me some camp and I loved that feisty bad-ass Quinn was back. Krystle and Alexis would have been proud.

Until Eric comes through the door and immediately races to the side of Sheila, a woman who tried to take out how many members of his family, including his wife just today. WTAF, Eric?

Don't get me started on Carowhine flying all the way to LA to tell Uncle Bill she wasn't going to keep on lying, no way, no how...when she could have told Thomas that over the phone...BEFORE he hopped the plane to NY or in NY itself. And love how she was going to lie some more about a misdiagnosis instead of revealing that it had been a lie all along.

But I did enjoy watching Sharpie's face crack when she realized dear Uncle Bill couldn't give two shits about her - it was all about his precious phallic tower.

Edited by CountryGirl
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A requiem to Lame's balls:  We hardly knew ye!  I should have known!  I should have known not to jump to conclusions when those testicles finally made a much-overdue appearance.  One conversation with Stuffy, and those things managed go into hiding again.  In all fairness to Lame though, his wife (the poster girl for When Bad Weaves Happen to Trifling People) doesn't necessarily inspire a lot of confidence.  I'm not surprised in the least that she wants to keep quiet until the conditions suit her.  And, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised about Lame, but again that's on me.  I should have remembered my grandmother's admonishment that if you have no expectations of someone, you will never, ever be disappointed.  Stuffy really needs to shut up about Thomas and the importance of family.  What did surprise me though is that Lame would be surprised by Stuffy's response.  At all.  He knew what he was marrying and still chose to marry it anyway. 

So, Carowhine finally figured out what the real deal was with "Unca Bill" and where she, Thomas and Sally actually stand in his big picture scheme of things.  However, I'm going to need Carowhine to stop frontin' as if she didn't seek Bill's help to bring Thomas to heel.  In fact, she was downright giddy and appreciative for his help.  I also need her to stop acting as if she doesn't know how far he is willing to go.  One word out of Bill's mouth should have shut that noise down quick, fast and in a hurry:  Maya.  Bill could have easily followed that up with, "Now, you were saying?" with a raised eyebrow, folded arms and a smirk.  Because as horrible as all this is, Carowhine is up to her Instagram brows in this mess.  So, she should either do what she threatened to do or take the earliest first-class flight back to New York and play the best Oscar-worthy role of her life until it all blows up in her face.  I still have to wonder where her moms are in all of this.  Will they weigh in?

Bill's late sperm donor was proof positive that evil walks this earth in all forms.  Bill, for all his bad-assery, is one of the worst soap villains I have ever been privileged to watch.  It sure didn't take long for his scheme to be revealed, did it?  At least Bill Spencer, Sr. elicited genuine fear in people with his sinister smiles, sneering delivery, walking stick and deadly eyes devoid of any real warmth.

Why was it necessary for Eric to contact Sheila to inform her that he and Quinn were back together again?  You have to love his attempt at the brush-off.  "Girl--it's been real.  I don't know what to tell you, but you know it's not in the cards for us, right?  So, you may want to seek greener passages somewhere other than Los Angeles!"  Surely, he has to know Sheila well enough to understand that in spite of her "calm" demeanor, his news wouldn't be well received.  The Dynasty-style cat fight between Quinn and Sheila was a perfect example of real recognizing real when it comes to criminally insane gals gone wild.  Flying vases and lamps, broken tables, fireplace pokers, some strangling, and fists flying with a few "bitches" thrown in for good measure.  When Quinn called Sheila a bitch and then repeated herself, that's when I knew that she poked the crazy.  The only thing missing was Sheila taking off her earrings, somebody snatching a wig, and someone breaking a bottle to form a makeshift knife.

I'm not surprised that Eric went to Sheila first given that she was knocked out cold on the floor with shattered glass all around.  Eric should have at least asked Quinn if she was okay.  The thing that did surprise me though is that there wasn't a flashback of the shooting that occurred right there in Eric's house thanks to Sheila.  That should have been a serious PTSD moment for Eric right there as he flashed back to Taylor and Brooke lying on the same floor.

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So Sheila is like a cockroach who survives everything but gets taken down by a flying iPad cover?   Nice!


15 hours ago, grisgris said:

Where did all of those random bloody streaks on the floor come from? Sheila fell backward into a pile of broken glass.

I assume scalp lacerations from the broken glass.

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11 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Wow, Liam is whipped, isn't he? 

Why won't somebody get that dead animal off Puffy's head?

Has anyone else noticed that Steffy's voice  is deeper than Liam's voice. 

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1 minute ago, sugarbaker design said:

Is that what that was?  I had no idea, I thought it was an over-sized coaster!

LOL I have no idea what it was supposed to be, it just really resembled an iPad cover to me :)

Quinn was playing dead, she should have let Sheila leave, grilled up some hot dogs, and called Lt Baker.

Edited by ByTor
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Well, that felt like old times except it was Quinn/Sheila and not Lauren/Sheila. And so entertaining! Loved the hurling of expensive vases and lamps, the broken glass, the wild wielding of fireplace pokers, the full body slamming, bodies flipping and rolling through the air and over furniture (Quinn over the couch, then her head popping back up? Hil-fucking-larious!) the grunting, the taunting. Just all of it. But most of all, I was so glad to see Quinn regain her footing, and get just as snarly and nasty as Sheila. Playing dead or unconscious was a thing of beauty, and throwing the IPAD was too perfect. Too bad Sheila didn’t turn around and take in the chest, hopefully cutting deep into her non-existent heart. Of course with the good comes the bad. Eric’s initial reaction of “Oh, Sheila”, and not one word to Quinn about her well being, took me to my highest level of pissivity (tm MulletorHater). Lt. Baker will probably blow a load in his pants when he gets his hands on this mess. Not one, but two Forrester Women to interrogate? And both have been on his radar before? Who needs Oscar Meyer when you have that? No doubt, we will see Quinn charged with attempted murder, even though Sheila has a known and proven track record. Sure, Quinn has hers too, but it ain’t nothing like Sheila’s. But Captive Cabin will be trotted out as proof positive that Quinn was the aggressor who attacked poor little defenseless Sheila. And when crazy bitch wakes up from her coma she will be all wild eyes and pointing fingers in Quinn’s direction, “Oh Eric, I came to leave your watch, and Quinn just attacked me!” The fact that she walked unannounced into the Forrester Manse, was trespassing, and was in violation of the restraining order will be overlooked. That evil wicked Quinn defended herself against an intruder in her own home and must pay the price!

I have no words for Steffy and Liam. No, that is not true. I have lots and lots of words for them but lost them during the rage blackout I experienced as I listened to that useless Blowfish trying to justify and give credence to something so heinous. Nuh uh, no way is anything about that ish right, or correct, or the best fucking thing for anyone except Bill and Steffy. Those two would explain away murdering their own spawn if it meant they got what they wanted. And Liam. Jesus Christ man! It is one thing to cow-tow to dad, but you didn’t even hand Steffy the scissors. You just took them and snipped your package off and handed it to her for safekeeping. That Wanton must have some special magic if she is able to kill Liam’s hero mojo. I hate her. So much.

Save the affront and the tears for someone who cares Caroline. So now you know how evil your loving Uncle Bill really is. Well guess what Sugar Pie; you are right there with him for keeping your trap shut about this situation. Calling Bill out for being a bastard doesn’t relieve you of your complicity in this lie. I hate her too. So much.

Edited by RuntheTable
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If Bill wants that property so much, CJ should make a it a condition of the sale that Bill provides a facility (agreed upon by both parties) for Spectra fashion. Plus ask for an extra $20 million.

OMG, how stupid is Eric? Let the She-devil stay at the mansion! He could hire a nurse for Sheila.

Edited by LittleIggy
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I hope Eric is not really buying Sheila's act and is just trying to placate her.  He knows how unstable and dangerous she can be, maybe he is behaving this way until he can figure out how to get Sheila put away once and for all.  He has to know what a threat she is and he knows he has to be very careful in dealing with her because she keeps coming back into his and his family's lives.  I think he is scared for Quinn at this point and wants to keep Sheila close to keep an eye on her.  If Sheila senses she is "losing" Eric, he know she will be at her most dangerous.  I hope this is the case, I just can't see Eric discounting Quinn's being attacked.

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33 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

If Bill wants that property so much, CJ should make a it a condition of the sale that Bill provides a facility (agreed upon by both parties) for Spectra fashion. Plus ask for an extra $20 million.


Stop being so logical ;) It does make for a better story if Bill is their grumpy landlord always trying to boot them out.

Wonder if the show would go there with Bill getting down and dirty like many a developer and hiring thugs to make sure Spectra's HQ had some 'bad wiring' resulting in a fire to take out the building so they are wiped out?

Maybe he also has the ear of their insurance company or Darlita didn't send the check so the building is uninsured (or Bill made sure their checks didn't arrive) and so they have no money to rebuild. But in the course of the fire someone gets injured like Sally or Liam or Sally and Liam. I could totally see Liam finding out about the plan, running to the HQ and he and Sally get trapped and/or he gets her out but he gets injured so this ends up being Bill's chickens coming home to roost with Liam's Captain Save a Ho tendencies getting him injured. Liam doesn't remember why/how he found out about the plan and Bill is alternately guilty and sweating bullets hoping he never remembers with Brooke knowing something more is up with Bill than being worried about Liam.  Liam is paralyzed and impotent with Steffy drifting away from him because she knew about Bill's plan and feels guilty about Liam's condition while Sally pulls closer because he saved her life and she feels guilty. Thomas wants to investigate the whole thing, but Steffy is trying to head him off to protect herself and her marriage and protect Bill.

Meanwhile Wyatt and Katie have sex.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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????????????and whatever kind of ? you can think of. Eric has now reached the epitome of being a old fool.  "There's no fool like an old fool -you can't beat experience".  Taking care of Shelia and ignoring Quinn.  Eric, maybe Quinn needs to be checked out by a doctor.  ?? Stupidity is the word of the day, week, and month.  

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CJ looks really good! He hasn't aged a day. Why can't Puffy do his regime? 

Sheila is going to use her stay at the Forrester Mansion to gaslight Quinn or Eric. He's starting to enter Charlie territory with his choices. 

Brooke, a gorgeous curvy woman, is kissing her buff newlywed husband and he breaks the kiss to talk about Sky, his penis shaped metal model building, getting jealous of her. And she doesn't get flustered, repulsed, or insulted? 


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Just now, CountryGirl said:

What did not make me LOL is thinking back again to Sheila being able to waltz into the Forrester mansion...lock your door, you idiots!

Ha! Stephanie used to roll up into houses like the Kool Aid man all the time.  Lock? What lock? Knocking? Why would I do that since you left the door unlocked?

Quinn would let herself into Liam's house all the time. 'Bout time she got a taste of her own medicine.

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5 hours ago, ByTor said:

I assume scalp lacerations from the broken glass.


Actually, those blood streaks on the Forrester living room floor have been there for a couple of years now (I know because they have been bugging me for some time). I guess someone in set design thought it was supposed to look like "marble"...

It doesn't. It's looks like Hannibal Lecter and Count Dracula had a house party.

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I really can't believe (well, I can ... ) that the writers dusted off this same old story. Remember when Sheila was pregnant with James' baby and she lived with James and his wife Maggie until the baby was born. Same old thing ... they wanted to make sure that Sheila took care of herself and didn't do anything crazy to insure a safe healthy delivery. The plan was for Sheila to hand the newborn over to James and Maggie but we all know how that finally worked out.

I really don't want to watch cartoon character interactions between Sheila and Quinn complete with squints, snarls, claws and hurled threats. I fully expect that Eric will insist that Quinn be the one to look after Sheila. He'll stupidly think it will give the "girls" an opportunity to "bond." We saw how that turned out for Quinn and Ridge.  If I were Quinn, I'd be reeling. Not only did Eric not seem to care the slightest about Quinn's condition but he completely dismissed and disrespected her wishes to not have Sheila stay there. Enter Ridge. I can picture him innocently wandering into the house one day to visit Quinn only to find out about Sheila being there. Quinn will need a sympathetic ear ...

The only way to make this even remotely interesting and entertaining is if somehow this reignites Quidge. Not saying that I want Sheila and Eric back together but something needs to come out of all of this insanity. (Not only the characters but the WRITERS.)

I think the guy who plays CJ actually has gotten much better looking as he's gotten older. He was fine as he was when he was younger ... but just sayin'!

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2 hours ago, grisgris said:

Remember when Sheila was pregnant with James' baby and she lived with James and his wife Maggie until the baby was born. Same old thing ... they wanted to make sure that Sheila took care of herself and didn't do anything crazy to insure a safe healthy delivery. The plan was for Sheila to hand the newborn over to James and Maggie but we all know how that finally worked out.

What I really hated about that was that Maggie and James from jump knew that Sheila was going to try to manipulate them, work on James' sympathies, and try to break them up. Maggie endured Sheila doing her best to make cracks in her new marriage and stuck with the plan that she and James would have a beautiful daughter to raise- and then not only did James fall exactly for Sheila's crap, Maggie was made to be the delusional bad guy with Sheila as the 'reformed' mother. I was so pissed on Maggie's behalf. I remember a scene as the story came to a close with the actress where she's was desperately and manically trying to convince herself and James that they could still make it work and James admitted he still had feelings for Sheila and effectively dumped Maggie and she played the 'WTF just happened?!'  devastation of realizing that everything she feared happening, that she saw happening, and still hadn't been able to stop had come to fruition. She had lost *everything*. The baby she had warmed up to raising and her husband- her entire new family.

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Is CJ so dumb that he doesn't realize that he holds all the cards? Bill wants that property so bad he has a hard on just thinking about it. Don't take that sleaze bag's offer. Make him pony up much more if you really want to sell. Look for other buyers. Let them have a bidding war... ::sigh:: That's what I would love to see. 

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Why do I let Show fool me over and over again?  I actually believed that Liam would finally see Fauxdiloks for the soul-sucking hagfish she really is, wrap himself in the last tattered shreds of masculinity he's managed to keep out of her talons and send that bitch on her way.  But how can I blame Show when I've allowed it to fool me over and over again FOR YEARS!!!!

In times like these, we need soapy goodness to distract us.  We need romantic romances, villainous villains and heroes/heroines we can believe in.  Instead we get this bullshit.

I hate cat-fights, always have.  Today's version was especially bad.  The idea of watching Sheila Carter starring in some low-rent version of 'The Man Who Came to Dinner' fills me with despair.  It's going to be weeks of dueling deviousness from Sheila and Quinn while Eric stumbles around being too fucking stupid to live.  I really don't think I'm up for it.

It made me sick to see $Bill kissing on Brooke.  How could the show destroy one of the best couples on the show so quickly?  A lot of people were really rooting for Brooke and Bill.  Brooke had finally grown up and given up on her 'destiny'.  She decided to get off the decades long dysfunctional merry-go-round she's been on with Ridge.  She THINKS that she's finally found true happiness.  I hate that she's going to find out that the man she loves isn't worth the dirt off her shoe.  AGAIN.

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12 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Why do I let Show fool me over and over again?  I actually believed that Liam would finally see Fauxdiloks for the soul-sucking hagfish she really is, wrap himself in the last tattered shreds of masculinity he's managed to keep out of her talons and send that bitch on her way.  But how can I blame Show when I've allowed it to fool me over and over again FOR YEARS!!!!

I've been on that ride far too many times when it was called Brooke and Ridge Eating Up the Show. I remember after RJ was born and proven to be Ridge's son and they got married as Stephanie acted as though it were a wake--Me being a naive teenager, I thought those crazy kids would finally be given a reprieve and allowed to be happy. Instead, Bell decided to kick up that old Bridget/Ridge hornet's nest because he didn't realize there was no honey in there the first time, and no sooner did that resolve itself does Taylor return from the dead and Stephanie tosses Brooke (and the self serving support she gave Brooke for not divorcing Ridge after Ridget 2: Incestual Boogaloo) out like trash.

Liam, like Eric with Sheila, has had it shown time and time again what kind of worthless hag Stephanie Forrester II is. A bitter little harpy who hadn't  enough self-respect to reject the engagement ring meant for her own sister, or to end the first marriage when Liam was begging for an annulment to marry said sister. And like her sainted mother before her, Steffy had muscle in the form of Bill Spencer clearing her path and fighting her battles. Except with Ivy, who she manage to steamroll entirely on her own and Ivy had enough self esteem not to waste the best years of her life in constant battle....eventually.

Not that Liam and Hope weren't self-destructive in their own way, but mostly their problem was that they didn't communicate with one another. The whole Aspen mess started because Hope made her virginity a selling point for her line in a press conference without discussing it with him. Then, there was the one wedding when JMW was off contract where she saw Steffy kissing Waffles and she bailed. And then the Paris wedding where Liam was five minutes late so she married Wyatt because he existed. She had every reason not to trust him by then, but in hindsight that is a far easier obstacle to overcome than Steffy's sociopathic nature.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Sometimes I don't know which is worse these days:  real life or reel life.

So, let me get this straight.  Despite Quinn's pleas, Eric insists that they are going to play nursemaid to a goldbricking psycho wench, who can't even hide her evil smirks or intentions.  I guess this is how Quidge will end up becoming a thing again and much more palatable to the audience somewhere down the line.  Eric, of all people, should know by now that any fears or concerns about Sheila being dead are all for naught.  Just ask the good folks in Genoa City, Wisconsin about how the reports of her death are always greatly exaggerated.  Since we just saw a recent rip-off of the Michael/Fredo Corleone kiss of death, these hack writers might as well just rip off What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?   What could be more gratifying than seeing one of the servants (does Eric have servants anymore?) serve up a nice juicy deep-fried rat on a covered silver tray to Sheila while Quinn laughs her ass off. 

Maybe Eric should send Quinn a Valentine's Day card next year that says the following:  "Nothing says caring like having your wife holding her throat and having bruises on her face and not taking 2 seconds to ask how she is doing.  All my love--Eric!"

Leave it to Bradley to allow Brooke and Bill to complete a long journey of several years punctuated by false starts, misunderstandings, LIES, a world of butt hurt, and culminating in the marriage they said they wanted--only to have it all trashed to hell.  Brooke Logan has competed against other women.  She has competed against a demented mother-in-law from hell, who wanted to have a semi-incestuous relationship with own son.  Now, she has to share top billing with a building?  What-what?!  It's alarming how that inanimate object becomes more real to Bill to the point it's called a "she" that possesses human emotions.

Did I misunderstand Bill when he spoke about CJ's mother in the present tense as if she still "has" a dream to resurrect Spectra Fashions?  It's acknowledged that several members of the old guard have gone home to glory--or eternal damnation--and yet, the writers are operating as if Sally is still alive.  Why doesn't it occur to CJ to play hardball with Bill?  Does he not notice that Bill is actually the one in the weakened position since he (CJ) has something that Bill desperately wants?  Why not insist on a few sweeteners to the deal, take the extra money and set up Spectra Fashions elsewhere?  It's a win-win for everyone.  Bill's glorified Lego set is actually constructed (over several years); CJ will never have to work again; and the Spectra gang will get new digs that won't be subject to someone else's whims.

And, why doesn't it occur to Sally 2.0 that she might--just might--be able to make a go of it without Thomas?  I didn't pay a lot of attention to the revamped Spectra gang when they first came on board, but did Sally 2.0 just curl up into a ball and try to die before the Forrester designs were ripped off?  I get that she is insecure and that Thomas is supposed to be her man, but I have to agree with young Saul.  The continued lionization of Thomas as if he could part the seas and make mountains crumble is getting exhausting.

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This show is so bad now. That bandage on Sheila's head was the most ridiculous sight ever. What kind of a wound was that going to help, frizzy hair? Like a poster above said, I am also so not interested in cat fights between Sheila and Quinn. Eric is as dense as fuck when it comes to women so right about now I'm not hating how the family tried to intervene when he first got involved with Quinn.

I hope we don't have to wait till September sweeps (is there such a thing?) for Thomas to learn the truth. Didn't Bill try this pretend you're dying bullshit with Steffy to entrap Liam years ago? These writers have no fucking imagination whatsoever.

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1 hour ago, politichick said:

September sweeps (is there such a thing?)

There used to be...sorta. I remember all the teen stories would start wrapping up around the end of August as the kiddos would go back to school (the one I remember most vividly was when Becky discovered Eric III was the son she'd given up for adoption, the cliffhanger for which aired the Friday before school started in my district--the first year my school district started class the week before Labor Day, in fact ???).

But then, most people under forty gave up on this genre a long time ago. In my case, getting stationed overseas helped curb my addiction to this show. But that was also when the built of the ToD took place, so I didn't miss anything. Even if I hadn't joined the Navy, I doubt I'd have had much patience with that crap.

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With Sheila moving on up to the deeeeeluxe mansion in the skyyyyy, $ Bill's obsession with Sally's digs, and Soggy Waffles going along with the Big Lie, it's official...TPTB are pointing and laughing at us!

They can eat a bag of dicks.

I am basically hate-watching now and will be more stingy with my recaps because lately, it's all I can do not to FF through every.single.scene.

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More ??. Why didn't Quinn tell Eric that Shelia attack her?  The Shelia problem could easily be solved if Quinn just recorded her rants or if Charlie grew some balls.  Eric, "I can handle Shelia". Famous last words.  Quinn will handle this much better. Don't let a man do a job that women can handle much better. 

Watching Brooke get all bubbly over Bill's building is a little schoolgirlish.  I would get a kick out of seeing Bill and Brooke making love and Bill calls out Sky as he climaxes.  

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Why didn't Quinn tell Eric that Shelia attack her?  The Shelia problem could easily be solved if Quinn just recorded her rants or if Charlie grew some balls.  Eric, "I can handle Shelia". Famous last words.  Quinn will handle this much better. Don't let a man do a job that women can handle much better. 

Bad writing that's why!!!!!  It would be a great story if Eric had a brain and joined with Quinn to bring Sheila down once and for all.  Eric knows what Sheila is capable of, why would he fall for her game?  It does not make sense.  Stupid. Lazy. Inept. writing.

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I can only hope that Eric isn't as senile as he's acting now. I hope he's drawing Sheila into his trap to finish her off once and for all. If Quinn has to save him or gets charged with a crime re Sheila, that's the end of this show.

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Just now, Gam2 said:

I can only hope that Eric isn't as senile as he's acting now. I hope he's drawing Sheila into his trap to finish her off once and for all. If Quinn has to save him or gets charged with a crime re Sheila, that's the end of this show.

LOL!  Gam2, I can't believe you used "Sheila" and "once and for all" in the same sentence.  That bitch has more than 9 lives and simply doesn't die.  Based on her last reign of terror in Genoa City, she also multiplies.  

Speaking of which, I vaguely recall she somehow laid up with bad guy, Tom Fisher, and had his murderous fraternal twins.  Daisy died, but Sheila's son, Ryder, is out there somewhere unless all of that  history was erased when Sheila returned to L.A.  Also, where is Mary (another child she didn't raise)?  Whatever happened to her daughter, Diana (allegedly Massimo's)?

Evidently, in between committing her crimes, she's been quite fecund.  

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Sheila did raise Mary (in fact, I could've sworn she mentioned "Erica" fairly recently). She actually kidnapped her, changed her name to Erica then four years later in real time, brought Erica back to go after Rick. Luckily, Erica saw her mother for the sociopath she is and disconnected from her.

I'd have been more than glad to erase the Fisher twins from memory, except one of them got pregnant and spawned and we got a whole custody case of Phyllis wanting her granddotter, the wishes and happiness of her son be damned.

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

I can only hope that Eric isn't as senile as he's acting now. I hope he's drawing Sheila into his trap to finish her off once and for all. If Quinn has to save him or gets charged with a crime re Sheila, that's the end of this show.

Eric is every bit as senile as he's acting. He always pulls this crap whenever one of his wives disappoints him.

That being said, maybe Ridge had the right idea eight months ago to keep power away from him, because cheating wife or not--even one who cheated with his son--bringing Sheila motherfucking Carter around his family is the very mark of insanity. If he won't call the cops on her for violating the restraining order, someone else should.

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5 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Watching Brooke get all bubbly over Bill's building is a little schoolgirlish.  I would get a kick out of seeing Bill and Brooke making love and Bill calls out Sky as he climaxes.  

I want them to go one better. One night after some extremely heavy petting of Sky, Bill with the purest of love and longing in his heart kisses the building and says before passing out from the afterglow  'One day you'll be real.'

The next morning he wakes up to Brooke yelling at him and Sky the building is gone and a woman is cuddled up against him making moon eyes at him. Initially Bill is confused until she reveals that his true love turned her into a real woman for him to truly love. Think Manniquin meets Big. Ha!

Alright, I'll show myself out.

But seriously, I'd love Wyatt forever if he played that joke on Bill and hired a woman to be human Sky. She'd follow Bill around and talk about all the times he fondled her and all the secrets he'd whisper when they were alone. It'd freak him out and serve him right.

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This fucking show is like a roller-coaster:  one minute it's up and next minute it's waaaaaaaaaaaay down!  Remember when we were all talking about how good the show was?  It wasn't that long ago.  I couldn't believe what a waste of time today's episode was.

A HUGE part of the problem is Sheila.  She is a huge millstone around the neck of the show and she's dragging it down fast.  I'm sick of KB giving her trademarked 'Sheila looks' that we've seen for literally decades.  Why bring her back if she has nothing new to add?  Take the money they spent on KB and spend it on real actors, or even better, REAL WRITERS. 

The only good thing about this God-awful 'Caroline is dying (we wish)' story line is the re-appearance of Justin.  The actor who plays Justin is good, and a fine looking man I might add.  Why don't we get more Justin on this show?  They need more un-related young men; he would be perfect.  Or does Bell Jr. have a quota on how many Black characters can appear per month?

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30 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

I think Sally Spectra I is still alive.  That's why they're referring to her in the present tense.  The actress is dead but the character is still alive.

Indeed, she's been "retired" and attended to by cabana boys for the last decade since Conley's death.

I always thought, prior to the introduction of Spectra 2.0, that a good way to address this would have been to write her passing on and leaving her fortune split between CJ and Aly, who just so happened to find herself at odds with FC (and Maya in particular). I will never understand why they when full batshit with her and especially not why she was killed off, only to revive Spectra the following year.

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3 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

I want them to go one better. One night after some extremely heavy petting of Sky, Bill with the purest of love and longing in his heart kisses the building and says before passing out from the afterglow  'One day you'll be real.'

The next morning he wakes up to Brooke yelling at him and Sky the building is gone and a woman is cuddled up against him making moon eyes at him. Initially Bill is confused until she reveals that his true love turned her into a real woman for him to truly love. Think Manniquin meets Big. Ha!

Alright, I'll show myself out.


"Weird Science" Sky becomes Lisa. 

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4 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

The actor who plays Justin is good, and a fine looking man I might add.  Why don't we get more Justin on this show?  They need more un-related young men; he would be perfect.  Or does Bell Jr. have a quota on how many Black characters can appear per month?

Do you watch Days of our Lives?  I don't know the name of the guy who plays Justin, but there's a character on Days called "Raines" who IMO is just as good looking...and for all I know, it could be the same guy!

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7 hours ago, MsTree said:

Do you watch Days of our Lives?  I don't know the name of the guy who plays Justin, but there's a character on Days called "Raines" who IMO is just as good looking...and for all I know, it could be the same guy!

Aaron D. Spears does indeed play both characters.

As for the show, it has truly gone to the dogs...

Exhibit A:


I've seen gradeschool plays with more realistic bandages than this. 

Someone needs to wake me up when this idiotic version of Three's Company comes to an end.

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13 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

This fucking show is like a roller-coaster:  one minute it's up and next minute it's waaaaaaaaaaaay down!  Remember when we were all talking about how good the show was?  It wasn't that long ago.  I couldn't believe what a waste of time today's episode was.

A HUGE part of the problem is Sheila.  She is a huge millstone around the neck of the show and she's dragging it down fast.  I'm sick of KB giving her trademarked 'Sheila looks' that we've seen for literally decades.  Why bring her back if she has nothing new to add?  Take the money they spent on KB and spend it on real actors, or even better, REAL WRITERS. 


WORD to all of this.  This show was so great a few weeks ago because of the guilty (yet trifling) pleasure that was Quidge.  I don't know about anyone else, but I was kept on the edge of my seat wondering if (a) they would finally get between the sheets and (b) if they would finally get caught.  I also wondered if Katie and/or Brooke would eventually tell Eric themselves if Quidge broke their promise not to betray Eric again.  Even though Sludge got this party started (in collusion with choirboy Lame) by targeting Quinn, there was clearly an emotional connection there.  Not to mention the hot potato that was Katie and her increasingly unstable behavior and attempts at game playing and blackmail.  Even with the tedious discussions of "TSUKED," it was a storyline that had so many layers.  Imagine my shock when I learned that Sheila's current living quarters had an intercom.  That intercom could have been put to better use by inadvertently either catching Quidge in the act or having one of their discussions.

Bradley and his team of hacks just had to go and fuck it all up with their stunt casting.  First, with Deacon and then Sheila.  It became clear to me that the goal was to rehabilitate Quinn by bringing back two of the worst super villains from the Legion of Doom that TIIC could find.  I get that Deacon is an intense character and that Bradley feels he should be utilized in small doses, but how in the world did they pass up the opportunity to allow Katie to take a ride on the wild side?  Deacon is always looking for his next mark, and Katie was lonely and had money to burn.  Instead, it was like blinking twice and Deacon was gone.  The last I heard, he was still looking for somebody to bail him out of jail.  Except now we're stuck with Sheila.  Please, just gouge my eyes out now!

I agree that she is an albatross and has literally dragged things down fast, as everyone has to react around her machinations.  Eric disowns the son he raised and loved from birth and then--POOF!  Nothing.  Sludge appears at work one day as if nothing happened and acting as if it's not awkward for him to be there.  Eric and Quinn can't even bask in their reunion, which came way too quickly, before Sheila interjects her unwelcome presence yet again.  The arguments between Quinn and Sheila are circular and redundant, i.e. who is crazier and who would be the better wife for Eric.  Most of the time I'm screaming, "Oh, who the fuck cares?!  Both of you bitches are a french fry short of a Happy Meal!"  I was totally taken out of the scene yesterday when Quinn asked Eric how could he forget everything Sheila did to his family.  We've all been asking that, but by the same token, that same question could be turned back around on Quinn herself.  When Quinn asked that question, there should have been a resounding course of "bitch, please," and "girl, don't even try it!"   I'm also sick of the interchangeable portraits of the lady of the manor.  How about just having a family portrait there of several generations of Forresters and being done with it?  

KB simply was not needed to make this storyline work.  It's as if the writers tossed months of planned storylines out the window to cater to this one-trick pony.  Every time you think her storyline has run its course, they find a way to drag her back.

Edited by MulletorHater
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1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

The arguments between Quinn and Sheila are circular and redundant, i.e. who is crazier and who would be the better wife for Eric.  

Yes, this! It's like it's 2007 all over again and I'm watching Carly Tenney versus Katie Peretti on ATWT; two women who have both done devious shit in the not so distant past, including  Katie breaking up the marriage of one husband, just to cheat on him several MONTHS later with the Ex That Got Away. But somehow Jack held Katie up as a model of purity and virtue. Um...okay :/?

But infidelity is worlds apart from the shit Sheila has pulled and will inevitably do again. Steffy and Thomas ought to disown Eric for taking up with her. Entitlement brats or not, Taylor was their mother and they lost years with her. 

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ATWT was really good when it tried, I feel like the 1-2 years before the end they got a memo or something saying the show was fucked, so the writers and actors just outright did their worst. It was strange. I also really took for granted how awesome it was to have my choice of soaps and so many cool stories going on simultaneously. 

I really like Tally, buuut Liam does have chemistry with Sally.

$Bill would really choose "Sky", an inanimate structure that does not yet exist, over Liam, his living human son, if it came to it? 


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Bill chooses Bill over everyone, every time. For all his declarations about children being important and family being number one, he sure has no problem siding with Liam over Wyatt 9 times out of 10, meddling in Liam's affairs because Daddy Dearest knows best (while chiding Quinn for the same thing!) and leaving Will's mother for his aunt, to say nothing of his years long emotional affair with Steffy well before Brooke was even an issue.

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Who is James?  I'm always happy to see Ian Buchanan back on my screen - have liked him since the Duke Lavery days on  GH.  But I've only watched B&B for a few years and am puzzled by his apearance.

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8 minutes ago, maisie said:

Who is James?  I'm always happy to see Ian Buchanan back on my screen - have liked him since the Duke Lavery days on  GH.  But I've only watched B&B for a few years and am puzzled by his apearance.

James was Sheila's therapist and Taylor's colleague/friend. He's the father of her first child Mary (renamed Erica after she kidnapped her at a toddler).

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James is Dr. James Warwick who first came to the show as one of Taylor's former professors.

Taylor helped him cope with his then lover dying as well as the death of his father (who was played by James Doohan - beam me up, Scotty,  indeed!).

Except James' father was alive and well and living in Scotland.

James fell for Taylor, of course, but even though she had feelings for him, she rebuffed him as she was married to Ridge at the time. 

James dated Brooke and I believe they were even engaged.

While Ridge and Brooke were away on business in Paris, Taylor and James ended up at the Forrester cabin at Big Bear and there was an earthquake AND a blizzard. James revealed that he was still a virgin and being the wonderful, giving person she is, Taylor de-virginized him (an event I and others have referred to as the Big Bear Boink) and they kept BBB a secret for years. I already didn't care for Taylor, Caroline I's oncologist, pouncing on Ridge before the body was even cold and when she knew Caroline's dying wish was for Brooke and Ridge to reunite and my hatred for her was solidified after BBB.

IIRC James was the first one to realize Layla was a presumed-dead Taylor. 

Later, he got tangled up with Sheila when Eric, married to Sheila at the time, asked James to help an increasingly unstable Sheila. James soon learned of Sheila's past, much of it from Lauren. Before James could reveal Sheila's past to Eric, Sheila and her lackey Mike kidnapped James and held him prisoner in Sheila's house.

James turned the tables on Sheila, feigning feelings for her and even slept with her to get her to trust him. I think it was Stephanie who helped him escape. Later, Sheila had a party to say goodbye and attempt suicide via poison.

Of course, she survived like the cockroach she is and after a short stint in a prison mental hospital, she was released and moved on to trying to poison Stephanie and revealed she had been physically abused by her father as a child and her mother did nothing to stop it.

James dated Maggie (who was once married to Eric's brother John). Maggie hated Sheila - I think she tried to frame Maggie for Stephanie's poisoning. Later, before he married Maggie, he got drunk and slept with Sheila who showed up at their wedding, announcing she was pregnant. 

They married anyway with plans to adopt Sheila's baby, whom she named Mary but Sheila changed her mind and took Mary back. 

Later, James fell for Sheila for real and it was Maggie's turn to go crazy and they were married, but of course, with Sheila, the good times could never last and she went after Stephanie again. Sheila disappeared again, resurfacing with SORAS-ed daughter Mary, now named Erica, and Erica went after Rick, who was then married to Sheila. 

James made a few more appearances over the years to give counsel to various cast members. 

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Wow - thanks for the information!  So James is a blast from Sheila's past - she certainly looked none too pleased to see him.

I forgot that Ian Buchanan also played Dr. Greg Madden on All My Children.

The actor has been around the block a few times.  Looking forward to some good scenes from him.

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

Bill chooses Bill over everyone, every time. For all his declarations about children being important and family being number one, he sure has no problem siding with Liam over Wyatt 9 times out of 10, meddling in Liam's affairs because Daddy Dearest knows best (while chiding Quinn for the same thing!) and leaving Will's mother for his aunt, to say nothing of his years long emotional affair with Steffy well before Brooke was even an issue.

I'm wondering if three- time Daytime Emmy Award winner and currently reigning Best Actor Scott Clifton finally nudging TPTB to please give Liam something outside of the Wyatt rivalry and Steffy lapdog.  With Liam up against Bill and Bill going from 0 to 100 regarding questioning Liam's worthiness as a Spencer over a building, we get Liam in an arena that everyone has investment in - his relationship with Bill. We might be getting Liam examining himself as a Spencer vs a Cooper finally especially now that Bill has a spare son in Wyatt who is more like him. It'll put him at odds with Steffy who aligns more with Bill while it'll move him closer into the Spectra sphere as he 'rebels' setting him closer to Sally.

It's funny, over on Y&R Victor is trying to bring his mooch son Nick to heel as well. Never realized it but there are strong parallels between Victor/Nick/Adam and Bill/Liam/Wyatt. I'm sad that this makes Liam the Nick of this group.

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