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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Just now, TobinAlbers said:

Eric taking Quinn back smells of a set-up. I wonder if he'd be so crass as to test her? I hope not as Eric doesn't need to go the way of crazy obsessed old man over Quinn.

And see, I was getting all happy for a moment, reading that Eric ripped up the papers and had an apparent change of heart...but now, I'm worried that he is testing to see if she'll go running straight for Ridge. While that would make me puke, I'll be damned if, at this point, Eric claims the moral high ground.

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Was Eric really going to trade a Corvette Z06 for a Checker Cab who's missing a few lug nuts?  This Shelia shit is getting old very quickly.  Is Shelia's vision board like Aly's. Are we going to now have Shelia talking to her sketch instead of a floating head?  

What's wrong with Wyatt?  Does he have mommy fantasies?  Charlotte is a much better match for him than Katie. 

Quinn and Eric!  FTW!!  True acting talent!  

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I thought Eric's total, abject devotion test was a dick move. Quinn had every right to take that agreement and have it reviewed by a lawyer (a matrimonial law attorney, not a jack of all trades lawyer like Carter). So, if she didn't crumble and accept his humiliating demands, Eric would be perfectly okay with ditching her? What BS. Quinn transgressed (and stopped before it went to far) and was contrite about it. She didn't deserve that stunt. I'm glad Eric quit acting like a big baby and decided to reconcile but that was too much.

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Yeah, the more I think about Eric making Quinn sign the divorce agreement as a "test" of her devotion, the more I think he was being an ass. What the hell was he doing messing around with his insane ex-wife and believing her over Quinn? Now I'm getting mad over this-ha. This will be interesting to watch but we leave for vacation in Europe on the 19th so I hope I don't miss the only thing worth watching in the past two years!

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3 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

That was Justin, Bill's lawyer. Who instead of admitting he was out of his depth, knuckled under Quinn's deplorable attorney instead of calling in an old law school chum who deals with sex crimes and kidnapping and who had balls and know how to make sure Quinnn was convicted and buried under the prison.

Eric taking Quinn back smells of a set-up. I wonder if he'd be so crass as to test her? I hope not as Eric doesn't need to go the way of crazy obsessed old man over Quinn.

Whoops, you're right. I got them mixed up, somehow. ?

The elaborate setup doesn't seem like Eric's style. Apart from the shit he pulled--at Stephanie's insistence--during his divorce from Brooke, he's usually just been the type to just cut bait and walk away. But any moral high ground he may have had in this situation is eroding faster than the value of a diesel Volkswagen.

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Eric Forrester is one sick motherfucker!  To do that to a woman you claim to love.!?!?  To stand by and listen to her beg and grovel.  And to drag an officer of the court, even a crap one, into his little 'test' is beyond disgusting.  If it wasn't for the fact that he would never be hired by any reputable company, Carter should resign IMMEDIATELY!!!Eric really IS Ridge Forrester's father.

Speaking of fucked up games, hello Katie!  Why drag that poor little girl into her never-ending psycho-drama?  Was it a test, to see if Wyatt was REALLY into her?  Is she going to throw a fuck his way as a door-prize?

What goes on in Bell Jr.'s head?

Now that Quinn has proven her love to Eric, she better put on her big girl panties.  And Charlie needs to make sure his will is up to date.  Because Sheila is on the rampage.  And she's got Ms. Cleo (tm @MulletorHater. I ALMOST DIED LAUGHING!!!) with her!

Edited by mightysparrow
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I swear that I didn't see this scene today. Either it's a bonus scene or I'm getting soft in the head.  Some decent attempts at continuity. Sorry if it's a repeat but hope you agree that it's nice to see a replay of Sludge eating a large helping of humble pie. (His sincerity will remain to be seen!)


I wasn't under the impression that Carter realized that Eric was going to tear up the signed divorce papers.  Actually, I was going to give him props (tiny ones and for once) for keeping his mouth shut when Sludge demanded to know what was in the envelope (as if it was a huge surprise ... /eyeroll ... )

Eric's fake demands of Quinn were pretty harsh and in this case, I don't think the punishment quite fit the crime but it ended up on an unexpected happy note. I think that Eric had wrapped up all of his pent-up anger and frustration from being screwed over by Brooke, Sheila and Stephanie (multiple times) and threw the knotted ball of yarn Quinn's way.  At the very least, Eric has always seemed to make sure his soon-to-be-ex-wives were taken care of financially.  It did kind of bother me, though, when Quinn asked (twice) "No money?" So much for marrying for "love."

Charlie needs to STFU. How many times did Sheila order him to leave the room? Pam had better start pictures putting caskets and black funeral attire on her Pinterest board. He's an idiot and Sheila is officially BSC again. That portrait sketch was terrible.

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After reading the past few postings, I agree that this show has gone off the rails. We can't even predict how our favorite, long term characters will react to any given situation because the writing is so bad, with no history of our favorite characters nor any ability to write for a soap. I don't know why I can't just quit this because it's so disappointing and insulting to our collective intelligence. 

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History has been inconsistent for the longest now, sadly. Apart from Pam's lemon bars, canon has been flipped-turned upside down. Right before Brooke and Ridge were about to get married, we had both Rick AND Steffy both being supportive of that union unironically with no mention of all the shitty things they've done, including Rick perusing a relationship with Steffy outta spite, to keep them apart in the past. That one I found far less believable than Eric's forgetfulness about Sheila honestly.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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21 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Why the Hell did this show kill off Storm?

I was a fan of Storm, I esp liked William deVry's version.  I don't regret his death only because it kicked off the heart transplant storyline I loved so much, it's my second favorite B&B storyline ever (right after the BeLieF storyline).

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19 hours ago, Gam2 said:

I agree that this show has gone off the rails.

It's way beyond that, it officially went off the rails when Brooke banged Oliver against a wall and thought it was Ridge.  After that Brooke's character was ruined, and any hope I had for the show was killed.  After that there were glimmers of hope (Ally, Quinn, Caroline 2, Sally 2) that quickly fizzled.  BBell doesn't seem to write long-term storylines anymore (remember how long Taylor was in Fakistan with Prince Omar), only stories that wrap up in 6 weeks.

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How many clichés can I come up with to describe Shelia's delusional rants. Her elevator doesn't reach the top, the lights are on but nobody's home, a donut short of a dozen, etc etc. 

You would think that security would be beefed up at the estate but that's not going to happen because that would curtail Shelia's SL. Security at FC is a none issue because Charlie is on the job.  So now we are to believe that Shelia can dredge something up on Quinn that would tear her away from Eric.  Once again I have to say that this whole Shelia SL is a real shit show. 

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Here's a terrifying thought posed by someone on another board:

"Okay, so if Katie and Wyatt get married, which they most likely will after an appropriate amount of time getting to know each other. I'm guessing two weeks. That means Bill will be Katie's ex-husband and father-in-law, Bill will be Will's father and step-grandfather, Brooke with be Katie's mother-in-law, sister, and Will's aunt and step-grandmother, as well as Wyatt's step-mother and sister-in-law, and Wyatt will be Will's brother and step-father. Did I leave anything out?"

These people are seriously disturbing.

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6 minutes ago, politichick said:

Here's a terrifying thought posed by someone on another board:

"Okay, so if Katie and Wyatt get married, which they most likely will after an appropriate amount of time getting to know each other. I'm guessing two weeks. That means Bill will be Katie's ex-husband and father-in-law, Bill will be Will's father and step-grandfather, Brooke with be Katie's mother-in-law, sister, and Will's aunt and step-grandmother, as well as Wyatt's step-mother and sister-in-law, and Wyatt will be Will's brother and step-father. Did I leave anything out?"

These people are seriously disturbing.

Quinn will be Katie's mother-in-law.  Brooke will be Katie's stepmother-in-law.

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1 hour ago, sugarbaker design said:

BBell doesn't seem to write long-term storylines anymore (remember how long Taylor was in Fakistan with Prince Omar), only stories that wrap up in 6 weeks.

Specifically, he has two ways of writing: the 6 week wrap up as mentioned above, or the 6 month marathon chock full of the same repeated phrase(s) by the same character(s) over and over ("we were robbed!" "It was just a few meaningless kisses!" "DESTINY!!!1!ONE" "Forrester Matriarch(tm)" etc.) but nothing resembling movement until it's finally shot between the eyes Old Yeller-style, long after anyone stopped giving a shit.

Of the two extremes, I think I much prefer the six week version because it fucking ENDS.

15 minutes ago, politichick said:

Here's a terrifying thought posed by someone on another board:

"Okay, so if Katie and Wyatt get married, which they most likely will after an appropriate amount of time getting to know each other. I'm guessing two weeks. That means Bill will be Katie's ex-husband and father-in-law, Bill will be Will's father and step-grandfather, Brooke with be Katie's mother-in-law, sister, and Will's aunt and step-grandmother, as well as Wyatt's step-mother and sister-in-law, and Wyatt will be Will's brother and step-father. Did I leave anything out?"

These people are seriously disturbing.

Damn. That's....

That's something ?

I'm still waiting for someone on this show to eventually become their own grandpa with all the curled branches in the Forrester-Marone-Logan-Spencer family tree. ?

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I must admit that I don't even hate Wyatt and Katie anymore.   They have some chemistry... more than most on the show.  However, if the sentences "She had sex with your dad" and "She gave birth to your brother" aren't enough to make an erection go away, I don't know what will.  (But in B&B World, those sentences are the basic historical structure of the damn show.)

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And that reaction is basically why that "But Brooke slept her way through the Forresters!" argument doesn't hold as much water anymore as a point against her. Apart from some of the men being legally married when she persues them, this is no different from Katie banging Nick or Taylor sleeping with Rick (which leads to Phoebe getting killed but no one dares brings that up to Saint Taylor!) or Caroline II not having one single love interest outside of the Forrester family.

ETA: although, it's Wyatt and Katie isn't obsessed with Liam, so that in itself is a major step forward. Or would be if she had the ability to not be obsessed with everyone else's lives. Lol.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I didn't think you'd ever catch me saying this, but Sheila can leave any time now. If the character is going to regress back to square one, then nobody needs her around. I believe Eric had made it very clear to her that the two of them have no future.  While I am no fan of Quinn any longer, seeing her play victim to whatever Sheila has in mind isn't going to be pleasant to watch.  I don't particularly enjoy seeing Quinn in a role reversal where she's the one who's in the position of weakness. She is no match for Sheila.

WTF doesn't Charlie get the hell out of Sheila's hotel room as fast as he can. Standing around and baiting her is like poking at a spitting cobra. I still can't figure out if she requested that the come over or if he just showed up. The fact that she kept insisting that he leave while she was sitting for the portrait sketch made me think he just dropped in.

I'd love to meet a guy like Wyatt if I was about 20 years younger. I think he's cute.  He's smart, funny, sensible and doesn't take himself (or life) too seriously. (Plus he's rich!) Lemonheads is going to suck the life out of him. It was so dreadfully boring to sit and listen to them hemming and hawing about having sex or whatever it is they're headed to. Once that emotional vampire sinks her teeth into him, he's done for it with her obsessions, insecurities and the list goes on. Then trying to delicately extricate himself from the relationship, FWB, etc., will be hell to pay. Run, Wyatt, run!!  What's wrong with Charlotte? She's pretty cute. Isn't the actress Suzanne Somer's granddaughter? I can see a bit of resemblance.  As long as Charlotte doesn't show up to work in double ponytails and heavy fringe, it's all good!

Edited by grisgris
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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:


And that reaction is basically why that "But Brooke slept her way through the Forresters!" argument doesn't hold as much water anymore as a point against her. Apart from some of the men being legally married when she persues them, this is no different from Katie banging Nick or Taylor sleeping with Rick (which leads to Phoebe getting killed but no one dares brings that up to Saint Taylor!) or Caroline II not having one single love interest outside of the Forrester family.

ETA: although, it's Wyatt and Katie isn't obsessed with Liam, so that in itself is a major step forward. Or would be if she had the ability to not be obsessed with everyone else's lives. Lol.

My Brooke disdain is much less than it was back in the day, but two 'wrongs' still don't make a right. Katie earns her side-eye for dating her former step-son as much as Brooke does for tapping all the Forrester men and Taylor trying to pull the same stunt.

Having said that, Watie go get your freak on! You're more entertaining than Roco, Zencole, and Quericeila for me!

I do wonder if Katie and Wyatt will get going hot and heavy and then Steam implodes with Steffy waffling on Liam and drawn back to Wyatt and Wyatt find himself drawn to her and he's the center of a triangle with Liam an interloper of Tally.

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2 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

I do wonder if Katie and Wyatt will get going hot and heavy and then Steam implodes with Steffy waffling on Liam and drawn back to Wyatt and Wyatt find himself drawn to her 

Oh God no! Katie is insufferable, but she isn't even close to being the complete sociopathic hurricane of destruction that Stephanie Forrester II is. Katie has bouts where she can turn off her insecurity; I've never seen Steffy turn off her bile, not even now when she has everything she's bitched about wanting since the day she got passed over by Katie for Hope for the Future--she has control of the company without a single Logan in sight, and Liam's undivided attention this week. But no, she has to crush Sally because she lost the one man she can't throw her cooch at. And for all her previous speeches about family, she doesn't give any more of a shit about Thomas than she does about Hope to pull this crap with Sally.

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As someone who was against Quinn in this mess, I have to say she won me over. Her telling Eric about his capacity for forgiveness really struck a chord. Eric is forgiving. He ultimately dropped the charges against Sally and saved her from going to jail (would that have happened without Thomas? Probably not, but still). I kept thinking "yeah, Quinn does deserve a second chance." The way Eric went about it was necessary, and even though I hate it when people run tests like that on others, I think I'll make an exception in this case. He had to know that Quinn loves him and not just the lifestyle. I'm pleased and satisfied with how they brought the two back together. Now my only concern is Sheila! I do enjoy her, but she's going to lose me as far as rooting for her now.

On Katie and Wyatt: I loved these two initially, they had chemistry, a sense of fun and lightheartedness, and then... *sound of record scratching.* Katie decides to brush him off or play hard to get. You gotta give Wyatt credit for being persistent, though. Dude has more patience than I would, although I don't have his looks and charm, either. But here's the thing: this "romance" will have Katie the entire time doubting if she should be involved with Wyatt. You'll think they'll be making progress and then Katie will take a step or two back. Or they'll consummate things and end up being a really cute couple.

As an aside, I really like the way Katie (Heather Tom) dances. We saw some of that during the scenes in Monaco. She has this shoulder groove thing that she does that I find entrancing.

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I've caught bits and pieces of the last few days but nothing worth recapping at the moment (sorry!)

Sheila has gone full-on cartoon (all that's missing is the mustache) and has long since worn out her welcome, which is a shame because normally I love KB. 

Eric all but insta-forgives Quinn but Ridge is still banished...perhaps the difference is Quinn has only fucked him over ONCE at this point vs countless times by Ridge???


That about sums up my feelings on this show right about now.

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On 8/7/2017 at 3:05 PM, Gam2 said:

So glad Eric wants to try again with Quinn! That was a surprise, for sure. But now, we have to worry about what crazy Sheila is going to do. At least, it should be interesting. I hope it comes to a showdown between Q & S and Q shoots her dead.

The fly in the ointment for me is (a) how quickly this was resolved; and (b) the sense that the writers want to manipulate the audience into rooting for Quinn by making her "more palatable" so that she and Sheila can ultimately have their showdown.  It still bugs me that Quinn hasn't paid one iota for the crimes she actually committed.  Her former husband, Deacon, blurted that she pushed him off of a cliff and left him to die.  The end result?  No one gave a rat's ass because, you know, it's Deacon.  Meanwhile, Quinn got to shriek that he is the insane one and was dangerous to boot while she got to cling to Sludge as her savior.

 All this plot-driven drivel just so that the writers can justify plopping Sheila into the middle of a storyline that has absolutely  nothing to do with her.  And, speaking of plot driven, on what planet are Sludge and Stuffy bemoaning the fact that Eric may divorce Quinn?  A few months ago, they didn't even want Quinn breathing the same air as Eric; now, they want him and Quinn to reconcile.

Oh, and we're also supposed to believe that Sludge--who should be about 60--suddenly decides that he needs to "grow up" because he just keeps "doing these things."  I would have a modicum of respect for him if he would just finally acknowledge that he will never change, own it and keep it moving.  Just spare us more redundant whining about all you lost, including Brooke.

I also got a shiver when he was talking about Stuffy's mom.  Writers--don't even think it.  Just fuck no.

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21 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

I was a fan of Storm, I esp liked William deVry's version.  I don't regret his death only because it kicked off the heart transplant storyline I loved so much, it's my second favorite B&B storyline ever (right after the BeLieF storyline).

I regret his death because of that very reason.  I've had my fill of the heart transplant storyline, and how it's been milked ad nauseam every time Katie doesn't get her way or wants to manipulate her family into doing her bidding or dancing attendance on her.  I was too through when girlfriend faked a cardiac episode to keep Sludge and Brooke from remarrying for the 666th time just so she could swoop in and have a revengemance with him.

At this point, I figure that if the writers can bring back Taylor repeatedly after we saw her in her coffin and were subjected to listening to her twins caterwaul a musical tribute to her, they can bring back Storm.  How to explain away Katie's heart transplant?  Easy.  She inadvertently received the heart of a jackass.

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17 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

The fly in the ointment for me is (a) how quickly this was resolved; and (b) the sense that the writers want to manipulate the audience into rooting for Quinn by making her "more palatable" so that she and Sheila can ultimately have their showdown.  It still bugs me that Quinn hasn't paid one iota for the crimes she actually committed.  Her former husband, Deacon, blurted that she pushed him off of a cliff and left him to die.  The end result?  No one gave a rat's ass because, you know, it's Deacon.  Meanwhile, Quinn got to shriek that he is the insane one and was dangerous to boot while she got to cling to Sludge as her savior.

This exactly. Having Quinn be without Eric's company and comfort for a few days nor the tearing up of the divorce papers stunt is hardly payback for her betrayal of him, let alone all of her other crimes/misdeeds. And so help me, if she's seen as even more of a victim than she was with the Deacon shooting....I am NOT here for that BS. I'd much rather see Quinn put her bitch boots back on and take down Sheila vs being some mewling, cowering little kitten because she's a LEOPARD dammit - so be one! Anything else is just insulting.

I was a fan of Queric and can be again but that's because of the star power of vets JMc and RS and I've always loved Eric, even when I wanted to kick his old fool ass sometimes. Quinn is just part and parcel of the Queric package.

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I want Quinn sharpen her claws, too.  Seeing Sheila go up against a strong adversary (e.g. Stephanie) will be so much more rewarding to watch than say, Sheila vs. Katie.

I am very curious as to how Sheila is going to worm her way back into Eric's life. Although he firmly told Sheila there is no "us" on the radar screen, he still sent mixed signals by allowing her to hang out in his hotel room, dote on him, hug and kiss him, etc.

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2 hours ago, grisgris said:

I want Quinn sharpen her claws, too.  Seeing Sheila go up against a strong adversary (e.g. Stephanie) will be so much more rewarding to watch than say, Sheila vs. Katie.

I am very curious as to how Sheila is going to worm her way back into Eric's life. Although he firmly told Sheila there is no "us" on the radar screen, he still sent mixed signals by allowing her to hang out in his hotel room, dote on him, hug and kiss him, etc.

Sheila is one of those people who, if you give them an inch, they take a mile.  Sheila needs to add some new tricks to her repertoire.  There was a time when yesterday's totally unhinged and demented rants and threats would have alarmed me.  But, I've seen and heard it all before.  She used to make the same speeches to her sidekick, Mike Guthrie.  The mystery for me is why anyone suffers Charlie to live.  I totally agree about Stephanie being a strong adversary.  I still remember the first time Sheila unleashed her claws and told Stephanie point blank that if she didn't stop interfering in her life she would regret it.  Even Stephanie was stunned by the level of venom, which told me that the old dragon had met her match.

The writers sure do know how to bring the camp.  However, if I wanted to see a demonic picture over a fireplace mantel with thunder rolling and lightning flashing, they could have simply left Stephanie's picture there.  It was as if I was watching a low-rent version of the Picture of Dorian Gray.  Hopefully, Sheila will end up dead in someone's attic as an old evil husk as her picture ages every time she does something evil--which is every waking minute.  Unfortunately, as I mentioned a while back, Sheila is the Jason Voorhies of daytime.  Bitch could be shot, stabbed, bludgeoned with a tire iron, run over with a car several times and have her head, several limbs and digits decapitated.  Yet, she will STILL survive all of that and live another day to terrorize a new set of horny teenage campers and their chaperones.

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I was convinced Eric was playing Quinn, but it appears that he is being genuine. However, I do not believe reconciling was his initial intent; his statement about returning to the house and seeing the bullet hole on the balcony, and the thought of really losing Quinn convincing him to forgive her, tells me he had an entirely different agenda at first. That divorce decree was harsh; when you consider what his mindset would have to have been to be so cold and dismissive, it paints an entirely different picture than what we saw. I agree with earlier comments that Eric poured thirty years of hurt and betrayal into that document. Quinn should not get off scott free, but she should not have to pay for all of Stephanie’s machinations either. They had to come up with something to make Eric forgiving her not look pathetic, and to show that he was still in possession of his balls. Quinn’s willingness to sign the divorce papers, accepting his pent up anger and disgust and hurt for everything his womenfolk have thrown at him, showed Eric that she was sincere. Kinda lame, but so much better than more fighting and yelling. And of course you have John McCook and Rena Sofer, who are pretty awesome individually, but who are phenomenal together. They just sold it. And I am so glad they are back together, my prior comments notwithstanding. I was angry and pissed off.

Wyatt should have taken that opening and ran. Katie fun? Katie funny? The poor guy has either lost his mind, or is toting around some major residual Fauxdilok’s wood. And you know, if someone pulled that shit on me? Well, I wouldn’t be able to say sayonara fast enough. How rude and inconsiderate, particularly for Charlotte. Charlotte would be a much better fit for Wyatt; she is young, and she is adorable, and she is funny, and she likes to have fun, and she is so obviously totally into him. But this is true to form for Wyatt; always taking the rough road and seeking out LemonHeads.

OH, and before I forget, Katie can just stuff it with all this talk about Bill being Wyatt’s dad, because Nick was Bridget’s husband…………

I shouldn’t be surprised at Steffy’s high handed callousness in regards to Sally’s pain, but one would think she could identify given her heartache when Waffle Boy was MIA with Quinn. Then again, that is a pretty ambitious thought considering Steffy only identifies with Steffy and what Steffy wants. I hope when Thomas learns the truth that he comes storming back to LA to lay Bill out, but discovers that his sweet little sis was playing toesies with Bill under the manipulation table, and unleashes on that useless cow too. I don’t even care is her involvement is overstated or not fully explained to Thomas; shit shouldn’t matter to him anyway. All he should care about is that his bitch of a sister was conspiring with the enemy to interfere in his life. I also hope he finds out that Faudi was the one who called Caroline and had her come back to mess with him and his happiness.

Rena Sofer is damn beautiful. I have known/seen very few women in my life who can wear anything, in any color, and rock it. Look at this week; a simple off the shoulder black sweater and some damn jeans and the woman looks like a million dollars. Even back in the beginning when they were putting her in those hideous snake skin outfits.

I think I really need to understand the whole purpose behind RuinnGate. Why did we watch them making out for months? Was it to break up Eric and Quinn only to make them stronger? Was it to take Eric to the breaking point with Ridge and have Eric evict him from his life? How can he evict Ridge and not Quinn? Was it to break up Bridge? Was it to turn Katie completely against Quinn? The whole fucking episode is just so bizarre because it went nowhere. And now it is even more wacktacular with them air dropping Sheila into the mix. Sheila is like that one potato you didn’t quite get cut up enough before it fell into the pot of boiling water. You are too lazy to retrieve it, and don’t want to burn your hand, so you just go with it hoping it will get done with the rest. But it doesn’t, it just lays there on the bottom of the pot, clumping around, creating potato havoc, and making lumpy mashed potatoes. And let us never forget what Ebenezer Scrooge said to Jacob Marley about him being a piece of underdone potato.

Charlie and Carter bring their own special brand of stupid:


Edited by RuntheTable
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18 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

Unfortunately, as I mentioned a while back, Sheila is the Jason Voorhies of daytime.  Bitch could be shot, stabbed, bludgeoned with a tire iron, run over with a car several times and have her head, several limbs and digits decapitated.  Yet, she will STILL survive all of that and live another day to terrorize a new set of horny teenage campers and their chaperones.


I hope that when she finally dies for good that someone empties out a whole magazine of bullets into her casket the way Barbara Ryan did to James Stenbeck on As the World Turns. 

17 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:


Ruinn....god, what an apt name for them.

But I agree with the rest. Shit was a mess even before Sheila descended into this storyline. What was anyone's motives in this?

3 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

I regret his death because of that very reason.  I've had my fill of the heart transplant storyline, and how it's been milked ad nauseam every time Katie doesn't get her way or wants to manipulate her family into doing her bidding or dancing attendance on her.

Same here. Katie lost her claim to being the "good" Logan ages ago. Brooke and Donna use their sexual prowless; Katie uses guilt. I actually gave her a pass on the Nick thing cuz she was dying and Nick was actively encouraging Bridget to let her die in peace. Dick move that it was, I think he was onto sonething :/

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So, by November (just in time for sweeps!), Sheila will go full-bore lunatic and Ridge will, literally, take a bullet for his father, and be welcomed back into the fold?

Edited by Cool Breeze
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This Thomas and Caroline story is beyond stupid. Where the hell is she anyway?  Can't she see that he is there only out of responsibility to his son? She'd better hope he doesn't just pack up the boy and hit the road when he learns the truth. I hate this so much. It's also going to cause a rift between Steffy and Liam. And why the hell is Carter telling all of Eric and Quinn's business to everyone at the office and why the fucking fuck is Charlie allowed to attend these meetings. The idiots in charge need to can his ass and use the money to get a man for Katie not named Spencer or Forrester.

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23 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Quinn will be Katie's mother-in-law.  Brooke will be Katie's stepmother-in-law.

Sorry if someone else said this and I missed it, but Quinn will also be Will's step-grandmother.

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23 minutes ago, ByTor said:

but Quinn will also be Will's step-grandmother.

Forgive me for being dense ByTor, but how does that exactly work out?  Will's grandparents are Stephen and Liz Logan on Katie's side and on his daddy's side are Bill Spencer and ?.  As far as I know Katie nor $Bill has step-parents.

Nevermind!  Just figured it out.  Wyatt would be Will's step-father, making Quinn step-grandmother!  Whew!

Edited by sugarbaker design
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So is Cap'n Save-a-Ho going to Save-a-Tally once he finds out what $Bill did?  My money bet says yes.  This is how I hope it goes down.:

Waffles tells Fauxdi what Bill did and she blows it off as end justifies the means.  Waffles doesn't like that, thinks about it for a few days, spills all to Sally, fires up the Spencer jet and the 2 of them fly to NY.

Waffles and Sally (Waffally?) show up at Carowhine's with Waffles telling Sharpie he wanted to spend some time with her "While he still could".  He brought Sally with him to see Thomas. Sharpie is all weird and nervous and Waffles assures her that Sally "knows everything" so it's all "ok".  Waffles then tells Sharpie she has to tell Thomas everything,  Sharpie screeches and protests, and Thomas says he already knows all there is to know. He's even talked to Sharpie's specialist.

Waffles say no you don't know everything and forces Sharpie to tell Thomas about $Bill's plan.  In true whiney Carowhine fashion, she tells Thomas it's all been a lie and a plot to get him back.

Thomas is stunned, and then says "But the specialist....?"  Waffles says "Bribed by my dad." Thomas stands silently, the emotions of pain, disgust, anger, and relief wash across his face.  He says to Waffles "Thanks for telling me the truth. I know this is going to cost you with Bill".  Thomas turns to Sharpie and says "I can't believe you'd do this. I can't believe you'd use our son ... MY son ...... like this. "

Sharpie is crying and screeching it was all because she loves him and wants them to be a family.  Thomas says "You don't love me,  You don't love anyone. You don't know how. You only love yourself. You're like your uncle. You'll do anything to get what you want. No matter who gets hurt   I'm going back to LA with Waffally.  My lawyer will be in touch regarding shared custody arrangements"  Sharpie starts to speak.  But Thomas interrupts her "Don't fight me on this Caroline. You don't want me to use this to go for full custody"  Thomas turns to Sally "Thanks you, Thank you for loving me enough to let me go, even though it was for a lie.  I love you"  Thomas picks up Douglas, kisses and hugs him, tells him he loves him, that he'll always love him and that Daddy will see him soon.  Sally says "Let's go home bucko"  They walk out arms around other. Waffles gives Sharpie a look and leaves as Sharpie begins to ugly cry.

Next scene, Waffles and Tally walk into Bill's office unannounced [bonus points if Brooke, and Wyatt and maybe Justin are also there].  Bill says "Thomas what are you doing here, you're supposed to be in NY"  Thomas says "Bill ....... I wanted you to hear it first from me -- Caroline has been cured [big pause]  .... just like you planned -- POW right hook to Bill's jaw  He falls knocking over the model of his building

Bill recovers, angry.  "I don't know what Liam told you, but he's wrong.  Caroline is dying, Ask her doctor"  Thomas says "Oh Liam didn't tell me anything.... Caroline did" Bill says "Caroline is trying to spare you, you can't listen to her. She's upset..  You need to get back on that plane to NY and be a man for your family.  Talk to her doctor"  Liam says "I already have Dad ... It's amazing how truthful people can be when you throw around words like malpractice suit".

Thomas tells Bill that if he dares to come after him, Sally or Spectra again it will be all out war.   The  3 of them leave.  Bill is left with his broken model

This scenario gets this stupid Carowhine dying SL off the screen and sets up tons of potential conflicts between Spectra and Spencer as well as Waffles and Fauxdi  as Fauxdi believes that getting Thomas away from Sally justified Bill's lie.  Waffles might even invest in/  go to work for Spectra.

Edited by La di Diva
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Will $Bill be dumb enough to tell Liam the truth ?

Will Liam even remember $Bill pulled this same "she's dying" routine on him.* 

Will Douglas be texting and driving by the end of the month ?




*Actually Thomas should remember this too. 

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Carter, what ever happened to attorney client privilege?  Why can't Thomas design in NY?  It's not like Douglas is up for 24 hrs.  While we are on asking questions, why did Ridge call a meeting when only 5 out of ten people knew their separation was serious enough for a divorce?  

Where is Caroline?  It looks like Thomas is entertaining Douglas by himself. 

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3 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

So, by November (just in time for sweeps!), Sheila will go full-bore lunatic and Ridge will, literally, take a bullet for his father, and be welcomed back into the fold?

My guess is Sheila will try to kill Quinn &/Eric. Ivy or Caroline will die instead, an injured Ridge will have to get an organ or donate one to Eric, and Steffi will save the day since she's a badass legend by "killing" Sheila. giphy.gif

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4 hours ago, RuntheTable said:


I think I really need to understand the whole purpose behind RuinnGate. Why did we watch them making out for months? Was it to break up Eric and Quinn only to make them stronger? Was it to take Eric to the breaking point with Ridge and have Eric evict him from his life? How can he evict Ridge and not Quinn? Was it to break up Bridge? Was it to turn Katie completely against Quinn? The whole fucking episode is just so bizarre because it went nowhere. And now it is even more wacktacular with them air dropping Sheila into the mix. Sheila is like that one potato you didn’t quite get cut up enough before it fell into the pot of boiling water. You are too lazy to retrieve it, and don’t want to burn your hand, so you just go with it hoping it will get done with the rest. But it doesn’t, it just lays there on the bottom of the pot, clumping around, creating potato havoc, and making lumpy mashed potatoes. And let us never forget what Ebenezer Scrooge said to Jacob Marley about him being a piece of underdone potato.

Excellent questions.  My guess is that B&B genuinely wanted to give Ridge and Quinn a try, which is why, although their story started off tawdry and (IMO) filled with so much ick, Ridge was drawn to her strength and grew to admire her, while Quinn appeared to fall in love with him.  They inserted all these elements you'd typically find in a soap romance, complete with man saving damsel in distress from lunatic ex-lover who tried to shoot her.  But I do think that ultimately, B&B realized that, despite chemistry between the actors (and I admit, they had good chemistry), this wasn't a winning combination, especially once they got Kimberlin Brown back.  Once that happened, I think they switched course and focused on how much Ridge wanted Queric together, and Quinn never wanted to lose Eric, and a bottle of tequila was given as a gift between friends.  I wouldn't put it past B&B to try Quidge again, one day, but for now, it looks like it's over.  I have no idea where that leaves Ridge.  I can't help but feel that TK connects more with JMcC than with any of his leading ladies on B&B, so ending Quidge and having Ridge take 100% of the blame for whatever they did makes sense to me.  Right now, it looks like his story is how he can prove himself to his father and salvage their relationship, and IMO, that's not a bad one if they pursue it.  Both TK and JMcC could continue to do justice by that story.  My only fear is that he'll try to seduce Sheila like he tried with Quinn, and that will take us right back to last year, with B&B dusting off more scripts and changing the names to fit the story.  But Sheila, for all her crazy, and if written right, shouldn't fall for it the way Quinn did.         

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1 hour ago, sugarbaker design said:

Nevermind!  Just figured it out.  Wyatt would be Will's step-father, making Quinn step-grandmother!  Whew!

Haha thanks for typing this because for a minute I second guessed myself & was like "yeah, how DOES that work out?"  Trying to figure out how these people are related gives me a giant migraine!

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7 minutes ago, SingerIslander said:

My only fear is that he'll try to seduce Sheila like he tried with Quinn, and that will take us right back to last year, with B&B dusting off more scripts and changing the names to fit the story.  But Sheila, for all her crazy, and if written right, shouldn't fall for it the way Quinn did.    

Sheila has never had any use for Ridge and after she tried killing two of his ex-wives, I'd hope the feeling was mutural. But as another poster mentioned, everything is bonkers these days and there's even less consistency than usual, so I wouldn't be surprised if they tried this. And assuming this did happen, I would hope Thomas and Steffy put aside their riff over Sally long enough to tell Ridge to kick rocks for getting involved with their mother's would-be killer.

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Okay, this show has really gone off the rails. Caroline is dying? No one is going to find out the truth and throw Bill out the window? What the hell is Sheila even doing on this show? She's old news, bad news and who cares anyway? I really cannot figure out what the writers are trying to do here. It's all just truly stupid, I don't care about any of these characters except for Eric and Quinn. They could all disappear in an earthquake especially that crazy Sheila. 

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10 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

I also got a shiver when he was talking about Stuffy's mom.  Writers--don't even think it.  Just fuck no.

When Sludge kept mentioning Taylor, my blood ran cold.  Show couldn't possibly do THAT to us.  Could it?  But it makes a horrific kind of sense.  There is nowhere for Sludge to go.  All the women either know his game or are blood relations.  They brought Sheila back, so why not bring Taylor back too.  Of course, HT's face probably looks like a Picasso (and not the Blue period) by now but having her there will certainly make Steffy look more attractive.

That bullshit with Sheila's painting and the lightning makes it clear that show is really clutching at straws.  It would have been a million times more interesting if Sheila really had changed but no one believed her.  It would have given KB something different than the same old, same old that so many of us are bone-tired of.  SHEILA HAS NO REASON TO BE ON THIS SHOW.  If she's trying to turn over a new leaf, LA is the last place she would be because it's filled with people she's either shot or poisoned.  And if she's the same psycho-Sheila, haven't we all seen that before?  Several times before.   On two different shows.  Stick a stake in the bitch and call it a day.  The only positive thing that Sheila can do is kill Charlie.

I thought I'd be happier if Quinn and Eric got back together, but that divorce paper stunt ruined it. It was such a dick move.  Oh and way to honour attorney/client privilege, Carter.  He must be a graduate of Trump University.  I can't believe that a staff meeting was called (including interns and danish) to announce that Eric WASN'T going to divorce his wife.  Watching Quinn babble on and on about how wonderful Eric is and how lucky she is while Eric eats that shit up with a spoon is too fucking much.  We all know that Eric isn't that great a guy.  If Quinn wants to know how lucky she is, she can ask his ex-wife or the horde of models he fucked and forgot over the years.

That look that came into Liam's eyes when Sally was telling him her tale of woe was him wondering where he put his Captain Save-A-Ho cape and tights.  Now that he thinks he beloved(?) cousin is dying, he's going to be on a holy crusade.  I CAN"T WAIT to see what happens when he finds out that not only is dear old dad pulling a con job but his hag-wife is in on it too.  Maybe Liam will kick in a few million dollars to make sure Spectra stays in business. 

I don't know if the scenes between Sally and Liam were a chem-test but we haven't seen SC that lively in ages.  It must have been nice for him to actually have dialogue and a reason to be in a scene.

I'm at the point where I'm muttering 'oh for God's sake, FUCK ALREADY' every time Katie and Wyatt are on.  I agree with all those who think Wyatt should run like Usain Bolt.  Katie is telling him the truth about herself but Wyatt can't think straight because all of the blood has left his brain and rushed to his dick.  The one thing I've never liked about Wyatt is that he won't take 'no' for an answer.  He chases a woman until she's too exhausted to say 'no'.  He did that with Hope.  He didn't have to work so hard with Fauxdiloks because she's a loose booty ho.  And now he's giving Katie the full-court press.  The only thing that's keeping Katie from dropping her panties is that she's a crazy bitch and she's probably still focusing on what was going on with Maya and Zende.

A month ago, this show had some really interesting story lines.  And now they're all gone.  The thing that pisses me off the most is that it's all self-sabotage.  Bell Jr. destroyed every good story with his stunt casting.  None of the characters he's brought back have anything to add to moving a story forward.  They've just been dead weight, dragging every interesting story down with them.  I'm putting all my eggs in the 'Liam finds out and we get a reprise of the scene when he found Fauxdi in bed with his brother and told her what he REALLY thought'...but I have a feeling I'm going to be bitterly disappointed.  AGAIN!

Edited by mightysparrow
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5 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

I'm putting all my eggs in the 'Liam finds out and we get a reprise of the scene when he found Fauxdi in bed with his brother and told her what he REALLY thought'...but I have a feeling I'm going to be bitterly disappointed.  AGAIN!

As much as I enjoy such scenes, they hold little water when neither character learns from the shit and we all know they'll get back together. How many such scenes have we had of either Brooke or Taylor reading Ridge the riot act over the years?

We've had scenes of both halves of Steamless calling each other out; Steffy dragging Liam for being a waffle and Liam calling Steffy selfish...but it doesn't change, as evident by Waffle looking for his superhero cape for Sally (lol at mightysparrow for that one!) And you can be sure she'll go right back to sniffing around Wyatt, who will have moved on to Katie. Her Mrs. Kravitz routine notwithstanding, I really do not want to see her lose to Steffy. 

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Well that was certainly an odd little episode.

A business meeting to announce the company owner and his wife are reconciling, replete with Danish, and where half the attendees were clueless about the agenda?

Does this mean that they have somehow averted the crisis caused by Sally’s thievery? Seems so; we haven’t heard a word about the urgency to design or about the impending doom of bankruptcy. Yep, for sure, all it takes is for the owner’s wife to betray him with his son and for the owner’s crazy ex-wife to drop in to cure all the ill’s that was ailing FC’s.

If you had ask me five years ago if I would ever feel sorry for Thomas, I would probably have laughed in your face. Today however? What a horrible, inexcusable thing to do to someone. Now, I grew up with a hypochondriac and a “Wolf Cryer”, and I can personally attest to how debilitating it is to deal with imaginary sicknesses. And what makes it worse is when the individual is truly ill and you don’t believe them; making you look like the shit of all shits. And how is this supposed to work anyway? I can’t believe Thomas won’t ask about doctor’s appointments and drugs Caroline has been given. And what about Caroline’s glowing health? If she was dying wouldn’t she be looking sick with bad hair and skin, and feeling tired and weak? I hope Thomas unleashes on Caroline in the worst way for attempting to fuck up his life.



Ah yes, now our resident bumbling detective is in the loop, so how long before he uncovers Bill’s nefarious scheme? Will Sally call Thomas to tell him she blew it with Liam? Will Thomas be mad? Or will he ask how Liam could not have known? If Liam calls Caroline she will just continue the charade, so he will have to go to Bill and ask why he wasn’t told, and will want to know if Wyatt knows. I am excited. I find myself licking my lips and rubbing my hands together in anticipation because this nonsense needs to end. It will only be better if Liam finds out his nasty ass wife was conspiring with Bill. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I'm trying to figure out why it was necessary to call a staff meeting to announce--wait for it--that Eric and Quinn are back together again.  I know it's a family business, but still.  The only thing missing was a live cameo by Peaches & Herb singing Reunited.  It would be different if Quinn was a major stakeholder in the company, helped to build the company, or had so much gravitas that an impending divorce would affect FC's profits.  However, it ain't even that kind of party.  And, why is Sludge even there?  If his father disowned him, why does he still think he has a place at Forrester Creations?  

And, did anyone notice how, after making this momentous announcement, Sludge shut Slouchy down quick, fast and in a hurry when the kid had the cheek to ask why Quinn and Eric were separated in the first place?  Which tells me that Slouchy is still in the dark about the real reason his parents didn't remarry.  Yeah, Sludge, you keep right on trying to wear that soiled toilet seat covered in gold glitter masquerading as a halo.  If it was none of Slouchy's business, why make this big announcement at all?  My fingers were itching to pick up the phone and call the California Bar Assoc. because of a fictional character's lack of ethics, common sense and gross incompetence.  Just how stupid is Carter?  If anyone in that room had two brain cells to rub together, they would have been disturbed by Carter's not only divulging what happened at Eric's house but his disclosing the details of the divorce petition/settlement.

Speaking of unethical lawyers, come on, Justin.  Bruh!  I know Bill is your road dawg and all, but are you really willing to lose your bar license by cosigning onto something you know is morally wrong?  Bill is absolutely right.  The Grim Reaper will pay us all a visit one day.  I wonder how he will feel if that turned out to be quite prophetic not necessarily for Carowhine, but for himself or one of his sons?  The callousness is simply mind boggling.  Who laughs, smirks and toasts to something like this?  I agree with whomever said that Bill strokes "Sky" more than he strokes his lovely wife.

Sally Girl, your neediness and desperation literally jump through the TV screen.  Whatever you would have done if your angel hadn't come through for you, I would strongly suggest that you commence doing it.  Posthaste.  ASAP.  Immediately.  Thomas isn't there but your failure to exude confidence to your panic stricken staff isn't a good look.  When Thomas called Sally and told her how rough things were, my first question was, how?  I only ask because it sure as hell isn't showing up onscreen other than Thomas' anguished looks.  Is Carowhine throwing up?  Is her hair falling out?  Is she losing weight?  Can she not keep food down?  Is she in a weakened state?  Does she sleep all the time?  Did she whine one time too many to the point where Thomas is ready to bail?  Does she cling to him like mold to cheese?  Does she have a nightstand full of prescription meds that she has to take on schedule?  Is Dougie more whiny than usual?  Has Thomas accompanied Carowhine to one doctor's appointment?  Has he even spoken to her moms about Carowhine's "condition?"  Just how far is Miss Thing willing to go along with this con just to hang onto a guy who just isn't that into her anymore?    

I was surprised that Sludge was even aware of the reviews about Thomas' work in Monaco.  How would he know especially since it's been all Queric/Sheila all the time for him?  And, Stuffy can shut up anytime now about where Thomas is supposed to be and who he is supposed to be with.  To play devil's advocate, what if it was Sally who was pregnant with Thomas' kid?  Would she be considered family?  Or, will Stuffy take a page from Grandma Dynamite's book and come a'calling with some "special" tea and crumpets?

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