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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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5 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

What pisses me off with soaps is they always forget history.

I expect that any show that's been on the air for three decades will take some creative license to tweak a few things. But this is the "We Were Always at War with Eurasia" of story plots.

This isn't Brooke or Donna or Jackie here. This woman has targeted several members of his family; drugging him, gaslighting Stephanie, using her child to come between James and Maggie*, threatening baby Thomas, using her child to come between Rick and Amber's shaky marriage, shooting at Brooke, killing Taylor (or presumed to have done so), attempting to kill Ridge, and that's to say nothing of her history with Lauren and the many other minor characters she disappeared once they'd served their purpose.

At This point, I don't even want awful pieces of shit like Steffy to get caught in whatever mess Sheila will inevitably bring about thanks to Eric's butthurt.

*sidenote, but was Maggie a Forrester or John Forrester's ex-wife? I know Jessica was her daughter, but I don't remember if she had blood ties to Eric or not?

Edited by Anna Yolei
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It looks like they aired yesterday's episode today. 

Does Nurse Shelia = Nurse Ratchet?  Steffy is a woman of her word?  Well maybe, but only when it suits her. Is Steffy going to bat for Quinn?  It sure looks that way but I'm not sure if that's really Steffy or an alien has taken over her body. 

Either Shelia is naturally possessed of she's a good actress but to me, if you freeze frame the DVR on her face, Shelia looks naturally possessed.

Eric wants to be alone so he sends Shelia way and like diarrhea she's back and Eric lets her in.  For fuck's sake, why is Eric kissing Shelia any different from Quinn kissing Ridge?  Oh, I forgot, Ridge is involved. 

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6 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

*sidenote, but was Maggie a Forrester or John Forrester's ex-wife? I know Jessica was her daughter, but I don't remember if she had blood ties to Eric or not?

Maggie was married to Eric's brother. I don't recall that a name was ever mentioned and we really don't know how many brothers Eric has. So theoretically, Maggie could be Ivy's step-mother ??? There was never any mention of Maggie having any other children than Jessica but that could be easily retconned.

I hope I'm not spoiling but the Sheric (dare I?) kiss wasn't all that. Sheila initiated it and it came after another tired discussion initiated by Eric about "trust" and the TRUTH!!! OTOH, Eric didn't recoil in horror or slap her or anything. So, pot meet kettle. Eric is licking his wounds over Ridge and Quinn indulging their attraction to danger but what is HE now doing? Steffy cautioned him loud and clear to STAY AWAY FROM SHEILA and Eric even told Sheila that. So what now??? "Just a couple of kisses" with Sheila. Tit for tat?

I was kind of hoping that when Sheila was lurking behind her hotel room door that when she heard Puffy leave Eric's room and head towards the elevator that Sheila would have jumped out, yanked Puffy by the hair (I thought there was a reason behind the new extra-long faux-tensions) and pull her into Sheila's room. Wasted opportunity. I think Sheila is just biding her time and something like that will eventually happen. Preferably sooner than later.

I am also tired of hearing Quinn in that raspy voice lamenting over and over. "Where is MY HUSBAND?" Honey, you don't even know for how much longer. Play a Stephanie card and hire a P.I. Eric is used to that. Get creative. Couldn't anybody else figure out to put a trace on Eric's cell phone? If Quinn had had a chance to tell Wyatt the whole story before Ridge barged in, he might have suggested that or had other ideas. This hand-wringing from Quinn is getting tiresome and I also don't care for her in this mode. Lastly, I was truly shocked when Puffy seemed to be softening a bit about what went down (at least in her conversation with Eric; she didn't budge with Quinn.) I was sure that she'd dispatch Carter to the hotel the next day with freshly printed divorce papers.

I saw the CBS promo for next week during the commercial break and it looks like all of next week will be the fashion showdown in Monte Carlo! That will fortunately, give us a break from Carowhine and Quinn. I'm excited! I hope SF kicks FC's ass! Go Tally!!

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I liked the flashback to Eric and Sheila's wedding. As a new fan of the show, it's great fun to see. I guess I could watch more old clips on YouTube also. GH seem to be doing more flashbacks too which is nice.


Sort of getting a "Misery" vibe from the Shiela/Eric thing. Sorry if I missed that maybe this has already been mentioned. Still catching up on my reading here. 

I'm also looking forward to Monte Carlo next week!

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Come on now, I enjoy fantasy, but this is turning into science fiction.  Nowhere in life are there 20 something CEO's who demand a grandparent tell them about their marital lives, then proceed to tell them what to do.  Wyatt, othh, is being sheilded from the truth.  Aside from Howard Hughes, I don't think too many billionaire business icons go to sleazy hotels to hide out.  Nor do those hotels allow unpaid guests, and we already know Sheila can't pay the bill, because she attempted to blackmail Charlie.  Sheesh.

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Maggie was married to Eric's brother. I don't recall that a name was ever mentioned and we really don't know how many brothers Eric has. So theoretically, Maggie could be Ivy's step-mother ??? There was never any mention of Maggie having any other children than Jessica but that could be easily retconned.

Maggie was married to Eric's brother John.  They had Jessica.

Now John is married to Claire, who is Ivy's mother.

Maggie is not Ivy's stepmother.  We don't know if Maggie has any other children (I think she was with James Warwick after she divorced John, don't know if they are still together) or if John has any other children than Ivy and Jessica.

John is an American citizen, so shouldn't Ivy also be an American citizen (dual)? Why was she having immigration issues a couple of years ago? Is American citizenship only through the mother?

Edited by drivethroo
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20 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

American citizenship is through either parent.

Ivy has duel citizenship. There was an issue about Ivy's citizenship so she married Liam to stay in the US. The INS than confirmed that her father filed the proper paperwork for her to be a duel citizen. Liam's and Ivy's marrage was annulled.  

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On 7/21/2017 at 10:04 PM, seasons said:

I liked the flashback to Eric and Sheila's wedding. As a new fan of the show, it's great fun to see. I guess I could watch more old clips on YouTube also. GH seem to be doing more flashbacks too which is nice.


Sort of getting a "Misery" vibe from the Shiela/Eric thing. Sorry if I missed that maybe this has already been mentioned. Still catching up on my reading here. 

I'm also looking forward to Monte Carlo next week!


The problem with that flashback is that it's indicative of ratchet-ass Sheila's very selective amnesia.  Missing in her remembrance of her "great romance" with Eric is the fact that just like now, his family did not approve of the relationship.  In fact, they marched out of the wedding en masse, and Sheila ran away, which devastated Eric.  It wasn't until she returned to the church that she and Eric got married.  And, he didn't have a peaceful moment with her after that.  

One of the things I can't stand right now is the "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" vibe that I'm getting from the show.  NO ONE is behaving the way they should be.  Not one person has contacted the cop du jour, Lt. Baker.   Quinn if you are that pressed to find your huzzbend, pick up the damn phone and contact law enforcement.  Or, hire your own team of detectives, ninjas, and crack shots to take Sheila down and "rescue" Eric.  It's not as if you don't have the financial resources.  Damn the bad publicity and scandal.  Standing around, wringing your hands, repeating the same speeches, and commiserating with your partner-in-trifling-behavior aren't exactly productive uses of your time.  

Who kidnapped Stuffy, and what did they do with her?  I only ask because Stuffy is suddenly an advocate for Quinn because she now recognizes how much the woman loves Eric.  Then, there is Wyatt reassuring his mother that she's not a monster while blithely ignoring her one-woman crime spree and reign of terror, which occurred over several months.  Wyatt, who has surely seen his mother at her absolute worst, refusing to leave until he got the absolute truth about the real reason Eric moved out.  Brooke allowing Sludge to drag her into this "Eric is mad at you, too" vortex and not pushing back as forcefully as she can so that Sludge finally gets the message to keep her name out his mouth.  

And, Eric also seems to have developed selective amnesia with regard to Nurse Ratchet because he can trust her to tell him the truth even when it hurts.  I just cant.  How did he not not recoil in horror when Sheila initiated that awkward kiss?  Recoil in horror and push her away and threw her the hell out his hotel room.  Or, better yet, why did he allow her into his room at all especially since it was barely minutes after Stuffy left after telling him to keep Sheila at bay?  Eric should also have a migraine from all the eye-rolling he should have been doing when he heard Sheila's redundant dialogue.  Bitch is really laying it on thick  with the constant "you must be butthurt after everything THEY did to you" reminders.   

It also feels as if there are two sets of writing teams and they aren't in sync at all.  Not that I particularly give a damn, but why aren't Brooke and Sludge taking 2 seconds to discuss their trophy son's accident, which only occurred because his little girlfriend was texting and driving?  Speaking of which, where does Slouchy live right now, and where is he recuperating?  Other than Thomas, is anyone else designing and getting ready for Monaco?  How long does it take Stuffy to fly from the Forrester building, to the Forrester mansion, to the no-tell hotel where Eric is staying, back to the Forrester mansion and then back to the hotel?  All in the same day?

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4 hours ago, Videnbas said:

Is it cheating if he has already left Quinn though?

Absolutely. They only were separated about 24 hours and there was no Legal Separation. Same with Rick, he cheated on Caroline, with Maya, without a Legal Separation. 


It's official, FC cannot loose with Brooke, Maya, Steffy, and especially Nicole as models. 

Hey Bill, just because you can get rid of Sally, why would you think that Thomas really wants to get back with Caroline.

Aw, RJ and Coco are not invited to MC. I guess we are going to miss out on watching RJ ogle Coco in a bathing suit.  

Lie upon lie upon lie. So now Caroline is dying.  Doesn't Bill understand that people can not be forced together. Oh, I forgot, Bill only understands what is only good for Bill. 

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Oh $Bill, I usually love your "evil" machinations so much, but today's stunt about Carowhine's health went too far.. Way. Too. Far.

First of all, exactly what is Carowhine dying of?  Thomas isn't an idiot, he'll want to know.  He'll want to see the doctor and then get 2nd, 3rd opinions on treatment. I don't think he'll believe a hand wave and an "oh darn ... oppsie .... dying now" comment,

When Thomas finds out this was all a lie, and he will sooner rather than later, I predict he'll sue for sole custody of Douglas .  Because what kind of mother uses her son to play a trick like that.

Oh and Bill -- what will Brooke say when she finds out?  She just might read you for filth for being as manipulative as Ridge was using Slouchy to re-unite Bridge "for our family".

I wish Thomas would buy the Spectra building from CJ and then tell $Bill if he wants the site the price just went up 10x.  With the profit Spectra could get new modern digs to go with their new image.

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Here we go ... the first embers ... more like barely  glowing ashes of Watie officially kicked off today. First, it was the coy questions from Brooke about whether Katie was seeing anybody. (I thought that was kinda bitchy and insensitive coming from her) that Katie neatly dodged. Wyatt kept repeating how much he enjoys working with Katie. (Why is he spending all of his time at FC anyway?) Then we had Katie get all flustered when Wyatt asked her to join him for a cuppa and was squirming under his puppy dog gaze.  I really don't welcome this pairing.  Those two have a nice vibe as friends but I detect zero romantic chemistry. But it seems inevitable.

Did Saul really try to sabotage the collection by throwing a frayed bathing suit into the packing box?  Or was I reading too much into it, based on his ongoing behavior? I'm glad that Thomas noticed and called Saul out on it.

BTW: I thought Sally looked just spot-on today. The outfit and colors. Now THAT is how she is supposed to look. Her top and skirt were edgy and sexy, but conservative in color and with trim. I'm excited to see their collection.  I also liked Fauxdi's dress. It's nice to see her out of those severe black mini dresses and into some colors. I guess the midi length skirts are in fashion right now. Katie's white outfit also deserves mention.  And Brooke is still sporting the overly-long stringy yellow locks. They looked really bad today and her gorgeous sapphire blue blouse didn't overcome the fug.

Since we already know ... Bill pulled the "Carowhine is dying" card out of his ass today to Thomas. I honestly think he made it up on the fly once Bill realized that his softer toned pep talk (drawing heavily on his own playboy past) was not making any impact with Thomas.  This is really stretching.  Pulling out the leukemia card again would really be LAZY storywriting and yeah, I'd think it would be emotionally tough for LG to have to play a cancer victim.  I guess there are millions of rare diseases to pick from, but cancer is usually the (lazy) default choice. How stupid to the writers think we are? Don't answer that.

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Today $Bill reminded me just why I never liked him.  He spends way too much of his time plotting to destroy the lives of young women who can't fight back.  Has he ever pulled this shit on Ridge?  Or any other rich and powerful man?  This is bullshit.  $Bill doesn't deserve Brooke and I hope that when she finds out about $'s latest stunt, she remembers what he put her daughter through.

As for Fauxdi, I can't despise that bitch enough.  Her 'master race' bullshit is way over the top.  Maybe her grandfather should remind her that she might 'legally' be a Forrester but by blood she's a Marone (just like he reminded Ridge), so her blood isn't as pure as she thinks.  None of these horrible people care that Thomas LOVES Sally, just like Liam LOVED Hope.  The reason Fauxdi is with Liam right now is because Hope gave up and left town.  The second Liam was missing, Steffy's instantly thought was he was with Hope because she knows that Hope is Liam's first choice.  Steffy seems to have a lot of time to concern herself with other people's relationships instead of worrying about her own. 

I want Liam to hear about this plot and I want him to remember Hope too.  KM might not be coming back but I want him to remember that the last time Steffy and his father put their tiny heads together, he lost the love of his life.  ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!

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Steffy hanging out in Bill's office and sitting on his desk just made me remember how great chem they had. They should bring that back and shake it up. Instead of Taylor after Brooke's man it's her daughter.

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Bill was the only person Steffy has ever clicked with. I assume the popularity of Batie was the only reason they never fully went there, but given all her Logan hate (minus the same convenience of plot disorder that affected Rick duringvthis last round of Bridge), this would make as much sense as anything else.

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On 2017-07-21 at 3:58 PM, drivethroo said:

We don't know, but I'm going to assume Shirley's child is Sally's mother.  I can't see Shirley's son naming his daughter after Sally Sr.  We don't even know if Sally & Coco's parents were even married.

Speaking of Coco, she shouldn't have been brought on as Sally's sister.  I guess they needed a young female for RJ but I don't think Coco should've been tied to the Spectras because she wasn't on long enough for us to see her interact with her family or care why she doesn't interact with her family.

I have pictured it the same way, that Shirley's daughter is Sally's and Coco's mother. I don't know why, maybe it's because I imagine the Spectras to be a family of women (CJ being the only male Spectra we have ever seen).

I do see Coco's role in the NuSpectra family, and that in some ways she was necessary, but the big mistake was not establishing her as part of the family before she became more or less estranged from them. We are told the sisters were very close and that Sally was both mother and big sister to Coco, but the writers have failed to write scenes in which this dynamic is actually shown. So far, their interactions have been few and far between, and mainly concerned with whether or not Coco would forgive Sally for the spy necklace - we have had virtually no scenes where we get to see what their "normal" and supposedly close relationship is like. (I even think there have been more scenes where either Sally or Coco describe their relationship to some third person, than there have been scenes with Sally and Coco actually in the same room.)

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Oh, Bill…what am I going to do with you (other than the obvious)?  Full disclosure here.  I’m one of those people who firmly believes that the universe gives us back what we put out.   I mentioned yesterday that the real twist to this story could be that Bill once again finds himself the “victim” of unintended consequences as he discovers that life and death was, indeed, in the power of his tongue.  Except this time he “spoke” death over his little niece.  It seemed obvious to me that he clearly didn’t think this through—unlike the late and much-lamented Grand Dame of Fake Illnesses Used to Manipulate Others.  Stephanie Douglas Forrester has to be looking up at all this as she sucks another ice cube to cool her never-ending thirst from hell’s fires.  All she can do is shake her head at this on-the-fly scheme concocted by a person whose schemes ultimately blow up in his face.  For instance, if Bill was going to claim Precious Pretty Princess Carowhine is dying, could he have at least given her a heads-up first?  And, how about having a doctor on his payroll, who is more than willing to violate the Hippocratic Oath and HIPPA laws for the right price?  Do any of the hospitals in Los Angeles have a Spencer Wing staffed with medical professionals who are willing to be complicit in such a ridiculous plot?  I imagine that Stephanie is fuming about this foolery and thinking, “Bill, if you’re going to do something of this magnitude, at least do it right.”  I also imagine she is expressing her disappointment to Bill Spencer, Sr., who can only sneer in disgust while waving his walking stick.  “Damn—that boy can’t do anything right!  That is exactly why I had no use for him to being with!” 

I also see what the writers were trying to do here while Bill and his former side chick were twirling their respective mustaches.  Stuffy was able to vacate Bill’s office before he verbalized his plan, thus giving her what we call in Washington “plausible deniability.”  She gets to pretend to be horrified when the whole thing implodes.  She also gets to claim with a straight face (okay—wooden) that while she wanted Thomas and Caroline together and to get rid of Sally, she would have never approved of anything like this.  It’s akin to her mother running through the halls of Forrester Creations and shrieking for Stephanie to “do SOMETHINNNGGGG!!” and then acting all horrified when she later learned that Massimo sicced one of his henchmen on Brooke and that she “fell” from the Eiffel Tower. 

Hearing Stuffy claim that she had to get to work to prepare for the Spencer Summit also prompts me to ask if most successful CEO’s spend part of their working hours plotting and scheming to split up a couple so that the reluctant boyfriend ends up with the “more suitable” girl, who happens to have his bait baby.  And, what was this “Forrester genes” nonsense coming out of Stuffy’s mouth?  Le sighhhhh…is it possible that the writers think we have forgotten that (a) Stuffy has no Forrester genes thanks to Grandma Dynamite’s loose-booty ways back in the day; and (b) there is nothing superior about those genes anyway.  I realize that Carowhine doesn’t “have to” work, but why was it necessary to visit Uncle Bill and then go over to Forrester Creations with her tale of woe?  We get it.  You want your “family back together,” but how many times do we have to hear about it? 

I know that the Spencer Summit and fashion show are a big deal, but the whole time I kept thinking, it’s fucking SWIMWEAR!  It’s a showcase for swimwear that should have been designed and on the runways last fall.  Saul is right about one thing though.  Forrester’s designs are boring.  So boring, in fact, that they were stolen.  Boy—bye.  I'm glad that Thomas put him and the rest of the Spectra team on blast and reminded them that they needed to be on top of their game and that clothing with shoddy materials had no place in the collection.  Why do I get a feeling that if Spectra's collection is sabotaged that it will be at Saul's hands?  And, speaking of people who should be on top of their game, did I hear Team Forrester correctly that those were Zende's designs?  But, the head designer is "working from home."  Okay....

I really liked the clothing yesterday.  Color me shocked when I saw Nicole—Nicole!!!—smiling and laughing.  Katie really seems to sparkle, which lead me to the realization that the writers fully intend to “go there” with Wyatt/Katie.  I realize that the show’s scripts are written weeks before they air, but I wish there was a way to have stopped this before it got started.

Edited by MulletorHater
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11 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Bill was the only person Steffy has ever clicked with. I assume the popularity of Batie was the only reason they never fully went there, but given all her Logan hate (minus the same convenience of plot disorder that affected Rick duringvthis last round of Bridge), this would make as much sense as anything else.

I still can't believe those two never sealed the deal.  And most definitely since Batie is done, Still should proceed full steam ahead if it'll free Liam from her to move on ultimately to someone else. But then I do like Brill (so far) and since there doesn't seem to be another man on canvas for her, what else would they do with Brooke?

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16 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

As for Fauxdi, I can't despise that bitch enough.  Her 'master race' bullshit is way over the top.  Maybe her grandfather should remind her that she might 'legally' be a Forrester but by blood she's a Marone (just like he reminded Ridge), so her blood isn't as pure as she thinks.  None of these horrible people care that Thomas LOVES Sally, just like Liam LOVED Hope.  The reason Fauxdi is with Liam right now is because Hope gave up and left town.  The second Liam was missing, Steffy's instantly thought was he was with Hope because she knows that Hope is Liam's first choice.  Steffy seems to have a lot of time to concern herself with other people's relationships instead of worrying about her own. 

I want Liam to hear about this plot and I want him to remember Hope too.  KM might not be coming back but I want him to remember that the last time Steffy and his father put their tiny heads together, he lost the love of his life.  ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!

This is one of the things that's so jarring about the happy horse manure that the writers keep serving the audience regarding Stuffy and Lame "love story."  Just like her grandmother before her, Stuffy went into a marriage already knowing that she wasn't her husband's first choice.  Stephanie herself even acknowledged that Eric had entered a marriage he didn't want with a woman he wasn't in love with.  This is one of those instances where I hope the writers don't insult our intelligence.  These writers have a penchant for rewriting history.  By the time it's all over and done with, they will have convinced newer viewers that Hope was always the interloper who unsuccessfully tried to break up a "happy relationship."  

Stuffy is like the high schooler, who gloats and parades her pyrrhic victory over the head cheerleader because she gave BJ's to the team quarterback and the cheerleader finally threw in the towel.  This, while the "winner" pretends that she didn't get a little help from her friends.  

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The Stallion has some serious splainin' to do.  Or really, that should be TPTB.

I tried to type up a recap but my rage kept boiling over from the Carowhine is dying ridiculousness.

It's insulting to Bill that TPTB think he would stoop to this.

It's insulting to Caroline (and I can't believe I'm throwing this trifling heifer a bone) that her only hope of reuniting with Thomas is her being on death's door.

It's insulting to Thomas (and Sally) that they are being manipulated this way.

Most of all, it's downright shameful that LG, a real-life cancer survivor, is being written into such a horrible storyline. 

They need to kill this storyline (no pun intended) immediately.

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On 7/19/2017 at 7:39 PM, mightysparrow said:

I wish Sally would stop parading her insecurities in front of Caroline and Fauxdi.  She needs to have faith in her man and in herself.

And if she has no faith, then fake it!  DO NOT let those two judge you, Sally!  Fauxdi can rant and rave as much as she wants, at least Sally never murdered anybody...that we know of, anyway ;-)

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2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

It's insulting to Bill that TPTB think he would stoop to this.

But didn't he do with when Steffy bonked her head in Cabo? I had forgotten he jumped in the middle of that until just now before I typed this, but didn't he encourage the doctors there and/or Steffy to milk the relatively minor injury a bit more to keep Liam by side?

I think what pisses me off most is the lame, uncreative motivation for this scheme. Say what you will about Stephanie but we, as the audience, felt her distress about having Brooke in her family, however misplaced it was. And even if Bill and Steffy weren't interfering with Hope and Liam, those two were going to be fractured because they were at two different places in life as far as sex went (even if Hope using their lack of a sex life as a selling point without discussing it with him first was a dick move) and any parents may have concerns over that.

But this over a goddamn ugly as fuck building? There's no personal stake involved. It's not even that Bill genuinely thinks Thomas deserves to be with Caroline.  This scheme is beneath even the sociopathic lowlife scum that Y&R has turned Victor Newman into. When he wants to destroy someone, he has a personal if entirely petty reason to do so beyond "I want a better view for my corporate offices."

God, I hope this ends soon.

5 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

I still can't believe those two never sealed the deal.  And most definitely since Batie is done, Still should proceed full steam ahead if it'll free Liam from her to move on ultimately to someone else. But then I do like Brill (so far) and since there doesn't seem to be another man on canvas for her, what else would they do with Brooke?

Pair her with Liam?

Seems like every woman has to ride his disco stick these days :/

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When you just can't stand any of the current storylines, maybe it's time to quit watching it. This show has done that for me today.

Bil & his manipulations & lies...just because he can and oh, maybe he can get to build his giant peen building in the deal...and then we switch to Eric hugging, trusting & kissing Sheila?? GAHHHH!!!!

Not to mention this stupid instant swimwear line "design-off"in Monaco?

I've truly got better things to do...although you wouldn't really know that cause here I am reading & posting...will I never learn?

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

Pair her with Liam?

Seems like every woman has to ride his disco stick these days :/

Au contraire, Liam has now gone a full year pining and humping only one woman - Steffy. His last hump of Eve was in May 2016.

So give the man a little credit. He's kept his disco stick under wraps!

And honestly Liam has nothing that Brooke wants unless he's hung like his daddy. And even then...doubtful.

If Liam's peen is seeing any action away from Steffy, it'll either be recast Hope or someone completely new. Or as Scott Clifton expressed his wishes for her return, Amber. 

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Since when is Caroline sooo in love with Thomas?  Wasn't she completely in love with Ridge when Douglas was conceived?  She was still in love with Ridge when they were trying to conceal that Thomas was Douglas' father. I also think that she was in love with Ridge when she went to NY.  

Eric singing Shelia's praises is a bit much. Fool me twice, shame on Eric.  Hold the phone. Didn't Shelia pontificate all self righteous about an emotional affair being just as powerful as a physical one?  I'm sure she's speaking from experience. Eric, you old codger, the hug between you an Shelia looked emotional to me. 

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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Since when is Caroline sooo in love with Thomas?  Wasn't she completely in love with Ridge when Douglas was conceived?  She was still in love with Ridge when they were trying to conceal that Thomas was Douglas' father. I also think that she was in love with Ridge when she went to NY.  

Because like any egotistical narcissist, she only wants what she can't have any longer. No wonder she was attracted to the Greasy Sausage King Ridge.

But RL answer is just cuz writers need Tally to have some drama and Bell has no idea how to write conflicts without love triangles. The fact that they've regressed Carowhine into an idiot mean girl and have her unlikable enough to all but erase and neutralize Rape Night from the collective memory is an added bonus. We know this won't succeed since LG is only here for a short while, but it's still lazy.

The one unintentionally positive side effect of Hunter Tylo's demand that she and Ridge not divorce is that they were allowed conflicts that had nothing to do with Brooke: the pregnancy crisis with her TB and the conflict when Ridge found out Taylor knew Kirsten' s boyfriend Tony was HIV+ comes to mind. That was my first image of the pairing and not knowing anything else of their history, I bought into them as a pretty legit couple.

I do hope Thomas and Sally will be allowed such stories...and hell, even for as much as I hate Steam (separately or together) and their dubious beginnings, I want them to get such a story as well...mostly for Clifton's sake because he's gotta be bored out of his mind with the shit he's had.

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3 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Because like any egotistical narcissist, she only wants what she can't have any longer. No wonder she was attracted to the Greasy Sausage King Ridge.

But RL answer is just cuz writers need Tally to have some drama and Bell has no idea how to write conflicts without love triangles. The fact that they've regressed Carowhine into an idiot mean girl and have her unlikable enough to all but erase and neutralize Rape Night from the collective memory is an added bonus. We know this won't succeed since LG is only here for a short while, but it's still lazy.

The one unintentionally positive side effect of Hunter Tylo's demand that she and Ridge not divorce is that they were allowed conflicts that had nothing to do with Brooke: the pregnancy crisis with her TB and the conflict when Ridge found out Taylor knew Kirsten' s boyfriend Tony was HIV+ comes to mind. That was my first image of the pairing and not knowing anything else of their history, I bought into them as a pretty legit couple.

I do hope Thomas and Sally will be allowed such stories...and hell, even for as much as I hate Steam (separately or together) and their dubious beginnings, I want them to get such a story as well...mostly for Clifton's sake because he's gotta be bored out of his mind with the shit he's had.

Which is ridiculous really, because the Tally pairing already has a major conflict built into it, if the writers were smart enough to explore it. The real story here is the conflict between Sally's adoration of Thomas and her own dreams for herself and Spectra Fashions. She is willingly letting Thomas run things at Spectra, and even tell her what to wear. Thomas is using Spectra to get back at his family, but I think he is more concerned about advancing his own career than advancing hers. Sally came on the show wanting to run Spectra, and wanting to be a designer. Along comes Thomas and she is now his sidekick who transfers her dreams onto him. He is the one running Spectra, and he is the head designer.

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8 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Because like any egotistical narcissist, she only wants what she can't have any longer. No wonder she was attracted to the Greasy Sausage King Ridge.

But RL answer is just cuz writers need Tally to have some drama and Bell has no idea how to write conflicts without love triangles. The fact that they've regressed Carowhine into an idiot mean girl and have her unlikable enough to all but erase and neutralize Rape Night from the collective memory is an added bonus. We know this won't succeed since LG is only here for a short while, but it's still lazy.

The one unintentionally positive side effect of Hunter Tylo's demand that she and Ridge not divorce is that they were allowed conflicts that had nothing to do with Brooke: the pregnancy crisis with her TB and the conflict when Ridge found out Taylor knew Kirsten' s boyfriend Tony was HIV+ comes to mind. That was my first image of the pairing and not knowing anything else of their history, I bought into them as a pretty legit couple.

I do hope Thomas and Sally will be allowed such stories...and hell, even for as much as I hate Steam (separately or together) and their dubious beginnings, I want them to get such a story as well...mostly for Clifton's sake because he's gotta be bored out of his mind with the shit he's had.

It's shades of the first "misunderstanding," where Original Recipe Ridge had his way with a drunken Caroline 1.0  while poor Thorne was downstairs in the kitchen making a sandwich.  Those of us who watched at the time knew exactly what we saw.  It didn't matter to Ridge's trifling ass that Caroline was his brother's wife.  It didn't matter to Ridge that he was in a relationship with Brooke at the time.  It didn't matter to Ridge that this aggravated sexual assault occurred under his parents' roof.  All he saw was a "prank," and that Caroline would awaken from her drunken stupor, ask what the hell he was doing and throw him out of her bed.  Except, she unwittingly allowed Ridge to have sex with her, thinking that he was Thorne.  When Caroline realized what happened, she was devastated and humiliated.  She had even packed her bags to move out, only to be stopped by Stephanie, who wanted to know what happened.  Poor left out Thorne had to eavesdrop on a conversation between his parents before he learned what actually happened, which led to him shooting Ridge in the head.  I was disgusted when the writers rewrote that night to be a "misunderstanding," in which Caroline claimed she "knew it was Ridge all along," and now she wanted him back.

Fast forward decades later, and it seems as if the writers wanted Ridge to experience some kind of karma for what he did to Caroline 1.0.  Plus, it seemed he was getting some kind of payback for going after his father and brother's girlfriends and wives.  Or, at least that's how I saw it.  Just messiness all the way around.

I simply don't understand Caroline's mindset.  One minute, she's acting as if she's willing to be led along by whatever machinations Bill and Stuffy cook up.  Another minute, she's an active collaborator, who is grateful and downright ecstatic when Bill tells her that he has "fixed" everything and that her Prince Charming will be going back to New York with her and Douglas.  That is, until Bill enlightens her about the lie he told about her dying.  I guess she has a modicum of pride after all.  This is news to me because I don't recall her objecting to anything that Bill did to Maya, whom a spiteful Caroline considered so beneath her that she refused to even pronounce Maya's name correctly.  That kind of disrespect alone should have earned her a backhand slap across her smug face.

I can't stand the way these writers rely on triangles to move a story forward.  As you and others have noted, Sally and Thomas already had several built-in conflicts just by virtue of who they are as people.  They didn't need Caroline dangling Douglas as a bait.  Now, I'm a little concerned that Thomas blurted out that he still loved Caroline, which will fuel Sally's insecurities even more.

And, speaking of messiness and unnecessary conflicts, I'm not feeling this "Summer of Sheila" arc at all.  Brad Bell is always enamored with the shiny new object, and this mess has become all about Sheila.  He has rearranged the major players like square pegs he is trying to fit into round holes.  Quidge-gate already had decades' worth of back story and history that could have been mined to move this storyline forward.  Sheila and her special brand of craziness was not needed.  

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If $Bill even remotely gets away with this "Caroline is dying of an unspecified auto immune disease", I'm out.  (I'm not out til after Monaco though).  I was hoping Thomas was just leading Bill along and that he knew it was a lie the whole time, but it seems he bought it hook line and sinker.  Damn.  Will it be Sally who advises Thomas..."This is Bill who would compromise anyone's integrity ...maybe get independent confirmation".  Will Caroline step up and say...Yeah, my Uncle is an asshole and we will just keep the arrangement we have, Mmm kay?  Because the argument that Thoams hasn't visited with Douglas could easily be countered - even if Thomas were safely in the bosom of Forrester Creations, he's still be up to his eyeballs working (or whatever passes for work over there) designing the "All new collection", so theoretically still wouldn't be flying to NY every weekend. 

I'm beyond disgusted. 


Has Eric been eating the lead paint off the walls in that crappy hotel?  Fool done lost his ever lovin MIND!!!

And since Charlie didn't pony up blackmail money...how has Sheila not been kicked out?  Is she telling the desk she's Mrs Eric Forrester or something?

Have we even SEEN Charlie since his ill fated visit to Sheila's latest lair?  Is it too much to hope she recorded his dumbassery, the  killed him and stuffed him in some luggage?

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I too am confused.

Just last month everyone was in a panic about getting a new line out in order to recoup the hundreds of millions of dollars Sally’s thievery cost them. The halls of FC’s were a whirly dervish of activity, everyone running to and fro, with heads down and pencils firmly pressed against sketchpads. People were too busy to talk or discuss any issue. But now it is like crisis? What crisis? Eric is skulking around a dark, seedy motel with his psychotic ex-wife, Quinn has become a hermit, who never leaves the Forrester Manse and stands around wringing her hands asking where is my huzzbend (thanks MulletorHater). Ridge has become Quinn’s official caregiver, confidant, and protector, and when he is not busy with that he spends his time lamenting the loss of his family to Brooke, as well as trying to make her complicit in this mess by telling her that Eric is angry at her too. Steffy has become Caroline’s official matchmaker, and spends her days conniving with Bill about how to rid Thomas of Sally. Rick has been MIA since the baby drama. And now we have Monaco. Did I miss a fashion show? Is the couture line no longer needed to regain FC’s solvency? And ZenZey did all the designing for this upcoming fashion showdown? What the actual fuck? I know Sally is not experienced, but she does has skill and of course Thomas is supposed to be close to a Designing God just like his dad, so how can anyone think Spectra can lose this thing?

Did I really hear Steffy tell Bill that Thomas likes to “be the hero….the rescuer”? The hell? Girl better step back and think about who she is married to.

Thomas and Sally should just let Bill have the damn building and move Spectra to someplace new. That would at least get Bill off their backs. This is all such a big bunch of bullshit anyway. Now Sally has three mean girls after her; Steffy, Caroline and Bill. I don’t care how strong your love is, keeping a relationship together with so many obstacles and so much interference is tough. Sally doesn’t stand a chance. What Sally does have though is class. Much more so than these three from fucking Hooterville, who don’t know how to mind their own business and who don’t play fair.

Eric and Sheila kissing and hugging makes my blood boil. Hey Eric, why don’t you pick up the phone and call Lauren Fenmore and let her know how you are willing to let bygones be bygones. Don’t worry about asking your family though, I think shacking up with that wacko is evidence of how you feel about them. Not to mention it being a huge slap in their collective faces for all the pain and hurt Sheila has caused them. And I have no doubt that Stephanie is banging away at that coffin lid in order to get out and chase Sheila away from her family yet again. Seriously Eric, how could you let her back in? You are willing to turn your life over to Sheila because Quinn and Ridge were kissing and having an emotional affair? Well for fucks sake, they certainly didn’t push anyone out a window, or try and shoot your wife, ex-wife and daughter-in-law. They didn’t slowly poison one of your loved ones with Mercury. They didn’t mess with your paternity tests. They didn’t kidnap another woman’s child. They didn’t try to kill their own mother. They didn’t try to incinerate your son. Aside from all that, is the fact that you knew going into your relationship that Quinn was flawed. You knew that she was new to the whole love game. Now, I am not saying to just turn the other cheek. But to run away and take up with Sheila? Frankly, I don’t think Quinn should take you back now. You are just as guilty as she is; more so, because it is a known fucking lunatic that you have turned to. So infuriated and disgusted with this SL.

I appreciate that Steffy is trying to add some color and dynamics to her wardrobe, but why are we all of a sudden being blessed with so much cleavage? She had those things sticking right up in Bill’s grill the other day. I don’t know how DD was able to keep his eyes up and off of them. I have always hated extremes in fashion; too short, too low cut, too much belly. I guess I am just old fashioned. But between Caroline’s short dresses and skirts, and Steffy’s low cut stuff I feel like my corneas are scorched.

Seems like Nicole is ok now with having Secondary Infertility, and is acting like a young married girl should.

Brooke will be modeling in Monaco? Why do I find that all kinds of awesome.

Sally’s legs.

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3 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Fast forward decades later, and it seems as if the writers wanted Ridge to experience some kind of karma for what he did to Caroline 1.0.  Plus, it seemed he was getting some kind of payback for going after his father and brother's girlfriends and wives.  Or, at least that's how I saw it.

If that was the case, Ridge very clearly didn't learn one damn thing from that.

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Recap for Tues. 7/25/17:

I'm essentially hate-watching right now because this show is back to being too stupid to live. 

We open at SP, where Thomas is stunned to hear that Caroline is "dying." Bill puts on quite a show, with tears and everything, telling him he reacted the same way.

Bill: "It's a rare auto-immune disease." So rare it doesn't exist.

Thomas: "How do you know? I mean, how could you possibly know? It doesn't make sense." Because Bill is lying his ass off.

Bill sighs: "Do you think she hasn't seen every specialist possible?" 

Thomas: "Yeah. Of course she has."

Bill: "She was adamant that no one know. But given that you are Douglas' father... I felt that you had the right to know."


Thomas turns angry then, questioning Bill about his earlier visit to SF and trying to strong-arm him into leaving. Thomas, why are you falling for this shit? He should know better than to believe him when he knows that Bill will stop at nothing to sabotage SF and get his hands on that property.

Bill: "You never should have thrown in with those yahoos in the first place. Then you would have time to be in New York with Caroline and your son. You can never get that time back." OMFG! "Now that Caroline is dying. But you can take a look at your life, Thomas, and realize that your only obligation is to your little boy and your son's mother, a woman who is living on borrowed time." So why isn't your only obligation in life Will and Katie? Huh, Bill?

Thomas, tearful: "How much time does Caroline have?" Oh, I'd say about 70-80 years.

Bill: "I'm not sure. But I am sure of this: your only responsibility should be to Caroline and Douglas, making happy, lasting, loving memories that your son will have long after his mother is gone. You can do that for Caroline and Douglas, Thomas. Only you."

He doubles down and I honestly want to punch him right now (shame on me for forgetting who Bill can be in the afterglow of the long-awaited Brill wedding): "If you're feeling guilty about all the missed opportunities with Caroline and Douglas, I don't want to rub salt in the wound (of course he does!), but you should. They're your family, and you abandoned them." He did not abandon them! Caroline left him, not once, but twice. So fuck off, Bill!

Thomas: "That's not true."

Bill: "Really? You think that, uh, video-chatting with your son makes up for not being there?" And how long has it been since you've seen Will, Bill?

Thomas: "Damn it, Bill! I wanted a family with Caroline! I wanted that, but it was too soon for her. That's why she left me for New York!" And dumped you again when you DID got to NY. 

Bill: "Wow, so you're putting all this on Caroline?" Yes - that's where the blame should be. She only wants him now because he is with someone else. 

Thomas: "No! I'm not putting any of this on her! She is dying! This isn't helping! The mother of my child is dying. The woman who I-"

Bill presses: "Still love?"

Thomas: "Yes! I still love her!" As the mother of his son, nothing more. 

Bill: "Then you know what you have to do. You have to be there for Caroline and Douglas. You have to be the husband and father you should have been all along." Such a hypocrite.

Thomas sighs, then repeats Bill's words: "Oh, man... you're right. You're right. I have to be there for Caroline and Douglas." He IS there for his son. I cannot believe he is falling for this crap.


Bill: "You got sucked in by that redhead who played you like a violin. Can I share something with you, Thomas? My greatest regret -- actually, there are two. I wasn't there for my adult sons when they were growing up. I missed out on so much with them. I mean, sure, they had their mothers. But soon... way too soon, Douglas isn't going to have his. So every day he has with her, every day he has with the three of you as a family is precious. Caroline's specialists are all in New York. She has to be there. And you have to be there for Caroline and Douglas."

Thomas leaves and I'm surprised that Bill doesn't stroke his tower in satisfaction. Because that is the sole impetus for him doing this. @Anna Yolei, I had obviously wiped out that previous episode with Steffy's head injury out of my mind (although IIRC, it wasn't a tumor but a blood clot that if she got upset, could prove fatal but same difference). The truth is going to come out, just as it did with Steffy and this time (as we'll see later), Caroline can't claim ignorance. But I guess Bill figures that by that time, the damage (to Tally and SF) will be done. 

Over a stupid fucking building! 

We cut to the Forrester mansion where Quinn and Ridge are discussing Eric. 

Ridge reveals he's not going to Monaco.

Ridge: "No, not the way things are with Dad right now. I need to have a face-to-face with him, clear the air."

Quinn: "Me, too. I want to be here if he decides to come home." I think you might be waiting a while, Quinn. 


It's interesting how they look at each other and now that their affair has been outed in the light of day, it would seem the bloom is off the rose. Not so hot and sexy now, huh?

Over at the hotel, Eric continues to let Sheila dote on him, which includes dropping off his dry-cleaning. She smiles, recalling the kiss from earlier. It didn't look like he returned that kiss (other than closing his eyes, which was weird.)

Sheila: "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Eric: "How are you at turning back the clock?"

Sheila: "I wish that I could. Back to before things went so terribly wrong between us."

Eric: "I was thinking more of my past with Quinn, back when I was blissfully unaware of her deception. And my son's."

Sheila: "Eric, would you really have not wanted to know?" Some wouldn't, particularly if it was truly over.

Eric isn't one of those: "No. What's the point of living a lie, really? Besides, everything would have come out in the end, anyway."

Sheila: "I just wish I hadn't been put in a position to have to tell you." Oh, please...she couldn't get over to the mansion fast enough to spill the tea.

Eric: "You really believe that, don't you?"

Sheila: "You don't?" I don't.

Eric: "I don't think it really makes any difference now, Sheila. I know." How he found out and from whom is really irrelevant at this point.

Sheila: "No, because I couldn't stand the thought of them betraying you, Eric. Your own wife and son? Oh, my God, I'm still so angry when I think of how they deceived you." While I can't argue that Quinn and Ridge weren't terrible, Sheila is the last person on earth who should be on her high horse about anything, ever.

Eric: "Look, they said they were on the verge of telling me anyway." 

Sheila: "Yeah, when? They could have done that at any time. They could have done that after their first kiss, their first indiscretion. They could have come to you. Or anytime after that! But no, they continued with their affair." I have to admit, she has a very good point here. I think they never intended for Eric to find out, but when faced with the very real fear that Sheila was going to out them and, remember, Sheila had already confronted Eric with her suspicions, they came clean. 

Eric: "There were kisses. But does that qualify as an affair?" In my book, it absolutely does and why he's minimizing this, I have no idea. 

Sheila: "I don't know, I think an emotional affair can be just as powerful as a physical one." Indeed.  At his hurt look, "I don't tell you these things because I'm trying to hurt you. I just think it's important that you see Quinn and Ridge for who they really are." Liars and cheaters and users.


Eric asks Sheila who she really is and she says she thinks he already knows the answer to that. He acknowledges her turning her life around and appreciates her being there for him, especially in light of being falsely accused of shooting at Quinn. But he warns her that they are never, ever, ever getting back together.

Sheila is adamant that she's just grateful to have him as a friend. Uh huh... She offers to stay or go, whatever he wants.

Eric: "I don't know what I want. I just don't know." He turns away then and Sheila creeps up right behind him to offer an embrace which he accepts. Dumb-ass.

Fuck you, Eric, for being so stupid.

Fuck you, TPTB, for wasting the normally captivating (for me, YMMV) KB in such a stupid storyline. 

Over at FC, the two heifers (Fauxdi and Sharpie) compare notes about Thomas, repeating the same tired song and dance about how Thomas would be sooooo much better off with Caroline. Steffy does look nice in that sheath dress (a nice change from her usual vampira look). Her cheap, mile-long Kmart extensions look hideous though.


Steffy: "We're pulling for you. Even your uncle."

Caroline: "What?" As if she doesn't know this already. 


Steffy: "It's just that Bill's used to getting what he wants, and...I just don't want him bullying my brother, that's all." Hope and I are calling BS on her not knowing Bill better than that and, when it has suited her, doing exactly that. 

Caroline: "Well, I don't want that, either." Sure, you do. "I mean, Thomas has to want to come back to us. I mean, otherwise, it doesn't work. And I'm sure my uncle understands that. Doesn't he?" Again, I call BS. I know it and Steffy knows it and Carowhine knows it. She all but encouraged it with her "Thank you Wuncle Bill" baby-voice and hug from the other day.

Later, Steffy  arrives at the mansion and we have Ridge, practically in sackcloth and ashes. He tells her Quinn is upstairs and hasn't slept since Eric disappeared. Boo-fucking-hoo. 


Steffy: "What about you?"

Ridge, long-suffering sigh: "I'm okay."

Steffy: "No, you're not. You haven't eaten and slept in days." Again, boo-fucking-hoo.

Ridge: "Well, I will eat and sleep when I find my father." Seriously, stop with the martyr/victim nonsense. 

Steffy stuns him with her next words: "I've seen Granddad."

She shares that Liam tracked him down a few days ago and confirms he's with Sheila. Ridge looks like his head is about to explode.

Back at SP, Caroline has arrived as dear ol' Uncle Bill has asked to see her right away.

Caroline: "So, what's up?"

Bill: "You asked me for some help, right? To give Tommy Boy a much-needed push in your direction."

Caroline: "So..."

Bill: "So, I admit, it was a head-scratcher, even for me. You know, the strong-arm tactic didn't work. But then it occurred to me...a way to reel Thomas in without him having any idea what was happening."

Caroline sighs: "I'm almost afraid to ask." Sure she is.

Bill: "I'll spare you the details. All you need to know is this: when you head back to New York, Thomas Forrester will be going with you. With you and Douglas. And not just for a visit...to stay. I guarantee it." Bill, the only thing you have guaranteed is that you are going to be so busted.

Caroline, clueless or willfully blind, take your pick, is elated: "Oh, my God, are you serious?"

Bill: "You might say 'as a heart attack.' Give your Uncle Bill a hug." She can't oblige him enough as Bill laughs and laughs. I can't tell from this angle, but I'll bet he's admiring his phallic tower. Again.


Caroline: "How'd you do it?"

Bill, with a shit-eating grin on his face: "Simple. I told him you were dying."

Caroline stares at him in shock. Really, Sharpie?

We end with Thomas at SF, alone in Sally's office. It's never been so quiet. He looks down at his phone, at pictures of him, Caroline, and Douglas, hearing Bill's like about Caroline dying in his head. He looks as if he's about to march to the gallows.


Show, you better get it together or you can find yourself deleted from my DVR list.

Edited by CountryGirl
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Poor Will. The whole "family comes first," having his parents together thing doesn't apply to him, eh, Bill?

What scrap of integrity you had, Caroline, has left the building. You better call the moms to get them up to speed on the scam.

Edited by LittleIggy
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CountryGirl, thanks for reminding me of Sludge's faux martyrdom.  When Stuffy observed that he hadn't eaten or slept in days, and he claimed he was just staying hydrated, I couldn't resist closing my eyes and instinctively placing my fingers over my nose.  If Sludge hasn't seen to his most basic of needs in a couple of days, what are the odds that he even bothered to bathe?  He must be smelling quite rank right about now, and it's a wonder that the flowers haven't wilted in his wake.

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45 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

CountryGirl, thanks for reminding me of Sludge's faux martyrdom.  When Stuffy observed that he hadn't eaten or slept in days, and he claimed he was just staying hydrated, I couldn't resist closing my eyes and instinctively placing my fingers over my nose.  If Sludge hasn't seen to his most basic of needs in a couple of days, what are the odds that he even bothered to bathe?  He must be smelling quite rank right about now, and it's a wonder that the flowers haven't wilted in his wake.

That gotta stay hydrated line was so dumb, I didn't want to include it in my recap. Hydrated for what, exactly?

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

I too am confused.

Just last month everyone was in a panic about getting a new line out in order to recoup the hundreds of millions of dollars Sally’s thievery cost them. 

Did I really hear Steffy tell Bill that Thomas likes to “be the hero….the rescuer”? The hell? Girl better step back and think about who she is married to.

Thomas and Sally should just let Bill have the damn building and move Spectra to someplace new.

Eric and Sheila kissing and hugging makes my blood boil. 

I appreciate that Steffy is trying to add some color and dynamics to her wardrobe, but why are we all of a sudden being blessed with so much cleavage? She had those things sticking right up in Bill’s grill the other day.

Seems like Nicole is ok now with having Secondary Infertility, and is acting like a young married girl should.

Brooke will be modeling in Monaco? Why do I find that all kinds of awesome.

I find it laughable that they think they're going to wipe the floor with SF when it's mostly ZenZey to the rescue. But I guess the heifers figure their scheme, with a huge assist from Bill, to break up Tally will have the bonus of Thomas jumping ship yet again, taking his designs with him and making Sally so distraught that she won't try and fight back. Well, they don't know my girl...

LOL about Fauxdi telling Bill how much Thomas likes to be a hero. The only person I've seen that with is Sally. But yes, she's conveniently forgetting she's married to Captain Save-a-Ho. As for her recent dress with boobs on parade, I'll take a seat at the old-fashioned table. 

Eric is a chump and is proving the old fool warnings of Ridge/company right, only with Sheila, who needs to head to GC (but not to interact with Lauren - maybe she can take out Victor?)

Nicole...she also has her REAL hair back. 

I love that Brooke will be modeling for FC. I would absolutely buy anything she sold.

Edited by CountryGirl
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OMG!  Nicole and Zende are actually less boring than Eric and Shelia.  

Caroline Caroline Caroline, see how well it worked out for you and Ridge living a lie about Douglas' father. You where as jumpy as a cat on a hot tin roof with that lie. What makes you can keep this lie. You want to go back to NY with Thomas?  Do you think that Steffy and Ridge won't object?  

Eric Eric Eric, get over it and stop being hypocritical. 

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43 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Caroline Caroline Caroline, see how well it worked out for you and Ridge living a lie about Douglas' father. You where as jumpy as a cat on a hot tin roof with that lie. What makes you can keep this lie. You want to go back to NY with Thomas?  Do you think that Steffy and Ridge won't object?  

That last part is something I've been wondering. What if Steffy's idiot scheme did work and instead of working for FC and accepting that he's playing fourth fiddle behind Sludge, Fauxdi and Rick, he still says "Fuck it" and strikes out on his own in NYC? You can damn well bet Steffy will turn on Carowhine real quick.

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

That gotta stay hydrated line was so dumb, I didn't want to include it in my recap. Hydrated for what, exactly?

I think I have the answer to that one. I'm pretty certain it was Sludge being facetious and he had been slugging down Eric's bourbon. The glass he was holding was one of the ubiquitous highball glasses that everybody on the show has either in their living rooms or offices.  Otherwise, yeah, it was a dumb remark (it was anyway) and didn't make any sense.  Unwashed ... drinking ... lawd, he must reek to high heaven. No wonder Quinn isn't eye fucking him any longer. She probably can't stand to be within 20 feet or she'll pass out from the fumes.

I kind of feel sorry for Thomas. He's being played for such a fool and you can tell how guilty and terrified he feels. Not only does he think he's going to lose Caroline but he also has to get his head around being a (faux) single father.  Not to support this sham or slam single parenthood, but any infant -- whether they have one, two or zero parents -- has nothing to worry about with this clan. Hell, they don't have a village to raise a kid -- they have an entire f-in CORPORATION!!

Bill, go preach to the mirror, why don't you? All of this hot air about "family" and how a child needs both parents. Exactly. Why aren't you back home with Katie and Will? Today was one of those rare days when I really HATED Bill. I was so hoping that Carowhine was going to do the right thing and tell Thomas the truth. But with Bill standing there giving color commentary in the background, Thomas had no chance. I can't wait until this implodes. I wonder if they are going to clue Fauxdi in on the little plot? How's she going to react? If she goes along with it, wait until the original Captain Save a Ho gets wind. 'Bye 'bye Princess!  Wouldn't it be great to see both Fauxdi and Carowhine get dumped?

Why can't that asshole $Bill purchase another piece of property in downtown L.A. I don't live there but isn't downtown a wreck with lots of empty buildings and abandoned constructions projects? He should have plenty to choose from that he could get for even a better deal than the SF building.

Eric is another hypocrite. While he's whining about Quinn and Ridge, he's in the beginning stages of an emotional affair with Sheila, even though he walked out on Quinn. That's what Sheila is the best at. She knows how to get in their and inspire trust and confidence then moves in for the kill. The "friendly" hugs need to stop as well. And notice that his attempts at telling her to get lost and give him some space have been ignored and he's more or less acquiesced to her intrusion.  The confrontation between Sludge and her tomorrow should be awesome!

Sally's freshly colored hair on fi-ah! Loved, loved, LOVED it! Especially set off against that navy blue top (wornontv.com says it's black but it looks navy on my tv.) I really don't want to look at either Steffy's legs or boobs.

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I'm tired of Bill's idiotic insistence a child belongs in a home with both parents. You had zero interest in being with your first 2 kids mothers and just dumped your third ones mama. Also you've ranted for monthes against Brooke staying with Ridge for her son's sake. 


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