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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I wanted to reach through the TV and punch that douche. Ridge should have told him that he was going to report him to the Medical Board (or whatever they call it). Katie deserved some slapping too for sticking her nose in Ridge's business. I can't wait for Bill to confront her about her lying. Of course, for Katie, it will be all Brooke's fault

I guess sticking your nose in other people's business is a sisterly trait. Brooke with Katie and Katie with the doctor.

Brooke is vindictive ass wipe She cares less about her sister than to win Bill, the love of her life, back. Beside she is also pissed that Katie doesn't drink the same brand of vodka as she does because she gets a rebate on each bottle purchased. OK, the doctor is having problems with his practice probably because he has violated HIPPA laws as he's doing by speaking to Katie.

Edited by Waldo13
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Unless something happened today, which I of course haven't seen yet, I'm not seeing Brooke being written as wanting Bill back. What we do/don't see, though, is meaningless to these hacks! But I have to wonder if KKL had some input and said enough is enough with Brooke STILL waffling between men.

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What I can't understand is how Brooke can be rifling through her stash and not tempted to chug-a-lug herself. I mean this is the chic that was downing champagne like water at their wedding. I know I'm supposed to suspend disbelief and defy all logic when watching this show but it gets harder and harder when they take real issues and turn them into monsters of the week.

Edited by slayer2
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All today's hijinks aside, what I'd really like to be watching is the Quinn and Deacon Road Trip. I imagine them dodging between the redwoods as they scuttle north, and taking shelter in their forest cabin hideaway in the far interior of Oregon. Quinn can sell hippy jewelry to the back-to-the-landers, while Deacon grows a full beard, finds true friends among the locals, and starts a dope-growing business.

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Of course, for Katie, it will be all Brooke's fault

I can't even with Brooke. She must stay having to breathe through her mouth because her nose is always stuck up in somebody else's business. They don't know that's Katie's booze and they don't know how long it's been there. And why is it that Brooke can just go into Katie's house and rifle through her stuff any time she wants? Of course, by the time Katie gets home she'll be drunk again but AFAIC that doesn't make what Brooke did okay.  (Hope that Katie Ubers home and doesn't drive herself.)

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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You know, all Ridge had to do the first time Dr. Douche started his insinuating is to tell him that he had some of his sperm frozen before his vasectomy in France, just in case. They used that to get Caroline pregnant after he went to see Dr. Douche.

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Bill C., on 14 Apr 2016 - 3:58 PM, said:

I can almost...grudgingly...let Brooke slide on riffling through Bill and Katie's kitchen today looking for booze.  There was a precedent, after all.  (Brooke unnecessarily getting Bill to discover the booze on his own, now...)  


Brooke is incapable of staying out of Katie's marriage. It's so easy when you call it "being concerned and trying to help" when the interference gets you one step closer to cashing in on your Greatest Love


Bill C., on 14 Apr 2016 - 3:58 PM, said:

Katie straight up intercepting Dr. Whatsit to ask about his chat with Ridge, though...let alone his actually blabbing about the damn vasectomy...that was so utterly random I'm still not sure what to think about it.  I guess it was meant to be a swerve from Rick being the one to find out, but still.


I was astonished that Dr.Whatsit would volunteer Ridge's private fertility information to a virtual stranger. How does that help his not working in a clinic at present  pocketbook demands? Doesn't telling someone of Ridge's acquaintance take some of the impact out of Who's Doug's Daddy?


And I'm still expecting Douglas to be Ridge's kid in the end, dammit.


Forrester Super Sperm For the Win! 

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I'm guessing that since down-on-his-luck Dr. Douchenozzle now has nothing better to do with his days than sit around and lurk and get drunk, he spends a lot of time people-watching. If the Forresters and Spencers are such *cough* big name celebrities in L.A., then the good doc probably saw Katie and Bill eating lunch. Probably didn't take much for his pickled mind to put two and two together when she sauntered over to his table and introduced herself. (He immediately picked out Caroline.)


I'm puzzled as to why there was all of the buzz about bringing the new guy Thomas(?) McKenna on, when he had only one brief appearance. Instead, they dredge up this whoever to play a villain to get up in Ridge's and Caroline's business. It reminds me of when they brought in a short-term actor to play Andy, the guy who raped Brooke, way back then. Lots of screen time, little recognition and just around long enough to muster up the audience's hatred before killing him off.


I also didn't understand why Brooke was wandering around in Katie's and Bill's kitchen and rummaging through the cupboards and drawers. Why would Brooke know places for hiding booze anyway? She kept her bottala Beata out in plain view. When Bill poured from the bottle into the glass for Brooke, the contents looked brown like bourbon, but he said it was vodka. Oh, boy, can't wait for Katie to stagger in the door. She'll probably try to tell them about her conversation with the blackmailing doctor and spill Ridge's secret, but Brooke and Bill will just think she's drunk and rambling.


What's been wrong with $Bill's voice lately? He sounds like somebody who's making a ransom demand over a pay phone.


Yikes! I looked in the mirror today and my hair is approaching KKL territory. (Only mine is a much better color.) Time to book a haircut ASAP!

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Unless something happened today, which I of course haven't seen yet, I'm not seeing Brooke being written as wanting Bill back. What we do/don't see, though, is meaningless to these hacks! But I have to wonder if KKL had some input and said enough is enough with Brooke STILL waffling between men.

It wouldn't be the first time. KKL put her foot down at another go around with Nick following the end of their short lived marriage at Bridget's expense. Too bad this came down AFTER they'd written the egg switch with Taylor and having that loose end dangling for all time in canon. Jack Marone who?
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I can't even with Brooke. She must stay having to breathe through her mouth because her nose is always stuck up in somebody else's business. They don't know that's Katie's booze and they don't know how long it's been there. And why is it that Brooke can just go into Katie's house and rifle through her stuff any time she wants? Of course, by the time Katie gets home she'll be drunk again but AFAIC that doesn't make what Brooke did okay. (Hope that Katie Ubers home and doesn't drive herself.)

Course, if Katie mowed over Steffy, Liam or any of the Avant sisters, I'd consider that a net gain to the show.

Hell, the show could even surprise us by cribbing off Y&R where Katie can hit Nicole and she loses the Satan spawn that I imagine any child raise Maya and Rick N. Titled would become. Brooke will have a reason for conflict with Sourpuss and Rick can have someone other than Ridge to hate.

Speaking g of, having Katie find out about Ridge is just....random. Lord knows I'd like more characters interacting that should be (Caroline having one scene a year with either of her two cousins is one example) but what purpose does having her in Ridge's orbit serve now? I refuse to believe TIIC are that stupid to try and reunite the second worst Ridge centric pairing AGAIN.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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You know, all Ridge had to do the first time Dr. Douche started his insinuating is to tell him that he had some of his sperm frozen before his vasectomy in France, just in case. They used that to get Caroline pregnant after he went to see Dr. Douche.

That would make sense, which explains why he didn't say that.

When Bill poured from the bottle into the glass for Brooke, the contents looked brown like bourbon, but he said it was vodka.

Maybe it's because I was watching on a laptop, but it looked clear like water to me.

That Brooke/Bill scene was so damn lame. Yes, sparkling water...NO I don't like it cold, I like room temp...NO I want the small bottle...*puts glass under Bill's nose*. Couldn't she have just told him there's booze in the water bottle???

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Couldn't she have just told him there's booze in the water bottle???

Of course not. Because now she can claim she didn't actually tell him, and didn't break her promise to Katie.

Edited by jenrising
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So...was that it for the blackmail story? It sure arose quickly and ended abruptly (like everything else on this show).


And what an "edge-of-your-seat" Friday cliffhanger. Oh no! Was the scheming doctor flattened by a delivery truck? Tune in Monday to find out! :| Do we care? What was the point of this whole sidebar, aside from letting Katie in on the secret for whatever reason? Surely Brooke could've just blurted it out in her presence and saved everyone the trouble. 

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The last cliffhanger I remember giving any fucks about was when Maya's secret was exposed. That was less about being on my toes in anticipation for Monday as it was about it being a huge WTF.

Before that....gee, I dunno, honestly. It's like this show's forgotten what pacing looks like.

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A couple of hours removed from Caroline's headlights...uh, today's episode, and I'm thinking the last twenty seconds were actually a swerve of sorts.  It certainly appeared to be skewing towards Ridge accidentally pushing Dr. Whatsit out into the street or something, but then he walked away...but then it looked like he was considering going back and clocking him, but then Dr. Whatsit went thud on his own.  That said, it's still the most utterly random thing the show's done so far this year.


As for Caroline's h--er, Katie's secret stash (or part thereof) being exposed...that obviously was to keep her from blabbing to Bill about Ridge's situation (which...damn, Katie!).  Since she's the first and so far only person to know about that, though (or rather everything involved--Brooke only knows about the vasectomy), it forces the issue: she can't be out of circulation because she has to reveal what she knows.  Even if just to Ridge.

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You know, all Ridge had to do the first time Dr. Douche started his insinuating is to tell him that he had some of his sperm frozen before his vasectomy in France, just in case. They used that to get Caroline pregnant after he went to see Dr. Douche.

That's too logical for Bell to think of. Now is Katie going to go splat also. Not by a car but by Bill having Katie committed. Since she is in LA, she can go where Li Lo went. They had good results with her. Bill is a fucking idiot yelling at Katie in front of Brooke. Chalk up another successful betrayal for Brooke.

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...hell, I'd allow it in this case.


So in other words, I shouldn't bother watching today's episode?


I'd almost say watch it for the scenes with Ridge, Caroline's headlights (dammit--but, really, Caroline was actually kind of sensible today, and interestingly so was Ridge in a soap-logic way) and Dr. Whatsit...but, coming off the past few episodes, you could actually skip this one and not really miss that much.  The ending will likely be rehashed to open Monday's ep anyway.

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Ridge is like David Banner aka The Hulk. "Don't make me angry. You won't like it when I'm angry!". So, Ridge willed the ice cream truck to hit Dr. 90210?


I am sure the good doctor had his cell phone on recording the conversation with Ridge threatening him and boom he is dead but cell phone is alive!  Better put some hot dogs on the barbie for Lt, Baker!  LOL  And the good doctor told Katie who wanted to tell Bill but Bill called her out as being a liar on every front because of drinking and so of course when she does spill her guts she won't be believed...

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I guess Katie will think Ridge had something to do with the accident and in her drunkin stupor blackmail Ridge. I'm not sure what she would want in return though.

Edited by ByaNose
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A couple of hours removed from Caroline's headlights...

Yeah....ummmm LG...tight white top + bra = a good idea. Remember that.


Bill is a fucking idiot yelling at Katie in front of Brooke.

That was seriously uncalled for.*


I guess Katie will think Ridge had something to do with the accident and in her drunkin stupor blackmail Ridge. I'm not sure what she would want in return though.

Speaking of drunken Katie, what was with the way she was behaving with the doctor? Katie, who downs bottles of vodka in one fell swoop, getting all smug (well, forget that, smug is her default) and speech-slurry after ONE martini?


*ETA...Waldo, I hope you know I meant that Bill humiliating Katie in front of Brooke was uncalled for, NOT your post :)

Edited by ByTor
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So in other words, I shouldn't bother watching today's episode?

Well, you can watch so you can see Ridge stomping away from Dr. Evil with his fists clenched as though he were about to have a major tantrum!

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I guess Katie will think Ridge had something to do with the accident and in her drunkin stupor blackmail Ridge. I'm not sure what she would want in return though.

I sure hope it wouldn't be stepping down from Forester and have Rick take over; but Bill hates Rick worse than Ridge so maybe it would be making Steffy CEO. If in any case Rick is back in charge and Maya is back on the wall B&B can kiss my ass goodbye.

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I sure hope it wouldn't be stepping down from Forester and have Rick take over; but Bill hates Rick worse than Ridge so maybe it would be making Steffy CEO. If in any case Rick is back in charge and Maya is back on the wall B&B can kiss my ass goodbye.

And they can kiss my ass hello! Sex in the steamroom please! Although frankly I doubt this scenario, Katie doesn't give a shit about Rick.

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I feel like the show is getting back on track. First I'm loving the values they put in this week it really looked like a prime time show with the sets and location shoots and wardrobe. It made the other soaps look embarrassing. Second there was some cheesy soapy camp goodness.

Love how Ridge let out his warlock side and mentally shoved Doctor Sleeze in front of the ice cream truck. I missed it - was the truck playing the song? Haha. It's eerie how his kind brings bad luck to anyone who cross their path. Look how many 'accidents' happen to those who interact with Puffy, and all the misfortune of knowing Thomas. Ridge kind of looks like a sexy witch. The long tangled hair, lined face, deep skin tone.

Does Katie ever wonder if Bill is worth the trouble? I mean seriously.

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LG and her nipples under a white top out for lunch and then the office?! Um ok...NOT!

IMO, they have been the best thing, to be on B&B, this week. Beside, LG's nipples have more personality than Steffy, Nicole, and Zende combined.

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Does Katie ever wonder if Bill is worth the trouble? I mean seriously.

Yeah, why would she stay in situation where she's so worried about losing her husband to her sister that she's now driven to hiding booze and lying about how much she drinks? IMO she doesn't need to live like that unless she enjoys suffering. And as far as "worth the trouble" is concerned, I wonder that about most of the couples on this fakakta show. (And Y&R!)


Chalk up another successful betrayal for Brooke.

This. Right. Here. Brooke should teach classes on how to do it. That is, if she were self-aware enough to realize how she repeatedly pulls this crap on the people who most expect to be able to trust her.


of course when she does spill her guts she won't be believed...

But Brooke will put 2+2 together and figure it out since she knows the sketchy story Ridge told her. (And that she's already been blabbing around.) Plus she'll take all the credit and leave Katie looking like a drunken loon.

Yeah....ummmm LG...tight white top + bra = a good idea. Remember that.
LG and her nipples under a white top out for lunch and then the office?!  Um ok...NOT! 

Wonder what's going on with LG? This on top off that ridiculous get up she wore last week on The Talk really make me start to question whether she realizes how flighty she's making herself look.

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Why does Bill continue to have private conversations with Katie in front of Brooke? It drives me crazy. And drunk Katie finding out about Douglas just means no one is going to believe her right?

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Does Katie ever wonder if Bill is worth the trouble? I mean seriously.

I've asked this question about nearly every pairing on this show from Eric/Stephanie to the tail end of Thorne/Macy to both generations of ToDs to Caroline throwing herself Rick when he was seeing Maya the first time around.

The last time a woman was done with a man and meant it was when Bridget pulled a Waiting to Exhale move on Deacon.

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And the truck was so far over towards the curb as if it was getting ready to pull over - how fast could it have been going? I think The Force Ridge used would have had to have not only pushed Dr. Douche in front of the truck, but also slammed him into it.

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Yeah, why would she stay in situation where she's so worried about losing her husband to her sister that she's now driven to hiding booze and lying about how much she drinks? IMO she doesn't need to live like that unless she enjoys suffering. And as far as "worth the trouble" is concerned, I wonder that about most of the couples on this fakakta show. (And Y&R!)



I honestly think that, at this point, Katie would rather have Bill and be miserable than lose him to Brooke.  

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Well, you can watch so you can see Ridge stomping away from Dr. Evil with his fists clenched as though he were about to have a major tantrum!


Come to think of it he really does look like a Warlock. If this were Passions or DOOL we'd be doomed.

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Wonder what's going on with LG? This on top off that ridiculous get up she wore last week on The Talk really make me start to question whether she realizes how flighty she's making herself look


I wonder too. In another post, I mentioned her not having any self-awareness, but who knows.

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Wonder what's going on with LG? This on top off that ridiculous get up she wore last week on The Talk really make me start to question whether she realizes how flighty she's making herself look.

I'm pretty sure LG doesn't have to much of a say, over the wardrobe department, in how she dresses. If she does have choices, once again, I'm pretty sure they are very limited. The actors are dressed to what TPTB envision for them. Look at Nicole. Since she is pregnant, they dress her like she is in her middle twenties. Aly was dressing young and fresh when she was with Oliver than dressed ultra virginal when she was having her moral issues. Do you think that Carter was very happy that he was mostly shirtless? Well, maybe. Quinn went from black to white when she supposedly fell in love with Liam.

Edited by Waldo13
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I'm pretty sure LG doesn't have to much of a say, over the wardrobe department, in how she dresses. If she does have choices, once again, I'm pretty sure they are very limited.

Probably not, but if I were told to wear that getup braless, I would have refused, and I'm sure she could have if she wanted to. 

I wonder too. In another post, I mentioned her not having any self-awareness, but who knows.

From what I've seen (granted it's social media), I'm under the impression she's pretty immature.

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Yep...that top was not flattering...more like flattening.  LG has a nice slim athletic shape but too tight is too tight on anybody.  I've dressed women for almost 40 years (vintage clothing shop) and  like to think I know what works and what doesn't.  I'll tell customers "Honey, I know you love that dress but it's not doing you any favors" even if it costs me a sale.  Loved the skirt, tho. 


OT....does Brooke have any other expression besides squinty eyes?  HT acts circles around her.  And Brooke should have left as soon as Katie came home.  Mission accomplished.  Don't hang around for the fallout.


ETA...where's Viv?  Just caught her in a recent Bernie Mac rerun.  The reunion ep.  She was hilarious.

Edited by OhioSongbird
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Well, you can watch so you can see Ridge stomping away from Dr. Evil with his fists clenched as though he were about to have a major tantrum!


Come to think of it he really does look like a Warlock. If this were Passions or DOOL we'd be doomed.


How I wish B&B were Passions.

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Oh, hell to the yes!  I loved Passions....closets to hell, Little Timmy, Juliet Mills, Ben Masters and so on.  It was so OTT....just my kind of show.  Ever seen Johnny Sokko and his Flying Robot?  1969 Japanese TV series.  Cheesy effects, bad acting, horrible dubbing, monster costumes that will crack you up.  Check it out.


B&B could easily go into that territory.  Caroline's demon spawn, Katie drinks--turns into a demon, Quinn is the she demon ruling everything.  How about a fantasy ep, Bell?


Any ideas, y'all?

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B&B could easily go into that territory.  Caroline's demon spawn, Katie drinks--turns into a demon, Quinn is the she demon ruling everything.  How about a fantasy ep, Bell?


Any ideas, y'all?

Can it be part sci-fi, as well as supernatural? I'm thinking Zende and Sasha can be robots.
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