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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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. And for the life of me, I can't figure out how Liam has any say in who works at Forrester, particularly when his decision is based on whether he can trust someone, not on their qualifications, or what the would bring to the company.



And it's not even whether he can trust them overall, but whether he can trust them to not kiss his Hope. 

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I'm glad Carter didn't stay with Maya, but at the same time, I don't feel sorry for him.  That's what you get when you doggedly pursue someone in a relationship, then propose to them a day (or maybe he waited two) after they break up with their boyfriend (for reasons that had nothing to do with you) and you've never been on one date.

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So when The Diamond was at Forrester, there had to be a guard with it at all times.

But now that Wyatt has it at the beach house, it is just out chillin' on the coffee table.

IKR? I was thinking that too. Didn't he also take the necklace with him because I remember yelling at him, hey idiot, u better put it back in that case before u go out. How stupid but then he always is, SMH!!

Showing ex-con Deacon the priceless diamond he'd just inherited probably wasn't the wisest move for Wyatt. And I guess he's just going to let Quinn Artisan go belly-up to accept Hope's job offer? Fuck his own employees, Ivy needs an assistant!

I'm glad Oliver is doing this preemptive damage control. I was certain Aly was going to hear the recording accidentally or something stupid like that.

This is probably a very unpopular opinion, but I kind of like Maya and Carter. It's not like they're eating the show. I wish they were given more to do. Why not give Maya a singing career, and let's see Carter and Ridge actually do something that friends do. I'd rather see Maya and Carter do stuff than watch Katie suck some more lemons.

Please, LOL!! I've hated Myrna from day one. For some reason she rubs me the wrong way and I hate Ridge but to each their own. I applauded very loudly when Carter finally dumped her cheating litle ass and it was so much fun to watch!!

I was so afraid that Myrna was going to tell Aly and that he wouldn't or if he did tell her that he might try and spin if to make himself look better than he did but I'm so glad he was totally honest with her!! I just love those two and think they have awesome chemistry. I think she'll forgive him but it may take a little time to earn her trust back.

I like Maya, and I think she has potential. When she first came on the show as the po' ex-con who was constantly harrassing Daisy about her dead child, she worked my last nerve. They have really transformed her. I like that she had a brief fling with Rick. But then they brought in Carter, and oh, young black man alert, must be paired with young black female. Why? Same thing happened with Daisy. Daisy and Thomas had potential. Then they had to pair her off with Mushmouth.

Yeah, you could see Deacon's eyes light up. The only thing saving Wyatt right now from a theft I think is the fact that Deacon seems to have some affinity for Quinn, and might not want to screw over her son. Wyatt should go get that thing insured immediately. I really hope they don't go this route. After all Deacon knows the diamond is meant for Hope, his own daughter.

I don't understand the completely superfluous introduction of Ivy, but hey, at least it's new blood.

ITA. It's like they just threw her in the mix with no rhyme or rhythm.

I agree that Hope isn't evil. I just wish she was called on her bullshit every once in a while and people stopped acting as if she's all that and 5 bags of chips. At times, the character comes across as hypocritical, self-righteous, and priggish--just one in a long line of such women who are set up to be the "anti-Brooke." Meanwhile, their own shit is raggedy and they wear glittered covered toilet seats as halos.

We'll have to disagree about Hope. She was very wrong for dating brothers but other than that she's a great character, JMO. What bullshit should she be called out for and how is she the anti Brooke? I sure don't see it because she's nothing like her mother.

I think it is Liam who wants to get married and Hope wants to please him. Even Brooke commented that she preferred the relationship with Wyatt because they were just dating instead of trying to be in a serious, committed relationship.

I would love to for Marco Dapper to play Thomas. He has the kind of sex-on-a-stick appeal that Thomas Forrester should have.

We've seen Hope be in love with Liam for yrs now, she's always loved and wanted to marry him. Lope have always been each other's destiny but because of all the outside interferences they haven't been able to get there. Brooke didn't say she preferred Hope with Wyatt that I remember because I don't think she'd do that.

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So when The Diamond was at Forrester, there had to be a guard with it at all times.


But now that Wyatt has it at the beach house, it is just out chillin' on the coffee table.

When the Dope diamond was at FC, it was always just out chillin' on the table in Eric's office! I was always thinking "Why isn't it in a safe!" Then, when it was at THE Forrester boutique, it was out in the open with only ol' Charlie watching it. Crazy!

Nice that Ivy thinks about her staff, unlike Wyatt.

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I think I'm really starting to like Aly. I like that they've pulled back on the flat out crazy. And then, today, even though she was obviously hurt and has feelings for Oliver, she was strong enough to say that she can't be with someone if she never knows if he's lying to her. I like that she wasn't so desperate to hang on to him that she was willing to blindly accept whatever he said.

Ditto Carter. I love that he saw through all of Maya's bullshit. I thought there was a decent possibility that the guy who was all over Maya when she was obviously into (and involved with) someone else wouldn't be too bent out of shape that she had a brief failed seduction of her ex.

And I like that both conversations played out on the same day. There's a lot of similarities there. I think both Oliver and Maya thought that, in Aly and Carter, they had someone who was so into them that they'd be able to stay in their good graces with minimal effort and charm. Oliver was a little smarter than Maya in doing his damage control up front instead of waiting on someone ratting him out to Aly, and I think he does probably genuinely care about Aly more than Maya does about Carter.

IMO that's very obvious. I was so happy when Oliver told her the truth and didn't fudge it a little. I think she'll forgive him shortly, maybe after talking to her mother. I'm glad Myrna didn't tell her first. Actually I'm shocked that she didn't the jealous shrew. N9w Myrna doesn't have Rick or Carter and it serves her right, haha!!

She's Myrna to me.

The diamond on the table is just ridiculous. When the guards brought it in, I think they asked for Wyatt Fooler. I thought that was an appropriate name too.

Wyatt Fooler. That's a perfect name for him, LMAO!!

I'm glad Carter didn't stay with Maya, but at the same time, I don't feel sorry for him. That's what you get when you doggedly pursue someone in a relationship, then propose to them a day (or maybe he waited two) after they break up with their boyfriend (for reasons that had nothing to do with you) and you've never been on one date.

EXACTLY. Mr, Stupid asked for it by turning a blind eye and waiting so long to dump her!!

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how is she the anti Brooke? I sure don't see it because she's nothing like her mother.



Isn't that what anti-Brooke means?


I am now more confused than ever about the chain of command at FC



Despite the lack of designing talent, business sense or qualifications Hope is the one that calls the shots at HFTF.  She's fired and hired before without consulting the president or CEO.  And what's crazier, everyone at FC is okay with that!

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Please, LOL!! I've hated Myrna from day one. For some reason she rubs me the wrong way and I hate Ridge but to each their own.



My problem with Maya at the beginning was the god-awful hair! I started to like her more once she apparently could afford good hair treatment. I know. I am shallow.


KM is very interactive on Twitter, so she and Maya hold a special place in my heart. :)

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Isn't that what anti-Brooke means?

Despite the lack of designing talent, business sense or qualifications Hope is the one that calls the shots at HFTF. She's fired and hired before without consulting the president or CEO. And what's crazier, everyone at FC is okay with that!

She said he has to talk to Eric and Rick, SMH. It is her line so she probably gets to make these kind of decisions with the other two having the final say.

Well, Hope's adoring brother runs FC, so she knows he'll never say no to her. I think he did fudge a little. I didn't hear him say anything about "The Red(headed or haired?) Forrester". I loved yesterday's Kringe free show. I do think Wyatt is Fooling himself, if not Liam. The two weak spots for me yesterday were Myrna's Doll Eyes. Maybe the actress is adjusting to contacts, or has some kind of problem. I don't know what's worse, someone who stares with open eyes all the time, or someone who blinks all the time. I think the staring is definitely creepier.

IKR? Yesterday's Kringe free show was totally awesome. I just wish he'd have never come back because IMO the show was doing just great without his boring, cave man ass. I really hate him!!

Edited by meow
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My problem with Maya at the beginning was the god-awful hair! I started to like her more once she apparently could afford good hair treatment. I know. I am shallow.

KM is very interactive on Twitter, so she and Maya hold a special place in my heart. :)

Yes! I was like, "Good Lord. Just do a twist out with water!"

KM is a sweetheart on Twitter. She's responded to me several times (basically every time I've tweeted her) -- and one of the times was asking about her hair. Ha!

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I'm glad Carter didn't stay with Maya, but at the same time, I don't feel sorry for him. That's what you get when you doggedly pursue someone in a relationship, then propose to them a day (or maybe he waited two) after they break up with their boyfriend (for reasons that had nothing to do with you) and you've never been on one date.

Their relationship, for lack of any other word in the English language to describe it, was one of the most poorly thought out in the show's history. A number of pages ago, there was a discussion that Caroline's uptick in popularity after her bump on the noggin may have encorgaged TIIC to keep her with Rick, leaving Maya in the lurch. But if that were the case, why keep Maya? She's had nothing to do for months. Carter's only tie to the show has been MIA for months as well.

Maya and Carter are to B&B what Princess Bitchface Devon is to Y&R.....completely useless.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Maya and Carter are to B&B what Princess Bitchface Devon is to Y&R.....completely useless



It could have been worse...Maya and Carter could have easily gotten pigeonholed forever into TBSL that Y&R notoriously placed the Winters family in during MAB's Reign of Error.  You know, the one where the long-lost mama is a crackhead prostitute, where there's a little orphan who SANGS! at the drop of a dime, where someone in the family flies under the radar of social services while having the , and every storyline from Good Times has been ripped off for our daytime entertainment.  All because, you know, "Black people can REALLY relate to this!"  Oh, wait...Maya was convicted of a crime, wasn't she?


Now, Bradley has contrived a way to keep Carter around by having Carter and Ridge besties although nothing like that ever played out on our screens.

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Hey kids!  New B&B watcher here.  Started last week at the urging of my soap pal as we are both fed up with GH.  Love this show.  Half-hour so it moves along, writers seem to have a brain (are you hearing me Ron Carlivati?), great exterior shots, wardrobe, etc.  Plus Scott Clifton (OLTL) and Thorsten Kaye and Jacob Young (AMC).  I'm here now and have some catching up to do so if I ask some background please fill me in.

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We've seen Hope be in love with Liam for yrs now, she's always loved and wanted to marry him. Lope have always been each other's destiny but because of all the outside interferences they haven't been able to get there. Brooke didn't say she preferred Hope with Wyatt that I remember because I don't think she'd do that.


While Brooke never explicitly said that she prefers Wyatt over Liam, in the 3/4/14 episode, Brook told Thorne that while "she likes Liam, his relationship with Hope got too complicated, as opposed to Wyatt and his desire to simply date Hope without putting pressure on her."

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It makes no sense to me that Carter and Ridge are best buddies.  Ridge is like 50 years old.  Carter is like 28.  Ridge could be his father.  I'm not saying they can't be friends, but they wouldn't be best friends I would think.  Carter should be friends with Oliver and some of the other redshirts.  The ones that are always at the rooftop gym.


Just seems like an excuse to justify Carter's existence on the show.

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This show is so confusing sometimes! The last time we saw Ridge and Katie, last Friday I think, they had returned to FC's; Ridge was trying to sketch, and Katie was hovering protectively in the background. Today's episode seemed to pick up right there, but in yesterday's show, everyone was in the office when Eric offered Ivy the job, and Ridge and Katie were no where in sight. What am I missing here?


Wow, Maya. They seem to be going out of their way to change her personality. If she keeps this up she will not only have lost her chance with Rick, and any chance she had with Carter, she is also going to start losing her friends, the support of the Forrester's and her job. She isn't right for HFTF anyway; too mature and just doesn't have that model "thing". I've never understood why they haven't used KM's amazing voice. In the old days we listened to Macy and Thorne sing all the time. We've even had the "pleasure" of hearing Ridge sing to Brooke. So why not let Maya use her real talent?


I hope Oliver rides out on a horse at Medieval Times


I think that is exactly what is going to happen. Spoilers indicate that

Oliver goes on a full blown mission to win Ally back.

 If that pans out I think I will enjoy it; so much more entertaining than Hope and Liam, or Hope and Wyatt. Now, if they want to show me Liam and Wyatt bonding? I will be ok with that. Those two are far more compelling sans Hope. And for the heck of it, just throw Deacon in that mix. One thing this show has always lacked is same sex friends.


Bill and Justin should just own up and say it was an accident. Is there any doubt that eventually the flight plan will be found? It is going to look so much worse if they try to cover this up. And I am pissed, pissed, pissed about it. They refuse to let Brooke be happy. First it was the Quinn selfie, now this. For Pete's sake, hasn't this character had enough failed relationships? And don't get me started on how she was a ping pong ball for over twenty five years. There comes a time when our soap heroines need to find some level of happiness and security. They used to do in the old soaps all the time. The only couples who have had any longevity and continuity, are Taylor/Ridge, Macy/Thorne and Eric/Stephanie. And even though those marraiges lasted, they were fraught with all kinds of issues.

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DVR Alert!  Ronnn Mosss and his cuckoobananas wife will be on Celebrity Wife Swap on Tuesday, July 22 at 10pm.  (It's on ABC.)

Ay carumba...

Edited by Snaporaz
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Yes! I was like, "Good Lord. Just do a twist out with water!"

KM is a sweetheart on Twitter. She's responded to me several times (basically every time I've tweeted her) -- and one of the times was asking about her hair. Ha!

That's really awesome!! I'm going to follow her because she's a fav!!

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Yes! I was like, "Good Lord. Just do a twist out with water!"

KM is a sweetheart on Twitter. She's responded to me several times (basically every time I've tweeted her) -- and one of the times was asking about her hair. Ha!

I just went to twitter to follow her and it was said that she doesn't have an account or tweet, bummer!!

I hope Oliver rides out on a horse at Medieval Times!

All the while yelling out that he loves her. Wouldn't that fry Myrna's dumb, jealous ass!!

Their relationship, for lack of any other word in the English language to describe it, was one of the most poorly thought out in the show's history. A number of pages ago, there was a discussion that Caroline's uptick in popularity after her bump on the noggin may have encorgaged TIIC to keep her with Rick, leaving Maya in the lurch. But if that were the case, why keep Maya? She's had nothing to do for months. Carter's only tie to the show has been MIA for months as well.

Maya and Carter are to B&B what Princess Bitchface Devon is to Y&R.....completely useless.

I could not agree more. They're all useless!!

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DVR Alert!  Ronnn Mosss and his cuckoobananas wife will be on Celebrity Wife Swap on Tuesday, July 22 at 10pm.  (It's on ABC.)

Ay carumba...


I've never watched that show, but I might have to make an exception, I bet she's a train wreck. 


I just went to twitter to follow her and it was said that she doesn't have an account or tweet, bummer!!



I think you're talking about different KM's.  Karla Mosely is the one being discussed re: Twitter not Kim Matula (who I assume you mean). 

Edited by KerleyQ
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While Brooke never explicitly said that she prefers Wyatt over Liam, in the 3/4/14 episode, Brook told Thorne that while "she likes Liam, his relationship with Hope got too complicated, as opposed to Wyatt and his desire to simply date Hope without putting pressure on her."

But now she's happy Hope is back with Liam. Soap relationships r always complicated Brooke, LOL. There were other crappy things Wyatt did aka the fake diamond heist and his crazy mama. Now he'll stab Liam in the back yet again the stupid pig.

I've never watched that show, but I might have to make an exception, I bet she's a train wreck.

I think you're talking about different KM's. Karla Mosely is the one being discussed re: Twitter not Kim Matula (who I assume you mean).

I believe somebody here said Kim Matula but I hope they'll correct me if I'm wrong.

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I think that is exactly what is going to happen. Spoilers indicate that

Oliver goes on a full blown mission to win Ally back.

 If that pans out I think I will enjoy it; so much more entertaining than Hope and Liam, or Hope and Wyatt. Now, if they want to show me Liam and Wyatt bonding? I will be ok with that. Those two are far more compelling sans Hope. And for the heck of it, just throw Deacon in that mix. One thing this show has always lacked is same sex friends. 

I want Liam and Wyatt to bond as brothers. That's why I don't want Wyatt to decide he is divinely ordained to pursue Hope again since he now owns the Dope diamond.

I really wish Hope had a girlfriend she could talk to. Not someone who is family or part of the Forrester set.

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They refuse to let Brooke be happy.



That's because she's been in a front burner story for over 25 years.


There comes a time when our soap heroines need to find some level of happiness and security.



Happiness and security are a quick ticket to the back burner.  Brooke is a classic soap heroine, she doesn't belong on the back burner.  Brooke should be staring off-screen, with music swelling, while that single tear drop runs down her cheek.

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Hey kids!  New B&B watcher here.  Started last week at the urging of my soap pal as we are both fed up with GH.  Love this show.  Half-hour so it moves along, writers seem to have a brain (are you hearing me Ron Carlivati?), great exterior shots, wardrobe, etc.  Plus Scott Clifton (OLTL) and Thorsten Kaye and Jacob Young (AMC).  I'm here now and have some catching up to do so if I ask some background please fill me in.

@OhioSongbird, welcome! Get ready to love it and want to tear your hair out at the same time. And if you don't love flashbacks and montages - learn to, or you won't be able to make it through, lol.



 I've never understood why they haven't used KM's amazing voice. In the old days we listened to Macy and Thorne sing all the time. We've even had the "pleasure" of hearing Ridge sing to Brooke. So why not let Maya use her real talent?

You left out the best - Nick singing, "Going Back Again". Actually that was the only music I've enjoyed on the show, other than Eric's piano playing of course.  My vote for worst musical performance ever goes to the twins singing at Taylor's funeral - OMG, they were so bad, and they were just little children, but they were bad beyond belief. So bad they made Lucy Ricardo sound smooth. I remember being embarrassed for them as I watched.

Edited by SweePea59
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Bill and Justin should just own up and say it was an accident. Is there any doubt that eventually the flight plan will be found? It is going to look so much worse if they try to cover this up. And I am pissed, pissed, pissed about it. They refuse to let Brooke be happy. First it was the Quinn selfie, now this. For Pete's sake, hasn't this character had enough failed relationships? And don't get me started on how she was a ping pong ball for over twenty five years. There comes a time when our soap heroines need to find some level of happiness and security. They used to do in the old soaps all the time. The only couples who have had any longevity and continuity, are Taylor/Ridge, Macy/Thorne and Eric/Stephanie. And even though those marraiges lasted, they were fraught with all kinds of issues.


The hilarious thing is that Ridge knows he got into the wrong chopper.  I don't know what it is about this guy.  Evidently, he was dropped on his head at birth, or when the good Lord was passing out brains, Ridge's mama must have heard the word, "trains," because it's apparent that Ridge's brain passed him by like a speeding locomotive.  He took the wrong BeLieF contracts; he doesn't bother to investigate an email purportedly from his wife telling him to impregnate another woman (how about just saying, hell naw?); and now he gets on the helicopter that Bill intended to use to whisk him and his bride away.  Oh, and to add insult to injury, he neglected to strap himself in before telling the pilot to take off because he was too busy trying to detain the bride after assaulting the groom.


If there was any satisfaction I derived from yesterday's show, it was the sourpuss look on Katie's face when she quizzed her so-called man, who admitted he was trying to play "superhero," dragging Brooke along and putting her in a helicopter.  Oh, and mind you, this was all over a selfie because you know the would-be groom proved  he's not loyal to Brooke.  Oy!  This is just what every fiancee wants to hear, right?  The man you are planning to marry is so fixated on his ex--your sister--that he nearly died trying to stop her from marrying another man.  Oh, and it would have been worth it, too, had the plan actually worked!  


And, you know that heifer's grip is going to be even tighter now that Ridge admitted that he was playing "white knight" to his ex yet again.  Like Taylor, Katie should know the drill by now.  It's hilarious that months ago, Brooke had the audacity to tell Bill that he didn't understand GarBridge's history only to have him starkly lay it out for her the way many viewers saw it:  Ridge (old and new) has treated her like garbage, is weak, indecisive and runs away.  Katie should also be quite familiar with that history.  Why she willingly signed up for it shows she is too arrogant for her own good.  But, "winning" over Brooke in Katie's mind has its own "rewards."  Look for her to find a way to neuter Ridge even further so she can put those bullocks and the few brain cells he has left in a jar on her nightstand.  And, ultimately, this will be all Brooke's fault anyway--instead of the fiance who persists in engaging in these silly dick-measuring contests with other men when she tries to move on.


At this point, I want Bill to lay it on the line to Brooke--the good, the bad and the ugly.  He should own his douchery and badassedness (is that a word?!) and humbly apologize.  Of course, it would never occur to Bill to gently remind Brooke that she didn't have to go with Ridge.  The cover-up and lies are always worse than the initial offense.  Plus, I also suspect that many viewers have simply grown weary of "Ridgegate" and wish the writers would simply move on.  I definitely don't want to see Bill and Justin's relationship implode just to prop up that loser, Ridge.

Edited by MulletorHater
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You left out the best - Nick singing, "Going Back Again".



Egads! I think I probably forgot about that one on purpose! I was never so tired of hearing one song......


There were other crappy things Wyatt did aka the fake diamond heist and his crazy mama.



No doubt Wyatt is responsible for the diamond heist, but I don't see how he is responsible for his crazy mom.


DVR Alert!  Ronnn Mosss and his cuckoobananas wife will be on Celebrity Wife Swap on Tuesday, July 22 at 10pm.  (It's on ABC.)



I hate this show, but this could be worth tuning in. I already feel for whoever "swaps" with Ronn.


Katie should also be quite familiar with that history.  Why she willingly signed up for it shows she is too arrogant for her own good.



Katie and Ridge are the "Super Special Couple"; they are different, they are unique. Their relationship transcends all those that went before because they have a deep intellectual connection. I remain convinced Ridge is unable to draw because he has discovered his true passion and envisions himself as the next Keats or Shelley.


And, ultimately, this will be all Brooke's fault anyway--instead of the fiance who persists in engaging in these silly dick-measuring contests with other men when she tries to move on.


Katie did give an inch last week after Brooke yet again apologized; an apology Katie did not return. Once Ridge convinces Katie that he remembers Bill/Justin as the culprits in his fall, I have no doubt Katie is going to unleash all her venom on Brooke. And if Brooke is supporting Bill? It would never occur to her to lash out at Ridge for being there in the first place. Katie is wearing blinders where Ridge and Brooke are concerned. This is a long standing pattern with Ridge; has Katie forgotten Grant, Connor, Thorne, James, Nick?


I definitely don't want to see Bill and Justin's relationship implode just to prop up that loser, Ridge.



Co-signing. I also don't want to see Brooke/Bill implode to prop another go round of Bridge.

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I remain convinced Ridge is unable to draw because he has discovered his true passion and envisions himself as the next Keats or Shelley.


@RuntheTable, I'm thinking that Ridge needs his muse Brooke in order to design again. Oh, he may love Katie, but he needs Brooke.


That's assuming that what we're seeing is on the level and that Ridge wasn't swapped with a nefarious doppleganger by a devious mermaid with an agenda. I'm still wondering just what happened during that week (?) between when he fell out of the helicopter and then was found on the beach in new clean white clothes.

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Happiness and security are a quick ticket to the back burner. Brooke is a classic soap heroine, she doesn't belong on the back burner. Brooke should be staring off-screen, with music swelling, while that single tear drop runs down her cheek.

B&B until maybe the last three or four years have had the opposite problem of other soaps of relying on their vets way too much. The best illustration of this would be that period from about 2005 to 2008 where Brooke is fighting first Bridget then Taylor for Nick and Taylor (whose three children were already grown and of child bearing years themselves) has baby rabies, to say nothing of Stephanie still running interference for her son that's ten years from the legal retirement age. The only good thing to come of the ToD 2.0 was seeing Bridge's screentime get slashed, imo.

I don't think Brooke needs to be backburnered, but she and the other vets have long since needed new types of stories. Think of how ATWT had Kim and Bob finally get married and moved them into the mentoring role to the younger set. Or on Y&R when Lauren and Micheal toned down their various assholishness to become a relatively stable couple before show killer extraordinaire JFP fucked that up.

Relationship wise, even in soaps there comes a time where enough is enough. I thought Bridge was a sure thing after RJ and Stephanie resigned herself to it happening. Then Taylor came back and Steph was like, "lol, j/k about that accepting Brooke."

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I don't think Brooke needs to be backburnered, but she and the other vets have long since needed new types of stories.



I don't think so either, I just can't think of any new types of stories she might excel in.  I can't picture Brooke as the new Stephanie, KKL just doesn't have the gravitas that SF did.  Right now with Quinn at the Stephanie Forrester Overbearing Psycho Mother wing of the local looney bin the show needs a royal first-class take-no-prisoners bitch.  


I also can't see her as the wise Kim Hughes of Oakdale, although the notion of Brooke mentoring anyone is hysterical.  "Aunt Brooke, what should I do if I accidentally bang my daughter's boyfriend against a wall while wearing masks?" or "Aunt Brooke, say if I get pregnant by my son-in-law, would that be considered detrimental to my campaign for Mother of the Year?" are some of the mentoring questions that come to mind.


I could see her as a more mature Lauren Fenmore type, LF was a bad girl in her day too.  I would hate to see her reacting to other characters mishaps and not be in the thick of things.  I think it would be a mistake to exile Brooke to mother of Hope (and RJ).  There's still more drama to squeeze out of this character.


I like Brooke the way she is and has been, a great big soapy mess.  I wouldn't mind her staying from Ridge, that would be too much to take, Ron Moss was atrocious, but TK is miscast and this Ridge is written awfully.

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You left out the best - Nick singing, "Going Back Again". Actually that was the only music I've enjoyed on the show, other than Eric's piano playing of course.  My vote for worst musical performance ever goes to the twins singing at Taylor's funeral - OMG, they were so bad, and they were just little children, but they were bad beyond belief. So bad they made Lucy Ricardo sound smooth. I remember being embarrassed for them as I watched.

I never saw the twins sing, but for me the worst was Phoebe singing as she was dying.  I always joke that her singing was so bad it actually killed her.

Edited by ByTor
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A lot of scrubbing from his host family with lye soap and latex gloves, but the results were still disappointing, so they dumped him back into the water and left him there to dry out on the beach.   There's now a ring around the (Arabian) Persian Gulf.



You'd think that Eric or someone, (maybe not self-centered Katie), would want to say thank-you to his rescuers. Or would want any medical tests or records transferred over to Ridge's regular doctor. Or the freakin' paparazzi and fashion press would want to interview them at least.

Edited by SweePea59
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Oh, he may love Katie, but he needs Brooke.


This. Much like writers block, I think Ridge is suffering from "BrookeBlock". Or maybe it should be "BrookeCockBlock".


That's assuming that what we're seeing is on the level and that Ridge wasn't swapped with a nefarious doppleganger


I would be so pumped if this turned out to be the handiwork of Prince Omar. Let us not forget that our Prince O was able to sneak into the hospital with all kinds of Forrester's milling about; spiriting away their haloed saint, replacing her with a mannequin. And not one of them noticed. Maybe Prince Omar hasn't been able to get past the fact that Taylor chose Ridge, and has been biding his time to get his vengeance. That would explain why Ridge was just floundering at the waters edge, and why he hadn't tried to contact anyone. The Prince picked him up out of the PC, dried him off, gave him some white clothes, and turned him loose. I can hear him now "Go figure it out on your own Ridge Forrester. My beautiful Princess chose you, a dress maker, over me!" Or, the Prince could have been in a really devious mood, and switched Ridge with a look-a-like. Hmmm....maybe that is why he can't sketch?


I know, I know, but I just loved the Prince.


There's now a ring around the (Arabian) Persian Gulf.



And that ring is slowly creeping back up Ridge's neck, because his hair is looking like he uses dry shampoo. Oily and dry all at the same time. And I am not sure who is designing his hairstyle, but they should understand that blow dryers and brushes work loads better than weed wackers.

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I want Brooke to side with Ric against Ridge in all things at FC.



Same here, I did get a kick out of Brooke going all mama bear on Ridge after he downplayed Ric and Hope's importance at FC, I just don't want the writers to forget Brooke has a heart (and a body).

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Thanks SweetPea59!  Hey, I have suffered years of GH and flashbacks/montages are Ron C's default setting.  I can take it.  I have a ff button (gotta love a DVR).


Question...What is HFTF?


Observation as a newbie:  Carter is yummy.       

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I believe somebody here said Kim Matula but I hope they'll correct me if I'm wrong.


The Twitter conversation was definitely about Karla Mosley.  I can understand the confusion, though, because only her initials were mentioned, and Kim Matula is probably the more high profile "KM" on the show. If the conversation hadn't been about Maya, I likely would have thought of Kim first. 


Maybe we need to go with something like KMa for Kim and KMo for Karla?  

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Yay Oliver, that is how you win your girl! Geesh, Oliver should be giving lessons on this stuff. Sappy yes, but also sweet and funny. I must admit I wasn't expecting to see the Creepy Darla Floating Head of Wisdom, but I was glad she took pains to "be in the moment", by dressing properly for the occasion.


Ridge is right of course, but that doesn't change the fact that he is coming off as nuts. Katie pointing out the obvious; Bill didn't know Ridge was coming, when did he have time to order a helicopter, how did he contact Justin, only reinforces that. How I would love it if everyone thinks Ridge is delusional, and comes off as a spoiled little boy, determined to get his way. Bill is responsible because I say so dammit!

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Hope for the Future...Hope's line of clothing at Forrester.

OhioSongbird, you should also know that there's a "message" associated with HFTF about virtue and values and abstinence and repression and teetotalism and anything that is the opposite of fun.  Hope doesn't actually design the clothes for her line, she just, well, nobody really knows what she does.


Bill did a pretty good Elvis impression!

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Yay Oliver, that is how you win your girl! Geesh, Oliver should be giving lessons on this stuff. Sappy yes, but also sweet and funny. I must admit I wasn't expecting to see the Creepy Darla Floating Head of Wisdom, but I was glad she took pains to "be in the moment", by dressing properly for the occasion.


I loved, loved, loved Sir Oliver and Lady Aly! It was so cute! Each your heart out, Myrna! The Darla Floating Head in period costume was funny.

So did some people get today's episode?  We didn't get it here, CBS was on "Special Report" all through that time slot.

You can watch it online at CBS.com.

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I loved, loved, loved Sir Oliver and Lady Aly! It was so cute! Each your heart out, Myrna! The Darla Floating Head in period costume was funny.

It was very cute, considering this is coming from an" older" viewer. In fact, I was very surprised how well TIIC wrote it, and the couple are likable, which for me, makes it easier to watch.  They aren't whiney, miserable, or smart assed which is a relief.

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