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Christine Brown Woolley: Nacho Sister Wife Anymore

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Oh hell no.  I'm a size 12 in jeans, and no way, no how, do I want my butt to look bigger in plaid.  Uh-uh.  Not fat shaming here; at one time, I wore size 24.  Solid color on the bottom.  Never would I deviate from that rule.

Dear Christine:  as much as your dear Sister Wife Meri and her dear spawn Mariah obsess over eyebrows, yours could use a bit of attention.  

  • Love 7

Lay-ginks. WTF are layginks? 

Re: Mykelti joining LuLaNo...wow, she's a bright one, isn't she! Just as the ship is sinking, and the rats are fleeing, Christine and Mykelti decide it's time to get ON this ship.

If you're going to continue this delusional thinking that there is some MLM scam out there that will make you rich...at least learn to jump on whatever stupid, trendy crap you think you're going to sell at the right time.

  • Love 11
7 hours ago, llewis823 said:

I know this is shallow, but I'm sorry it makes me feel good that I am 8 years older than Christine and I do not have anywhere NEAR that many wrinkles. I would definitely NOT be doing close ups if I were her. She looks good from a distance, but close up? Nope.

Agree, I've been shocked over the last couple of seasons at how fast she's wrinkling. I'm sure a big part of it is that she's been losing weight, which is great, but it can tend to age your face with some wrinkles. Obviously it's healthier to lose the weight, but that's a bummer of a side effect.

Reminds me of my mom's advice - puff those wrinkles out with some fat, girl! :-) Mom was kidding, of course...she was joking about her own weight gain when she said that...but people did often guess that my mom was WAY younger than she actually was.

Anyway...if I were Christine I'd get one of my daughters to record my riveting "confessions" from a lot further away, rather than do a close up in the car. But I guess then it wouldn't be "car confessions", which is just SOOOO much more interesting than "regular" confessions.

  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

Reminds me of my mom's advice - puff those wrinkles out with some fat, girl! :-) 

Actually, when I ate an ultra-low-fat vegetarian diet, I looked haggard, dried out & wrinkly like Christine & my bust shrank to 34B. I binged and gained all the weight back, but have since gotten back down to the same ideal weight on a never-hungry high-fat ketogenic diet-for-life with supple skin, 34DD, and look 10 yrs younger than Christine despite being 64.   

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Actually, when I ate an ultra-low-fat vegetarian diet, I looked haggard, dried out & wrinkly like Christine & my bust shrank to 34B. I binged and gained all the weight back, but have since gotten back down to the same ideal weight on a never-hungry high-fat ketogenic diet-for-life with supple skin, 34DD, and look 10 yrs younger than Christine despite being 64.

Glad you found something that works well for you! It's amazing to me how each person's body responds to different diets.

I think Robyn was/is on a no sugar, gluten free diet, but I haven't heard much about it for awhile. I don't recall Christine saying what type of foods she cut out to help her lose weight, but my memory is pretty questionable, so she may have mentioned it and I just forgot.

Genetics plays a pretty big role when it comes to wrinkles too...my grandma passed down some awesome genes to some of us! One of my cousins definitely did NOT get grandma's genes though...she's only 56 but she looks like a saddle bag with eyes!

  • Love 2

What is the deal with making videos in a car?  Christine is not the only person I've seen doing this, and it bugs the heck out of me.  I can't tell with her if she's driving or riding, but with as much as she looks right into the camera, I hope she's riding!  

I've seen plenty of these videos where the person clearly is driving, so it's probably ridiculous to hope that a Brown would show better sense.  I don't like the idea of sharing a road with people who are more interested in their video than watching traffic.

  • Love 11
14 hours ago, llewis823 said:

I know this is shallow, but I'm sorry it makes me feel good that I am 8 years older than Christine and I do not have anywhere NEAR that many wrinkles. I would definitely NOT be doing close ups if I were her. She looks good from a distance, but close up? Nope.

True.  I am 8 years older than her but look at least 8 years younger.   I even smoked for years and don't have those wrinkles around my mouth.  Then again I only raised one child where she had 13 to raise.  While I am gland she is getting some of the excess weight off, it does cause your skin to wrinkle.

  • Love 5
39 minutes ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

True.  I am 8 years older than her but look at least 8 years younger.   I even smoked for years and don't have those wrinkles around my mouth.  Then again I only raised one child where she had 13 to raise.  While I am gland she is getting some of the excess weight off, it does cause your skin to wrinkle.

I'm 14 years older and look 10 years younger and I smoked for years too.  I never had kids, but worked in a high stress job.  Plus I recently lost 40 lbs. with no increase in wrinkles.  Sometimes it just comes down to genetics.  As I get older it consistently amazes me how unfair the aging process is to some people.  We all have our issues that way.  For me it's my legs.  Spider veins, thigh cellulite that's exercise resistant, edema, you name it.  I'd probably be jealous of Christine's legs.  But at least I can cover my legs.  I'm no expert, but Christine's skin looks very dry.  I was blessed with oily skin that doesn't tend to wrinkle.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Skin creams really work

Although I didn't think so when I was a teenager, I am blessed with pretty oily skin and therefore, at 53, I do not have a ton of wrinkles - I only even have any wrinkles around my eyes if I smile. So I've never really used skin creams because they just made my skin even oilier. but the past 4-5 months, I've started using a morning and evening set of cream & eye cream. And even better, I use a rose quartz roller for my face - helps with lymphatic drainage & just firming/lifting skin a bit. Even if it didn't help at all, it feels SO GOOD. The rose quartz stays cold and just feels amazing.

  • Love 4

 My bane is dry acne-prone skin. It seems like no matter the ingredients or formula, any cream that moisturizes enough clogs my pores. So I cut back on that and insufficient moisturizing causes stepped-up oil production. This, that, this, that. Gah! My new thing is toning with 50/50 white tea/apple cider vinegar, haven't decided on which cream to stick with so I keep rotating them. The pros say it's not possible but I swear my skin "gets used to" one and it stops being effective and becomes the problem. So by rotating them I keep my skin guessing. 

Christine has a really nice complexion, beyond the wrinkling. Her pores are small and her tone is even (except for her pink nose). She has always lived in a very dry climate and at her age the effects of that are beginning to show. She also has a very expressive face and she smiles a lot and repetition adds up. But, wow, she has gorgeous hair and so do all of her girls. It's on the fine side, medium-fine, and really thick. Gorgeous  colors also. Janelle's complexion and hair are very pretty. (Poor Meri - it hasn't been an easy ride, much as they try to downplay and deny competition. And she knows shit from shinola about how to make the most of what she's got).

  • Love 4

I remember my Grandma using Pond's too! My mother was always into Oil of Olay. Personally I love The Water Cream by Tatcha. I think the key isn't one particular cream, just find the one that works best for you and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! I am off to research Rose Quartz Rollers because that sounds very interesting...

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

You all have me researching skin creams on Makeup Alley now....I am going to buy some Ponds this weekend (never used it, over 50 and it's probably way overdue). :)

This probably isn't the best way to use it, but I have really sensitive skin and I use Ponds as a cleanser.  I  rinse it off in the shower.  My skin feels good and it's $2-3 a jar.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Sasha888 said:

I am off to research Rose Quartz Rollers because that sounds very interesting...

Walmart has them for $9.99 (in the face cream section) and they are very nice quality. You can also use Jade. I ordered a Jade one from Wish but it hasn't come in yet. Here is a great video on how to use the rose quartz roller. I absolutely LOVE mine and I can see an improvement in my skin after about 3 weeks too.

written form: http://www.theorganicesthetician.com/blog/2018/6/8/how-to-rose-quartz-facial-roller


Edited by llewis823
  • Love 2

Okay, we are sharing a brain today because this is the exact video I watched! I thought it was a good video to show how to use the roller and explained the benefits well.

ETA: I have migraines and have been told by my doctors that relaxing my facial muscles would be very good for me....which is hard to do, when you're in the midst of migraine pain. So that could be an added benefit, besides the anti-aging. 

Edited by Sasha888
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, suomi said:

Christine has a really nice complexion, beyond the wrinkling. Her pores are small and her tone is even (except for her pink nose). She has always lived in a very dry climate and at her age the effects of that are beginning to show. She also has a very expressive face and she smiles a lot and repetition adds up. But, wow, she has gorgeous hair and so do all of her girls. It's on the fine side, medium-fine, and really thick. Gorgeous  colors also. Janelle's complexion and hair are very pretty. (Poor Meri - it hasn't been an easy ride, much as they try to downplay and deny competition. And she knows shit from shinola about how to make the most of what she's got).

I agree, of the four of them, Meri seems to make the worst choices beauty-wise. Meri's skin today barely resembles Season 1 Meri. She's gotten so addicted to her "tan" look - at least Meri thinks it's tan, I'd call it orange. She's so heavy on the eye makeup, and of course we've discussed her brows many times. I wouldn't take make up tips from any of the wives, but if I had to, Meri would be my last choice.

Thank you so much for using the phrase "shit from shinola", it brought back great memories of my Dad! :-) If he were still alive, he'd be saying that the whole Brown crew doesn't know shit from shinola, doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground, etc.

  • Love 7
47 minutes ago, Sasha888 said:

ETA: I have migraines and have been told by my doctors that relaxing my facial muscles would be very good for me....which is hard to do, when you're in the midst of migraine pain. So that could be an added benefit, besides the anti-aging.

And the cool thing (pun intended) is that even w/o refrigeration, the rose quartz stays really cold for almost all of that entire routine. If you use your regular face cream/moisturizer before doing it, there are points where the stone actually feels like it has cold water on it but it is dry. If nothing else, it relaxes me.


32 minutes ago, suomi said:

At first I was thinking oh, I don't know about stroking down ... but then I got to the anti-aging part - up!

The stroking down part is to drain your lymphatics. I prefer the upper strokes too - feels better to me but I think the draining thing helps a lot as well.

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, ginger90 said:

My great grandmother passed at 93 without a wrinkle on her face. This is not a paid endorsement*. She used Ponds on her face every day.

I had a neighbour like that who had used Ponds since she was a teenager.  Ponds is a cleanser, but you don't need to wash it off, just tissue off any excess, so it does keep the skin moisturized.  A friend and I asked a colleague's wife what cream/moisturizer she used since she had flawless skin … she said "whatever is on sale at the store".  A boyfriend's mother, Swiss but living in France, never put soap on her skin & just used water and a washcloth to wash her face.  So yes, avoiding soap & the sun but using moisturizer plus good genetics seem to be key.

I too cringe at the thought that Christine may be looking at the camera instead of the road while driving, though in one I saw that her seat belt was on her left shoulder, implying she was in the passenger seat … at least in that clip.

Edited by deirdra
  • Love 3
13 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

I remember my Grandma using Pond's too! My mother was always into Oil of Olay. Personally I love The Water Cream by Tatcha. I think the key isn't one particular cream, just find the one that works best for you and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! I am off to research Rose Quartz Rollers because that sounds very interesting...

I could never use Ponds due to sensitive skin, but I did use another cult classic, Albolene for a long time until I discovered all the newer serums and creams out there to rejuvenate, hydrate, prevent and minimize wrinkles.  I use many types and brands and rotate them to get the benefits from all of them.  I have used Olay Regenerist with good results and love some of the stuff from Murad too, but I also use Aveeno and Neutrogena products as well as Boots No. 7.

Edited by Yeah No
  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

Thank you so much for using the phrase "shit from shinola", it brought back great memories of my Dad! :-) If he were still alive, he'd be saying that the whole Brown crew doesn't know shit from shinola, doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground, etc.

:- ) Hey, you're welcome. I got those from my dad as well. And "doesn't know his ass from a hot rock." (I never "got" that one). He lived with me the last 2 years of his life, until he was 94, and watched some of my shows on his TV. He saw Dirty Dancing a few times because Baby's dad was his favorite L&O character. (Altho I don't think Lenny Briscoe was the main reason, heh heh). He said Kody is an ass and Meri looks like 30 miles of bad road. He watched for plygs at WalMart so he could wink at them; if they didn't notice he said "Bummer" (a word he picked up from me in the 60s). And he called the Kardashians "those Russians" and said Bruce better watch out  because Kris wants to cut off his balls and carry them in her purse. My DD and GD were ROFL. I hope the youngers appreciate us when it's our turn to be the hoots. 

Edited by suomi
  • Love 11
1 minute ago, suomi said:

Meri looks like 30 miles of bad road

LOL'd at this! Sounds like your Dad was as funny as mine! :-) 

And winking at plygs at WalMart, that is hilarious...

My Dad used to roll his eyes and say this Dutch phrase when he something weird (like people wearing pajamas in a restaurant or something)...my Mom would swat at him, but laugh. Now they're both gone and I thought gosh, I never found out what the phrase meant, they'd just skirt around the question, and now I can't ask either of them anymore...so I googled, found a translator, and discovered that my Dad was basically saying "WTF????" to my Mom in Dutch, in public, in front of us kids, and getting away with it!

Well played Dad, well played...

  • Love 15

Along with the not knowing ones' ass from a hole in the ground, my mom would say, "He talks like a man with a paper asshole"...lol...makes me LOL just thinking about it. I'm sure there are a lot of others that my mom and dad said, but with all these silly sounding ones we're talking about, I had to throw that goofy one in too. : )

  • Love 9
20 hours ago, Sasha888 said:

I agree, of the four of them, Meri seems to make the worst choices beauty-wise. Meri's skin today barely resembles Season 1 Meri. She's gotten so addicted to her "tan" look - at least Meri thinks it's tan, I'd call it orange. She's so heavy on the eye makeup, and of course we've discussed her brows many times. I wouldn't take make up tips from any of the wives, but if I had to, Meri would be my last choice.

What I never understood about Meri and her makeup is how on earth she can layer on all that foundation and heavy eye makeup in the heat of Las Vegas.  If it's hot and humid, the last thing I want to feel on my face is greasy makeup sliding off, so I usually go mostly without.  


15 hours ago, toodles said:

Then I guess I using it right!  Woohoo 🙌 lol

Hahaha, I love this - I am pretty clueless about skin care so the clarification is welcome.  And I can't wait to try one of those rose roller-things.  As a gal past 50, I hope I'm not too late to repair the sun damage I did as a dingbat of the 80's.

  • Love 7
39 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

What I never understood about Meri and her makeup is how on earth she can layer on all that foundation and heavy eye makeup in the heat of Las Vegas.  If it's hot and humid, the last thing I want to feel on my face is greasy makeup sliding off, so I usually go mostly without.  

It is hot in Las Vegas, but not humid.  I still wouldn't want all that make-up on my face, though.  

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, laurakaye said:

Hahaha, I love this - I am pretty clueless about skin care so the clarification is welcome.  And I can't wait to try one of those rose roller-things.  As a gal past 50, I hope I'm not too late to repair the sun damage I did as a dingbat of the 80's.

I'm a gal past 50 too and it is not a miracle worker, but it really does make an improvement. And like I said - worst case scenario - even if it doesn't make you look a lot better, it sure makes you feel better!

  • Love 4

It looks to me like Christine and Meri have never followed a skin care regimen. Just wash their faces with drying soap and call it a day. I was lucky enough to start taking care of my skin in my 20's because I worked in the cosmetics industry and got expensive skin care products for free so I have always taken care of my complexion. 

Also, a little botox and filler can really smooth out your face, it can work wonders. I said a little. lol

  • Love 5
On 11/28/2018 at 10:12 AM, Sasha888 said:

I remember my Grandma using Pond's too! My mother was always into Oil of Olay. Personally I love The Water Cream by Tatcha. I think the key isn't one particular cream, just find the one that works best for you and moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! I am off to research Rose Quartz Rollers because that sounds very interesting...

Tatcha is my favourite!!! I use the line almost exclusively (with a couple Fresh brand items). My skin has never been better. It's expensive, but having better skin equals less makeup....or something.....just trying to justify my indulgence. 

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, laurakaye said:

What I never understood about Meri and her makeup is how on earth she can layer on all that foundation and heavy eye makeup

Yes, in addition to the eye makeup, it always looks like she has not just SOME foundation, but layers of it. Ick. I don't even know how you'd do that, I guess wait for layer 1 to dry completely before adding layer 2? 

Christine goes without makeup, or is using very little, on the show the most...the others almost always have their makeup on. IMO Christine is also the one who probably CAN get away with a no makeup look the best. 

The last time I remember seeing Robyn without makeup was the "March against oppression" (gag) episode when Kody stopped by to pick up Dayton early in the AM...I remember thinking holy cow, she looks rough, I can see why she makes sure her makeup is done all the time!

  • Love 4
On 11/27/2018 at 8:42 PM, Yeah No said:

I'm 14 years older and look 10 years younger and I smoked for years too.  I never had kids, but worked in a high stress job.  Plus I recently lost 40 lbs. with no increase in wrinkles.  Sometimes it just comes down to genetics.  As I get older it consistently amazes me how unfair the aging process is to some people.  We all have our issues that way.  For me it's my legs.  Spider veins, thigh cellulite that's exercise resistant, edema, you name it.  I'd probably be jealous of Christine's legs.  But at least I can cover my legs.  I'm no expert, but Christine's skin looks very dry.  I was blessed with oily skin that doesn't tend to wrinkle.

She is younger than I am as well and has many more wrinkles.  I too was a smoker for awhile but I don't have kids and I took fairly good care of my skin.  I will say it is nice that she hasn't filtered the shit out of her face.  I think it is poor diet, weight fluctuations, being married to Kootie and having Meri as a sisterwife.  She seems to have always gotten along with Janelle so she may have not added to the road map that is her face.  I feel badly snarking on her looks.  She is the one sisterwife I kinda like.

On 11/28/2018 at 7:50 AM, laurakaye said:

You all have me researching skin creams on Makeup Alley now....I am going to buy some Ponds this weekend (never used it, over 50 and it's probably way overdue). :)

I use it as a make up remover and it works wonderfully.  Do you leave it on as a moisturizer?  I have fairly dry skin and use the moistest face serum I can find (same with eye jazz).  

On 11/28/2018 at 10:41 AM, toodles said:

This probably isn't the best way to use it, but I have really sensitive skin and I use Ponds as a cleanser.  I  rinse it off in the shower.  My skin feels good and it's $2-3 a jar.

Where are you getting your Ponds?  I bought a large container of it and it was $9!  I thought it was a cleanser of sorts.  

  • Love 3
26 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Much like spackle.

HA! Love it.

I actually have a makeup product called Spackle! It's a primer and it's very, very light though. It can be used under foundation or...drumroll....IN PLACE OF foundation! I've used it both ways, it's nice to have a "lighter than foundation" option. That's as much "layering" as I have ever done, it never occurred to me to use more than one layer of foundation, and after seeing Meri, I never will. 

Her makeup reminds me of the horrible crap I had to wear when I was active in the local theater group. I couldn't wait to get that junk off my face after a performance. Even if there was a cast party right after, we all ran home and took it off and put on our regular makeup. If we hadn't, it would've looked like a prostitute convention.

  • Love 6
19 minutes ago, ginger90 said:


And sweetie...the top you chose does not match, it clashes. Probably because no one makes a top in any of those awful shades of orange.

Doesn't Mykelti know how to hashtag her way to success? #FashionConsultantMyAss #BecauseOfLuLaRoeImBroke #CheckOutMyOutfitsAndThenGoInTheOppositeDirection

  • Love 9

What’s great about this post appears in the comments. Someone asked her if she has this pair “in the long”. She replied, “what’s the long?”. Turns out she doesn’t, and she doesn’t even remember if she has this print available at all, because she “stole them” from her mom.

Marketing at it’s finest.

She is asked about holiday leggings, and it turns out she doesn’t have any because she missed the sale.

She’s launching her Facebook group on Saturday.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

What’s great about this post appears in the comments. Someone asked her if she has this pair “in the long”. She replied, “what’s the long?”

Oh my God, this is just hilarious! Even those of us who hate LLR and have never bought it, let alone sold it, probably know that the fugly leggings come in "Tall and Curvy"! That's obviously what the person responding meant...some "Fashion Consultant"! Holy crap, what an airhead.

  • Love 6

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