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S11.E04: Baby

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This was the best episode to me since the musical. Old-school feel, classic monster storyline, beautiful cinematography, boys singing, saving people, hunting things, the family business. Episodes like this are what make me unable to actually quit this show despite the decline in average quality of storylines. 


Did anyone else have an irrational fear they were going to kill off the car?

Edited by bettername2come
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Well, it was cute, but way too much lazy storytelling for my taste.  Could they have packed in any more coincidences?  I counted at least a dozen.  Not good.

It will be revealed that Baby or God made sure that stuff happened.

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Well I liked it. It WAS Season 1 style.  I kept thinking how brutal the episode was.  The way it was shot was kinda cool.  I ended up rewinding and watching several scenes again.


And it was full of good lines.  


Immediate impressions:

- YAY. Sam had a vision and confessed about both the infection AND the vision.  

- So Dean didn't want Cas to heal him and Sam is going to pinch that shit off.  You go Sam.  I'm not sure why Dean is wearing this particular hairshirt but please tell him to knock it off.

- I bet Cas could fix Baby but I bet Dean won't let anyone near her.

- They TOTALLY PUNKED US regarding the short shorts.  They KNOW we wanted to see that -- fart blossoms.

- Pushing the head off the window with the windshield wiper! Classic SPN.

- Cas hooked on OITNB.  Hee.

- Sam in the backseat with Piper.  That was a nice twist.  Dean "Mistakes were made."  Care to elaborate.

- Loved when Dean kinda scoped out the backseat when Sam was with the girl - he's so 12.  

- Dean's recurring dream - well.... approving Dad and a home.  I wonder if that would be his Heaven?  

- I so love Bob Seger.

- The reverse 180 was awesomesauce!  Well done Ackles!  He can now add stunt driver to the resume.  

- Baby killed the Bad Guy (because Dean smacked off the head again with the door).

- I swear Dean was pouting when Sam wouldn't say Werepire.


I was just overall struck with how brutal it was.  The camera really added to that feeling. I thought it was a cool episode.  I want to watch again.

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I loved this episode. I haven't loved an episode in a long time.


The only thing that could have been a bigger impact was if they had managed to get JDM instead of Matthew Cohen. It is probably just me, but I associate the older John Winchester more with Sam. If it had been a scene with Dean instead of Sam, it probably wouldn't have occurred to me.  


Otherwise, things like Castiel talking while Dean was fighting the monster and then using the wipers to fling the head off the windshield was awesome. 

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Great episode! I'm so happy Dean likes Seger, it fits!


Both Mick and I thought Dean seemed so much more, I don't know, human in this episode. Can't wait to re-watch!


Love SueB for using awesomesauce! You rock in our house!

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I loved it. The little details were fun.


I loved Dean lamenting that he had to take the beer out of the cooler so he could put the head in it. I loved the wiper flick - though I'm wondering if the head wouldn't weight too much for that to actually work... and leave it to my brain to wonder it a windshield wiper would be strong enough to move a severed head (and was for a moment tempted to try to Google it, but how would that look?). I loved the "Jerk" / "Bitch" exchange, and that Sam went along with getting "Night Moved" and had fun with it. And good also on Sam for not being uptight and freaking out when Dean showed up in the front seat - just an introduction "That's my brother, Dean" (And it might've just been me, but Piper looked like she wouldn't have minded Dean joining in... so in a nice twist, Dean was potentially being the straighter-laced one... well after his SueB mentioned peek in the backseat that is. Heh).


I also liked Cass' return to asking Dean about cultural references.


And I agree with Ferniesfreckles on the "Night Moves," and Judy Collins was a pleasant surprise. I have that song somewhere - on vinyl. It's a pretty song, and I can see why Mary would've loved it. The lyrics somewhat fit her and John.


My only nitpick is Sam's visions. The way they've set it up, either way it's going to end up bad for him. Either it's not God, and he's going to look foolish and potentially a bit arrogant, or it is going to be God, and he'll be seen as a Mary Sue. Also with Dean's skepticism after Sam's confession, there's a pretty good chance that Sam won't be telling Dean much about any future visions he has. So I'm not liking that part much, but that's a small nitpick.

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On first watch, I liked it.  It was really brutal, but I liked the brother's talk. 


Trying to figure out what John really represents.  But I liked badass Dean and Smart Dean.


some parts I'm not in love with, but I did love the view from baby.  The hiding Dean in shorts...cruel.  lol...can we say evil.  I also wanted Dean shirtless.


Interesting that Cas is still healing...not sure what that means.  Poor Dean he'll have a major job to repair his baby.


Loved the music choices.  Nice solid ep.

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Yeah, where do you find parts for a classic Impala? The hood and grill alone will cost a fortune, and they don't have Bobby's salvage yard anymore!


Behind the Scenes factoid: parts for a '67 Impala cost more because it's become a collector's items due to #Supernatural. Drives the car master batty.

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Behind the Scenes factoid: parts for a '67 Impala cost more because it's become a collector's items due to #Supernatural. Drives the car master batty.

Don't mess with my Baby...guys kill another car...Do you know how much that will COST!  Why do I feel like no one is listening to me???  :)

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That was....interesting.. I didn't love it as much as I was expecting. I loved the viewpoint and seeing how much Dean really loves that car. 


There was so much in this that I was like "ruuuhhhhrrrr".


Dean has never called Sam "Samuel" in the entire 10 years of this show.  Rowena calls him Samuel. Just sayin'


Dean being a huge fan of Bob Seger? Nope. I don't buy that one at all.  Quoting Bob Seger? Double nopes. Bob Seger? NOPE. 


Oh poor Piper. She'll probably die now because Sam's Peen O Death. But good for Sam.


I was really pissed about other people taking Baby for joyrides.  Holy crap that pissed me off. LOL


I don't understand why there was a little girls Hello Kitty purse in the car? Who's was it? It wasn't the chick Sam was with.


Why would Sam have seen that version of John? Didn't Michael erase those memories of that John and young Mary? We never see pictures of young!John in bunker anywhere that I can remember. 


"I never could fool you, could I?" - Sounds like something Lucifer would say.


I guess Sam would dream about the older Mary from pictures but full Sam dreaming about Mary seemed odd to me because he doesn't have memories of her either other than photos.


Dean dreams about John but not Mary which seems odd unless I missed that part. 


Sam has a Netflix ready TV in the Bunker? That's new LOL.


That fight scene was fucking badass and brutal and I loved every minute of it. Watching Jensen drive Baby like a gotdamn stunt driver is something I will NEVER get tired of.


I'll be back after I rewatch.


ETA:  I was really thrown by Dean talking about hunting a Wendigo a couple of years ago and meeting Heather with Sam at that roadhouse. Yes I know we don't know about every hunt they've ever been on but when Dean meets someone we generally learn about it. If that was supposed to be literally within a couple of years when did that happen?


8 ) Dean in Purgatory. Coping with getting out of Purgatory; Benny, Cas, Sam and the trials and Crowley.  When did he get laid in s8?


s9) Dean was dealing with Gadreel!Sam and Cas going missing and Crowley and MoC and what that was doing to him along with killing Abaddon and oh yeah turning into a demon.


 s10) He was a demon that screwed around with Crowley, partied, killed demons to ward off the blood lust and screwing a lot of people but I dont' think he was hunting like at all.  Then he's cured and is still a murdering murderer who spent most of his time with Sam trying to get rid of the Mark or was off by himself. 

Edited by catrox14
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Dean being a huge fan of Bob Seger? Nope. I don't buy that one at all.  Quoting Bob Seger? Double nopes. Bob Seger? NOPE.

I don't understand why there was a little girls purse in the car? Who's was it? It wasn't the chick Sam was with.

We know Dean's a Seger fan because of "Swap Meat", he had a Seger tape in Baby.  Plus it's freaking Seger.


The purse belonged to the friend of the valet who went joy riding.  She left it in there, but her friend told her she probably left it at home.

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We know Dean's a Seger fan because of "Swap Meat", he had a Seger tape in Baby.  Plus it's freaking Seger.


Clearly I did not remember Seger in Swap Meat because I remember very little about that shitty episode so my bad. But even with Dean having a Bob Seger tape in Baby sure doesn't add up for me to the level of worship being implied in this episode.


Ah thanks for reminding me of Song Remains the Same. I couldn't remember how that went. I thought Dean had his memories but that John Mary and Sam's memories were wiped.   


I guess I'm just going to turn in my fan card now because nothing makes sense anymore. I should probably just stop watching. LOL


ETA:  I feel like I'm watching a pod!Dean. It's like a surface level Dean who says things that are like what Dean would say at times. Hell, sometimes his face doesn't really look like Dean. His expressions don't look like Dean.  It's really bugging me.  I wish I could really explain it. I know I'm out here in the wilderness on this. LOL

Edited by catrox14
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ETA:  I feel like I'm watching a pod!Dean. It's like a surface level Dean who says things that are like what Dean would say at times. Hell, sometimes his face doesn't really look like Dean. His expressions don't look like Dean.  It's really bugging me.  I wish I could really explain it. I know I'm out here in the wilderness on this. LOL


I get what you are driving at.  He's definitely different than the last couple of seasons.  But I suspect that may be how Jensen has chosen to play him.  And really, look at what Dean has been through.  He just recently killed Death for Pete's sake.  He's almost a little manic after all the previous depression.  But now look at those moments where now he's twice tried to skip Cas healing.  Ignoring Jensen's acting choices for just a minute, I think the writing is showing us a Dean who is absolutely NUMB to the cosmic events happening.  It's Wednesday and the world is going to implode. Again.  So Dean, IMO, is being written as just not actually dealing with that. Instead he's going to do what he can do (hunt) if there is no direction to follow on the DEFCON-screwed situation.  In short, what you call "pod Dean", I'm going to call "numb Dean".  

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But I suspect that may be how Jensen has chosen to play him


Oh it's definitely how Jensen is choosing to play it, but I feel like it has to be for a reason.  He doesn't make these changes to Dean without reasons.  I'm just needing to understand why! I need MORE INFORMATION DAMMIT! LOL


Numb is fairly close. It feels like he's just here, going through motions that are what Dean is supposed to do. Of course with Sam's vision, dream whatever he had with vision!John and with all the stuff I've been questioning all along, I still have to wonder what is legit and what is not.  I dunno. It's all squirrelly. LOL


I'm bummed they didn't leave in Jensen's Clint Eastwood ad lib. :( LOL.


ETA: Okay is that the first time they've had Jensen legit fire a working gun. Like seeing that hammer move seemed different than I can remember?

Edited by catrox14
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Oh it's definitely how Jensen is choosing to play it, but I feel like it has to be for a reason.  He doesn't make these changes to Dean without reasons.  I'm just needing to understand why! I need MORE INFORMATION DAMMIT! LOL


Numb is fairly close. It feels like he's just here, going through motions that are what Dean is supposed to do. Of course with Sam's vision, dream whatever he had with vision!John and with all the stuff I've been questioning all along, I still have to wonder what is legit and what is not.  I dunno. It's all squirrelly. LOL


I'm bummed they didn't leave in Jensen's Clint Eastwood ad lib. :( LOL.


ETA: Okay is that the first time they've had Jensen legit fire a working gun. Like seeing that hammer move seemed different than I can remember?

I don't remember the scene regarding the gun. When was it?

As for firing guns, I think it was between S2 and S3, they had J2 go through some weapons training with a professional to get their shooting style down.

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I don't remember the scene regarding the gun. When was it?

As for firing guns, I think it was between S2 and S3, they had J2 go through some weapons training with a professional to get their shooting style down.



Oh I know they've had gun training. I don't mean that they don't handle them properly. I think Jensen does it on his own too for fun.. I'm talking about the scene  when he's sitting in the car after lopping off the werepires head and gets back in the car and fires the gun whilst sitting in the passenger seat.  You can see the hammer move really clearly.   II just don't remember seeing that before. Maybe it was just the angle. It was pretty cool actually.


All I know, is seeing all the fighting and driving Jensen did, if he's not the next action movie star the world is wrong. I could so see him being in a remake of Bullitt or being Nathan Drake.  Something like that.


I will say those sequences when Dean was fighting and driving....that felt a lot more like Dean.  But maybe that's the soldier Dean that we all know so well. 

Edited by catrox14
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Oh I did love that Dean got to make his joke about shooting the deputy.  LOL . That was a fun call back.

I love Jensen's tweet here


Jensen Ackles ‏@JensenAckles 3h3 hours ago

Crap!!! Why is Dean always gettin beat to hell!!!!!! #SupernaturaI #Baby


This is a very good question.

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First episode I watched in years and I loved it!


Bitch/Jerk moment made the whole episode.


I loved Sam/Dean talking in the impala.


Enjoyed seeing Young!John even though I much prefer JDM.


And no Cas on screen is always a good thing.

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Here is the scene I mean. That looks like legit weapons fire. You can see the bullets and smoke come out. I hate guns but damn this kind of hot. LOL

And if it's not real...that's great VFX


Ah. Thanks. Nice camera angle. He's always shooting blanks so you could theoretically always see the gun recoil and shells fly. But I don't know about the puff of smoke. See last year's Book of the Damned for obvious gun recoil.

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Another odd thing for me, is it didn't seem occur to Dean or Sam that could have been Michael or Lucifer in young!John's meatsuit especially with the flashes of Sam being tortured. I would think they would have immediately made that connection vs it being God communicating through a vision of John.

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Ah. Thanks. Nice camera angle. He's always shooting blanks so you could theoretically always see the gun recoil and shells fly. But I don't know about the puff of smoke. See last year's Book of the Damned for obvious gun recoil.


I've read the recoil we see on screen is often faked via hand movement by the actor. Not saying that's the case here or in BotD just saying that guns aren't always fired in a scene even when it looks like they are.


One reason I think this looks real to me is that Jensen is blinking with each trigger pull. I'm also wondering if that is dust being kicked up from bullets hitting the dirt vs smoke from the gun or both.  Either way it looked pretty amazing.


I think that might be one of the best action sequences the show as ever done. I'm seeing comments on Twitter is that it was lame because it was played for laughs...and I thought, wait, what? Sure there were comedic beats throughout the sequence but when Dean gets the cuffs put on him all the funny went right out of that scene I was really scared for Dean.

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Well, I was let down by the episode. It was decent, but I was so convinced this would be the time "where they talk"...


Akin to the Doctor's Wife, I thought the Impala would take human (female) form or vessel and she'd talk with the brothers, it would have been glorious, but it didnt come to pass !

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I need to rewatch. I found the first part kind of overly talky. At one point I thought, "This is why we don't have that many scenes in the car - nothing is happening." But I did really like the rest of it, so maybe I needed to get used to a new premise.

And I'm probably alone here, but the Sam and the sex in the car felt horribly awkward to me.

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This is the first time I have enjoyed an episode in YEARS.  Although I have to say it is divided into parts I and II.  Part I was glorious.  They boys actually talked.  It is the way I wanted the whole episode to go.  The Frasier episode "My Coffee With Niles" was a takeoff on the movie, "My Dinner With Andre."  In both, the camera filmed two men talking.  No action, no gore, just a connection.  Both were awesome.  Our so-called laundry ep of SPN would be the same, and I thought we were getting it here.  I was ecstatic!  Then the ep devolved into a monster ep and the boys were separated for far too long.  I don't care what JP says about the actor choice, the scene with him and "Dad" would have had ten times the impact with JDM.  I think that was Luci and was surprised to NOT see Mark Pellegrino.  And Boo! to not letting us see Dean in shorts!

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Loved it.  All the Dean and Sam interactions.  Sam "letting loose".  Finally, Sam's infection was confessed.  All of Dean's fights. The confines of the car fights were a nice visual. Dean driving the car - I rewound the reverse 180 a few times.


Small nitpick -it seemed weird that Lisa wasn't mentioned in the "normal life" conversation.

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And I'm probably alone here, but the Sam and the sex in the car felt horribly awkward to me


It was played for laughs but I really did roll my eyes because I just thought, "Nah, man. Sam wouldn't have sex in public much less in DEAN's car".


It kind of pissed me off because it felt like Sam having sex in Dean's car is infringing on something that was pretty much Dean's thing. Yes,  I get that Dean was happy for Sam to have gotten laid but I really think he would have been indignant with a "Reallly?? In MY car?" after the girl left. But maybe we are just seeing a new side of Dean who is like "Okay, whatever" LIve and and let live.  Which is a fine IF they would have set us up to seen Dean progress to this more Zen!Dean.


Maybe that's what I'm feeling is that pod!Dean is really Zen!Dean and he's just trying to maintain his chill and they haven't really spent any time inside Dean's head right now to explain why is so ...pod!Dean.


I have a question. Did Sam ever tell Dean about meeting Billie the Reaper and being told when the boys die this time, there is no coming back? I don't remember that he did, and if he didn't that seems like a pretty important thing for Sam to mention


Something that made that fight scene with the ghoulpires even more scary was once Dean was in cuffs and was told that Sam was going into an ambush, Dean looked helpless and scared and almost resigned to Sam's possible fate but clearly trying to find his way out of the predicament which oh look, they deus ex hair pin to the rescue! But I did wonder if in that moment he wished he had the Mark still because he would have killed those ghouldpires handily and then opened up a can of whoopass on the ghoulpires holding Sam. And truthfully in that moment of Dean's realization I felt like pod!Dean was less in play.

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Small nitpick -it seemed weird that Lisa wasn't mentioned in the "normal life" conversation.


He told Sam that if he ever brought her up again, he'd break his nose. It was only in the Purge that Sam brought up a bendy weekend and Dean stood by and did nothing (talk about a pod!Dean)


But I think Dean saying "We're batting zero" on the domestic, normal life was implicitly about Lisa and Amelia. 

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Catrox, in the Sex and Violence ep, Sam and Coroner Chick had sex in her office, presumably on her desk while the mini-blinds were raised on the windows to her office.  For all that Dean loves sex, Sam is the one who seems to have fewer inhibitions about it when he gets around to it.

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I LOVED it. Awesome episode!

Poor Baby, getting almost all her windows smashed out, and her front end mangled!

I loved the girls going for a joyride. Plus, it set up the purse and the hairpin thing.

I'm not sure about Sam having sex in the car, but I thought Dean teasing him about it was lovely.

Matt Cohen did a very good job of throwing people off track on his guest appearance. ;-)

So was the sheriff's badge copper?

The fight scenes were amazing, though smashing the pack leader's head off with Baby's door was just gross.

I'm not sure I buy the valet parking...

And not showing us Dean in shorts was cruel.

I thought the whole thing was great, start to finish.

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Catrox, in the Sex and Violence ep, Sam and Coroner Chick had sex in her office, presumably on her desk while the mini-blinds were raised on the windows to her office. For all that Dean loves sex, Sam is the one who seems to have fewer inhibitions about it when he gets around to it.

I know but I didn't consider that as normal!Sam behavior since he'd been emboldened by demon blood. Same for when he was soulless.

Either way,I don't think the Sam we have right now, would do it in Dean's car.

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I think the "in the nick of time" change purse/hair pin/machete was meant to be a wink that Baby takes care of Dean.

My favorite line: "Where's the rest of the beer?"

I thought the whole thing was great.

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