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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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1 hour ago, Roslyn said:

Mariah's attitude makes me think that her opinion is "if you aren't fully queer (like her...) then you can NEVER EVER truly understand being fully queer and so you can NOT qualify as an icon"  ...or something.

It's a lot like the exact shtick that Kody and the wives repeat ad nauseam to us.  Lowly Monogamists just can't understand!!

She has simply taken a lifetime of Mormon conditioning and changed a few words and now she is a missionary for queers instead of the church. Her approach and posts remind me of "testimony" that they cling to as a way of validating their belief systems.

Exactly. It’s like some elitist queer attitude! Like now you can’t lend support to queer rights unless you are queer according to her? Yet you want to be inclusive and have EVERYBODY understand your position and be treated equally, so why would you have a problem with celebrities who aren’t queer, lending their support to the cause of abolishing hate and promoting equal rights? 

Ugh I really can’t with her, everytime I want to give her the benefit of the doubt, I’m reminded that she’s a pompous, 23 year old know-it-all, egomaniac brat. 

Here’s a post of Taylor’s. Remind me again how she doesn’t help and what you find problematic about her Mariah? Take several seats and stop being jealous of another celebrity actually doing something and showing you up for the faux activist you are. 

Edited by Sofa Sloth
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She's such a pretender.  Remember on the Take Mariah to Seattle to Try to Appease Her Because I Was in Love With Sam trip?  Mariah made a statement on a TH with Audrey to the effect that "everyone's a little queer, so everyone's welcome" when Meri went with them to a gay bar?  Mariah is a full-of-shit narcissist.  Activist, my ass.

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Welp I guess I'm just a pretender then because my direct manager as well as my best bud at work, both of whom are gay, are THRILLED that I'm participating in the Pride Parade this Sunday along with hundreds of my coworkers and their families, most of whom, like me, are not gay. 

We haven't SUFFERED like ol' crybaby Mariah I guess...

***ETA besides, Pride is a huge fun party and we all get cool Pride T shirts 😊

Edited by DakotaJustice
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3 minutes ago, ginger90 said:
43 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

What the hell is that? Or is it supposed to be a distraction from the I'm Contemplating Suicide pose.

No clue what it is,  my eyes are not good with posts like that. It looks like a salad on a slice of bread. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I think it's broccoli in a baked potato maybe with cheese?  I'd eat that - just not sure I'd eat it for breakfast.

  • LOL 4
17 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

I think it's broccoli in a baked potato maybe with cheese? 

What's all the green powder (or is it yellow) around the outside on the plate?  Whatever it is, it looks vile.

11 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Did she drop out of grad school?

I'm not sure she was ever in grad school.  I think it was a story to cover the move to Chicago.  There are never pictures of her studying, no discussion about classes and she has diarrhea of the mouth (and Twitter finger) so you'd think she'd have mentioned something by now.

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11 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

What's all the green powder (or is it yellow) around the outside on the plate?  Whatever it is, it looks vile.

I'm not sure she was ever in grad school.  I think it was a story to cover the move to Chicago.  There are never pictures of her studying, no discussion about classes and she has diarrhea of the mouth (and Twitter finger) so you'd think she'd have mentioned something by now.

I just flashed on when Meri attended UNLV to "finish" her degree so she could help "at risk kids" and was attending ONE! Just ONE! class. And of course that was when she was into Sam. 

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57 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

What's all the green powder (or is it yellow) around the outside on the plate?  Whatever it is, it looks vile.

It could be parmesan or possibly some organic yeast type stuff.  I'm telling myself it's parmesan because a baked potato with broccoli and parmesan would be tasty.  Yeasty stuff - probably not so much.

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1 hour ago, Galloway Cave said:

Avocado toast, with extra shit.

Agreed. Just her staple favourite avo on toast but with wilted spinach/rocket leaves on top, with Parmesan or maybe activated yeast, a future (or past?) rockstar of Janelle’s.  #cookwithmariah.

The age of entitlement again, where she thinks anyone gives a damn about her mundane breakfast with a blurry half of Audrey behind it... We all make brekkie hun, not that interesting or spesh to deserve a story sorry. This is why I don’t post any or watch anyone else’s.  Boooorrring. Why not just selectively post, when there’s actually a morning view deserving of attention? Oh yeah because she’s...


Edited by Sofa Sloth
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On 6/26/2019 at 8:48 AM, MargeGunderson said:

@ginger90, thank you for introducing me to the word "toploftical." I will purpose to employee it as much as possible, e.g. Mariah is a toploftical asshat.

Lmao. I tip my toploftical hat to you is what it makes me wanna say. Also, fuck yes to the inclusion of “hifalutin.” I use that term way too much

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5 hours ago, Enya Face said:

I swear (and yes I’m exhausted, so let’s take that into account) at first glance I thought it was a fuckload of weed nugs mixed with something and stuffed into an overly toasted bread boat.

Lol. That's probably a thing somewhere! I think they just voted it legal in IL but not sure when that takes effect. 

For me it looks like broccoli toast--which looks good to me 'cause I love broccoli (except the toast, cause i can't have gluten). 

Edited by TurtlePower
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14 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

I think it's broccoli in a baked potato maybe with cheese?  I'd eat that - just not sure I'd eat it for breakfast.

That was my guess too, but it looks like only a light sprinkle of "parmesan"-from-a-can.  Like Janelle, a minimal protein, starch-based "meal" and she wonders why she is a Pudge.

Edited by deirdra
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The real crime here folks is that there are no window coverings - the poor people across the street having to bear witness to the gap thigh photos, the "woke" moments of squinty eyes, the unwashed hair, the yoga poses in stripes that could make a person blind, the green shit on toast. 


Edited by Mahamid Frauded Me
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18 hours ago, ginger90 said:

See my coffee? I’m a woke adult in a bistro frowned on by the church. See my tattoo? I’m a rebel wild child! See my rainbow pride hat? I’m queer! See the way I sit? I’m so cool and flexible from all that yoga. See my fake blissful smirk? I’m joyful! 

Keep trying to convince yourself Mariah, no one else cares. 

(It appears she’s taken lessons from the mothership Meri on how to pose with your leg unflattering smushed against the other- nailed it Mariah!). 

Edited by Sofa Sloth
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Gawd, she's so FULL of herself!  hehe, MFM, I love it that you noticed lack of window coverings.  I count on this forum to fill me in on thingks that I miss.

Now that I took a second look, I noticed the tight sleeves on Sludge's gotta-be-LuLaNO top.  Again, that SOAS looks as appetizing as what my Lucy leaves in her litter box.

I bet SludgePudge let their dogs shit on the sidewalk, and don't pick it up, entitled as they are.  

  • Love 5
20 hours ago, ginger90 said:

No clue what it is,  my eyes are not good with posts like that. It looks like a salad on a slice of bread. 🤷🏼‍♀️

This post makes me want to slap her silly. I’d be joyful too if I spent my days in coffee shops pontificating to sycophants whose collective IQ must be in double digits to take this drivel seriously. 

I seriously can’t wait for their z-list celebrity to fade away so that these idiots have to get real jobs. Who am I kidding, they’ll grift until the end of time. I just hate that social media not only encourages but rewards such vapidity.  I weep for humanity. 

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30 minutes ago, Kbo said:

I seriously can’t wait for their z-list celebrity to fade away so that these idiots have to get real jobs.

For about 2 seconds I felt guilty about wanting their demise but then I think about all of the self-serving, narcissistic posts and I want these assholes to brought down 100 pegs to join the rest of us in the real world where bills are paid, we work 40 (+) hours a week, take responsibility for our actions and survive without stealing from other through bankruptcies and grifting. 

My disgust with these spechul snowflakes knows no bounds.  It's not like they worked for the recognition, they got it through social media and reality TV.  Their sycophants disgust me just as much.  WTF, get a life, morons.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Kbo said:

I just hate that social media not only encourages but rewards such vapidity.  I weep for humanity. 

Same. The good news is as soon as the gravy train finally leaves the station she’ll hopefully fade into obscurity and lose any relevance and followers. Fame is fickle and fleeting for a c grade reality show. 

36 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Its a no brainer for me


I hope you’re not risking death using a toaster for that pop tart. More deaths than sharks remember? Maybe try to cook it in a fry pan on the sidewalk on a summer Vegas day outside your rental property. That is an approved-by-Christine cooking method. 

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1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

For about 2 seconds I felt guilty about wanting their demise but then I think about all of the self-serving, narcissistic posts and I want these assholes to brought down 100 pegs to join the rest of us in the real world where bills are paid, we work 40 (+) hours a week, take responsibility for our actions and survive without stealing from other through bankruptcies and grifting. 

My disgust with these spechul snowflakes knows no bounds.  It's not like they worked for the recognition, they got it through social media and reality TV.  Their sycophants disgust me just as much.  WTF, get a life, morons.

1,000 X YES!  Love, love, love this post!

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Egg Fried Wild Rice 

This fried rice recipe is one of my go-to’s for an easy meal when I’m in a hurry or just need some food quick! It has all of the aspects of a meal that I normally look for - a healthy set of carbs, veggies, and a bit of protein.

1 c. organic wild rice (from the bulk section at Whole Foods)  
2 large brown eggs (Vital Farms, pasture raised brown eggs)
¾ c. organic green peas (I used frozen, but fresh or canned will work just fine!)
¼ c. chopped red onion (fresh from grocery)
1 clove of garlic, chopped (fresh from grocery)

Cook the rice. I get my wild rice from the bulk section of the grocery store and cook it 2:1, so two parts water or broth to one part rice. Pro tip: I also love to make this recipe when I have left over rice in the fridge that needs to be used up! 

Next, chop your onion and garlic, add them to a large pan with a splash of avocado oil and let cook until you start to smell their aroma. 

Whether you have cooked your rice fresh or pulled it from the fridge, add the rice to the pan with onion and garlic. Let the rice warm up if it was from the fridge while also mixing in the onion/garlic situation to get the flavor in all of the rice. 

Once the rice is hot, break the two eggs into the center of the rice mixture. Slowly start to scramble them into themselves and while the egg starts to cook, mix it into the rice, making sure to mix the egg into all parts of the rice. 

Finally, add the frozen peas into the mix. Let them mix around the rice to warm up. This should only take a few minutes.

Her visual aids:




Edited by ginger90
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Looks like her websites had an egocentric makeover to include an ‘M’ as the new logo.

Also she may want to rethink her ‘Mariah Eats Community Yoga’ title here IMO. 


Anyone else have visions of a giant raged Mariah T-Rex, rampaging community centres and devouring innocent civilians straight off their yoga mats. No... just me? 🧘‍♀️🦖 

  • LOL 24
7 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

I thought ALL normal people used the food in their fridge.  Does she seriously think anybody wouldn't think to use something they had already made?

I suppose for an entitled grifter from the Brown family, it may be a novel idea to use leftovers and actually use what they have at their disposal rather than buying extra or more. It’s likely growing up they had all of Christine’s endless food stamp pantry to waste so it wasn’t even a thought. 🙄

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8 hours ago, Sofa Sloth said:

Anyone else have visions of a giant raged Mariah T-Rex, rampaging community centres and devouring innocent civilians straight off their yoga mats. No... just me?

Heh, I thought the same thing. as clueless about advertising as everything else.  But probably Sludge designed it so heaven forbid there should be any criticism of the slogan or her cutesy pose.

And what's with the "eats" anyway?  Does she serve snacks after yoga?  Who wants anything from her sweaty, greasy hands?

And why isn't there something about queerness in there?  Isn't that her mantra?  Couldn't throw a rainbow in the slogan?  Maybe she's already passed through that phase and is moving on to The Enlightenment of Mind and Body Through Yoga. 

Or maybe she's just wearing white shoes.

PS no offense to those who do yoga.  I do it and love it but my teacher isn't a moron but a retired ER nurse who actually knows about what real life is about.

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6 hours ago, Sofa Sloth said:

I suppose for an entitled grifter from the Brown family, it may be a novel idea to use leftovers and actually use what they have at their disposal rather than buying extra or more. It’s likely growing up they had all of Christine’s endless food stamp pantry to waste so it wasn’t even a thought. 🙄


  • LOL 7
Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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