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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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Well, that settles it. Mariah has spoken!  I was all on pins and needles waiting to hear her opinion about this matter. Thank God she didn't keep us in suspence.  I imagine it will be front page news all over the world tomorrow. Donald Trump must be really upset she's not backing his nominee. He's probably struggling trying to come up with a tweet right now to try and do damage control.  Mariah not supporting his candidate is a huge setback.

I just hope the internet doesn't crash completely with everyone rushing online to see Mariah's post!

  • Love 14
On September 25, 2018 at 3:34 PM, ginger90 said:


mariahbrwn#chicagofitness#wellnessblogger #chicagoblogger#soulcycle #soulcyclechicago #soulsopt#healthandwellness #chitownfitness#wellnesscommunity #chicagowellness#chicagofitness

#stoptoepointing #buybiggerpants  #wearatshirtplease #whendoesshestudyorgotoclass #howmuchdoesallthefitnessandcoffeeshopsandbrunchcost? #doessheownanmirror?

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Who posts a picture of themselves with this message?



Meri’s daughter, that’s who.

As you can see, when I posted this, there were 201 comments. They have all been deleted. 

At one point she responded to a comment with, “I studied THIS SHIT”, in another she stated her Instagram was a place for women to come together....... stick to pictures of your dogs, Mariah!

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

#stoptoepointing #buybiggerpants  #wearatshirtplease #whendoesshestudyorgotoclass #howmuchdoesallthefitnessandcoffeeshopsandbrunchcost? #doessheownanmirror?

Your hashtags are great!  Question:  how does she get her head through that doorway?  


3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

As you can see, when I posted this, there were 201 comments. They have all been deleted. 

At one point she responded to a comment with, “I studied THIS SHIT”, in another she stated her Instagram was a place for women to come together....... stick to pictures of your dogs, Mariah!

Ooh!  She's as pissy as Meri!  Touchy, touchy!  Neither Meri nor Mariah can dill with anything but comments telling them how fantastically wonderful they are.  Barf.

  • Love 13
On 9/25/2018 at 3:34 PM, ginger90 said:


mariahbrwn#chicagofitness#wellnessblogger #chicagoblogger#soulcycle #soulcyclechicago #soulsopt#healthandwellness #chitownfitness#wellnesscommunity #chicagowellness#chicagofitness


4 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

So now she's shilling a mask?  Gawd.

Is it awful of me to say she looks better with the mask?  Shame on me.

Let's just hope she doesn't start shilling feminine products.  I cannot imagine the pics for that.  So far it sounds like that is all she isn't currently shilling.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

For the umpteen time I wonder where the money is coming from. As a student I could rarely afford McDonalds and that was while working and going to school at the same time. And I didn't live in pricey Chicago.

I agree with you.  For a student in grad school, she seems to have lots of spending dough.  She went to private college and got a car when she left.  Christine begged for money to see  her sick father and didn't get it.  Does Meri really make that much for tacky leggings?  I know she is an extra special snowflake, but really?

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

For the umpteen time I wonder where the money is coming from. As a student I could rarely afford McDonalds and that was while working and going to school at the same time. And I didn't live in pricey Chicago.

Either TLC is coughing up more money than I would have guessed, or Meri's been pilfering more than her share of $ through the lean years, or---can it be?  Did Miss Special Snowflake take out the evil Student Loans, that her dear dad has preached against?

Shit.  WTF was wrong with me?  I should have married a showboat polygamist salivating to go public, and let him take other wives to work full-time, or required to take care of multiple kids full-time, while I just flitted around at part-time jobs, and hoarded more $ than I needed, because I was FIRST, and dammit!  I deserved it!  Who gives a rat's ass that I couldn't have my eight kids, that I keep insisting I planned on?  Everyone knows I work my ass off taking care of my sister-wives kids!  Oh, wait...no I don't.  I take my traveling pants (well, not technically pants) on the road whenever I damn well fill like it, and tough titty for my precious family!

Great, Mariah!  Because of your selfish mother, you can afford mills (meals, in normal-speak) that most working folks can't afford.  Good for you.

  • Love 9

You are not alone, @laurakaye. I hate avacados. Maria's toast looks like an alien took a dump on it. Yuuuck!I


On 9/29/2018 at 12:55 PM, xwordfanatik said:

Is it awful of me to say she looks better with the mask?  Shame on me.

We can share the shame. I thought the same thing.  She should wear it on her face every say. Huge improvement.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

You are not alone, @laurakaye. I hate avacados. Maria's toast looks like an alien took a dump on it. Yuuuck!I

Another not avocado fan here.  You should see the looks I get saying that after we moved to CA, where they put avocado on everything - LOL.  I did a quick search on a few nutrition sites and avocado toast averages about 200 calories PER SLICE!  So that's 600 calories plus the acai bowl - and then whatever coffee lattee thingy she probably had - so about 1000 calories for breakfast.  Me thinks she's gonna need more time at that spin gym.

  • Love 10
48 minutes ago, DragonFaerie said:

I did a quick search on a few nutrition sites and avocado toast averages about 200 calories PER SLICE!  So that's 600 calories plus the acai bowl - and then whatever coffee lattee thingy she probably had - so about 1000 calories for breakfast.  

Yep that's why my comment of she should eat for one.  Did she even realize she ordered two breakfasts?

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

You are not alone, @laurakaye. I hate avacados. Maria's toast looks like an alien took a dump on it. Yuuuck!I

Hee!  Another avocado hater so it's kind of nice to know that they are so high in calories. Now I can substitute "high in calories and 21 grams of fat" instead of "hate the taste" and sound so health conscious.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, DragonFaerie said:

Another not avocado fan here.  You should see the looks I get saying that after we moved to CA, where they put avocado on everything - LOL.  I did a quick search on a few nutrition sites and avocado toast averages about 200 calories PER SLICE!  So that's 600 calories plus the acai bowl - and then whatever coffee lattee thingy she probably had - so about 1000 calories for breakfast.  Me thinks she's gonna need more time at that spin gym.

I do like them a lot and will not hold it against y'all that you don't.  I may side eye you, but I will still like you.  KIDDING!  No side eye from me.  They are high calorie and fat.  Doing WW I was eating a mini one every day for awhile (they are supposed to be good for getting rid of belly fat, who knows if its true) and they were divine BUT I had to figure out the points per ounce so that I didn't wreck my allotment eating one damn piece of fruit.  I would say in that meal alone she has more than 1/2 of what I am allowed in an entire day.  The avo toast alone using my 1999 WW calculations is about 10-12 points.   I eat 20-23 a day and have quite a bit of food.  At her weight she is probably allowed 28-32 points (I would estimate her to be around 180 but possibly more).  The banana alone on top of the stuff in the bowl is 2pts.   So um Mariah, while it may be healthy, it is fattening because I am sure that is not all you are eating nor should it be. 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

You are not alone, @laurakaye. I hate avacados. Maria's toast looks like an alien took a dump on it. Yuuuck!I


We can share the shame. I thought the same thing.  She should wear it on her face every say. Huge improvement.

@Celia Rubenstein, my spiritual sister-wife, I love you!  And I hate avocados, too!  Damn, that was funny.  I'll have to share your alien dump analogy with the Mr.

35 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Hee!  Another avocado hater so it's kind of nice to know that they are so high in calories. Now I can substitute "high in calories and 21 grams of fat" instead of "hate the taste" and sound so health conscious.

Love you too, @Kohola3!  

Dear @Natalie68, I still love you, even if you can stand avocados.  We're alike in many other ways!

  • Love 5
10 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

@Celia Rubenstein, my spiritual sister-wife, I love you!  And I hate avocados, too!  Damn, that was funny.  I'll have to share your alien dump analogy with the Mr.

Love you too, @Kohola3!  

Dear @Natalie68, I still love you, even if you can stand avocados.  We're alike in many other ways!

Thanks @xwordfanatik!  Looks like I am a party of one.  FINE!  More avo for me (well of a certain # of ounces)!  HA!  

  • Love 5

The constant proclamations of a love *so* deep mere mortals must struggle to comprehend is oh-so-so touching, right. But isn't this really the first relationship Mariah has ever been in? So ... call me a dark-hearted negative skeptic, but aren't the odds against her relationship with Audrey being the life-long magical forever soul mate match Mariah seems to think it is? I guess some first relationships do stand the test of time (congrats to those who've enjoyed such unions) but despite Mariah's heartfelt expressions of adoration for Audrey,  I don't know if it's going to be such a huge shocker if they don't last forever. I mean it may surprise Mariah, of course. But if they eventually break up it wouldn't surprise me.

That being said, I do sincerely wish them well. But I'm just no quite ready to install their great love among the likes of Anthony and Cleopatra just quite yet.

  • Love 14
Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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