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Say Yes To The Dress - General Discussion

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And here I thought I had become inured to see-through wedding dresses. Ho-ly shit. There are no zippers, so that's going to be difficult to remove while on the pole.


For the front shot, couldn't someone at least have tugged the dress down before shooting the photo so that the wrinkles were removed where it bunches around her torso?

Edited by lordonia
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How many times do we need to see Randy save the day and win over the curmudgeon dissenter by adding a stupid sparkly belt and pinning a yard of fabric on the bride's head which always magically melts the most stubborn heart?


What, you don't automatically change your mind on a well-considered opinion when someone whips out a violently over-priced glitter belt? I do! It's like kryptonite for the brain. My niece could try on a dress that resembled a bleached potato sack, and if she added a sparkly belt, I'd be all over it. Yes, Dear Niece, that's it, that's the dress, I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle in that ugly p.o.s. with the fabulous belt!!!


Meanwhile, Pninna is en route to using tinted plastic wrap. It will be the Next Big Thing. What I really want is to get Pninna tipsy over some good red wine and listen to her a) talk about her design process, b) explain what inspires her, and c) tell what she really thinks of her customers. I have no doubt she's a lovely person, but that would be fun. YMMV.

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While I usually want to ball gag the mouthy and negative entourage members who demand that the bride wear something to their taste, in this case I was firmly on the normal sister's side against the tacky, bleached blond gold digger. Sorry. If the bride doesn't like that characterization, she's welcome to tone it down a bunch.

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Hully gee whiz (front, back)


At first I was upset when mom shrank my ren faire gowne in the drier, but then I realized that as long as I left my underwear off and wrapped my torso in saran wrap...


WOW... that is a new low that I didn't even think was possible. That is horrible! I've seen lingerie that covers way more than that dress does. Actually I think most lingerie does. Who would wear that?

Followed by the brides-to-be who want to look "sexy" on their wedding day and drop $9000 on a Pnina gown that will shame their families and create a lifetime of embarrassing wedding photos. 


I can even handle "sexy" but there are ways to do it tastefully. I went to a wedding earlier this year where the bride was definitely wearing a sexy dress, but it was beautiful on her.  While I'm sure some of the guys were thinking "wow hot!!!"and it'd only work for brides with a certain body type who are also in excellent physical shape, it covered her, and it's nothing I think she'd be ashamed of or embarrassed about in future. It was strapless, sweetheart neckline, fit and flare (I think, I get confused between the various style designations), and had a fair amount of 'bling.'  All the stuff that seems to be trendy at least on this show, and so often doesn't work, but it did for her. It was sexy/hot/whatever but it wasn't going to be mistaken for a stripper outfit or lingerie, unlike almost every Pnina I've seen them show.

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I'm pretty sure no church would be okay with that piece of nothing going down the aisle, so who in the hell would ever where it?


There have been a number of brides who were looking for "skanky" who would fit the bill.  As guest I would be appalled as I hope the groom would be.  I can't imagine any groom being happy to have his bride showing it all to men attending the event.  


But then, who knows.  Some of those older dudes snagging the bubble headed trophy wives might think be happy to have his conquest advertising her wares.  "Hey, lookie here, I got me a HOT one.  Ain't I a stud?"

I may be giving them too much credit (since they had that one monstrosity that showed the bride's butt crack) but maybe Kleinfelds has drawn the line with this mess.  Or they carry it but as a private collection item. I can't envision anyone approving that for TV!


There are no words to describe something so totally tasteless.

There have been a number of brides who were looking for "skanky" who would fit the bill.  As guest I would be appalled as I hope the groom would be.  I can't imagine any groom being happy to have his bride showing it all to men attending the event. 


True... I guess I was mixing up the ones who want to be "sexy" or "hot" with "skanky" - I had forgotten some of them came right out and said they wanted something so over the top.  I too would be appalled if some bride came out half (or more) naked and I was not only wondering what kind of underwear she was wearing (or not) but I could see for myself. Yuuuck. I can't imagine anything close to that would be allowed in church, but I have to wonder if some of those would even be allowed in a public place.  I also can't imagine what the grooms must think when they first see their brides arriving in some of those dresses. I mean seriously that last one pictured here, would he be thinking "oh she went with the triangle instead of the landing strip."  How do the grooms (and parents, in laws, siblings, etc.) look at that without being horribly embarrassed?

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Hully gee whiz (front, back)


At first I was upset when mom shrank my ren faire gowne in the drier, but then I realized that as long as I left my underwear off and wrapped my torso in saran wrap...


I'm not even sure a supermodel could look good in that dress. That dress accentuates every possible bad feature. Once again, too many people confuse expensive with good taste.


And that other dress with the sheer cutouts? Frederick's of Hollywood would call it too trashy.

Edited by scrambled eggs
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Ugh!!! I just caught an episode with a bride named Farrah who didn't know what she wanted. While the consultants (a pretty black lady & Randy) fell all over themselves bringing her dress after dress, she just sat there making a sour face....like a petulant teenager. I wanted to smack her!

What really got me was how seemingly accepted her deplorable behavior was by her loved ones, of which she had several accompanying her.

I guess I have too much time on my hands today!  Last night was an old episode from 2011 that featured Elona, the bride with cerebral palsy.  They also featured Courtney, a bride down in fittings, who had added all sorts of details to her dress via email and was seeing it for the first time.  They made a point, as they often do, to stress that Courtney was having a "$100,000" wedding.  As it always does, I wondered how this woman who lacked even the most basic grammar skills had worked her way to affording a $100,000 wedding??? Yeah, I'll admit that always ticks me off and leaves me totally puzzled!  To also make a point of her obvious wealth, she had to scream at her Mother repeatedly to get "the Louboutin shoe box.  THE LOUBOUTIN!!!" So I found a little ditty online today about her and her intended that makes it appear they had entered an US magazine wedding contest?  Why wasn't this mentioned on the show???  Here's what she said to US magazine about why she should win the contest:


"Why You Should Pick Us: We work hard everyday and are not always able to spend money like we want.  We have big families and an abundant amount of family and friends we would like to share our union with but it takes alot of money to do that.  Money we don't have."


Where did the Louboutin's come from then Courtney dear.....hmmmmmm?  Such a pretensious poseur.  Yuck.

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I took one for the team. ;) In a nutshell:

They still treat money like it's tap water that runs endlessly. (But it's their money, so...)

He looks like a giant, square-headed "Peanuts" character. And ye gads. Can't even describe how he behaved.

Their (tiny) house is the epitome of materialistic excess that even they admit is unlivable - while describing why they each need "more."

They have a six-month old daughter. A little white dog, too.

Oh, and the big surprise: She appears to be completely over it all. That made up for the hour of my life that I lost while watching this.

Edited by RealityCowgirl

I loved how dumpy and ordinary they both looked (despite the strapless mini dress she wore with the black flatties) while talking about how over the top they were! They look like the frumpy beyond middle aged couple that comes into the doctors office that bicker constantly while raising their grandchild. And that house? Beyond tacky. Despite their grand wealth. Heeeeee. I'm sure his mother is proud!

Third person Sonny and Amber's 'special' was about 75% footage from their original wedding show, which aired just prior.  So, counting the repeat of the wedding complete with teasers leading into commercials followed by the 'new' show; we saw the same stuff 3 times in less than 2 hours. 


Autumn didn't appear over it to me.  She was bragging about how their daughter, Liberty (of course), wears genuine diamond studs in her ears.  'What other six month old has real diamond earrings?' asked Autumn.  Only the ones whose parents, like Autumn and Sonny, equate spending money with class and taste.  The baby is a cutie, though.


Autumn still has the bad overprocessed bleach job and sets her makeup gun on 'whore' as before.  She also spent a goodly amount of time lamenting her baby weight which she hasn't lost, although I thought the extra fullness in her face softened her looks in a good way.  Sonny also hasn't lost his baby weight and its not quite as flattering on him.


Their home is furnished in the expensively tacky style they favor and they continue to be inordinately proud of buying the most expensive stuff they can find, need it or not.


Anyway, they do seem like a good fit as a couple and reasonably happy, if clueless. 


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Sonny and Autumn had the most interesting house ever for a couple that spends money like they seemed to. His business is real estate, right? The kitchen was small and almost approached hoarder level. On the other hand, her closet/dressing room was an oasis of space, calm, and order. She had her priorities in order.

I'd love to see that house on House Hunters. This house says, We don't entertain at home. We get dressed up and go out for dinner.

Hmmm. J Crew now has bridal shorts (for beach weddings, I think).  How long before Pnina does a sheer corset version?



Okay, so together the sparkly white tank and sparkly white shorts cost $850. That's before tax and shipping (if you order online). This is making Kleinfeld's seem like a bargain basement.


But I love the concept of bridal shorts! 

So I wasn't completely nuts... when I first looked at that bridal tank/shorts combo I was thinking almost $850 and then on top of that if you look at the <cough> "finished" look there's also some sort of sweater that's undoubtedly at least $500, plus the shoes, pearls, and whatever else. Sheesh. I thought I was reading it wrong. I guess it goes back to the ol' theory that if you slap the word "bridal" or "wedding" on anything you can charge whatever you want for it.

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Here's a link to some tips on what to do before a bride to be goes wedding dress shopping.  Seems like common sense for most of the tips, but from what I've seen on SYTTD and SYTTD Atlanta, common sense is in short supply for many engaged women - https://shopping.yahoo.com/news/what-to-wear-when-trying-on-wedding-dresses-170958056.html

Last night I actually watched 2 back-to-back eps - the first "featuring" Kathy Griffin (sorry...cannot stand that woman) who showed up to surprise her assistant who was there to buy a dress.  If I had to hear Griffin say one more time how well-known she was I was going to have to throw something at my TV.  Then after the "ambush" her assistant kept saying how pissed she was that Kathy wasn't going to be there to help her pick out a dress.  She said it about 4 times.  Sheesh! 


Next ep. was with Tony Danza, who I do like, who was there to help pick out a dress for the star of the play in NY they're in - Honeymoon in Vegas (one of my fave movies).  That one was entertaining, and the dress they chose -- get ready for it -- by PNINA -- was actually pretty cute.  (GASP).  Of course, it was NOT see-thru.  Like how Tony Danza called organza ordanza. 


In one of these eps. a gal showed up for her final fitting w/wedding 3 weeks away and - surprise!  She'd lost 15 lbs. since she bought the dress.  Are you serious?  You don't have a scale in your house & wondered thru those pounds falling off if your dress was going to be hanging on you?  Yeah - wait until right B4 wedding & hope they can tailor it to your new body.  Unbelievable. 

One of the episodes last night showed the winner of The Biggest Loser at her final fitting, and then the zipper broke on the dress on the day of the wedding.  She revealed that she had not bought the dress she chose in the original episode where Jillian Michaels showed up and bought her dress for her.  I remember not liking that original dress at all.  The second dress looked much better on her and she was very happy with it.


Mazie131, I agree with you about finally seeing a Pnina dress that did not look like it belonged on a stripper.  It was very pretty, but I am partial to organza (and ordanza) dresses for bridal wear.  I wish more brides would choose that, but it was very popular in the 50's which is the time frame of the play if I am not mistaken.


I loved the dress that the professional ballerina chose, but did not like the veil with it, no matter how much the mother and the family though it was appropriate.  The bride has the perfect posture and frame to pull off that dress like a model.  Very unusual and classic IMO.   

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After reading the press about those on Biggest Loser regaining the weight, one has to wonder why that bride didn't realize she'd gained weight since purchasing the original gown.


I like Kathy Griffin, but I've really had enough of the cutesy celebrity appearances on this show.


I loved the very architectural gown on the ballerina; she's the only person who could carry it off.

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