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“Obviously the Lance family has a lot of issues going on within it that only Laurel knows about. The advantage of bringing Alex Kingston back in this moment in time is to quite frankly turn the knife in Laurel’s gut. We’ve been torturing her with the burdens of keeping this secret and that’s going to get harder with Alex Kingston’s arrival.”


Arghh!  They've been torturing her with the BURDEN of keeping this secret?  The one that she forced upon everyone else?  The secret that is only being kept because Laurel wants to keep it for reasons that don't match up with her actions?  Sorry, no pity here. 

  • Love 17

Regarding the Lance Family Drama: She put that knife in her gut and is complaining that it hurts. That burden? That is of her own making.


ETA: Anyone else think that Ray has served his personal rival purpose with Oliver witnessing Felicity moving on? He is also half way there as a professional rival with him rebranding QC.


I have a really hard time seeing Felicity moving on with Ray, no matter how Oliver leaves. It wouldn't feel right.

Edited by 10Eleven12
  • Love 8

I am just wondering how would a parent react realistically if one of their kids casually mentions that s/he has been lying for months now and their other kid is dead and buried because she did not feel like sharing that info with them (but she shared that info with a random trainer dude for shit and giggles) because reasons.

How can they turn that into Laurel's favour.

Edited by TanyaKay
  • Love 1

They will do it if the wording of the spoiler is anything to go by.



[snip] “Obviously the Lance family has a lot of issues going on within it that only Laurel knows about. The advantage of bringing Alex Kingston back in this moment in time is to quite frankly turn the knife in Laurel’s gut. We’ve been torturing her with the burdens of keeping this secret” from the spoiler is anything to go by  and it will be another disconnect between the Audience and the EPs


Its just going to lead to one more disconnect between me and and the EPs, since Laurel did this to herself, and there should be consequences. 

  • Love 3

I am just wondering how would a parent react realistically if one of their kids casually mentions that s/he has been lying for months now and their other kid id dead and buried because she did not feel like sharing that info with them (but she shared that info with a random trainer dude for shit and giggles) because reasons.

How can they turn that into Laurel's favour.

"Oh my poor, brave baby, having to shoulder this terrible knowledge all by yourself.  If only we could have been strong enough so you wouldn't have had to endure this pain alone.  How noble and selfless you have been."

  • Love 7

This is exactly the disconnect that drives me away from the show.  Laurel is presented as a terrible human being, but according to the producers I'm supposed to feel sorry for her shitty personality and horrible decision-making and like her regardless.


I'm really hoping this plays out better than it reads but with the past record for this character, I'm less than hopeful.

  • Love 14

I wonder if she's going to actually tell them though? The spoiler doesn't really clarify.


Either she tells them and they lose their shit, and she goes out and does something stupid by suiting up because she has nothing left to lose, or


She doesn't tell them and she does something stupid by suiting up because she's so angry she needs to do good and punch criminals. And maybe track down Sara's killer if she has time for that.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 2

That secret is Laurel's island! She's been tortured just like Oliver so she's ready to be a super hero like him. 


Quentin and Dinah better be rightfully angry and hurt that Laurel kept the death of their daughter from them and buried her like she was garbage. 


Looks like everything that happens is Laurel's island - be it Tommy's death, her addiction arc, Sara's coming back and subsequent hooking up with Oliver Queen, her loss of job and then blackmailing to get it back, dad's health issues, Sara's death for the umpteenth time and then this secret. This is like a series of versions of islands.  This is major mindfuck on part of writers and I want none of it.


Quentin and Dinah have been most indulgent of the parents. She has been horrible to them since season 1 and they take everything on the chin that she throws at them. She told her crying/sobbing mother back in season 1 that Sara was dead (she was not and her mom was right), she was cruel to her dad about his addiction and she threw a glass at her sister who had come back from dead and was poisoned a few hours ago but none of her parents told her to get her act together and act like a compassionate human being for a change. They just let her be, no wonder she turned out they way she did. Their parenting is responsible for that entitled behavior.

  • Love 8

I would absolutely hate it if we get a scene where Oliver gives Felicity his blessings to date other dudes. For one it would be déjà vu of season 1 where Oliver gave this blessing to Tommy for dating Laurel and I don't want any reminders of that triangle to tarnish Olicity. Secondly, Oliver's behaviour so far has been different with Felicity than any other Love Interest. It would be totally OOC for him to be so casual about her dating other men. Remember, he went ballistic when she went to. CC to see a poor comatose Barry.

I think he gave his blessing to Tommy and Laurel it was more in "I have bigger things to worry about than relationships; go make each other happy."  With Felicity, it would be more like "I love you but I can't give you what you want and now that I may never come back, I want you to be able to find happiness."


But I'd really rather they didn't go there at all.    But given MG's thinking and his multiple hankie spoiler, I really doubt it's going to be mutual I love you's and 'see you when you get back'.


So Laurel's going to give her parents the Christmas present of "Merry Christmas, Sara's dead!" Will she say it as callously as she did the last time when she sent her mother running from the room in tears?

I know.  They've written themselves into such a hole with Laurel.  Either they change her personality or she's never going to make superhero status.


Looks like everything that happens is Laurel's island - be it Tommy's death, her addiction arc, Sara's coming back and subsequent hooking up with Oliver Queen, her loss of job and then blackmailing to get it back, dad's health issues, Sara's death for the umpteenth time and then this secret. This is like a series of versions of islands.  This is major mindfuck on part of writers and I want none of it.


I guess she has to have a series of islands because it never sticks.  And why should it because, as John Campea said, the problem is Laurel's personality.


I think she doesn't tell them but suits up and beats up something instead.  If she told them, Quentin at least would be / should be angry, and they're going to need him to be on her side in the upcoming four part trilogy.


So Laurel is the Regina (OUAT) of Arrow?...

Totally.  Even to the producers loving her so much she never has to pay the consequences for her actions.


While I'm all in favor of turning the knife in Laurel's gut, I'd rather it were off-screen so I can spend more time with Diggle and Felicity.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 3

So Laurel's going to give her parents the Christmas present of "Merry Christmas, Sara's dead!" Will she say it as callously as she did the last time when she sent her mother running from the room in tears?


"I already buried her in her old grave. So you're welcome on saving you money from for a proper funeral and burial for your youngest daughter that you thought you lost once before. She's dead and gone. You have to move on!" 


Are we really supposed to like that woman?


Or even better if she makes it about herself. "Sara left me just like Tommy left me. Everyone is always leaving me!"

The parallel between Laurel and Felicity just hit me when I read your comment.



Defines herself with her loss of Sara and Tommy and her hurt that Oliver went on the Gambit with Sara and she never got over it. 


Laurel to law school.


Worked at CRNI and the DA's office.


Laurel never got over her anger at what she thought was done to her and has made those transgressions simmer for well over 7 years now.  She has not moved on emotionally from her losses. She has not been able to control her emotions in a normal fashion.


She likes to keep secrets.


She chooses to be angry.




Had her dad leave her as a child, Cooper fake his suicide and take credit for her program then return and use it against her, and her fear that Oliver will leave her.


Felicity with her Master's from MIT. (Just my opinion but a Master's from MIT is a bigger deal.)


Worked at Queen Consolidated in IT and then as a trusted EA.


Felicity grew from her experiences and got stronger and better and did not let it control her outlook on life. Even though everyone has left her and that life sucks she found that in order for her to be happy she must make decisions so that she will be able to live with herself. Mind over matter. Her life her choice.


She doesn't like to keep secrets.


She chooses to be happy.


I know we all know this but they are so similar yet opposite of each other.


Probably not in the right spot but felt a need to comment on this.

Edited by BunsenBurner
  • Love 11

"Oh my poor, brave baby, having to shoulder this terrible knowledge all by yourself.  If only we could have been strong enough so you wouldn't have had to endure this pain alone.  How noble and selfless you have been."

GREAT! We definitely need a new thread here, something like: "As venomous as Deadshot's curare bullets: ironic and sarcastic remarks on the show". Such a thread would quickly surpass the bitterness thread in numbers of posts!! :-)

  • Love 6

I still haven't gotten over the much-discussed point that there was no reason to keep Sara's death a secret...


For all of her character inconsistencies, at least one thing has remained consistent - every time something happens to someone else on the show, it's still all about Laurel in her mind - and apparently in the EPs' minds.  


Every time the EPs give her another "island", I just hear 'Marcia, Marcia, Marcia' in my head.  Now we're going to have to endure a series of episodes after the midwinter break that really are all about Laurel.

Edited by tv echo
  • Love 6

I've been hearing "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia" in my head for a long time now.  Yet another island isn't going to change things unless they change Laurel's personality.  What is it they say about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, AK and MG?


BunsenBurner, that was a great comparison. Is there a thread that covers talking about characters other than in relationship?

  • Love 4

Question for the Laurel haters (and everyone else really). Would several episodes focusing on Laurel as the Canary be worth it if it helped the EP's finally realize she wasn't working and find a way to remove her from the show? Or does over dosing you with Laurel while keeping the Arrow mostly off his own damn show go a step too far?

Edited by KirkB


Would several episodes focusing on Laurel as the Canary be worth it if it helped the EP's finally realize she wasn't working and find a way to remove her from the show? Or does over dosing you with Laurel while keeping the Arrow mostly off his own damn show go a step too far?

I'm so far from caring about any of it at this point. The show has a bigger problem for me now.  I have no interest in watching the 80% or whatever of the show that doesn't have Laurel in it. If the rest of the show was ok, I'd probably just skip the Laurel eps and then finish watching the season.  And not watching Laurel for me is less about hate and more about lack of interest. I just don't find the prospect very entertaining.

  • Love 6

It's the combination of no Oliver and the focus on Laurel that has me not caring. I'll wait to see what the East coasters say about the episodes before I bother. If there is some really good Team Arrow stuff, I can fast forward to that. And I have zero desire to watch Sara give Laurel any kind of from-the-grave blessing if that's the way the Show goes. 

  • Love 5

Honestly at this point I'm more interested in watching the fan reaction for 310-313 than I am in watching the show itself. It is taking it too far imho, but I'm interested to see the fallout or lack thereof.

I demand Snark!

I've grown rather disconnected from the show, as of right now I'm way more interested in (and will hopefully be entertained by) the potential snark, fan/critical reaction and I'm curious to see if the EPs made the right bet.

Edited by Morrigan2575
  • Love 1

Is it even remotely possible that 3x13 "Canaries" is Laurel's last episode, and they just haven't announced it yet? Sometimes characters leave shows in the middle of the season...


They'd have to be complete imbeciles to kill Sara, knowing they were later going to write Laurel out of the show.... Huh, maybe that is what will happen, then.


No, I think killing Sara makes Laurel 100% safe. She's your Black Canary, the 'hero' Starling City doesn't deserve, but she's the one it's getting.

  • Love 2

Question for the Laurel haters (and everyone else really). Would several episodes focusing on Laurel as the Canary be worth it if it helped the EP's finally realize she wasn't working and find a way to remove her from the show?


If they somehow bring Sara back, and do some sort of swap-body thing, and KC goes away while Caity Lotz plays Laurel in Sara's body for the rest of the show's run, then yes. :)

  • Love 4

It's the combination of no Oliver and the focus on Laurel that has me not caring. I'll wait to see what the East coasters say about the episodes before I bother. If there is some really good Team Arrow stuff, I can fast forward to that. And I have zero desire to watch Sara give Laurel any kind of from-the-grave blessing if that's the way the Show goes.

Taking response to bitterness thread.

Edited by NumberCruncher
  • Love 2

Question for the Laurel haters (and everyone else really). Would several episodes focusing on Laurel as the Canary be worth it if it helped the EP's finally realize she wasn't working and find a way to remove her from the show? Or does over dosing you with Laurel while keeping the Arrow mostly off his own damn show go a step too far?


I don't want to go too far into the Laurel thing specifically because no need to pile on, but I think it's an interesting question w/r/t this season in general. I keep doing this--trying to give the writers the benefit of the doubt, trying to find a reason for the choices that seem questionable or just BAD to me. And I do think it would help if I knew that at least some of it was intentional--that there would be some reveal later, some payoff, something that would make me say, "Okay, I see why they had to do X in 3A, even if it was painful or irritating at the time." (Examples: lack of Team Arrow, iffy characterization on Dig and Felicity, whatever they're doing with Ray, KILLING SARA, not telling Quentin, Laurel in general.)


But even if this does end up being the case, and a number of these things make more sense when you take the season as a whole, it's still a very risky proposition and one that likely won't be worth it. If I were binge-watching the series, maybe it wouldn't end up seeming so off, and if we do get some payoff in 3B, then maybe Netflix viewers of the future won't even really notice the dip in quality or the questionable decisions. But as a loyal viewer, a person who used to regularly rewatch the episodes a few times before a new one would air...I am pretty certain that no matter what happens in 3B, I'm going to look back at 3A with a fair amount of distaste. As I've said before, all the spoilers we have are doing nothing to make me excited or hopeful. At this point, the best I can hope for this season is that they use the viewer/critical response and apply it to Eps 14-23 to try to pull out of the tailspin.

Edited by Carrie Ann
  • Love 8

If four episodes of Laurel would guarantee she wouldn't be the Black Canary and in the Arrow lair, I'd take it.  It would just mean a 19 episode season for me. However, I think there's no way she's not going to end up as the BC so four episodes of watching her try and fail and try again and then succeed holds a negative interest factor for me.


It's not that I hate Laurel, it's that I hate the amount of time her many stories take up when I'd rather be watching any character but her.

Is it even remotely possible that 3x13 "Canaries" is Laurel's last episode, and they just haven't announced it yet? Sometimes characters leave shows in the middle of the season...

I don't think it's possible at all.  It seems much more likely that this will solidify Laurel as the Black Canary.  She's not Sara, she's her own Canary.


And speaking of "Canaries", if EBR is in Hawaii right now, it's likely that Felicity won't be in the episode or have a very minor role.  Another reason I don't care.


I'm interested in seeing how this plays out.  Do the "because comics" fans who want Laurel as BC outnumber the actual Arrow fans? I'm personally thinking this is a step too far but who knows?  

I think it's as Matt Roush (TV Guide) said, that most viewers may not like Laurel but they don't hate her enough to stop watching the show itself.  Likely the ratings will stay the same and if there is any affect, it will be a gradual loss of viewers. 


They'd have to be complete imbeciles to kill Sara, knowing they were later going to write Laurel out of the show.... Huh, maybe that is what will happen, then.


No, I think killing Sara makes Laurel 100% safe. She's your Black Canary, the 'hero' Starling City doesn't deserve, but she's the one it's getting.

I think that's why they killed Sara, so that there was no other choice but Laurel.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 5

And speaking of "Canaries", if EBR is in Hawaii right now, it's likely that Felicity won't be in the episode or have a very minor role.  Another reason I don't care.


I was just coming on here to ask if EBR is in Hawaii now or if those pictures are older.  So yeah, I guess that EBR will have a smaller or nonexistent role in episode 13.  That sucks.  Maybe Oliver and Felicity aren't getting together right after he returns from the dead/being missing/wherever he is.  Remember when some of us were hoping that season 3B would turn things around and be more like season 2A?  Yeah, I don't think that's happening.  I think that no matter what feedback the EPs get, they're just going to continue on this crapfest.

  • Love 2

The pics of Emily are recent, but since the filming was stopped for the Thanksigiving holiday i wouldnt put too much weight to it. Stephen is also in Texas for the holiday. Katie is in L.A. Thinking the last day they shot was the 26th, and then they went on a little filming break till 1st December.


Edited by Velocity23

I was just coming on here to ask if EBR is in Hawaii now or if those pictures are older.  So yeah, I guess that EBR will have a smaller or nonexistent role in episode 13. Remember when some of us were hoping that season 3B would turn things around and be more like season 2A?.


Well, 3x13 is called "Canaries" and Sara is coming back in that episode so I don't think Felicity/Diggle are going to have much screentime in that one. In fact, 3B is shaping up to be almost exactly like 2B except with Laurel as Black Canary.

I am dreading the 'Canaries' episode. Luckily, I have free will, so I don't have to watch it. I don't think dead Sara would want Laurel to follow the path of BC. Why would she want a life like that for her sister?  If Sara's ghost endorses Laurel,  well it's simply the EPS scrambling in desperation. 


As for the new canary costume, maybe the all the buckles are just decorative and serve no real purpose. How apt!

  • Love 9

Well, Slade was having delusions about Shado that clearly weren't accurate, so I'm sure people could choose to interpret ghost Sara endorsing Laurel as the new BC as some kind of insanity on Laurel's part, like she needs her sister's approval to carry on the fight. Even if Sara has been clear that she didn't want that life for Laurel.  


That being said I'm actually looking forward to seeing episodes 10-13... Canaries in particular because I'm hoping we finally see Sara with the League in flashbacks.

That being said I'm actually looking forward to seeing episodes 10-13... Canaries in particular because I'm hoping we finally see Sara with the League in flashbacks.


I don't think we'll be seeing Sara LOA flashbacks yet, because Marc Guggenheim said on twitter that the next time we saw Sara wouldn't be in flashbacks. Unless Sara is showing up before 3x13...

I don't think we'll be seeing Sara LOA flashbacks yet, because Marc Guggenheim said on twitter that the next time we saw Sara wouldn't be in flashbacks. Unless Sara is showing up before 3x13...

Given that she's dead, what other option do we have in seeing Sara?  I'm not into the Zombie craze though I bet Sin could sell me on it, lol. 

  • Love 1

She [Lyla] has a ghost from her past – Digger Harkness, who comes back to wreak havoc on her life. He wants revenge, because at some point, she was part of putting some sort of explosive chip in the back of his head, and he survived, she tried to blow him up…. so he’s a little mad, yeah!” she reveals.


So this definitely supports my belief that my pretty Sean Maher {Shrapnel) could very certainly be out there alive and well.  :) 

Hallucination like with Tommy or on a video like with Shado.

Smacks head.  Oh duh!  :)

  • Love 1

The new Atom suit, if that is an actual peek and not just a concept drawing, kinda has a very Iron Man feel to it. Though any mech-tech suit would probably have that connotation. With the tendency of our creative Arrow writers to "borrow" from other superhero plots, I wonder if, at the end of the season, Palmer will be the one with the "I am Iron Man" moment, which could be a good exit for him so he can go be a hero elsewhere/spin-off to his own show. Just no Pepper Potts-ing Felicity 'cause Arrow really can't afford to lose her.


Also, if that is an actual peek and the suit is all done, we might be seeing Palmer in the suit during that The Canary Diaries stretch of episodes. Probably as one of their ploys to try to draw people in to watch as other superheroes not named Arrow go about saving Starling City.

The new Atom suit, if that is an actual peek and not just a concept drawing, kinda has a very Iron Man feel to it. Though any mech-tech suit would probably have that connotation. With the tendency of our creative Arrow writers to "borrow" from other superhero plots, I wonder if, at the end of the season, Palmer will be the one with the "I am Iron Man" moment, which could be a good exit for him so he can go be a hero elsewhere/spin-off to his own show. Just no Pepper Potts-ing Felicity 'cause Arrow really can't afford to lose her.


Also, if that is an actual peek and the suit is all done, we might be seeing Palmer in the suit during that The Canary Diaries stretch of episodes. Probably as one of their ploys to try to draw people in to watch as other superheroes not named Arrow go about saving Starling City.


Unfortunately, Brandon had tweeted earlier that that's not his Instagram account (he doesn't have one, he says): https://twitter.com/BrandonJRouth/status/538787586601279489

Ah, really? Thanks for the clarification, looptab and SmallScreenDiva! Why do people create fake accounts of celebrities? Do the hits and comments give them some sort of warm fuzzies or something? Does it thrill them to promote chaos amongst the masses?! Man, people can be so weird.


I am sort of weirdly relieved that the look of that suit isn't real, though. I'm not too thrilled with everyone suiting up left and right in SC. While Diggle still doesn't get any and Oliver's, supposed, upgraded Arrow suit is still nowhere to be seen.

  • Love 1

What do you guys think will be Ray's way into the crime fighting business? So far there seems to be a lot going on:


  • Oliver will be gone. They will know where he is. (I'd still prefer it if they think he is dead. I just can't see him joining the League and going back to being a killer. I just think that is not a step in the right direction and since it is supposed to be a cliffhanger (literally), I'd prefer him being 'dead' - Hanging and falling off a cliff) 
  • Laurel will interact will the rest of the team. She will have family problems (as always) and she will want to be a vigilante. The rest of the team lets her join and the will be out together.  3 - 4 episodes will be dedicated to the Canary. 
  • Ray and Felicity will still work together. His intentions will be (hopefully) a little clearer. And in 3x09 he will try to make amends with Felicity. (Whatever that means) Either they will be a couple or they will colleagues. Depending on how Oliver/Felicity plays out in the next two episodes I expect them to go one way or the other with Ray and Felicity.
  • Oliver will be back around 3x12/3x13


I am really curious to see when they will bring Ray in because they want to do his origin story aswell. (Or so it seems) But in order to do that he would have to be in contact with the other characters at some point. Or have a valid reason why he wants to be a vigilante as well. Sometimes it seems as though everyone just wants to be a vigilante. :-) 

I am really curious to see when they will bring Ray in because they want to do his origin story aswell. (Or so it seems) But in order to do that he would have to be in contact with the other characters at some point. Or have a valid reason why he wants to be a vigilante as well. Sometimes it seems as though everyone just wants to be a vigilante. :-)

I agree with you, it seems they want to present the Atom's origin story. However, since "being the Atom" includes "being able to shrink", I don't understand exactly how this story is supposed to work on a show where there are no superpowers (a rule they recently reinstated). I remember a MG interview where he explicitly excluded Ray's shrinking on "Arrow". Hence, there seem to be only two other options left: (i) They - at the most - show on "Arrow" how Ray gets his superpower (like they did with Barry/ the Flash and then he leaves "Arrow" and does a permanent cross over to "The Flash" where Ray/ the Atom could be a recurring character; or (ii) after becoming able to shrink, Ray/ the Atom gets his own show as yet another spin-off of "Arrow". Since I doubt that there is room for another DC superhero show that is connected to the "Arrowverse"(besides "The Flash" and - possibly - an upcoming Supergirl show), I am more inclined to think they will opt for the first possibility.

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