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She was a bad person and she may be on the verge of bettering herself. 

3 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I've seen enough media where someone kills for revenge. Maybe even a lot of people. They don't continue doing so for funsies unless they are bad people overall. It's why Diaz's backstory didn't garner any *sympathy from me. A forkton of people have been bullied; they don't become lame crime lords who harness the untold power of the 3D printer. 

*I don't know if TPTB were going for sympathy. I don't know what the point of that episode was.

He also appeared to have cut on his arms and probably had a rough childhood and an environment that lead him to where he is today. It didn't make me sympathize with him since overall they did a bad job with the character but nothing to suggest that just that one moment is what made him into a crime lord.

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1 minute ago, calliope1975 said:

A forkton of people have been bullied; they don't become lame crime lords who harness the untold power of the 3D printer. 


I mean, I don't know if E2 Laurel is fundamentally a bad person or not - I don't know enough about her. I don't even know if what I do know about her is actually the truth or not. Like, I don't think Oliver is fundamentally a bad person, but he wasn't great when we first met him, and that's before he went on the Gambit. I watch this show, so obviously I understand that choices you make can get you into situations that are hard to get out of, and sometimes you have to do terrible things to survive - like when you're stranded on an island in the South China Sea and return home to be a vigilante and don't always go about it in the best way. 

I also think that in Laurel's case - she's a meta human. She's allowing herself to be used an awful lot for someone who doesn't enjoy the things that she's doing, especially when - aside from Zoom - she could off the people she's been working for left and right and ditch town. She just seems kind of lazy (like with her comment about never having a real job) and is happy to go along with whatever as long as she gets to partake in the spoils so she doesn't have to do any actual work.

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29 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

She was a bad person and she may be on the verge of bettering herself. 

Being afraid for her own welfare and maybe the life of one other person is not the same as “bettering herself”. Just because she’s afraid of a bigger monster doesn’t make her less of a monster herself.

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23 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Being afraid for her own welfare and maybe the life of one other person is not the same as “bettering herself”. Just because she’s afraid of a bigger monster doesn’t make her less of a monster herself.

That's the point of may be on the verge. After all of this she could decide to be a better person overall. 

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5 hours ago, Angel12d said:

I mean, if Quentin doesn't die, it's still possible he just leaves on his own. Or maybe even with Sara for a while. Doesn't have to be with BS. It's possible Diaz will put a target on his back after BS switches sides. I definitely think something is happening with Quentin but what that is exactly IDK.


One option I hadn't considered is Sara dropping Quentin (and perhaps BS since he seems stuck with her) off in some other time period.  Safe from DDDiaz and free to restart a life.  Maybe BS is Laurel's grandma.  

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What Black Siren told Oliver last season and what she told Quentin this season...

From 510:

Black Siren: "I told you that Prometheus was going to kill me, and that is why I did what I did."
Oliver: "Your history on Earth-2 would suggest you had other reasons."
Black Siren: "You don't trust me?"
Oliver: "Can you blame me?"
Black Siren: "No, because on my world, you've been dead for 10 years now. I moved to Central City for a fresh start. That's where this happened. And from then, it was just one bad choice after another. And I guess once you let the darkness inside, it never comes out. And now I am trapped in a parallel dimension, telling my sob story to... the doppelganger of the man that - that I loved."
Oliver: "So stop running. Face the darkness."
Black Siren: "How does that work?"
Oliver: "First, you need to tell me everything that you know about Prometheus, everything, and then we keep you safe."
Black Siren: "And you're willing to do that why? Why? Because I look like someone you used to know."
Oliver: "Someone once told me that a circumstance could make something poison or nectar. What they meant was that we get to choose what we are, we get to choose who we are, so tell me... Who are you?"

From 609:

Black Siren: "Oh, good. You're awake. I wanted us to have a little daddy-daughter time."
Quentin: "Because of what happened on Lian Yu."
Black Siren: "You make it sound like I should be over it by now. You shot me and left me for dead."
Quentin: "You seem to have bounced back."
Black Siren: "Yeah, thanks to Cayden James. He sent someone for me."
Quentin: "I'm sorry. I made a mistake shooting you. I'm glad you're okay."
Black Siren: "Heh. Then you're an idiot."
Quentin: "Heh. You're probably right. You're probably right. Listen. When you, uh - when you look at me, do you see your own father at all?"
Black Siren: "No. Because my father died when I was 13."
Quentin: "What happened?"
Black Siren: "It was my 13th birthday, and he left to go get my birthday cake, like he did every year, and then the phone rang. There was an accident. A drunk driver ran through a red light. Head-on collision."
Quentin: "I'm sorry. I used to pick up Laurel's cake, too. Yellow with chocolate frosting. From her favorite bakery."
Black Siren: "Carly's."
Quentin: "Sorry you didn't get to know your father. I guess you're stuck knowing me."

Edited by tv echo
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#DCTV: The Trial of Green Arrow, Jerome’s Funeral on Gotham, Lucifer’s Dog Problem
Published on Apr 30, 2018, by DC

-- Hector Navarro: "Here's what's going down on a brand new episode of Arrow Thursday night. Mayor Queen has been impeached, which means that the fate of the Green Arrow is up to the hands of the Star City justice system. Ah yes, if what you're thinking is this, then you are correct. We are going to be watching the trial of Green Arrow. Oh my gosh, can we really determine the measure of this man in this one episode? Well, here's one way to do it. You're going to get a bunch of surprise witnesses being called to the stand to speak on the character of Oliver Queen. All your favorites are there. If you are a Green Arrow fan, you do not want to miss this episode of Arrow. And if you're not, what's wrong with you? You do not want to miss this episode of Arrow. It is so good! But Oliver - he's really freaking out, because he doesn't know if he's going to lose everything in his quest to save Star City, because all of his stuff is getting put on blast. And I mean, whoo! - they are airing that dirty laundry - it's all going to be up there, on display. And, also in this episode, we get a bunch of phenomenal 'whisper acting,' which I'm a huge fan of. Stephen Amell and the entire cast of Arrow - they are masters at some good 'whisper acting.' It is comforting. I love to watch them do it. It's great. Keep up the good work. I am a big fan. Alright, I'm going to give you guys this, because I love you so, so much. Thursday night's episode features a face that is returning that is so shocking that you are going to pee your pants. And that's a Hector guarantee! You're going to pee when you see this character return. All of you Arrow fans, this is a must-watch episode. And all of you people who are not Arrow fans, what is wrong with you? This is a must-watch episode. You have to watch it. Because we are getting real down and dirty. This is the nitty-gritty of Oliver Queen. I'm going to give you guys a comic book connection and here's what it is. It is Green Arrow, Volume 3, The Trial of Oliver Queen. Some classic Mike Grell Green Arrow action. This stuff is awesome. It's got everything. It's got Green Arrow saving a cat out of a tree - literally. And it's hilarious. It's got Green Arrow kicking the crap out of a Nazi, because that's what you do to Nazis. You beat the crap out of them. And he's got a great line when he does it. He goes, 'hey, wait a minute - this street is Broadway, not Jerk Street,' and then proceeds to kick the crap out of this Nazi. And that's one of my favorite lines from any comic book ever. But the meat of the story revolves around this incident that happens. Green Arrow, at the end of the day - he is a vigilante. And he accidentally hits an innocent kid with one of his arrows. And Ollie starts drinking, he hits rock bottom. It is really, really tough for him. He has to deal with all of this. He has to internalize this. And his good buddy, one of his best friends - if not his actual best friend - Hal Jordan AKA Green Lantern, has to talk some sense into him. And by that, I mean, beat some sense into him. They hash it out, man. You can tell this is an amazing, you know, bro friendship. These guys have been through so much, and it so great to see Hal showing up for his buddy Oliver Queen in this really dark time. So guys, do not miss checking out Green Arrow, Volume 3, The Trial of Oliver Queen, from writer Mike Grell. It is amazing. And do not Thursday night's brand new episode of Arrow. Objection. Sustained."

Edited by tv echo
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Sounds like we can expect a big twist in the finale and that we'll be seeing more of KC in the future in the Arrowverse...

Katie Cassidy Talks 'Arrow' [VIDEO]
By COMICBOOK.COM STAFF - April 30, 2018

-- KC first talked about partnering with CapitalOne for National Superhero Day. (See Arrow Actors in Other Roles thread for more on this project.)

-- On what fan response has been to her Black Siren, KC: "It's been very positive, uh, which is - which is good. I mean, it's hard to - when somebody says, okay, well, we're going to kill you off. We turned you into a superhero, now we're going to kill you off. And we're going to bring you back in some capacity as basically a supervillain. And the character, she - look, I've had a blast [unintelligible words]. I definitely think you can tell. I feel very free in the material. Um, playing a villain, it's fun. It's really fun. Um, and again, I think, just the freedom in the material has been such a blast. I feel everyone has a pretty good response. I think, Black Siren, the thing that's cool about her is she's so unpredictable and she's so - she's kind of like a loose cannon. You never know what you're going to get. I also like the fact that she's sort of her own island, in a way, if that makes sense. Um, she's sassy, she's funny. She's also, uh - she can be snarky, and she can be condescending, but, you know, there's always sort of a twist on everything. Um, and I'd just be - I'm curious to see what's going to happen with her and her story, cause the character's awesome."

-- On what Black Siren's dynamic with Ricardo Diaz will be as the season plays out, KC: "No, I can't tell you that because I like my job. (Laughs) I don't want to get in trouble. I can't give too much away. Uh, but I definitely think - there's a lot of twists and turns, and I think it's - it's interesting. I think the shock value will be huge."

-- On playing more alternate versions of her character than anyone else in the Arrowverse (E1, E2, EX) and whether there's another alternate version of Laurel that she'd like to play, KC: "Yeah... Laurel coming - well, coming back from the dead, that would be kinda cool. That would be kinda interesting, yeah. And on different Earths, I want to see all the versions of Laurel, plus... the more, uh - the more complex and complicated the character, I feel like for me as an actor, the better I actually respond to in performing. I know that might sound odd. Um, but I would think it would be cool to see the other versions of her and what that looks like. I have no idea what it looks like, but I have a feeling we'll find out."

Edited by tv echo
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53 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

On the surface, I think that's a terrible idea and I hope they don't do it.

After going for a run and thinking on it for a bit, my greatest fear about the Flight theory now is that Oliver will take the fall for something Rene did so he can stick around being an awful human since the show has made it a point to say that William has Felicity now, and Zoe has...two losers who drop in on her every now and again. 

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10 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

After going for a run and thinking on it for a bit, my greatest fear about the Flight theory now is that Oliver will take the fall for something Rene did so he can stick around being an awful human since the show has made it a point to say that William has Felicity now, and Zoe has...two losers who drop in on her every now and again. 

What an awful idea. So, of course they'll do it. I can't accept Oliver taking the fall for any of those newbie assholes. 

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I am so sick of Oliver taking the blame and sacrificing himself for other people.  I thought he'd grown out of that by this season.

For me, the only acceptable person he could take the fall for is Diggle (assuming no one sees Felicity's digital footprints). And maybe Roy who took the fall for him earlier but I don't think Roy is back yet.

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5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

my greatest fear about the Flight theory now is that Oliver will take the fall for something Rene did so he can stick around being an awful human

I guess that would depend on when the show would have the time to establish something Rene could do that Oliver could even take the blame for.

Even it is that way, I guess in parallel to 601 when Oliver also worked to get Rene a chance to be with his daughter in the first place, I wonder if that's how the writers see it as a chance for the newbies to stop being jerks to Oliver (as if apologizing wasn't enough but whatevs). If 621 has Dinah and Curtis maybe taking some steps back while Oliver's on trial, they may be trying to force in last-minute introspection, but idk.

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3 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

What an awful idea. So, of course they'll do it. I can't accept Oliver taking the fall for any of those newbie assholes. 

I'm trying to find the actual comment to make sure he actually posted this before I get too worked up about the possibility, LOL. Finding stuff on his wall is a pain though - hopefully someone better at Facebook can figure it out.

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What an awful awful awful idea. I wouldn't mind it so much if it was Felicity but imagine him sacrificing William and Felicity to take the fall for that piece of sh@t.

Edited by Mellowyellow
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He might do it for Lance? It would give some kind of ironic parallel in righting another "father`s" wrong. 

Please not for that asshole René. Or any of those noobs.  

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I think what's getting me worked up is I think it would actually kill Oliver's character if he were to sacrifice his life with this WIFE and KID for any of the f@ckwit N00bs.

It makes ZERO sense! I swear I even find Barry's decision to run back in time and save his Mummy more acceptable than this! At least she was his mother!!!!!!

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3 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

I think what's getting me worked up is I think it would actually kill Oliver's character if he were to sacrifice his life with this WIFE and KID for any of the f@ckwit N00bs.

Don't get worked up over anything yet - first we need the actual comment (which I can't find) - and even then it's still spec. 

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Just now, Mellowyellow said:

I think what's getting me worked up is I think it would actually kill Oliver's character if he were to sacrifice his life with this WIFE and KID for any of the f@ckwit N00bs.

To be fair, this hasn't been even close to confirmed, it's just spec to an unconfirmed tease. Plus, if anything, even if the newbies end up worshiping Oliver by 623, having it be the ending would be way more detrimental to Rene's character in the eyes of the audience than Oliver's. Oliver would still come out as the hero while Rene would be the reason why Green Arrow can't be in Arrow for a good amount of episodes. 

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OMG forget Diaz those a$$hole N00bs are the true villains of this season!!!!!! Congrats to WM and MG they wrote some most hated villains EVER!


*retreats to eat a cupcake and calm down*

Edited by Mellowyellow
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30 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

He might do it for Lance? It would give some kind of ironic parallel in righting another "father`s" wrong. 

That has some legs if because of nothing else, then because Lance opened himself up to Diaz' manipulation last week. I seem to remember the days when I thought he would be a better mayor than Oliver. Not so much anymore. However he, unlike everybody but Felicity, has proven that he's on Oliver's side this season, so at least Oliver's loyalty would be earned in that scenario. 

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I wouldn't worry if anyone else were writing this show but the deafness of these writers is scarier than 3D macking with BS.

Pick the most AWFUL AWFUL conclusion and assume they will write it and think it's totes clever! 

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If Paul is leaving the show, then Quentin better die, because if Oliver takes the fall for something he did because he was feeling fatherly toward not-Laurel and then he skips town well...let's just say he better die, LOL.

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Just now, Mellowyellow said:

Pick the most AWFUL AWFUL conclusion and assume they will write it and think it's totes clever! 

We can assume all we want, but these are also the writers who kept Olicity married and aren't doing any drama with them, let Thea ride off into the sunset with Roy on an adventure instead of killing her, actually integrated Oliver's kid fine into the plot, didn't have Oliver have a relationship with Dinah, didn't have the newbies save or rescue Oliver or even have the high ground in this whole arc (even the apologies from Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity were apologizing for the fight that happened, not actually admitting that they were wrong, plus this has been usurped by Oliver rather than meaning anything for the newbies as characters). There are tons of examples where they didn't do the worst conclusion, so it's fair game to not assume that a random spec from unconfirmed speculation will happen.

Heck, my first instinct from this is that it would either tie into Lance leaving if he doesn't die or with whatever Felicity does in 622. That spec has as much standing.

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If Oliver takes the fall for someone, it makes more sense that it's for Felicity out of everyone. But it's all spec based on SA apparently referencing the movie "Flight" as a description of the finale. That report is second hand, though, as well. 

I'm still waiting for something that has never been done before and can't be undone or whatever MG said.

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Just from the perspective of someone who doesn't watch the show (anymore) but gets tired of seeing people hate on Felicity, I would hate to see him take the fall for her.  I know haters gonna hate and whatever, but I'd just as soon the show not give them any more fuel for the fire. :(

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3 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Just from the perspective of someone who doesn't watch the show (anymore) but gets tired of seeing people hate on Felicity, I would hate to see him take the fall for her.  I know haters gonna hate and whatever, but I'd just as soon the show not give them any more fuel for the fire. :(

Yep same! If Oliver takes the fall for anyone I'd rather it be Felicity, Quentin or Dig. I'd rage If it was for the POS Newbs. But like you I don't want any more fuel for the Felicity Haters so i' d rather he take the fall for Dig or Quentin 

Edited by jay741982
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3 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Just from the perspective of someone who doesn't watch the show (anymore) but gets tired of seeing people hate on Felicity, I would hate to see him take the fall for her.  I know haters gonna hate and whatever, but I'd just as soon the show not give them any more fuel for the fire. :(

Yeah, no thank you. 

I think it would make the most sense for him to take the fall for something she did out of anyone, but I'd rather he didn't. Plus, there hasn't really been any indication that she's in for any legal trouble at this point - the one reference to it earlier in the season with Cayden James has already been addressed. 

I am curious what this is about:

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4 hours ago, kes0704 said:

I saw this post about the S6 finale on Tumblr. Where it says it was on Stephen’s wall I’m guessing it means Facebook? 

Has this spoiler come up anywhere else? I don’t visit Stephen’s FB page or read through visitor posts very often.


This is THE WORST idea and I hate it so it probably means it's happening. Felicity will just be hated on even more. 

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Knowing that Oliver takes a deal in 22 and that this is the synopsis doesn't make me feel all that great about the prospect of Oliver taking the fall for something Felicity's done (IF that's the part of the movie he was referring to, which...it seems like it is):


DIAZ AIMS FOR TEAM ARROW AND THEIR FAMILIES — Diaz (guest star Kirk Acevedo) targets Team Arrow and their loved ones. Oliver (Stephen Amell) struggles with Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) putting herself in danger when she gets the chance to stop Diaz for good. Tara Miele directed the episode written by Ben Sokolowski & Oscar Balderrama (#622). 

It's more in character for Oliver to sacrifice himself for Felicity or Diggle, but I'm gonna hold out hope it's one of the newbies if only so they can get hated on some more, LOL. 

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Just now, apinknightmare said:

Maybe nothing related to any of this at all and we can all breath easily, haha.


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I looked up the summary for the movie Flight, and it sounds like the person who summarized the plot in her question to callistawolf didn't describe the plot correctly. From wiki:


Whip pays a visit to his co-pilot Ken Evans after he awakens from his coma. Evans has no intention of telling the NTSB that Whip was drinking. 

 At the hearing, lead NTSB investigator Ellen Block explains that a damaged elevator assembly jackscrew was the primary cause of the crash. She commends Whip on his valor and skill and notes that no other pilot was able to land the plane in trial simulations of the crash. She then reveals that two empty vodka bottles were found in the plane's trash, despite the fact that beverages had not been served to passengers, and that Whip's test was excluded for technical reasons. The only other member of the crew to test positive for alcohol was Trina, who died in the crash, and with whom Whip had spent the night before. Whip, unable to bring himself to blame Trina for his actions, admits to being intoxicated the day of the crash.

It sounds like the main character had a chance to blame someone else-- a dead person that can't defend themselves-- for his actions, but chooses not to. Which ties into Tommy being used as a decoy in 621.

Edited by lemotomato
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2 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

I looked up the summary for the movie Flight, and it sounds like the person who summarized the plot in her question to callistawolf didn't describe the plot correctly. From wiki:

It sounds like the main character had a chance to blame someone else-- a dead person that can't defend themselves-- for his actions, but chooses not to. Which ties into Tommy being used as a decoy in 621.

I like this better. Bless you for your research.

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2 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

It sounds like the main character had a chance to blame someone else-- a dead person that can't defend themselves-- for his actions, but chooses not to. Which ties into Tommy being used as a decoy in 621.

Unless that Tommy isn't Human Target and he's some real version of Tommy that exists somewhere, I hope this isn't true either. If they come up with a way for him to stay out of jail without anyone really taking the fall (which seems like it'd be easy based on the fact that Human Target can change his appearance) and he chooses to go down anyway when he's been fighting it all season - whoooo he's dumb. LOL

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