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1 minute ago, lemotomato said:

I thought you meant her facial expression, lol. I didn't even notice that she's holding her side in all the pictures.

Lol I totally thought she meant her face. I looked at BS's face and her expression was identical in all the pics. 

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2 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

I thought we were talking about her having the exact same face in every picture as well, that I think is meant to be intimidating but comes off like judging cheerleader. 

It's her usual scowl and the reason I couldn't get behind the ship in S1. I can't cheer for a couple when one half is a scowling banshee who always looks sour.

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5 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

It's her usual scowl and the reason I couldn't get behind the ship in S1. I can't cheer for a couple when one half is a scowling banshee who always looks sour.

Well .... I did want to say resting bitch face but I wasn't sure if that was a PC term or not, lol. 

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4 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

Well .... I did want to say resting bitch face but I wasn't sure if that was a PC term or not, lol. 

Thems are the facts! It's pretty hard to argue that her face is emoting sunshine n rainbows or tenderness!

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4 hours ago, thegirlsleuth said:

And I know I am probably missing the point considering she's had the crap knocked out of her and has an evil look on her face, but I think Katie looks very pretty in the hospital room scene.  

I agree with you. I feel like KC has looked healthier, or something, last episode and in these stills.

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7 hours ago, lemotomato said:

I thought you meant her facial expression, lol. I didn't even notice that she's holding her side in all the pictures.

?I meant both, but primarily her facial expression. All the clutching of her side looks ridiculous, but I guess maybe she figured we'd all forget she was injured without the constant reminder. But the fixed facial expression kills me. Maybe I just don't understand [jazz hands] acting [/jazz hands].

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This is slightly off-topic, but this discussion reminds me of when Taylor Lautner was criticized for having only one facial expression in his 2011 movie Abduction (apologies to his fans)...

-- Pajiba: "Lautner has two looks: Stoic puffy face, and stoic puffy face with his nose slightly scrunched. He is so wooden that he makes Keanu Reeves look like Robin Williams on a coke bender. I've seen better acting on story boards."

-- Horn Face: "These photos reveal what many of you have suspected all along: Taylor Lautner– whether he’s trying to emulate feelings of happiness, panic, sadness, joy, confusion, or determination– has only one facial expression. Maybe two if you count 'eyes closed while staring blankly' as a second facial expression."

Edited by tv echo
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So they’re going to follow an episode that (maybe) includes the return of Prometheus, with one featuring Dragon who would have to be the most underwhelming villain they’ve ever done?

I don’t even know what they’re trying to do with plotting and characters this season. They’re dangling the return of characters that fans have been calling for in Speedy, Roy and Prometheus only to take them away again and give us back the unlikeable newbies and underwhelming Dragon.  How did they think that was a good idea? 

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I wouldn't mind this Dragon twist if they didn't present it as if he was some sort of mastermind IN THE SAME EPISODE where they showed him trying to escape from the very plan he set in motion. He set up Cayden James to avenge his son and seemingly had no plan whatsoever to deal with the fact that James was building this bomb that would level the city. And even went along with doing what he had to do to help James get the pieces he needed to do it! 

If only there was a deleted scene of him secretly sweating the situation like, "Whew I nearly fucked that up." 

This stupid show and its stupid gotchas. I WISH I COULD QUIT YOU.

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Completely missed the 615 photos yesterday. Happy to see Roy back, happy to see Thea suited up, wish we got at least one photo of Felicity, but the best part? No newbies! 

As for Black Siren and Lance in the hospital ... I don't know why the first thing I thought of when I saw that photo was "please don't let either of them pull out that photo of Laurel," but it was. 

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I was listening to Natalie Abrams and Kyle Anderson discuss their wish list for the remainder of Arrow's season (go to end of this podcast for Arrow discussion, because they also discuss LoT, Black Panther, Flash, Black Lightning and Supergirl)...

Entertainment Weekly - Superhero Insider 2-23-18

-- For Arrow, Natalie wants to get back to "the big group dynamic", and less Oliver working solo, as the show heads towards its season finale and to have them all working together "as a family." She also wants to see more of the Oliver/Felicity "family dynamic." She'd also like "an actual Big Bad, rather than Richard Dragon" because she still doesn't understand "his motivations." Kyle wants "100% less of the domestic life between Oliver and Felicity" mostly because of his "continued aversion to William both as a character and as a performer." He really likes "the idea of the two teams divided in theory" but he thinks it's been "fumbled a little bit" by not sufficiently exploring the right dynamics. He also thinks that if they're really headed toward Oliver ending up "sort of isolated," he'd like to see a "different kind of team dynamic emerge" because he thinks there's a lot of storytelling possibilities by having two teams. 

-- Kyle then asked Natalie what the internet was saying about what they wanted from Arrow for the rest of this season. Natalie replied: "Rafael would love some more Olicity and William moments, more of Felicity as a mom, and he would like for Thea to suit up one more time... Soph wants Arrow to end the 'Civil War,' have the noobs apologize, and see much more of the [unintelligible word] family dynamic for Olicity, as well as Felicity starting her company, really actually starting it... Another thing she mentions that hasn't been brought up for awhile is seeing more of the FBI storyline for Oliver... And, uh, she also wants to see more of Diggle and Lyla, which I co-sign on that." 

-- Natalie then mentioned that "we are going to get some Roy Harper back very soon. I'm excited about that personally. The show is going to be back on March 1st."

-- Kyle's wish for Arrow was "as always, more al Ghul sisters all the time. Give them their own show."

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40 minutes ago, tv echo said:

For Arrow, Natalie wants to get back to "the big group dynamic", and less Oliver working solo,

When did Oliver work solo in S6? He's got Felicity and Diggle. And even with the split. damn newbies still keep getting invited to join the party. 

41 minutes ago, tv echo said:

He also thinks that if they're really headed toward Oliver ending up "sort of isolated,"

Eh? Where is this coming from?!?! What clues have I totally missed that raised this possibility?

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1 minute ago, WindofChange said:

Oliver is wearing the season 1 hood. Oh how I missed it

This can't possibly be a flashback because he's in the bunker and he has is wedding band (insert heart eyes) on... What in the world is happening? Is it a hallucination?

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26 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

This can't possibly be a flashback because he's in the bunker and he has is wedding band (insert heart eyes) on... What in the world is happening? Is it a hallucination?

Flash sideways? Another Earth Oliver?

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5 hours ago, WindofChange said:

This can't possibly be a flashback because he's in the bunker and he has is wedding band (insert heart eyes) on... What in the world is happening? Is it a hallucination?

Fashion show of his old outfits leading to a striptease for the wife?  What? A girl can dream.

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5 hours ago, WindofChange said:

This can't possibly be a flashback because he's in the bunker and he has is wedding band (insert heart eyes) on... What in the world is happening? Is it a hallucination?

A dream where he's shown his life choices and realises Black Siren is the girl of his dreams. ;) 

If it's all about how he needs to look within himself to defeat DDDragon because he's just so powerful, I'm gonna throw things at my screen. 

9 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Eh? Where is this coming from?!?! What clues have I totally missed that raised this possibility?

No clues what so ever as far as I see. Unfortunately we know Thea is leaving and who knows how Lance is going to end up this season if/when the madness fades but Dig and Felicity have never left his side and William (and Raisa) seem to be generally there, even if William is entering what's sure to be some rough teen years, unless they ship him off to his grandparents of course. 


9 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

When did Oliver work solo in S6? He's got Felicity and Diggle. And even with the split. damn newbies still keep getting invited to join the party. 

Yeah, no kidding. Despite the fact that they've proved they're useless without OTA and don't generally care that much about the city OTA still keeps asking them to the party, even though they know Rene will bust out his "this doesn't change anything!!"  whatever the circumstances and as though he was the one wronged and Curtis will through a tantrum because he's still upset he wasn't included with the cool kids. 

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

Fashion show of his old outfits leading to a striptease for the wife?  What? A girl can dream.

Where's the 'give it to me' gif when you need it.


Im not discounting the fact that Stephen could just be fucking with people for the fun of it. 

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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Fashion show of his old outfits leading to a striptease for the wife?  What? A girl can dream.

Maybe he'll hallucinate that he's snogging the wife after the "Reboot my system" comment in S1. You started this!!!!!!!

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12 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

When did Oliver work solo in S6? He's got Felicity and Diggle. And even with the split. damn newbies still keep getting invited to join the party. 

Eh? Where is this coming from?!?! What clues have I totally missed that raised this possibility?

Kyle seems to have this theory or spec that Oliver might end up working solo because the newbies left and Diggle has the arm injury. I also think he's talking about solo in the field because Felicity is on comms.

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5 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Drugged/near death hallucinations of his past selves? Like in 301 where he was fighting himself? 

That’s where I’m leaning towards too. He’s drugged or passed out (that image of him collapsed on the grate) and he dreams/hallucinates about Chase, his dad, stuff from S1, etc.

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9 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Maybe he'll hallucinate that he's snogging the wife after the "Reboot my system" comment in S1. You started this!!!!!!!

And I like it!  I'd love to keep it going.  Cause you know, the boy has stamina!  

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10 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

His reasoning there doesn't make a lot of sense, LOL

Yeah, I think it's a jab at the Paps. I saw Ken P say the S4 costume was for a flashback.

I've seen a ton of speculation, flashback, dreams/hallucinations, and even AU Green Arrows. 

I do think many of us, initially went to flashbacks because of the amount of scenes SA said he'd be in. 

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Oh yeah, I figured he was taking a jab at "reporters" for not knowing what they're talking about. But Oliver not having many flashbacks this season so far isn't really a reason to make fun of someone for talking about what might happen in the future, haha. 

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What a weird thing to tweet. Dude should be grateful people still care enough to talk about the episodes tbh, even if the speculation is wrong. ?

That being said I have no idea what the episode could be about if there’s no flashbacks. Wasn’t he wearing the S4 GA sleeveless costume at one point? Curious...

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4 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

That being said I have no idea what the episode could be about if there’s no flashbacks. Wasn’t he wearing the S4 GA sleeveless costume at one point? Curious...

Since he posted that pic of Oliver passed out on the floor, my only other guess is hallucinations courtesy of 3-D and his magic printer.

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