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Here's the youtube version of the 603 sneak peek video from that TVInsider article (posted upthread), along with my transcription...

Felicity: "Speaking of - how is William, now that you're done pulling double vigilante-daddy duty?"
Oliver: "It's a two steps forward, one step backwards sort of thing. I was just thinking that I'd really love to be able to lean on Thea, but, um... I mean, she just seems to have a knack for this sort of thing."
Felicity: "Yeah. She'd be the most badass aunt ever."
Oliver: "Would she ever."
Felicity: "Well, I know I'm not Thea, but I am so down to help in any way that you need."
Oliver: "Well, truth be told, aside from snacks, I do sort of need your help."
Felicity: "Ah!"
Oliver: "William has a math test later this week that he's really stressing out over and, um... every time I open my mouth, I'm making it worse."
Felicity: "So the man who took down Damian Darhk is bested by arithmetic."
Oliver: "It wasn't my strongest subject in school."
Felicity: "No? What was? Truancy?"
Oliver: "Charm."
Felicity: "Yeah, no doubt. (pause) Let me guess. You told him something along the lines of, 'Just relax, I would have been psyched to get a C, all I got were F's.'"
Oliver: "D's. I most - how'd you know that?"
Felicity: "Cause I know you. And I know that if you even cared about school, you would have been good at it."
Oliver: "Thank you."
Felicity: "Nothing would grab my gears more when I was his age when my mom was just telling me to stop worrying when I was freaking out about a project."
Oliver: "Why?"
Felicity: "I didn't need to learn how to relax. I needed to figure out how to do the work."
Oliver: "So what do I do?"
Felicity: "Well, ask him... ask him what he needs. And then put him in the driver's seat, and he'll show you how to help him."
Oliver: "You make things so simple. Always have."

Edited by tv echo
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That sneak peak is really cute.Aside from olicity being flirty,I like the advice Felicity gave Oliver and how she knew exactly what he said to William.That's why she's a great person to come to for advice on this,she puts herself in the kid's shoes and knows what it's like to be a kid with a single parent who you struggle to relate and connect to.

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Pumped up by the cuteness, I watched the other sneak peak as well. Team B is so damn cheesy. Dinah's pose is even worse in live action than in the still, and Curtis' crossed hands are also dumb. Also, lame shot of Dig jumping down.

Thinking of Dig really seeming to overexhert himself given his injury actually made me think this break for Oliver is also at least in part motivated by SA needing a break as well. He's been having back issues for some time now. These episodes probably did him good.

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10 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Thinking of Dig really seeming to overexhert himself given his injury actually made me think this break for Oliver is also at least in part motivated by SA needing a break as well. He's been having back issues for some time now. These episodes probably did him good.

Yeah I've been assuming that was at least part of it, that he needed to be written action light for a while, but I wish they'd given *Oliver* SA's injuries which could combine with his being a single Dad and not wanting to leave William an orphan. Having Diggle be a dumbass by hiding his injuries, especially when he also has a kid and wife with a high risk job is really annoying. I guess it's to give DR some meatier idiot for plot storylines so that Tinah something to do as well. 

Edited by Featherhat
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1 minute ago, Trisha said:

Great to see WH back on set! 

I assumed that was from SDCC to be honest.

Switching gears somewhat, shouldn't we have gotten stills for 604 by now? I feel like we got them earlier the past few weeks.

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Okay that was a cute adorable clip. Love it. Felicity winning major potentially future mummy points there. Also I like that contrary to opinion it's not that Oliver literally can't handle maths it's that he seems to be going about helping William in the wrong way. He means well but he's not saying what William needs to hear. Felicity being someone who cared about school and tests is more enlightened on Williams headspace. 

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9 minutes ago, bijoux said:

Switching gears somewhat, shouldn't we have gotten stills for 604 by now? I feel like we got them earlier the past few weeks.

The stills for all of the shows are coming out late for some reason, which is weird since it's not like any of them had spoilers in them or anything (at least with Flash and LoT so far, Supergirl doesn't even have them yet, and the episode is literally coming out in 4 days!).

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2 minutes ago, way2interested said:

The stills for all of the shows are coming out late for some reason, which is weird since it's not like any of them had spoilers in them or anything (at least with Flash and LoT so far, Supergirl doesn't even have them yet, and the episode is literally coming out in 4 days!).


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I saw this on twitter and I like this call back and the character development it signifies:

Oliver coming to Felicity with a problem his having connecting with William and getting her advice is exactly what Felicity has always wanted and needed from Oliver because it shows that he respects her considers her and trusts her which is what she felt he'd betrayed in season 4 by not telling her about William. 

3 minutes ago, way2interested said:


Guess this is when we find out why they can't use Smoak Tech.

Stupid Curtis Grr?

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Ugh I legit hate Curtis for being pushed into a storyline that's been teased as only Felicity's for season but now it's Curtis and Felicity's start up because they have no unique storyline for him since he serves no real purpose.My hate is reaching LL levels tbh.Like if I could chose a character to leave the show rn I wouldn't even chose William or BS as much as I don't like what they bring to the show and as bad as their acting is,I would chose Curtis.

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14 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

Ugh I legit hate Curtis for being pushed into a storyline that's been teased as only Felicity's for season but now it's Curtis and Felicity's start up because they have no unique storyline for him since he serves no real purpose.My hate is reaching LL levels tbh.Like if I could chose a character to leave the show rn I wouldn't even chose William or BS as much as I don't like what they bring to the show and as bad as their acting is,I would chose Curtis.

Seriously of all the characters Curtis seems the most pointless and the only way they try to make him not pointless is to encroach on Felicity's turf so to speak. Plus the two of them together is not as funny as the writers probably think it is.

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I love that this is the second time Emily revealed the ring in a BTS picture. IIRC, we saw the engagement ring on her finger for the first time when she held up a cup of coffee in a picture Echo K posted when he did a one-day IG account takeover in season 4.

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17 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Seriously of all the characters Curtis seems the most pointless and the only way they try to make him not pointless is to encroach on Felicity's turf so to speak. Plus the two of them together is not as funny as the writers probably think it is.

Idk what the point of keeping him on the show is tbh.I feel like it's a mix of them liking the actor and thinking the show needs a comic relief character since it's not Felicity's full time job for seasons now.But I don't think they actually know what to do with him or had any plans besides getting him into a costume because comics.Yeah I agree they're not at all that funny,I think Felicity works much better against a straight man character type and Curtis is a caricature a lot of the time because they go so over the top with him.

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5 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

Idk what the point of keeping him on the show is tbh.I feel like it's a mix of them liking the actor and thinking the show needs a comic relief character since it's not Felicity's full time job for seasons now.But I don't think they actually know what to do with him or had any plans besides getting him into a costume because comics.Yeah I agree they're not at all that funny,I think Felicity works much better against a straight man character type and Curtis is a caricature a lot of the time because they go so over the top with him.

Well this show has a problem of keeping actors/actresses around past their character expiration dates out of loyalty to the actor/actress. They kept Malcolm around past his usefulness because they like John. They brought Katie back even though Black Siren has done nothing significant or proven useful to the show. Echo is just the latest example. 

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5 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

And Felicity still doesn't have any sort of identity concealment. It looks even worse when she's surrounded by people wearing masks. Especially with the FBI investigating the Green Arrow. 

They're probably say she scrubbed the surveillance tapes

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3 minutes ago, Chaser said:

That top pic, does Felicity have to run off to save Star City? Or is it a role reversal from their first date, she's late cause she was vigilante-y?

Considering theirs wine in both the glasses I'm assuming she leaves to go vigilante-y which then probably prompts Oliver to start missing the Team Arrow life. I'm loving the gender reversal though that the woman leaves the man at dinner cause she got some important business to attend to. 

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9 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Okay, the photos of BS and Dinah screaming. My first thought was instead of Who Wore It Better? it's Who Screamed Better? and everyone can pause to grade them both. 

I am surprised that they remembered the wind blowers after ignoring the effect for so long.

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29 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Okay, the photos of BS and Dinah screaming. My first thought was instead of Who Wore It Better? it's Who Screamed Better? and everyone can pause to grade them both. 

Who Screamed It Better! LOL. My eyes rolled so hard when I saw those pictures that I almost missed the Olicity goodness in the last two pictures. I can't take an entire season of the two of them unhinging their jaws to screech at each other. It looks beyond ridiculous.

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