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15 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I would think so, just because past villains have had big roles during MSFs.

I'd guess so too, but I guess I'm just trying to wrap my head about all of them being together as the villains for the episode, like possibly forming a team in that episode. Presumably, we have BS for 601, Anatoly for 602, ME introduction around 603/604 and KA introduction around 603/604. Then, the Slade episodes for 605/606 where I'm guessing a subplot would include one of them (my guess Vigilante or Dragon for 605 and then either Cayden or someone else--or just a Felicity subplot--for 606), 607 is the FBI agent, and then 608 is the crossover. 609 becomes the episode where the villains all ban together, but then I'm wondering when the writers would have the time XD.

Then again, we still don't have anything to go on so far. And I'm still wondering who's the person walking to BS in that one shot in that promo.

Edited by way2interested
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DN compared working on Arrow and working on Stargate SG-1 (Arrow has a more serious work ethic environment, while there was more "fooling around" on Stargate), although he enjoyed both. He also talked about the "huge" Arrow fandom. He also praised SA.

I'm kind of surprised Arrow was the more serious environment, though maybe that was because so much had to be done in such a short period of time?  Also, it's ironic when he talks about the huge Arrow fandom when even at its lowest, Atlantis never dipped lower than 1.8million viewers.

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9 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I'm kind of surprised Arrow was the more serious environment, though maybe that was because so much had to be done in such a short period of time?  Also, it's ironic when he talks about the huge Arrow fandom when even at its lowest, Atlantis never dipped lower than 1.8million viewers.

Fandom and viewers don't always mean the same thing. I'd argue Supernatural has a huge dedicated fandom even though live viewers continue to drop. I'd equally argue that Arrow's fandom is bigger than Flash's, even though it pulls much fewer viewers. Of course I have no definitive proof, just my observation.

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I agree. I would say there are "viewers" and then there are "fans". CBSs "Mom" has a lot of viewers but is barely talked about online or water cooler. Arrow lacks the viewers but has a big fan base, water cooler show. I overhear people at work I don't talk to talk about Arrow/The Flash and whats happening but never hear them talk about other shows.

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No, but my impression (as someone who was in the fandom) was that Stargate fandom was pretty huge in its day. It isn't now so much, but at the time it was big.  But it was a pre-Twitter, pre-Tumblr fandom, so maybe it didn't seem so big? 

Edited by Starfish35
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11 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

No, but my impression (as someone who was in the fandom) was that Stargate fandom was pretty huge in its day. It isn't now so much, but at the time it was big.  But it was a pre-Twitter, pre-Tumblr fandom, so maybe it didn't seem so big? 

I would definitely agree with this. I also wonder if DN really experienced SG fandom as much as the bigger characters. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I still remember watching the video at the con where they explained to the actors from Sg-1 about furries and slash fan fiction.  Hilarious. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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3 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I feel like I am in a state of....can't think of a word (something along the lines of being in a shipping rut)....waiting for a leaked wedding photo! WHY ARE THERE NO PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!! IT'S KILLING ME!!!!!!!!

All the paps said they were going from memory so I think we will get a glimpse at least.

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15 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

No, but my impression (as someone who was in the fandom) was that Stargate fandom was pretty huge in its day. It isn't now so much, but at the time it was big.  But it was a pre-Twitter, pre-Tumblr fandom, so maybe it didn't seem so big? 

It was pretty huge IIRC. A lot of actors expressed surprise at how many people turned up to cons and were passionate about the shows. The SGA fandom (especially online) seemed centred around Shepherd and McKay and not surprisingly, Shep/McKay and if you weren't either of them perhaps it was less intense? Because both those actors knew it was but even the rest of the regular cast took a back seat to those shenanigans. Plus as you said twitter/tumblr only came in as SGA was finishing its run, although Livejournal etc had massive SGA presence it was one step back and fewer cons etc. These days any actor in a genre or young skewing show is practically forced to have several social media accounts to interact with fans. The SGU cast in 2009 took a SM beating from Stargate fans who disliked the BSG style direction of the franchise and the producers tone deaf comments about it all so they certainly experienced how intense that fandom could be. 


1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

I thought it happened already? Or is it this week????

Supposedly it has happened. I wonder if it was in that Burnaby Youth Centre place so no one could get photos? Or they've been muzzled by someone from the shows for other favours. 

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5 hours ago, Featherhat said:

It was pretty huge IIRC. A lot of actors expressed surprise at how many people turned up to cons and were passionate about the shows. The SGA fandom (especially online) seemed centred around Shepherd and McKay and not surprisingly, Shep/McKay and if you weren't either of them perhaps it was less intense? Because both those actors knew it was but even the rest of the regular cast took a back seat to those shenanigans. Plus as you said twitter/tumblr only came in as SGA was finishing its run, although Livejournal etc had massive SGA presence it was one step back and fewer cons etc. These days any actor in a genre or young skewing show is practically forced to have several social media accounts to interact with fans. The SGU cast in 2009 took a SM beating from Stargate fans who disliked the BSG style direction of the franchise and the producers tone deaf comments about it all so they certainly experienced how intense that fandom could be. 


Supposedly it has happened. I wonder if it was in that Burnaby Youth Centre place so no one could get photos? Or they've been muzzled by someone from the shows for other favours. 

I dont think they filme it yet. Especially with Sa not filming on Friday. 

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38 minutes ago, Trisha said:

So if Oliver is knocking on the door to bring Felicity burgers (awww!) I guess this further confirms that they're not living together yet?

Arghhhhhhhh *freaks the crap out*

You do not disappoint! I guess they're going to flirt!

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2 hours ago, Trisha said:

So if Oliver is knocking on the door to bring Felicity burgers (awww!) I guess this further confirms that they're not living together yet?

They look so good together. Also, I think this might be from the episode they go on their dinner date. 

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He's got impatient flirting face on! I love how his face changes at each stage of their relationship. 

Wonder what it'll look like when they're back together. 

S3 was still my favourite face. Perpetual smitten heart eyes like he'd been hit with a love dart!

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6 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I'm not completely convinced these scenes with the Big Belly Burger bags are clips from actual episodes. I'm wondering if they did them just for this promo.  Still adorable though.

Oh, I definitely think they're something fun they did that won't feature in the episodes. I just no longer think they filmed while filming S5 episodes like I originally did, but during the filming of the upcoming season.

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5 hours ago, bijoux said:

Oh, I definitely think they're something fun they did that won't feature in the episodes. I just no longer think they filmed while filming S5 episodes like I originally did, but during the filming of the upcoming season.

Yeah, as in, those aren't scenes, but they were taken during scenes, as in there's still as s6 scene of them in the bunker or a scene of Oliver and Felicity at the loft, just not with lunch.

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If IMDb proves right, then yes...

601    James Bamford        
602    Laura Belsey        
603    Kevin Tancharoen        
604    Gregory Smith        
605    Joel Navoa        
606    Antonio Negret        
607    Gordon Verheul        
608    James Bamford        
609    Laura Belsey?   

Edited by tv echo
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It's not as bad as Bamford directing a third of 6a, but repeating two meh directors in just 9 episodes still looks weird and doesn't feel right to me, but then again I wonder if they just went with someone semi-familiar to go with their post-crossover schedule.

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Question: I’m returning to Arrow after a year break, thanks to the Katie Cassidy news. Do you have any Black Siren scoop to tie me over until October? —Helen
Ausiello: During an in-depth Q&A with Matt Mitovich, Stephen Amell indicated that of Team Arrow, “Oliver, ironically — and despite the fact that she allied herself with Adrian Chase — is the most hopeful one” when it comes to Black Siren perhaps one day being redeemed. “He’s like, ‘If theres a bit of Laurel in there, I want to find it.'” The feeling however is not at all mutual. As Amell puts it, stone-cold Black Siren feels “nothing” when she looks at the other Laurel Lance’s loved ones, Ollie included.

My only response: Seriously?! I thought they'd moved past that. 

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And the theme of making people stupid around KC's character continues. 

'Allied herself with Chase' aka killed Williams mother and put Thea in a coma. 

This is going to be worse than Reporter.

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Ugh. Well it's not too surprising. They weren't going to not mention her resemblance to LL or keep it just focused on Quentin because it is a selling point for the season for some people clearly. SA doesn't say if Oliver actually spends a lot of time thinking or trying to do anything about it. He'll be pretty busy with a lot of other things in the first few episodes, what with William, Slade and the Crossover (which KC does not appear to be in at the moment). He might be more hopeful than Felicity, Dig or the newbies who never knew LL but that doesn't have to mean much necessarily, we know KC hasn't seemed to be filming very much so far a lot of which seems to be BC vs BS and days when we know SA was elsewhere, his "hopefulness" could be half an episode for all we know. As long as we don't get sappy E2 "flashbacks" about E2OQ and LL and how his death turned her evil, I'll be ok. It's not like I think SA/KC's anti chemistry has improved any in the BS scenes we've seen so far. 

Edited by Featherhat
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If all the characters treated the situation like they should, they'd catch BS ASAP and send her back into the Pipeline prison. But since KC is a regular they have to invent whatever ridiculous justification they need to keep BS on screen, so Oliver gets hit by the stupid stick again.

Edited by lemotomato
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So once again Oliver is made to look like an idiot. We knew it'd happen but still. Sigh.

Edited by Guest
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You know, this basically sounds like Black Siren is going to be going around, blowing up buildings in Star City, breaking into the bunker (and telling a bunch of other villains where it is since she has people with her in the 601 photos) and fighting Dinah, while Oliver's off, not even dealing with her because he has so much else going on but still going, "Maybe there's some of E1 LL in this completely different person." Can Lance knock him out too if we actually hear Oliver try to defend even a part of BS (a.k.a. the "bit of Laurel" in her that shouldn't even exist)? 

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4 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

Honestly this sounds like what they were selling for 5x10. And it doesnt sound like there has been any major developments for Oliver to change his stance because no screentime of BS/Oliver. 

Yeah, I think there will be very few scenes between the two of them, SA just needed an answer to the question so he repeated the same talking point from 510. One of the only episodes we know she filmed more than one day for, SA wasn't even in town for most of it. It's like that time someone asked MG a question about what type of relationship BS/Oliver would have in Season 6, and he said to look to the last few episodes of Season 5, and they never even interacted in those, haha. 

I'm hoping we get one of those EW spoiler articles like they did for The Flash/LoT, and maybe we'll get lucky and actually get answers to questions about Diggle and Felicity?

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7 minutes ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

I'm hoping we get one of those EW spoiler articles like they did for The Flash/LoT, and maybe we'll get lucky and actually get answers to questions about Diggle and Felicity?

That'll probably depend on whether they were pretending they could be dead the day of the interview.  

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10 minutes ago, DrSpaceman10 said:

I'm hoping we get one of those EW spoiler articles like they did for The Flash/LoT, and maybe we'll get lucky and actually get answers to questions about Diggle and Felicity?

I doubt it. TPTB seem dedicated to pushing the "everyone is dead except Oliver, William, BC, BS, and Slade" narrative. 

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49 minutes ago, Chaser said:

This is going to be worse than Reporter.

I think it will be nowhere near as bad because this round Oliver is going to be with Felicity.  D-)

It makes Oliver look stupid, which is MG's specialty, but if Oliver is all "I can save her" and BS is "Nope, you idiot" it shouldn't be too bad.   The bad part would be if she decides that she's going to be saved.

Edited by statsgirl
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2 minutes ago, Sunshine said:

So is this the 6 episode “Civil War” story David was alluding to?  Oliver is for Laurel and everyone else is against?

Episode 6 is still Deathstroke episode. So nope. And i dont think there are much BS/Oliver scenes.

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Wasn't there a spoiler that Oliver will be less stupid/more likeable this season? I can't remember if I remember it correctly. I have a hard time thinking that I will find him a better character if he goes on and on about saving 'Laurel'. She is not Laurel. She is a Laurel but she is not 'his' Laurel. She is a different person. I don't know if they just want to sell us this context because they don't know what else to do with her. But then again they had Laurel, killed her because they didn't know what to do with her. Now they have her back and obviously they still don't know what to do with her. Everyone will fight to get 'Laurel' back but then once you made her into a reformed Laurel, what will you do with her then?

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1 hour ago, way2interested said:

But isn't that exact quote from 510? As in literally nothing has changed? Are they just going to have Oliver repeat the same exact line in s6 or is SA trying to give some form of answer when there's nothing there?

Maybe TVline just reused an old quote? Or SA did just reuse his official talking point from last year because he doesn't have much else to say. 

25 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Wasn't there a spoiler that Oliver will be less stupid/more likeable this season? I can't remember if I remember it correctly. I have a hard time thinking that I will find him a better character if he goes on and on about saving 'Laurel'. She is not Laurel. She is a Laurel but she is not 'his' Laurel. She is a different person. I don't know if they just want to sell us this context because they don't know what else to do with her. But then again they had Laurel, killed her because they didn't know what to do with her. Now they have her back and obviously they still don't know what to do with her. Everyone will fight to get 'Laurel' back but then once you made her into a reformed Laurel, what will you do with her then?

Kill her again/send her to the pipeline for next time or send her back to E2 "redeemed" to fight for her world as BC? I do think they didn't necessarily want KC as BS on as a regular this season and have had to work out things for her to do, which might involve Oliver trying to redeem her for an episode when he's not to busy with William, Slade, Nazis, getting married, fighting with Diggle, Richard Dragon, Vigilante, being Mayor etc. And Thea when the show remembers he's obsessive about her. 

But if we look back to the end of last season as another quote suggested, Oliver didn't share any scenes with her and BS gave no shits about being redeemed and they once again gave KC and then PB very meta things to say that weren't exactly complimentary to her character, just as in 510. They went ahead and promoted JH to a regular, if they wanted to redeem LL, wouldn't they have done that. They currently seem to have spent more time and effort resurrecting Sara for LOT in S4 than we are aware of KC filming so far, (though that doesn't mean she won't have a large part to play in later episodes.) Of course that also gave LL her 4a storyline of idiocy because they couldn't think of anything else to do with her whilst waiting to kill her off. I do feel sorry for KC having to play that version of LL out but then LL went and made it all about Oliver. Again. And I'm sure she was happy with that so....

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I know it's a tv show, but it's still an unrealistic storyline. E1 Laurel, their Laurel is dead. She's not the same person, so you have to treat her like she's a different person which she is.  I hate how these CW/DC shows push the narrative that friendship fixes everything like a kid's cartoon/tv show.

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Yeah I'm with those that think Stephen was asked a question and gave the same talking point he gave for 5x10 because that's the last time Oliver gave a crap or thought about Laurel or Black Siren ?‍♀️ 


Certianly from what what we know of KC schedule it doesn't seem like she's going to be anything more then Black Canarys foil. In fact I don't think Katie and Stephen have even been reported to have filmed together at all this season yet right?

Edited by LeighAn
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I wonder if the most this will amount to is Oliver going, "We have bigger problems than Black Siren"/"I have enough on my plate with being mayor/father/Green Arrow/Anatoly now my enemy/etc." while maybe because Black Siren blew up the police station/she and Dinah have that confrontation in the bunker when it looks like no one else from the team is there, Dinah thinks they should make stopping her more of a priority?

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I figured they would have the characters questioning whether she could be redeemed, I am sure it'll be a throwaway line for each character and then "back to your regular scheduled programming"

I mean they have to keep her as this remorseless character if they want her around, otherwise whats her purpose again. I guess I shouldn't ask that question, because I said the same thing about BS being on the show in the first place yet here we are

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Oh no, Oliver is going to be stupid again, isn't he? The amount of twisting this show had to do, continues to do to accommodate KC's presence is insane. Maybe if they were better writers, if MG is a better show runner, but after 5 seasons they still have no idea what the hell to do with her ... and she's already playing a different character! 

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4 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:


My only response: Seriously?! I thought they'd moved past that. 


I see this situation as a poor mans version of Angel/Faith. Oliver wants to reform her to help atone for his "sins" and of course the guilt he carries for Laurel dying. I have absolutely zero faith that they will do the storyline justice or even do it at all but it is a nice storyline in my head.

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