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I hate female stalker story lines; feels too much like some guys wet dream. 


I find Peter Stormare a really respectable actor who plays creepy really well. I'm looking forward it.


I hope Felicity is also working some consultant jobs as well. 


Ignoring: Laurel is apart of an inner circle. 

Edited by 10Eleven12
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So let's see here, Laurel's (probably) going to be the DA, she's now apparently going to be part of Arrow's "inner circle", she's going to be training with Wildcat, and she's going to be opening a flower shop? No, I don't see it.


Get ready because Laurel Lance is gonna be all up on our screens, saving the world and running florist shops. 


Seriously though. Isn't the florist thing too obvious? I wouldn't be surprised if it's related to that Cupid in some way.

Since MG posted that Sherwood Forest design right when they're filming ep.7, I'm choosing to speculate that Cupid will be the one who owns/works at that flower shop. Because 1) fun easter egg and 2) it wouldn't surprise me if they thought that it would be a pretty wink-wink-nudge play on her name (myth Cupid = romance = flowers). Thinking that this little tease might have anything to do with Laurel makes me sad. Besides, having Sherwood Forest be connected to Cupid, instead of either of the Lance sisters, would certainly turn the 'would the real Black Canary please stand up?' discussions well on its head. And it messes with comic book canon purists that can't seem to understand that Arrow is an adaptation, which makes me lol.


ETA: Great minds, Angel12d. ;)

Edited by SleepDeprived
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I have been hearing that the second half of the season was bad. But where are the hard facts? IMDB has rated the second half better than the first half and they have a sample size of around 1500 users. IGN, Emergency awesome and John campea have rated the second half better. Stephen Amell had a poll about the best episodes in Season 2 and the top episodes were the Finale, Seeing Red, Death Stroke , Suicide Squad, The Promise etc, majority from second half of the season.

I listen to his vids but Emergency Awesome has always seemed rather clueless to me about what's actually happening on the show.


The disconnect between what I heard about the show and the results of those polls has always surprised me.  I agree about the Finale and Seeing Red but Suicide Squad had very low ratings and I never made it through The Promise.  Or Birds of Prey, also in 2b.


Blind Spot and Time of Death? Its going to suck for all the women on the show.


The only bright spot in these episodes is the woman playing Cupid. She was good on SPN, both in the emotional and action scenes. I think she actually would have made a good Laurel/Black Canary.

I think Cupid will do okay because they're good at writing women be crazy.  That was the problem in ToD, all three women (Sara, Felicity Laurel) were kind of crazy. Sara came out the best but still badly because she wanted Oliver to come with her to the family dinner.


Does anyone think that Oliver is going to sleep with Cupid? I really hope not, but considering Oliver has pretty much slept with every other woman in the show, I wouldn't put it past the writers lol

SA has said no after talking to the EPs, and if he goes back on that so soon, the EPS and actors will have zero credibility


So wait.  Felicity goes from working at Kord Industries over the 5 month break to taking a part time job at Best Buy to make ends meat?  WTF?

That's in the 2.5 comics?  Maybe it was just a contract position and she needs a part time job while she looks for a steady gig in IT, which I presume Ray will provide.  (I hate contract positions, they keep people from having long-term lives and relationships.)

Edited by statsgirl

I don't know what SA was thinking about with :"you'll always be my girl", a scene which I LOATHED since they immediately cut to a scene where he was kissing Sara. It made Felicity into a total idiotic puppy dog, which I gather was the opposite of how she was supposed to appear in the episode.  If he was supposed to be jealous of Felicity spending time with Barry three episodes ago (and therefore awe of his feelings toward her), how could he be sleeping with Sara and still tell Felicity she's his girl?


I'm probably one of the few people not bothered by that line, and for me, it's all about the context. When Felicity corrects herself and tries to establish the difference between "girl" and "girl," she was separating being Oliver's girl in the romantic sense of the word from being his indispensable right hand on Team Arrow. And I always read it as Oliver assuring Felicity that, no matter who he might date, or what other complications might arise, she will always be his "Girl Wednesday." (Sorry, I will never not laugh at that.) Also, during SDCC 2013, Stephen gave an interview about the Team Arrow dynamics, and he said re: Oliver, "Diggle is his guy, and Felicity is his girl." That was the first thing I thought about at the end of TOD, and I guess that's part of why I didn't mind "You'll always be my girl."


It's hard to keep all of these episodes straight, but Episode 7 is not one of the character-centric episodes, is it?

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This probably wasn't intended, but that preview left me with the impression that Laurel's surprise for Oliver is the announcement that Thea has been artificially inseminated with either alien or vampire baby twins which Flash is planning to sacrifice to whatever the hell is taking over Supernatural this season while vampires make out leaving Roy all like, you know, shouldn't we be holding back?  Meanwhile, on Reign....

  • Love 16

It's not a good sign that the first thought I had when seeing the Sherwood Florist sign was "oh hell no!"... ugh. 


I'm hoping for an Easter Egg.


Other options I'd be OK with:

- Oliver buys Felicity flowers from there a few times

- Oliver lives in an apartment above it

- Sara opens & runs it

- Thea opens & runs it (she ran a nightclub, why not a florist shop?)


The CW network trailer was well done, I liked it. Even got to see Thea!

We suspected that Laurel was going to get more screen time this season.  The EPs probably think they've fixed the 'Laurel problem' by having her in on the secret and making her part of Team Arrow.  This season, she'll be the loyal, helpful, platonic female friend to Oliver (Felicity role) while training to become a bad-ass fighter (Sara role).  Meanwhile, Felicity will get the angsty love drama (denting her popularity) while Sara will be slowly phased out.  That's my fear.  I never thought AK had given up on his original vision for Laurel - he's just sneakier about it.  He probably has visions of a Black Canary spin-off show in the future.


One person in each of the previous seasons' posters has left the show by the end of the season, so one can only hope.... ; )


More follow-up on that BR radio interview (posted a page or so back in this thread)...

'Arrow' Season 3: Brandon Routh Confirms New ‘Atom’ Suit

Edited by tv echo
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I am kind of bitter about people already being dissatisfied by the guy who was cast as Ra's Al Ghul (sp?) just because he is not a big name.



Understandable. I can't speak for anyone else but that's not where my dissatisfaction stems from. I didn't need Ra's al Ghul to be a big name actor. In point of fact, that might have taken away from the character. It's more that I had a certain view in my mind of what Ra's should look like and all due respect to Mr. Nables but he does not fit the bill. I'm not prejudging him. I have every intention of waiting until he appears on the show before I am in any position to comment on his acting or his take on the role. For all I know, he could be fantastic. I may look back at the end of the season and wonder what I was thinking at first.

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@dancingnancy This is my main gripe about the casting. The thing that most annoyed me though was that the EP's were (and I think still are) talking about how they were glad to make a diverse show and wanted Flash to be as diverse (despite the fact that they got rid of most POC at the end of season 1), and then they came out with a white guy for Ra's. 


I was wondering if they were even listening to themselves.

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I rewatched Riddick yesterday and while I appreciated Nable's IMO understated, nuanced performance especially when a lot of people were seriously overacting and found him believable as an authority figure I'm not sure if he has the charisma Ra's requires. I am open to being pleasantly surprised, though. As for whitewashing, I don't necessarily agree with it but I thought this article has an interesting perspective on it: http://comicsalliance.com/arrow-ras-al-ghul-matthew-nable/

Um...OK? I don't read super hero comic books so I have little background knowledge there but my quick google search pretty much indicated that he could be anything from the Caucasian to light skinned North African/Middle Eastern who basically look white feature wise as well. Also the lastest portrayal before this one was by Liam Neeson, who is white, so maybe they were looking for someone who displayed similar characteristics? I don't know this actor but maybe the audition was convincing? I mean aside from KC I have pretty much liked casting decisions so I guess I tend to not worry about that. It's just that I don't want to form an automatically negative association before seeing him on screen but I guess that's more of a "me" problem.

ETA: Just saw willpwr's link. Interesting, and I do feel that if mainstream entertainment can not handle Arab characters with dignity and multidimensionality then yeah, I'd rather they stay away. Islamophobia is encouraged enough as it is, I don't want it in my place of entertainment.

ETA2: I am just glad someone is actuallly casting a japanese person as a japanese character... It's been killing me for years to not only blatantly see they're not japanese but also to hear their butchering of the few japanese words the poor suckers have to say (unless they're Korean, then it's less slightly painful).

Edited by fantique
It's been killing me for years to not only blatantly see they're not japanese but also to hear their butchering of the few japanese words the poor suckers have to say (unless they're Korean, then it's less slightly painful).


Welcome to my world. You won't believe the amount of gibberish presented as Russian or Cyrillic alphabet I've seen on American TV over the years, not to mention the awful portrayal of Russia in general (Arrow was also guilty of that with the s2 Diggle centric with the gulags and stuff like that). So, I can sympathize. 


I do find Ra's casting really weird, especially considering the already established character of Nyssa. I could maybe understand it if the actor was well-known for having a particular kind of presence, but... I dunno. So far, casting has been hit or miss, and even if it's absolutely amazing (see: Manu), there's no guarantee the writers won't botch the character or just kill them off instead of a much worse written and acted character (see: Moira and Laurel).

Edited by FurryFury
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Well casting an Australian as her father isn't a stretch at all. Ra's Al Guhl isn't even Chinese lol. I just found it weird how nobody complained about white washing Nyssa`but people comlain about Ra`s Al Guhl. I mean if Nyssa isn't middle eastern, then they weren't going to make Ra's middle Eastern. 

Edited by ban1o

I'm mixed Asian, so I definitely knew Katrina Law was mixed. I'm always happy to see Asian actors on tv. 


I don't know what to think of the actor they cast for Ra's, but I do hate that they whitewashed him. I suppose thier thinking could be that KL is half white and half Asian so they either needed to go with an Asian or a white actor and as usual they went with white. 

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I was doing a bit of research on Ra's Al Guh., I'm not one to minimize complaints about white-washing because as a black Canadian I experience it a lot and it frustrates me. In the comics besides his name being Arabic, there's not much to indicated Ra's Al Guhl's race. Even when he is drawn he often looks Caucasian. I do wish that they would cast an Arabic person or at least an Arabic looking person in the role for diversity's sake but Katrina Law is definitely not Arabic either so when they cast her as Nyssa (considering  I thought she was 100% Cacuasion) I was pretty sure there were going to cast a white person in the role and wasn't surprised by the race of the Matt Nables. (I was surprised by how unknown he was though lol) 

Katrina Law is not Arab but she can pass as one, given the right make up and accessories, she can also pass as an East Indian and that is what I meant when I called her racially ambiguous. If they had cast an actor from the Mediterranean region - someone with Italian or Greek background - that too would have been more acceptable than who they did cast. Now we can only hope that he surprise us in the best possible way.

Ra's was born in Arabia to Arabians (with Chinese ancestry). His name isn't the only part of him that's Arabian. 


GB was talking about how he wanted The Flash to be diverse, as the diversity in Arrow was successful. I can't find the exact interview but here's an article - http://www.broadcastingcable.com/blog/bc-beat/paleyfest-flash-s-berlanti-diversity-was-goal-show/133742


When you take an Arabian character and add that to a show that prides itself on it's diversity, a white actor does not add up. 


Edit: I just want to point out that that the biggest reason I am angry is because there was talk straight from the producers that diversity was important to them. If they hadn't spoken about it, I would still have been angry, but more in a 'of course they're going for the white guy' way. As it stands, they have pointed out a problem in Hollywood, patted themselves on the back for adding a couple of POC characters, and promptly ignored it when it suits them. 

Edited by doesntworkonwood
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