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Maybe. I just know there’s been a bit of speculation over in the Mind Your Surroundings thread that Iris might be leaving, based on some things Candice has said.  So it just made me go “hmmmmm”. 

Edited by Starfish35
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2 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Did she break up with her fiancé? 

Maybe they fake Q’s death so he can’t come back generally until the series finale. 

Nah. It's the same as when she was living with Danielle this season. 

1 minute ago, Velocity23 said:

Quentin is dying ... 

Oh did it finally get confirmed?

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1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Nah. It's the same as when she was living with Danielle this season. 

Oh did it finally get confirmed?

Well you had David saying someone is dying to fans already in Chicago. And we are still waiting. 

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Where is my baby????? Am I getting a baby???? *anxious*

This jail thing is not nice and I don't care who dies as long as it's not OTA.

GIVE ME MY OLICITOT *throws a 2yo tanty*

On a brighter note I love that Emily is doing so much press! 

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9 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Could that have been Samanda's condition?  That he was required to admit he was the GA?  Could SA be leaning into semantics when he says Oliver doesn't out himself or have an Iron Man moment since technically it would be Watson forcing him to say it in exchange for helping to stop Diaz?  And then does that mean the season ends with Felicity and William going into Argus protective custody?  Could the life sentence be never being able to hang up the hood and have that totally normal life free of the GA?

I think you got it! I'm with you.

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I don't know why ComicBook.com split KC's interview into two articles...'

Arrow's Katie Cassidy Teases Massive, Insane Season 6 Finale
By JENNA ANDERSON - May 16, 2018


ComicBook.com's Brandon Davis recently got a chance to chat with Arrow star Katie Cassidy during last weekend's Heroes and Villains FanFest Nashville. When asked about the upcoming season six finale, "Life Sentence", Cassidy hinted that it's truly a spectacle.

“Oh gosh! I can’t tell you!” Cassidy exclaimed. “It’s all of the things. It’s all of the things, and then leaving you hanging. It’s huge. It’s massive. It’s insane. I don’t know how we shoot this show. I’ve been doing this for fifteen years, but I don’t know how we shoot a movie every 9 days."
*  *  *
“I love Paul so much." Cassidy explained. "He’s such an incredible actor and person. He and I got really close, I think he would probably say I was the closest one to him. So, he’s gone, but I mean…is he really gone?"

"It’s sad, it really is." It makes me sad because we all worked so hard for so long. It just kinda sucks when it’s like…He’s an OG. He was there from day one, I was there from day one, with Stephen, David, and Willa... Let’s hope that there’s a way to work him back in.”

And the finale will also include an appearance of Arrow alum and Legends of Tomorrow star Caity Lotz, who Cassidy was excited to share a scene with again.

“She’s just a breath of fresh air." Cassidy revealed. "She really is like a sister to me. She and I are living together next year. Yeah, it’s great. She’s awesome. I love working with her.”

'Arrow': Katie Cassidy Teases Black Siren's Origin, Possible Redemption, and Paul Blackthorne's Departure
By JENNA ANDERSON - May 16, 2018


ComicBook.com's Brandon Davis recently got a chance to chat with Cassidy during last weekend's Heroes and Villains FanFest Nashville. In the process, Cassidy's teased Laurel's unpredictable role in the season's fight against Ricardo Diaz (Kirk Acevedo).

“I think she’s a really interesting character." Cassidy explained. "What I love about her too is that you never know what you’re going to get with her. She’s sort of a loose cannon. I also look at her kind of as like her own island, in a way. If you think about it, you’ve got the team, you’ve got Diaz, who [Laurel] is maybe not best friends with now, and then you have me. And so it’s sort of like ‘Where do I stand?'"

While there's no telling exactly how the season finale will play out, Cassidy hinted that Laurel could grow to be some sort of an ally to Team Arrow, or have the opportunity to kind of make her own way.

"I think, the team, she could definitely be of service to, if they trust her." Cassidy continued. "I think that’d be a really interesting situation, if the writers decide to go with that route. But I think her having the ability to be this chameleon, and change personalities, and go undercover and in disguise and be this female Jason Bourne is great.”
*  *  *
”Yeah, absolutely." Cassidy revealed. "I think there’s room for redemption for her character. And I think, what I believe is that if they do reveal more of her backstory, and sort of tell her story actually, there’ll be a lot more of an understanding of why she acts the way that she does.”
*  *  *
“I love Paul so much." Cassidy explained. "He’s such an incredible actor and person. He and I got really close, I think he would probably say I was the closest one to him. So, he’s gone, but I mean…is he really gone?"

"It’s sad, it really is." It makes me sad because we all worked so hard for so long. It just kinda sucks when it’s like…He’s an OG. He was there from day one, I was there from day one, with Stephen, David, and Willa... Let’s hope that there’s a way to work him back in.”

Edited by tv echo
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Warning: spoilers for Chicago Med season finale quoted below...

Arrow's Emily Bett Rickards Wants Tommy To Return, And It Could Totally Happen Now
BY LAURA HURLEY  May 16, 2018


... Arrow leading lady Emily Bett Rickards, who has played Felicity Smoak since the very first season, spoke to CinemaBlend about how Donnell is the top departed Arrow actor she'd want to see back. It may now be possible to get more of Tommy thanks to recent events on NBC's Chicago Med. Here's what Rickards had to say:

"Colin Donnell's always the number 1! I'm always just like, 'More Colin!' all the time. We spent our first season together like newbies on the block... Just having him back is such a joy."
*  *  *
Spoilers ahead for the Chicago Med Season 3 finale. As Dr. Connor Rhodes, Colin Donnell got an incredible job offer in the finale, and the episode ended without anyone giving him a solid reason to pass up a job at the Mayo Clinic. Connor's decision was left as a cliffhanger, and we may have a while to wait before getting a solid answer on where he'll be at the beginning of the fourth season. Med got renewed; Donnell's level of involvement in the next batch of episodes is currently unknown.

On the one hand, Connor's cliffhanger didn't leave him on the verge of death or ousted from the hospital or past any devastating points of no return, so it's entirely possible that Colin Donnell will appear in as much of Season 4 as he did Seasons 1-3. On the other hand, perhaps Chicago Med doesn't intend to use Donnell's character as much in Season 4, which could open him up to appearing on Arrow on a more regular basis in Season 7. Arrow is getting a new showrunner for the next season, so all bets may be off on where the show will go.

Of course, if Arrow does feature Colin Donnell more frequently in the future, there's still the little problem of Original Tommy being very dead. The show could always resurrect Tommy 1.0, as the return of Nyssa brought Lazarus Pits back into the mix. That said, Tommy has been dead and presumably either moldering away or embalmed ever since the end of Season 1, so it might take more than a dip in a Lazarus Pit to bring him back.

Another way for Tommy to return would be for a Tommy from another Earth to enter the mix. Earth-X Tommy bit the dust in the crossover, but there are still plenty of Earths on which Tommy Merlyn could very well still be alive. If The Flash can bring back a replacement Harrison Wells whenever necessary and Arrow can find a way to keep Katie Cassidy on board as various Laurels, surely Arrow can figure out an alternate Tommy to feature in Season 7.

We'll have to wait and see. Emily Bett Rickards also revealed in her chat with CinemaBlend that the Season 6 finale will be different from finales past, and a longtime star will depart the series....

Edited by tv echo
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ARROW Finale w/ Echo Kellum + Jim Lee Talks New DC Books
Published on May 16, 2018, by DC

-- EK: "I think the title 'Life Sentence,' uh, may refer to some impending plans Diaz has in place. It might refer to the fact that we are all stuck with each other forever. Um, I mean, it could definitely reference a lot of different things. I think you'll see at the end of the episode kind of what it really is hitting on and referencing, though."

-- EK: "Curtis' role is helping facilitate the large pushback against Diaz. You know, I think, um, that's all their roles for this episode. It's making sure that they can save the city. I mean, that's what it's always been about from Day 1 for Oliver & Co. And so, they're all just kind of hands on deck, we got to stop Diaz at any cost and, um, try to shut down his ability to just take over the city and, you know, just kind of ensue this kind of corrupt and, you know, mal - maleficent force that's there."

-- EK: "Yes, in the season finale, I mean, everything hits the fan. Uh, you know, Diaz has really put a strong foothold onto the city. Uh, and so I think you'll see our heroes kind of put in a predicament in a place that you've never seen them in the season finale. I think it'll be really fun and exciting and it'll really leave you questioning what's happening next season... A lot of action, a lot of suspense, and some tears maybe too."

-- EK: "The direction I see Curtis going in Season 7 is - I like to fly on T-Spheres. I mean, that's pretty much the biggest thing I would like to do. That would be awesome. Um, but, I mean, I just think, leaning more into the tech - that's really what I like to do. And also I would like to add, really just getting that love life poppin' ... you know, just gettin' it going with the nastiness, some hot nastiness or, you know, whatever. I think, you know, he deserves to have that happiness, you know, and to have someone to come home to, who gets him - who isn't trying to stop him from being who he is, and who just loves him unconditionally. I hope he definitely gets that too." 

Edited by tv echo
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2 hours ago, tv echo said:

I love Paul so much." Cassidy explained. "He’s such an incredible actor and person. He and I got really close, I think he would probably say I was the closest one to him. So, he’s gone, but I mean…is he really gone?"

"It’s sad, it really is." It makes me sad because we all worked so hard for so long. It just kinda sucks when it’s like…He’s an OG. He was there from day one, I was there from day one, with Stephen, David, and Willa... Let’s hope that there’s a way to work him back in.”


I felt this came off very pointed from her, lol.  Just in case anyone forgot how important she is and has always been.  

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1 minute ago, BkWurm1 said:

Let’s hope that there’s a way to work him back in.

Bringing people back after they've died isn't something this show has ever had a problem with - in fact, they need to do about 90% less of it. 

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I thought it was interesting that KC noted BS is on her own island. She's right, but she views it as a good thing, whereas I view it as the reason why BS is such a non-factor on the show. Tomato, tomahto.

Also, the word "if" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that interview. LOL.

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OK, so I've caught up, I think, with all the spoilers and news. Monday move seems fine. If they're not including Black Lightning in the crossovers that's gonna be an abrupt end on Tuesday with The Flash but there's nothing wrong with that. Has Stephen appeared at the upfronts yet?

Anyway, from the clip with Anatoly, since Oliver has his hood down and the n00bs aren't wearing masks or colander on their faces, I guess everybody is out? This is the thing they're not gonna be able to come back from? I knew they weren't going to stick with that whole "I want to protect my ID because I want to have a normal life with my wife and kid." Although maybe those are ARGUS folks walking around SCPD, they don't seem to have any problems with ARGUS minions knowing who they are. 

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2 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

I thought Caity had moved in with Candice...so if KC is living with Caity next year then maybe Caity moved out.

I feel like Candice posted an Insta story or something of the like where she showed boxes and talked about moving, so I'm pretty sure she did move out.

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Just now, SmallScreenDiva said:

Although maybe those are ARGUS folks walking around SCPD, they don't seem to have any problems with ARGUS minions knowing who they are. 

It's the FBI only in the SCPD, who now know who Oliver is, so the secret isn't fully out.

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12 minutes ago, Cleanqueen said:

I thought Caity had moved in with Candice...so if KC is living with Caity next year then maybe Caity moved out.

Caity moved in with KC. The apt she's in was originally KC's then KC moved out and Candice moved in.

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Arrow Boss: 'Unconventional' Finale Packs 'Emotional Wallops,' Plus a Big DC Comics Tease for Season 7


“Life Sentence,” as the episode is titled, is also “unconventionally structured. It has a much longer resolution to it than our past finales have had,” Guggenheim added. “Usually the climax is in Act 5; in this one it happens in Act 4.” What’s more, “We achieve an emotional denouement that is, I want to sa,y pretty rare for a finale for us. Usually our finales are very bombastic and visceral and with a lot of fireworks — and there are plenty of fireworks here; James Bamford directed the episode! — but by the end of it you feel emotionally spent. I feel like it’s the most emotionally affecting of the series finales we’ve had on the show.”

Also, does this mean more Diaz next year?


In addition to doing a number on your heart rate, Arrow‘s finale will drop a new name — that of the Longbow Hunters, the criminal gang founded by Ricardo Diaz’s comic-book counterpart, Richard Dragon, in DC lore — thus setting the stage for what’s ahead in Season 7.

“I will say that the reference to the Longbow Hunters is us planting a flag, much the same way we referenced Damien Darhk in the Season 3 finale,” Guggenheim allowed. “We would be [not nice people] to name-drop the Longbow Hunters and not see them in Season 7.”

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13 minutes ago, JJ928 said:

Caity moved in with KC. The apt she's in was originally KC's then KC moved out and Candice moved in.

I just thought it was a different apartment because it looked way different than KC's old apartment that's why I thought Caity moved in with Candice.

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8 minutes ago, way2interested said:

...That's it?

That's pretty big. A big time Bat character and Gotham...now I wonder if this will be the big 3 only type of thing. But here's to hoping that Siren gets to interact with her!

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5 minutes ago, way2interested said:

I'm glad about the whole "Arrow is the key to this year's crossover," but "let's focus on a new character we might want to create a spinoff for in the crossover," is not exciting to me, tbh.

It's probably exciting the hell out of the advertisers though, LOL.

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6 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

That's pretty big. A big time Bat character and Gotham...now I wonder if this will be the big 3 only type of thing. But here's to hoping that Siren gets to interact with her!

I can't imagine they don't have some other characters or at least one character from LOT as well. Early posters always focus on those three. I mean Felicity wasn't initially expected to have a big role in last years crossover, and yet....

Like the Constantine announcement, I'm just whelmed until further details.

Now off to watch Batman Be-Leaguerd. 

Edited by Featherhat
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I really hope they do Batwoman justice. Can't wait to see who they hire. Someone said Arrow is key to the xover, so I wonder if we'll meet Batwoman there first.

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10 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

I can't imagine they don't have some other characters or at least one character from LOT as well. Early posters always focus on those three. I mean Felicity wasn't initially expected to have a big role in last years crossover, and yet....

Legends will probably be minor characters in the entire crossover while the Big Three are the main players, just like it's been for the last 2 crossovers. As a fan of LoT, it's pretty sad seeing how they're always left out of the promo materials.

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Arrow makes sense as a key to the crossover in Gotham due to joint darkness etc, but is there any indication of The Flash role given that it might be on their 100th? (although 100th Arrow got basically shoved in there). 

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So they are going to have Batwoman but not Batman? Will he not exsist or something? 


Also how pissed must Gotham be that a rival DC show is treading into their territory. 


I dont not know I'm very meh about this. 

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Just now, lurker22 said:

Legends will probably be minor characters in the entire crossover while the Big Three are the main players, just like it's been for the last 2 crossovers. As a fan of LoT, it's pretty sad seeing how they're always left out of the promo materials.

Sara didn't have a huge part in the last crossover but she had her own storyline (with Alex) and was around for a lot of other scenes. Martin/Jax was a big emotional thing and even Mick had decent screen time, but yeah they don't get featured on the "first look" posters very much. I actually think last crossover everyone got *something* to do, even if it was only 30 seconds long, so I hope it's the same.

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I hope all of the shows participating in the crossover drop mentions of Kate, Batwoman, and Gotham throughout the episodes so the viewers can keep her in the back of our minds. Nothing major but a few references as part of the occasional conversation. 

My other guess is that they’ll keep the crossover focused on a handful of characters like last year and we’ll get cameos and a giant fight for the rest of them. I guess this means J’onn won’t take part again. 

They really need to do more small crossovers so I can see Dig meet J’onn. 

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4 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

So they are going to have Batwoman but not Batman? Will he not exsist or something? 


Also how pissed must Gotham be that a rival DC show is treading into their territory. 


I dont not know I'm very meh about this. 

Why would Gotham care? Arrow's getting a BatFam character they are not using and probably had no plans of using. Gotham has all it's big Bat Villains (even when they can't use their names) and Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. 

Edited by Sakura12
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2 minutes ago, Mary0360 said:

So they are going to have Batwoman but not Batman? Will he not exsist or something? 

Same with first season Supergirl, or any of the other times Superman is MIA when the world is being destroyed. 

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Just now, Featherhat said:

Same with first season Supergirl, or any of the other times Superman is MIA when the world is being destroyed. 

At least Superman has the excuse of being on another earth.

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4 minutes ago, Featherhat said:

Sara didn't have a huge part in the last crossover but she had her own storyline (with Alex) and was around for a lot of other scenes. Martin/Jax was a big emotional thing and even Mick had decent screen time, but yeah they don't get featured on the "first look" posters very much. I actually think last crossover everyone got *something* to do, even if it was only 30 seconds long, so I hope it's the same.

Sara's role was to support Alex's storyline, so I wouldn't call it her own storyline (other than that one line about Sara finding someone who's more than a ONS). Switch Sara out with another character and the storyline remains the same. And Sara was around for other scenes mostly as a background character. Martin did have a big role, but that's because he's dying. I can't really remember what Mick did.

IMO, in the crossovers, everyone is there just so the audience sees how many superheroes they can cramp in the same episode, but the focus largely remains on the big three.

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10 minutes ago, Soulfire said:

Laurel died because Damien wanted to get back at Quentin for betraying him, Quentin will probably die so that Diaz can get back at Laurel for betraying him, and everything will come full circle. 

Hopefully she gets to weep a creepy-ass "Daddy" one last time. :*)

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Yeah, I'm not happy about the crossover just because I would rather focus on current characters rather than new ones. 

I wonder how this is going to work with the Flash's 100th though? Are they going to be focused on Batwoman too or is it going to be something similar to Arrow 100th where the episode didn't quite fit in?

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7 minutes ago, lurker22 said:

IMO, in the crossovers, everyone is there just so the audience sees how many superheroes they can cramp in the same episode, but the focus largely remains on the big three.

True, but even Barry didn't get a whole lot of focus last time (to the annoyance of a lot of people) so it's interesting to see how they work through an Oliver and presumably Batwoman crossover with him, especially if it is their 100th. 

ETA doesn't seem to affect their 100.

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I'll agree LOT gets the short stick in the xovers, I'd like to see Ray & Zari get some shine this year. That said, I do think it's gonna be similar to last year with minimal Legends and focus on the main 3. SA said the xover was in December so maybe it won't affect Flash's 100th, I'd prefer that. I'm excited for Batwoman and I don't want to have Flash 100th disrupt the xover, let the xover be ep 10 & Flash gets their 100th.

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1 minute ago, doesntworkonwood said:

I wonder how this is going to work with the Flash's 100th though? Are they going to be focused on Batwoman too or is it going to be something similar to Arrow 100th where the episode didn't quite fit in?

I posted something about it in the MYS thread, but Stephen said the crossover is airing in December, so I guess maybe it's the MSF this year? Or everything is premiering later than usual. If it's the former then I guess Flash gets a stand alone 100th for special Barry!

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