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S02.E32: 2015 United States elections

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John will be back after Halloween.


Segments: Syria peace talks in Vienna, 2015 Ukrainian local elections, tax credits in the United Kingdom, 2015 United States elections and Medicaid expansion, China's island building in the South China Sea.

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I don't mind news anchors and weather people wearing Halloween costumes on air.


Andrew Lloyd Webber flying in to the House of Lords to vote for punishing poor people makes him sound like a Dickens villain. What an arsehole. And John should continue to take every opportunity to mention Cameron's alleged pig-fucking.


Too bad that Democrat candidate for governor has no chance of winning, although he shouldn't win anyway because he sounds completely unqualified. Anyway, the stance that these Republican governors have taken to refuse the Medicaid expansion is evil. I wonder how any of them would respond to one of those women who are physically suffering because they can't afford insurance.

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I don't mind news anchors and weather people wearing Halloween costumes on air.


I can't tell you how much I hate the chucklefuckery of this sort that goes on in news programs of all sorts, both local and national. Sometimes I think I hatewatch those shows much the same way I hatewatch The Jim Bakker Show. Thank God for John Oliver and Rachel Maddow or I'd never see television news that doesn't drive me into a mouth-foaming frenzy.


I did love the news anchor who kept saying "I can't tell you how stoked I am to be wearing this costume on air" sarcastically.

Edited by The Solution
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Too bad that Democrat candidate for governor has no chance of winning, although he shouldn't win anyway because he sounds completely unqualified.

When John was explaining how he won, he cut to a shot of one his defeated (female) primary opponents saying, "Well, he is a man and this is Mississippi."

Classic. Hard to believe this state keeps coming in 50th in most livability standards.

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One of those news segments was a local show, but Bridge Street isn't a straight news show so I call bollocks on its inclusion. Bollocks! Also, their costumes (Batman and I can't remember what Amy was wearing) at least look like they fit.

Kenny G was such a good sport. I hope that security guard knows he's still alive.

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I liked this one a lot. We are having pretty big elections in my city and state. Our mayor died in January, so there is a race to fill his seat. The candidates include our former mayor who sold waterfront property to Chinese investors when local investors wanted it; the wife of the dead mayor, which makes me think of "Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town"; the woman filling in for mayor right now who didn't think it was important to test our poisonous water daily during the water crisis back in August; our former mayor who sexually harassed me as a teen, wanted to put deaf people next to the airport to save money, got in a fist fight with a restauranteur, and was featured on the original "Daily Show" with Craig Kilborne; and a crazy evangelical cat lady who has done time for animal abuse and was just made fun of on "The Soup". And I'm voting for the guy who sexually harassed me as a teen because when he was mayor, the streets were paved, the city's economy wasn't in the shitter, and he may be a chucklefuck, but he's the chucklefuck I know. And he's the most qualified.


We're also voting on medical marijuana legalization. During the primaries, the city of Toledo voted to decriminalize possession of an ounce or less of weed and minute quantities of certain other drugs, and we are now being sued by the State of Ohio, because they're claiming that the cartels will set up shop here. Newsflash: Possession of an ounce of less of marijuana has been decriminalized in Ann Arbor since the 70s, and they're not some hub of Mexican cartel activity. So yeah, we've got some big stuff going on in America's anal wart, and you bet your ass I'll be in the voting booth tomorrow, bacterial upper respiratory infection or no bacterial upper respiratory infection!

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DemocratIC. The term "Democrat party" was created as a slur by Republicans in the 1950s.

I guess I need to look into this again, but I deliberately used 'Democrat' because 'Democratic' sounds like a slur against Republicans, i.e., it sounds like they don't support democracy (I'm a Democrat btw.) just like "Pro-Life" makes choice advocates sound like they're against life. I thought I understood why Repubs use Democrat as an adjective, but why is it a slur?

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I don't mind news anchors and weather people wearing Halloween costumes on air.


They looked silly, but it's Halloween. You're kind of supposed to, no? 

        Judging by the posts, viewing local news shows or morning talk shows showing off the Halloween spirit can be subjective. From a late-night standpoint because LWT and TDS' special web exclusive covered the same topic, that a certain margin of viewers do not wish to see journalists or news anchors lagging over the job, and seeing them extravagantly presenting their Halloween episodes only adds to the low, but arbitrary credibility nitpicked on them the other 364 days. Now I know it's reaction i subjective, but for me, seeing the bit reminds me how most Late Night Shows are taking their shows seriously with minimal exaggeration over a holiday. Stephen's the only exception since his character on TCR wouldn't smudge his "conservative idiot" image on Halloween, so it's refreshing to see him show the spirit.


        Personally, if LWT tapes a show the day before or exactly Halloween, I wouldn't mind seeing Ollie-Scone dressed up for Halloween (especially as the Queen of England) as long as he still continues delivering really good stories. Please don't judge me. :P

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Andrew Lloyd Webber flying in to the House of Lords to vote for punishing poor people makes him sound like a Dickens villain. What an arsehole.


Ok, so, there's this very weird, dark local theatre troupe in my town that puts on cabaret/variety style shows a few times a year. A while ago, their Halloween show was hosted by an actor in character as Andrew Lloyd Webber, who sneered at and condescended to the audience, and bragged about his fame and fortune all night while introducing the acts, and was basically unbearable (in a good way). At the end of the show, it was revealed that Nosferatu, the inarticulate, revolting, blood-sucking, slobbering monster who lived in ALW's basement was the actual author of all his works, and ALW was just an asshole. This news story just brought that whole show back to me, and it is glorious!

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I feel greatly for those people that have fallen into the Medicaid gap because of their asshole governors/state legislators.  But, I sometimes wish those people are asked whether or not they voted in the election that elected those asshole governors/state legislators.  So many times, Democrat voters fail to vote in any election that's not presidential, like in 2010 which doomed this country to 10 years of Republican gerrymandering in Congressional elections (which is why Obama couldn't get shit done after the ACA).  This medicaid gap is a clear example as to why it is important to VOTE IN EVERY ELECTION, INCLUDING TODAY!!!!!  Vote for the people/party you want to represent you in local government because those may have a very direct effect on your lives.


It also reminds me of just how short-sited many Democrat politicians are.  They should have written the Healthcare act to say subsidies up to X amount with no bottom amount stated.  Say you get 90% subsidy (or whatever) for incomes at $30,000 or less, and then also say Medicaid if you make less than $25,000, just to cover all possibilities, such as what did happen when those in some states earning less than $25,000 couldn't get medicaid because of their idiot republican governors/legislators.  That way, at least those that couldn't get medicaid , could at least get a 90% subsidy.


I thought the China island bit went way too fast.  While I got the joke over the Kenny G song,  I would have appreciated more information as to this island building, like some photos of where they were actually being built (as opposed to the close up that gave no perspective as to location), and exactly how that's affecting other nations.

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I liked this one a lot. We are having pretty big elections in my city and state. Our mayor died in January, so there is a race to fill his seat. The candidates include our former mayor who sold waterfront property to Chinese investors when local investors wanted it; the wife of the dead mayor, which makes me think of "Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town"; the woman filling in for mayor right now who didn't think it was important to test our poisonous water daily during the water crisis back in August; our former mayor who sexually harassed me as a teen, wanted to put deaf people next to the airport to save money, got in a fist fight with a restauranteur, and was featured on the original "Daily Show" with Craig Kilborne; and a crazy evangelical cat lady who has done time for animal abuse and was just made fun of on "The Soup". And I'm voting for the guy who sexually harassed me as a teen because when he was mayor, the streets were paved, the city's economy wasn't in the shitter, and he may be a chucklefuck, but he's the chucklefuck I know. And he's the most qualified.


We're also voting on medical marijuana legalization. During the primaries, the city of Toledo voted to decriminalize possession of an ounce or less of weed and minute quantities of certain other drugs, and we are now being sued by the State of Ohio, because they're claiming that the cartels will set up shop here. Newsflash: Possession of an ounce of less of marijuana has been decriminalized in Ann Arbor since the 70s, and they're not some hub of Mexican cartel activity. So yeah, we've got some big stuff going on in America's anal wart, and you bet your ass I'll be in the voting booth tomorrow, bacterial upper respiratory infection or no bacterial upper respiratory infection!

Mindy: I'm struck dumb by all this, but felt I should just respond anyway, if only to show my support and send you virtual hugs. Feel better, and may the lesser of all evils win. Yeeesh... :(

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I don't mind news anchors and weather people wearing Halloween costumes on air.


Andrew Lloyd Webber flying in to the House of Lords to vote for punishing poor people makes him sound like a Dickens villain. What an arsehole. And John should continue to take every opportunity to mention Cameron's alleged pig-fucking.

Dead pig.  Necrophilia and bestiality: it's two, two, two icky things in one!


Ok, so, there's this very weird, dark local theatre troupe in my town that puts on cabaret/variety style shows a few times a year. A while ago, their Halloween show was hosted by an actor in character as Andrew Lloyd Webber, who sneered at and condescended to the audience, and bragged about his fame and fortune all night while introducing the acts, and was basically unbearable (in a good way). At the end of the show, it was revealed that Nosferatu, the inarticulate, revolting, blood-sucking, slobbering monster who lived in ALW's basement was the actual author of all his works, and ALW was just an asshole. This news story just brought that whole show back to me, and it is glorious!

I totally want to go see this troupe's performances now!

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Oliver is seen talking about a recent story in the news in which David Cameron's government was defeated in the House of Lords. The issue was over welfare reforms.




In the segment, he gestures to his right pointing to someone holding a "giant golden mace." That someone is Kevin Vickers. That ceremonial mace is ours. And that happens to be Canada's House of Commons.





ETA: Remember these two?



LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Two Michigan lawmakers who were forced from office over an extramarital affair and a convoluted cover-up scheme are running Tuesday in crowded primary fields to win back their seats.


Tea party leaders Todd Courser, who resigned in September while facing expulsion, and Cindy Gamrat, who was expelled, are seeking the Republican nominations in special primary elections, which come less than two months after their Sept. 11 ouster.


Their bids are not impossible because so many Republicans are running. There are 11 in Courser's district in Michigan's Thumb region and eight for Gamrat's seat in the southwestern part of the state.




Edited by OneWhoLurks
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Mindy: I'm struck dumb by all this, but felt I should just respond anyway, if only to show my support and send you virtual hugs. Feel better, and may the lesser of all evils win. Yeeesh... :(

I voted a couple  hours ago and there were eight people on the ballot. Eight! Because it was a special election, they didn't have a primary. And since some of the candidates are just joke candidates, the winner will win with about 20% of the vote, meaning that 80% of the city is going to be pissed off. And the marijuana legislation is bad, because they are creating a cartel situation where only ten investors can be in the business. One of those investors is Nick Lachey, former husband of Jessica Simpson. Yeah, I hate this state.

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Tea party leaders Todd Courser, who resigned in September while facing expulsion, and Cindy Gamrat, who was expelled, are seeking the Republican nominations in special primary elections, which come less than two months after their Sept. 11 ouster.



I'm a little disappointed by the fact that Ollie-scone (like most news people) hasn't highlighted one aspect of this mess that I thought interesting - two people have an affair, the man is pressured to resign, while the woman is summarily expelled.

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Well, I voted, but my husband didn't because he "didn't know anyone on the ballot."  Hello, that's what the internet is for! I had even emailed him a link to all the candidates over the weekend for him to look at and kept reminding him to do so. Very disappointed in him.  And even if you don't know the details, then pick a party to vote for based on the party platform.  In my county, one party has nearly double the number of voters, but more than half fail to vote during the 'small elections' so the minority party always wins the council seats.

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I'm with you, Hanahope. Voting isn't just a duty, it's a privilege for which millions have fought throughout history.  This time of year I always tell my students, "Vote. I honestly don't care who you vote for, as long as you vote."

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But switching right from costume fun to a fatal auto wreck is not ideal.

And it can lead to a touch of cognitive dissonance.  For whatever reason I was reminded of an episode of The West Wing where NSA head Nancy McNally, obviously interrupted at a gala of some sort, walks into the Sit Room, in her floor length sparkly gown and immediately says "someone get me a change of clothes so I don't look like an idiot" or something similar.  Also - CJ Cregg had a similar story line, if I recall (Sorkin recycling).

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And it can lead to a touch of cognitive dissonance.  For whatever reason I was reminded of an episode of The West Wing where NSA head Nancy McNally, obviously interrupted at a gala of some sort, walks into the Sit Room, in her floor length sparkly gown and immediately says "someone get me a change of clothes so I don't look like an idiot" or something similar.  Also - CJ Cregg had a similar story line, if I recall (Sorkin recycling).


OT: That's not quite the same thing -- when a man showed up to the sit room in a tux no one thought or suggested he looked like an idiot.

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