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Dean Winchester: aka Squirrel

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2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

It is a small world. I only mentioned it because sometimes it seems that the guys are 'outside' somewhat, filming in Canada and living in Texas.

Yes, it makes you think CW actors only know other CW actors, sequestered for Vancouver shooting, whereas in reality they know a lot of other Entertainment folk.

47 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

The weirdest one for me was Jensen and Ryan Seacrest (blech) having been house-mates at one point.

What's weird is that I had SEEN that picture before(I think it was with this big group of photos that let's face it, was probably "stolen" from one of Jensen's friends that had a lot of photos of him and friends, this was back in like 2006) and I never realized it was Ryan Seacrest.  I guess because I never watched American Idol or any of the things he was likely host, so while I knew who he was and what he looked like, he wasn't someone who immediately popped into my head.  Blech yes but he sure is rich now. LOL

Edited by tessathereaper
  • Useful 1

Farewell to Dean Winchester, one of TV's all time great characters.   Historically I've always been a sucker for the 'sensitive' one.  Luke over Han, Apollo over Starbuck, for two examples.  So on paper, at least at the start of the series, Sam should have been my favorite, hands down.  But Jensen breathed depth and soul into Dean from the beginning.  It's ridiculous to say it of a fictional character, but Dean Winchester captured my heart.  And even years of mediocre scripts and execrable plots couldn't erode my love for Dean.

Thank you Erik Kripke for inventing Dean and most of all, thank you Jensen Ackles for bringing Dean to life.

  • Love 19

I followed Jensen to this show over from Dark Angel, like I did to Smallville and Dawson's creek. But as those two showed me, while I always love to watch him act, that doesn't necessarily translate towards connecting with the character.

Dean both is and isn't a character type I go for - I also often go for the sensitive one or the supernatural one (pardon the pun) but equally for the snarky "bad" boy-ish type.

And Dean had depths to explore, bravery, loyalty, ingenuity and his own sensitive side right from the beginning. Dead in the water wouls have sealed the deal for me, regardless of anything else.

What were mainly MOTW eps could have made me tire of the show pretty soon but I really loved a lot of them because I felt Dean's character shone brightly in them. He drew my eyes and attention to him like a moth to a flame.

Later despite a waste of potential, I loved when I got my supernatural Dean arc via the MOC. His scenes with Cain were mesmerizing.

His scenes with a lot of other characters made those characters either pop for me or at least bearable. Dean, unlike me, being a social animal just has so much charme and charisma he forged lasting connections with people.

There is a caring and nurturing side to him that I did love more in the beginning before it was used against him so much but it has always shown him to be more than just s "type".

My favourite description of him in the show besides hero is when Amara said he was a warrior and giving in was not in his nature. That, the moniker of warrior, has always and will always feel the most true to me for the character. Beyond hunter, fighter, badass, protector, those are things he is, warrior IMO is his state of mind.

After 15 years, I think we can safely add "iconic" also.

I hope Dean Winchester gets a worthy legacy and the appreciation he deserves in the show when it ends. He certainly earned it. 

Edited by Aeryn13
  • Love 18

I'm not sure I have a specific "type" of favorite character as much as I love a multi-layered one, and Dean Winchester was all that and then some. And I think what was surprising from the beginning, what made him that much more special, is that "on paper" he probably wasn't supposed to be. But gosh darn it all, Kripke hired Jensen Ackles, and he and the writers quickly discovered who they had and what they could do with him, and that was everything and HE was everything. And despite the plummeting quality of the writing/directing, etc., over the years, I will leave this show with Dean as one of my all-time favorite fictional characters, because Jensen never ceased rising above the crap. I'll always love Dean Winchester and I'll miss him terribly.

To this day I will never understand how someone could be hired to write for this show or run the show who hated the character or just didn't care about him. I don't understand a showrunner who takes a job disliking a show as much as Drabb and some of the writers did the last few years. I know people need the work, but in that case how can you not come onto an established show and not decide to get into it, learn the characters, learn the universe, make it the best it can be if for no other reason than you need to put the gig on your own damn resume?

Following a favorite actor to other projects doesn't always translate, but it does happen, and I have a good feeling I'll be following Jensen Ackles throughout his career. It certainly doesn't hurt that his next step is to a show I already watch and like - so this may be one of the easiest transitions I've ever experienced.

Still, I'm really really really going to miss Dean Winchester. And if in a few years he and Jared do decide to get the band back together for one more farewell concert, I'll be there in the front row.

Edited by PAForrest
  • Love 17

I don’t know Dabb, of course, but it’s always been my contention that he was so keen to spearhead his own series that he could taste it. When the Wayward Women (or whatever) wasn’t picked up he went into a funk and kind of took it out on the show and mostly the character of Dean Winchester.  You know, that Dean, the one who apparently grabs all the attention making it necessary to push other characters to the front. The marionette debacle was the final straw for Jensen and probably what made up his mind.  The series was dying through lack of love, it was time to move on.

The series began as the story of Sam ... and his brother Dean. But became the story of Dean... and his brother Sam.

And might I add — kudos to Jared for not being a jealous jerk and just being a good friend.

All the above my own opinions and thoughts of course.  😊

  • Love 13

LOL. Hey, if you want to call me shallow because I think an actor isn't ripped, then sure - I'm guilty as sin. He's an actor, and as long as he's being pitched as a ladies man his job, to some extent, is to stay in shape. Neither I nor anyone else on this thread ACTUALLY know him or what he's like in real life, so yep - I've got no problem admitting that I'm judging his looks. I don't watch movies or TV for the actors' inner souls, I watch for acting ability and sure, sometimes looks. He could be a great guy, he could be Ellen Degeneres.

Grabbed this from a quick google search of "Jensen Ackles shirtless": https://dizzojay.livejournal.com/115520.html

He's not exactly cut. Sorry about it. I'm not casting aspersions on him or his character, I only made a stray observation. Per the pic earlier in this thread, looks like he's getting back into shape because Supernatural is ending, so good for him. What I'd meant was that average 9-5 working dudes who (1) don't have to look good for a living and who don't have access to personal chefs, trainers, etc. manage to keep in shape, and so should he as long as he's billed as a hot leading man type; and (2) dude's supposed to be playing the Boys' version of Captain America, so yeah, 40's or not, he's supposed to be ripped. If he wants to be a character actor, he's welcome to do so. In the meantime, people are allowed to notice this and comment on it. 

Those pictures are from early Season 6, you know when Dean was supposed to be "retired"(they are of Jensen playing soccer with the crew, which as we heard some gossip at the time was Jensen trying cheer things up on the set as there was a lot of tension between the production and the BC crew due to certain issues caused by the change in showrunners).  

So Jensen made a choice based on where his character was at that time, which makes perfect sense for his character, yet somehow this proves he's doing something wrong?  Also most of these actors don't go around being "ripped" all the time.  In fact there has been a lot openness in recent years about exactly what sort of things actors have to go through to get that look on film and in photos including days of dehydration so they have sharp definition(or even sometimes steroids though of course that is rarely admitted openly).  Even Chris Evans has said they would try to do all the scenes where Steve Rogers had to appear his most muscular at the start of filming because you just can't sustain that sort of physique for very long, at least not and be healthy.  Essentially those "ripped" bodies are only gotten through a lot of serious deprivation that can be quite damaging to the health if done for long term.  So they usually only keep that up when they know they are going to be shirtless or mostly shirtless for a scene or for a pap walk/papped beach appearances. 

Some of them are really into fitness as a hobby but the majority of them do not look like "superheroes" all the time, they just keep in shape so that way if they need to, they can turn it up and get into "hero shape" if need be. 

Do you really think Antony Starr, The Boys Homelander, looked like that in Banshee?  No he had more of a normal "in shape guy" body, not all that disimilar to Jensen's, at least the parts I've seen.  Come to think of it I don't think we've ever seen Homelander shirtless, for all we know those muscles are nearly all in his costume. LOL  Though I would assume should we do so, Starr would do what most of actors, and what Jensen will most likely do now that he has this role, and hit the gym for a couple extra hours a day for a few weeks, not eat anything but plain chicken and not drink any water for a day and a half before the filming of the scene so they can looked "defined and ripped".

As for "average gym-goers", Jensen looks way better than any of the average gym goers I see walking out of any of the local gyms, so I really don't think he has much concern there. 

Also it didn't make sense for the character, frankly neither Dean nor Sam should look like gym-rats on a regular basis. their physiques based on their job and what we see them do should look naturally developed and that is exactly how Dean usually looks. He's in shape, broad shoulders(Jensen shoulders are at least as broad as Jared's), strong arms, legs that look like they could certainly chase a monster through the woods and strong but not over defined core.   It was always sort of funny to me when Sam would have a shirtless scene and look like he was spending 3 hours a day 7 days a week at the gym.

That said he could certainly get that that ab definition.  But still not going for bulk but there is nothing wrong with those abs, in fact apparently that line down the sides between external(side) and internal(stomach) muscles is fairly hard to achieve for a lot of people. This from the middle of Season 7, a little less than a year and a half after those photos above. I used these two because they are not very recent and show it has nothing to do "getting back into shape now that SPN is over", he's always been in shape.  


this one is from 5 years ago, from Danneel's insta, he went for a more bulk in the muscles here, look at his legs, look at his shoulders, look at his biceps, look at the little divet at his hip.  What movie was he making in the summer of 2015 again?  Wonder what caused him to need to be in such shape instead of being such a LAZY out of shape dad bod bum all summer long? 


Edited by tessathereaper
  • Love 7

He is definitely this lady's kind of ladies man. *rawr*

I sincerely hope that you don't judge people in real life by the same standards you're holding 'actors' to (or I guess just good looking actors whose initials are JRA?). No wonder there are so many people with body issues. Yeesh. 

ETA: I'm guessing you have never seen him in real life (at least not in the last five years). He is slim and trim and not an ounce of extra weight on him anywhere, including his 'flat stomach'). And now I need a cigarette. 

Also, welcome back.

ETA: I do realize we're going round in circles now about things that can only be personal opinion, so I will cease and agree to disagree. Like the song says, Carry On, Wayward Son. Peace out. 🙂

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 4

Sorry for butting in and to each their own and all, but I don't require my "hero's" to be ripped.  Whether or not Jensen (and for that matter Jared) have an over muscled body isn't what attracts me to these actors. There are 100's of actors with better bodies, more beautiful face's, but what attracts me personally is the depth of their talent, the sincerity of the performance (and being a totally great guy irl). I really didn't find myself looking at Jensen's muscles when Dean was describing Hell.  Jensen has  an expressive face and a smooth quick wit and an abundance of talent. He apparently doesn't have to rely on working out in order to get a job. Having said that whenever I watch convention video's I don't think I've noticed that Jensen has let himself "go". And constantly being at the top of the most attractive men list I'd have to say others must feel the same way.

But like I said to each their own.


Edited by Casseiopeia
  • Love 9

For me, I don't need a person to be ripped to be a ladies Man. 

30 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

He is definitely this lady's kind of ladies man. *rawr*

yup.  I actually don't like over large muscles on a guy.


46 minutes ago, LurkingSmurf said:

He’s totally fine for a normal guy on the street, but he’s an actor.





46 minutes ago, LurkingSmurf said:

thought his failure to stay in shape was probably due to the general laziness

But you seem to be judging his physique based on decade old picture.  People change a lot during that time.  Those soccer pics are from 2010.  From the sounds of answers he's given to questions at cons he doesn't seem lazy.   When asked how he liked to spend his weekends he said he plays with the kids, goes paddle boarding, swimming, golf etc.   They have a home gym we know he uses, because he's posted instagram pics of him running on a tread mill.  He's a known avid soul cycler.  His instructer dubbed him a front row national rider. (admittedly I'm not familiar with soul cycling but it sounds impressive).  As for nutrition he admitted he eats far more like Sam, with smaller lighter meals. 

When filming he has to run at half speed to the camera crew can keep up with him.  So what we seen on screen doesn't always tell the whole story.

So he may not have 6 pack abs but he's not out of shape by any means.   He just seems to prefer being active, like playing sports of running, or cycling, than hitting the gym.   When they were getting the brewery ready to open he helped with a lot of the physical labour.  Put the man is not over weight by an definition.  I

we all have our own definition of attractive.  I'm glad because Jensen is it for me. 

Top picture s15.  Bottom s1.  If this isn't the definition of aging like fine wine I don't know what is. 

But to each is own.  We agree to disagree.

Edited by ILoveReading
  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, LurkingSmurf said:

 Maybe does some cardio (his marathon time was crap, though), 

Apparently, he is quite a fast runner. In my experience people are either fast runners or enduring runners. So I wouldn`t expect anything much from him at a marathon.


The defensiveness on this thread and the fact that fans are constantly throwing up manips of Jensen on a cut guy's body are pretty telling.

 Which pic in this thread in the recent page do you think is a manip? I`m honestly curious. One is a still pic from the show, one has him holding his daughter and most are pics with him fully clothed. Or just more focused face shots. 

I don`t think anyone is saying he is ripped like Jason Momoa. But Momoa does have a different body type to start with and even he won`t be super-ripped like in Aquaman all the time. That would be super-unhealthy. 

  • Love 3
47 minutes ago, LurkingSmurf said:

Hey, you guys got me. He's actually a super-ripped Olympic-level athlete, and my own eyes are lying to me.

Hyperbole just negates any point you might be trying to make. But carry on, wayward son. 😉 I bet I can guess who you do think is aging well. 

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • LOL 1
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48 minutes ago, LurkingSmurf said:

Hey, you guys got me. He's actually a super-ripped Olympic-level athlete, and my own eyes are lying to me.

You're right! I don't. I also don't expect normal people to run a 4.5 40, but I'd certainly want a running back to be able to do so.

Playing with kids, golf, etc. isn't staying in shape at the level a Hollywood actor is expected to. Maybe he's getting in shape now but comparatively (especially on the CW) dude was pretty soft. Maybe does some cardio (his marathon time was crap, though), clearly didn't lift in any meaningful way, which is where definition comes from. Honestly, it just seemed obvious to me that he's clearly lost weight this season; you can tell on his face, especially when it's in motion. Didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition over it.

The defensiveness on this thread and the fact that fans are constantly throwing up manips of Jensen on a cut guy's body are pretty telling. I'm not telling anyone that they can't like him or that they have to agree with me, or whatever. A lot of people prefer softer guys, YMMV.

Opinions are all over the place when it comes to looks. I personally don't think Jensen's "aging like fine wine". I thought he was gorgeous when he was in his twenties, but he seemed more "pretty" than handsome so to me, he reads as "aging frat boy". I think lack of care over the years sort of contributes to that. I don't think his looks have translated as well as, say, Jason Momoa, who is Jensen's age. But, again, that's why I threw it in the Unpopular Opinion thread (which is, apparently, not very receptive to unpopular opinions, lol).


Which is why I moved my response to the Dean thread rather than Unpopular Opinion thread.  Jensen's not getting just shape now.  He's always been in shape.  Those soccer pictures from 2010 were explained but it was ignored because it doesn't fit certain headcanons on him being lazy and out of shape until oh suddenly he needs to get a new job..... LOL

He's always been going to the gym and working out.  Fans in BC used to catch him coming out the gym near his apartment building, plus the work out trailer they had on set, plus the exercise room in his homes in CA and then TX, PLUS his exercise classes we know he takes.  Jensen's never had big pecs, no matter how big the rest of his muscles have been.  It's something that would most likely take an excessive amount of very specific time consuming work outs for him to develop and given there was literally no need for him to do that(he's never had a role which required that kind of body), there was no reason for him to do that.  So no reason to try and body shame him just because he doesn't have big pecs.  But besides doing regular gym works out, he's also sporty.  In other words he's healthy and in shape and his body shows that.  He's an active, physically fit person who generally eats well.  He usually actually looks a bit fitter during and when he first comes back from hiatuses, probably for that reason, he eats better when he's choosing what and when he wants to eat then when he's working an irregular schedule and relying on craft services(who certainly do their best to make them good healthy meals they've discussed this) but it's not the same as home cooking.  Which doesn't sound even remotely  like some guy who doesn't know how to lay off the carbs and let's himself go. 

We all, yes men too, have different body types, with different muscular and skeletal structures.  No matter how big his muscles are, Chris Hemsworth is never going to have Chris Evans perfect Dorito shape, he has a more rectangular build and narrower shoulders naturally.  On the other hand Evans has talked about being envious of the bulk Hemsworth could get on his triceps, which was more difficult for him to develop.  Because...genetics, that's why.

Jensen looks great for a Hollywood actor, most of those guys again do not walk around looking like superheroes 24/7 and ones who aren't playing superheroes usually don't look even close to that.  Some of them are into fitness as a past time but most of them, yes most of them have stomach rolls when they bend or twist their bodies.  You seem to not realize how much of what you see is photoshop and special effects(did you know they take the "jiggle" out of running scenes and I don't mean boobs, I mean on thighs and arms, etc of muscular people, special effects aren't just explosions or even making big Chris Evans into little Steve Rogers, it's much more subtle than that too nowadays) and this seems to have given some people very unrealistic expectations of what the "in shape" and even muscular human body is supposed to be doing. 

These actors you are talking about regularly have skin folds edited out of promotion photos and videos and yes even paparrazi photos(depending on where the paparrazi are originating from, friend or foe, so to speak).  "Belly rolls" on models and actors who are underweight are edited out almost all the time because 99.99 percent of people including actors who have been dehydrating themselves for a photo shoot are going to have a roll when they bend, it's simply a natural outcome of having SKIN.   And once again, simply put, Dean Winchester, whom Jensen has been playing for the last 15 years, did not need to be a look like a body builder so there was no need to go to excess to confirm to the extreme standards of Marvel superoes.

Fans are not constantly putting him in manips, occasionally they turn up(usually the same few just being posted again) but they do for most actors anyway. You can find manips of just about every actor.  As for Jason Momoa, even Jason Momoa wasn't always built like Jason Momoa, he purposely CHOOSES to look that way.  Go back and look at him when he was younger(an adult but just younger), he wasn't nearly as big.  Also you'll see photos of him a 6ix pack, even recently!  Why?  Because again these actors do not walk around flexing and dehydrated on a constant basis.

Edited by tessathereaper
  • Love 5
43 minutes ago, LurkingSmurf said:

o worries, I'm deleting this account (in case you thought the mods deleted me for attacking poor Jensen). Look, /soapbox/ maybe don't look at unpopular opinions if you can't handle criticism directed toward any aspect of Supernatural or the actors. Kind of reminds me of why I left this fandom in the first place.

I just feel like both sides have said all there is to say on the matter.  Not really invested in the convo at all.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, LurkingSmurf said:

Nah, sorry - seriously didn't mean on these threads. I meant when I went looking for a shirtless photo of him, actual photos are dwarfed by the amount of fan manips. Google "Jensen Ackles shirtless", it's like 60% his head on someone else's body.

Look man, I get you're very passionate about this, but I never said he had to look like a Hemsworth. I originally said that starting around S4, he clearly picked up some paunch, which I also said he seems to have cut down on. I'm not "body shaming" him - you presented pictures of Jensen Ackles as "proof" of his athleticism, pointing out specific features. When you make an argument, expect to have to defend it.

Most of the guys I know in their thirties who hit the gym a few times a week look a lot more in shape than Jensen did. As I've continuously said, he'll probably get more cut now, because he'll have to.

That's my point, although I brought up Jason as an example of someone who I (personally) think is aging better than Jensen, since they're the same age.

Dude, when you're constantly slinging ad hominem attacks because someone doesn't think your fav is the hottest thing out there, you need to take a step back. I could make some assumptions about your looks, too.

No worries, I'm out of here. Look, /soapbox/ maybe don't look at unpopular opinions if you can't handle criticism directed toward any aspect of Supernatural or the actors. Kind of reminds me of why I left this fandom in the first place.


What ad hominen attacks? I only responded to you twice, both times in this thread.  I'm not attacking you, just questioning the opinion(though I guess questioning your definition of paunch might be somewhat personal, if so sorry)  Yeah one has to defend what one says, not just keep repeating the sky is pink right now, when shown the sky is blue right now. I did defend my opinion by posting pics and by posting about how we know where he worked out and often even when he worked out. Pictures were shown of Jensen in shape, both in a leaner state and a somewhat more muscular state and all you kept saying "look how out of shape he is, look at that paunch". 🙂  Meanwhile one picture he's got trim muscles(which is then criticized for not being bulky enough and  some paunch not visible to the naked eye,) and another when his muscles are bulkier but because he happens to be holding his daughter and you can't see his core, apparently you can't tell if he's in shape or not(not by the obviously muscular biceps, or the obviously broad shoulders, or the obviously muscular legs with a wet swimsuit clinging to them or that bit of hip divet on his left side, the daughter he's holding flat against him is hiding a massive belly???).  They were also years apart and after the pictures taken in 2010(which were explained, Dean was retired and "out of shape" and ignored) showing he's been in shape for many years prior to recently, meaning he is NOT just recently getting into shape because suddenly he needs a job)

Speaking of Jason Momoa, seeing as there is apparently some sort of comparison between Jensen and himself despite their with totally different body types - I guess this is an example of what you mean by Jensen's paunch in the gif,  look at those rolls of skin, look a little bit is coming over his waistband(I know he's sitting down and relaxed but if he was really serious about this stuff and not eating too many carbs surely  he'd be smooth as a mannequin....).  Is this what you mean by saying Jensen is aging so terribly in comparison, despite only being a year older than Jason?


or how about this from just last year, no ab definition at all, with being Aquaman and all  one would think he'd take his career as a superhero actor more seriously. Hope he's got a favorite chair, because he's like a step away from Archie Bunker's beer gut.  Look at how that stomach sticks out but at least he's got big, if somewhat fleshy, pecs. 🙂:



Or maybe even actors, when they don't need to keep up completely unhealthy and unrealistic body standards, relax a little so that way they can live a somewhat normal and healthy life.  I like Jason, since he was Ronan Dax on Stargate Atlantis, no doubt about his body being very nice to look at it, but no one should be expected to be keep up the kind of body standards it sounds are being suggested.   

ETA:Also with regards to Marathon times which were mentioned - Jensen and Jared finished that charity marathon at the same time and in the Boston Marathon Jared bettered their time by two whole minutes. That said they finished faster than everyone else on their team I believe, at the charity marathon.  However we know that Jensen could at least run so fast in sprints because he had to slow down when the Croatoan zombies were unable to even come close to keeping up with him in The End.  That said I'm realistic and would expect in that past 12 years, having gone from age 30 to 42, his sprinting time may not be quite so quick.

Edited by tessathereaper
  • Love 6

With the soccer game pics, I remember the story that it was a lousy day on set.  Basically if things could go wrong they were, so Jensen organized the game to help everyone blow off steam. 

These are the type of stories that made me a fan of the actor.

That and his incredible portrayal of Dean Winchester.   I for one can't wait to see him take on the challenge of Soldier Boy. 

  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

With the soccer game pics, I remember the story that it was a lousy day on set.  Basically if things could go wrong they were, so Jensen organized the game to help everyone blow off steam. 

These are the type of stories that made me a fan of the actor.

That and his incredible portrayal of Dean Winchester.   I for one can't wait to see him take on the challenge of Soldier Boy. 

Yes, that's what I heard too.  There was tension on the set, not due to the actors but because of the change at the helm of the show, so there were problems with getting things organized sometimes.  Requests were made from LA at the last minute, caused budgets to run over, etc.  Jensen organized the soccer game as an outlet and bonding and to basically help everyone just have fun as a team.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, tessathereaper said:

Yes, that's what I heard too.  There was tension on the set, not due to the actors but because of the change at the helm of the show, so there were problems with getting things organized sometimes.  Requests were made from LA at the last minute, caused budgets to run over, etc.  Jensen organized the soccer game as an outlet and bonding and to basically help everyone just have fun as a team.

I'll take this guy over a perfect six-pack all day, every day. 

  • Love 13
35 minutes ago, tessathereaper said:

Yes, that's what I heard too.  There was tension on the set, not due to the actors but because of the change at the helm of the show, so there were problems with getting things organized sometimes.  Requests were made from LA at the last minute, caused budgets to run over, etc.  Jensen organized the soccer game as an outlet and bonding and to basically help everyone just have fun as a team.

Yeah, that's exactly how it went down. The crew was very unhappy very quickly into Gamble's reign, and this was Jensen's attempt to let everyone blow off steam one afternoon. He's seen it as his mission to take care of this crew for years. If he didn't have a deep sense of concern and loyalty for and to those he works with, he'd have left years ago. This is exactly why he and Jared let it drag on so long, and why it was hard to tell the crew they finally had to call it quits.

Any set is going to be fortunate to have Jensen as part of their team. I cannot wait until season three of The Boys!

  • Love 10

I think the general takeaway here is that the ideal Hollywood bod is a fanciful and unhealthy lie, that even heartthrob actors would never look like that naturally when they're out living their lives, and that the absence of a six pack does not automatically equal "out of shape" or "lazy".

And I, personally, cannot comprehend Jensen's face being considered as anything other than the proportional archetype of masculine handsomeness (want "aging frat boy" complete with an actual dad bod? look at DiCaprio), but that's just me. 🤷

  • Love 10
21 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

Why do they need your email to vote?

That's why I always have a couple of "junk emails" so I can use it for these sorts of things.  An email for discussions boards, twitter, etc.  An email for online shopping.  An email for when they insist on getting your email for stupid stuff like this. 

37 minutes ago, tessathereaper said:

That's why I always have a couple of "junk emails" so I can use it for these sorts of things.  An email for discussions boards, twitter, etc.  An email for online shopping.  An email for when they insist on getting your email for stupid stuff like this. 

That’s a good idea.  My email was hacked about a year ago and it was a nightmare, so I’m always hesitant. 
Keeping everything straight would be my issue. I’m not techy at all.

I'm having a really hard time coming to terms that we are going to lose new stories with Dean Winchester. I've watched since day one, so I'm invested despite the last lousy Badd seasons (pun intended). I've been watching a lot of reruns going all the way back to the beginning looking for things that I want to tuck away in my mind about Dean. I found one - Dean always has put his hands around a coffee mug to drink from it since the beginning of the show - and he still does. Sam uses the handles. It made me wonder, is that how Jensen drinks his coffee? Anyway, I'm losing it - I know that. Can't imagine how I'm going to be six weeks from now. I'm going to miss this character like I've lost a good friend. I wonder too, if Jensen feels the same way and more.

  • Love 10
25 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

I'm having a really hard time coming to terms that we are going to lose new stories with Dean Winchester. I've watched since day one, so I'm invested despite the last lousy Badd seasons (pun intended). I've been watching a lot of reruns going all the way back to the beginning looking for things that I want to tuck away in my mind about Dean. I found one - Dean always has put his hands around a coffee mug to drink from it since the beginning of the show - and he still does. Sam uses the handles. It made me wonder, is that how Jensen drinks his coffee? Anyway, I'm losing it - I know that. Can't imagine how I'm going to be six weeks from now. I'm going to miss this character like I've lost a good friend. I wonder too, if Jensen feels the same way and more.

I'm going to miss the little Dean mannerisms too. Like how he always rubs his eyes with the back of his hands when he's sleepy:





Edited by DeeDee79
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3 hours ago, FlickChick said:

I almost forgot what he looked like when his hair was longer. I like it longer than he has for Dean, but only if it looks as good as this! Wow!!!!

Were you unable to see any of his Canadian quarantine interviews? You should check some of them out.  His hair was nearly that long.  Oh he still looks amazing. Possibly even better. 🙂

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One of the most memorable quotes and deliveries of the whole show. Not only was the written line an Omega-level "oh SHIT" roast on its own and cemented a vital part of Dean's character, but the way Jensen played it just took it all to the next level. Instead of yelling or spitting these lines in rage ie. taking the obvious route, he's reeling with emotional devastation and heartbreak instead. His tears and wavering voice as he roasts Satan to a crisp with only his words and utter contempt make the scene much more poignant than it likely would have been. 

Dean has never been taken in by power or prestige, only actions and their consequences. He holds everyone to the same standard, from random humans to archangels to God Himself, and won't hesitate to say so no matter how strong they are. This is why he represents the best of humanity.

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No matter how dark, dangerous and cheerless the life, Dean can always find joy.  The rainbow slinky. The pie. The granade launcher, etc, etc.

It’s a human trait I will forever try to emulate. Especially now. Especially during these scary times. FIND THE JOY. That’s my mantra. Thank you Dean Winchester. I will miss you.  😢

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