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Season 2 - Spoilers and Speculation

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Here is your thread to discuss and speculate on all things about season two that you wish to see, or know we might see, or want to speculation on any news or spoilers that have been released.


As stated - Here Be Spoilers. Beware. If you want to talk about what you'd like to see without being spoiled, please back out of this thread immediately and go here  -------------> Season 2 Wish List

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Fear the Walking Dead showrunner on the 'badass yacht' and 'seabound refugees' waiting in season 2


Getting to the yacht is going to be something of a challenge. And then the question becomes: Once we get to it, which way is it going to go? And we will discover that we were not the only ones with this bright idea.

You’re going to see a bunch of seabound refugees over the course of season 2. And much in the same way that we have taken steps to survive and compromised our morals to do so, we’re going to have to deal with some people who have very similar objectives, and the default setting for most of these people is not going to be let’s all live in harmony and try to build a new community. It’s going to be, how do we protect what’s ours? How do we protect our family? So there’s going to be a very serious threat from other people.

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You’re going to see a bunch of seabound refugees over the course of season 2. And much in the same way that we have taken steps to survive and compromised our morals to do so, we’re going to have to deal with some people who have very similar objectives, and the default setting for most of these people is not going to be let’s all live in harmony and try to build a new community. It’s going to be, how do we protect what’s ours? How do we protect our family? So there’s going to be a very serious threat from other people.


So they've possibly found a way to have even less walkers on the show than the first season. 

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I guess this kinda belongs in the S2 Spoilers + Spec thread but is anyone heading to PaleyFest for the FTWD panel? If so, please do share any and all info/tidbits/spoilers. Thanks!

Edited by lovemytvshows
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So on TTD Kirkman proving that he really understands audience criticism is that next season will be mostly about the cast alone on a boat and talking! I suppose I should be happy because that description made my boyfriend who wanted to give the second season a chance agree to delete the season pass!

Edited by biakbiak
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I never really hated the first season. I think it justified Kirkman's skipping all the buildup in TWD. I think it didn't resonate as well with people because we already knew so much more (needed head shots, everyone turns, etc) than the characters. Also, the cast was highly criticized for being non-violent and unfamiliar with guns. It really wasn't a fair comparison because these people were urbanites who were teachers, school counsellors, kids, and student nurses. Whereas TWD had two deputy sheriffs, a farmer comfortable with his shotgun, soldiers, and country folks familiar with knives, hunting, crossbows, etc.

So it seemed this show's characters were mocked for being city folk who disliked guns. We saw Travis go from non-violence to almost beating someone to death, which was pretty quick, IMO.

It wasn't helped by the fact that Nick remained unbathed and wearing that old man's clothes, even after being back in his house, and the most interesting character wasn't introduced until one of the last episodes.

I think ocean walkers are pretty cool, and the promos are much more interesting looking than season one.

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I never really hated the first season. I think it justified Kirkman's skipping all the buildup in TWD.

Hmmm... I think "justified" might be an overly strong term in this context.

If by that you mean the screenwriters demonstrated the same inability as Kirkman to concoct a reasonable and coherent Ground Zero backstory, then I'm with you 100%. ;)

I think it didn't resonate as well with people because we already knew so much more (needed head shots, everyone turns, etc) than the characters. Also, the cast was highly criticized for being non-violent and unfamiliar with guns. It really wasn't a fair comparison because these people were urbanites who were teachers, school counsellors, kids, and student nurses. Whereas TWD had two deputy sheriffs, a farmer comfortable with his shotgun, soldiers, and country folks familiar with knives, hunting, crossbows, etc.

Not to mention they're located in California, which has gone out of its way to criminalize firearm possession by any but the police. Not exactly 2nd Amendment-friendly territory. Their opportunities to even touch a firearm out there would be severely curtailed, much less become proficient in its use.

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I'm gonna stick with my promise to WalnutQueen to not hate-watch FtWD and then post here.  I am gonna record the show and watch a few episodes at a time. All indications are that they are planning to do a floating "farm" season. Much easier to enjoy an episode of not much happening if there's another 2-3 queued up on the DVR.


I do hope, however, that the botox has worn off on the lady playing Madison so that her face can register emotion again.  She's going to be the Rick and I'd like to be able to root for her. (ok, that's my last slam for the season)

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Not to mention they're located in California, which has gone out of its way to criminalize firearm possession by any but the police. Not exactly 2nd Amendment-friendly territory. Their opportunities to even touch a firearm out there would be severely curtailed, much less become proficient in its use.


Say what?!?  I live in SoCal, and just the neighbors I know on my quiet little suburban block could fight off an army of insurgents or zombies with their firearms.  My ex had the biggest gun safe I've ever seen (one of the two we shared) - he had at least 75 guns (both hand and long guns) and did all his own reloading (he had 6 different Dillon presses).  This little pinko commie socialist hippie chick became quite a proficient shooter, too.   The only thing stopping you from buying a legal firearm here is a criminal record or documented insanity/drug use (provided you do the paperwork and pass an easy test for handgun purchases).  My area in particular has a huge military presence, and those guys really love their guns, and "collect" them, too.   There are also plenty of gun shops and shooting ranges for folks who want to practice.  :-)


I'm looking forward to the new season; the teasers I've seen look interesting.  But I don't think rab01's hopes for a Madison facial expression are likely.  ;-)

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Say what?!?  I live in SoCal, and just the neighbors I know on my quiet little suburban block could fight off an army of insurgents or zombies with their firearms.  My ex had the biggest gun safe I've ever seen (one of the two we shared) - he had at least 75 guns (both hand and long guns) and did all his own reloading (he had 6 different Dillon presses).  This little pinko commie socialist hippie chick became quite a proficient shooter, too.   The only thing stopping you from buying a legal firearm here is a criminal record or documented insanity/drug use (provided you do the paperwork and pass an easy test for handgun purchases).  My area in particular has a huge military presence, and those guys really love their guns, and "collect" them, too.   There are also plenty of gun shops and shooting ranges for folks who want to practice.  :-)


Really?  I've had several people who live in CA tell me different.  Or maybe the specific issue they were fussing about was CC permits, and not firearm ownership in general.  After a few decades, it all starts to blur together.  :)

I do know CA is one of the few states which doesn't share CC reciprocity with TN.

Edited by Nashville
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Really?  I've had several people who live in CA tell me different.  Or maybe the specific issue they were fussing about was CC permits, and not firearm ownership in general.  After a few decades, it all starts to blur together.  :)

I do know CA is one of the few states which doesn't share CC reciprocity with TN.


Yes, concealed carry permits are probably more difficult to obtain here than in TN.

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Really?  I've had several people who live in CA tell me different.  Or maybe the specific issue they were fussing about was CC permits, and not firearm ownership in general.  After a few decades, it all starts to blur together.  :)

I do know CA is one of the few states which doesn't share CC reciprocity with TN.


The gun laws changed in January 2014 and became much more strict. The criminal element just shrugged their shoulders and kept selling and buying the laws only hamper law abiding citizens.



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Yes, the ^^^NRA^^^ is all up in arms.   ;-)


"Not to mention they're located in California, which has gone out of its way to criminalize firearm possession by any but the police."  I was responding to this notion that firearms possession in itself is criminalized here, when only certain types of firearms and high capacity magazines are illegal.  Law abiding citizens still have plenty of opportunities to learn to shoot and own many types of firearms.


Anyways, now that the new season is starting, I'm outta this thread, since I don't want to see any spoilers.  :-)

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Haven't read any spoilers about this show. Doesn't seem to elicit the same doggedness in pursuit of spoil intel the other show does. Which is cool -- looking forward to watching it unspoiled, quite the novelty for me.

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I haven't seen any official spoilers, but my DVR has next week's description up and it says something like Alicia is trying to reunite with her family and Nick and Madison fight off some external force trying to get the group.  Maybe this is about to get interesting?  Maybe Madison will move her face?

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I noticed that this thread hasn't been active, so I hesitated to post because I wasn't sure if anyone is interested in any spoilers for this show yet!  (I'm not even sure if I'm interested in them yet, to be honest.)

The Spoiling Dead Fans has a Facebook page dedicated to FTWD info, called Fear: The Spoiling Dead Fans, and there are some tidbits about some of what is going to happen in next week's new episode, "Grotesque."   (Although I'm sure the same info can be found on their website too.)

Has anyone seen the info?

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I saw the preview and all I was left wondering was have any of the writers ever been to Mexico? Because the average Mexican citizen would not develop a religious fixation on zombies. The average Mexican citizen would fucking kill them. Nick would be considered a dumb American who should be avoided, not some precious angel who can see the truth in things.

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Obviously, you can't tell everything from the preview, but one thing I hunk I noticed is that there is no boat.

True, maybe it will reappear later on, but the scenes seem to show our people split up (a la TWD)(and which we knew from the last episode) and heading in separate directions (although that might not be the case. Still, they are in seperate groups.) I didn't get a sense that anyone was heading for the boat. Which is interesting given how much TPTB Invested in it.

i like Mexico. I've traveled there, and spent time in Baja. But I'm not if I want to be watching a show that is stuck in Tijuana. I used to get miffed at being stuck in the pine trees month after month with TWD.

Can't we have some place that gives us a mixture of towns AND wilderness?

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On August 18, 2016 at 8:13 PM, slf said:

Nick would be considered a dumb American who should be avoided, not some precious angel who can see the truth in things.

I know a lot of people like Nick, but I can't figure out why. He's a junkie. He "fed" off that old person because he was thinking of himself and no one else. The writers are making the cardinal sin of "telling us" that Nick is a precious angel, but they're not showing us. They've given us no demonstrative proof. Sure, little kids like him, but actually that's a little freaky to me.

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For those that don't watch Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D:

Useless, annoying Chris (Lorenzo James Henrie) is now a character on that show.  That shows promise that they'll finally eliminate the annoying twit from FTWD.

Of course, Travis will still probably wander around making stupid decisions....

Edited by Smitty227
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On 9/20/2016 at 11:50 PM, Smitty227 said:

Useless, annoying Chris (Lorenzo James Henrie) is now a character on that show.  That shows promise that they'll finally eliminate the annoying twit from FTWD.

He's also on Designated Survivor, I think that proves that Chris is going to be gone soon.

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I liked Chris but if he gets killed off, then good for the actor for leaving this crap show and getting something better.  Plus, he won't have to look at his sorry daddy and dead-eyed stepmother anymore.

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For those, like me, who don't mind having every last detail of the finale spoiled, thanks to the intrepid spoiler monkeys at Fear The Spoiling Dead facebook page, here it is. 


Q&A / Spoiler Details 2x14-2x15/ Season Finale

1. What happens with La Colonia?
After Nick is threatened by the gang to leave La Colonia, Nick persuades Alejandro to let people go, so, by the time they get there, everyone is already gone except Alejandro. Alejandro tells the story of his bite after he is bit for real this time.


The people from La Colonia make it to the border but are attacked. A few La Colonia red-shirts are killed and Luciana is shot in the shoulder.

2. What happens with Ofelia? What’s her journey?
She makes it to the U.S. but is picked up by border control.

3. What happened with Chris and the Bros?
They let Chris drive, and he falls asleep at the wheel. There’s a really bad wreck, and Chris hurts his leg pretty bad. So, Brandon and Derek kill him.

4. What happens at the hotel?
We don’t know who lets the Bros go inside the hotel, but Madison hears them talking and is pretty sure they are the same guys Chris was with. She tries to keep them away from Travis but he finds out they are there anyways. They finally confess what happened to Chris and then, Travis goes completely postal. Beats both of them to death with his own bare hands.

Oscar is hurt and dies from his injuries when he tries to intervene and stop Travis from killing the Bros. And, Oscar’s brother is killed by Alicia when he attacks Travis after Oscar dies.

Madison, Travis and Alicia leave the hotel, but Strand stays behind. They make it to La Colonia before Alejandro dies, and he tells them where Nick is heading.

Alejandro goes like a boss. After everyone leaves, he sets a trap for the gang, causing La Colonia to get overrun with walkers from the Wall after they arrive. The entire gang is killed.

Thanks to our source!!!

Edited by SnarkyTart
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