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S02.E22: Girl Meets Texas: Part 3

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The resolution to this story line is going to be tedious, I can tell. I think the exploration is a little premature, since Riley and Lucas have spent much of the season forgetting they were kind of-sort of-dating, and Lucas and Maya only have their antagonistic flirting to go off of. It sort of felt like they jumped the shark on the whole thing, and therefore spent a lot of time trying to talk the audience into the choices they were making (it's a kid's show, I know. Why do I care?)


I also disliked the conversation between Riley and Maya about their relationship with Lucas, and that Maya's talking him down is a negative thing. Riley's blind optimism and support, led him into a bull riding competition he was largely unprepared for, where he could have been seriously hurt. Making someone feel bad about themselves is a negative thing, I agree, but Maya brings skepticism, which can be just as valuable as Riley's can do attitude.


Blech, I just hated the idea that someone had to be paired with Lucas, or else. The three of them were obviously not comfortable with it, and Riley feeling obligated to date Charlie was brutal, like I wanted to jump into my computer to rescue her. It seemed like she was preparing for a prison sentence. Charlie, get some chill! 

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The episode confused me when I first saw it, but looking at it again, I kind of get it.

They are now facing he reality and consequences of their actions from Texas. Riley and Maya both really like Lucas, but their first thought is "I don't want to hurt my best friend, so I'm going to do what I can to make her happy." Which means hide their feelings and lie. Then you have Lucas, who still has feelings for Riley, and is being forced to see her as a sister, all the while, he finds out that the girl he thought just teased him be scared him actually likes him. He never saw her as an option and now that she is, that scares the shit out of him. All this shit coming out in like 3 days. So he is unreels confused and has no clue what to do. He just doesn't want to hurt them both. So everything is completely awkward for all 3.

They left things unresolved, to I guess build up to the big climax in the Graduation episode and onto season 3. In my eyes, I think they are building towards Lucas/Maya and Riley/farkle. Especially, after watching this episode, I think Riley is going to see Farkle in a whole new light later on in the series. Cause that one scene between the two of them, made me see them in a whole new light.

But, I do hate how Maya honks that the only way to get Lucas to like her is to act like Riley. It's sad, cause it made things more awkward, but once she let go, you can see them both fall into a nice ease.

Honestly, right now it's one big clusterfuck and this episode will leave everyone more confused then they are. The only thing I come out of this event was Maya's feelings for Lucas. But, we need to see Lucas POV cause, we have no clue how he feels about Maya or the situation at all.

But Farkle and Zay continue to be beacons of light and awesomeness.

**That Maya and Riley convo confused me. I think Maya tried to hard to be like Riley cause she thinks that's what Lucas would want. They both were not being themselves and now all this confusion and actions are leading to more awkwardness. And, I do believe now that Josh is going to be use a plot device. I don't think anything romantically will come or of it, just Maya realizing something about herself.

Edited by CheetaraThunder
  On 10/18/2015 at 3:05 PM, absnow54 said:

I also disliked the conversation between Riley and Maya about their relationship with Lucas, and that Maya's talking him down is a negative thing. Riley's blind optimism and support, led him into a bull riding competition he was largely unprepared for, where he could have been seriously hurt. Making someone feel bad about themselves is a negative thing, I agree, but Maya brings skepticism, which can be just as valuable as Riley's can do attitude.

Keeping my comments down a bit :)

With friends like Riley and Maya who needs enemies? Why these girls will sign you up for some things that will literally get you killed!!!!!!

It's the usual Disney tripe love triangle stuff. I say give em a break for a bit. No R/M or RLM etc put em on seperate holidays over break and see how it goes when the dust settles in season 3

And I love how Lucas's feeling aren't being taken into account, It's like here's how you feel Lucas,, deal with it.. lol good grief

Edited by David-

Waited until I watched all three Texas episodes to respond. I am continuing to love Farkle and Zay. They both made some good points in this episode. Like Zay saying just because Riley and Lucas have similar qualities does not necessarily mean they only feel for each other like siblings.

Riley's talk at at the end with Farkle, perfectly done. She needed someone to be there for her and try to make her realize ignoring her true feelings is not going to make things any easier or better.

I hate love triangles on any show, but they are a often used cliche trying to add drama. Guess we will just have to watch and hopefully it will be resolved sooner than later.

Edited by Texasmom1970
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Basically, what I learned is that these 13/14 year olds have no clue about relationships and they shouldn't. Shit, I'm still trying to figure that out. We need to know what Lucas feels. Which I think we will see around Graduation episode or at least hints of it the rest of the 8 episodes.

I do hope that the others also take Maya's feelings into consideration, cause they were all worried about Riley, but kind of put Maya to the side. I thought it was heartbreaking that Maya had to play like Riley on that sort of date with Lucas, like she couldn't be herself. And, I do think she believes she doesn't deserve a guy like Lucas. If they do anything with Lucas/Maya: they need Lucas/Riley to be fully resolved and for Maya to accept herself and her self worth.

Plus, if anything Farkle/Riley might just be the new/sort of Corpanga. That's the real buildup I am excited to see. Farkle, the one guy that always is there for her and always support her. Plus, Rowan and Corey chemistry just feels more natural, then when Rowan is with Peyton or Tanner.

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Yeah, That Riley/Farkle scene was the best scene from the episode, bar none. Though, I did like how after Maya dumped the smoothies on Lucas, they both just felt at ease and stop being so awkward around one another.I feel for Charlie: the guy actually likes Riley, but he's basically being used.

Edited by CheetaraThunder
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And those writers are leaving this thing still open? Is it ever going to end?


Farkle such a great friend to these girls,I hope he's going to be one of their love interest in the future, but then again I don't because I enjoy Smackle and Farkle should be with someone who liked him before his change


The sad part about all three of these episodes is Maya and Riley weren't Maya and Riley like they used to be, their friendship has already been tainted to me. The ring power at the end wasn't the same. Most of their attention was on Lucas, extremely disappointing. Even when they spoke about sacrificing their feelings it wasn't the same. If I was watching this show for the first time I would not believe the show is about Riley and Maya's friendship and how they can make it though anything.


As much as I hate that they had to use their relationship for some boy I can understand it a bit. We live in a social world where shippers/fans unfortunately and sometimes fortunately can dictate the direction your show is going. Maya and Lucas has a big fanbase, there is no way to ignore that and the writers didn't and chose to give them something that's been loudly requested by rewriting history. But in doing so they are showing those fans how they did give Lucas and Maya a try and it isn't working so far. Maya has to ask Riley how to talk to Lucas, and has to get Lucas attention away from Riley. They even went on to defend one of the most wildly used criticism for Lucas and Riley which is the whole they are too similar and explained being compatible isn't a bad thing. I can give them props for what it seems to be them sticking to their original route of Riley and Lucas.


I enjoyed Riley and Lucas far more these three episodes than I did Maya and Lucas. Lucas seems way more comfortable with Riley, and Riley and her brother thing was just great lol I saw the chemistry but then again I was never bothered by Lucas and Riley, but they needed this challenge to make people see how they actually do work. Maya on the other hand was so out of character it was ridiculous. If this is the Maya they are going to have with Lucas I don't want it. I prefer Maya with a crush on Josh then Maya with a crush on Lucas, at least with Josh she's herself.


So what does Lucas think about all of this? To me I still see he is interested in Riley, it feels like he's doing it because it's expected of him. The Date he was on with Maya and the date Riley was on with Charlie shows two people who are on dates when they would rather be with someone else I mean their dates had to remind them to focus on them because Riley and Lucas were too busy focusing on each other.

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I'm not anti these episodes or what they are doing on the show, but all I'll say is it makes me feel old.  In my day middle school relationships were you liked someone, dated them for five minutes, and you broke up and crushed over someone new.  Do middle schoolers really take their romantic relationships this seriously these days?  I like that the Riley and Maya friendship is put above all else, but it's just so melodramatic.  Unless you are Cory/Topanga, your middle school crush is not likely to be the love of your life.  Everything on this show is some huge life moment...and yes, I know Boy Meets World was kind of the same way.

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Even BMW wasn't like this at the beginning. They were in high school when Cory and Topanga started to seriously date. In the mean time Cory had a couple of different girls that he was involved with. And lord knows how many Shawn had.


Agree that these eps were not good examples of Riley/Maya's friendship. They just seemed off. I hope this doesn't continue.


Also agree that Riley/Farkle scene made the ep Always enjoy their scenes together.

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I didn't really like the episode. I hated that everything was life and death. Lucas isn't going anywhere. Why do they have to decide who they want to be with right now?

And still no one has asked Lucas what he thinks. That's the most important part and I wish that he had spoke his piece. I loved Farkle and Riley's scene together and I hope he has a similar conversation with Maya and Lucas and maybe another one with all of them.

Cory and Topanga were better. I kind of wish Maya had either asked to her mother or Shawn for advice.

Edited by blugirlami21
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Riley's blind optimism and support, led him into a bull riding competition he was largely unprepared for, where he could have been seriously hurt.

Are we not going to put some of this on his Pappy, who was certainly NOT trying to talk him out of riding the bull?


Maya, being the annoying person she is, signed him up for the thing, without knowing all the facts, then gets all Maya-like and tries to guilt him into not doing it for fear of her never speaking to him again. She is so exhausting!


If she can't see that Riley really like Lucas, for the love of gawd, can't she see that Lucas really likes Riley? It is so obvious, you know, because he can't stop talking about her, Maya.


My hope is that neither of them end up with him. At least not now. Let another season pass by, get them in high school and then we can see where they are.

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Well the thing is the moment Charlie is no longer relevant, he magically will be back OUT of that class again.


You know, one thing I've started to wish for?  We've seen now that Riley, Maya, Farkle and Lucas, although somehow magically STILL together in all their classes (total bullshit), DO at least have other classes and teachers.


What we haven't seen, even for 5 seconds, is even a hint that Corey TEACHES other classes. I know it varies enormously across the country how many periods a teacher teaches, but as a full time non-substitute even I'm sure he's going to have at least 4 classes.  We don't need to hear or see much about them, but it might be interesting to see enough of one just to make a joke perhaps of how differently he teaches them when his daughter and her drama isn't shaping everything in them.

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The three-part series was interesting.  I really liked how all of the kids were involved.  As for the third episode, I liked Auggie and Lucas and I really liked Riley and Farkle.  I wonder if the little comment about Riley and Farkle ending up together and nobody expecting that outcome was a bit of foreshadowing.  Their scenes, along with Farkle and Zay were some of my favorites.

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So my DVR cut off the end of this episode....what happened after Maya climbed in the window to talk to Riley?


When Riley told Charlie she wanted to go to the movies and not talk, I thought we were going to get some story where he wanted to make out the whole time or something.  I'm glad they didn't go that route.


Also, an overprotective father is okay with his daughter leaving her window wide open like that? In NYC? Forget her love interests what about the criminals? Hell, what about pigeons flying in?

  On 10/20/2015 at 3:48 AM, KaveDweller said:

So my DVR cut off the end of this episode....what happened after Maya climbed in the window to talk to Riley?


When Riley told Charlie she wanted to go to the movies and not talk, I thought we were going to get some story where he wanted to make out the whole time or something.  I'm glad they didn't go that route.


Also, an overprotective father is okay with his daughter leaving her window wide open like that? In NYC? Forget her love interests what about the criminals? Hell, what about pigeons flying in?

I now want an episode of Riley freaking out because a pigeon flew in...

So after watching parts of the second and third parts, I feel bad that I ever had a fleeting moment of "I could totally ship Lucas and Maya given the chance."


Why was that "chance" these absolutely ridiculous episodes while they're all still in middle school???


I'm now wishing that they all figure out that these feelings will come and go and they are all better off as friends. I could see Riley and Farkle further down the line (much, much further down the line -- and even then I'm probably still on the Farkle/Smackle train), but I feel like the show just did this to explain to me how none of these couples should be endgame. They're all kind of miserable when they're not just friends. Riley looked miserable and kind of confused dating Charlie, Maya looked miserable and kind of confused dating Lucas, Lucas looked totally confused about everything, and Farkle looked miserable watching his friends be miserable. Even Zay was like, "This is a bad idea, and I don't think it's gonna work." (Side note: the one thing this 3-parter did that I did not think was possible -- get me to like Zay. Thanks for making him a character instead of just a wise-cracking sidebar.)


Sorry Charlie (heh) -- it's a shame Riley's not seeing how adorable you are, but she's not, so... this is just going to get more and more awkward while Riley attempts to date a boy she's not that into, and Maya continues to see ways that Riley's personality actually complements Lucas' (it's not always opposites that attract), and Lucas continues to do whatever the girls tell him to (really wish they'd let him have a voice in the discussion, but I guess boys aren't allowed to have "I Choose Me!" moments like girls). Yippee.

I feel bad for Charlie (poor guy is being used, rather blatantly at that), but loved when he piped up with that Riley ends up with Farkle comment.  Also, serious love to Farkle for his description of how he feels when he looks at Smackle.  It seems the genius is the only one who is accepting the fact that, as a young teenager, all this dating stuff just makes a kid feel weird and awkward and insane.  LOL

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  On 10/19/2015 at 1:52 AM, ybrik said:

Even BMW wasn't like this at the beginning. They were in high school when Cory and Topanga started to seriously date. In the mean time Cory had a couple of different girls that he was involved with. And lord knows how many Shawn had.



There are a lot of differences between this and BMW of course, but one major one that I actually buy is the seriousness of these relationships. The main characters here are girls. I work with teenage girls and YES they absolutely do take these relationships seriously and they are life or death. Most middle school boys, not so much.

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I thought this episode was excruciatingly bad. I get that the joke is supposed to be Cory is the overprotective dad, but he should be brought up before whatever disciplinary committee there is at that school for making entire class periods all about his daughter. Who needs to teach a class when your daughter has a crisis every week? That's why a parent should not be their children's teacher. It was just so, so bad.


And poor Charlie, who seems like a nice guy, was just there for Riley and Maya and Lucas to shit on. He should tell Riley to just shove it and move on with his life. I don't think Emma Ross from "Jessie" has a boyfriend, and she's wealthy to boot.


I noticed that they look like they're "aging up" Sabrina Carpenter. She definitely had some eyeliner stuff going on that I've seen on the young women I work with, who are in their 20s. Or is that what teenagers are doing?



I noticed that they look like they're "aging up" Sabrina Carpenter.

Wouldn't they want to "age her down" to make her look the same age as Rowan? The second part of your comment, yes, I totally overdid it on the heavy eye makeup when I was a teenager, lol, foolishly because I thought it looked good and made me seem mature. 




he should be brought up before whatever disciplinary committee there is at that school for making entire class periods all about his daughter. Who needs to teach a class when your daughter has a crisis every week? That's why a parent should not be their children's teacher. It was just so, so bad.


Yup. If I was in that class, I'd resent the hell out of Riley and her friends and would probably be a snotty teen toward them and Cory for his inability to teach a history lesson without involving his daughter's latest ridiculous crisis.

I guess I'm kind of more easy going on this kind of thing, but I don't expect realism with regard to the school setting from this show.  It is the offspring of a show where the same teacher went through the kids' entire school careers with them, after all.  I've always had the impression that the school setting is supposed to be absurd, to some extent, and they aren't even remotely trying to pretend that it's just a normal old school, just like the one we've all gone to or the one our kids go to now.  I just can't imagine that they expect any of us to look at Cory as a "normal" teacher or his class as not ridiculous.  They've even had Zay comment on it in previous episodes.  

Other than the fact that Feeny implausibly followed Cory and gang from grade to grade..IMO, he was actually a good teacher. It's probably because he wasn't Cory's father that he was strict, able to actually teach a complete lesson and that made me respect him as an educator on TV. Then again, I can even relate more to Alan Matthews as a father than I do the type of dad Cory is to Riley & Auggie, same for Topanga. I think that we (the audience) are supposed to see Cory as a good/sweet teacher and the setting as realistic, nothing from the writer's tweets indicate that it's supposed to be surreal or hyper-reality. 


I mean..for us older viewers, can you imagine Feeny subjecting his class room to "Stuart Time" the way Cory has repeatedly allowed "Farkle Time"?




1. Any kid who's parent is teaching the class is generally teased the heck out of anyway.

I had a class or two in high school where a friend of mine had their parent as the teacher and they just absolutely did not draw attention to it. Kids can be rude as hell, so either the situation was that the parent/teacher had their kid specifically placed in a different teacher's class to avoid fairness issues, or they didn't acknowledge it outright.

Edited by grandemocha
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Just think Disney with a heavy dose of new age where it's all about friendships and not dating (until recently)

Think "Your my brother" as being regulated to the friends zone.. You know that dreaded phrase "we're just friends"?

Cory was going to make out parties with Topanga in closets and coffee shop in S:209 BWM and they were younger than Riley. So apparently the writers have decided to ram the "We're all friends", right down our throats and until recently have pretty much left the romance alone..

Mocha is quite right.

1. Any kid who's parent is teaching the class is generally teased the heck out of anyway.

2. Any kid that monopolises the entire class time with her own personal problems with Daddy as teacher I would imagine is generally resented. Actually I've never seen a Riley case that I remember but I imagine she'd pretty much be a tease magnet.

I've run a few classes about the place and anyone who tried to use my last name like "Hey Matthews" (Maya) would be very firmy be put in place it's MR Matthews..Basically no matter how nice you paint it up it's simply disrespectful.

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Maya doesn't even live with any siblings so how would she know what having a brother is like?

You don't necessarily have to have a sibling to know what it's like. Observational skills and context clues are mighty useful in that regard. Maya might as well be the third Matthews child for how often she's over at their apartment, so she has years of experience watching Auggie & Riley, interacting with them to see what have a brother is like.

Edited by grandemocha

Finally watched all three episodes. I actually really liked them. I could feel the chemistry between Maya and Lucas when they were in Texas, but it died as soon as they got back to New York. The thing that drove me the most insane about everything is the dichotomy they're setting up between romantic love and sibling love. What happens if you don't love someone like a boyfriend, but you also don't love him like a brother? They could just be platonic friends. I have lots of platonic male friends, but I wouldn't say I love them like a brother. That implies a much deeper connection. I don't know. That was just really bothering me. 

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