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S04.E02: The Candidate

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I think it's rather telling that Malcolm hasn't resurrected either his late wife or Tommy.  He also seemed genuinely concerned and unhappy that Oliver was putting Thea in the LP.


Malcolm wanted to be free of Ra's and the LoA's death hunt, possibly even be Ra's.  I don't think he ever intended Thea to go into the pit.

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Alright, coming back after last night, here's what I'm thinking: I am super pissed at the writers for doing this, because it could have been done so much better. But here's one simple thing that would have helped. Don't show the last scene with the coffin.


The audience isn't stupid, they knew what Laurel was planning on doing. We don't need to know if she dug her up or not. Use that time on expanding Thea and Laurel's motivations. Also we wouldn't have the squickiness at the end. Next episode, once Laurel and Thea figure things out, then it can either be 'oh let's go back and get sara so we can do this' or 'cool beans, we have her body right here.'


Laurel faces consequences. She went into CNRI, she lost Tommy. She became an addict, people treated her like a freaking addict, she wasn't trusted, she hit rock bottom. She went vigilante-ing before she was ready, she got the shit kicked out of her. She became Black Canary and everybody who wasn't Felicity was lining up to tell her how much she sucked. She lied to her dad, her dad hated her. Laurel nearly always faces consequences for her actions. She gets back from doing this I fully expect her getting her face cracked by Nyssa and Oliver.


In the end, a lot of this is going to depend on Sara's reaction. And I'm withholding judgment on everything until next week. Why did this take place over one episode, writers? WHY?

Edited by aslightjump
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A number of people here have said they'd do the same thing, but frankly, I don't believe it.  Digging up a rotting corpse (and Sara was NOT EMBALMED, so she would be disgusting foul soup) is a huge deal, and is very taboo in most societies.  Now make it a loved one's soupy corpse.  Now make it hauling that soupy grotesque corpse three thousand miles and throwing it into a magical hot tub.  Now make it all that, plus knowing the magical hot tub is causing sanity problems for the one person you know who was also thrown into the hot tub, and she wasn't even human soup.


Nope, I don't believe most people would actually do it, especially not for a not-particularly-close sibling, after a year of coming to terms with the death.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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OK so did anyone else get Damian has a daughter anvils from the Anarky scene? Got me worried for a second about Felicity. He's so against it, he must have experience right? Then he took the idea and ran with it for Laurel. Weird.

Augh, I did not even think about that until just now. I would so prefer that Damien not have any tear-jerky family backstory, especially not one related to any of our regular characters. Can't we have a villain who's just a villain? A creepy, sinister villain with distractingly beautiful eyes? That's all I'm asking.

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I bet they put a time limit on who can be dipped in the LP. Thea wasn't bad at all because she wasn't even dead when they put her in there. Sara has been dead a year so she'll be cray cray and need help. But anyone who has been buried longer than that probably would be beyond help. I did wonder why they specifically said Moira has been dead 2 years (um, no she hasn't).

Since they are making up their own rules when it comes to how corpses rot away, the body will have to be fully attached and magic beyond the pit will probably have to be involved.

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I agree that there's no way Oliver would have gotten his ass kicked by that boy band reject.

Boy band reject, that sums it up perfectly!


Diggle - I hadn't realized until this morning, when I saw a quick clip, that he snubbed Felicity in the new lair.  That's harsh and completely OOC, in my opinion.  Felicity worked with the team, behind Oliver's back, all summer, right?  She jumped right in to help them even more when she and Oliver returned.  She's supporting the team.  Why on earth is he snubbing her?  If it's because he's ticked at her because of his anger towards Oliver, then THAT is horrible writing for Diggle.  I call BS on it.  Diggle is a professional and has been friends with Felicity for years.  And, despite the utter BS line he gave Laurel about 'family,' Diggle's family includes Oliver and Felicity.  And I think Lyla would be quick to point that out, too. 


I know Diggle is exploring feelings that will take him to some darker places this season but c'mon.  The show needs to stop ignoring what they've SHOWN us for 3 years - which is that Diggle and Felicity care about and respect each other, a lot.  Diggle having a grudge against her because of Oliver isn't how he's acted up until now.


Good grief, this really bugs me.  Diggle is one of my favorite characters on the show and I'm annoyed with him.  That's never happened before and it stinks.

Exactly (it's nice to see you back posting here!).

I could fanwank that Diggle didn't tell her about HIVE because he didn't want to put her in an uncomfortable position. He knows that Felicity can keep a secret, but not when it's something crucial, something that could endanger the trust inside OTA/the members of the team -for example, helping Diggle behind Oliver's back wasn't an issue it seems. So imo, he knows it's something he should tell, because it's about their biggest enemy so it is crucial intel.

But Diggle snubbing Felicity was unecessary and OOC imo. It's as if he considered she was against him if she wasn't against Oliver, whereas he knows exactly where she stands when he and Oliver are on the outs, since S1. It's as if he considered she no more had her own opinions now that she's with Oliver...and there's no way John Diggle would ever think anything like that. The woman he married (twice) is a living proof of it. And she better be a long, long living proof of it.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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Augh, I did not even think about that until just now. I would so prefer that Damien not have any tear-jerky family backstory, especially not one related to any of our regular characters. Can't we have a villain who's just a villain? A creepy, sinister villain with distractingly beautiful eyes? That's all I'm asking.

I'm thinking Felicity has probably gotten a look at Damien on some footage. He's not exactly subtle. I think we're safe. For now.

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Oliver defeated and killed Ra and he gets his ass kicked by a boy band reject?  Not buying it.  Come up with a convincing way for Thea to "save" the day, show.

Edited by benteen
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Laurel faces consequences. She went into CNRI, she lost Tommy. She became an addict, people treated her like a freaking addict, she wasn't trusted, she hit rock bottom. She went vigilante-ing before she was ready, she got the shit kicked out of her. She became Black Canary and everybody who wasn't Felicity was lining up to tell her how much she sucked. She lied to her dad, her dad hated her. Laurel nearly always faces consequences for her actions.

Laurel does face consequences, but they're fairly temporary ones. Yeah, she lost Tommy for going into CNRI, but Tommy's the one who, you know, DIED. Yes, people treated her like a drunk when she was lashing out and being terrible, but that's under control now and was only mentioned by Oliver in a derogatory way a year ago. (ETA: I just realized this makes it sound like I think her alcoholism should be thrown in her face as a consequence, which I absolutely do not. I'm glad she's recovering and not constantly reminded of that period of time). She went out as BC too early but won over Roy and Felicity almost immediately, and a few months later everyone else is on board. Yes, Quentin was pissed at her, but he never hated her. She badgered him to forgive her, all the while he was actually going after OLIVER because of his anger, while simultaneously turning a blind eye to the vigilantism his own daughter was committing. Now they're on good terms, and Quentin even got into it with DD in order to protect her. So, the shit she pulled with Sara is pretty much over now too.

Now she's being a dumbass, but the repercussions of it probably won't follow her for long, if history holds up.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Since they are making up their own rules when it comes to how corpses rot away, the body will have to be fully attached and magic beyond the pit will probably have to be involved.


Yeah. I can see the pit bringing back her body but her mind won't be there. I guess

that's up to Constantine

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Oliver defeated and killed Ra and he gets his ass kicked by a boy band reject? Not buying it. Come up with a convincing way for Thea to "save" the day, show.

That's the problem you run into when you have them face a powerful enemy, how do you top that? Oliver can't only encounter 200 year old enemies or meta humans. Oliver probably underestimated Anarky which is what caused him to lose.

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Uck!  I can't believe they actually showed us Sara's dried up corpse!   I really, really didn't need to see that!  I think Laurel bringing Sara's corpse to Nanda Parbat to the Lazarus Pit is a very, very bad idea.  Sara will probably come out weird after she comes back to life.  Who knows, Sara might end up evil!


I sure hope Thea doesn't turn evil.  She looked particularly delighted when she set Anarky on fire. 


I'm still not crazy about the flashback scenes with Ollie.  I think I officially hate Amanda Waller with a angry, firey hate now.  She doesn't give a shit about Ollie, all she wants to do is use him.  If Ollie dies, she probably wouldn't even care.  She's going to keep sending Oliver on all of these dangerous missions until he gets killed.  I hate people like that.  She has very little morals.  I am hoping that Oliver will find a way to bring this mega bitch down!  And damn it!  She got him to go back into a fucking island again!  I am so damn tired of that fucking island!


Diggle needs to forgive Ollie in order to work well with him again.  Even Digg's wife forgave Ollie, why can't Diggle?  I can't believe he's still stuck on disliking Oliver even though Oliver did manage to save his life and everyone else's lives.


I don't know what happened to Quentin.  Why is he working with Dark?  I understand that Dark may have threatened to have Laurel killed, but Quentin can easily tell Oliver about that and they could work together to bring down Dark.  Quentin use to be one of my favorite characters.  Now I really dislike him.


Oliver wants to be mayor?  When will he have time then to put on his Green Arrow outfit to battle the bad guys then?

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Or even if they had shown weeks of Laurel's obsessing over it. Something.


I think most of the story should have happened off screen over the summer, and we should have had hints that Laurel was hiding something (Sara's resurrection and whatever she  promises Malcolm to make it happen) , but that's Dig's story this year so.... It's just so transparent that this whole story should have been Sara's last year and Thea should not have been dragged into it, they decided to conveniently have the effects delayed for six months to dovetail with their story line where Laurel looks like flaming dumb asshole AGAIN by ignoring Thea's issues and digging up Sara Soup to put in the pit. I mean WUT?! Ugh.


 I hate when the glaring meta mismanagement of issues behind the scenes makes the stories look beyond contrived and dumb to facilitate those BTS plans. I mean shit I am happy to have Sara back but I don't need that story to be about LAUREL. If she said "John" one more time I was going to unleash my own Canary Cry.


Oliver and Felicity were still good and I loved Mr. Terrific Echo Kallum, he was a delight on both Ben and Kate and recently You're the Worst.

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All I want is for the consequence to be to the Lazarus Pit itself -- i.e. if you throw a rotten body in it, it's the last time it works -- rather than anyone dying as a consequence of Sara's resurrection. Since a life for a life is the oldest resurrection trope in the book. Just. NO.

Edited by dtissagirl
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I can't figure out Quentin's motivations here. So he, apparently, made a deal with Dark to let him attack the city and kill people (was he under the impression Dark was a nice guy?) because he threatened Laurel. Yet he has not been too concerned that Laurel is putting on a mask to fight Dark, which puts her in his crosshairs and is likely to get her killed. Why not quit, which he tried to do, then tell her and Oliver about it? Them being threatened and attacked by Dark isn't any worse than the fact they're already being threatened and attacked by Dark.

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Amanda Waller is awful and this version is an absolute moron.  She's the type who will literally destroy what she's supposed to protect just to kill a single enemy.

I'm not all that familiar with the character outside of this show and one of the cartoon versions (in which she was more gray, I think smarter, and also quite fat), but I do really like the actress.  I understand and agree with all the issues with the character, but I think the actress is fairly awesome. 

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I can't figure out Quentin's motivations here. So he, apparently, made a deal with Dark to let him attack the city and kill people (was he under the impression Dark was a nice guy?) because he threatened Laurel. Yet he has not been too concerned that Laurel is putting on a mask to fight Dark, which puts her in his crosshairs and is likely to get her killed. Why not quit, which he tried to do, then tell her and Oliver about it? Them being threatened and attacked by Dark isn't any worse than the fact they're already being threatened and attacked by Dark.


Yeah, I don't get it at all and not buying it.  I can see him being desperate to protect his last remaing daughter.  But getting into bed with Dark?  What exactly is the deal, he'll let him operate without law enforcemente getting into the way?  He'll let him get away with threatening city officials? 


Despite his hatred of Oliver, it makes even less sense to work with a guy like Dark who has already threatened his daughter and is blackmailing him.  Go to Oliver and tell him your problem.


Seems more like character assassination to me.  Lance has been hit by the stupid stick and so has Diggle this season.

Edited by benteen
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Yeah, I don't get it at all and not buying it.  I can see him being desperate to protect his last remaing daughter.  But getting into bed with Dark?  What exactly is the deal, he'll let him operate without law enforcemente getting into the way?  He'll let him get away with threatening city officials? 


Despite his hatred of Oliver, it makes even less sense to work with a guy like Dark who has already threatened his daughter and is blackmailing him.  Go to Oliver and tell him your problem.


Seems more like character assassination to me.  Lance has been hit by the stupid stick and so has Diggle this season.

Yeah, I need to know exactly what he agreed to do for Darhk. I mean, apart from putting Laurel and the others in danger (I guess I can write off the others, since Laurel's the only one in the bunch he actually seems to care about) by keeping them in the dark about what's going on, he's also out there getting his guys on the force killed, for...what, exactly?

Edited by apinknightmare
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I'm not sure. I haven't rewatched, but I didn't think the threat to Laurel was new. I thought that's how he got Quentin on board in the first place? Did he threaten Laurel during this ep or last week's, or did he just mention that he had threatened her?

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I can't figure out Quentin's motivations here. So he, apparently, made a deal with Dark to let him attack the city and kill people (was he under the impression Dark was a nice guy?) because he threatened Laurel. Yet he has not been too concerned that Laurel is putting on a mask to fight Dark, which puts her in his crosshairs and is likely to get her killed. Why not quit, which he tried to do, then tell her and Oliver about it? Them being threatened and attacked by Dark isn't any worse than the fact they're already being threatened and attacked by Dark.

I think DD must've promised him that he could save Star City and bring back its glory. He just happened to leave out how he planned on doing it.

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Yeah, I just rewatched DD's convo with Quentin. Last night when I was watching, I thought DD was reminding Quentin of a threat he'd already made to Laurel, but now it seems to me like it was the first time he'd brought Laurel into it. 


Which means that I guess Quentin agreed to work with him for...why, exactly? What a (hypocritical) moron.

Edited by apinknightmare
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The threat v. Laurel wasn't mentioned until 4.2, but DD was casual about it and Quentin was pissed but didn't seem that surprised, so it did not seem to be new information.


This is the same show in which threatening to harm councilmembers got a crime lord an entire section of the city, free and clear.  Criminaling is SO MUCH easier when you can just do anything you want, including murdering a whole bunch of people, just by threatening to murder a few people.


I would say it is currently unclear whether the threat against Laurel is why Quentin has been working with him, or if it was something else and the threat is a new/additional reason.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Loved Felicity's trepidation/excitement about being CEO, but again, this show is terrible at the business world. And the scene with the worker she fired made me groan aloud at the badness, due to a weird combo of writing/acting on the part of the person who was fired (I know she was played by EBR's best friend, and I was disappointed because it was such a poor delivery).


Huh, I didn't have that reaction at all.  I also didn't know it was EBR's friend but it makes sense now since I came away with the feeling that there was some other kind of connection between Felicity and the woman, like they were going to mention working on some project together.  I really thought she did a good job and was hoping she'd pop up later just to help give the office a real world continuity feel. 

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jbuffyangel?  She's been on that kick longer than the Olicity Wedding theory but not quite as long as her Red/Blue theory.  LOL


What Wedding Theory? And the red/blue thing is something about Oliver and Ray, right? I saw something on Tumblr about that.

Diggle's working on his own hypocrisy (I know what he's hiding and what Oliver hid are not on the same level).

Well, he has been keeping that a secret for a really long time for no reason and effectively undermining his own cause there, plus currently he's not giving the team all the information he has about the shit soup they're all in. It's getting up there is what I'm saying.


I think I officially hate Amanda Waller with a angry, firey hate now.  She doesn't give a shit about Ollie, all she wants to do is use him.  If Ollie dies, she probably wouldn't even care.  She's going to keep sending Oliver on all of these dangerous missions until he gets killed.  I hate people like that.  She has very little morals.  I am hoping that Oliver will find a way to bring this mega bitch down!  And damn it!  She got him to go back into a fucking island again!  I am so damn tired of that fucking island!

I don't mind Amanda not caring about Oliver's life. It doesn't make her a nice person but I think it makes sense for the character. What does not is that she seems to be doing her best to make it as impossible for him to do the mission she has sent him on. And which he still doesn't know what it's about. Like, give him some information, for fuck's sake. Not to benefit him but your own agenda. I have no idea how she's managed to keep her position for years. Yes, be a psycho, that's fine. But if you're supposed to be a successful one, be a smart psycho.

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Yeah, but that's always been the thing about Amanda. Her actions just regularly don't make sense for her own agenda. It's not a new development. She's just a piss poor strategist. Now I'm wondering if she had been drugging Lyla with something since it doesn't appear she has ever tried to stage a coup.

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Yeah, I just rewatched DD's convo with Quentin. Last night when I was watching, I thought DD was reminding Quentin of a threat he'd already made to Laurel, but now it seems to me like it was the first time he'd brought Laurel into it.

Which means that I guess Quentin agreed to work with him for...why, exactly? What a (hypocritical) moron.

OK thanks, I was getting confused because I didn't remember a previous threat just DD threatening LL because Lance was standing up to DD
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I bet they put a time limit on who can be dipped in the LP. Thea wasn't bad at all because she wasn't even dead when they put her in there. Sara has been dead a year so she'll be cray cray and need help. But anyone who has been buried longer than that probably would be beyond help. I did wonder why they specifically said Moira has been dead 2 years (um, no she hasn't).

It's in the fine print of the rental agreement. Maybe the person needs to have been buried in leather? Or at least a corset.

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OK thanks, I was getting confused because I didn't remember a previous threat just DD threatening LL because Lance was standing up to DD


I honestly can't tell when the threat to Laurel was made. The confusing part is because DD says: "I suppose you need a reminder that Madison Danforth is not the only vulnerable daughter in the city." 


Does DD know Laurel's kidnapping history, or is he reminding Quentin of a previous threat he made toward Laurel? IDK. It's impossible to tell from Quentin's reaction whether this is the first time he's heard this threat before. Seems like it could be, but I don't know. 

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I don't think he signed up with DD because of a threat, but only because of an interview I read with PB where he said something along the lines of Quentin doing the wrong thing for the right reasons, which leads me to believe that he started working with Darhk willingly. That line did initially confuse me, and I think it could be interpreted either way, though. I'm choosing to interpret it as a new threat toward Laurel instead of an old one. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Is anyone else wondering what exactly Darhk wanted to happen with Jessica Danforth? Like, did he simply just want her to step down and not run for Mayor to keep Star City in chaos? If Anarky succeeded in kidnapping Jessica, was Anarky supposed to convince her not to run or did Darhk want him to kill her? So, it's okay to kidnap/kill Jessica but not her daughter? And it's okay for Darhk to threaten Quentin's daughter but not for Anarky to threaten Jessica's daughter? There's lines that someone high up the evil totem pole, like Darhk, can cross but not for lackeys-for-hire like Anarky?


Oh, Darhk. You are such a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. It's a good thing that NMcD is such a good actor that he can distract me from all the contradictions and make him seem like an evil menace I want to watch, anyway. I like it. I really hope he is and stays evil because he enjoys it (the power, the ruling the world, the fear he invokes in others). I've had enough of evil mangst because 'The Woman I Love DIED!' (oh hey, Malcolm and Slade!). Sometimes, an uncomplicated yet smart villain, who just wants to be an evil overlord, makes for the best villain.


At this point we may never get any lines specifically addressing it but I really think DR and EBR decided to play it this way.  It at least explains away the lack of scenes between them.  What do you call it when the actors come up with a fanwank? 



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Rewatched, and my primary reactions were about the total BS business stuff, that Laurel's nuts, and Quentin is SUCH a douchebag.  I love how he threatens to arrest Oliver, when, ONCE AGAIN, if there was a crime Quentin is AN ACCESSORY.  So far, Digg is taking the dumbstick from S3 Oliver, Quentin has taken full ownership of the nutbars stick, and Laurel's taking the manipulative stick.  So hey, Oliver's been pretty okay so far this season!


Oh, and when Laurel opens the coffin she has so many rings on.  SO MANY RINGS.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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Is anyone else wondering what exactly Darhk wanted to happen with Jessica Danforth? Like, did he simply just want her to step down and not run for Mayor to keep Star City in chaos?


I think the whole point was to get Jessica Danforth to step down. Although I'm not sure what the point of keeping Star City mayorless is in the long run, unless Darhk himself is going to run against Oliver? Or plant one of his followers to run against him? I'm not sure what the point of scaring off candidates is though, unless Darhk wants to run unopposed, or the writers wanted to wait until Oliver announced his candidacy to reveal that DD is going to run against him/have one of his guys run against him. 


It'd be interesting, since DD doesn't know Oliver is the Green Arrow (yet), so Oliver wouldn't be able to call Darhk out without outing himself. And the people of Star(ling) City are dumb enough to vote for a guy with a name like that, so...possibilities. 

Edited by apinknightmare
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Rewatched, and my primary reactions were about the total BS business stuff, that Laurel's nuts, and Quentin is SUCH a douchebag. I love how he threatens to arrest Oliver, when, ONCE AGAIN, if there was a crime Quentin is AN ACCESSORY. So far, Digg is taking the dumbstick from S3 Oliver, Quentin has taken full ownership of the nutbars stick, and Laurel's taking the manipulative stick. So hey, Oliver's been pretty okay so far this season!

Oh, and when Laurel opens the coffin she has so many rings on. SO MANY RINGS.

She should maybe take those off the next time she digs up a "loved" one to reanimate. Blisters and all that :P
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Isn't show canon that it actually IS hard to find?

Not that it matters since Laurel's been there before. How she's going to manage to get a rotting corpse there is another issue, which I'm guessing won't be addressed.

Now we at least know why they had the kid last week tell us how strong she is since I guess this week she has to tote a coffin around on her back like it's a backpack



Who is Zolo or Solo that Lonnie has worked for? Felicity made an ick face when she mentioned him and then Darhk mentioned him later. I'm guessing someone from the comics.


Yeah, what was up with mentioning Anahrky's boss a couple times?  It was a shout out or foreshadowing or something but what, I have no clue. 

There were a hundred other ways they could've done this (as evidenced by what we've come up with here), they chose to make Laurel look like a selfish idiot. That does make me wonder if they do secretly hate the character or are they just blind with what they do with her?


I really think Blind.  They like her so why wouldn't we?

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I liked this episode.  


Oliver and Felicity just work so well and their relationship just seamlessly fits into the show dynamic.  Plus Oliver packed Felicity a lunch. Awww!


Oliver being elected mayor because he is the only one running, I can buy that.  It is certainly more believable that Moira running for mayor a few months after getting out of jail.


Damien is my new favorite villain.  "You know your hand is on me" and "Language"


That Oliver/Thea fight was intense. 


Really like the connection between Felicity and Curtis. This is a work partnership I'm interested in watching unlike the one with Ray last year.


Oliver can be funny. We need more of that.  "Self-defense classes" and then he catapults over the balcony.


Dear Jessica Danforth's daughter who name I cannot remember. When the crazy guy who kidnapped you offers to let you go as long as you don't tell, don't believe him.  He's lying because he is a crazy kidnapper and also you've already seen his face.  Geez have you never seen a movie.


The entire thing with Laurel digging up Sara's body just amuses me and so I'm willing to go with it for the reason. Next week will probably be even more ridiculous.  Bring it show.  I want total crazy here.  When Laurel jumped to the casket, I thought they would have her open it but we wouldn't see what was inside.  How wrong I was and then mummified remains. Bwahahahaha!

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The average weight of an adult female is 55% therefore Caity Lotz's body would be only 50-60 lbs. Much easier to drag her around at that weight. I can't even imagine bringing her back to life.


Did they make Laurel say Nanda Parbat so many times because she was unable to say it in Season 3? It was overdone.

Edited by BunsenBurner
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IIRC there was only one scene when the others left them to their moment. She was there for all the other Team meetings. 


The only other scene with them alone in the lair didn't feature anyone leaving. Felicity was working alone when Oliver walked in. 

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She also feels cut off from them because even though they're all in the same room, a few times over the past 2 eps the team (apart from Oliver for the most part) has pretty much acted like she wasn't there.

Edited by apinknightmare
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How does it cut Felicity off from the others? She's there strategizing with them just like she always has been from the beginning.

Instead of combining their coupling scenes (sometimes) with adding the others to give some semi personal scenes with, they just leave and when it is all of them it just strictly work. 

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Maybe this will improve with next week but started to rewatch this episode and they always have everyone leave the room to give Olicity their cute moment which ends up cutting Felicity off from the others.

Felicity could have had a moment with Diggle when he got back from the first mission, except he blew right past her. Laurel walked by and ignored her too. She even looked over at them while they talked to each other in their own little table, literally, while she went back to sit at her computers. 

Edited by lemotomato
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Instead of combining their coupling scenes (sometimes) with adding the others to give some semi personal scenes with, they just leave and when it is all of them it just strictly work.

That's not anything new though? O/F have had scenes alone in the lair since the first season. It's just that now more people are leaving to make it happen.

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