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S04.E01: Green Arrow

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I think he said it because she picked all forty pounds of him up off the floor? 

Out of curiosity why 40lbs? Was it just a random number? I had an entry level job at a hospital and it was a job requirement to prove I can pick up 40lbs. It think it is also a requirement for UPS/FedEx - so are you suggesting that perhaps BC is looking for a new job? Because I really don't think 40lbs is all that much to lift and certainly not enough to explain the ridiculousness of that dumb line. :) I didn't even mind the wink if they were going for cheesy/corny - but really the best they could do was you're so strong? I kid should have said nothing. Maybe start with you're so and then BC does a "shh" with her finger along with wink before she starts fighting again.


So...the ring is going to stay out in the open or...?

I'm so tired of people crapping on Oliver. Made me wish he and Felicity could go back to Bob and Carol (what were their names?) and live out their domesticity. But alas, happy wife happy life.

Yeah, what was with OQ's secret hiding spot. That's got to be the worse hiding spot. I don't even understand what the writers or OQ were planning with that move.


Seriously, Bob & Carol are every TV shows fake or substitute suburban couple's name. IRL - I've met a lot of Bobs, but I've yet to meet a lot of Carols.


People really need to stop crapping on OQ, it's just getting a little old. Which leads me to agree with :


Charlie Brown is really OQ's spirit animal. This guy can never win.

At least CB got some love some of the time by the end of the episode/movie. But he writers are definitely his Lucy.


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Yeah, Dig was stewing and lashed out. And it's taken me way too long to figure out this is pretty much the same accusation that Felicity hurled at Oliver last year in Sara. It felt wrong then too since if there is one truth about Oliver it's that he feels too much. And now I'm thinking that this is a sign of Dig and Felicity both knowing him and knowing where to hit him to make it really hurt.


I can't really view Felicity's comment as being that premeditated. She lashed out at Oliver after he accused her of being too emotional about Sara's death to do her job. Combined with his outward lack of emotion about someone he professed to love, everything she said to him made sense to me, in context.  There's no context in which Diggle accusing Oliver of not being able to trust or love makes sense to me. There are a lot of things Diggle rightly could have called him out for, the ones he chose just felt false. Even still, I think he was venting his actual feelings in the moment and not intentionally trying to hurt Oliver.

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I can't really view Felicity's comment as being that premeditated. She lashed out at Oliver after he accused her of being too emotional about Sara's death to do her job. Combined with his outward lack of emotion about someone he professed to love, everything she said to him made sense to me, in context.  There's no context in which Diggle accusing Oliver of not being able to trust or love makes sense to me. There are a lot of things Diggle rightly could have called him out for, the ones he chose just felt false. Even still, I think he was venting his actual feelings in the moment and not intentionally trying to hurt Oliver.

As the leader Oliver couldn't afford to wallow in grief he had to stay focused and he explained that to Felcity. So what she said was still uncalled for. I wish that some of them end up having to make some of the choices Oliver has to make.

Edited by mommalib
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As the leader Oliver couldn't afford to wallow in grief he had to stay focused and he explained that to Felcity. So what she said was still uncalled for.

And she apologized for it? Like...what is the big deal? Everyone says hateful things in the heat of the moment. Oliver's snapped at her a fair amount of times, too.

Edited by apinknightmare
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The 'bones' line from Laurel bugged me. It was already awkward and then they went and had Waller repeat it. I can't figure out what they were trying to say with that.  

Someone in the writers room really loves that "In my bones". Its just weird no matter who uses it.

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If Laurel had just said it I probably would have just rolled my eyes. An attempt to remind people that Laurel and Oliver are supposed to be friends. Awkward, but whatever. But then they had Waller repeat the line a couple mins later so I thought we were supposed to pay attention. After much thought, I think it was just the must clunky segue ever. Waller's line was the important one. They were highlighting the 'darkness' in Oliver (so that Felicity/Oliver could later refute this). I wonder if the line for Waller was written and someone on the staff thought it would be an easy throwback. 

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Just like a mere mention of Walter made me almost clap. Yay, Walter. Now come back for real. Oliver, call him up for an intervention with Thea. I'm so afraid he's gonna call Malcolm when Walter is a) local, and b) clearly the best of Thea's three dad by a ridiculously wide margin.

Loved the Walter mention. Really wish he could be back to help FS with the whole CEO thing. Also just because it could be anyone, I'm gonna add Walter Steele as another potential out of the box dead in 6mo contender for a twist that does not jeopardize losing any main cast members. Like Roy, he would be a gotcha. Have no idea why BA would show up. But hey who knows we these writers.

Edited by kismet
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it's even clearer when you compare it to his one attempt to be Flashback Arrow - comparing that scene to the new suit scenes it looks like Oliver gained about fifty pounds after moving to the suburbs. Except we know they were filmed at the same time, and it's the suit making him look bulky and awkward.

Maybe its part of their new disguise the GA can't be OQ. OQ is not chubby enough to be the GA. I get they wanted to make it closer to the comics, but I think they missed the mark.


But yeah, I'm on the not feeling the new GA outfit. But at least I don't hate it like the Helmet, which makes Dig seem a few weeks too early for Halloween.

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I think everyone is putting too much relevance on Barry being in the flash forward scene. He was there purely so Oliver could tell him (the audience) what he planned to do. And seeing as no one else from Arrow could be next to him because they're trying to keep suspense going, they chose Barry.

Like I don't see Barry being there or his lack of emotion as some kind of indication whose funeral it is.

Edited by Guest
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I posted this in some other thread, but I feel like once we know who died, that funeral scene is going to seem stupid (not enough emotion for who it is, or maybe too much. People missing because they couldn't be around in order to not give away the identity of the dead person, etc.)

Edited by apinknightmare
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Oliver did say that he wanted to be alone when Barry showed up. So it seems like the rest of the team honored his wishes and let him have some private time.


I was watching a review of the episode and someone brought up a good point about Diggles anger towards Oliver, it might have already been brought up but Diggle has all this pent up anger towards Oliver that he was not able to release during these past 6 months. Oliver just left with Felicity and was living his life, the two had no contact so the wound is still very fresh for Diggle. Had Oliver stayed, the two probably would've been in a better place by now.

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I think it all depends on if the show runners are being honest about them not knowing about the death. They filmed the scene only within the last few weeks. It could have just been a filming schedule thing or they only recently worked out who was the victim and wrote in that scene. 

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I think it all depends on if the show runners are being honest about them not knowing about the death. They filmed the scene only within the last few weeks. It could have just been a filming schedule thing or they only recently worked out who was the victim and wrote in that scene.

The scene has been in the script since SDCC. The cast mentioned it in the TV Line interview, said it was "haunting" and "needed tissues". Don't know why they only recently filmed it, whether to keep it a secret or just to fit with GG's schedule.

Edited by lemotomato
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I don't think the haunting scene that they referenced in SDCC was the gravesite scene. It's only my personal speculation, but I think that scene was an add-on. I think it probably has to do with LoT if I'm being analytical because it would make sense since LoT writers room seemed to get a later start that they decided to set something up in 401 and that is why Barry has to be there too. If it was just an ARROW character, Barry wouldn't be there.


I feel like the haunting scene was supposed to be when DD gets all Bloody in the closet and its revealed that QL willingly joined the dark side.

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Yeah, what was with OQ's secret hiding spot. That's got to be the worse hiding spot. I don't even understand what the writers or OQ were planning with that move.

Seriously, Bob & Carol are every TV shows fake or substitute suburban couple's name. IRL - I've met a lot of Bobs, but I've yet to meet a lot of Carols.

Oh, I think the bowl is not a real hiding place, but a "hiding place" much like the souffle. It's like Oliver chickened out of asking her directly and he just figured he'd wait for her to stumble upon it and then quikly drop to his knee.

Loved the Walter mention. Really wish he could be back to help FS with the whole CEO thing. Also just because it could be anyone, I'm gonna add Walter Steele as another potential out of the box dead in 6mo contender for a twist that does not jeopardize losing any main cast members. Like Roy, he would be a gotcha. Have no idea why BA would show up. But hey who knows we these writers.

My eye just twitched. Because Oliver's reaction would make sense then. And I'm now torn between my first reaction of noooo, not Walter, and quite frankly, but then Walter would have to be around a lot this season for this to have an impact and I might like that, hmmm. I feel disturbingly calculated.

ETA: The wife from the suburbs is called Laura. I don't remember hearing the husband's first name, just their last - Hoffman.

Edited by bijoux
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I'm pretty sure it was the gravesite scene they were referring to. PB said it haunts the rest of the season, which that certainly will considering we don't know who died.



At 3:35, JB talks about reading the premiere script, and comments "First episode... it's a... bring your tissues, bring everything."

Ok, you guys have produced evidence. I honestly don't even care. (Not trying to be offensive to you, the cast hyped a pretty lame emotional moment then). I enjoyed it because it is a mystery, and I like mysteries that need to be solved on TV shows, esp if they give me a time frame to piece the puzzle pieces together. But, I definitely don't feel haunted. I didn't even eyeball the room for a tissue box. I tweeted and asked Who Died? I have made lengthier tweets about OQ's wigs. IDK if that says more about me or them, but somehow after all of the teary deaths that I have suffered through on ARROW - an unidentified gravestone with 2 actors barely emoting anything doesn't quite do it for me.


I can however attest that if I was an actor and I was given a script that has an unidentified dead character (likely main cast) would haunt me & make me wonder if I still had a job. It would be haunting to wonder if I was going to still be employed in 6mo. Especially considering they have gone on record that they are not in the habit of resurrecting the dead on ARROW anymore. I'd be wondering if I'd be having too much free time to grab some drinks with CH, CD & ST.

Edited by kismet
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Olicity is adorable- but I worry there will trust issues with FS keeping secrets. And that concerns moving fwd since this is the 2nd relationship we've seen FS not be openly honest in. I could accept it with RP, I didn't expect it with OQ. I know he's not 100% honest, but he lies about his past not his present & to me that is a big warning sign.


In one of the interviews MG gave after the episode, he talks about using the engagement ring to show where Oliver and Felicity's relationship was.  Putting the proposal on hold also was to show that there was a change.  I think the change specifically was Oliver thinking they were completely on the same page in regards to loving life in suburbia.  I believe Oliver when he says he's not mad she lied, but I do think he was hurt that what he thought about them being in the same place wasn't true and that's I think why the ring went away.  He's not less in love but all that absolute certainty and fearlessness about the future was shaken. 


Felicity told him she loved every moment with him wherever they were and again, I think Oliver believes her, but does he believe he's still good enough for her if he's afraid of being sucked back into the darkness?   I think he needs to find his balance again, faith in himself.  I also hope he eventually figures out that even with the future no longer written (suburbia, kids, brunch, rinse repeat) any future as long as he and Felicity are together is his happily every after.     

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Oh, I think the bowl is not a real hiding place, but a "hiding place" much like the souffle. It's like Oliver chickened out of asking her directly and he just figured he'd wait for her to stumble upon it and then quikly drop to his knee.


I don't know.  Hiding a real diamond among glass seems symbolic somehow.  Not sure of what but there's something there.  My first thought was that it looked like he was putting it in a bowl of ice, like the engagement was put on ice - suspended for now. 

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Did anyone else think that it seemed like SA was struggling to keep a straight face during their discussion about her helping the team? Maybe it's just me, but the whole time it seemed like he was really fighting to keep the grin off his face.

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Did anyone else think that it seemed like SA was struggling to keep a straight face during their discussion about her helping the team? Maybe it's just me, but the whole time it seemed like he was really fighting to keep the grin off his face.

Yeah, but I didn't see it as just SA, but Oliver as well. Like he's so amused by her and even himself (right, Oliver, you thought she suddenly developed Barry's level of being late for things? Chump.) even at that moment that he couldn't help himself.

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Yeah, but I didn't see it as just SA, but Oliver as well. Like he's so amused by her and even himself (right, Oliver, you thought she suddenly developed Barry's level of being late for things? Chump.) even at that moment that he couldn't help himself.

It was partially an of course she was helping, how did I miss that and also I think a touch of SA being greatly amused as well, but he made it work, IMO. 

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It kind of threw me off, tbh. I couldn't really tell how I was supposed to read the scene. It was hard to take Oliver's frustration seriously when SA kept looking like he was about to crack up. I mean, the dialogue said Oliver was frustrated, but SA's face was telling another story.

Edited by Starfish35
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The scene reminded me a lot of the BTS interactions between SA and EBR, kind of banter-y and joke-y. SA did say that this season's lighter Oliver reflects more of his real-life personality, and I think that's what we saw there.

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The scene reminded me a lot of the BTS interactions between SA and EBR, kind of banter-y and joke-y. SA did say that this season's lighter Oliver reflects more of his real-life personality, and I think that's what we saw there.

This is what concerns me from time to time. I feel I will miss my old emotionally damaged OQ. I should be happy he found balance and love. But I'm not sure I can handle a OQ that reflects SA too much on a regular basis. Although it will be funny if OQ starts to go on social media and chaos ensues for good & bad.


In general I think SA is a cool guy that sometimes puts his foot in his mouth. He's your typical guy's guy which is great if we were getting a beer or watching the game. Seems like a good guy to be friends with, but not someone out night after night vigilanting. Sorry, I just can't buy that. I'm not sure how much I can invest in 23hrs of watching SA cosplay his superhero dreams. I hope he can bring a little more depth & gravitas to OQ and still keep a lighter tone. I also need his voice to not be so high & pitchy.

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This is what concerns me from time to time. I feel I will miss my old emotionally damaged OQ. I should be happy he found balance and love. But I'm not sure I can handle a OQ that reflects SA too much on a regular basis. Although it will be funny if OQ starts to go on social media and chaos ensues for good & bad.


In general I think SA is a cool guy that sometimes puts his foot in his mouth. He's your typical guy's guy which is great if we were getting a beer or watching the game. Seems like a good guy to be friends with, but not someone out night after night vigilanting. Sorry, I just can't buy that. I'm not sure how much I can invest in 23hrs of watching SA cosplay his superhero dreams. I hope he can bring a little more depth & gravitas to OQ and still keep a lighter tone. I also need his voice to not be so high & pitchy.


I am laughing so hard at the image of Oliver on social media. Though he might join some cooking forums if he can't reach Laura Hoffman to exchange any new recipes.


Seeing as Waller screwed him over again, there will be plenty of dark Oliver in the flashbacks. And being back vigilantiing will surely tone down the current happy as a clam state.


I forgot about one part of the fight that was really great (like every other part) and it was Felicity's "Kay" to Oliver saying he was going over the past 5 months. Like, fair enough.


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I also need his voice to not be so high & pitchy.


His voice was bothering me a lot this episode. It's the "Ollie" voice which I think is closer to SA's actual voice. I don't know why, but it always seems insincere (I can't think of a better way to describe it) when he uses it on the show. In his Facebook videos, it doesn't really bother me. But on the show I guess I associate "Ollie" and the "Ollie" voice with being a cheating, sister-swapping asshat, so I don't like it at all.

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I wonder if it's a post-prod budget issue. It probably costs money to modulate their voices, and they just don't care enough to spend that cash. They probably keep doing it for Oliver because they always have. Or maybe Stephen's able to do some of that with his own voice, although this ep he sounded like he was being interviewed on the news anonymously.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I feel its probably a budget thing... because IRL they would probably have voice modulators or at least pitch their voice differently.


I feel like the show should run a disclaimer ~ if we had a larger budget we would do x, y, and z. Similar to how the Law & Orders run one about seeming too close to characters depicting real life. Or they could just run it at the end with credits like they do with whole "no animals were hurt during the filming"

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that funeral scene is going to seem stupid


I know what you're saying, because it's open ended and they aren't going to address this until April, in hindsight it will make even less sense,  but it ALREADY seems stupid when I don't know who died. It was terrible, cheap, weak, lazy scene and The Vampire Diaries just pulled a flash forward and it did everything right with that one, but TVD doesn't like to play games with "information" and just goes balls to the wall with payoff, even when the show is bad it's really good at that aspect of storytelling. Everything about that grave scene felt like an afterthought. 

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I liked the 'lighter' tone of the Oliver/Felicity fight (which doesn't really seem like a fight so much as a discussion). They were probably trying to keep that interaction as far away as possible from the angsty-angst of last season and didn't want to give the viewer any impression Felicity and Oliver were on the verge of splitting.

There was a moment later on in the episode, after Oliver gets crap-talked by everyone, where Felicity asks if he was worried he'd forgotten how to make his broody face and you can see Oliver lighten up just slightly. I like that he's finally at a point where he's able to snap out of those broody/self-flagellation moods a little and that Felicity seems to be able to help with that.

After re-watching, I actually got the impression Oliver decided to suit up again more for Felicity than himself. That makes more sense to me because I didn't really see a moment where Oliver suddenly found a new sense-of-purpose. I mean, we see the big speech he made but, as a viewer, I never felt like we got why he accepted the hood again. He tells Felicity that he did miss some aspects of Arrow life, but I didn't get the impression he missed it more than he loved his new slowcooker. Hopefully we'll see him re-discover the hero in his bones (lol) over the next stretch of episodes. Maybe that is ultimately what grave-side Oliver meant when he talked about his responsibility?

I am actually really okay if that is part of his journey this season, although as with pretty much everything else on this show I wish the writers had given it more time. It would've been more meaningful if he found that sense-of-purpose and then suited up again, but I'll take whatever tiny character crumbs I can get these days.

Also, I find it funny that given all the action stuff in the premiere the fight everyone seems to be talking about is the Oliver/Felicity one.

Edited by GirlvsTV
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Eh, since I 100% don't believe the person in that grave is Felicity or Thea and I'm 95% sure it isn't Diggle, while I think it will be interesting to see it play out - I don't think I will be annoyed or pissed about the Flash Forward when it's all said and done.  I mean, yes I totally think they are trolling us in their own way, but it kind of makes me laugh more than anything else.


Oh yea, I'm also fairly positive it isn't Laurel.  Besides the fact that they really do seem to want to keep the GA/BC team up going even without the romance, Laurel's character could easily go into reoccurring status and pop up on any of the shows - kind of like Roy.  I don't think they would kill her - or Roy - off when keeping them alive lets them bring in those characters for big super hero team up sweeps type episodes.  So even in KC wanted to go do other stuff, I think they'd keep their options open with her rather than killing her.


And let's face it, I think they realized they made a HUGE mistake killing off Sara and while Laurel might not be as popular (especially around these parts), why piss off any fandom and have to backtrack when they can just say that Laurel has gone off with Helena and formed up a group named after some birds or something like that? 


By the way, is it wrong that now that they are introducing multiple worlds on Flash that I really - like really, really - want to see Helena Wayne find her way over to our Earth and do a team up with Laurel, Felicity, and Thea?  Yea, yea I know the show is named Arrow, but throw a girl a bone - my BoP show only lasted 13 episodes - I need a fix. :)

Oh yea and I like light, smiley, fluffy Oliver - now someone infuse him with some smartass snark and let the wisecracking begin. :)

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I'm taking a step back from the show and from this forum (not quitting, just reducing time spent). 


I loved this episode - up until the last 2 minutes.  That last, gravesite scene killed much of my enthusiasm for this season.  I was genuinely upset, which made me realize how attached I've become to fictional characters on a fictional TV show.


Either it was a deliberate mislead (making us think Felicity is going to die), or it was a massive spoiler disguised as a mislead (Felicity is actually going to die).  Either way, it's the Sword of Damocles hanging over the next six months. Either way, I don't know if I want to ride the emotional rollercoaster train into possible heartbreak in April.


I resent like hell TIIC for using such a cheap, manipulative plot device to make me feel this way about one of my fave shows.  If Felicity dies, I'm done with the show.

Edited by tv echo
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I know what you're saying, because it's open ended and they aren't going to address this until April, in hindsight it will make even less sense,  but it ALREADY seems stupid when I don't know who died. It was terrible, cheap, weak, lazy scene and The Vampire Diaries just pulled a flash forward and it did everything right with that one, but TVD doesn't like to play games with "information" and just goes balls to the wall with payoff, even when the show is bad it's really good at that aspect of storytelling. Everything about that grave scene felt like an afterthought. 


I almost want to go back to watching TVD, just to compare and contrast how the two shows deal with flash-forwards.


I think I just figured out what's bugging me about Arrow's flash-forward: it's not a "mystery", in the sense that they can give clues, or hints, or build any kind of sense of investigation into the audience. The grave scene is not really part of the narrative, it's there only to speak directly to the audience. Any and all clues or hints for the next ~20 episodes are gonna be red herrings, for the simple reason that NOBODY HAS DIED. How can the audience solve a murder that hasn't happened yet?


And when I add that to the fact that their Sara whodunit last season had more holes than Swiss cheese... I'm afraid that they will add "clues" to every single episode, and those clues will feel exactly the same as the grave scene: completely external to the narrative, unintentional breach of fourth wall, talking directly to the viewer for kicks, instead of motivated by characters, or by the story arc itself. Yuck.


At least watch some How to Get Away With Murder, Guggie.

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Out of curiosity why 40lbs? Was it just a random number? I had an entry level job at a hospital and it was a job requirement to prove I can pick up 40lbs. It think it is also a requirement for UPS/FedEx - so are you suggesting that perhaps BC is looking for a new job? Because I really don't think 40lbs is all that much to lift and certainly not enough to explain the ridiculousness of that dumb line. :) I didn't even mind the wink if they were going for cheesy/corny - but really the best they could do was you're so strong? I kid should have said nothing. Maybe start with you're so and then BC does a "shh" with her finger along with wink before she starts fighting again.


It does seem ridiculously low. Postal workers have to be able to dead-lift 70lbs to be hired while UPS drivers carry parcels over the USPS mailing limits

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Ok, you guys have produced evidence. I honestly don't even care. (Not trying to be offensive to you, the cast hyped a pretty lame emotional moment then). I enjoyed it because it is a mystery, and I like mysteries that need to be solved on TV shows, esp if they give me a time frame to piece the puzzle pieces together. But, I definitely don't feel haunted. I didn't even eyeball the room for a tissue box. I tweeted and asked Who Died? I have made lengthier tweets about OQ's wigs. IDK if that says more about me or them, but somehow after all of the teary deaths that I have suffered through on ARROW - an unidentified gravestone with 2 actors barely emoting anything doesn't quite do it for me.

For anyone who has a clue how tv works (at least outside HBO), massive overhype.  

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His voice was bothering me a lot this episode. It's the "Ollie" voice which I think is closer to SA's actual voice. I don't know why, but it always seems insincere (I can't think of a better way to describe it) when he uses it on the show. In his Facebook videos, it doesn't really bother me. But on the show I guess I associate "Ollie" and the "Ollie" voice with being a cheating, sister-swapping asshat, so I don't like it at all.

I don't know about it seeming insincere to me, but otherwise I agree. That was bugging me as well. I was like "oh no, don't tell me that just because Oliver is happier, we have to have Ollie voice. " I guess it's because of the persona I associate with the two voices. "Oliver" is a badass. "Ollie" is a kid who can't be taken seriously. It's not a huge deal to me, but I think it was one of the things that was throwing this episode off a little for me.

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