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S10.E18: Satan Loves Confusion

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Brooks didn't "miss a few payments". He was arrested twice and owed over $40,000 to two different women. Sounds like arresting him was the correct thing to do because suddenly he was able to come up the dough. Regarding thoughts on whether or not paying/not paying child support is a critical factor in determining whether or not a guy is a total and complete worthless piece of shit, Vicki was certainly of the feeling that it was THE critical factor when the topic was Slade.

I had no idea what Brooks situation was and to be honest I didn't really care because of my insight on how the system works I can't be bothered since there are so many different wheels turning with that whole debacle of a system. Not saying that isn't a completely reasonable gage to use for some people just not for me. I know how sticky it is and again I'm not defending Brooks I just don't respect that system enough to give it relevance. But that's just my bias on the system and how exaggerated it can really become. It's a very easy system to manipulate and it really isn't a father friendly process that's misused rather often. It's meant to aid children recieve the financial support they need and deserve not be used as a boxing ring for parents to inflict revenge.

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Seriously?  Ok, I'm not gonna take the bait.  Not worth another 2,500 word essay on why Brooks (and all grifters) are A-ok! 

I just don't think he's all the sinister. It just makes me chuckle the level of stress this man invokes. And I'm over here like kermit and his tea. :-)

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Given her "WORK!" boner, I find it hard to believe Vicki would be with/support a man who's not employed in some manner.

Also, Brooks's relationship with at least one of his exes couldn't have been all that shitty, if said ex cared enough to give him a heads up about Meghan's dirty work. Just sayin'.

Work boner!

L O L !

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He, Brooks, denied saying anything at first. He only admitted to it during the reunion when Briana offered to play the recording there and then. That was when he apologized and only then.I have no idea if Ryan eventually apologized to Judy after getting help, I hope that he did and shame on him if he didn't.

Where on earth do you get your info? The tape was conveniently leaked (by guess who) before the reunion. Brooks graciously apologized (even though it was not a serious comment) and Brianna acted like a fucking bitch. She didn't even bother to hear what he actually said. Brooks, however did not receive an apology for being baited and privately taped. In all the time Brianna and Ryan were around Brooks, that was the best they could come up with. And yes, they were a rounds Brooks a lot in the beginning.

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Ryan did not threaten Judy. He called her names, told her to leave and yelled, nothing more. This also happened before he was diagnosed with PTSD and got help. What is Brooks excuse? If some can forgive Brooks telling Ryan to beat Briana because he was drunk, why not forgive Ryan for getting mad at Judy because he was also drunk? JS

"I'll throw you out if you dont get your FUCKING feet off my couch. I ain't fucking around. I don't care how drunk you are,I'll throw your ass out. I'll throw you out right now, don't say I won't. You want to leave? It'll happen like that!"

That is violent threatening behavior.

Conveniently, he diagnosed himself with PTSD after he got a bunch of shit from the Marines for representing the military so poorly on camera. You can Google Ryan Culberson disapproval Marines.

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Correction: I just looked up the term grifter and apparently the definition has "to swindle and cheat" however they also associate it with drifter, vagabond, and that's more along the lines of how I was describing Brooks. Those are the more harmless angles I find to be the case.

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Where on earth do you get your info? The tape was conveniently leaked (by guess who) before the reunion. Brooks graciously apologized (even though it was not a serious comment) and Brianna acted like a fucking bitch. She didn't even bother to hear what he actually said. Brooks, however did not receive an apology for being baited and privately taped. In all the time Brianna and Ryan were around Brooks, that was the best they could come up with. And yes, they were a rounds Brooks a lot in the beginning.

I have no doubt that Briana and Ryan "leaked" the recording but Brooks did not apologize until after he first denied saying it and was confronted at the reunion. IMO, NO ONE baited Brooks into saying anything, NO ONE.


"I'll throw you out if you dont get your FUCKING feet off my couch. I ain't fucking around. I don't care how drunk you are,I'll throw your ass out. I'll throw you out right now, don't say I won't. You want to leave? It'll happen like that!"

That is violent threatening behavior.

Conveniently, he diagnosed himself with PTSD after he got a bunch of shit from the Marines for representing the military so poorly on camera. You can Google Ryan Culberson disapproval Marines.

Was Ryan out of control? YES, he was. No way around that fack but he did not lay his hands on Judy nor did he suggest that someone else should. So, you really think his diagnosis is nothing more than "convient"? That all the signs he was displaying, the paranoia, the OTT reactions, the rigidness was all natural to him before he went into combat? What evidence or source do you have to show this was nothing more than a convient diagnosis?


That whole season, Ryan, IMO, displayed classic symptoms of PTSD and I said so then, even before he went overboard on Judy. Yes, he not only embarrassed his wife, MIL and himself but also the Marine Corp. BUT, he got help, and I hope he is still getting help with PTSD and I am willing to give him the benifit of doubt until we hear/see otherwise.


YMMV and at this point, for me, it is not worth arguing/fighting about.

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unless he went into her purse stole her bank account information and started really pilfering all of Vicki's life savings I really don't get why it's a big deal. Will I allow myself to be manipulated like that? Ummmm, no. Will I rationalize and decide there's something to be gained by picking up the tab for the guy I'm seeing so that I can keep him close? Maybe. I mean we all make decisions and my thing is that if Brooks were taking advantage of a VERY vulnerable, impaired, or ill woman coaxing her to do very risky financial decisions, swaying her funds in his favor etc. etc. then yeah THOSE sort of disgusting men get my con man juices flowing but a woman like Vicki? Capable and at the worst needy? This is a mutual relationship and Brooks reaps the financial benefits of it as well as Vicki reaping the benefits he offers her. Who cares what the negotiables are in their relationship. Everyone has to dodge stuff in their relationships. Less than 100% honesty. A little shadiness here and there. Of course Im saying all this minus the Cancer details but people have been giving this man a bad rap for years and I still don't see what the fuck makes him a con man? He's charming and he gets involved with women. And? Does he clean out their bank accounts and disappears into the night? Does he steal their identities and sell them to people? I just hate this whole con man label. There are real con men out there. The one's that dupe little old couples out of their retirements and life savings. One's that create seperate lives and have two families that know nothing about each other. Men that fuck over people who are deemed legally incompetent and therefore have power of attorneys take over their financial decisions.



This is my take on it as well. Vicki is a bottomless pit of need, and if he fills it (ew), then good for both of them.


Brianna and Ryan need to get over it. They take joy in insulting Brooks and degrading their mother/MIL's relationship. If Vicki's happy and not being robbed blind or abused, then shut the fuck up.


Also, I thought Ryan was really rude with his comments to Vicki at the dinner and she managed to hold back - why can't he?


The tape was conveniently leaked (by guess who) before the reunion. Brooks graciously apologized (even though it was not a serious comment) and Brianna acted like a fucking bitch. She didn't even bother to hear what he actually said. Brooks, however did not receive an apology for being baited and privately taped. In all the time Brianna and Ryan were around Brooks, that was the best they could come up with. And yes, they were a rounds Brooks a lot in the beginning.



Brooks (and Vicki) are the only two with legitimate reason for hard feelings here.


Not to mention, production would *love* to get footage of Brooks doing or saying something horrible these past few years. And they haven't. So what does that say?

Edited by missy jo
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For anyone who is curious about Ryan Culberson's "convenient" self diagnosis. It came days after the incident AIRED, not after it HAPPENED! That's really damn convenient, no, really damn contrived. The Military was publicly embarrassed at his behavior. Google it and choose your source, there are many including marinecorpstimes.com

Edited by freeradical
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For anyone who is curious about Ryan Culberson's "convenient" self diagnosis.


Did Heather shave down her chin? She definitely has lost the Madame the Puppet look lately.

Heather said she hasn't had plastic surgery.

I think she said this recently.

Edited by Scrambled Fog
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For anyone who is curious about Ryan Culberson's "convenient" self diagnosis. It came days after the incident AIRED, not after it HAPPENED! That's really damn convenient, no, really damn contrived. The Military was publicly embarrassed at his behavior. Google it and choose your source, there are many including marinecorpstimes.com

He admitted to it AFTER he came back from his 4th tour of duty in Afghanistan, which happened after the episode aired.

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I don't recall Ryan ever blaming PTSD for the incident nor did he apologize to either Lydia or Judy.  He just gave a blanket statement that he embarrassed himself and there was more behind the scenes that would exonerate him(the more that made him look worse and a big liar).  Briana continued to posture for him at the Reunion saying she would not say anything about her husband because he was deployed.  I don't really think it is fair to assume he reacted that way due to PTSD as he has not laid claim to it and Briana both claimed he was somehow justified.  I would prefer for Ryan to make his own excuses.

Edited by zoeysmom
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He admitted to it AFTER he came back from his 4th tour of duty in Afghanistan, which happened after the episode aired.

It's cool, agree to disagree and all that. It is common knowledge and he admitted himself he was harshly criticized for the treatment of Judy after OC aired. Even the military times said that's what initiated the five day PTSD vacation. He also said he had been experiencing symptoms for a long time and it was time he finally faced it. So why deal with it right after his display on t.v.? Not after the first, second, or third tour? Or his domestic violence charge? Seems like it wasn't an emergent issue for him until he embarrassed himself. IMO

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So  Meghan tweeted the following to Brooks:  (They are her ALL CAPS)


THE BINDER WITH TABS DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING IN IT BC YOU R FAKING CANCER. And I don't care ab your cancer BC because U don't have it.


Meghan might want to know or at least the neighbors who put up a cow sign and  flamingos in her yard the black ones aren't cows they are skeleton flamingos for Halloween.




That Jimmy married himself a genius.

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I don't recall Ryan ever blaming PTSD for the incident nor did he apologize to either Lydia or Judy. He just gave a blanket statement that he embarrassed himself and there was more behind the scenes that would exonerate him(the more that made him look worse and a big liar). Briana continued to posture for him at the Reunion saying she would not say anything about her husband because he was deployed. I don't really think it is fair to assume he reacted that way due to PTSD as he has not laid claim to it and Briana both claimed he was somehow justified. I would prefer for Ryan to make his own excuses.


I have no idea if he has PTSD, imo it doesn't matter because according to both Brianna and Ryan he was justified. They have claimed we didn't know the whole story.

If you watch the clip Lydia's mother never swore or even raised her voice at him. Is it possible that their is a video or a recording that tells another story and it would vindicate Ryan? Maybe? My question again is why in the hell would Ryan agree to continue to appear on a show that made him out to be a complete lunatic? If they had proof that Judy was deserving in the verbal lashing. All very curious to me.

Anyway, if Ryan is to be believed and he was in the right to scream and threaten a woman, why is PTSD being used to defend him?

I should just stop commenting on this, but watching that clip brought back how horrified I was by Ryan's behavior. It really disgusted me how he spoke to everyone, not just Judy.

Edited by imjagain
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It's cool, agree to disagree and all that. It is common knowledge and he admitted himself he was harshly criticized for the treatment of Judy after OC aired. Even the military times said that's what initiated the five day PTSD vacation. He also said he had been experiencing symptoms for a long time and it was time he finally faced it. So why deal with it right after his display on t.v.? Not after the first, second, or third tour? Or his domestic violence charge? Seems like it wasn't an emergent issue for him until he embarrassed himself. IMO

I don't know why he waited. Maybe he thought he could control it/himself, many do and that is how things get out of control. Maybe he didn't think he was as bad as he really was and then finially seeing it on film helped him face some hard cold facts about himself and his lack of control. What ever it was that finally made him seek help happened and I am willing to give him another chance because of that help. Now if he slips up again, then all support is done but until then, here we are.

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So Meghan tweeted the following to Brooks: (They are her ALL CAPS)

THE BINDER WITH TABS DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING IN IT BC YOU R FAKING CANCER. And I don't care ab your cancer BC because U don't have it.

Meghan might want to know or at least the neighbors who put up a cow sign and flamingos in her yard the black ones aren't cows they are skeleton flamingos for Halloween.


That Jimmy married himself a genius.


Meghan is beautiful in her stupidity.

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I don't know why he waited. Maybe he thought he could control it/himself, many do and that is how things get out of control. Maybe he didn't think he was as bad as he really was and then finially seeing it on film helped him face some hard cold facts about himself and his lack of control. What ever it was that finally made him seek help happened and I am willing to give him another chance because of that help. Now if he slips up again, then all support is done but until then, here we are.

I see where you're going with that. Fair enough. Clearly, I don't know him so I don't know why he waited either. I don't care for the behavior I saw one bit regarding the party.

BTW I hate to be the one to "agree to disagree" but it's kinda the rules to end the back and forth. Sorry.

Next time we disagree, you beat me to it! :-)

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Brianna was so at fault for taking Ryan's side the way she did. She would have done better to say nothing. She has options; she does not need to stay with him if she is afraid of him. She and her kids could live in luxury in the OC any old time and put up with a different type of sociopathy.

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So  Meghan tweeted the following to Brooks:  (They are her ALL CAPS)


THE BINDER WITH TABS DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING IN IT BC YOU R FAKING CANCER. And I don't care ab your cancer BC because U don't have it.


Meghan might want to know or at least the neighbors who put up a cow sign and  flamingos in her yard the black ones aren't cows they are skeleton flamingos for Halloween.




That Jimmy married himself a genius.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding but that's not Meg's house.  This is Meg's house that they recently purchased:


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Ryan Culberson Blames RHOC Blowup On Bravo’s Editing, Vicki Gunvalson Speaks Out About His Behavior

August 9, 2013 AllThingsRH

Ryan Culberson has been under fire from his recent behavior on the season finale of The Real Housewives of Orange County. Culberson attacked Lydia McLaughlin’s mother, Judy, calling her a bitch and screaming obscenities at her for putting her feet on the couch. Ryan is currently deployed in Afghanistan and is doing his fourth tour in the Marine Corps. He hasn’t been able to defend himself, but he is now telling the Marine Times there was more to the story than what was shown, and is blaming editing for how he came across on television.

“There was so much more … that led up to that incident which they fail to include to make me look like the crazy Marine,” Culberson told Marine Corps Times via email. “It definitely was a crazy night and I cannot get over how the producers edited it.”

Ryan said he even contacted family lawyers to get the network to show a more realistic version of what happened. “But due to the contract, anything we say or do can be cut a represented they way they want,” Ryan says. “I said somethings in the heat of the moment that I wish I hadn’t. But if the true story had of been painted it would be a lot more justified.”

Vicki Gunvalson told the Marine Times that she wasn’t there to witness what really happened between Ryan and Judy Stirling. “What Ryan did tell me when the cameras were off is she was very rude and disrespectful to him when he asked her several times to remove her feet off my sofa and the red wine she was holding,” Vicki said. “Although I can’t defend or condone how he acted because I wasn’t there at the time, I do know Ryan is a very kind man but obviously was pushed to his limit with her.”

“…I think you just need to make sure you steer clear of any drama that would make you look bad or bring discredit on the Marine Corps,” Culberson said. “I think, unless it’s something positive, it’s just not a good idea. Putting anything negative out there is only going to create problems.”

Judy Stirling told the Friendly Dish that Bravo portrayed exactly what happened, saying, “I do not drink red wine. Never have. I had no drink in my hand. Ryan came into the room shouting the f-word at me a zillion times. He was so drunk. He needs anger management. I feel sorry for his family.”

LALATE reports that The Marine Corps are “urging that Bravo no longer feature Ryan in future RHOC seasons. They also urging USMC officials to formally reprimand Staff Sgt Culberson for his conduct on camera.”

Read more at: http://allthingsrh.com/ryan-culberson-blames-rhoc-blowup-on-bravos-editing-vicki-gunvalson-speaks-out-about-his-behavior/

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Ryan Culberson Blames RHOC Blowup On Bravo’s Editing, Vicki Gunvalson Speaks Out About His Behavior

August 9, 2013 AllThingsRH

Ryan Culberson has been under fire from his recent behavior on the season finale of The Real Housewives of Orange County. Culberson attacked Lydia McLaughlin’s mother, Judy, calling her a bitch and screaming obscenities at her for putting her feet on the couch. Ryan is currently deployed in Afghanistan and is doing his fourth tour in the Marine Corps. He hasn’t been able to defend himself, but he is now telling the Marine Times there was more to the story than what was shown, and is blaming editing for how he came across on television.

“There was so much more … that led up to that incident which they fail to include to make me look like the crazy Marine,” Culberson told Marine Corps Times via email. “It definitely was a crazy night and I cannot get over how the producers edited it.”

Ryan said he even contacted family lawyers to get the network to show a more realistic version of what happened. “But due to the contract, anything we say or do can be cut a represented they way they want,” Ryan says. “I said somethings in the heat of the moment that I wish I hadn’t. But if the true story had of been painted it would be a lot more justified.”

Vicki Gunvalson told the Marine Times that she wasn’t there to witness what really happened between Ryan and Judy Stirling. “What Ryan did tell me when the cameras were off is she was very rude and disrespectful to him when he asked her several times to remove her feet off my sofa and the red wine she was holding,” Vicki said. “Although I can’t defend or condone how he acted because I wasn’t there at the time, I do know Ryan is a very kind man but obviously was pushed to his limit with her.”

“…I think you just need to make sure you steer clear of any drama that would make you look bad or bring discredit on the Marine Corps,” Culberson said. “I think, unless it’s something positive, it’s just not a good idea. Putting anything negative out there is only going to create problems.”

Judy Stirling told the Friendly Dish that Bravo portrayed exactly what happened, saying, “I do not drink red wine. Never have. I had no drink in my hand. Ryan came into the room shouting the f-word at me a zillion times. He was so drunk. He needs anger management. I feel sorry for his family.”

LALATE reports that The Marine Corps are “urging that Bravo no longer feature Ryan in future RHOC seasons. They also urging USMC officials to formally reprimand Staff Sgt Culberson for his conduct on camera.”

Read more at: http://allthingsrh.com/ryan-culberson-blames-rhoc-blowup-on-bravos-editing-vicki-gunvalson-speaks-out-about-his-behavior/


He's so full of shit.  They were wearing their mics, it wasn't caught on film, just the mics.  I highly doubt productions said "Let's turn off their mics in the middle of this fight!"  We heard everything from start to finish.  Depending on which day it is, he claims he has the whole thing recorded on his phone.  Of course we have yet to see or hear what really happened that made his psychotic outburst justified, two years later, even though it's all on his phone!


Add lying liar who lies to Ryan's sparkling attributes.  Oh, and cheater too (he cheated on his wife with the girl who filed a restraining order against him, and was courting Briana via Facebook while still married and stalking the ex-GF).  Briana picked a winner!

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He's so full of shit. They were wearing their mics, it wasn't caught on film, just the mics. I highly doubt productions said "Let's turn off their mics in the middle of this fight!" We heard everything from start to finish. Depending on which day it is, he claims he has the whole thing recorded on his phone. Of course we have yet to see or hear what really happened that made his psychotic outburst justified, two years later, even though it's all on his phone!

Add lying liar who lies to Ryan's sparkling attributes. Oh, and cheater too (he cheated on his wife with the girl who filed a restraining order against him, and was courting Briana via Facebook while still married and stalking the ex-GF). Briana picked a winner!

Ryan = lies-kids-tell-parents-8.gif Edited by talula
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So Meghan tweeted the following to Brooks: (They are her ALL CAPS)

THE BINDER WITH TABS DOESNT HAVE ANYTHING IN IT BC YOU R FAKING CANCER. And I don't care ab your cancer BC because U don't have it.

Meghan might want to know or at least the neighbors who put up a cow sign and flamingos in her yard the black ones aren't cows they are skeleton flamingos for Halloween.


That Jimmy married himself a genius.


Is she being called a COW( as in the slang 'insult' mainly utilized in England)?

And, also, is her body being branded as SKELETAL with the physique of LONG NECKED flamingos?!


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Ryan Culberson Blames RHOC Blowup On Bravo’s Editing, Vicki Gunvalson Speaks Out About His Behavior

August 9, 2013 AllThingsRH

LALATE reports that The Marine Corps are “urging that Bravo no longer feature Ryan in future RHOC seasons. They also urging USMC officials to formally reprimand Staff Sgt Culberson for his conduct on camera.”


FYI, AllThingsRH misquoted lalate.  If you go to the actual lalate article, it said viewers who are also Marines were urging Bravo to stop featuring Ryan and urging the USMC to reprimand him.  Huge difference. 



Edited by Bella Roche
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Is she being called a COW( as in the slang 'insult' mainly utilized in England)?

And, also, is her body being branded as SKELETAL with the physique of LONG NECKED flamingos?!


I think those are on her neighbor's property, and the flamingos are just yard art with the skeletons being Halloween decorations, as ZOEYSMOM said.  As for the Cow sign, I have no idea.  But I doubt it is intended to insult anyone.  The combination of items look more whimsical than anything else (to me).

Edited by Bella Roche
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Wait a minute-----When did Ryan put up cameras to spy on Vicky? Really? I would, under no circumstances, allow my kids to dictate who I can date OR who I live with. You don't like my boyfriend? Tough. You put up cameras to spy on me? Get the fuck out......I don't understand putting up wiith that at all.


And for the love of all that's holy can we PLEASE stop referring to Lydias mom as elderly????? She's 60! She's not 96!!!! She's not even old enough to retire! I'm 57 and hardly think in 21/2 years Ill be "elderly" . Guess I better stop biking 48 blocks to work every day because I'm "to old" LOL

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Wait a minute-----When did Ryan put up cameras to spy on Vicky? Really? I would, under no circumstances, allow my kids to dictate who I can date OR who I live with. You don't like my boyfriend? Tough. You put up cameras to spy on me? Get the fuck out......I don't understand putting up wiith that at all.


And for the love of all that's holy can we PLEASE stop referring to Lydias mom as elderly????? She's 60! She's not 96!!!! She's not even old enough to retire! I'm 57 and hardly think in 21/2 years Ill be "elderly" . Guess I better stop biking 48 blocks to work every day because I'm "to old" LOL

There was a scene with Vicki arguing with SIL Ryan in the garage to take down the surveilance camera in her bedroom...I think. It was years ago.

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WOW...Don't know how I missed that little gem.......that guy has ISSUES

Absolutely, this is the side of his personality he wishes to share on national TV. He's a strange duck.

Edited by talula
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Eta cmon moms out there you know Vicki hates Ryan with the strength of a thousand suns. She is being smart by biding her time until the divorce.


I would cry if my daughter married a person like Ryan Culberson; his energy creeps me out!  But I think Vicki may have actually grown to like him.  To me, Vicki is old-fashioned (in spite of making her own money) and takes Ryan's controlling, stern behavior as a sign of "the man of the house" type crap.  So as crazy as it seems, I think she truly likes the guy and accepts him for who he is...

Sasha206, I LOVE what you said about Jesus being this year's fake baby for Tamra!  If she is faking this Christianity interest for a storyline, you really nailed it. 

And I think it was IvyGirl who titled this episode, "Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer"--HAHAHA, that's brilliant too!  So many hilarious comments...

I like Shannon, she's probably the only OC housewife I could see being a friend.  I'm surprised she's not angry with Heather for treating her so badly while knowing about the affair. She's very forgiving, and of course a little cuckoo which I enjoy!

I'm not a huge fan of Heather or Terry, but must admit they have a fabulous relationship.

Someone upthread wondered what Michael thinks of Brooks.  One of the episodes showed Vicki talking with Michael about Brianna's Brooks hatred, and Michael said he couldn't understand it because he thought Brooks was fine.  Not great, not horrible, but okay (unlike his sister).

One last thing, if I were Shannon I'd be angry about how Brooks and Vicki handled not going to "her" doctor.  It's a huge thing to ask a well known top doctor to see a friend right away.  Now I'm not saying Brooks HAD to go see that doc, but if you do have cancer and choose not to see the best in the field, that's odd.  The least they could have done was thank her profusely, and apologize (sincerely that is) for wasting her and the doc's time.  Not cool the way they handled it and I don't mean choosing not to go...

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I would cry if my daughter married a person like Ryan Culberson; his energy creeps me out! But I think Vicki may have actually grown to like him. To me, Vicki is old-fashioned (in spite of making her own money) and takes Ryan's controlling, stern behavior as a sign of "the man of the house" type crap. So as crazy as it seems, I think she truly likes the guy and accepts him for who he is...

Sasha206, I LOVE what you said about Jesus being this year's fake baby for Tamra! If she is faking this Christianity interest for a storyline, you really nailed it.

And I think it was IvyGirl who titled this episode, "Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer"--HAHAHA, that's brilliant too! So many hilarious comments...

I like Shannon, she's probably the only OC housewife I could see being a friend. I'm surprised she's not angry with Heather for treating her so badly while knowing about the affair. She's very forgiving, and of course a little cuckoo which I enjoy!

I'm not a huge fan of Heather or Terry, but must admit they have a fabulous relationship.

Someone upthread wondered what Michael thinks of Brooks. One of the episodes showed Vicki talking with Michael about Brianna's Brooks hatred, and Michael said he couldn't understand it because he thought Brooks was fine. Not great, not horrible, but okay (unlike his sister).

One last thing, if I were Shannon I'd be angry about how Brooks and Vicki handled not going to "her" doctor. It's a huge thing to ask a well known top doctor to see a friend right away. Now I'm not saying Brooks HAD to go see that doc, but if you do have cancer and choose not to see the best in the field, that's odd. The least they could have done was thank her profusely, and apologize (sincerely that is) for wasting her and the doc's time. Not cool the way they handled it and I don't mean choosing not to go...

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One last thing, if I were Shannon I'd be angry about how Brooks and Vicki handled not going to "her" doctor.  It's a huge thing to ask a well known top doctor to see a friend right away.  Now I'm not saying Brooks HAD to go see that doc, but if you do have cancer and choose not to see the best in the field, that's odd.  The least they could have done was thank her profusely, and apologize (sincerely that is) for wasting her and the doc's time.  Not cool the way they handled it and I don't mean choosing not to go...

I would be perturbed but not angry. It didn't cost Shannon money and I was taught that you don't do a favor with the expectation of getting anything in return whether that is a favor or profuse thanking.

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I would be perturbed but not angry. It didn't cost Shannon money and I was taught that you don't do a favor with the expectation of getting anything in return whether that is a favor or profuse thanking.

Especially sense I'm still not clear on how specifically Vicki asked for that. I believe Vicki said something asking for help/support. Did she ask Shannon to find Brooks a doctor and did Brooks know about it? If Brooks asked Vicki to ask Shannon to set an appointment for him and didn't follow through that's rude (although I don't know how personally I would take it). If Shannon set the appointment without discussing it with Brooks first...eh.

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There was a scene with Vicki arguing with SIL Ryan in the garage to take down the surveilance camera in her bedroom...I think. It was years ago.

I don't believe they were talking about her bedroom. He did put cameras up all around the property and in the house.

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Hello from Paris. Just spent 2 days in a Chateau on the Loire. Visited Chambord and Villandry. We are in Paris until Wednesday and then on to Amsterdam. I have to figure out how to see this last episode. Can anyone give me a really quick synopsis? 

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Who needs a posse to accompany them to a baptism?  Vicki "Ican'tbealonetosavemylife" Gunvalson, that's who.   I think it's very telling that she felt she needed backup.   What lovely company she keeps, too.   Her female posse member popping off to Shannon was childish, hateful and disgusting.   She wouldn't have even known that info if Vicki had even one shred of integrity.  She is just as much of an asshole as her ex-boyfriend.  They were a match made in "heaven". 

Her condemnation of the others under the guise of Christianity is just plain sick.   Hey, Little Miss Devout Christian - nobody's buying what you're trying like hell to sell.  She's a despicable hypocrite. 

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Hello from Paris. Just spent 2 days in a Chateau on the Loire. Visited Chambord and Villandry. We are in Paris until Wednesday and then on to Amsterdam. I have to figure out how to see this last episode. Can anyone give me a really quick synopsis? 

Can you watch online?  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-10/ep-18-satan-loves-confusion


Or, here's an Entertainment Weekly recap:


An excerpt:

"Meghan, if you love something, let it go. If it doesn’t come back, it wasn’t meant to be. Please apply this thinking both to Hayley and these heinous headbands you keep wearing."

Edited by Bella Roche
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And for the love of all that's holy can we PLEASE stop referring to Lydias mom as elderly????? She's 60! She's not 96!!!! She's not even old enough to retire! I'm 57 and hardly think in 21/2 years Ill be "elderly" . Guess I better stop biking 48 blocks to work every day because I'm "to old" LOL

No way, Judy is not elderly! She has technically been a Senior Citizen since she was 55, eligible for Social Security since she was 65 and old enough to be ragey Ryan's grandmother at the time of his verbal assault on her. She was 64 at the time. I'm Gen-X and I hang with plenty of Baby Boomers. They are NOT elderly! (But their parents are)!

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