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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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It continues to be funny to me how important this show is still trying to make Samtrick. On any other show, these characters would be SICK that while they were playing house, Robin was being tortured. Not lovingly going "Aw. But we were real."

Exactly! Samtrick were beyond boring and chem free. The fact that they were put together simply because Kelly and JT wanted to work together, makes it even worse. They should have never been more than friends. I didn't even understand the point of today's scenes. They already told each other how wonderful they were and cried and said goodbye. Why did we need to see it again? It was like the writers were trying a last ditch effort to show how great Samtrick were. It was stupid.

  • Love 3

Exactly! Samtrick were beyond boring and chem free. The fact that they were put together simply because Kelly and JT wanted to work together, makes it even worse. They should have never been more than friends. I didn't even understand the point of today's scenes. They already told each other how wonderful they were and cried and said goodbye. Why did we need to see it again? It was like the writers were trying a last ditch effort to show how great Samtrick were. It was stupid.

Lawd, I hope that was the last scene. I've spent a year watching them kiss each other's asses. I am done. Finished.

Jason being disgusted by Spin's glee over him getting out after almost killing a man was one of the only good things I've seen on this show in recent memory.  


Spin waxing nostalgic over the wonders of his BFF Jason? Not so good.  


And can we discuss the elephant in the room here?  What in the ever-loving good name of fuck is Sam wearing?  

  • Love 7

Rage blackout doesn't even begin to cover my hatred of the Liz/Robin scenes.


Seriously, did the new writers of this show work on Once Upon A Time? I'm getting such deja vu witnessing the horrible "consequences" for Liz's lies and it's like right out of the Regina "redemption" playbook. Swap out Robin for Snow and Liz for Regina in their scenes today and I couldn't tell the difference. Right down to Liz saying she doesn't regret the things she's done or the pain she's caused and Robin, basically, not taking into account the pain Liz's lies caused her own daughter and hugging Liz and telling her how hard everything must have been for Liz. And Liz fans were worried she's be raked through the coals?


And continuing the Regina parallel, Liz continues to be ridiculously passive aggressive and whiny. "Everyone has raked me over the coals." Everyone?! Carly, Sam, and Jason are certainly not everyone, and certainly, not the only ones who even should be calling out her weak, pathetic ass.


Gah, what was Sam wearing. Parachute pants. Was she caught up in some MC Hammer nostalgia?

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
  • Love 15

Rage blackout doesn't even begin to cover my hatred of the Liz/Robin scenes.


Seriously, did the new writers of this show work on Once Upon A Time? I'm getting such deja vu witnessing the horrible "consequences" for Liz's lies and it's like right out of the Regina "redemption" playbook. Swap out Robin for Snow and Liz for Regina in their scenes today and I couldn't tell the difference. Right down to Liz saying she doesn't regret the things she's done or the pain she's caused and Robin, basically, not taking into account the pain Liz's lies caused her own daughter and hugging Liz and telling her how hard everything must have been for Liz. And Liz fans were worried she's be raked through the coals?


And continuing the Regina parallel, Liz continues to be ridiculously passive aggressive and whiny. "Everyone has raked me over the coals." Everyone?! Carly, Sam, and Jason are certainly not everyone, and certainly, not the only ones who even should be calling out her weak, pathetic ass.


Gah, what was Sam wearing. Parachute pants. Was she caught up in some MC Hammer nostalgia?

What pain did Liz cause Emma? Liz isn't responsible for Robin being gone as long as she was, and Emma's dad has no regrets about all the time he spent with Sam. 


Patrick, Helena and Jerry are the one's that caused Emma pain, not Liz.

  • Love 5

Patrick should simultaneously appreciate the time he spent with Sam but also see how Liz's lies contributed to Emma being heartbroken again.  Only if he views the world in black in white would he regret the good times because Liz perpetuated a lie that ended up hurting Emma.    

Edited by camussie
  • Love 8

Robin keeping Michael's lie is not comparable to what Liz did. 


At all.


I think it all depends on your POV and who you care about. I cared about AJ and thought what all the secret keepers were doing to him was pretty crappy, so I hold Robin keeping the lie about Michael as a big deal. She kept a son from his father, same as Liz was doing. Yes, Liz was doing other things, BUT. I loved AJ. I don't really care about Jason, or Sonny, or Carly, so imo AJ was mostly the wronged party in all that, whereas with Jakeson, it's a little different. As some have pointed out, Jakeson really didn't seem to care who he was, for the longest time. And if he didn't care, I can kind of understand and give Liz some slack(but very little) on that subject.

And honestly, now that the whole AJ/Jakeson comparison has been made, perhaps it's just a little of Jason getting back the seeds he'd sown all those years ago. I can't really feel sorry for any of them right now, where with AJ, I felt for him immensely.

Robin gets props for coming forth and telling AJ, but if memory serves me, some of her decision to tell was sour grapes. So much like I can't give Liz too much slack on her actions, I can't with Robin either, because if she, Sonny, Carly and Jason were all getting along great and braiding one another's hair, she might never have told.

That's JMO.

  • Love 6

Patrick should simultaneously not regret the time he spent with Sam but also see how Liz's lies contributed to Emma being heartbroken again.  Only if he views the world in black in white would he regret the good times because a good deal of it was based on a lie Liz perpetuated.

Emma would have been heartbroken whether Liz lied or not though. Either way Jason was coming back, and Sam would have left Patrick. Emma was already attached to Sam long before Liz knew the truth, as Samtrick were already living together. Did Liz lying prolong their relationship? Yes. However, Emma had issues going back to Robin "dying," and her leaving again, and Sabrina leaving. Liz didn't cause any of those things. 

  • Love 1

Liz's lie prolonged Patrick and Sam's relationship which in turn led to Emma growing even closer to Sam.  Patrick should blame Liz for that especially after she encouraged him to propose knowing full well that Sam's husband was alive.  That doesn't mean Liz is solely responsible but she played her part and Patrick should get to react to that instead of there thereing her like Robin did today.  

  • Love 15

The thing is the writers want me to believe Liz is suffering and that everyone in town is coming after but I see no evidence of that. She has her children, job, and set-off friends. The only thing she lost is Jason. Seriously, all I see is Liz whining about being caught and not regretting anything she has done. In fact, if given the chance, "she would do it again." WTF!


The storyline has been a mess to begin with but they could used this opportunity for some character growth but alas writers manage fuck that up too. Now, I can't stand Liz more than ever!

Edited by TwistedandBored
  • Love 16

Liz's lie prolonged Patrick and Sam's relationship which in turn led to Emma growing even closer to Sam.  Patrick should blame Liz for that especially after she encouraged him to propose knowing full well that Sam's husband was alive.  That doesn't mean Liz is solely responsible but she played her part and Patrick should get to react to that instead of there thereing her like Robin did today.  

Well if Patrick is going to be mad at Liz, then he also needs to take responsibility for the part that he played in Emma being heartbroken. 



I also kind of love that Liz said she would do it again today. I'm glad she doesn't give a shit that she hurt Sam and Carly. They don't care about her, so why should she care about them.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 4

It continues to be funny to me how important this show is still trying to make Samtrick. On any other show, these characters would be SICK that while they were playing house, Robin was being tortured. Not lovingly going "Aw. But we were real."

WTF is with the complete refusal to admit a mistake? They have to, at some point, stop doubling down on bad story decisions

  • Love 5

That is an interesting point: why SHOULD Liz care about hurting Sam and Carly?

They wouldn't, if the situation was reversed. And I said last week, if she's gonna be this way, I kind of like that she DOESN'T care. I think seeing her bitter and angry is more understandable and entertaining, than her running around scared and worried about what others think of her. It doesn't make her justified-it just makes it more interesting to watch.

  • Love 2

Well if Patrick is going to be mad at Liz, then he also needs to take responsibility for the part that he played in Emma being heartbroken.

I also kind of love that Liz said she would do it again today. I'm glad she doesn't give a shit that she hurt Sam and Carly. They don't care about her, so why should she care about them.

I don't mind that Liz has no shits to give about Sam and Carly, but her latest stunt proves (as if others she's pulled haven't already) that she's not above their level as she loves to pretend she is.

THAT'S my biggest problem with her. She has no remorse JUST like these people she pretends she's better than. She doesn't care about anyone who her actions have hurt, JUST like them. She whines and complains when people don't get over it quickly enough for her taste.

Guess who else said she'd do it all again when Michael confronted her over what she did to AJ? That's right. Carly, who Liz thinks she's better than.

  • Love 14
Emma would have been heartbroken whether Liz lied or not though.


Patrick and Sam would never had gotten as far as they had if not for the lie, so I disagree. Time means bonding. No time, it stays casual and Emma would not have been the worse for wear.


Patrick had his issues with filling the void where Robin was via serial monogamy, but it doesn't excuse the fact that Liz's selfishness helped to give Emma a false sense of security that would not even apply had the truth came out MONTHS ago.

  • Love 14

Patrick and Sam would never had gotten as far as they had if not for the lie, so I disagree. Time means bonding. No time, it stays casual and Emma would not have been the worse for wear.


Patrick had his issues with filling the void where Robin was via serial monogamy, but it doesn't excuse the fact that Liz's selfishness helped to give Emma a false sense of security that would not even apply had the truth came out MONTHS ago.

Samtrick were basically living together, and already acting like a family. There was nothing casual about them, when Liz found out that Jake was Jason.

  • Love 1

Liz saying she'd do it again, doesn't just hurt Sam and Carly. It hurts JASON, the person that she professes to love. She's playing God with his life and deciding who plays what role in it. It's not her decision to make, and the fact that her sole reason is that she likes his dick inside her is loathsome.


I'd say it hurts Danny and Monica also, but she obviously doesn't give a crap about them either.

  • Love 16

Oh well, big shock that Liz has zero consequences. GH is soap without soap. No consequences, just Groundhog Day. And people wonder why the ratings are utter shit.

Samtrick were basically living together, and already acting like a family. There was nothing casual about them, when Liz found out that Jake was Jason.


They were still in the early stages. No matter how it's spun, that lie gave them the time to be built on a lie for which Emma was hurt by it.


It disgusts me that the "Lizzie Kerrigan" syndrome continues on. It'd be one thing if Liz was treated as a villain, but no, she is still a victim/martyr and wanting to be morally superior.

  • Love 12

Liz saying she'd do it again, doesn't just hurt Sam and Carly. It hurts JASON, the person that she professes to love. She's playing God with his life and deciding who plays what role in it. It's not her decision to make, and the fact that her sole reason is that she likes his dick inside her is loathsome.


I'd say it hurts Danny and Monica also, but she obviously doesn't give a crap about them either.

I wish Jason was still dead, so him being hurt just doesn't bother me.


Monica treated Liz like shit after she found out about Jake, and even accused her of hurting Aiden when he was in the hospital, so I just don't really care about her either. 


And why should Liz care about Danny? Sam sure as hell didn't care about Jake when she watched him get kidnapped, and then mocked Liz that he was gone. Danny was perfectly fine, and had 2 different "daddies" after Jason died. I just don't care about any of these people, so I'm glad Liz doesn't care about them.


They were still in the early stages. No matter how it's spun, that lie gave them the time to be built on a lie for which Emma was hurt by it.

Samtrick said I love you for the first time, like 2 weeks after Liz found out. They weren't just in the early stages. They were already acting like a family. Liz's lie absolutely extended their time together, with Emma growing closer to Sam, but they certainly just hadn't started dating, and Emma was already close with Sam.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 2

That is an interesting point: why SHOULD Liz care about hurting Sam and Carly?

They wouldn't, if the situation was reversed. And I said last week, if she's gonna be this way, I kind of like that she DOESN'T care. I think seeing her bitter and angry is more understandable and entertaining, than her running around scared and worried about what others think of her. It doesn't make her justified-it just makes it more interesting to watch.


That is fine if she gives no fucks about Sam, Carly, or Sonny. However, Monica, Danny, Michael, and other people in Jason's life has done nothing to her. Also, she hurt her children the most by letting them get attached to Jakeson. 


In the end, Liz can use as many excuse as she wants but the fact of the matter is she did it because she is obsess with Jason. No one else matters but him. Stalker if I ever saw one. 

Edited by TwistedandBored
  • Love 13



What pain did Liz cause Emma? Liz isn't responsible for Robin being gone as long as she was, and Emma's dad has no regrets about all the time he spent with Sam.

Patrick, Helena and Jerry are the one's that caused Emma pain, not Liz


As others have pointed out, of course Liz's lies hurt Emma. Yes, Patrick is the one who rushed into the relationship and they moved in together way too fast, but Liz encouraged that every step of the way. She practically chiseled Sam's engagement ring and begged Patrick to propose, all the while knowing that Patrick and Sam's relationship could implode at any minute because Sam's husband was still alive.


Yes, Emma had already somewhat bonded with Sam, but if Liz had told the truth back in May neither Emma or Patrick would have been hurt as much, especially factoring in a broken engagement on top of everything and Emma getting her hopes up about the family being permanent. 



I also kind of love that Liz said she would do it again today. I'm glad she doesn't give a shit that she hurt Sam and Carly. They don't care about her, so why should she care about them.


Liz's lies didn't just hurt Sam and Carly. Given the enmity between Sam and Liz, I don't necessarily expect her to bend over backwards to cry and throw herself at Sam's feet (but not being a raging bitch and acting like Sam was the one who wronged her wouldn't be remiss either.) But there are plenty of other people Liz's lies hurt like Patrick, Emma, Danny, Monica, Jason, and Michael and apparently Liz just doesn't care. Only her love and need for Jason matter in her eyes. Hell, she hurt her own kids with these lies and yet she proudly boasts to Robin that she'd do it again meaning the pain her boooyyyysss are going through means nothing to her.


It makes her whining about how she's suffering right now even more glaring and it proves that she is no better than Hayden or all the other people Liz has looked down her nose at.

  • Love 16

That is fine if she gives no fucks about Sam, Carly, or Sonny. However, Monica, Danny, Michael, and other people in Jason's life has done nothing to her. Also, she hurt her children the most by letting them get attached to Jakeson. 


In the end, Liz can use as many excuse as she wants but the fact of the matter is she did it because she is obsess with Jason. No one else matters but him. Stalker if I ever saw one. 

Unless the definition of stalker has changed, Liz isn't stalking Jason, nor has she.


In face, I've been pleasantly surprised, that the show has had Liz accept that her and Jason aren't together anymore, and that they won't be getting back together. I'm glad she's not constantly chasing after him, and begging him to be with her. I wish they never shared another scene together, but if they can just keep them as co parents, I'll be happy.


Liz's lies didn't just hurt Sam and Carly. Given the enmity between Sam and Liz, I don't necessarily expect her to bend over backwards to cry and throw herself at Sam's feet (but not being a raging bitch and acting like Sam was the one who wronged her wouldn't be remiss either.) But there are plenty of other people Liz's lies hurt like Patrick, Emma, Danny, Monica, Jason, and Michael and apparently Liz just doesn't care. Only her love and need for Jason matter in her eyes. Hell, she hurt her own kids with these lies and yet she proudly boasts to Robin that she'd do it again meaning the pain her boooyyyysss are going through means nothing to her.


Is Patrick actually hurt though? He's been saying that he doesn't regret a single second him and Sam spent together, and now he has Robin back, and Emma is happy as a clam. 


Look, I certainly don't think Liz was right for lying, and I wish she had never been involved in this story, but all these people that she supposedly hurt seem to be doing ok. Its not like Liz and Michael have some deep relationship. They only barely shared scenes when her and AJ were together. I just can't get worked up over people she has no relationship with, being hurt, and I can't get all worked up over people being hurt, when they look pretty happy to me onscreen. 

Edited by MissE
  • Love 3

Sometimes Sabrina's voice is pretty nasally. 


No one thought it was weird the DA was living in a friend's house? 


Spinelli: those who call you simply killer don't know you


That means nothing coming from Spinelli. Don't fall for it Jason!


What were those pants Sam was wearing?


Dillon: How could you betray my mother grrr??


Paul didn't promise her anything, ensign! Stand down!

  • Love 4

I know some of you guys hate Samtrick but there are others who love them outside of this place. I don't know why the writers would diss the relationship they had when it is already done with. I mean what would they gain from it? They ended on a good place. And, they had a nice goodbye scene today that was basically all about hyping their old loves. Something for Samtrick fans, Jasam fans, and Scrubs fans. The end. 

  • Love 9

The place where the Regina/Liz parallel breaks down is that Regina has apologized to the people she hurt (granted she did a hell of a lot more damage) but she's also actively trying to make amends.

However far Patrick/Sam's relationship had progressed, it's ridiculous to claim that an extra 7 months with Sam living in Emma's house, sleeping in her parent's bed and then becoming engaged to her father was NBD

  • Love 8

I know some of you guys hate Samtrick but there are others who love them outside of this place. I don't know why the writers would diss the relationship they had when it is already done with. I mean what would they gain from it? They ended on a good place. And, they had a nice goodbye scene today that was basically all about hyping their old loves. Something for Samtrick fans, Jasam fans, and Scrubs fans. The end.

Personally, it's not about "dissing" Samtrick. I don't need Patrick to say he hates her or that he never loved her or vice versa. But in the context of this story? Robin was just tortured and kidnapped. And, oh yeah, she saved Jason for Sam and Danny, even though the show chooses to ignore this. So to have Sam and Patrick say "I loved our little family" is not a human reaction to that. A human reaction, IMO, would be, "Omg, I can't believe that she went through that while we were just lalalala." The writers keep hitting ME over the head with this love. That last scene was ridic. The tears, the goodbye, Patrick latching on, Sam lingering at the door, Patrick's woobie face through the window? It's insulting. Why would Robin even want to be with him NOW?

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 9

First: I called it! Jason and Robin meet on the BRIDGE!!!! And dammit, I know he won't regain his memories, but pleasepleaseplease, let me see some memories of ROBIN at least! It's the LEAST she deserves.


GAG ME. Spin can go away now. That line about those who called Jason "killer" didn't know him and that those that call him friend, do? FUCK OFF. I did like how Jason just rolled his eyes at that and said, that though midegty moobster may be nice ..."for a mobster". At least it shut Spin up for a minute. I like that much self awareness from an amnesiac Jason.


Oh Robin, Robin, Robin.  I did appreciate and like how initially she asked Liz how she could have kept silent after knowing how her (Robin's) family grieved when they thought she was dead.  So Liz, "would do it again" even knowing that Jason would still dump you? Okay, whatever. But I sure wish Robin hadn't said that ridiculous line about how Liz is punishing herself.  I don't expect anyfuckingone to ask Robin how she's doing, because it's Robin. TPTB are all just fuckers.


Sure, Paddy. Your break up with Sam was what had you going to Paris. Not Emma's emotional and gut wrenching breakdown. Arsehole writers hacks, who can't even remember the stuff they wrote and aired.


And as for Mac and Robin's reunion? FUCK THAT SHIT. Like, they couldn't have cut the stupid scenes between Liz and Hayden and actually show Mac's face when he sees Robin, actually SHOW US, US, the viewers who have been waiting for this scene, Mac HUG Robin close? But no, we get the scenes that take place AFTER. I'm so sure those scenes are on the cutting room floor.


And finally: Where the FUCK is ROBERT!FUCKING! SCORPIO???!!! that Pere Scorpio better not be the last we see of him!


But considering who runs this show, I'm afraid it is. And sorry, those 20 seconds with all the Scorpios is not MY definition of family being together for the holidays. I'm betting scenes of Robert/Anna/Robin/Emma/Patrick are on the cutting room floor as well.


This just BITES!  You get Tristan Rogers for two days, and this is all you can get out of him? 


Okay, I'm going to go get drunk now.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 10


That last scene was ridic. The tears, the goodbye, Patrick latching on, Sam lingering at the door, Patrick's woobie face through the window? It's insulting. Why would Robin even want to be with him NOW?

I thought the last scene was more KeMo/JT saying goodbye than Samtrick. Hence the tears and sadness. I liked it actually. *shrugs* Then again I never hated them together. I just thought the writing for them as a couple sucked. I always enjoyed their friendship.

  • Love 10

Personally, it's not about "dissing" Samtrick. I don't need Patrick to say he hates her or that he never loved her or vice versa. But in the context of this story? Robin was just tortured and kidnapped. And, oh yeah, she saved Jason for Sam and Danny, even though the show chooses to ignore this. So to have Sam and Patrick say "I loved our little family" is not a human reaction to that. A human reaction, IMO, would be, "Omg, I can't believe that she went through that while we were just lalalala." The writers keep hitting ME over the head with this love. That last scene was ridic. The tears, the goodbye, Patrick latching on, Sam lingering at the door, Patrick's woobie face through the window? It's insulting. Why would Robin even want to be with him NOW?

Couldn't agree more! I mean, I don't think Sam and Patrick should apologize for being together, since they didn't know what Robin was going through, but to disregard what Robin was going through, while they were playing house, is just stupid, and why did we need more scenes today about how wonderful they think each other is? They had these scenes 2 weeks ago, just with more crying.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 6

I thought the last scene was more KeMo/JT saying goodbye than Samtrick. Hence the tears and sadness. I liked it actually. *shrugs* Then again I never hated them together. I just thought the writing for them as a couple sucked. I always enjoyed their friendship.

I have no problems with their friendship. I have no problems that they loved each other, the way this story was told. I have a problem with the dialogue that was chosen for these particular "goodbye" scenes (especially Patrick basically saying if she had gotten over Jason, he never would have looked for Robin) and the way it was directed and what they chose to focus on. Showing her lingering at the door and his face through the window like these poor great loves just couldn't be together and it's sooooo hard was just too much. And, again, insulting that this is who Robin ends up with.

  • Love 4

The place where the Regina/Liz parallel breaks down is that Regina has apologized to the people she hurt (granted she did a hell of a lot more damage) but she's also actively trying to make amends.

However far Patrick/Sam's relationship had progressed, it's ridiculous to claim that an extra 7 months with Sam living in Emma's house, sleeping in her parent's bed and then becoming engaged to her father was NBD




God I hate Regina with the fire of a thousand suns.  Sorry for the off-topic but I can't watch OUAT anymore because of that shrew.  And I love Ginnifer Goodwin. Even seeing her name on this threat makes me ragey.  


Ok...I'm calm.  

  • Love 5

I have no problems with their friendship. I have no problems that they loved each other, the way this story was told. I have a problem with the dialogue that was chosen for these particular "goodbye" scenes (especially Patrick basically saying if she had gotten over Jason, he never would have looked for Robin) and the way it was directed and what they chose to focus on. Showing her lingering at the door and his face through the window like these poor great loves just couldn't be together and it's sooooo hard was just too much. And, again, insulting that this is who Robin ends up with.

Honestly, its just another example of how every has to love Saint Sam more than anyone else on this show. They can't just let Robin be Patrick's first choice, it has to be Sam, and imply that Robin is basically keeping him from being with her.

  • Love 2

Oh, I'm not denying Liz is coo coo for cocoa puffs right now. But Sam was just as pathetic in her own way, during their epic "romance". Which is why I always said and will always say, Jason should have stayed dead. I'll go one better and say Jason should have died when he hit the tree. He's always bored me, no matter what version, Q or Morgan, and I honestly feel embarrassed for both Liz and Sam that they would waste their time with him.


See we are not talking about the past. We are talking about what is happening onscreen right now. Liz as you said right now is seriously messed up and it has nothing to do with anything Sam has currently done to her. 


Personally, it's not about "dissing" Samtrick. I don't need Patrick to say he hates her or that he never loved her or vice versa. But in the context of this story? Robin was just tortured and kidnapped. And, oh yeah, she saved Jason for Sam and Danny, even though the show chooses to ignore this. So to have Sam and Patrick say "I loved our little family" is not a human reaction to that. A human reaction, IMO, would be, "Omg, I can't believe that she went through that while we were just lalalala." The writers keep hitting ME over the head with this love. That last scene was ridic. The tears, the goodbye, Patrick latching on, Sam lingering at the door, Patrick's woobie face through the window? It's insulting. Why would Robin even want to be with him NOW?


Unless I misunderstood, Sam was sorry to hear about Robin's kidnapping and what happened to her during that time. The two then moved on to discuss how they ended up where they are currently which happens with a lot of exes. Also, I do think it is fine to react and say they miss their little family. In hard times people miss the simple times they had when everything was easier. Nothing wrong with that. To be honest, Patrick is just there for me most of the time. I can't take it or leave it. I don't ship Scrubs or Samtrick but maybe it is different for you. 

  • Love 5
See we are not talking about the past. We are talking about what is happening onscreen right now. Liz as you said right now is seriously messed up and it has nothing to do with anything Sam has currently done to her.


I'm pretty sure they were referring to how pathetic Sam becomes when she's with Jason too, which is why he should have stayed dead, because he's not worth what Sam and Liz become, when he's involved.


Also, despite the show acting like Sam's past is spotless, its allowed to be brought up.

  • Love 2

They can't just let Robin be Patrick's first choice, it has to be Sam, and imply that Robin is basically keeping him from being with her.

I do agree with this, partly. I knew from the jump they would NEVER have Patrick downplay Sam or Samtrick because of how TPTB view Sam. He couldn't even tell Sam that Robin is his true love. SHE had to say it. He was just like, "Well, I love her, but...our family WAH WAH."

I don't ship Scrubs or Samtrick but maybe it is different for you.

Robin is my favorite character. So I'd preferably like the man she loves to be shown to love her. That last Samtrick scene didn't show that to me.

  • Love 2

I do agree with this, partly. I knew from the jump they would NEVER have Patrick downplay Sam or Samtrick because of how TPTB view Sam. He couldn't even tell Sam that Robin is his true love. SHE had to say it. He was just like, "Well, I love her, but...our family WAH WAH."

Robin is my favorite character. So I'd preferably like the man she loves to be shown to love her. That last Samtrick scene didn't show that to me.

I stopped being a Scrubs fan a long time ago, but I adored them in the beginning. They were magic to me. Despite my issues with them though, I will never believe that Patrick could love anyone more than Robin, even though the show tried to sell me that BS with Sabrina and now Sam. I don't blame them for Patrick moving on, with KMc gone, they had to have Patrick move on, but characters can move on, without the love of their life being downplayed.


However, both women he's been with since Robin, have been portrayed as the Saints of PC, so its not surprising how they have downplayed Robin's role in his life.

  • Love 4

I thought the last scene was more KeMo/JT saying goodbye than Samtrick. Hence the tears and sadness. 


I agree. Just like those last scenes with Lucky and Luke? That was all JJ and Geary.  But I still hated to hear those words. I did appreciate Sam's response to learning that Robin had been kept captive all this time. She didn't make it about her. Like everyone else is making it about them. I mean, how DARE Robin get herself kidnapped again. She has no right to breathe the same air without genuflecting and asking for everyone's forgiveness.


There is more Robert coming up. He has kept filming after JT and Kim left.


Well, that's something. But I so wanted him to give Emma another didgeridoo, dammit! Hey, is that alliteration?


Oh, and I want to say, for however long it lasts, I'm enjoying Jason's disgust for Jason Morgan, and his eye rolling whenever someone sings his praises.

  • Love 6

Robin is my favorite character. So I'd preferably like the man she loves to be shown to love her. That last Samtrick scene didn't show that to me.


I honestly get this more than anything else. The only reason why I tolerate Jasam scenes if because of Sam. I want her happy and Jason seems to make her happy. So, I understand wanting the man your fav ends up with being a man who wants her above all else especially after she what she went through. But, Scrubs whole reunion was rushed soo fast and it is all the writers fault. They knew JT was leaving and should have ended Samtrick a long time ago. 

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As a Robin fan the Sam/Patrick scenes didn't bother me at all on their own.  I am glad that their relationship wasn't downplayed.  What bothered me more was the utter lack of concern everybody, especially once again Patrick, seem to have for what Robin has been through.  They are too busy whining about their own lives to say no really are you okay.  

Edited by camussie
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I didn't even understand the point of today's scenes. They already told each other how wonderful they were and cried and said goodbye. Why did we need to see it again? It was like the writers were trying a last ditch effort to show how great Samtrick were. It was stupid.


What I heard today was a tribute to Jason -- that if Sam hadn't been so obsessed with Jason, then he would have never been able to get back to Robin. 

Now, It's possible that I'd already reached my daily Jason!Jason!Jason! quota after the tongue bath Spinelli gave him earlier in the episode, but what I took away from the Samtrick conversation was that the wonderfulness of St. Jason, even if his blessing weren't being specifically invoked, was essentially what enabled Robin to be freed.

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