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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I can understand why Valerie is so attractive to Dante right now. She doesn't berate him, scream and yell at him in public places, shut him out of family business, blabber incessantly about pregnancy and embarrassing "attempts to get pregnant" to the general public. She has some growth to go to increase her maturity, but is trying to become a member of the police force, surely a sobering future. She shows interest in Dante's needs and wants, such as ensuring he gets a holiday meal and sharing his favorite sports games. Valerie obviously respects Dante and does not try to emasculate him if she disagrees with him.

No, she just wished she was pregnant with his baby so she could be connected to him forever in some small way (excellent reason to get pregnant), embarassed him in the middle of the station when he had a teeny bloodstain on his shirt and decided the hospital room outside his dad's hospital room was a swell place to confess her continued feelings.

Lulu has done nothing the past three months before the reveal giving him back massages and trying to make HIM feel better he kissed another woman and then yelled at her. If the requirement of being Dante's significant other is catering to his every whim like a 5 year old (Lulu is a bad wife cause she didn't make sure he was fed? Is he not a grown man with cash and the ability to order take and/or buy a chicken from Boston Market?), then good luck to the woman who gets that prize.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 14

Dante's life will be more peaceful, predictable, and normal with Valerie, who doesn't have inexplicable needs to run off with SuperHero parents and rescue Bubba brother from grinning ninja assassins. Doesn't worship her baby-making uterus, sing lullabies to it, and announce to indifferent acquaintances and family members that "We're trying to have a baby now! Watch this space! As soon as we leave here, we are makin' a baby!". She doesn't brazenly hack emails to get "evidence" and emasculate her man with them, screaming in a police station. Married life with Lulu is unpredictable, combative warzone, and a roller-coaster for Dante's nerves. Ironically, a clandestine affair with Valerie is sexy and soothing, and must feel like an oasis of peace and respect to Dante.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1

Dante's life will be more peaceful, predictable, and normal with Valerie, who doesn't have inexplicable needs to run off with SuperHero parents and rescue Bubba brother from grinning ninja assassins. Doesn't worship her baby-making uterus, sing lullabies to it, and announce to indifferent acquaintances and family members that "We're trying to have a baby now! Watch this space! As soon as we leave here, we are makin' a baby!". She doesn't brazenly hack emails to get "evidence" and emasculate her man with them, screaming in a police station. Married life with Lulu is unpredictable, combative, and a roller-coaster for Dante's nerves. Ironically, a clandestine affair with Valerie is sexy and soothing, and must feel like an oasis of peace and respect to Dante.

Because Lulu dealing with Sonny as a father in law is way, way better. Lulu having to deal with Corinthos family and their various issues hasn't exactly been a walk in the park either. I will say this about Lulu: this might be the first time her complete egocentrism has bite her in the ass, instead of getting some poor sex worker murdered or her brother to leave town. Her demanding attitude about getting sick Pat Spencer to deal with her unstable father, which eventually led to her death (as Pat was in a partially demolished house without any medical except for Bobbie), and she proceeded to be annoyed by Valerie's continued presence (though why Valerie stayed in Port Charles instead of returning home is weird) caused Valerie's underlying resentment to her. I think Valerie is pulling on Lulu what Carly consciously pulled on Bobbie when she first came into town: she wedging herself between Lulu and Dante and coming across as the more understanding, supportive girl who happens to shares his interest in sports and police work in order to get back at Lulu. While Valerie's resentment to Lulu is totally justified, her fucking Lulu's husband in Lulu's bed on American Holidays is not.  She yells at Lulu in front of Dante about how  she is actually the one to blame for her and Dante sleeping together and to forgive Dante right then and there, simultaneously coming across as being in Dante corner and supportive of Lante, thereby scoring points with Dante and making Lulu, who had only found a few days (or even hours) beforehand as being completely unreasonable.


Lulu reading the email wasn't great, but I think if my friend read a title of email stating how great of an evening she had with my husband who I recently found out had sex with my husband over the summer, I think the temptation would be too strong. And Lulu is dealing with some pretty conflicted feelings. She is pissed at Dante but she never loved a guy as much as she loves Dante. A part of her hopes that Dante will tear up the separation papers. Will she be pissed if he didn't or that even that he signed them? I actually don't think so, just sad. Will she be pissed that Dante banged the one person she is having the most problem with pretty much two seconds after he received the forms? Yeah probably. It has barely been a month, someone should tell him it is going to take  longer than that for Lulu to stop being anger. As for Lulu and her baby rabies....she found out that the first diagnosis she couldn't carry a child to term was incorrect and her and her husband might have one more shot at providing their 2 1/2 year old son with a sibling, so she is going to be a bit preoccupied and Dante wanted it too (unless I missed an episode). It was the slight ray of hope for him when Lulu showed up at the doctor's appointment to implant the embryo.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 7

Dante's life will be more peaceful, predictable, and normal with Valerie, who doesn't have inexplicable needs to run off with SuperHero parents and rescue Bubba brother from grinning ninja assassins. Doesn't worship her baby-making uterus, sing lullabies to it, and announce to indifferent acquaintances and family members that "We're trying to have a baby now! Watch this space! As soon as we leave here, we are makin' a baby!". She doesn't brazenly hack emails to get "evidence" and emasculate her man with them, screaming in a police station. Married life with Lulu is unpredictable, combative warzone, and a roller-coaster for Dante's nerves. Ironically, a clandestine affair with Valerie is sexy and soothing, and must feel like an oasis of peace and respect to Dante.


we don't know any of that, because she hasn't had an opportunity to do any of that. Since she told her boss the morning after that she slept with Dante, I'm willing to bet she'd get a bit talkative about the baby-making process.

  • Love 3

we don't know any of that, because she hasn't had an opportunity to do any of that. Since she told her boss the morning after that she slept with Dante, I'm willing to bet she'd get a bit talkative about the baby-making process.


Plus she told Dillon how she wished she could have Dante's baby so she could be tied to him forever.

  • Love 2

Finally watched the Valerie/Dante scenes in its entirety and it really looks like everything about respecting Lulu's marriage to Dante was a lie. She initiated those kisses with Dante and started taking off his shirt. For a moment, I thought she would have one of those "Sorry, didn't mean that" and try to leave, but that didn't happen at all.

Nothing has changed , Valerie initiated all the bull the first tome. tattling and running back to Dante. Poor baby your wife is cheating on you. She started it all, then she stalked him. waiting when he returned from ?. They deserve each other. twice in their marriage bed.??? Her mother died you know. Edited by OnceSane
fixed quote tags
  • Love 4

I'm still not sure if I like nuPaul. I think Richard Burgi is a great actor who looks amazing at 57. I wish he wasn't in the mob and killing people or ordering hits or whatever horrible things he's done since he's been back. I also don't like it that Tracey is being portrayed as the dummie with the man in her life. He could have been a smart businessman without the mob ties. I would even liked him with Anna (mob free) because she is unattached.

  • Love 7


I also don't like it that Tracey is being portrayed as the dummie with the man in her life.


It feels like Tracy has always been portrayed this way and it dates back to the days of her relationship with Mitch Williams in 1979-80. She's either a dummy or the person she's with doesn't appreciate her, is in love with someone else, is using her for something, etc, etc. 


That one speech she made to Luke a while ago about deserving to be loved was pretty awesome and long overdue, but then she went right back to being the fool. It stinks because I feel like Tracy Quartermaine should be formidable in every aspect of her life, goddamn it, and if she were a man, she probably would be. It kind of drives me crazy that so many of the women on this show are portrayed as hapless in the romance department, not just Tracy, but that's a rant for another day...


Or is it?

Edited by Box305
  • Love 9

The last vestiges of my caring about this show by proxy (meaning, don't really watch minus a clip or two and keep up here) will be over once JT/Scrubs leave. It's getting so close. I can taste the overall freedom!


Wendy, girl, you don't even know.


...and this is where I wonder if this show will throw Patrick and/or Robin under the bus one last time on their way out the door (since in all likelihood, one way or another, this is it for both characters for a while).  It'd be infuriating almost beyond belief, but it'd also be precisely within this fakakta show's bailiwick...

  • Love 2


I don't care if Lulu is the most hateful bitch in the history of the galaxy. No one should ever fuck their spouses cousin. Or fuck anyone else while in a relationship, married or otherwise.

If Lulu is so awful, then Dante needs to divorce her and then peruse something with Valerie.


But before Dante did his latest bedding of Valerie, he signed the separation papers that Lulu had already signed ahead of him. So they were separated when he did it this time, at Lulu's instigation.



Yes, the guilt of sleeping with his wife's cousin is very soothing.


They were separated when they slept together the second time. Lulu has done all the legal stuff, and both have signed. Let the games begin with Valerie! (However, he should get new sheets.)

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

Wendy, girl, you don't even know.

...and this is where I wonder if this show will throw Patrick and/or Robin under the bus one last time on their way out the door (since in all likelihood, one way or another, this is it for both characters for a while). It'd be infuriating almost beyond belief, but it'd also be precisely within this fakakta show's bailiwick...

I honestly don't know what ELSE they could possibly throw at Robin. The character has already lost years of her life as a prisoner, lost time with her daughter, mother, man she loves, etc. And on top of that, no one has cared about her for over a year now. I guess they could kill her off again? Have her come back and her family rolls their eyes and sings a melody about Sammy? I dunno. It just has to go up from here because it can't get any worse.

  • Love 4

Didn't it say somewhere in the recent spoilers that Patrick is supposed to call Sam on her "unresolved feelings"? Like, the love of her life back from the dead husband isn't dead, but doesn't remember her, and Sam isn't supposed to have any feelings about that at all? As long as it doesn't screw up her feelings for YOU, right, Patrick?

  • Love 1

But before Dante did his latest bedding of Valerie, he signed the separation papers that Lulu had already signed ahead of him. So they were separated when he did it this time, at Lulu's instigation.

Separated, not divorced. And even then, the separation papers weren't filed with the court, so it wasn't official. Regardless, he fucked his (estranged) wife's cousin in their marital bed. And . . .

They were separated when they slept together the second time. Lulu has done all the legal stuff, and both have signed. Let the games begin with Valerie! (However, he should get new sheets.)

. . . He was definitely officially married the first time he fucked his wife's cousin.

It's so skanky that even Sonny & Carly should shade his bitch ass.

*After Sonny fucked his son's girlfriend IN A CRYPT, he can never shade anyone for anything ever.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 14

Wendy, girl, you don't even know.


...and this is where I wonder if this show will throw Patrick and/or Robin under the bus one last time on their way out the door (since in all likelihood, one way or another, this is it for both characters for a while).  It'd be infuriating almost beyond belief, but it'd also be precisely within this fakakta show's bailiwick...


My real hope for the two of them is that Robin leaves town without Patrick, because she's pissed at him, and he leaves town right after her to go try to win her back.  I don't want an insta-reunion, because I don't feel he currently deserves it.  And I don't think we'll really have enough time to see him earn it.  I'd rather be left that he knows he messed up and he is the one who goes all in to chase her down and earn her trust back. I know, I know, they want to give Scrubs fans a happy ending, and I get that, but I hate when the ending feels slapped together just to have an ending. 


That doesn't mean the guilt magically disappears. It just makes Dante a smidge less of a douchey asshole.


I think "smidge" might be too much.  Maybe a quarter of a smidge.  Maybe.  


Why do I feel like Dante's being trashed so that every guy on the show is a varying shade of gray and we can't bitch about the "hero" of the show being a fucking douchebag moobster? 

  • Love 10
My real hope for the two of them is that Robin leaves town without Patrick, because she's pissed at him, and he leaves town right after her to go try to win her back.  I don't want an insta-reunion, because I don't feel he currently deserves it.  And I don't think we'll really have enough time to see him earn it.  I'd rather be left that he knows he messed up and he is the one who goes all in to chase her down and earn her trust back. I know, I know, they want to give Scrubs fans a happy ending, and I get that, but I hate when the ending feels slapped together just to have an ending.


I respect your opinion. But I really want the corny happy ending. I know Patrick was a douche, but it was to accommodate pets and shitty hack writing, so I'm in a forgiving mood. And no one on this fakakta show deserves squat, so if I have to accept hand waving to achieve a glimpse of something happy and rootable, well...I'm willing.


Besides, for me, I have been watching soaps since I was 8 and have seen some horrible crap go down. And Patrick Drake isn't even on my radar as for being the worst or whatever.


So I do hope Scrubs can achieve that happy ending after years of character fuckery and misery.


And I want a pony.

  • Love 8

Taking my biased opinions out of the equation, the only unrealistic and rushed thing that happened in the past year was SAMTRICK. Danny called Patrick "Daddy" LAST OCT! Before he was even dating Sam! And that's just one example. Scrubs having a reunion isn't even close to what would be unrealistic, IMO. It's correcting course.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 3

I don't need to see the happy ending, but I want to know Robin and Patrick are working toward it and will get it. That would be the more honest ending, which of course means we'll get something thrown together and totally WTF.


Exactly.  I wouldn't be opposed to a happy ending if we saw it earned to some extent.  But, we know we're going to get something shitty thrown together just to have an ending.  I am sure KMc and JT will sell the hell out of it, though, so at least there's that. 

  • Love 3

Exactly.  I wouldn't be opposed to a happy ending if we saw it earned to some extent.  But, we know we're going to get something shitty thrown together just to have an ending.  I am sure KMc and JT will sell the hell out of it, though, so at least there's that. 


They need to use that scrolling text you mentioned to these scenes as well, if they happen. "We know there was a whole bunch of bullshit in between, just go with it, thanks."

  • Love 5

They need to use that scrolling text you mentioned to these scenes as well, if they happen. "We know there was a whole bunch of bullshit in between, just go with it, thanks."

Hasn't that been implied for years now? :P

And I may be the only one who thinks this, but even if these writers had a few months to a year to years to work on X story (whether it be Scrubs, the Jason reveal, Liz's lies, etc), it wouldn't get better...actually, it might be worse. I'll take this last month, free Robin and wrap it in a gift and the end.

  • Love 2

I need the scrolling text though! that would make all this hilarious, at least. "Sorry, we were too lazy to think up another reason", "Please just accept Helena as an explanation" , "Look, don't blame us, Tony Geary demanded this" etc etc.

Bwah. And speaking of Tony Geary demanding crap, Scrubs fans should be so grateful that the actors know and appreciate the importance of their pairing. Regardless of how exactly it's going to end, they are in scenes together and I think you can pretty much assume their last scenes will be together. I'm still baffled that Luke and Laura did not have that final scene together. It's mindblowing, tbh. That letter was laughable.

  • Love 5

I need the scrolling text though! that would make all this hilarious, at least. "Sorry, we were too lazy to think up another reason", "Please just accept Helena as an explanation" , "Look, don't blame us, Tony Geary demanded this" etc etc.


It could be like "Pop-Up Videos."  Little bubbles by the characters' heads.  "Yeah, we know this makes no fucking sense that he would actually say this dialogue.  Just go with it."

  • Love 7

Bwah. And speaking of Tony Geary demanding crap, Scrubs fans should be so grateful that the actors know and appreciate the importance of their pairing. Regardless of how exactly it's going to end, they are in scenes together and I think you can pretty much assume their last scenes will be together. I'm still baffled that Luke and Laura did not have that final scene together. It's mindblowing, tbh. That letter was laughable.


I thought at LEAST they would have Laura read the message outloud. Sad.

  • Love 8

It could be like "Pop-Up Videos."  Little bubbles by the characters' heads.  "Yeah, we know this makes no fucking sense that he would actually say this dialogue.  Just go with it."


Bonus points if they let the actors write their thought bubbles.  


And I just got a little giddy at the hilarity that would ensue if they let BryDog write his own thought bubbles.  

  • Love 11

Separated, not divorced. And even then, the separation papers weren't filed with the court, so it wasn't official. Regardless, he fucked his (estranged) wife's cousin in their marital bed. And . . .

. . . He was definitely officially married the first time he fucked his wife's cousin.

It's so skanky that even Sonny & Carly should shade his bitch ass.

*After Sonny fucked his son's girlfriend IN A CRYPT, he can never shade anyone for anything ever.

Hey. It wasn't just any crypt. Sonny banged Ava on AJ's grave, which was in the same crypt that his hitman and savior Jasus had a tombstone in too, along with the whole damn family Sonny destroyed.

Dante got skanky, but he might still know where the towels are.

  • Love 4

While I'm disappointed to not see Alexis and Helena in a verbal spar (so much fun to watch!), Helena and Sam's exchange kinda sorta makes up for it. That's the most interesting Sam has been in a while. I liked Sam being all "Mikkos wanted my grandmother so he could get away from you" when Helena was talking about being with Mikkos on the other side.


It was good to see, as opposed to her anger/hostility toward Liz that she and Jason are still living together after the reveal. I get her point about the man without connections moving into Liz's home, whereas Jason Morgan did/does have a family and home. Yet it cuts both ways. If Sam truly feels his current living situation is inappropriate because he's still her husband and Danny's father (which I thought was implied), it's certainly inappropriate as well for her as Jason's wife to continue living with Patrick. Yes, Danny and Emma (in addition to Patrick) would be disrupted if she and Danny went back to the Penthouse, but if Jason leaves Liz's house, Cam, Jake and Aiden's lives get disrupted (in addition to Liz). All the kids are going to continue to be affected by the mess, there is no 'good' or 'easy' solution in that respect.   

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 2

Taking my biased opinions out of the equation, the only unrealistic and rushed thing that happened in the past year was SAMTRICK. Danny called Patrick "Daddy" LAST OCT! Before he was even dating Sam! And that's just one example. Scrubs having a reunion isn't even close to what would be unrealistic, IMO. It's correcting course.

To be fair, Sam shut that shit down with a quickness.

  • Love 7

That part reminded me heavily of a scene in 2004 in which Alexis threw in Helena's face her parents' affair: "My mother deserved to be loved, and my mother was loved . . . by your husband!"  Helena got worked up, Alexis continued going on the attack, and finally, Helena tried to slit her throat, only to be awesomely stopped by Ric.


I remembered thinking that Ric couldn't have looked hotter than he did in that scene.:)

Why to go, being loved by a madman that tried to freeze the world. Is it cruel of me that I want it revealed that Mikkos had a string of mistresses (wasn't that aborted character Valentin supposed to be the product of one of them) and that her mother wasn't that special. Sorry, don't have a lot of compassion for mistresses? At least with porn stars and prostitutes, for the most part, it is a job that they use to put food on the table and rarely interfere with someone's marriage as there is little, if any emotional connection to the person they are banging and don't think of themselves as better than the wife, if there is any. Mistresses have a very inflated sense and cry crocodile tears about how bad they feel or think the wife has it coming. Edited by Ambrosefolly

My guess she took out her rage against Mikkos on Stefan. My rant wasn't about Helena's pain, but to knock Alexis' pedestal image of her mother down. Helena was a psycho bitch, but Kristina Bergman potentially was a gold digging whore that could give lessons to Carly. 


There's nothing to infer Kristin Bergman was a golddigger, though. She was an opera singer, so it's not like those singers cannot amass income.


I think Helena was just evil. Evil doesn't need a cause.

  • Love 9

There's nothing to infer Kristin Bergman was a golddigger, though. She was an opera singer, so it's not like those singers cannot amass income.


I think Helena was just evil. Evil doesn't need a cause.


I agree. I don't understand where this "Mikkos was wonderful" perception comes from. It was always clear that he was a pretty terrible human and father, just that he occasionally offered Stefan and Alexis some scrap of parental affection, which is more than Helena ever did. Because he had a grand romance with Kristin doesn't make him a saint, just slightly more human than Helena. In my mind, I always classified them thusly: Mikkos was a psychopath, Helena was a sociopath.

Edited by Melgaypet
  • Love 7
I'd have more sympathy for Helena if she'd directed her rage at Mikkos instead of the child born from the affair.


Helena's pretty old school, so it made sense to me she'd hate Alexis, the constant reminder of her husband's infidelity. (Sins of the father, and all that.) It doesn't make it right, but it's very in character for Helena, IMO.


What I never understood was the back pedaling on Sam's Father, we were told at one point he was more evil and dangerous than Mikkos and he turns out to be Julian?


Alexis didn't want Sam to know who her father was, so I think that's what some of her hyperbole was about. I also think Show didn't know who to make Sam's father for a long time. There was that Thanksgiving where they had the Coven talk about their fathers, and Sam made a half joke about not knowing who hers was. It was kind of funny, but it also showed the writers didn't want to deal with it. 

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