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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Yeah, RC would have started WWIII if he had seen that tweet. Ah! I miss the good ole days. Also, it's too bad that Milo has left GH. Because the new writers would have pursued the Milo & Ephinany non existent love story. <eyes roll>. I can't believe they actually had Ephinany talk about her off stage date and how what a great gentlemen he is. That is so embarrassing and there is no way any writer or producer would put those two actors together in a romantic storyline. It's so insulting because you know it would never happen on any soap.

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LMAOOO @ Patrick trying to shade Nik by bringing up Robin, the same woman he gives 0 shits about. Stay in your lane, douchebag.

Shouldn't Laura be consoling her real daughter?

Oh, Liz. I'm sorry, I may have no use for Patrick, but if he doesn't get to stay long enough to yell at her, it's shameful.

Ric and Sonny being up Sam's ass was laughable.

I still don't care about Hayden. I never will.

Carly made me giggle this entire epi.

I think I I can hear some cheering from here when Scott said he wants to do this because of "What Sonny did to my daughter..."


So happy for those of you disappointed that it seemed like a root instead of rock would hurt Carly. That trip, hit, and falling unconscious was such fun to watch.


I'm a little amused that Sam got the "my crush just complimented me!!" smile and look in her eyes when Jakeson told her she looks incredible. Very amused by the sorta cringe/pull away reaction to Patrick's grab around the waist and kiss. But WTF with Sam calling Anna to use her professional connections to help find Carly. Anna has no use for Sonny or Carly, so that rings about as true as Liz telling Sabrina and Michael, Felix, Epiphany that they are the greatest friends (no, it's proof of the poor quality of "friendships" on GH), and then Epiphany getting tears in her eyes about Liz in her wedding dress/Liz and Jake getting married. I'm shocked that Patrick brought up Robin at all, even in context of shading Nikolas to his face. And a tip, Patrick - when your fiance says you look "good" in a tux and you have to prompt her for stronger praise, she's just not that into you.


Laura also looks fantastic!!! She doesn't even need to be dressed up to look great. Bringing up Laura's 'attachment to Lucky and Liz's love' to cover for the chat with mom - considering he drove Lucky away - was an, um, interesting choice. Genie was terrific today - I think her affection for Becky shines through. Laura's line about loving Elizabeth like a daughter makes me sad for Liz, whose own mother has never been there. Liz's "abandon" confirmed what I've thought has been Liz's core issue since age 15. Elizabeth's skin and hair look truly fabulous.  Bonus reason to smile: Aiden in a tux!! Soooo cute!! I'm just about positive that's the first time we've seen little Jake and Aiden on-screen together.

Previews: Hey look it's the real Kevin Collins!!!

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I think I I can hear some cheering from here when Scott said he wants to do this because of "What Sonny did to my daughter..."


So happy for those of you disappointed that it seemed like a root instead of rock would hurt Carly. That trip, hit, and falling unconscious was such fun to watch.


I'm a little amused that Sam got the "my crush just complimented me!!" smile and look in her eyes when Jakeson told her she looks incredible. Very amused by the sorta cringe/pull away reaction to Patrick's grab around the waist and kiss. But WTF with Sam calling Anna to use her professional connections to help find Carly. Anna has no use for Sonny or Carly, so that rings about as true as Liz telling Sabrina and Michael, Felix, Epiphany that they are the greatest friends (no, it's proof of the poor quality of "friendships" on GH), and then Epiphany getting tears in her eyes about Liz in her wedding dress/Liz and Jake getting married. I'm shocked that Patrick brought up Robin at all, even in context of shading Nikolas to his face. And a tip, Patrick - when your fiance says you look "good" in a tux and you have to prompt her for stronger praise, she's just not that into you.


Laura also looks fantastic!!! She doesn't even need to be dressed up to look great. Bringing up Laura's 'attachment to Lucky and Liz's love' to cover for the chat with mom - considering he drove Lucky away - was an, um, interesting choice. Genie was terrific today - I think her affection for Becky shines through. Laura's line about loving Elizabeth like a daughter makes me sad for Liz, whose own mother has never been there. Liz's "abandon" confirmed what I've thought has been Liz's core issue since age 15. Elizabeth's skin and hair look truly fabulous.  Bonus reason to smile: Aiden in a tux!! Soooo cute!! I'm just about positive that's the first time we've seen little Jake and Aiden on-screen together.

Previews: Hey look it's the real Kevin Collins!!!


That cheering would be coming from me.

  • Love 2

Patrick said Nikolas used to be a good guy when he was a close friend to Robin, what happened to that guy.



Patrick needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror and do something about that 80s prom hair he's sportin before he starts running his mouth.,


How Nik looked at him with a straight face is beyond me.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 3

People who set out to bang the woman they tried to have killed don't get to judge annnnyyybbooodddyy.



Judge no, but that hair is eating Patrick's head and if Nik smirked at him over it I'd allow it because Patrick looks like he should be heading out on a date with Blossom.


Frankly the whole lot of them deserve ridicule and to be mocked.  

Edited by CPP83

"Death to decency!".


That seems like a fitting title for today's horror show.


Did Ric run out of contacts? Has he never seen that commercial for 1-800-Contacts? Those glasses were very pronounced I thought.


Sonny is really making me stretch my vocabulary to try and come up with words with which to accurately describe him and his behaviour...today he behaved like a depraved pratfulasseddouchewipe.


Ava attacking him with her tiny fists and shrieks of rage was almost funny except I don't like her either but I hate Sonny more so there's that. Still wish the room had caught fire.


Hey, Laura? Why don't you go and hug your real daughter? Seriously with that? Show, just, no. If anyone should have had a scene where they're curled up on a couch with their head cradled in a parental, especially maternal, lap it should have entailed Laura soothing her very distraught little girl Lulu. Ye gods!


Why did Pip start to cry? Was she imagining her imaginary wedding to the imaginary Milo? Oh Pip...didn't she have a purpose once? What happened?


Oh, and Liz's whole "Why would I tell Jason the truth just so he'll leave me (and the boys, yeah right) like everyone else has" drivel to Laura was just...no words.    

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 3

Hey, Laura? Why don't you go and hug your real daughter? Seriously with that? Show, just, no. If anyone should have had a scene where they're curled up on a couch with their head cradled in a parental, especially maternal, lap it should have entailed Laura soothing her very distraught little girl Lulu. Ye gods!


Haven't not seen the episode, I don't think Laura knows so I'm not gonna hold that against her.


But again, where has Lulu fled to?

Edited by TeeVee329

Haven't not seen the episode, I don't think Laura knows so I'm not gonna hold that against her.


But again, where has Lulu fled to?



It's clear she doesn't which makes it all the more stupid to me, that's what I was getting at.


The show would rather have her try and get Liz to "tell the truth" once again instead of having her be the arms Lulu flees into. I just...they don't give a damn about family or history on this show and it's so tiring. And this is coming from someone who has often been lukewarm when it comes to Laura, and I haven't liked Lulu since she hit puberty.


At this rate I'd guess that she's probably on her boat, hiding away from the world. Unpacking that tiny suitcase while Rocco wonders where his cannolis have gotten off to.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 6
She was there for the reveal, right?




Alas she was not. She and Paul sauntered off to god knows where for drinks and such things yet to be determined  right before her beloved offspring played the video.


And also if she'd been there and witnessed it she would have delivered a damn good smack down to Dillon herself, forget Valarie having a go. Tracy would have called him out immediately for doing what he did and why.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 3

I love the way MW hissed, "Sonny!" when Ava heard the trial was moved up. LOL that the bodyguard couldn't stop her from barging into Sonny's room. There's that crack security again.


I don't know from weddings, but do the bridesmaids do the "something old..." stuff? What was Michael doing hanging around? Sabrina is a bridesmaid, but she was on the clock, as it were. He'll see her at the church.


Laura's coat was great, but white? I'd have it permanently stained before I got out my front door.


BH's makeup was FLAWLESS. My god, the skin on that woman. Her dress, though, was a bit much for a what, third wedding? Fourth? It's too princessy. It cracks me up when soaps put women in first-wedding-type dresses no matter how many times they've been married.

  • Love 4

Alas she was not. She and Paul sauntered off to god knows where for drinks and such things yet to be determined  right before her beloved offspring played the video.


Ahhh, okay, totally misremembered that, thanks!


In other news, I don't like Felix and I definitely don't want to see more of him, but it is some bullshit that his relationship with this Donny dude has been 100% off-screen.  What year is this, GH?

  • Love 1

Ava: I will not hand over my daughter to Carly, The Bitch!


heh. Otherwise, meh at her and Sonny trying to outgrowl each other.


Laura: So nothing I said got through to her? Oh my goodness.


Yeah Laura, can't believe nothing you said registered with Crazy Eyes! Who did look really pretty.


They should have Lulu come to the wedding and be all grumpy and cynical. "5th wedding Liz? Sure, that'll work!"


God bless Laura Wright for playing that farce. Ridiculous. Carly has to be the first woman in any media that's not a bugs bunny cartoon to knock herself out by tripping and falling on a rock friggin TWICE.

I don't like that Tracy has again disappeared.  She was there for the reveal, right?  So she would definitely be reaching out to Lulu, or screaming at Dante or Valerie, or both.


No she wasn't, she and Paul left right before.

  • Love 7

I thought Rock The First fell on Carly from up high, like a beautiful shiny chandelier crashing down to Earth.



It bounced! Off her head! A truly magical sight...


This rock had it easy but still did its' job. It was hard and it knocked her the fuck out, what more could be asked of it.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 6

It's clear she doesn't which makes it all the more stupid to me, that's what I was getting at.


The show would rather have her try and get Liz to "tell the truth" once again instead of having her be the arms Lulu flees into. I just...they don't give a damn about family or history on this show and it's so tiring. And this is coming from someone who has often been lukewarm when it comes to Laura, and I haven't liked Lulu since she hit puberty.


Yeah, I'm positive Laura and Nikolas haven't heard about the Lulu/Dante/Val drama yet. So far, Sabrina and Michael are the only ones who went to the party who are also going to this wedding, and they left before Dillon played the reel.


I actually think Laura going to see Elizabeth makes sense, given their history and the fact that Laura is genuinely worried about her grandsons, all of whom are old enough to be upset/traumatized/scared during a fallout. Cameron's only a couple years younger now than when young Lucky found out about Nikolas; Laura most likely remembers how ugly that time was.  (I think Rocco is old enough to pick up on tension between Mommy and Daddy and that he and mommy are going somewhere, but that's it.) Laura was the only mother figure Elizabeth had as a teenager; Lulu mostly grew up without Laura and the meaty, emotional scenes of the past between Laura and Lulu were when JMB was in the role. 

  • Love 3
I actually think Laura going to see Elizabeth makes sense




It's not that I think it doesn't make sense, it's that I think she would be better served having scenes with Lulu right now considering we've already seen Laura and Liz having this same conversation before, a couple of times really. Laura has lost the argument before she even opens her mouth.

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Sonny was so vile today talking to Ava. He seemed to out do his usually nasty self.

I'm hoping that the new writers are intentionally making him a bad guy. Whether or not he gets custody of Avery will let us know, I think. He's been looking pretty irredeemable lately. 


(Although, I do want to know why he gets a deluxe hotel room with tile walls and gets to wear black t-shirts instead of hospital gowns.)

Okay, I appreciate the comparison of Carly to evil things in nature, but that Jaws picture is all wrong. Sharks are my number one fear (screw you, Ron), but it's not just sharks, it's actual pictures of sharks. I went to Universal in LA and when that fake shark came right at me, I grabbed on to my 5 months pregnant friend to protect me. Yes, I'm utterly lame. Strangely, I don't let this fear stop me from swimming in the ocean. And I did recently live tweet an airing of Jaws 2, so I've been trying to face my fear.


Someone needs to post that other pic of Carly with her next to that dragon looking thingy.


Will comment on the episode later after I've watched it. Ugh, now I'm going to have nightmares.

  • Love 2

Liz's dress was gorgeous.  Maybe not a dress for a third wedding, but BH looked stunning in it.  


Loved the Laura/Liz scene.  Liz's comment that if she tells Jake the truth, he'll leave her and the boys made me start understanding a little, why she's doing this.  She's been abandoned her whole life, so she's hanging on to Jake for dear life even though she probably knows that she shouldn't.  


Geez Carly.  Just is not having a good day!  I can safely say that in my 47 years, I've never fallen and cracked my head against a rock and knocked myself out and yet it's happened twice to Carly.  


Sonny/Ava:  Hhhhm, which one of you murdering thugs should be allowed to raise that precious baby.  Neither one in my opinion.  

  • Love 6

Laura has been written so WTF, it's beyond me.


First, side eye-ing the woman her son tried to have murdered, and actually put in a coma for 3 months. You don't trust her, Laura? How about that attempted murdering budding sociopath you have for a son now? Why don't you explore the trust issues you should have with him? Laura should be kissing Hayden's ass and praying she doesn't know (though we know she does) what her son did, and have his ass sent to jail. She should be worried about his Cassadines genes not rearing their ugly heads again and him hurting Hayden, or anyone else, again.  And if Hayden ever does anything to Nik, which she will, and deserves too, then tough fucking shit, because he has it coming.


Second, propping Liz's sorry ass. Yes, what she said was true, and right, but it's still propping, and Liz is 100% undeserving of Laura's sympathy and well meaning advise, especially after the emotional blackmail she pulled on her regarding the Hayden hit. And what on earth made her think she could ever actually get through to Liz? She's about as delusional when it comes to Liz, as Liz is herself. Just...damn....


Third....you have a heartbroken daughter out there somewhere, Laura...her name is Lulu, and she needs you. 



It hurts to say as a Laura fan, but the return has been awful (cleaning up after Jiz's jizzed sheets?) but I will try to put the blame on this god forsaken, shitty, pukeworthy and never ending Jakeson storyline that needed to die months ago. Thank the Soap Gods and Angels its coming to an end soon and people will stop being written around this crap, and, hopefully, more in character.


Also I may be outing myself as a bit of a Hayden fangirl, but I have my balls up to here the way people treat her. Sam gave 2 shits about her before the coma, and now she's always in her face about her faking her amnesia. So what if she did? Maybe she's, you know, trying to protect herself because she received a bullet to the head when she was trying to tell the truth.? Or maybe she just decided it really wasn't her business? Then Nik being all "I can handle Hayden" as if she was some sort of pet...ugh. Then, of course, Laura, but we already talked about that. I can understand Liz's animosity to a point because of the fake wife scam, but still, you're looking in to the face of the woman who was shot and put in a coma by your bff, and you're keeping that secret yourself, so please, less snark and bitch face and a bit more humilty. Hayden's no angel, and is very much sharpening her claws, but she is not the villain here.


On a side note, Scotty is the only character on the show that manages to make Ava tolerable. Love them together.

Edited by Bawoman
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Yeah, I'm positive Laura and Nikolas haven't heard about the Lulu/Dante/Val drama yet.

Which is why soaps shouldn't have month-days. The reveal was (supposedly) at a Halloween party, and they told us about 18-eleven times that the Liz-Jakeson cluster-nuptuals were happening November 6th. And we're all just supposed to assume that Lulu wouldn't speak to her mother, for a week, after learning her husband had slept with her cousin.

Edited by sacrebleu
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The reveal was (supposedly) at a Halloween party, and they told us about 18-eleven times that the Liz-Jakeson cluster-nuptuals were happening November 6th.

They originally said Nov 6th, because that was the anniversary of Jake getting out of the hospital.  But during the Halloween episodes, they kept saying that the wedding was "tomorrow" which would mean Nov 1st, so they might have changed the date to make it easier.  

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