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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Random thoughts.


Yes, Liz is full-on BSC. No, she shouldn't marry Jakeson under this avalanche of lies. But WTF is up with the drama of "we have to stop him before he marries Liz"? Jakeson is not a virgin. They're already sleeping together so Liz could already be pregnant* so it's not the wedding night we're trying to stave off. It's not like marriage is forever in Port Charles. Divorces and annulments are available. 


Why am I not watching Lulu beat the crap out of Valerie. I'm all girl-power and sisterhood is strong but if someone slept with my husband and then traipsed into my home to tell me that I was at fault for the aforementioned adultery that someone would be eating Brazilian hardwood flooring.


Seeing BM with KeMo forces me to admit that SB and KeMo had serious chemistry. BM and KeMo not so much.


*Actually, Liz passed Jakeson in the hall so she could be 9 months pregnant according to the laws of GH.

  • Love 3

Oh Valerie, girl.  I've been semi-defending you this week, but you done goofed up today.  Going to the loft was a mistake, but a well-intentioned one.  Staying to talk to Dante when Lulu wasn't there - so Lulu could walk in as we all knew was going to happen - was dumber.  But then to not attempt to apologize, but immediately blame Lulu?  I agree with her that Lulu lying and trusting Dillon over Dante played a part in the ensuing clusterfuck, but oh Val, that was not the time or place.


But Lulu was also making my eyes roll.  "This isn't my home, it's a crime scene" was a howler of a line.  Next she'll say that there's a hole in her heart the size of the moon.


I dunno how lightning didn't strike Sonny dead, given his history with Michael/AJ and his current custody war with Ava, when he said a child should be with both parents.


Oh poor Liz, she's so happy, and it's all about to come crashing down on her! *pops popcorn*


Shut up, Franco.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6

I was with Valerie until she started saying its Lulus fault too. 


Ugh @ everything to do with this dumb wedding. I cant stand seeing Liz and everyone telling her she deserves happiness. 


I laughed at Sonny texting ILY to Dante. 


Do people normally have scissors in their car?


Of course Kiki doesnt check to make sure she didnt hit anyone. Like call the hospital or something.

  • Love 1

Okay...does not a single person on the writing staff have any actual experience at all with real live kids...?


I just can't with how they keep these kids so infantile. Toys and colouring books for the reception? It's a party with cake, they don't need to be coddled in a corner in some makeshift sort of daycare set up. They're all old enough to sit still and behave for a few hours, good god.


And Cameron really needs to be recast and aged, it's beyond stupid that Molly is heading to college and he can still count his age on both hands. I swear if Joss shows up aged a teenager and Cameron is still sucking on juice boxes...


Liz with her "ladies in waiting" and Felix, were just so...painful. Where's another house fire when you need one? Burn the witch!


Today was a perfect example of why I have no use, whatsoever, for Valarie.


She wants to call Lulu out for wanting to hold onto her "pride" instead of forgiving Dante...? It's been less than 24 hours since she found out that her "adoring husband" inserted his penis into your lady bits region and you're going to "cop a 'tude" for his sake?


Sit down, you insolent little wretch! Ye gods!


There are plenty of times to defend one's self from attack, however, when the attack is coming from the cousin whose husband you bedded in her bed, in her home, that's just a big, fat, "no".


You stand there and take your lumps because that's what you did and now it's getting thrown back at you rightfully so by someone you've hurt beyond measure and it isn't about being overly or self-righteously judged, it's about how you screwed up in a way no one ever should and there is no defense for your actions.


Gah...they have me defending Lulu now...I hate this show.


Olivia is a farce and annoying and I wish she'd go find Ned and just get the hell off my screen.


DZ looks like he'd rather be playing foot solider to "Daddy Sonny" right now than having to deal with all the terribleness so far. 


Did Carly really trip over a root...? A root? Is that all the show can afford now? No more fake flying rocks to knock her out with?


Sonny just can't imagine Sabrina not marrying Michael not being about him at the end of the day, she really needs to get with the program obviously. But no Sonny, just because something involves a woman's vagina that doesn't mean you have anything to do with it.  


Also, every-time I hear Michael call Sonny "Dad" now like nothing ever happened I wish ghost!AJ would show up with a bucket of fried chicken and start throwing the old bones at Sonny so he'll start moving and twitching around but no one can see what's hitting him so everyone thinks he's going loco.

  • Love 9


Ugh @ everything to do with this dumb wedding. I cant stand seeing Liz and everyone telling her she deserves happiness. 



Do people normally have scissors in their car.

Me too. Liz is just vile, I can't even watch her nonsense anymore.

I actually do have scissors in my console. But it was from when I had to duct tape my side rear view window for like a week until I got a new one. I just left he scissors in there anyway. I guess they'll come in handy if an annoying drunk blonde runs me off the road.

  • Love 9

DZ looks like he'd rather be playing foot solider to "Daddy Sonny" right now than having to deal with all the terribleness so far. 


Yesterday I disagree with you that DZ didn't want to play the cheating? But this shit right here? I 100% bet you he was probably looking at the script and being all, "wtf? He just stands there and lets her yell at Lulu? Okay, let me think about what I need to shop for at the supermarket after work during that scene."

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

Never thought I'd say this (or write it, as the case may be), but poor Carly. She has this juicy piece of info that is going to blow people's minds and first she gets Jake's voice mail, then she's in a car accident and trapped by her seat belt, then she can't get a signal, then she falls. Ugh! She must be bursting at the seams. LOL If this wasn't supposed to be a drama, I'd think it was a comedy.

  • Love 3


Sonny might be the perfect father-in-law for Valerie. "Hey, bitch, you still mad I screwed your husband in your bedroom?? I know you just found out yesterday but damn it was actually three months ago! I won't keep apologizing! Stop harping!"


Okay, since I'm not watching any more, I haven't seen today's show so when I first read your post, I didn't get that it was Valerie's dialogue.  I swear I thought you were demonstrating the dialogue Sonny might have if he was Valerie's father-in-law and I couldn't figure out why Sonny would sleep with Dante in Valerie's bedroom.  It made a lot more sense when I figured out that Valerie's dialogue to Lulu was so similar to Sonny's dialogue to Morgan and that's why you made the father-in-law comment.  But for a second, I was like "that right there is f'ed up."  :-)

  • Love 7

I laughed at Sonny texting ILY to Dante.

Sonny is just fucking thrilled that Dante has now delved as low as him now and can't look down his nose at him without coming across as a hypocrite.  


Sonny doesn't just want his enemies to be rendered low, like Jax and AJ, he wants his children to be as morally shitty as him as well, except his prize Michael. I would say Jason too, as he got perverse pleasure in turning one of the shining gems of the Q family into a professional hitman.


Yesterday I disagree with you that DZ didn't want to play the cheating? But this shit right here? I 100% bet you he was probably looking at the script and being all, "wtf? He just stands there and lets her yell at Lulu? Okay, let me think about what I need to shop for at the supermarket after work during that scene."

If I were DZ, I would be fucking pissed to play out this shit. Talk about plot point driven writing. It has been established for a long time that Dante has been completely devoted to Lulu since the first moment he saw her. He couldn't cheat on her when he was drugged, he didn't give up on her when she had amnesia, yet he just assumes the worst about Lulu with out even confronting her and doesn't wait even 24 hours before he sleeps with another woman? When Tony Jones had an affair with Carly, it took years to lay the ground work for him to come to that point. It is more realistic that Dante would threaten Johnny to stay from Lulu than sleep with another woman merely hours after finding Lulu's clothes (not even her and Dillon together) strewn around everywhere.


Also, does Olivia think she and Sonny would still be together if she had never known about Ava? Oh, Olivia. What's it like in your world?

Why the fuck is this show try to sell that it is somehow worse to find out someone cheated on him that the actual cheating?

  • Love 6

It's probably too much to ask that Lulu doesn't talk in clichés when describing the aftermath of Dante's affair reveal, but come ON: "The only thing that exploded in here was my marriage." *rme*


Of course Sonny assumes Sabrina is carrying a boy. Jasus forbid another Corinthos girl child enter the world. Since Avery is Sonny's, I bet we're stuck with another Corinthos asshole boy.


I liked Valerie's hair. That was a cool braid.


Lulu didn't set any of this in motion, Valerie. Dante and Lulu were having problems before she ran off to find Lucky, and that doesn't give Dante carte blanche to wallow and sleep with Valerie because his feelings got hurt. That said, Lulu shouldn't be so self-righteous about trashing wedding vows and all of that. She also was an idiot about how she handled the lie in the first place. There were ways to tell him without actually telling him.


You could just see a camera/crew guy duck out of range when Morgan left Franco's apartment. Heh. 

  • Love 3

I can't believe I am saying this, after the Jakeson is Jasus reveal, I hope Morgan tells Carly about Franco, the former serial killer that got her oldest son raped, threaten him over Kiki, the chick that ran her off the road and constantly came in between Morgan and Michael, and  she beats the shit out of Franco. 


Can I say, I am kind off shocked that the lab doctor, who apparently doesn't have house as he will make unlimited use of Carly's hotel, didn't recognize Jasus. Doesn't the world's bestests hitman have a holiday set aside for him in Port Charles? I am surprise there isn't a fucking statue of him near Jasus's bridge.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 1

Oh Valerie, girl.  I've been semi-defending you this week, but you done goofed up today.  Going to the loft was a mistake, but a well-intentioned one.  Staying to talk to Dante when Lulu wasn't there - so Lulu could walk in as we all knew was going to happen - was dumber.  But then to not attempt to apologize, but immediately blame Lulu?  I agree with her that Lulu lying and trusting Dillon over Dante played a part in the ensuing clusterfuck, but oh Val, that was not the time or place.


I'm all over the place today about Valerie.  I agree her intentions in going to the loft were good - but did she have to live up so completely to Dante's comments last week about her lack of impulse control???    Right now she is reminding me of a magazine interview in which TG spoke about Lulu as someone who would impulsively jump off a cliff - and then think about how she is going to land.   Guess we know Valerie is a Spencer for sure!!!


Speaking of impulsiveness and bad decision-making, I do like that Lulu's wrong-headed decision to trust Dillon over Dante (and impulsively run off with him) continue to be kept on the table.  I'm just sorry that Valerie is the writers' scapegoat to do so.  And this isn't the first time.  I try to stay within the confines of the characters' actions on screen, but, in this case, I can't.  Not when I see that Valerie has been positioned as the plot-point truthteller to assure that the mistakes of all three (Dante, Valerie AND Lulu) are acknowledged.  Going as far back as July and Valerie's reaction to learning Lulu was back in PC - to her conversation with Lulu when Lulu asked about the kiss - to the recent reminder about Canada at the Haunted Star - to today at the loft  ... Valerie has been given the unenviable job of keeping Lulu's failure to trust Dante on the table. 


Why we ask?  Because trust is hugely important to the Lante relationship - and learning to see where EACH strayed by failing to trust each other will be part of rebuilding the Lante relationship.  Thank you for your assist, Valerie.


OK, so crawling back through that fourth wall, Valerie's timing today sucked and she should have apologized.  Can't change that in the short term - but it's the long term that interests me more. 

  • Love 2

Uhm Valerie, just no.  I get that Lulu lied about going after Lucky but that did not give Dante the right to screw another woman, her cousin no less, in their bed.  Sorry, but I'm firmly in the camp that the ONS is not on Lulu in any way shape or form.  Plus, Valerie was all over Dante before that, telling him that she saw Lulu and Dillon talking secretly and sowing the seed of a possible affair even before Lulu left for BC.  


As I'm watching Carly struggle with the seat belt, I was thinking wouldn't it be great if she had a pair of scissors or nail clippers in her purse and low and behold, a pair of scissors falls out of her purse.  And not just a small sewing kit pair, but a giant, kitchen pair of scissors.  As we women are want to have lying around in our purse at any given time.  Athough I'm now thinking I should keep a pair in my glove compartment, in case I ever need it.  


Sonny texting Dante at the end made me laugh.  Sonny does not seem the type to even know how texting works, much less do it.  



It has been established for a long time that Dante has been completely devoted to Lulu since the first moment he saw her.

If you get a chance to check out the old clips of Dante and Lulu from the time Sonny shot him, to about three weeks later, you'll see, there is NO WAY, no how Dante would EVER cheat on Lulu even if he had walked in and found her actually in bed with Dillon.  Maybe it's the chemistry between DZ and JMB but they were so hot back then.  And so devoted to each other.  (at the 5:30 mark)


  • Love 4

Plus, Valerie was all over Dante before that, telling him that she saw Lulu and Dillon talking secretly and sowing the seed of a possible affair even before Lulu left for BC.  


But...Lulu and Dillon were talking secretly, it's not like Valerie made it up, and Dante's the one who immediately jumped to a "Gasp, an AFFAIR!" place.


The whole set-up for the ONS was garbage that made all four of these characters look bad, IMO.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

that clip! MB needs to take tips from Dom about how to act horny without coming across as skeevy. And I love how she self-consciously holds the heart over her face.

But...Lulu and Dillon were talking secretly, it's not like Valerie made it up, and Dante's the one who immediately jumped to a "Gasp, an AFFAIR!" place.


The whole set-up for the ONS was garbage that made all four of these characters look bad, IMO.


No, she didn't, but she could have told Lulu about what she saw. Or told anyone else. Carly. Bobbie. Someone. 


And yeah, I know if Lulu had told the truth or at least not involved Dillon, Valerie would have had no power but Valerie later admitting she had feelings just makes it suspect.

  • Love 2

No, she didn't, but she could have told Lulu about what she saw. Or told anyone else. Carly. Bobbie. Someone. 


Didn't Lulu see that Valerie had overheard her and Dillon?  I feel like I remember she was worried Valerie had heard what they said and then later reassured Dillon - while still in earshot of Valerie - that she hadn't heard THE SECRET.


I mean, you're right, Valerie did have feelings for Dante so that colors everything.  But I felt at the time that it made sense she felt more loyalty to Dante, the only person to be nice to her, than Lulu, who had been cold with her from the jump.  And really, if Dante had been written in-character, he wouldn't have immediately jumped to the conclusions he did.


The writing was just so awful and contrived.  Remember that stupid nightmare Lulu had that telling Dante got Lucky killed? 

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7


.Lulu and Dillon were talking secretly, it's not like Valerie made it up, and Dante's the one who immediately jumped to a "Gasp, an AFFAIR!" place.

But Dante jumped to that conclusion because Valerie led him there.  If memory serves (and I could be wrong because sometimes memory doesn't serve!!) but I remember Valerie seeing Lulu and Dillon talking in the hall and then practically running back to the PCPD to tell Dante what she saw.  People can have secrets and talk secretly and it not be about them having an affair.  Valerie fed it to Dante and he ate it up.  



! MB needs to take tips from Dom about how to act horny without coming across as skeevy

Totally.  I started with one clip last night and next thing I knew I'd watched 3 weeks worth of the two of them.  And they were HAWT.  I like ER but I've never seen that kind of chemistry between her and DZ at any time since she was cast.  

 People can have secrets and talk secretly and it not be about them having an affair.  Valerie fed it to Dante and he ate it up.


That was my point, though.  Valerie didn't say it was an affair.  Hell, I don't think she even knew about Lulu and Dillon's romantic history at that point so it's not like she was all, "Oooh, this will splinter them for sure!" about it.  All she said was they were acting squirrely and Dante was the one who jumped to the affair place.  Didn't Dante follow them right after that and overhear them whispering about THE SECRET and continue jumping to the wrong conclusions?


I guess my bigger thing is that I don't see Valerie as a schemer.  Did she have feelings for Dante?  Yes.  Do I think she was actively plotting to replace Lulu in his bed?  Not really.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

I see Branch's cousin, Tree Roots, has gotten to Carly.

The kid who plays Aidan is adorable.

All the ladies looked good today. Even Kiki.

Morgan should frame Franco for something. I feel like Franco is getting the Silas treatment.

Yeah, Kiki putting her tall leggy blonde self head onto Franco's lap is weird. Sorry folks but you're not actually father and daughter. This is creepy.

  • Love 9

I'm just thanking the holy hitman these days that no one has said "implanting" and "embryo" in the same sentence for DAYS. I was dreading the future times when Lulu would traipse up to complete strangers on the street to confess "I've got my period now, but we're hopeful that during the next invitro implantation we'll conceive."



Do people normally have scissors in their car?


I do. Great, I have something in common with Carly. Gross.


I liked Valerie's hair. That was a cool braid.

It really was. I need to get my sister to do it for me!


You could just see a camera/crew guy duck out of range when Morgan left Franco's apartment. Heh.

I need to go back and watch this because I didn't catch it and it sounds hilarious.


I guess my bigger thing is that I don't see Valerie as a schemer.  Did she have feelings for Dante?  Yes.  Do I think she was actively plotting to replace Lulu in his bed?  Not really.


Yea, that's how I see it, too. And I was defending Valerie up until today, too. But she was awful today. She need to stfu and leave. And Dante just standing there as she bitched at Lulu? Awful. Poor DZ.


Jakeson's letter to Liz and the way Billy delivered the lines. I can't. Make it stop.

I was rolling over that. BM's delivery was so hilariously awful. And the words in the letter didn't actually match what he said in some parts. LMAO I can't!


Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

I don't think she was but at this point crying that you can't have the married dude is annoying. Go have sex with Dar or something and move on.


Her crying today?  I thought that was less about Dante and more about the sum loss - her relationship with Lulu, her friendship with Dillon, her worrying that this scandale will affect her police academy application, etc.


I mean, who does she have now?  Her mom's dead.


In other news, did Lulu say where she was storming off to?  If she goes to Wyndemere, Rocco can have his old room! ;)

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

Her crying today? I thought that was less about Dante and more about the sum loss - her relationship with Lulu, her friendship with Dillon, her worrying that this scandale will affect her police academy application, etc.

I think, then, they would have had no flashbacks instead of one of her kissing Dante.

I mean, who does she have now? Her mom's dead.

Mor and Dar!

I wonder how old the new doctor is. I could see them making him Val's dad.

  • Love 1

But Dante jumped to that conclusion because Valerie led him there.  If memory serves (and I could be wrong because sometimes memory doesn't serve!!) but I remember Valerie seeing Lulu and Dillon talking in the hall and then practically running back to the PCPD to tell Dante what she saw.  People can have secrets and talk secretly and it not be about them having an affair.  Valerie fed it to Dante and he ate it up.  


Totally.  I started with one clip last night and next thing I knew I'd watched 3 weeks worth of the two of them.  And they were HAWT.  I like ER but I've never seen that kind of chemistry between her and DZ at any time since she was cast.  


Sigh - totally agree about the JMB/DZ chemistry.


Now back to "Valerie leading Dante" to jump to the wrong conclusions about Dillon and Lulu.   Yes, she opened that door - but she didn't exactly force feed Dante.  I checked the dialogue for that day and the next day.  Valerie told Dante exacly what she saw - without embellishments or interpretations. 


And, to her credit, she did ask Dante if he was going to talk to Lulu, saying she might have misunderstood. She asked the same question the next day.


Valerie: So did you talk to Lulu, you know, clear the air?

Dante: Uh, when I asked Lulu about Dillon, she said he just came by to see Rocco.

Valerie: Oh. Then I misunderstood. See, that's what I get for only hearing half the conversation.


Valerie: You can't just jump to the worst-case scenario.

Dante: Why not? It would explain the secret they're keeping from me.

Valerie: Lulu loves you too much to do that.


So, yeah, Valerie opened the door - but she encouraged Dante to check things out before going through that door.  And she had no way of knowing that both Lulu and Dante would subsequently do such rash and unexpected things. 

  • Love 6
As we women are want to have lying around in our purse at any given time.


I used to carry a stapler in my purse. Intentionally.


I need to go back and watch this because I didn't catch it and it sounds hilarious.

It's when the door opens. Check out the righthand corner, and you'll see it.


I think, then, they would have had no flashbacks instead of one of her kissing Dante.


That ruined the scene for me. Weren't we supposed to think she was moving on? Ugh. IT WAS ONE NIGHT WITH A MARRIED MAN. Sorry to get capsy, but my rage blackout is bubbling to the surface again.

  • Love 2

I think, then, they would have had no flashbacks instead of one of her kissing Dante.

Mor and Dar!

I wonder how old the new doctor is. I could see them making him Val's dad.


Oh duh, that's right, she did have that little flash.  Oh Valerie, girl.


I think New NOT!Kevin is too young to be a contemporary of Dee Wallace's.

  • Love 1

I think New NOT!Kevin is too young to be a contemporary of Dee Wallace's.


Definitely. He could maybe be her brother though. I'm not really for them making everyone related, but Valerie does need something to do besides be in the Dante/Lulu sphere. And obviously the writers have no interest in putting her in the Spencer orbit.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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