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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Whatever, Show. I'll go watch some old clips of Real Anna doting on Child Robin. I ain't watching this shit.

Are they just going out of their way to tell long time fans they're not welcome anymore? This is all so unnecessary.

It's completely unnecessary for them to go this far with Anna, which is how you know it's intentional and they're doing it for a reason.

  • Love 1

Sam and Patrick don't need Anna to pretend like Robin doesn't exist in order for them to become a viable couple. I'm like upthread, I'm not a Robin fan and can take her or leave her, but way to piss off her fans, Ron.


At least tomorrow is the last day of his shit. Yeah, it'll probably just be more of the same, but I can pretend otherwise over the weekend.

  • Love 3

Sam and Patrick don't need Anna to pretend like Robin doesn't exist in order for them to become a viable couple. I'm like upthread, I'm not a Robin fan and can take her or leave her, but way to piss off her fans, Ron.


They don't, but like Wendy said, the writers think the audience can be led by the nose. If Anna says Sam and Patrick are great and doesn't mention Robin, the audience won't either! If Dante, Kristina, Michael, Morgan, Patrick, the whole town, say Sonny is swell, then it means eventually we will think so too!


I think Oct 7 is the day new writing officially starts.

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 5
I'm thinking there are literally only 5 people left who like Morgan




And two of them are reflections, Carly's and Morgan's.


Why do I get the sneaky suspicion that BC is convinced that he is next in line to potentially grab one of those Emmys before the show gets cancelled if he can do what Chad did during that whole reveal of A.J.'s murderer and the short time after by playing "dramatically angry!" and "in your face rageful!" and "look at the incredible crazy eyes I can make!". 


It's a shame though that no one bothered to tell him that trying to imitate Maurice on top of all that would only serve to make him look like an unstable caveman/werewolf hybrid in desperate need of being put down by a silver bullet and a stamped of Mammoths for good measure. 


Ah, and of course what a treat it was to see Michael pulling out the patented "Sonny whispers of threatening doom" to intimidate Ava for daring to use the law and stuff to her advantage, how classy! What a little asshole he is.


I did like the cop they picked to have Ava bring along. He did a decent job I thought by not being too over the top and he was good with the baby as well, but then again she is such a bubbly little thing, heh, who wouldn't be. As long as she has her baby biscuits she's good to go. I loved her babbling all throughout the scene of the adults hurling empty threats around while sneering and snarling and such. 


I cannot comment on the Sam and Anna scenes as I didn't watch them because my blood pressure just couldn't handle sitting through them.


I never thought it was possible for an actor to get "worse" the more acting he does but Ryan is really making a good case for that the more I see him. 

  • Love 4

I loved the Anna/Sam scenes until Anna mentioned Sam gaining a daughter....I wouldn't call myself a Robin fan, I can take her or leave her, but that was BEYOND insulting.  Emma already has a fucking mother Anna.  You know, YOUR DAUGHTER.  It's just so stupid that this fucking dangling plotline of nobody giving a shit about Robin being MIA is STILL going on. 


And the fact that Michael can stand there and call Ava a murderer, while defending dear old dad makes me want to break my tv.  Fuck you show.


Count me in as a fellow take-her-or-leave-her Robin fan who thinks this is rancid bullshit. I'm supposed to believe that Anna has no clue where her daughter is but it's a-okay because a reformed grifter, ex-mob moll, multi-married Sonny/Jason pass-around* is almost interested in her son-in-law? What the actual fuck, show? 


*nothing against Sam but what mother wouldn't judge the heck out of her son-in-law's new fiance? And that's assuming a divorce/death was involved. Is Patrick divorced? 

  • Love 5

Count me in as a fellow take-her-or-leave-her Robin fan who thinks this is rancid bullshit. I'm supposed to believe that Anna has no clue where her daughter is but it's a-okay because a reformed grifter, ex-mob moll, multi-married Sonny/Jason pass-around* is almost interested in her son-in-law? What the actual fuck, show? 


*nothing against Sam but what mother wouldn't judge the heck out of her son-in-law's new fiance? And that's assuming a divorce/death was involved. Is Patrick divorced? 


Patrick and Robin are divorced. At least that was handled. The rest? Is still shit.

  • Love 1

I think that reason is they really want to try to set up Sam/Patrick as some viable alternative. Which it could have been, if Robin weren't still a prisoner and they hadn't brought Jason back two seconds after they started dating.

It's not even Robin being a prisoner or Jason being alive for me, to be honest. I mean, yeah, she's a prisoner. And, yeah, Jason's alive. But the characters don't know. I'll let that go for a hot sec. What the characters DO know? That Robin left her family to give Sam hers. And now you have Sam in her home, with her child, with her douche ex, with her daughter and mother loving every second of it. That's where the story gets to be too much "let's rub salt in Robin's wound."

  • Love 5

It's not even Robin being a prisoner or Jason being alive for me, to be honest. I mean, yeah, she's a prisoner. And, yeah, Jason's alive. But the characters don't know. I'll let that go for a hot sec. What the characters DO know? That Robin left her family to give Sam hers. And now you have Sam in her home, with her child, with her douche ex, with her daughter and mother loving every second of it. That's where the story gets to be too much "let's rub salt in Robin's wound."


Priorities! JASON is free from death/captivity and JASON is set to get HIS family back.  That's all that matters in GH Land!

  • Love 7

It's completely unnecessary for them to go this far with Anna, which is how you know it's intentional and they're doing it for a reason.

Sam is related to half the damn canvas, yet they use ROBIN's mother to pimp lame ass Samtrick?  They are making me hate Anna.  No one in Robin's family gives a damn about her (except offscreen Robert and Mac and that is only because I can make up their story in my head)

  • Love 8

Somewhere upthread, TeeVee329 noticed that Carly has been in every episode for the last month. Show has made her the number one Sonny-propper, guaranteed and dedicated to making us drink the Kool-Aid. Her conditioning works on the GH characters--consider AJ Quartermaine (we hardly knew ye!), Olivia, Dante, and pathetic Morgan. By having her on stage so frequently, they're trying to condition us too. So this is what brainwashing feels like...?

  • Love 2

Today was nauseating.  The Sonny propping has gotten out of hand.  Morgan needs to be committed before he kills someone yet Carly does NOTHING to get him any help.  Michael is having sit downs with the five families, but at least he's not the CEO of ELQ anymore.  Thank God he is back to being involved in the mob. You would think that Carly would have told Max to handle things.  She could have let Dante know that one brother has been going around trying to kill people and the other brother has been getting deeper into their father's business.  She is so proud of her boys.    Carly is more concerned about Sonny's daughter that she has forgotten her own daughter.  Joss is the lucky one she is half way around the world living in a corn field somewhere in the outback. 

  • Love 6

Ok, I kind of take back what I said about the Sam/Anna scenes.  While I love the set up of Anna and Sam working together, the dialogue didn't really make any sense in context.   So...Anna knows it's not Carlos for obvious reasons, so she should have Julian up there as her number one suspect....so what does she do?  Goes directly to his daughter and asks for her help.  And Sam doesn't say anything about Julian being a suspect?  It's just bizarre, especially since she JUST told Julian she would stay out if it.


Whatever, show.  I am still holding on to see what the new writers do.  I am giving it til sweeps.

  • Love 2

You would think that Carly would have told Max to handle things.  She could have let Dante know that one brother has been going around trying to kill people and the other brother has been getting deeper into their father's business.  She is so proud of her boys.    


Now now, they are incredible, to quote her, after all.


To be slightly fair to Carly, even Michael could thwart Max if he wanted to, so telling Max to handle things would have been  useless.

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 1

I fell two weeks behind again, but am finally caught up. I did not enjoy it. I couldn't stand any of the Sonny's bedside crap, and Michael going to the five families meeting was absolutely ridiculous. How has he done a full 180 in like two minutes? Shouldn't Sonny getting shot be a reminder to Michael of why he does NOT want that life?

I am not minding, and maybe even enjoying a little, the Dylan-related stuff. I'd like to see some more movement, especially having Dante ignore Sonny and deal with the mess he's made. Somehow Dante has been sidelined in a story about his own marriage!

Other than that story, though, every single storyline and character is mob-related. It's so frustrating.

  • Love 4

Finally caught up...it wasn't easy. Here's what I got...I am SO SICK of the Sonny Show. These are really unlikable hypocritical nasty people. The whole bunch of 'em.


I don't care about Sonny's big OMG "almost died again" latest medical whatever. I.Just.Don't Care.Because. I. Know. TPTB. WILL NEVER. KILL. SAINT. SONNY.  So right there...where's the drama? Heh. I don't care.


Carly...such a fierce Momma...loves Sonny...always will...cuz he's her truest bestest abusive self centered little moobster lurve EVER. Ohhhh..and he's such a good father....but guess what I don't care...and actually really dislike her more than I can say. Did I mention I feel the same way about Sonny? And I still don't care.


Michael WHO now? I loved the character when he  F I N A L L Y called Sonny out for f'ing shooting his father. I was so happy to see him F I N A L L Y embrace his "Q heritage" after waiting  YEARS for it to happen. That was really good writing based on history of the show. Well done. Now it was undone  and in a matter off literally hours because poor Sonny was shot...and NOT for the first time. What should have given him serious pause  about returning his infant sister to this family, made him SIDE with him? It does such a disservice to the character to have him flip on a dime.


Morgan Morgan Morgan. What are you trying to portray? I don't get bipolar but I get a lot of stupid. Loud yelling angry stupid. Bullying inconsiderate annoying ragey stupid. Stop it. I don't care. I liked you for about 2 seconds when you had hair & were with Ava. Now...you are  basically mute and/or FF.


Anna Devane...oh what they have done to you is a crime. I will ALWAYS  care about you...but your daughter Robin...aren't you the least concerned about her??!


Sam & Patrick...Liz & Jake/Jason.....this is getting pretty old...something needs to happen soon...boring.


One good thing from 24/7 Sonny is that I haven't seen Neens & Freako. Yay!


Dammit. Maura West still makes me like Ava! And that baby...OMG. So freaking adorable!!!


I'm just really disappointed that we are right back to General Mobsters. Is this RC's stuff or is it orders from the top down? This was why I took a 6+ year break from this show before after watching consistently since it's first weeks in '63.


Disclaimer: Even though I say I don't care...I guess I still do or it wouldn't bother me that TPTB/writers have crapped on this show so badly & I wouldn't have written such a long post. How can I keep watching though when I really care so little and/or actively hate so many characters & story?? ARGH.


ETA I don't know how they expect viewers to keep watching so many unlikable characters whose actions are pretty vile and make no sense from one week to the next. This kind of writing does NOT build viewer loyalty guys.

Edited by RedRockRosie
  • Love 11

This whole Jake=Jason is still going on

when YR is blowing up Adam's secret today

. GH doesn't get at all what they're doing wrong.

Because TPTB at GH don't seem to understand it's not just the reveal but the beats that follows the reveal that truly make for good story.

Offscreen reactions, Facebook tweets, because...reasons, because...Helena, etc are not good story telling.

  • Love 5

Patrick: "Unfortunately, the embolism reached Sonny's brain. There may be some damage...."


Me: "And we'll be able to tell.... how?....."

So... ripped knee jeans and a low-cut t-shirt -- this is how wardrobe is dressing KeMo "more mature"?


Because she borrowed from LW's bra collection.

On a different note, since Dante and Valerie slept together on 4th of July and it's still not known is this pregnancy going to be the opposite of Olivia's 4 month "preemie" and she's going to have an 11-month pregnancy, a la Robin with Emma?  Just what the show needs...


It's been a while since Val has petted her belly, as in a PeeStick Cameo, so THAT might have been dropped (along with Nathan's father).


Yeah, Dillion is super creepy with this who project just to get LooLoo. Please have him and his dad go "Hail Hydra" already.

  • Love 7

Somewhere upthread, TeeVee329 noticed that Carly has been in every episode for the last month. Show has made her the number one Sonny-propper, guaranteed and dedicated to making us drink the Kool-Aid. Her conditioning works on the GH characters--consider AJ Quartermaine (we hardly knew ye!), Olivia, Dante, and pathetic Morgan. By having her on stage so frequently, they're trying to condition us too. So this is what brainwashing feels like...?


And I'm back to fully hating Carly. Once upon a time Carly interested me. She was a human wrecking ball but Sarah Brown gave Carly humanity even when Carly was doing the most inhumane things. Tamara Braun had a thankless task and she fell back on her acting tendency to flail her arms. Also Carly slapped everyone in town except maybe Lila but I may just have missed that episode. I hated TB's Carly with Sonny. I kinda liked her with Alcazar's brother and with Jax. Now the show has reduced LW's Carly to propping Sonny 24/7. I actually find this more loathsome than hooking up with Franco, which I thought was the most loathsome thing since OLTL had Todd & Marty hook up.

  • Love 2

I loved the Anna/Sam scenes until Anna mentioned Sam gaining a daughter....I wouldn't call myself a Robin fan, I can take her or leave her, but that was BEYOND insulting.  Emma already has a fucking mother Anna.  You know, YOUR DAUGHTER.  It's just so stupid that this fucking dangling plotline of nobody giving a shit about Robin being MIA is STILL going on. 


Who is this "Robin" you speak of? Oh, you mean that woman who left her daughter Emma and abandoned Patrick to have three meals a day in Paris? You mean *she* was related to Anna?  Wow. I never realized this. I wonder if Show has ever done any backstory with this. At least I know why they  keep Anna on the canvas.

  • Love 4

Speaking of history stuff, when Dillon confessed to his feelings about Lulu, shouldn't Maxie have been all, "the fuck? This is the woman who you cheated on Georgie with, and now you want to try to get her back when she's married herself? What is wrong with you, dude?"


100% of the current GH stories would never be able to happen if any character remembered actual events and feelings from more than 5 minutes ago. 


So... ripped knee jeans and a low-cut t-shirt -- this is how wardrobe is dressing KeMo "more mature"?


Maybe they've gotten lazy and that's what KeMo showed up wearing that day, and wardrobe went "eh, she's good." 

  • Love 8


How can I keep watching though when I really care so little and/or actively hate so many characters & story?? ARGH.


I know why I'm still watching, but it's clearly a struggle. You shouldn't have to drink vast amounts of alcohol just to watch this dreck. <--------Hmm, sounds like another idea for the t-shirts! And RedRockRosie, I want to marry your entire post, even though it probably doesn't love me because it keeps talking about Jason and will leave me when it's eventually revealed in 2024 that he's still alive.


Besides Dillon being super creepy, every time Lulu was imagined it just seemed off because to me, ER just cannot play sexy. So every time it cut to her, I kept thinking WHYYYYY? I could get behind him and Maxie though. Dime Store Dillon does have a nice bod. 


As vile as Scarly (my new name for them, because they are nothing but a gross, disgusting, bleeding scar) are, that does not mean I was clamoring to see the SERIAL KILLER and I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS.

  • Love 3

I think that reason is they really want to try to set up Sam/Patrick as some viable alternative. Which it could have been, if Robin weren't still a prisoner and they hadn't brought Jason back two seconds after they started dating.

There was a great story to be told there.  Because I see a Sam and Patrick relationship that could have earthier, whereas Patrick's and Robin's relationship was more a battle of wits and cerebral. And that's not to say Sam isn't smart or Robin isn't sexy, but there can be tension in that Patrick would feel frustration because he talk readily about a procedure in depth because he'd have to explain it, and Sam interpreting that frustration as condescension.  Plus, let Patrick have more of an edge about Jason. Why these characters can't embrace their histories, I don't understand. I would have made him more reticent to have Sam come live with him and Emma.


Maybe Sam could have bumped heads with Emma more, and not in the blatant, overt set up way that Ron did with Sabrina and Emma.


And I'd type more, but I think Patrick's and Sam's lack of energy has rubbed of on me ... it takes .... so ... much... effort ... to move ... fingers on keypa ......................

Edited by Francie
  • Love 4

Yeah, Dillion is super creepy with this who project just to get LooLoo. Please have him and his dad go "Hail Hydra" already.


As much as I think the Dillon actor is lame and kinda plasticine looking, he's a character with a lot of GH history behind him and I don't want him going super crazy on us. There's been too much of that lately.

  • Love 3

So will it be safe to get off the barge next week?   I have my concerns. 


In the meantime, I'll warm up  - just in case - with some comments about yesterday's episode.


I can't take dire hospital announcements very seriously, so the perfunctory scenes with Sonny's family fell flat.  After all, how many times do we need to be told that Sonny's family loves and worships him?   I think we have the message.  Right?  Of course, those hospital scenes provided us with the obligatory Lante-bonding scenes - so we will remember what they have at stake when Dante's secret is revealed.  (And also so we will remember that they are the root-for couple in this story - and the obvious "winners" once the dust settles after the 4th of July story is told.) 


And, about that story which is now aptly described as a game of telephone with the Valerie, Dillon, Maxie, Nathan scenes:  A weak mess of writing - with Dullon (oops Dillon) being such an anemic character and with Valerie not being a well-developed character.  Don't the writers know that stories of conflict and romantic or other crises work best when ALL characters are well-established with background, clear POV and "rootability" factor?


Re Dillon's movie, can we watch Andy's documentary instead?  (That was the name of that extra with the camera, right?)  Methinks that might prove more interesting than that juvenile mess Dillon is attempting to create.  And I also expect some footage from Andy's film to show up at the worst possible moment  - and reveal some secrets in the most uncomfortable way.


And may we hope to never, never again see Maxie morphing into Lulu in Dillon's sex fantasies?   Please.


Re Paul and Anna, I do think that they are worthy adversaries - and I also expect to see him try to frame her for Sloane's murder. But - don't worry - intrepid Sam is on the job and she'll probably try to recruit Jake to help her investigate Sonny's shooting.  After all, it's sill five weeks to November 6 and the writers need to find a way to enable Sam and Jakeson to share scenes.


And there is Avery - still the best soap baby I can remember.  That child is just so chill - she needs to be with all the fine upstanding citizens fighting to parent her.  However, as evil as Ava is, considering her current legal status both with being Avery's birth mother and her lack of official criminal convictions, I have to give her the edge in having custody for now.  The hypocrisy dripping from Ma Barker and her boys is just a bit too much when it comes to pontificating about Avery needing to be with them. 

Edited by Aurora2
  • Love 5

It's sad that a story that should have been about Dante and Lulu isn't really about them at all.


Maybe not right now while other players are moved around on the plot point chess board to position them for the next major plays that will most definitely involve Dante and Lulu.  Their turn will come for a lot of focus.


From my jaded perspective, this story has not only been written about them - it's been written FOR them in RC's backhanded way.  Why else was Valerie introduced as a Spencer in a key dramatic story - and then immediately sidelined to be all about Lante?   To provide them story - to give them angst - to be a tool to grow interest in them and increase fan pleas that they stay together.  


They finally have a decent group of characters in this age group, but the story's just a dog.


Yes, it is a terrible story - and has been from the beginning when the writers chose to so badly marginalize a key player - Valerie - and write only plot points for her instead.   And then the whole story became - and continues to be - a series of plot points without sustaining or developing legitimate character POV. (OOC actions for Dante, poor development of Valerie)


As an aside re Valerie, reports from two friends who heard Dom's comments at recent PAs said he spoke about how Dante was scripted to treat Valerie differently in varying scenes - and about how her lines were also inconsistent one day to the next.  Secondhand information, I know, but information which reflects the ambiguous POV I have seen on the screen.


NOT the way to build a story of substance.

  • Love 3

I have to defend Sam's wardrobe yesterday. She was home alone. Was she supposed to be dressed like Ava or Carly? Seriously, jeans and a t-shirt are what most women wear around the house if they're not wearing sweats. I could've lived without the ripped jeans, but still. She wasn't expecting company so she was comfortable.


No, I agree. For my part I was only ragging on the jeans.

Ah, and of course what a treat it was to see Michael pulling out the patented "Sonny whispers of threatening doom" to intimidate Ava for daring to use the law and stuff to her advantage, how classy!

It always cracks me up when Sonny and his family get so offended when someone has the nerve to use the same tactics they use against them. 


You would think that Carly would have told Max to handle things.

She mentioned having Max go to the meeting, but Michael said no because the rep needed to be a Corinthos.

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