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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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How is the Noodle Buddha still in business?  Especially since teary-eyed women like to take up a table staring at dime store trinkets while never ordering any food. 

Fascinating how Jake, who was employed for a day, has money for Chinese food, toys, etc.  Didn't he mention having a car, too?  Getting ELQ back for Michael must pay well, especially for having no results so far. 

  • Love 7

Given she kept Michael away from AJ, had Sonny sign away his parental rights to Morgan AND schemed to keep Jax from seeing Jocelyn, I guess trying to keep a kid away from her MOTHER is actually a refreshing change of pace for Carly.


No loyalty to Ava, because she's awful, but Carly taking the moral high ground when it comes to custody?  Where's a good lightning strike when you need you?

  • Love 14
I am watching Morgan, and thinking how every time he is supposed to look brooding or pissed, he really looks lost and stupid.



My guess is because he is both of those things. I don't know if it's the actor or just how awfully the character is written but yeah he just always comes across as this dumb guy with this "doh!" face. 


I don't watch the show regularly or well barely to be honest. I have a vague idea of what's happening because I see promos and stuff but I just had to comment on this Eizabeth/Jake(really Jason)/Sam mess. My fervent hope is that Sam and Jake fall for each other and get together even without him remembering he's Jason. His memory can come after. But I want him to leave Elizabeth for Sam without even realizing who he really is because Elizabeth is just too damn pathetic. So I want her to choke on the knowledge that Jason, not Jason she STILL loses him to Sam. 

  • Love 10

Fantastic, now Michael Quartermaine is going to a Five Families meeting.  Why does this show want me to hurt?


This is such a blatant, bad rip-off of The Godfather when Al Pacino only got entrenched in "the family business" when Marlon Brando got shot.  


And I'm still waiting for Morgan to give in, go see Kevin and Kevin to break the news to him that "you're not bi-polar, you're just an uneducated asshole."

  • Love 13

This is such a blatant, bad rip-off of The Godfather when Al Pacino only got entrenched in "the family business" when Marlon Brando got shot.  


And I'm still waiting for Morgan to give in, go see Kevin and Kevin to break the news to him that "you're not bi-polar, you're just an uneducated asshole."


It definitely is.  But the show isn't supposed to be focusing on the mob, right, Nathan Varni?  #hate


And yes, I still want Jon Lindstrom to slum it for just one day so Kevin can deliver such a line.

  • Love 1

I'm starting a gofundme to raise money for Billy M's shampoo fund.  Apparently he doesn't have any, or he thinks he's playing Lucky, not Jakeson.  Any leftover money will go to Chad Duell, so he can eradicate that girly helmet-head haircut he's got going on. 


eta: JT could stand a haircut, too.

Edited by ciarra
  • Love 8

Gotta love A.J.'s murderer who got a bloody governor's pardon spitting and twitching over Ava getting away with her own crimes...my brain really hates me right now.


Avery waving and saying "Hi!" to her mummy/handler off stage cracked me up. I love that little girl, she is just incredible. I only wish she'd started throwing her foam blocks at Maurice, bouncing them off his head.


So Michael has fully become the little dumb-ass his parents raised him to be. May a stray bullet hit him squarely in the nut sack to hopefully ensure he can never reproduce. If he happens to bleed out from the wound, all the better.


And I had to snort when he mentioned how Dante couldn't stand up for the family at the meeting for "obvious reasons". Yeah, such as being a half descent law abiding citizen, also a cop, who might actually care about the full consequences sure to come about from playing mini mob don in Daddy's absence, you little shit.


Ric is such a wuss, why was he allowing those overgrown bratty bitches, aka his nephews, treat him like something they stepped in? I have no use for the character personally but honestly he should have been able to shut them down handily. 


I am just going to come out and say it now - Paul is (insert name here) in a mask.


I just see this as being yet another mask ploy where "Paul" is an impostor, the real Paul is tied up somewhere as Helena's new plaything or maybe cryogenically frozen, who knows.


I am going to threw out my first guess as this new "big bad" being Jerry Jax because why not at this point make this whole nonsense make even less sense than it already does, and they haven't lured Sebastian back for a while.

  • Love 5

To be fair, AJ was fat so he was clearly asking for it.




Goshdarnit you're right, I keep forgetting that. Heaven knows mowing down a fatty double chins is basically committing a public service in good ol' PC.




Michael The STUPID LIttle SHIT has returned?




In spades. He is now literally sitting at the table with the mob.


I guess he wants to start practicing now so he'll be able to pound on tables, spewing loads of bullshit about "honour!" and "loyalty!" and "bullets!", and also deal with those annoying whore!slut!bitches! that keep hanging around while breaking cases of glassware in Sonny's stead as he recovers. 


He will need to work on learning how to stutter/spit/twitch properly however, maybe take some lessons from Morgan.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 2

Rick should have walked away from Michael and Morgan the moment they gave him attitude, telling them, "Yeah, tell your dad to say good-bye to Avery." Ric was always desperate for Sonny's acceptance/approval, but he also had some self-respect when it came to pipsqueaks like Michael and Morgan pushing him around.


It took Patrick this long to figure out that Sam was still in love with Jason? No wonder he won't figure out what the deal is with Robin. 


"How can anyone give Ava custody of this little girl?" Uh, because she's Avery's mom, Sonny? Crypt!Sex cuts both ways, dude.


I really want Morgan to crash the Five Families meeting and wreck everything.


How did the show end? The pope in New York cut off the last minute of so.

  • Love 6

All I got today was about 60 seconds of plot movement and the rest was Jason, Jason, Sonny, Sonny, Jason, Sonny, Jason, Jason.


After today's disgusting developments, I really want Kimberly Mc to come in on a one-off. She always was a truth-teller, so in her one-day sweep through Port Chuck she can tell Patrick to DIAF, tell Sam that Jason's alive but she doesn't know where he is, tell Liz  she was a crummy friend for encouraging Patrick to get with Sam instead of finding out why she hadn't come home, and tell Sonny that Avery isn't his , because . . . reasons . . . or Helena . . ., and then if she has any time left she can rip Michael a new one for going against the court order and giving Avery to Sonny. She can then grab Emma, stop by Mac and Flea's for a hug and a kiss, and then leave town to live with her father, RF!S. And if Anna comes down to the docks to see her, all she'll see is Robin staring coldly at her from the already-departed launch. 


Then Sam, Sonny, and Carly will all leave town to find Jason, their one true love. Anna will expose Paul's mob ties, Ava will flee with Avery and Kiki, and Morgan's stupidity will guarantee that he will consistently injure himself, creating more hospital stories. If anyone ever mentions Franco or Nina again, people will just looked puzzled and say "Who?"

  • Love 3

I just...I just...I can't with this show right now. Seriously, did Guza secretly get rehired and they're keeping it under wraps? It's not just that Sonny and his family have taken up 90% of the screentime recently, it's that it feels like the show has gone back to the POV and attitude of Sonny, Carly, et al. are always right and anyone who goes against them is the devil. 


Sonny and Carly have always been nitwits who think that they can judge whoever gets to raise kids (and not just their own children, since Carly tried to help Jax keep Spencer from Nikolas - though in the long run that kid would have been better off with Jax) but lo anyone even question their track record as parents and it's all "how dare you judge me. I love my kids and that's all that counts. So what if they;ve been kidnapped, almost blown up, and shot in the head - it's the LOOOOVE that's important." Ugh. You've got to be freaking kidding me.


Sonny reached epic levels of hypocrisy today. Him acting like there was some gross miscarriage of justice because Ava won't pay for her crimes, when he's barely paid for killing AJ is laughable. How could anyone give her custody of Avery? She's her mother. Remember during the custody battle with Michael, how your biological rights superseded everything! So now that doesn't apply to Ava? Them acting like they have every right to judge Ava's parenting is laughable considering she's in the same line of work Sonny is. And while people may make fun of Kiki for being a jobless idiot, it seems like she at least had a safe childhood and was never shot in the head.



Rick should have walked away from Michael and Morgan the moment they gave him attitude, telling them, "Yeah, tell your dad to say good-bye to Avery." Ric was always desperate for Sonny's acceptance/approval, but he also had some self-respect when it came to pipsqueaks like Michael and Morgan pushing him around.


Yeah, I don't get why he's taking their shit at all. For a long time Ric had such a complex when it came to Sonny and at times seemed like he was desperate for his approval and then when he didn't get it would resort to crazy schemes. Since he's come back he's been less obsessed with Sonny, so I don't get why he doesn't tell them all to get bent. They all treat him like scum to his face and behind his back, yet want to use his skills when it suits their purposes.


Michael can STFU on so many levels right now (soooo disappointed in him recently), but at least he and Ric realized Morgan is far too volatile to go to that meeting. That Morgan thought he could just proves he inherited the moron gene from his parents. Morgan makes Donald Trump look like model of restraint. I loved how he didn't seem to realize he kept proving their point by blowing up at every little thing they said.


Liz is so demented. Her actually sitting there and saying how Sam should just let go of Jason and that she couldn't possibly still love him after how long he's been away - considering the lengths she's gone to keep Jason - is just mental and malicious! Gah! November 6 can not get here sooner! I'm glad at least Patrick realized she was being a bit weird and creepy. 


I liked Julian and Alexis' talk about Sam and how Julian fully admitted to being a hypocrite and not wanting Sam with a mobster for a husband. I really hope Ava doesn't throw him under the bus.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
  • Love 7

It took Patrick this long to figure out that Sam was still in love with Jason? No wonder he won't figure out what the deal is with Robin.

LMAO. Well, he's never going to figure out the latter because this show is hellbent on selling that Patrick has 100% moved on and forever in love and "meant to be" with Sam, so there's no reason for him to contact her ever again.

Speaking of Sam, she STILL has no idea why Patrick divorced Robin and the show will continue to pretend that Sam and Patrick are suffering the same "loss."

  • Love 3

Someone, anyone, needs to take Morgan's finger and break it off. And also put him out of his misery, for Christ's sake. But otherwise this is what the conversation sounded like


Ric: I like Sonny better!

Morgan: No me!

Ric: No me!

Morgan: me! me! me! me!


I hope Morgan crashes the meeting. We need the comedy break.


Sonny: I'll see Ava in hell first!


It's not quite "I'll see Carly a widow before I see her with you", but it's up there.


For so many reasons, I wish Connie had not been murdered and had just disappeared into the soap ether, but mostly, because I'm still hearing her goddamn name two years later after she's dead aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh.


my mom today (who maybe only watched briefly, she watched AMC and she stopped watching that probably early 90s): I can't believe GH is still running.


me: you have no idea how many times that has been said.


Patrick: I dunno if Sam and I were meant to be.


Liz: No, no, do it! Everyone knows marriages are for life! Can't get a divorce! I haven't been married 5 times or so! (It's only 4, right? Two weddings to Lucky and two to Ric?)


this was funny:


Alexis: I think permission for marriage should be asked of the mother

Julian: There you go, we've both been slighted


I don't like Ava being blackmailed, it should have been mutual.


<------ I've changed my name in honor of my favorite character, who I have been missing something fierce this week, hope she comes back soon!

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 9

I just...I just...I can't with this show right now. Seriously, did Guza secretly get rehired and they're keeping it under wraps? It's not just that Sonny and his family have taken up 90% of the screentime recently, it's that it feels like the show has gone back to the POV and attitude of Sonny, Carly, et al. are always right and anyone who goes against them is the devil. 


Sonny and Carly have always been nitwits who think that they can judge whoever gets to raise kids (and not just their own children, since Carly tried to help Jax keep Spencer from Nikolas - though in the long run that kid would have been better off with Jax) but lo anyone even question their track record as parents and it's all "how dare you judge me. I love my kids and that's all that counts. So what if they;ve been kidnapped, almost blown up, and shot in the head - it's the LOOOOVE that's important." Ugh. You've got to be freaking kidding me.


Sonny reached epic levels of hypocrisy today. Him acting like there was some gross miscarriage of justice because Ava won't pay for her crimes, when he's barely paid for killing AJ is laughable. How could anyone give her custody of Avery? She's her mother. Remember during the custody battle with Michael, how your biological rights superseded everything! So now that doesn't apply to Ava? Them acting like they have every right to judge Ava's parenting is laughable considering she's in the same line of work Sonny is. And while people may make fun of Kiki for being a jobless idiot, it seems like she at least had a safe childhood and was never shot in the head.



Yeah, I don't get why he's taking their shit at all. For a long time Ric had such a complex when it came to Sonny and at times seemed like he was desperate for his approval and then when he didn't get it would resort to crazy schemes. Since he's come back he's been less obsessed with Sonny, so I don't get why he doesn't tell them all to get bent. They all treat him like scum to his face and behind his back, yet want to use his skills when it suits their purposes.


Michael can STFU on so many levels right now (soooo disappointed in him recently), but at least he and Ric realized Morgan is far too volatile to go to that meeting. That Morgan thought he could just proves he inherited the moron gene from his parents. Morgan makes Donald Trump look like model of restraint. I loved how he didn't seem to realize he kept proving their point by blowing up at every little thing they said.


Liz is so demented. Her actually sitting there and saying how Sam should just let go of Jason and that she couldn't possibly still love him after how long he's been away - considering the lengths she's gone to keep Jason - is just mental and malicious! Gah! November 6 can not get here sooner! I'm glad at least Patrick realized she was being a bit weird and creepy. 


I liked Julian and Alexis' talk about Sam and how Julian fully admitted to being a hypocrite and not wanting Sam with a mobster for a husband. I really hope Ava doesn't throw him under the bus.

This post is truly a thing of beauty, except for Julian and Alexis part...both of them get on my nerves. 

Rick should have walked away from Michael and Morgan the moment they gave him attitude, telling them, "Yeah, tell your dad to say good-bye to Avery." Ric was always desperate for Sonny's acceptance/approval, but he also had some self-respect when it came to pipsqueaks like Michael and Morgan pushing him around.


It took Patrick this long to figure out that Sam was still in love with Jason? No wonder he won't figure out what the deal is with Robin. 


"How can anyone give Ava custody of this little girl?" Uh, because she's Avery's mom, Sonny? Crypt!Sex cuts both ways, dude.


I really want Morgan to crash the Five Families meeting and wreck everything.


How did the show end? The pope in New York cut off the last minute of so.

Ava showed up at the Five Families meeting and said she'd reveal who shot Sonny. Carly asked Sonny to marry her immediately to help their custody bid against Ava. Paul talked to someone on the phone about Ava being a wild card and not knowing if she'd fall in line. And Sam said she feels that Jason is still alive.

  • Love 1

I just...I just...I can't with this show right now. Seriously, did Guza secretly get rehired and they're keeping it under wraps? It's not just that Sonny and his family have taken up 90% of the screentime recently, it's that it feels like the show has gone back to the POV and attitude of Sonny, Carly, et al. are always right and anyone who goes against them is the devil. 


Even Guza was more subtle than this.


I'd rant about lines like "it's just now there will never be any justice for Connie" but it's so useless, but I will say a couple things:


-It's absurd coming from Morgan's mouth. Really Morgan? Am I supposed to buy Morgan gives a crap?


-What goes on in the writers' room (or e-mails, whatever), this?


writer 1: So let's just say all this crap about Connie not getting justice and try to make Sonny look good

writer 2: What if viewers' brains explode because of the hypocrisy and they die and we're charged with murder?

writer 1: don't be ridiculous! That doesn't actually happen! If they hate it so much, they can stop watching.

writer 3: but guys, they have stopped watching! Isn't that why they fired Ron in the first place?

writer 1: they stopped watching because Sonny wasn't on that much!

writer 3: o . . . kay . . . 


- and also, I just need them all to stop talking about Connie in general


Michael can STFU on so many levels right now (soooo disappointed in him recently), but at least he and Ric realized Morgan is far too volatile to go to that meeting. That Morgan thought he could just proves he inherited the moron gene from his parents. Morgan makes Donald Trump look like model of restraint. I loved how he didn't seem to realize he kept proving their point by blowing up at every little thing they said.


I get that Michael didn't want to break ranks in public, but he needs to give Morgan the "you're a spineless tool baby" speech, punch him in the face, and tell him to go to a psychiatrist. Or drug him into a coma, I'm not picky.

Edited by ulkikis
  • Love 7


Michael The STUPID LIttle SHIT has returned?


I can't in good conscience call Michael that while Morgan exists. And he wasn't particularly gung ho to go to the meeting, he just wanted to save his stupid, stupid brother. But why he was being so assy to Ric (who, for the record, I'm not a fan of either) was a little ridiculous. But then Dante was being mean to him for no reason either. It's weird that they are being meaner to Ric than Sonny is.

  • Love 3

I do continue to be amused that Sam's relationship with Silas has been poofed out of existence.



All roads lead to Jason. Frankly I find it funny that they keep trying to pretend there's a relationship going on between her and Patrick right now. They may sleep together and their often never seen kids may play together and live in the same house but Sam is still as "ride or die" over Jason as ever.


That Patrick weeps over his man pain that he, indeed, will never measure up to an emotionless killer in Sam's eyes is just a slight bonus.


The moment they put those together all those years ago Sam basically died as her own person and became Jason's permanent fluffer. She rivals Carly, especially considering Jason never threatened to kill Carly as he did with Sam.

  • Love 1

I can't in good conscience call Michael that while Morgan exists. And he wasn't particularly gung ho to go to the meeting, he just wanted to save his stupid, stupid brother. But why he was being so assy to Ric (who, for the record, I'm not a fan of either) was a little ridiculous. But then Dante was being mean to him for no reason either. It's weird that they are being meaner to Ric than Sonny is.


Why not? He no longer is angry with that midgety moobster, right? He wuuuves him again, right? (Because I've been on the Barge and know not what has been transpiring, but based on what I've read).


Plus, Morgan is The Dumber Stupider Little Shit.


For shame ulkis! You should have known that!

  • Love 2

Speaking of not subtle, so much of the dialogue has been laced with "ironic double meanings" (usually followed by an anvil-y scene cut) and it's not as clever or cute as the writers think it is.


true. Although I don't think anything has hurt me quite as bad as Kiki's "I know that Denise, the aunt who I just met, and my boyfriend who has zero impulse control, would never, ever do something to me behind my back" in August.

  • Love 1

The moment they put those together all those years ago Sam basically died as her own person and became Jason's permanent fluffer. She rivals Carly, especially considering Jason never threatened to kill Carly as he did with Sam.

No, the moment they put her with Sonny and made her another one of his baby mama's was when she failed, IMO. Putting her with Jason was an extreme step up and is the reason she's the female lead, to be honest.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 2

I do continue to be amused that Sam's relationship with Silas has been poofed out of existence.

I think "proofed out of existence" should be added to the list of explanations for story inconsistencies.

"why did (name) (verb) (name)?" "What brought on (name's) rage blackouts? - Reasons

" whatever happened to: (name)? the relationship between (name) and (name)? My sanity and will to watch this show? - Poofed out of existence.

Works for me...

  • Love 2

This is such a blatant, bad rip-off of The Godfather when Al Pacino only got entrenched in "the family business" when Marlon Brando got shot.  


If only I could hope for Morgan being sent out on a rowboat and Sonny kicking it relatively soon. Oh, and either Sabrina or Kiki exploding. 


At least there's a good chance of Earth Mother Carly's crocodile tears.


It isn't even funny how much Morgan sucks now. I bow to the wisdom of those of you who saw it before. And it's not because he's a Sonny lover, it's because of the way he does it, I guess. And the way he does everything else. I just wanted Ric and Michael to take turns giving him wedgies and telling him to go find his blanky and take a nap.

No, the moment they put her with Sonny and made her another one of his baby mama's was when she failed, IMO. Putting her with Jason was an extreme step up and is the reason she's the female lead, to be honest.


I mean, didn't Sam fail pretty quickly right out of the gate? If it weren't for Frons and her finally clicking with Jason, she would probably have been long gone.

I see you…and your name change. You in danger, girl.


I can't change it back yet! You're stuck with it for 30 days!

  • Love 1

No, the moment they put her with Sonny and made her another one of his baby mama's was when she failed, IMO. Putting her with Jason was an extreme step up and is the reason she's the female lead, to be honest.



Eh, her being with Sonny was a mistake from the get go but it was basically written that way, especially since Tamara was Carly back then. Turning Sam into Jason's love sick puppy, always his little champion bimbo ready to defend him at all costs is what killed her in my eyes. Sam could have recovered from Sonny, especially when she lost the baby and therefore could have severed all ties to him. 


But tomato - to-mah-to, frankly they both destroyed Sam as far as I'm concerned.


Which is why, for me,  seeing Sam and Jason sitting at that table today, staring at each other, Jason getting more damn visions and Sam fondling those figurines and still neither "got a clue" was beyond painfully stupid. 




I know this is the very definition of wishful thinking but would it be too much to ask for Sam to bring up Robin, since she, as far as Sam knows, is a the last person to see Jason "alive" and therefore triggers Jake's vision of seeing Robin in the penthouse which he casually brings up, so then Sam pulls up a picture of Robin on her phone (hey, reasons) and shows him and he's hit with another round of brain freezes and recalls the car accident and then he and Sam share a long look before rushing off to the hospital to get his DNA tested... 


Don't give me that look - I'm trying to better my reality!



Edited by CPP83

I mean, didn't Sam fail pretty quickly right out of the gate? If it weren't for Frons and her finally clicking with Jason, she would probably have been long gone.

I'd say you'd be correct.

Turning Sam into Jason's love sick puppy, always his little champion bimbo ready to defend him at all costs is what killed her in my eyes.

We just gotta disagree here. Because I've seen her with other male characters. And I don't think her character suddenly became significantly different/better away from Jason. Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 1

I cannot stand Sam and the whole "ride or die chick' persona.  Sadly, I actually liked some of the humor and different aspects Billy Miller was bringing to 'Jake,' but I imagine all that will 'poof out of existence' the second he officially becomes Jason again.  Then he can be Sonny's humorless One True Love and Sam can fully endorse his hitman ways and then I'll just go back to fast forwarding through all their scenes.  

  • Love 4

After today's disgusting developments, I really want Kimberly Mc to come in on a one-off. She always was a truth-teller, so in her one-day sweep through Port Chuck she can tell Patrick to DIAF, tell Sam that Jason's alive but she doesn't know where he is, tell Liz she was a crummy friend for encouraging Patrick to get with Sam instead of finding out why she hadn't come home, and tell Sonny that Avery isn't his , because . . . reasons . . . or Helena . . ., and then if she has any time left she can rip Michael a new one for going against the court order and giving Avery to Sonny. She can then grab Emma, stop by Mac and Flea's for a hug and a kiss, and then leave town to live with her father, RF!S. And if Anna comes down to the docks to see her, all she'll see is Robin staring coldly at her from the already-departed launch.

Marry me, please. I'd even take KMc doing this via Skype.

  • Love 1
We just gotta disagree here. Because I've seen her with other male characters. And I don't think her character suddenly became significantly different/better away from Jason




Indeed personal preference is at hand here, but I saw potential before, Sam wasn't the best or the worst, especially at the time she came on, but to me putting her with Jason was the final nail in her sinking coffin. But that's all I have to say about it, certainly my feelings won't change the past, or the present, or whatever future this failing show has left.


She's forever his wimpy little woman who will never truly get past him, at least that's my take. I always preferred Kelly as a Livvie type anyway so Sam was never my favourite to start with.


Today's nonsense being a big reason why.

  • Love 1

I cannot stand Sam and the whole "ride or die chick' persona.  Sadly, I actually liked some of the humor and different aspects Billy Miller was bringing to 'Jake,' but I imagine all that will 'poof out of existence' the second he officially becomes Jason again.  Then he can be Sonny's humorless One True Love and Sam can fully endorse his hitman ways and then I'll just go back to fast forwarding through all their scenes.  


I don't think so. I think Jason will be a much more emotional person, hitman or not, and I don't think he will be a hitman. I think he will still be Sonny's friend, but Billy Miller will also throw in lots of "buddys" and call Carly "sweetheart", and I'll feel awkward. I don't think BM has the ability to just be stone faced 24/7.

  • Love 5

It looks like the transporter is working quite well today. Both Michael and Ava made it to NYC before Sam and Jake finished their conversation.


Did both Snarly and Sam get into Sonny's mantan? They both looked as orange as he usually does.


No, it wasn't NYC. It's Sonny's restaurant, which is in Port Charles. Not that I have a doubt they would have gotten there as quickly if it actually was in NYC.

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