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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I bet Sonny looks at Morgan sometimes and thinks 'I bet the baby that AJ killed in the mistairrage wouldn't of been such an idiot'

I think Morgan is so stupid that Sonny actually places the blame on Carly for the mistairrage. It explains why he kinda glares at her and side eyes her sometimes, besides it's 2015- Sonny is all about equal opportunities now.

He may even *gasp* welcome his girl children with open arms now.

Oh really? What it is about her scripts that clues you off, I'm curious to know.


No finesse at all with character POV - unlike a writer like Kate Hall who can usually soften the edges a bit when the episode breakdowns put the characters in crappy situations (example Dante and Lulu yesterday).  

It's so stupid. If Lulu told him not to get law enforcement involved, he wouldn't. Lulu is the one who always goes off half-cocked; case in point, insisting she has to go help find Lucky.



I've been spitting nails at Lulu the past couple of days.  I don't even recognize the character. 

I gagged a bit at that line to Maxie about something which is much more important than her marriage.  Just after the Lante wedding, Lulu told Luke that finding her father had become more important than "the man I love."  And Luke told her that was just wrong - Lulu agreed and I thought we had moved on from and that she was focused on Dante and her marriage as her priority.

But, here she is again yesterday - so focused on the Spencer problems that she can't even see the man she loves standing in front of her and showing signs of concern about what was so obviously a lie she was telling him about that phone call. 

What a mess this story has become!

And I don't buy for a minute that Lulu couldn't find a way to tell Dante at least as much as she told Maxie.   Nor do I buy that she doesn't have the faith and trust in her husband to know that he could keep this secret.  Luke and Laura may have told her not to say anything, but they don't know Dante the way she does.  Regardless of what they said, she should have told Dante.

Besides, isn't she now violating another of the kidnapper's rules by running off to find her parents?   Laura did say that the kidnapper insisted that they (Luke and Laura) come alone.   

Make this story end!!!

  • Love 6

Just watched yesterday's show. So let me see if I have this straight: Lucy sided with Nik because Michael yelled at duke and took Sonny's child away from him. But MICHAEL is immature?

Sonny is trying to assuage his guilt and stick it to Jordan by offering TJ a place to live and to pay for his college tuition. But JORDAN is the bad guy.

Sorry Ron, I'm not buying any of it.

  • Love 16

I know it's for plot reasons but couldn't they even make an attempt to have Dante and Lulu act in character? Given the relationship I've seen over the years, Lulu would never keep this secret from Dante, and he sure as hell wouldn't creep around spying on her just based on the word of someone he barely knows- he'd ask his damn wife about it. All I'm asking for is a little bit of effort, writers.


It's ridiculous that she is terrified to tell Nik (presumably because the bad guys will know she told), but she sits around having on person and over the phone conversations with Dillon about it multiple times per day.  Yeah, risk bringing in the fucking filmmaker, but don't bring in your husband, the cop, who has experience with this shit.  Makes total sense.  And Dante not just flat out saying to her "I know you're hiding something, you need to let me in here," is absurd. 


When Sonny told TJ that he had been in a similar situation (as Duke) when he found a mole in his organization and had to deal with it, was he referring to Dante?  Did he just casually refer to shooting his own son in the chest? WTF?


...Sigh...Why you bringing up old stuff?  It was all Olivia's fault!  If she had just told him Dante was his son, he (probably) never would have shot him point blank in the chest!  Geez!  Cue bar ware flinging. 

  • Love 5

Just when you think the show couldn't get any worse. FrankenRon show you  it can .So far they have destroyed ALMOST ALL THE CHARACTERS. Lucy , Nickolas, Lulu is finally Luke's Progeny. Dumb to the core. I came back to see Genie's return, and now I don't care. Anyone think laura is next. maybe helping Nick run ELQ into the ground ?I'm done. Say what you like but I still think FrankenRon were brought on to disgust us ,have us turn the show off and then they can cancel it.!

  • Love 2

I had to laugh that when Michael was voted out as CEO, he didn't even clean out his desk; he just took Edward's portrait off the wall.


Sonny is a total groomer of young men.


He may even *gasp* welcome his girl children with open arms now.


Don't start thinking crazy thoughts. No matter how bad the relationship is with his sons, Sonny's girl children are always less than an afterthought.


Did he just casually refer to shooting his own son in the chest? WTF?

Well sure but that was yeeeeears ago. Bygones.


He didn't know Dante was his son! Geez, people. It's been years. Let it go!

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 16

I don't think Lucy has stock, just a place on the board and the deciding vote if there is a deadlock.


I thought she had 1% stock. 

Michael: Come Grandfather. I won't have you witness any more of the stupid in this office.


Edward's Painting:  Thank goodness.  Earlier, a woman in a obvious wig yelled at me!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 20


No matter how bad the relationship is with his sons, Sonny's girl children are always less than an afterthought.

Well, except for the one he can't have.  That one, he really, really wants.  



Edward's Painting:  Thank goodness.  Earlier, a woman in a obvious wig yelled at me!

Then made out with The Stupid One on your couch.  



Besides, isn't she now violating another of the kidnapper's rules by running off to find her parents?

And what exactly are a club owner and a filmmaker going to do when they get there?  I know they want stife with Lante but this would have made more sense if it had been Lante and Naxie heading off to help L&L.  At least you'd have two cops with cop instincts.  Lulu would have provided the handwringing while Maxie would have complained about the lack of fashion.  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 10
And what exactly are a club owner and a filmmaker going to do when they get there?  I know they want stife with Lante but this would have made more sense if it had been Lante and Naxie heading off to help L&L.  At least you'd have two cops with cop instincts.  Lulu would have provided the handwringing while Maxie would have complained about the lack of fashion.


Congratulations! You've just proven yourself a much more gifted head writer than one Ron Carlivati.  Low hurdle and small comfort, though it may be.

  • Love 7

And what exactly are a club owner and a filmmaker going to do when they get there? 


They're going to DANCE. wooohoooo


I know they want stife with Lante but this would have made more sense if it had been Lante and Naxie heading off to help L&L.  At least you'd have two cops with cop instincts.  Lulu would have provided the handwringing while Maxie would have complained about the lack of fashion.



I put this in the Spencer thread but now you've made it appropriate to put it here, thanks :)


Couldn't they have waited a couple of weeks, till Luke left, to push back this cheating story? How fabulous would it have been to see Luke and Laura, Liz and Lucky, Lulu and Dante and the kids in one room? (no matter how much it made Tony Geary vomit because of the sentimentality) For Dante and Lulu to help out Luke and Laura? To find Lucky, their brother/friend? Instead, fucking nuDillon goes with them?!?! ugh.

  • Love 11

Tracy said the other day that Alan gave Lucy a "small stake" in the company.  That's where her 1% came from.  The GH Wiki has a breakdown of stockholders. 

There was a sheet of paper in that episode from a week or so ago with Sloane and Nikolas.  They showed the list on camera -- names and percentages.  It did add up to 100%.  I don't remember seeing Lucy's name on it -- but anyone can go back and check it. If it doesn't, then the show is treating the viewers too stupid to add ... yet again.


This all reminds me of the reading of Edward's will.  We were supposed to believe that the list Diane was holding only added up to 87%.  Like 13% of Edward's estate could just sit there, waiting for a undead grandkid to arrive to pick it up.  I can imagine the drafting now:


Diane:  This only adds up to 87%  You need to account for all your estate.

Edward:  One of my grandkids is going to wind up coming back from the dead. So, just leave it like that.

  • Love 3

So I've been away on vacation and return to ...


Some attractive woman who looks at least 15 years younger than actor TG, desperate to sex up Luke. Blech, WTF, etc. 


A highly contrived Lulu/Dillon/Dante/Val situation. Also, it's odd seeing Dillon/young Paul (that's who I see when I look at nuDillon) asserting himself to Nikolas. Had they ever even met before when SC was in the role? I


'Jake' and Sam appearing to like each other so much they would barely notice if Patrick and Liz disappeared. That makes me laugh. 


Nik going full-on Cassadine. Interesting to watch his Stavros-like moment in the ELQ office chair. I thought it was deliberately vague when he said "you" about not accepting, yada yada Emily - it seemed like he was talking about Tracy's treatment of Emily specifically ... not necessarily the whole Q Family. There's some truth in that, as Tracy admitted to Monica after Em was murdered that she had resented Em getting compared to Lila.


Lucy being a stupid, ridiculous, incredibly irritating tool. I liked what Tracy said to her but for once I would have liked Tracy to be harsher with someone, as Lucy more than deserved it. 


Sonny being Sonny. Run TJ, run.


I missed Nik's reaction to his mother's return. How'd that go? And does he have any idea that Lucky is in trouble? He didn't even seem to react to Lucy's comment about Luke leaving Tracy for Laura. Makes me wonder if there will be a slight re-hash of the favored son resentment, since she's gone off on an adventure with her ex to save Lucky. 


I agree that the "Vote" looked absurd. The only Qs on-screen to vote are Tracy, Michael, and the recently returned Dillon. Seeing Dillon in the Q office made me roll my eyes and really miss Ned.  I would have enjoyed Ned tearing Nik's head off. 

  • Love 4

Ugh, that "You look so different!" scene between Franco and Kiki.  This relationship never made any sense (which is even more glaring now with Kristen Alderson gone) and still doesn't (Keeks hates Nina for what she did to Avery, but not willing accomplice Franco?).


It's a shame, there are actually kernels of a classic soap story in the Francs and Neens mess, too bad it's being wasted on them.


Between the writing for Jennifer Smith and for AvaDenise today, not a great week for women.


Shut up, Sabrina.

  • Love 2
I would have enjoyed Ned tearing Nik's head off.


Except Ned (who I do like by the way) started all of this by being a dumb ass wiling to do whatever he must to "save" Olivia's nonessential baby by risking his family's company giving shares to the SERIAL KILLER, and then his equally idiotic daughter got caught out with said useless baby and was blackmailed as well into giving up her shares, which Nik is also well aware of so if anyone would have owned anyone in a confrontation between them it'd be Nik over Ned six ways and twice on Sunday, especially since Tracy  is pretty much in the dark as usual about everything.


Though I have to say that Tyler really seems to have come alive somehow being given such a green-light to act as if Nik is a utterly unrepentant SOB. I guess on this show at this point playing a self-serving ass openly would help deflect from how terrible the writing for your character surely is, at least have fun with it.


And I had to crack up at his threatening to give Rosalie over to Helena to be her "bitch", if only...that would be the perfect outcome for that worthless sack of human flesh and I really need that to happen as soon as humanly possibly. I could envision how that might go down...


Nik: Oh Grandmommy dearest, I have a new toy for you to play with.


Rosalie: ...huh?


Helena: Hmm...I am going to need a sharper knife Nikolas.


Nik: Done. *Shoves Rosalie through the door* Have fun.




Shut up, Sabrina.




The only way Ava/Denise holds any use for me now would be if she would somehow ensure that the Polly Pocket Princess from hell gets pushed down the stairs at the Q mansion.

  • Love 2

So from what I have read, Sabrina says the way to heal the rift is to give Avery back to Sonny?   That Michael doesn't know what to do to get Carly and Sonny back after all HE has done???? What the fuckery???? 


Yeah, the best way to get your parents back is to give them exactly what they want.  Michael Q. was fun while he lasted. Pretend they did nothing wrong.  They don't need to do a god damn thing to change but you can take a piss on AJ's defiled grave and kiss their asses to be part of their life again.


Fuck.this.shit.  As I said I read a recap so maybe it played out differently but I can say from what I have read I don't think my blood pressure can take actually watching today.

  • Love 13

Damm it, Michael, please do not forgive Sonny for killing your real father,



It was bound to happen sooner than later because Ron has no talent and Sonny always wins.


Just wait until he brings Avery over to see Sonny and they'll share a "moment" where Sonny tells Michael about one of those two times he held him as a baby and acted like a sort of human being for all of five seconds and Michael gets emotional while Avery starts walking around looking for something to chew on.

  • Love 2

Damm it, Michael, please do not forgive Sonny for killing your real father,


Seriously.  And contrary to what you may think, Sabrina, not forgiving Sonny, et al. for his father's murder and subsequent cover-up does not make Michael a bad person.  And yes, Carly, it's pretty hard for a person to know they can rely on their family when they do things like, I dunno, murder and cover-ups. 


Sabrina, don't make me hate you.  Carly, I already do.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 9

Seriously, this is NOT Cassadine behavior.  They don't spittle and fling things around and screech out lines about being Helena's bitch.


And can you tell RC has lost total interest in the "Michael is a Q who wears a tie and goes to work and doesn't like the Corinthos clan anymore because of very good reasons" storyline?  Goodness, that was rather abrupt.

Edited by Vella
  • Love 2

STFU, Sonny. Why am I not surprised that Sonny acted like a petulant child when he whine about Michael still having Avery? If he gets her back, he'll fawn over her for about two minutes before relegating her to the girlchild closet.

And STFU, Ava. "Waah, Michael's still being a responsible guardian! This isn't going at all as I planned when I got this stupid disguise! I can't believe no one is falling in line for me…except Morgan."

  • Love 8
Between the writing for Jennifer Smith and for AvaDenise today, not a great week for women.


In other words, TFGH.


Though I have to say that Tyler really seems to have come alive somehow being given such a green-light to act as if Nik is a utterly unrepentant SOB. I guess on this show at this point playing a self-serving ass openly would help deflect from how terrible the writing for your character surely is, at least have fun with it.


I agree. It's nice to see TC involved with his scene partners for a change.


Michael is in a state of self doubt right now. He is blaming himself for what is happening with Qs and in some ways in his personal life as well. This is is probably making him susceptible to do things he would not have done otherwise done had things been going well for him.


True, but Sonny still killed AJ and Carly helped cover it up. And they both lied to him. That's never going to change.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6
Seriously, this is NOT Cassadine behavior.  They don't spittle and fling things around and screech out lines about being Helena's bitch.




It isn't human behaviour period, imho, but I have yet to see Ron manage writing anything that resembles a real person at this point.


All he cares about is the supposed "wow" or "shock" factor that he can squeeze out of this crap which lasts for all of five seconds, if that, and then it's as if nothing ever happened or meant anything.


Ron wants to makeover GH in whatever image he has crawling around in that brain of his and so much of this show is crashing and burning, imo, I just can't keep up.


When I do bother to watch I am reminded of why I don't bother hardly anymore.


Not to mention the constant focus on such loathsome tripe characters such as the Nina, the SERIAL KILLER, Kiki 2.0, Morgan the Witless, Sonny the Shitty, Carly the Snarly, Rosalie "My secret brings all the boys to the yard and then they threaten to make me their grandmother's bitch", and so forth and so on, I just have no patience for these woeful wastes of time.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 3

Well, Iiiiiiiiii've been waiting for a Kiki/Franco scene forever! They still got that FranKi chem, even with the recast. woo!


I can't believe the writers are ruining Ric and Nina's marriage! This is even worse than with Dante and Lulu!


oh em gee what is Rosalie's secret already I can't take it anymore just tell me Ron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I get it!  You're posting OOC today in tribute to Ron's writing!

  • Love 8

Which made Sabrina (and the show) immediately glossing right over it all the more awful.



And this is the bottom line for me.  The show is writing characters without any moral compass to prop a horrible character like Sonny.  If anyone truly cared about Michael they would be telling him to find a way to forgive his parents but to keep his distance since they only bring pain and misery to his life.


And anyone with any kind of moral fiber after everything that Michael has gone through would be telling him that even though his reasons (and I don't believe his only reason for taking Avery was to stick it to Sonny - he has scars to prove what being his kid entails) in the end she is safer with him and that is what is best for HER.  Maybe let Sonny spend time with her in supervised visits but none of this hand her over on a silver platter so Sonny will love you because his love comes at a price.

  • Love 9

It was bound to happen sooner than later because Ron has no talent and Sonny always wins.


Just wait until he brings Avery over to see Sonny and they'll share a "moment" where Sonny tells Michael about one of those two times he held him as a baby and acted like a sort of human being for all of five seconds and Michael gets emotional while Avery starts walking around looking for something to chew on.


As they're bonding over the sacred night light, Avery starts playing in all the shards of bar ware littering Sonny's living room floor. 

  • Love 7
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