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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Disgusting is the kindest word I've got for Levi. He's been working my last nerve from the start, but his latest stunt at the brownstone is just too much fuckery by half. And he dared to dis the late, great Edward Quartermaine? [big Momma Voice] Awwww, Hell no! [/bMV] Even on his worst day, Edward was more man that Levi has been, could be or ever will be. "Koala Boor," indeed.



Maxie was brainwashed by Levi. That's the only possible explanation.


  If her latest behavior is any indication, Maxie doesn't have a brain to wash. By protesting with Levi, Maxie could not only lose her freedom, she could lose any chance of ever seeing Georgie again, which would serve her right, at this point. For one brief, shining moment, Maxie's moxie came back when she defended Edward, but Levi's smugness put a stop to that. Until Maxie sees Levi for the arrogant, obnoxious, condescending, controlling and obviously shady Dunkledick he is, I've got no sympathy for her whatsoever.


  STFU, Cranco. The truth won't "destroy" Michael; your lies will.

Edited by DollEyes
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You are WAY T kind--IMO he has NO redeeming qualities.  A big pile of orange shit.  What have we EVER done to Australia to deserve him?

I'm trying to get back into the show after six months or so--desperate for some entertainment, I guess. But I don't think in years of watching a couple of soaps, I've ever seen a character as stupidly written, as unappealing, and as toxic with other characters as Levi. Help me, someone, because he appeared during my personal hiatus--where did this piece of work come from? As in storyline, if there is one. Why is he on the canvas?


Maxie's no pearl, but is she supposed to be this gullible currently? Why?


I swear the vampire bits were better, and I can barely stand ME at the best of times.

The meta reason for him being here is he's supposed to be awful so Nathan can come in and look appealing/rescue you/what have you. He's not on contract.


The writing reason for why he's here is Maxie went abroad to improve herself, and she brought back Levi who she's impressed by because he dresses awfully and spouts quotes from those little books they sell while you wait in line for the register at stores.

  • Love 6
Because Re-Ron has no talent for writing. he has to plagiarize all the others and then put his slant on it to destroy it. I also loved Ryans Hope. But the only reason I don't hate seeing Delia is because women of that age have trouble getting acting jobs, that is why so many of them use botox and end up like Bobbie and a LOT of others.Men are allowed to age, but women have to remain looking young forever.Disgusting isn't it ?
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The meta reason for him being here is he's supposed to be awful so Nathan can come in and look appealing/rescue you/what have you. He's not on contract.


The writing reason for why he's here is Maxie went abroad to improve herself, and she brought back Levi who she's impressed by because he dresses awfully and spouts quotes from those little books they sell while you wait in line for the register at stores.

Couldn't Maxie just have brought back a hat with corks on it, or something?

  • Love 7

I can't believe the show finally has a vegan character who cares about the same issues I do but between the horrid casting and writing I like him less than rapists and murderers.. oh Ron how can you do that?


I've been wanting to say this ever since Levi showed up. He makes vegans look absolutely insufferable, and it doesn't help with the stereotype. I wish Ron could write complex, multi-dimensional characters that aren't campy, silly, and predictable. I've hated the Dunklemonkey since the moment he stepped on screen. He's overbearing, rude, abusive, manipulative, and a know-it-all. I hope he stays at the waterfront construction site and gets hit by a crane.


Maxie is a favorite of mine, but she's completely blinded by him. I thought she would have a moment of realization today, but unfortunately not. She's not thinking of her daughter at all. Doesn't she realize she'll lose Georgie forever if she gets arrested? Why does she think Kangaroo Ken (TM Morgan) is worth all of this bullshit when she could have responsible, hot Nathan who actually cares about her?


I love IK, but please never let JPL anywhere near this show.

"I'm a patient man." Yes, Sonny, you were so patient not to kill AJ. Oh, wait.

I LOLed with Olivia's "I don't want to speak ill of your father." Dante and Sonny didn't meet until they were adults; I think Dante can handle some snark directed at his father. It's not as if Olivia is saying anything Dante hasn't already thought himself.


So Lante can finally have a baby of their vewy own!  Good -- maybe now they'll shut up about it.


Un-bloody-likely. I'm annoyed that Lulu's surgery was successful. Your child is your child no matter how he comes into the world. I hate that they write Lulu as obsessed with carrying that stupid embryo.


I liked Delia pushing back a bit with Ava. Of course she's going to help her—otherwise there'd be no (plot) point for her to be there—but at least she didn't fold immediately.


STFU, Lauren. My GOD, she's obnoxious.


I loved Morgan asking Levi to name one person who's being displaced by the brownstone. That "protest" is laughable.


Doesn't Nathan have the key to his own set of handcuffs? It shouldn't matter he's in the other cuff.


JD certainly got a workout looking up at the sky and closing his eyes. It also showed he has a rather weak chin.


Ned's back tomorrow!

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So Morgan managed to find his shirt, finally, give the kid a cookie.


I am not sure if it's a good thing or not that they've already put two and nine together to figure out that Rafe was driving Silas' car. On the one hand maybe it will mean a shorter run with this bullshit, or is this just a way to extend the "drama" and Rafe's addiction. Whatever happens I am most certain nothing good will or can come of any of this, not even a little bit.


So Lulu's uterus has been defanged and she can now, supposedly, get pregnant again. Wow, what a relief, for a second there I-don't fucking care! Why does Dante look like he's been in a hole for a couple of days? Olivia needs to have her tongue removed.


Shawn was not missed, not at all, show.


Ava and her mother are cut from the same cloth, the same crazy, bug eyed, facial ticks cloth.


For some reason I am now wondering if Nathan and Levi are going to end up related. Let me guess, somehow Nathan doesn't have the keys to his own goddamn cuffs so he can release himself and Maxie in five seconds.


JD certainly got a workout looking up at the sky and closing his eyes. It also showed he has a rather weak chin.



But he got to show off his sparkly earring. Is no one even bothering to give this kid direction? Some acting cues? Some lessons?


He can try and cry in the park when he finds out the baby is dead but hearing his former foster mom, uncle, cousin, and the baby's father coming to the conclusion that he's the guilty party responsible for the accident the most he can muster is opening his mouth and staring up at the ceiling. Yeah, I felt so moved...

Edited by CPP83
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OMG Lulu can carry a baby of her own, how excizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.  Poor Rocco, clearly Lulu is going to love this next baby more because it'll come flying out of her va-jay-jay and not Britt's.


Am I to believe that crazy Alison took Rafe to get his learners' permit?  Because I refuse to believe Silas did.


Shut up, Kiki.

  • Love 3


So Lante can finally have a baby of their vewy own!  Good -- maybe now they'll shut up about it.

Blah! This story is among the most boring of the boring. I would rather see them deal with not being able to get pregnant and looking at other ways to adopt (foster care!?!) Maybe the foster care process would force them to get a bigger place.



JD certainly got a workout looking up at the sky and closing his eyes.

It was the first recognizable emotion that I have seen from the character.


I actually thought that Rafe was going to be able to leverage Nina to get him off the hook for the reckless driving. So I am curious to see how that will work out.


Maxie is still not using her brain. If I was younger and single, I would take being cuffed to Nathan as well!

So Morgan managed to find his shirt, finally, give the kid a cookie.




So Lulu's uterus has been defanged and she can now, supposedly, get pregnant again. Wow, what a relief, for a second there I-don't fucking care! 

Olivia needs to have her tongue removed.


Shawn was not missed, not at all, show.



Shut up, Kiki.


Thank you both for these statements.  They are now my GH mantra of the day. 


To be completely honest, I say "Shut up Kiki" and something horrible about Mama Celeste a lot - but you've both distilled the horror that is today PERFECTLY.


Olivia: We both made sure we were very respectful of Connie


How? Did both of them cry out her name at climax?


Dante and Olivia are both very pretty. Too bad they're playing mother and son.


Morgan looks good red.


When did Michael get straight As exactly? When he came out of the coma he went on the run with Kristina, killed Claudia, holed up on Sonny's island, and then went to prison. That was May 2010. He graduated June 2011. So a whole year of getting straight As. Woo.


I LOLed with Olivia's "I don't want to speak ill of your father." Dante and Sonny didn't meet until they were adults; I think Dante can handle some snark directed at his father. It's not as if Olivia is saying anything Dante hasn't already thought himself.



Seriously. There is no illusion of Sonny that Dante has that Olivia can puncture with her words. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

Blah! This story is among the most boring of the boring. I would rather see them deal with not being able to get pregnant and looking at other ways to adopt (foster care!?!) Maybe the foster care process would force them to get a bigger place.


Please no.  Because invariably it would turn out to be the lost child of someone else from Port Charles, and we would end up with LuLu running away under an assumed identity and holding up a diner in Texas at gunpoint, or Luke murdering the birth parents, or some shit like that.


I just want a hiatus from babies.  I want no one in Port Charles to even consider expanding their families for at least a year.

Edited by Ladybyrd
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Wait, so Lulu now is just able to carry the embryo or can she get pregnant the old-fashioned way again?  Because if it's the later, I wouldn't be surprised if Ron's got yet another WTD story up his sleeve.  Ugh.



Just carry it. I think. I wasn't paying much attention. But it would go along with my theory that Lulu will miscarry and it will cause tension. If the "Dante will cheat" hints do come true, I wonder if it will set up an exit for Dominic Zamprogna, since he has only less than a year on his contract.

When did Michael get straight As exactly? When he came out of the coma he went on the run with Kristina, killed Claudia, holed up on Sonny's island, and then went to prison. That was May 2010. He graduated June 2011. So a whole year of getting straight As. Woo.


I have this picture of Michael, on every paper and exam, writing about his coma and prison experience and putting "Life experience, bitch!" on the cover. (Sample: "You want me to tell you about the second law of thermodynamics? Let me tell you about keeping yourself alive by rigging a silent alarm out of used dental floss, half chewed orange rinds, and a contraband twig found in the yard" or "Waking up a giant bug is tough? I only wish I had it that good some days!").


If I were the TA, I'd give him an "A." Life's too short to get on the wrong side of a guy who fell into, and got out of, a coma, went to prison, and has cranes falling on people close to him. 

  • Love 9

Lulu doesn't have viable eggs anymore after being frozen by Stavros and defrosted, per a guilty Britt who tested her after she lost baby Connie.  Therefore, the only way she can get pregnant with her own child is using her last remaining embryo and miracle surgery.


Although I join the rest of you in feeling the show concentrates entirely too much on Lulu's reproductive choices and issues, I really don't blame her for wanting to just get it over with.  Either she ends up with an infant and a toddler during the next fall sweeps (drama!  mayhem! hijinks!) or she can't carry the kid (we all haz a sad).  The stress, either way, causes Dante to cheat.

Edited by Reo
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Lulu doesn't have viable eggs anymore after being frozen by Stavros and defrosted, per a guilty Britt who tested her after she lost baby Connie.  Therefore, the only way she can get pregnant with her own child is using her last remaining embryo.




Britt LIED to her about viable eggs. Oh, wait, Britt {whom I adore} isn't a liar, isn't she? :)

Edited by onemoretime

Lulu doesn't have viable eggs anymore after being frozen by Stavros and defrosted, per a guilty Britt who tested her after she lost baby Connie.  Therefore, the only way she can get pregnant with her own child is using her last remaining embryo and miracle surgery.


They pretty much glossed over the way it happened. The scene went like this:


Britt: your eggs aren't viable anymore. It could have been caused by some kind of physical trauma . . . .

Dante: Do you mean what happened on Cassadine Island?


It cracked me up, like they were too embarrassed to actual spell out that they had her literally frozen like a popsicle

  • Love 2


Britt LIED to her about viable eggs. Oh, wait, Britt {whom I adore} isn't a liar, isn't she? :)


Obviously Ron will do what Ron wants, but it doesn't really make sense that Britt would have lied about the eggs.  She wanted to lessen her guilt by giving Dante and Lulu a non-Ben baby.


It just grates to no end that they wiped out the root cause of so much stupid drama the last year or so in such a lame, lazy manner.

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Rocco is barely one and they want to have another pregnancy this soon? Wasn't Lulu wiped out after spending a day with Rocco? There is no room! Stupid show.

wow, this Rafe reveal didn't take long. Why can't they speed up the AJ and Luke reveal?


They can't speed up the Luke reveal because Tony Geary is in Amsterdam for 2 or 3 more months. They can't speed up the who killed AJ reveal because they need Mo to eat more scenery.

  • Love 3

The Maxie/ Levi relationship is driving me absolutely nuts too.  But in a way, it's almost believable.  Maxie met him at a time when she had really firebombed her life and was feeling really down on herself.  I can see how someone in that situation would lose all trust in their her instincts, and let herself be guided by someone else (although 'guided' is too mild a word!).  Especially when that someone seems so intent on making Maxie what he wants her to be and ignoring her as an actual person.  I think Maxie is having flashes of this not being right, but doesn't trust herself enough to follow her gut.  It's like she's put so much hope in Levi being good for her, and her being this "good" person, that she's blocking out any realization that something is off.  And something is clearly off.  His whole "Well, Maxie wants to do..." and "Maxie thinks..." is so clearly manipulative and skeezy.  But she's too insecure at this point to say, "No, what Maxie *really* thinks is..."  Nathan should keep her handcuffed to him for a week or two, let her get her fiery spirit back.  Because even though Maxie has been a train wreck over the years, she has never been a pushover like this.


Maybe Rafe is going to get sent to rehab and we'll never have to see him again?   I dream a dream...


I really need the AJ reveal to happen soon.  I cannot take many more of these conversations about why it's SOOOOO important that no one tell Michael.  Carly's loyalty to Sonny over her beloved son doesn't make any sense, especially because Carly knows how much AJ's murder hurt Michael.  So, Sonny really hurt Michael by taking one father away, and Carly defends and protects him to the end.  But if Franco tells Michael the truth, causing him to be mad at his other dad, Carly will hate him forever.  It's just.. stupid.  And not consistent, character-wise (I know, I know - remember what show I'm watching, right??).  And the whole Sonny/ Ava ridiculous situation just got twice as stupid with bringing Delia in.  Are they making a woman being held hostage under a constant threat of certain death in to a comedy routine now?  Klassy. 

  • Love 4

I've come to the conclusion that I could care less when "Mikey" finds out how AJ truly died and who murdered him. I don't care if he hates Sonny for it either, as far as I's concerned he's much more Sonny's kid than he ever was AJ's. They have the same bad taste in women, they're capable of turning into the same whiny ass, entitled turd whenever they feel like it, they're useless, wastes of spaces. Michael may have Q blood running through his veins but he was raised, and behaves like, a Corinthos.


What I would love, so it won't happen, would be to see Monica unleashed all over Sonny's pathetic hide. I want to see her release the Kraken. I want to see the fire breathing Q matriarch rip him three new assholes for killing and taking away her eldest son, her last link to Alan. If there needs to be anyone at the forefront of the reveal of AJ's unjust killing, imo, it's Monica. Which I'm sure means it'll be all about Eeyore Michael's "pain" and Sonny's "agony"...what fun.

  • Love 9

I'm fed up with all the cute-sie "shoutouts" and references to other soaps in the dialogue and/or character relationships. For those of us who never watched those soaps, we don't give a flying fuck because we don't know what is meant. And we may waste brainpower and time trying to figure out what it meant...for nothing. It's bad enough that they make the defunct failed soaps actors and actresses available to the surviving soaps....and they drag their habits and former personas in with them. Retire, already!


The physical therapist seemed genuinely willing to help Nina, and she treated him like dirt. A rich white woman, she insulted him by assuming he would be corruptible. Sadly, he was, but it was due to his student loan predicaments, not greed. I was shocked and offended and felt very sad for him. I can truly say that my feelings for Nina turned to hate with a thousand burning suns by this incident. She deserves death, a painful death, for her sneers at someone like him, who got training for an honest career, and was trying to show a caring and dedicated concern for his patients. I HATE HER!!!


Levi is trying every manipulation and trick in the book to get himself and Maxie in trouble and arrested so that she will have diminished chances to see and keep her daughter. It is transparent, and Mac and Felicia should warn her.


Lulu is beyond stupid to be chasing after another baby when she has a toddler who wears her out with teething etc. She is still risking health problems, and her husband will probably seek sex and adult companionship elsewhere.


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