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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Michael was a little too cordial to Carly for my taste.

Exactly. I wanted him to be a little cooler towards her.

I really hope that's the last we ever see of SWMNBN in any form.

Liz acted exactly how I expected (though I was spoiled about it), and so did Nik.

I like Bradford's singing voice, it was nice. And I thought he did a good job of showing Spinelli get caught up looking at/singing to Ellie for a moment before finishing the song "to" Maxie. And that's all the good I can say about anything Spinelli.

I enjoyed Eddie Maine as well as Sam's face during the performance.

  • Love 3

Robin was probably referred to as "some trifling ho" in Carly's retelling.

Also? I'm fine with everyone thinking Robin is in Paris, it's the happy/happily qualifiers that are nonsense.

I think Ron has given the characters way too much information for it to be believeable that Robin is in Paris. And that's his failure. Don't have Faison in Anna's face going, "Oh, Robin's in Paris, hmmm," and expect the audience to think it's OK that Anna is ignorant. Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 6

It is official. I now hate Liz more than I hate Snarly.

And this, in a nutshell, is why I hate Ron.

I can't apologize for liking Liz regardless of what bullshit writers make her say and do. Piss off Ron. She annoyed the hell out of me when she first rolled into town smoking cigarettes and trying to be all badass but I grudgingly began to like her back in the days of the Four Musketeers and when her virginity was taken by a rapist. I know I'm in the minority (aka the only person who likes Liz) but I sure as hell hate everything they have done to destroy her character. She'll never win, she'll always make the wrong choices, and she'll always lie and/or keep secrets but I really like RH and I feel bad for the shit she's handed disguised as a script.

I just close my eyes and imagine the story in my head, where Liz and Lucky lived happily ever after with Lucky being the father of all her children. The end.

Fuck you show.

  • Love 19

And this, in a nutshell, is why I hate Ron.

I can't apologize for liking Liz regardless of what bullshit writers make her say and do. Piss off Ron. She annoyed the hell out of me when she first rolled into town smoking cigarettes and trying to be all badass but I grudgingly began to like her back in the days of the Four Musketeers and when her virginity was taken by a rapist. I know I'm in the minority (aka the only person who likes Liz) but I sure as hell hate everything they have done to destroy her character. She'll never win, she'll always make the wrong choices, and she'll always lie and/or keep secrets but I really like RH and I feel bad for the shit she's handed disguised as a script.

I just close my eyes and imagine the story in my head, where Liz and Lucky lived happily ever after with Lucky being the father of all her children. The end.

Fuck you show.

Liz shouldn't be hated. Just like Patrick, Anna, Sam, Jakeson, fill-in-the-blank, are all pretty much excused in this storyline because "Robin isn't there," Liz should be, too. Isn't this just another way for Ron to prolong the story? By giving Liz a crazy ass stalker reason to keep the Jason secret?

  • Love 3



Some horrible scenes - OMG! - and then, Bradford sang.

I love him, okay? I love him and I love Spinelli. UO, I know. That's the way it is :)

What a lovely, sweet performance. Right up there with Patrick/Emma's.


IA. I didn't think he would be performing this year because Maxie had mentioned something about him not having enough time to practice or something. Which I thought would be dumb, since BA has such a great voice. Glad I was wrong and he did perform. Though my enjoyment of it was lessened because I abhor this Maxie/Spinelli/Nathan/Ellie storyline.



Michael was a little too cordial to Carly for my taste.


I didn't love it, but it could have been worse. I think as others have pointed out recently, Michael's moved on from the white hot hatred of Sonny and Carly to a more distant thing of "I used to love you guys, and while I might not hate you anymore, I don't want to have anything to do with you longterm." I liked how Chad Duell played the moment when Carly touched his face. He kind of looked like he wanted to remove her hand, but then he was kind of conflicted because she's still his mother and he's loved her all his life. 


Even as a Sabrina fan, I think it might be time to retire the "You're Not Alone" song. It doesn't need to be played every single year.


Was my heart supposed to be warmed at the sight of Courtney looming over Nikolas and Courtney. Let's just put aside the fact that I hate Courtney. But the whole thing didn't earn any warm and fuzzies because Nik and Spencer are such horrible people right now and Nik is such a lousy father. It was about to Spencer's dead mother to parent him because Nik was off conspiring to keep his cousin's not-so-dead husband in the dark about his true identity. And Spencer just tried to kill two kids.


More than any performance, I felt so embarrassed for TeCa and LW for having to deliver those un-natural cringe-worthy commercial endorsements of Aveeno. It was as bad as years ago when Campbell Heart Healthy was sponsoring all four ABC shows, and every once and awhile characters would have to randomly start singing the praises of Campbell soup.


Thank you GH for the biggest laugh I've had in years when Liz actually with a straight face talked about how she's always tried to do the right thing. We can go back to Liz's first year on the soap when I think she stole some text in HS and tried to frame her sister for cheating (I can't remember the exact details of that storyline, but I do remember Liz cheating in some way) up to her screwing to brothers at the same time, while she was engaged to one of them, to show how blatantly untrue and ludicrous that statement was.


And Liz's "plan" is so stupid on so many levels. As she pointed out yesterday, Jason had a memory of her when he first woke up. Does she think he's never going to regain those memories back. Though I guess Liz is delusional enough right now to think that she could keep Jason hostage long enough that by the time he regained his memories, he wouldn't care and would stay with her.


Also, Liz witnessed what happened when Robin came back. Argue all you want about whether Patrick and Sabrina were truly a good couple, but everyone, including Liz thought they were happy, but when Robin came back Patrick eventually chose her. Does she seriously think no matter how "deliriously happy" Sam is with Patrick, that she wouldn't want to know her husband is alive and wouldn't ultimately chose him? And does she think it would have been okay for everyone to go on thinking that Robin was dead because eh they'd already grieved for her. 


While Liz had a point about a lot of people in town getting away with heinous actions and facing no consequences, she also knows that secrets always come out. Ric's was just embarrassed at the Nurses' Ball and made to face the consequences for his lies, but since Ric isn't "good enough" for Liz, I guess she thinks she's above a secret blowing up in her face.


I may not be a Jason fan, but it's pretty disgusting that Liz is basically keeping Jason a hostage and not allowing him the freedom of making his own choices, all because she knows that she'd lose out. She's exactly as pathetic as Ric. He knew he wouldn't win against Jake and decided he wanted Liz anyway even knowing she wouldn't choose him and Liz is doing the exact same thing to Jason. Jason "belonged" to Sam, Sonny, and Carly because that was Jason's choice. Those were the people he choose and loved. And now Liz has decided her happiness is paramount to not only them, but Jason's child and Jason's mother. But I guess that's okay Monica can turn to her other kids - oh, wait all of her children or dead - or she believes. Given that Liz was so quick to hand out slaps to both Nik and Ric for having the temerity to lie to her, I seriously hope Monica and Sam can take turns slapping the crap out of Liz when the truth comes out.


One of my most fervent wishes for the end of this storyline, which I know won't happen, would be for Ric to be the one to find out what Liz is up to and expose her. I hated LiRic, so I don't want to see them get back together, but I would love for the Liz blinders to finally be pulled from Ric's eyes and for him to finally see that she's not a saint, and maybe his obsession with her would finally be done. After Liz telling him he's not good enough for her and then pulling this, I think it would such poetic justice for Ric to expose her as the pathetic, lying witch that she really is.


I don't know what I'll do, but if Liz gets to skate after this, like she did after the Nik affair blew up and she had some convenient, quick "breakdown", I will be so freaking livid.

  • Love 16


Liz shouldn't be hated. Just like Patrick, Anna, Sam, Jakeson, fill-in-the-blank, are all pretty much excused in this storyline because "Robin isn't there," Liz should be, too. Isn't this just another way for Ron to prolong the story? By giving Liz a crazy ass stalker reason to keep the Jason secret?


Why shouldn't she be hated? Patrick and Ann et al. are excused, by some, for not asking about Robin because the actress isn't there. Liz's lies today don't really have much to do with that or with Robin. Liz lied because she's pathetic and obsessed with Jason. I think her lies, storywise, is to re-ignite the lame Sam/Jason/Liz triangle and to prolong the reveal to everyone else about Jake's true identity.

  • Love 11

Why shouldn't she be hated? Patrick and Ann et al. are excused, by some, for not asking about Robin because the actress isn't there. Liz's lies today don't really have much to do with that or with Robin. Liz lied because she's pathetic and obsessed with Jason. I think her lies, storywise, is to re-ignite the lame Sam/Jason/Liz triangle and to prolong the reveal to everyone else about Jake's true identity.

I think it's all part of the same story. If Liz were to reveal to everyone that Jake is Jason, there would be no excuse for the characters to ignore or question Robin's whereabouts. Sam/Patrick would implode. Liz/Jakeson would implode. Ron isn't ready to tell that story. But he's taking an out by saying, "Look! Liz and Nik know! So the story is moving, OK!?"

And everything the characters do is all about perception and how the writers choose to display it. Liz is a crazy stalker who is going to go after a married man, right?

So why isn't Patrick diabolical for screwing the woman who his ex-wife tried to help?

Why is Sam not being given the sideeye for starting a family with Patrick and Emma after Robin sacrificed her life to save Jason for Sam and Danny?

Why are some characters under the bus while others roam free innocently?

Why are some excused bc of KMc?

  • Love 7

Didn't she fake that breakdown as a way to trick Lucky into getting back with her?


<Nods> And no one said boo about said faking. She skated when she passed off Jake as Lucky's kid with even fucking LAURA patting her on the head. She skated during the fake breakdown beforehand. She skated when she used Lucky and REMARRIED HIM (I emphasize that because this was after his shit with Maxie, so she supposedly forgave him) while making cow eyes at Jason the whole time, and she skated when she shred files for Jason and didn't open her mouth when Sam was accused of it...


Sooooooo...I see her Teflon self emerging with nary a scratch again after this explodes. And if she does, MY head will explode.

  • Love 9

I wish that Jason had a Robin flashback when LIz was talking about J&R.


I thought he was going to. I was so disappointed.


And this, in a nutshell, is why I hate Ron.

I can't apologize for liking Liz regardless of what bullshit writers make her say and do. Piss off Ron. She annoyed the hell out of me when she first rolled into town smoking cigarettes and trying to be all badass but I grudgingly began to like her back in the days of the Four Musketeers and when her virginity was taken by a rapist. I know I'm in the minority (aka the only person who likes Liz) but I sure as hell hate everything they have done to destroy her character. She'll never win, she'll always make the wrong choices, and she'll always lie and/or keep secrets but I really like RH and I feel bad for the shit she's handed disguised as a script.

I just close my eyes and imagine the story in my head, where Liz and Lucky lived happily ever after with Lucky being the father of all her children. The end.

Fuck you show.


You are not alone.   (♪ ♫)

  • Love 11

My dream is that the next Nurse's Ball has Robin paired off happily with a Stone lookalike or anyone but Patric , Ric and some nice lady..... the "Youre Not Alone Anymore" song plays, there's a montage of all the happy couples in Port Charles. We see Nik being annoyed at having to be a parent to Spencer, his ELQ takeover failed, so now he's in a fairly nice house in the suburbs. Liz is having to actually do her job, but she's alllloooonnneee because everyone freaking doesn't trust Stalker Nurse. She has the Izzy Stevens post Denny treatment. She is on probation. Lucky came back, but took the boys away.

  • Love 2

And everything the characters do is all about perception and how the writers choose to display it. Liz is a crazy stalker who is going to go after a married man, right?

So why isn't Patrick diabolical for screwing the woman who his ex-wife tried to help?

Why is Sam not being given the sideeye for starting a family with Patrick and Emma after Robin sacrificed her life to save Jason for Sam and Danny?

Why are some characters under the bus while others roam free innocently?

Why are some excused bc of KMc?


Why are there so many songs about rainbows?


and what's on the other side?


 (Yes, GH has made me slightly loopy. Why do you ask?)

  • Love 6
Why are some excused bc of KMc?


Because KMc is needed for the Robin portion considering she is a hostage again? If she truly WAS in Paris happily, the story could be told without KMc. But that very angle makes it impossible to do otherwise and with KMc elsewhere, all Anna and Patrick would end up doing is spinning their wheels since there can be no resolution yet.


NOT the case with Liz here where lying about Jason is concerned. Yes, Jason is tied to Robin, but the immediate aftershocks with Sam and Patrick are able to play out.

  • Love 9

Because KMc is needed for the Robin portion considering she is a hostage again? If she truly WAS in Paris happily, the story could be told without KMc. But that very angle makes it impossible to do otherwise and with KMc elsewhere, all Anna and Patrick would end up doing is spinning their wheels since there can be no resolution yet.

NOT the case with Liz here where lying about Jason is concerned. Yes, Jason is tied to Robin, but the immediate aftershocks with Sam and Patrick are able to play out.

I disagree. Ron would have less credibility than he already has if Liz told the truth about Jason and Anna and Patrick's first thought wasn't Robin. It's all tied together. Liz is as much of a victim of this storyline than anyone else. Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 5

Which basically (to me ) felt like she simply couldn't handle everyone thinking that she was a cow for you know - sleeping with two brothers at the same time and losing Lucky. 


That ... was some massive craptacular speech that Liz was pulling off -she deserves to be happy so she's gonna allow everyone to keep thinking that the husband/friend/son is dead (because they all grieved) just so she can get laid by Jason? are you kidding me? . Like  (and I can be hazy here) the only thing that really stopped Liz from being with Jason was Liz herself. And you can paint it with the "Mob" brush, or "Lucky needed her" brush, or whatever brush - but if Liz wanted to be with Jason all this time, Liz and Jason would have been together


Courtney tells Spencer "hey you shouldn't call people townies  because I was a townie, and it makes you be mean, and hey, it's only a little  bitty scar, no harm no foul."  meh. 


so Duke is a mob boss? This really silver fox guy who tells Anna to go find Duke is who? Is he a bad guy? 


If these walking advertisements (regardless of horrendous writing) is a way to keep soap operas airing, whatever, talk about how Aveeno helps your dry skin, Carly.


did Patrick divorce Robin? 

  • Love 3

I think BM's chemistry is equal between Sam and Liz.


And he has the best chem with Carly, which is deeply disturbing to me.


I think we all know I mostly hate Liz, but I will say she was straight-up stunning today. And I loved how BH played those scenes. I hate how she plays Liz when she's being all chirpy or whiny. Maybe they should just embrace the fact that Liz is kind of a horrible person because BH plays that well.


How are Patrick and Sabrina the greatest people ever and how have they gotten shit on for that? Liz, you're nuts, honey!


I despise Spinelli, but BA has a lovely voice. 


I think I had more to say, but it isn't even worth it. This show is so boring.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

Oh please, Liz is not going to lie for the good of her dear friend Patrick.  She wants yet another pathetic attempt to be with a man that has repeatedly chosen another woman over her.  I was trying to concentrate on her scenes today, but I think she reached an octave that burst one of eardrums.  I swear, her voice is like nails on a chalkboard on a good day.  Today was not one.



Other women. He chose SWSNBN over her as well.  One of the reasons I was rooting for Jason/Sam was because it gave Copkilla the sadz


I sort of love all the Courtney hate.  When I first found TWOP, she had already been nicknamed SWSNBN, and I thought it was kind of weird because she had never really bothered me all that much, but it seems that hate is contagious because even though she's been gone forever, I now hate her with a passion!


It's weird but I think that in some ways Copkilla brings out our best - Umily had a similar effect (Pirates in Em's Pants was inspired)


Liz and Ric are kind of perfect for each other, how does she think what she's doing to Jake/Jason and lying to everyone is any better than what Ric did? 


I hope she ends up pregnant with Ric's baby. I will laugh my ass off forever


Oh, and Nikolas being all 'Patrick is better to Sam and Danny than Jason ever was' doesn't surprise me because Nik was anti-Sonny and Jason, and probably blames Jason for Em's death (since she was murdered as revenge on Jason)


Look at that! Actual character motivation for Nik to screw over Jason and it's much better than that weak sauce ELQ bullshit. 


I will say that Liz/Nic did have nice co-conspirator chem. Their affair was sooooo sleazy, but they do work as friends. 


I always think they have great chemistry - right up until they kiss.

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 3
Michael was a little too cordial to Carly for my taste.


I think he decided to play it that way because he saw Carly hijack the ball to expose Ric, and Michael decided he didn't want her to cause a scene with him.


More than any performance, I felt so embarrassed for TeCa and LW for having to deliver those un-natural cringe-worthy commercial endorsements of Aveeno. It was as bad as years ago when Campbell Heart Healthy was sponsoring all four ABC shows, and every once and awhile characters would have to randomly start singing the praises of Campbell soup.


It was so awkward. I'll never forget Diane saying "Prego: The working woman's friend!"


WK was off-key during a lot of his song. He was flat, especially on the higher notes.


When we see crowd reactions, it looks like half the time the actors don't know the camera is on them, so they have no reaction at all. Heh.


I despise Spinelli, but BA has a lovely voice.


He really does. Too bad he sang to all of 8 people.


Spencer's "scar" was laughable. Utterly ridiculous that Nik allowed him to drama-queen around for months. 

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4


Liz is as much of a victim of this storyline than anyone else.




I think it's all part of the same story. If Liz were to reveal to everyone that Jake is Jason, there would be no excuse for the characters to ignore or question Robin's whereabouts. Sam/Patrick would implode. Liz/Jakeson would implode. Ron isn't ready to tell that story. But he's taking an out by saying, "Look! Liz and Nik know! So the story is moving, OK!?"

And everything the characters do is all about perception and how the writers choose to display it. Liz is a crazy stalker who is going to go after a married man, right?

So why isn't Patrick diabolical for screwing the woman who his ex-wife tried to help?

Why is Sam not being given the sideeye for starting a family with Patrick and Emma after Robin sacrificed her life to save Jason for Sam and Danny?

Why are some characters under the bus while others roam free innocently?

Why are some excused bc of KMc?


I don't think Liz is a victim of this storyline. Some may see this as OOC for her, but I don't think it's that huge of a stretch. And I honestly don't think the show cares about stretching any Robin reveal out. Most of the characters have taken the "Robin is freely living in Paris" at face value, so there's no real urgency to have that story told by the writers it seems. And Sam/Patrick and Liz/Jason are going to implode regardless of the truth about Robin coming out. That's going to implode because of Jason's true identity, so yes I think that is the real reason for the stall in this storyline. It's about Jason, not about Robin.


Why would Patrick be diabolical for screwing the woman his wife tried to help? This is a soap. People sleep with their parents' exes. I don't see why Patrick is diabolical for that.


Ditto Sam. As far as Sam knows Robin voluntarily divorced Patrick. She knows that Robin left to help Jason, but as far as she knows she's staying away for other reasons. Why should that stop Sam from being with Patrick?


I understand that Robin fans, which I kind of am, but to be honest some Robin fan's attitudes have soured me on the character, but I understand Robin fans viewing certain storylines from that kind of viewpoint, but I think most others don't, and I don't see why they would. Some are excused, and again I point out not by everyone, because we get that KMc not being around is going to affect limit how much other characters can do without her there. But that really has nothing to do with Liz taking it upon herself to lie to Jason and everyone that loved him.

  • Love 15

I think we all know I mostly hate Liz, but I will say she was straight-up stunning today. And I loved how BH played those scenes. I hate how she plays Liz when she's being all chirpy or whiny. Maybe they should just embrace the fact that Liz is kind of a horrible person because BH plays that well..

Becky was excellent today, clearly doing her absolute best to shovel Ron's swill as the AJ Quartermaine Express ran over her character at 300 mph. But she didn't make it work; not even an actor with the combined talents of Helen Mirren, Anthony Hopkins, and Robin Williams could make this horse manure of a story work.

  • Love 10

I have a stupid question. Does Nik even have a clue that Robin unfroze Jason and most of his family? Does he know that Helena has been holding Robin captive?

I don't think the audience cares.  I lost interest the last time Robin was walking around at Crighton Clark and that she chose to do all this in the first place instead of staying with her husband and child that she hadn't seen in two years.  None of this would have happened if she had just stayed home and told her parents about Jason.  So it's hard for me to feel sorry for her.  She had more than one opportunity to tell Patrick the truth, and she refused.


Liz and Ric are kind of perfect for each other, how does she think what she's doing to Jake/Jason and lying to everyone is any better than what Ric did? 


She's going to lie to Jason and have him cheat on his wife while she knows he has a wife and he doesn't. She's going to keep him from his child, from his family, his mother/Ned/Michael.


I actually like that Elizabeth has tarnished the halo and is being full out selfish and cruel.  I am also going to love if Ric finds out and rails at her about her hypocrisy, but he'll have to get in line behind Sam, Monica, Michael, Spinelli, Sonny, etc.


Aww Nik got a scene with Courtney.



I loved their scenes together, and I like that she was the one to tell him about putting people down and getting him to take the mask off.  I really liked her return.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 1


And I do think a lot of this has to do with Ron and what he wants to do with Robin, or she wouldn't be a prisoner for more than a year now.


I think she's a prisoner because Ron doesn't know what else to do with her, and he's stated he wants to keep Scrubs an option and doesn't seem to want to have her move away so he's decided to keep her as a prisoner. It's lame and stupid, but I don't think it's why Nik and Liz are being written how they are.


Another reason for this storyline could be because they're finally going to do Niz at the end of this storyline since they'll probably be the only people who can stand either one of them after this over.


I do hope when the truth comes out Nik gets his share of the comeuppance as well. I really hope Alexis puts him on blast, Kristina's funeral style. Even if you could argue that Nikolas isn't that close to his cousin Sam, he certainly is close to Alexis. She would hate knowing he's doing this to her daughter and grandson, and for such asinine reasons.

  • Love 7

I know Mac ain't believing that shit, that's why he's not allowed on-screen anymore.

Haaaa! At least something good can come from him being off-screen. He's not a brainwashed robot.

they're finally going to do Niz at the end of this storyline since they'll probably be the only people who can stand either one of them after this over.

LMAO. Possibly.

I like Liz, so Liz fans are not alone. Or rather, I should say I *want* to like Liz. The writing for her has been so rotten that they make it very hard to be a Liz fan. I still have fondness for her from a long time ago, and its like I can still see the potential that character had. But her writing the past 5 or so years has been horrendous and only makes me think of what should have been.

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