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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I knew they had no interest in actually making Ric (or any character, really, other than Franco) evolve and change in any real way, that he must always be Snidely Whiplash, but did they have to give him a fucking Satanic goatee? He literally looks like the Devil now. It's been driving me up the wall since he came back from his last recurring vacation a couple months ago. He might as well have red footie pajamas, a cape and a red pitchfork.

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I think JT knows that the story isn't actually interesting until Jason is revealed and/or Robin comes back, especially for his character. All he is right now is some 100% happy dude with no issues. His gf is Sam. The couple has no conflicts on anything. It's boooooring.


Maybe Sam will suggest they buy a couch when she moves in. That oughta give them fodder for weeks of arguments.

  • Love 4

Maybe Sam will suggest they buy a couch when she moves in. That oughta give them fodder for weeks of arguments.

You mean Patrick will buy the couch and then ask Sam if she's ready for it? And then she'll say, "I dunno. This was the couch Robin wanted." And he'll go, "It's not any different than the couch that was Jason's." Then they'll have sex and then they'll talk about Jason some more. Awwww. They should get marrieds and have babies.

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You mean Patrick will buy the couch and then ask Sam if she's ready for it? And then she'll say, "I dunno. This was the couch Robin wanted." And he'll go, "It's not any different than the couch that was Jason's." Then they'll have sex and then they'll talk about Jason some more. Awwww. They should get marrieds and have babies.


No, I meant exactly what I said. When Robin and Patrick were first together, they were going to buy a damned couch, and then they proceeded to have 7,612 fights about it. That was after he sued her for custody of her uterus. Because this show doesn't know how to create reasonable conflict, just ridiculous shit.

No, I meant exactly what I said. When Robin and Patrick were first together, they were going to buy a damned couch, and then they proceeded to have 7,612 fights about it. That was after he sued her for custody of her uterus. Because this show doesn't know how to create reasonable conflict, just ridiculous shit.

No, they fought about the couch way before she was ever pregnant.

And I knew what you were saying. ;) I was just responding that Sam and Patrick would never fight about anything. Because they are boring.

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I can't stand Carly, and even I had to chuckle at her acting like she'd be really disappointed in Liz if Liz didn't jump at the chance to be partners in saving 'Jake' from 'Hayden.'  It was genuinely funny that Liz said "Jacob Barnes" and Carly just says 'No.' As in, I don't like that name, so it's not true. BH did well with the reactions including Carly's "Lucky for us, I have a key."  


On the opposite end, it's just icky that Molly is excited for, and demanding details about, Dad's "date."  


I did like Maxie going off on Spinelli about challenging Nathan to a boxing match, and treating her like an object without feelings. He got his assumption that they would now be a family shoved where the sun don't shine. 

  • Love 3

Sam and Patrick really are boring.  Ron needs to learn how to create conflict not driven by plot points.  They're just hanging around waiting for Robin and/or Jason to return.  Remember when Patrick and Robin were getting together, and the conflict was about his inability to commit and her feeling like she needed to be in control all the time?  That was much more interesting.


The only relationship I can think of in the past few years that had any tension not primarily motivated by plot was when Alexis dumped Julian for being a mobster.  Even stuff that started off seeming like maybe it was going to be about character--like Nina learning how to cope with waking up 20 years older--quickly devolves to plot.


Speaking of Nina, who seems to be making an inglorious return today after a very welcome break, WTF is this character still doing on this show?  I ff her a lot, so maybe I missed it, but does she even remember she's married?  I thought the whole point of the character was to come back and stalk Silas.  She did that for, like, 5 seconds and then they had some of the grossest sex on this show since Niz (remind me again why that needed to happen?), and then suddenly she forgets her entire reason for existing and is off an isolation chamber with Franco.  Huh?  Don't get me wrong, I hated the stupid revenge plot, but the whiplash on this one is of epic proportion.  Can these two people please be fired yet?  Neither one of them has ANY purpose on this show or any connection to anyone with any purpose on this show.  

  • Love 9

Oh Carly, only you can make me side with Liz. Briefly, but it happened. And then of course Liz pathetically went along with her. And wow, big surprise Carly just barges right in a PAYiNG customers room. How is this woman still in business?

I can't believe ric took the wedding picture right on the balcony. I kept waiting for jake to Look to his right and get a puzzled look on his face. There are so many holes in this plot of Rics I can't see it lasting long. But hey, this is a show where nobody figured out AJ stood for Ava Jerome.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 6
Remember when Patrick and Robin were getting together, and the conflict was about his inability to commit and her feeling like she needed to be in control all the time?  That was much more interesting.



I loved early Scrubs. Both Patrick and Robin had a POV and all of their early conflict was internal. She was closed off because of the HIV/afraid of getting involved with such a man whore like Patrick, and he was reluctant to give up his bachelor lifestyle and his relationship issues had a lot to do with how Noah shut down after his mom died. It's a theme that lasted all throughout their relationship even after Emma and their marriage. When you use character development instead of plot point writing you can naturally delve back into the characters' histories and psyches to make new branches for your stories. Soaps used to do this all of the time with their couples, but not anymore and that is why Ron's "romance" leaves me cold. Patrick as he is now might as well be a blow up Ken doll for Sam.


Couples on this show are put together strictly for the plot and are broken up for the same reason. 

Edited by BinkyMimo88
  • Love 9

I can't even hate him anymore. It's that ridic. It's just NOT Patrick.


Maybe temp Patrick Ethan Erickson should come back and play this shit out. Because it would make sense to have a virtual stranger on screen since "character motivation" is no longer a requirement.


When RC and Company make Guza and his writing staff look like Hemingway, it's bad.

  • Love 2

I can't believe ric took the wedding picture right on the balcony. I kept waiting for jake to Look to his right and get a puzzled look on his face. There are so many holes in this plot of Rics I can't see it lasting long. But hey, this is a show where nobody figured out AJ stood for Ava Jerome.

I think he used fake backgrounds for all of the pictures... Then he lugged all of the equipment through the lobby of Carly's hotel

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 4

Why the hell is Carly spazzing out? I just want Jake to turn out to be a serial killer (well, a serial killer who is not Jason) and have him shoot a bunch of people. After he shoots Carly in the chest she can gasp out, "that's . . . not  . . like Jake . . . he's  . . .honorable . . . I know him . . . so well!"


Maxie and Spinelli's conversation demonstrated why I am not a huge fan of either one. Maxie says SHE's the one who makes stupid thoughtless choices and that Spin is better than that. Why does she do stupid thoughtless things? Oh right cause she does them over and over and her and acts like she has no other choice and everyone around her just excuses her with "hey that's just Maxie being Maxie" Not even a "hey Maxie we love you but that was dumb girl". And Spinelli is not better. He is worse. For some reason this show thinks Spin is a good person because he has weak noodle arms. Meek and weak does not necessarily equal good. As Dante said, he lives in a fantasyland. Did he think Maxie was gonna be fine with losing her piece of manmeat and just hop into bed with him the next day? Yes, yes he did.


Nina looked nice today, and only made about 5 stupid faces. Whoa!


Roger H. looked good in the suit.


The FakeJake was cute. And the fake skiing picture is hilarious. As if Jason would ever ski. Unless he got to shoot at people while he did it. I'm surprised Guza never had an episode of Jason shooting at rival mobsters on a ski resort.


Nice to see Molly and TJ.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7
I die laughing every time the ad is on, even the short version. The casting is perfect.


I still can't get over how that house had a huge living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, family room AND a huge den with a sofa on the ground floor and just three bedrooms upstairs!  And all 6 kids had to share 1 bathroom (no toilet no less!), while Mike and Carol had a huge master bedroom with an ensuite bath.


Some selfish architect you were, Mike!


Let's see, how to make this GH-related.  Well, at least it didn't have grey walls!

  • Love 7

Sam and Patrick really are boring.  Ron needs to learn how to create conflict not driven by plot points.  They're just hanging around waiting for Robin and/or Jason to return.  Remember when Patrick and Robin were getting together, and the conflict was about his inability to commit and her feeling like she needed to be in control all the time?  That was much more interesting.


the crazy thing is, they have a VERY obvious conflict - Patrick's Jason hatred. He wanted the guy dead dead dead. He should, at the very least, be confiding to Nikolas or someone that he loves Sam but he doesn't know if he can take listening to another ode to his memory.


Speaking of Nina, who seems to be making an inglorious return today after a very welcome break, WTF is this character still doing on this show?  I ff her a lot, so maybe I missed it, but does she even remember she's married?  I thought the whole point of the character was to come back and stalk Silas.  She did that for, like, 5 seconds and then they had some of the grossest sex on this show since Niz (remind me again why that needed to happen?), and then suddenly she forgets her entire reason for existing and is off an isolation chamber with Franco.  Huh?  Don't get me wrong, I hated the stupid revenge plot, but the whiplash on this one is of epic proportion.  Can these two people please be fired yet?


I think they got a divorce? In any case, I can't complain about that. Silas and Nina needed to end, and end quickly. Now, as you say, they have to fire her. 


No, I meant exactly what I said. When Robin and Patrick were first together, they were going to buy a damned couch, and then they proceeded to have 7,612 fights about it. That was after he sued her for custody of her uterus. Because this show doesn't know how to create reasonable conflict, just ridiculous shit.


I liked couch gate! At the very least, there were way worse things that I could have, and have watched, on GH. I get why people make fun of it but I thought a lot of it was funny.


Perform 2 solos at the nurses ball?


I bless and curse Kathleen Gati's talent. I curse because it's stuck us with her character long-term, but bless it because the reason for her long absence at the moment is probably because she's doing a couple of other parts right now.

Carly has only known Jake for 6 months, why does she think she has full authority over his life??? Its not that unbelievable that he would have life before she came along.


That fake Jake actually looked a lot like BM. A better looking version of BM if i say so myself.


Yeah. BM isn't bad looking but that guy was really cute! Although he looked 25.

Edited by ulkis

the crazy thing is, they have a VERY obvious conflict - Patrick's Jason hatred. He wanted the guy dead dead dead. He should, at the very least, be confiding to Nikolas or someone that he loves Sam but he doesn't know if he can take listening to other ode to his memory.

YES. Why is this so hard to write for Ron? Why does Patrick just have to be sparkly and blah? Come on. And, IMO, this storyline would make so much more sense if Patrick was going after Sam out of anger. Give the actor something to chew on, man.

I liked couch gate! At the very least, there were way worse things that I could have, and have watched, on GH. I get why people make fun of it but I thought a lot of it was funny.

Robin and Patrick always had the most realistic couple arguments compared to everyone else on canvas. Their banter was hilarious. Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 4

Luke looks like spooky Reverend Kane from Poltergeist II in close-up, and that role was played by a man who was dying of stomach cancer. This has to stop. Poor Tony Geary, and poor me for having to watch a year-plus of one of the worst ever performances from a wonderfully talented actor.


This makes me wonder if there is something else wrong with Tony Geary as well. :(

If Spinelli is "a man", then Morgan is a member of mensa. His insipid cloying today was ridiculous. How in the world did he procreate?!?

Carly barging into Liz's home, declaring "you're welcome", bullying Liz into tagging along, and then letting herself into a paying guest hotel room was all classic Carly. For all of Sickles' faults, he really gets what a beast Carly is. And LW & BH have such a great dynamic; they pull off the reluctant frenemy vibe much better than Laura and other females that Carly is supposed to have this dynamic with do.

I really like Hayden and I wish she and Ric would hook-up and forget all about the most boring man in the world. While the writing is a major problem, at a certain point Billy needs to shoulder some of the blame for being boring with every single scene partner they give him.

Michelle's hair looked great.

  • Love 2

This makes me wonder if there is something else wrong with Tony Geary as well. :(


I don't know if he's ever fully recovered from his surgery, frankly, or whatever complications there may have been. If I was them I'd be calling Genie and wrapping this up sooner than later, but I've already said many times how I'd handle this situation going forward and it means less demands on Tony Geary, not more.

  • Love 4

I don't know if he's ever fully recovered from his surgery, frankly, or whatever complications there may have been. If I was them I'd be calling Genie and wrapping this up sooner than later, but I've already said many times how I'd handle this situation going forward and it means less demands on Tony Geary, not more.


I know he said in an interview on soapcentral he said he was still doing physical therapy, so I'm sure that takes a toll. 


I mean like you've said, everyone's said, I don't see how Frank is looking at Geary and not thinking "we have to wrap this up as quick as possible". Maybe he is, I don't know.

The problem with Ron's writing, wait, let me rephrase that, one of the many problems with Ron's writing is that people need to be stupid in order for his stories to make sense.  If Hayden were telling the truth, that they had a fight while camping and then he took off and was hit by the car, when would Helena have been able to implant the chip in his brain?  Think Liz and Carly.   Think. 


And when did Ric have time to get all of those documents and the back drop for the photos in such a short amount of time.  It seems like the time that Liz told Ric it was over to the time Jake showed up at Liz' to the time that Hayden showed up at Liz's is all of matter of hours.  There just isn't time for Ric to have met Hayden for his date, decided he didn't want her for himself but that he could use her for this scheme and then put the scheme together.

  • Love 4
While the writing is a major problem, at a certain point Billy needs to shoulder some of the blame for being boring with every single scene partner they give him.



He truly is a bore. I watched him when he was Richie on AMC as he was so dynamic and charismatic. I don't know what happened. Yeah, yeah, Jake doesn't remember who he is so in a way his personality or what it might have been in the past is halted and he's reluctant about life, and I know the writing is shallow at best, but BM looks like he's just there for the check. I hate that so much time is wasted on an actor/character that can actually act, but is clearly not giving 100%. For as much as RP/Nathan gets flack -- and I give him heck all of the time for his lack of skills -- at least he tries. I mean if the daytime medium was truly beneath him [bM], he'd have a job in prime time already, so...


Jake and Lake are so damn boring I cannot stand it, but it's also the primary story line of the show. WHY?!

  • Love 3

Jake, Jake, Jake.


Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.


It was a Scott Sickles day, so I knew it'd be shit. Fire this guy already.

That explains the random Dowton Abby mention. I bet they have a fish bowl of shows to randomly work into episodes. One show at a time, Writers.

Well they stopped doing Maxie's roots with Sonny's dye... And its shockingly not much better. It looked so bright.

Hey Carly, its the morning, so you know where your daughter is? Can you name her?

Molly and TJ deserve so much better. I think MWOP needs to hire them to run his new center, that has Joss and Emma as the poster children, for all the forgotten kids in PC.

Damn, Patrick must not be that great between the sheets if Sam feels the need to discuss Jake/Jason after every round. At least she still pied him on moving into his house. Sam would rather help a formerly mind-controlled potential serial killer with memory issues than wake up to you every morning, Patrick. That's gotta sting a little.

I'm glad Maxie told Spinelli to fuck off, but I wish she hadn't given him the time of day after that rather than sitting with him as he justified his actions. "I'm a wuss with no upper body strength, THAT'S why I thought I had the right to try to ski-douche my way through this."

So WE NEVER CARED and WE NEVER WANTED YOU IN ANY INCARNATION are due their day in court. And I wish I was due for a root canal which would be infinitely more entertaining than these two should be nonentities.

Of course Ron will be blackmailed by Fake!Jake…and who will see them together first? I'm guessing Nik, then Patrick.

Previews: Yay! A woman being terrorized in her own home! Just like Pappy Guza loved to do. I guess I should be happy it isn't Sam this time.

  • Love 4

I liked Jake at first; I thought Billy was getting to bring new sides to the Jason character. But I think now that the brainwashing story is over he's back to just being heroic, stoic Jason who everyone loves and who is just solid and dependable, which is not fun for anyone to play unless you're Steve Burton and are just here to cash the check and create quasi-illegal pyramid schemes. He's there to be the heroic hunk, and he can do so much more if they let him.

Edited by jsbt
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I am hoping that the senselessness of Budig's new role means it really is a short stint. I actually thought she and Ric had something but there's no room damn it.


The problem with Ron's writing, wait, let me rephrase that, one of the many problems with Ron's writing is that people need to be stupid in order for his stories to make sense.  If Hayden were telling the truth, that they had a fight while camping and then he took off and was hit by the car, when would Helena have been able to implant the chip in his brain?  Think Liz and Carly.   Think. 


I have to admit, I did not think about any of that, so I can't rag on them too badly for that. I can rag on the circles this story has gone on in, however, I won't. :)


I do think they might be hedging revealing him as Jason because of the mixed reaction, but they're kind of shooting themselves in the foot because I think reactions are becoming more and more mixed because of the hedging.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think it was a huge mistake to make Jake(son)'s relationships pretty much the same as they were when he was Jason.  He's Carly's BFF, he and Liz want to bang but the timing is off, Sam can't stop talking about him.  It's soooooo booooooooooorrrrring.

Edited by TeeVee329
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