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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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*I looked up Maxie's age and ugh! it makes it worse. She is supposed to be 20 freakin' 9! She is almost 30 with no job and girlfriend couldn't buy a clue if it were on clearance. Very sad.

What's depressing is that post Coop, pre Spinelli relationship, that was her most mature, out of college. It seemed she was working very hard at her job at Crimson and fixed up the apartment she is currently living in. I really believe that RC took her character back 10 steps.

Before Spinelli's return, I felt that Nathan loved Maxie more than she loved him. She may say that she loves him but I think her general flakiness just contradicts the statement. Sure, Nathan is a great guy, attractive, and loves her but she is still waffling by saying that she loves Spinelli too. While Georgie may play a factor into this, I think Maxie's flakiness plays a big part of her current problems. She cheated on all her past love interests from Coop to Spinelli to Matt. When she should be happily settled with her love interests, her eye wanders to another guy for whatever reason.

Edited by nilyank
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I can see someone wanting their kid to have both parents around and together.  However, Maxie of all people should be like "stepdads can be awesome!" since Mac basically was her dad.


Yeah, Maxie shouldn't be someone who thinks that stepparents are second-class parents. Mac did yeoman's work raising her, Georgie, and Robin without a whimper of resentment. 


not five minutes after she and Dante lost custody of Georgie, she was off and running after Ben so she could give another baby another dumbass name


They wouldn't have gone after Ben if they didn't know he was their actual, biological child. It's not really exchanging one child for another, it's getting what's theirs. And if Maxie had had the guts in the first place to tell Dante and Lulu she miscarried their baby, a whole lot of heartache and trouble could have been avoided.


Nathan has definitely been the one that's been the more "all in" in his relationship with Maxie.  He's the one buying her extravagant gifts, tossing aside his professional ethics, etc.  What has Maxie ever done for him?

Not much. But from another side, it's kind of nice to see the man put a ton of work into a relationship for a change. Usually the women have to do all the heavy lifting.

  • Love 4


ITA with DollEyes, except for the part about Spinelli making Maxie  a mother. A sperm bank could have done that. What is more, the sperm bank won't take the child from the mother and move it across the country.


  I said that Spinelli technically made Maxie a mother because he got her pregnant, but ITA that it takes way more than fertility to make a person a good parent as Mac, to name one, proved a long time ago. I also agree that sperm banks would not only not take the child away from the mother, they're also not annoying creeps who make me sick at the very sight of them, ala Spinelli, either.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 3

*I looked up Maxie's age and ugh! it makes it worse. She is supposed to be 20 freakin' 9! She is almost 30 with no job and girlfriend couldn't buy a clue if it were on clearance. Very sad.


Look at it like this, Cattitude, it could[ actually be worse. She could be fifty-something with anger issues and compensating for her inadequacies by shooting people.

  • Love 7
They wouldn't have gone after Ben if they didn't know he was their actual, biological child. It's not really exchanging one child for another, it's getting what's theirs. And if Maxie had had the guts in the first place to tell Dante and Lulu she miscarried their baby, a whole lot of heartache and trouble could have been avoided.


I suppose, but despite the 576, 000 times we heard the word 'embryo', Britt was still the one who gave birth to Ben. Whatever Maxie did or didn't do, Ben isn't entirely Dante and Lulu's, the court's order be damned.

  • Love 2

If the actress is any good at all I don't want her getting stuck with Nathan. 


Agreeing with you re Valerie Spencer getting "stuck with Nathan" from an acting perspective.  They would look great together, but, if she is a good actress, I'd rather see her paired with someone else where her acting potential can be explored.


If you're interested, her website gives a small example of her work - check out # 2 "Matchmaker."  http://www.brytni.com/reel-resume/

Edited by Aurora2
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Meh, he doesn't seem to mind either. I do think wifey is a  ruse though planned by dear ol' Ric. I like Lakeson together though it may be wrong...

Yeah, he's a douche too. Wifey is definitely a plant by ric, but the fact remains....dude IS married. Just not to this woman. They are both dumbasses for pursuing anything until he has exhausted all avenues to figure out who he is.

  • Love 8

  I said that Spinelli technically made Maxie a mother because he got her pregnant, but ITA that it takes way more than fertility to make a person a good parent as Mac, to name one, proved a long time ago. I also agree that sperm banks would not only not take the child away from the mother, they're also not annoying creeps who make me sick at the very sight of them, ala Spinelli, either.


I couldn't leave a statement that even slightly alludes or credits Spinelli with anything positive in Maxie's life.


I loved her a whole lot before she succumbed to his passive aggressive bullying.

  • Love 2

I'm more terrified of her getting stuck with Nikolas.


I don't know what's going on with his suddenly!evil character right now but TC is doing good work and he looks better than he has in awhile. Either way, I want less of RP onscreen trying to approximate human emotions - unless he's going to be paired with Sabrina. He and Sabrina would be pretty, she couldn't be a self-righteous drip with him and I could enjoy watching them on mute if they got annoying.


Besides, I really don't think any soap writer worth his salt would be able to resist at least chem testing a long lost Spencer girl with Nikolas Cassadine

Edited by Oracle42
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Besides, I really don't think any soap writer worth his salt would be able to resist at least chem testing a long lost Spencer girl with Nikolas Cassadine


I think either that or she and Dante will have an affair. If Lulu gets all chummy with her, then probably, heh.


I will be really surprised if she has anything to do with Nathan. I think Nathan and Maxie already have enough on their place with Spinelli interfering.

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I dunno, I don't think Nathan's mention of a "Spinelli" in his past was for nothing.  It might not be Valerie, but that character is coming eventually.


Or it could be Valerie and she could be a suggested tease with Nathan before he moves back to Maxie and she moves on to someone else - like Nathan's best friend.  


Depends on how soapy RC and FV want to get - or to finally get with Lante. 

Edited by Aurora2

Who is Nathan to tell anyone to leave town? Who are Nathan and Spinelli to decide who Maxie dates via a boxing match? Who are Nathan and Spinelli to make any decisions for Maxie at all? Who is Rosalie to order Sabrina around? Why do all these idiots in Port Charles have sets of balls at the weirdest times, yet clam up when it actually counts?

  • Love 1
I dunno, I don't think Nathan's mention of a "Spinelli" in his past was for nothing.  It might not be Valerie, but that character is coming eventually.


Wouldn't Nathan have said something to Dante, at least, if Valerie were his Spinelli? Nathan knows about the search for Pat, and just because Pat is dead doesn't mean Valerie wouldn't have told Nathan about her at some point in their relationship.


I know, I'm applying logic to a Ron story. I hate that everyone has to be connected somehow. I also hate how stupid and unlikely the connections usually end up being.


Why do all these idiots in Port Charles have sets of balls at the weirdest times, yet clam up when it actually counts?


Because it's easier to stay quiet when there's something actually at stake. It would make for much soapier viewing if people did step up to the plate more often, but given how Ron rights followthroughs, it's probably just as well they don't.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Wouldn't Nathan have said something to Dante, at least, if Valerie were his Spinelli? Nathan knows about the search for Pat, and just because Pat is dead doesn't mean Valerie wouldn't have told Nathan about her at some point in their relationship.


I know, I'm applying logic to a Ron story. I hate that everyone has to be connected somehow. I also hate how stupid and unlikely the connections usually end up being.


Speaking of random loves from the past, and Dante, remember when Dante was shocked that Brenda and Sonny were exes? Even though as an undercover cop he should have researched Sonny and so known that Sonny used to be with Brenda? So that answers your question :)


That said, like I said, I will be surprised if Valerie is Nathan's ex

  • Love 1

I am absolutely speechless. I truly didn't think Ron could possibly piss me off more than he has, but lo and behold he tackles assisted suicide in the most offensive and callous way possible. I feel EXTREMELY strongly about this issue and to see it mangled this way is making me see red.

Assisted suicide is for Terminal, end stage people that have absolutely NO OTHER options. Ava HAS options. so fuck you Ron, thanks for totally fucking over this really really really important issue. I am disgusted.

I'm not even going to comment on the rest of today's nonsense. Except to say fuck you Morgan, fuck you Kiki and Liz needs to stfu and maybe take it easy on the condescending bitchiness for once. She was acting like Jakes legal guardian today. He's a grown ass man you twit, let him speak for his damn self.

  • Love 10

So much for Alice's loyalty to the Quartermaines.  Her ass needs to be fired if she's going to let Morgan, Kiki, et. al storm into the mansion whenever the hell they want.  I'm tired of Michael being blindsided by shrieking assholes in his own home.


The fuck, Morgan was able to steal the drugs for "Operation Alcoholic" from GH?  They were just, like, laying around?  So fucking stupid!

  • Love 11

Liz has gone full-fledged crazy, clingy, whackjob, crackpot psycho, controlling freak of nature.


Even though Greenlee is a lying liar and imposter, the way Liz is behaving is...so over the top out of line it'd be rather shocking if I gave a rat's ass about any of this.


Alas...I wish Cameron would have set anther fire and trapped them all inside.


This show has turned into the most repetitive, annoying, stupid, boring, inane bullshit it's not even funny.

  • Love 8

Even though Greenlee is a lying liar and imposter, the way Liz is behaving is...so over the top out of line it'd be rather shocking if I gave a rat's ass about any of this.


Seriously.  We know Rebecca Budig is lying, but Liz's behavior was ridiculous.  She herself acknowledged this possibility, why is she so shocked that someone would eventually come looking for Jake(son)?

  • Love 8

Biggest lie of the day - Morgan: "I'm not an idiot."


Biggest creepy line of the day - Julian: "Can I feel it?"


Morgan needs to die. Just die. 


And what kind of hospital has pills wide open? I'm a nurse, and ALL of our meds are in a med room, locked up in pyxis machine. You need badge access just to get behind the door into the room, and then you need a username, password, and correct finger printing just to get into the machine. Narcotics are heavily monitored and counted and you need a second witness just to fix a discrepancy or waste. Morgan is so selfish. I don't know what he took, but he's probably going to get Lucas in trouble for this.

  • Love 5

Liz demonstrated today that she doesn't give a damn about Jake, and that even though we know Hayden is lying, Liz does not know that for sure. If she truly cared for him, she would be happy at the possibility that he might have found his family. No, she just wants some dick. And I like Liz, but she treats Jake like he's a puppy she found, and is pissed off that his rightful owners have come to claim him.

  • Love 9

i just can't with all the stupidity today. 


  • The assisted suicide line is just awful. This is a vitally serious topic that is being mangled. Ava has options.
  • Kiki and Morgan are the walking definition of dumb asses. "I won't put Avery in any REAL danger," said Morgan. How stupid can two people be?
  • Liz had her perma-bitchface mask on today, acting like she's Jake's keeper. My guess is that Nicholas sent the fake wife. 
  • BH looks unhealthily thin. I know she's always been petite, but she's looking thinner than usual. 
  • The only good thing about this whole Nathan, Spin, Maxi love triangle is that it has make me enjoy Sonny's background reactions. That's a miracle in my book.
  • I could get behind an Olivia/Julian pairing. 
  • Love 6

Seriously.  We know Rebecca Budig is lying, but Liz's behavior was ridiculous.  She herself acknowledged this possibility, why is she so shocked that someone would eventually come looking for Jake(son)?



Well he hasn't "tapped that" yet, as it were, and she surely didn't make all those dinners and buy him 20 black tee shirts in the hopes of getting a mere kiss on the cheek and a quick "See ya!" when the "real wife" finally made an appearance.


That Liz, always keeping it classy, cool, and off the chain, bat shit, hide the silver wear and your man parts, cray-cray.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 6

It's days like today that I believe the "point and laugh" thing was created for Liz. As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a maroon!"


Yes, yes, Hayden isn't Jake's wife, but both Liz and Jake knew they were living in fantasy land...or should have known. If Liz is spitting nails now, I can't wait to see her head do a 360 a la The Exorcist if/when Jake recalls he's the Holy Hitman and Sam enters the mix.


But really, Liz puts herself in positions to be used and tossed aside. Boo freaking hoo. Get some therapy.

  • Love 10

I am already so very sick and tired and disgusted by Olivia and this whole mess with lying about who the baby's father really is.


If Olivia didn't want another mobster/criminal knocking her up then she shouldn't have allowed Julian access to her lady business, plain and simple.


If you can hardly face the morning and feel great, agonizing and mortifying shame over the naked man in bed next to you then you shouldn't have slept with him, and if you are going to "sink so low" in your mind at least have the common sense to prevent what is sure to be an incredibly unwanted pregnancy.


And she isn't just cutting Julian out of his child's life, but this kid has other family as well that she will deny them access to while allowing them to grow up living a lie as someone they aren't, and if the truth were ever to be revealed that could be absolutely devastating and harmful and hurtful beyond words. Which Olivia should know by now in spades.


Ron is like the dog that returns to its' own vomit, it doesn't matter how disgusting and vile and revolting the past was, he will dive right back in happily.

Edited by CPP83
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Well Hayden did somehow turn up at Liz's house after months of Jake being missing.  I would be a little alarmed and suspicious. Did she ever explain how she got Liz's address? I think I missed it. 



Being suspicious would be natural, but I don't think people face that level of grilling and questioning when applying for a job at the FBI.


Imo Liz acted like she was practically spraying Jake with her scent while yowling and hissing at this "strange lady" come to snatch her Jakey Poo away to his "old life" which obviously is just horrible because it didn't involve her.  


Liz acted as if Jake was "her toy" and the idea that she might have to give him up was not sitting well with her or her psyche.


And Greenlee did come up with a quick story to explain why it took her so long, but again it isn't as if Jake made it very easy to find him what with the whole having his entire face cosmetically changed and whatnot without even a single Pizza Hut royalty card on him.




Olivia? Why bother? I don't feel like watching an Alexis rerun storyline. If I wanted to see this, I'd hunt down crap from 2002. And I'm not, because I don't even want to revisit that. One baby daddy mob edition saga was enough, thanks.




That should be Olivia's middle name, "Why bother".


Ron keeps picking so many past story-lines that were crap ass when they first aired and his "take" on them is just...inexcusable frankly, imho.


He's making Guza look good...how the hell does that happen???? What black hole have I been sucked into??!!! Don't answer that...

  • Love 4

Wow Liz, where were these kinds of questions when you moved a complete unknown stranger into your home with your children? Oh yeah, when the guy is hot and you can get laid, it's not that big of a deal.


Seriously, I like Liz, but she's making it very difficult lately.


Morgan and Kiki are desicable. I could probably tolerate it much more if I didn't know in my heart that Sonny always has to win and the brain trust will prevail.

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