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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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ugh on another board someone reminded me of when Carly and Jason laughed when Jax was raped.Made my Carly hate come back fast lol.I think carly loves michael in her own way but she never put him first.

Heather is now on my list for not shooting Kiki when she had a clean shot and no witnesses. However, if she REPEATS by shooting Carly tomorrow and then kicking the body into the water, I may cross her off the list.

Chad and Laura continue to kill it.

I feel like if Heatheris just going to be sent back to the loony bin.She needs to kill a major character.Shes killed less people than sonny yet somehow shes more evil don't think so lol.

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Heather is now on my list for not shooting Kiki when she had a clean shot and no witnesses. However, if she REPEATS by shooting Carly tomorrow and then kicking the body into the water, I may cross her off the list.

Chad and Laura continue to kill it.

And I hate to say it, but I thought MSt was actually really good today. She was doing so much with just her eyes. Why she and the directors think the repeating and screaming lines and flailing around was good is beyond me. Nina is so much creepier and actually interesting and watchable when MSt plays it small.


I agree, although the little girl voice was still driving me a tad batty. As for the repeating and screaming lines, I have a feeling that MSt trying to do something different and interesting for herself. Not working, ma'am.

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But there's [NAME REDACTED] and little [NAME REDACTED] whose deaths he's responsible for too.


They don't exist any longer in GH history.  It could work, really.


I did always like that while GH could no longer mention the OLTL characters, PP had no problem continuing to make John a deadbeat cheater. It's the little things. 

Edited by sometimesfan
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But there's [NAME REDACTED] and little [NAME REDACTED] whose deaths he's responsible for too.


But since (Names Redacted) never really existed in PC; there is no way Johnny could have killed them.

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I still think Kiki is Coma!Baby. Ava didn't tell the truth because she was afraid it would make Nina more likely to kidnap/keep Ava's baby.


And then Franco, Nina and Kiki will make a wacky family.

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previews. I hope Scott's list include about how everyone who knew must go includes serial killer son.


So wait, these are the people who knew:










Am I missing anyone? Did Rosalie or Nina know?

Edited by ulkis
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Is that Bobbie sitting with Lucy and Duke in the preview?  So instead of trying to find Carly or Michael, she...heads to the Floating Rib?


Oh Barbara Jean, stop it!


The peppy way Robin Mattson delivered that line about Heather being more than happy to shoot Carly did make me giggle.  No likely Heather anymore, but RM is still a treasure.

Edited by TeeVee329
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And then Franco, Nina and Kiki will make a wacky family.




 If that should ever happen I will have to give up on GH finally, my sanity wouldn't be able to handle it.


I'm already thinking that Kikaka is going to lose her mind about how much Franco betrayed her trust and belief in him that he had become a good person. Hopefully he will go on a killing spree and she'll be the first victim.




Am I missing anyone?




Julian knows, Ava told him a while back but why the hell he didn't do a damn thing with the information is still beyond my comprehension.

Edited by CPP83
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 If that should ever happen I will have to give up on GH finally, my sanity wouldn't be able to handle it.


I'm already thinking that Kikaka is going to lose her mind about how much Franco betrayed her trust and belief in him that he had become a good person. Hopefully he will go on a killing spree and she'll be the first victim.


Yeah right. She's gonna say it's mean old Carly's fault and gosh darn it Carly PROMISED her she wouldn't have sex with Sonny again!

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Yeah right. She's gonna say it's mean old Carly's fault and gosh darn it Carly PROMISED her she wouldn't have sex with Sonny again!




But wouldn't she reserve that for when Michael kicks her parasitic ass to the curb? Because it'll be everyone and their Aunt Fran's fault before it's hers. She was only trying to spare him!

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Julian knows, Ava told him a while back but why the hell he didn't do a damn thing with the information is still beyond my comprehension.


He does?  I thought she alluded that she had damning information about Sonny, but I didn't think she spelled it out.


Oh, and of course, obviously Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos knows that he wasn't the shooter, heh.

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He does?  I thought she alluded that she had damning information about Sonny, but I didn't think she spelled it out.


Oh, and of course, obviously Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos knows that he wasn't the shooter, heh.


no no she did spell it out, I remember now. He was holding on to the information to make sure he had something to bargain with with Fluke later, I think.

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Ava told him a while back but why the hell he didn't do a damn thing with the information is still beyond my comprehension.

They didn't have the proof.  Sonny had the confession on a hard drive, that Ava kept trying to get from him.  


As for Kiki and Morgan I'll give them a pass because they only found out "yesterday" in PC time when Ava told them.  

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I think Julian even got a tiny yet delicious scene where he lorded it over Sonny that he knew something he should be afraid Julian might reveal. But I had hoped he would have been sending Sonny not so cryptic texts or voice messages, I had really wanted him to rub it in Sonny's face on a regular basis.



They didn't have the proof



They didn't have to, Sonny's paranoia and cowardliness would have given Julian plenty of room to torture him. And just the idea that Julian knew and never really goaded Sonny about it, just never sat well with me.

Edited by CPP83
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Does Olivia know? I know that she was speaking badly about AJ after his death even though she never met him.




No, Olivia still thinks AJ killed Connie, that's how out of the loop she is. And that's also why she so "raged" against him or whatever.




And yet she's supposed to be the vision keeper. It's a wonder Ron restrained himself and didn't have Carly shout out loud once she saw Heather on the docks, "Oh my GOD! Olivia was right!".

Edited by CPP83
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I cannot wait until Kiki's lying ass is exposed.  I'm like a kid counting down to Christmas!

I've decided I'm going to wait to watch this episode before I go to bed that particular night. I'm going to wear my footie pajamas and make-up some buttery popcorn and get some cookies-n-creme ice cream.

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I hope Olivia eats a whole bucket of crow




Only if she chokes on it, that has to be a prerequisite. I'm just thankful they didn't have her come into the hospital wailing about poor bullet riddled Max or something.

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Just a hunch, but I'm pretty sure Johnny and his guys know as well.  They just happened to be hanging out on some scaffolding, washing the windows, etc., etc., when ...

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Then Michael would order Alice to remove "Ms. Benson" from the premises.


Even better if he ordered Alice to escort "Mrs. Corinthos" from the premises.  While standing on the exact same stair that A.J. was on the time Carly tripped over her own feet and fell down the stairs then lied to everybody that A.J. had pushed her.


Any day Carly suffers is a good day


Any day Sonny suffers is a better one!


And as far as Silas and Nathan go I can see them showing concern for both the baby and the Nina. The baby is a complete innocent, the only one in fact, and regardless of who her parents are now that she's here I do think it'd be hard pressed to find many who'd be "ho hum" over getting a newborn back from a crazed psycho.


I am really getting flashbacks to the 'Marcie steals a baby" story they did on OLTL...

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Julian told Anna the other day didn't he?





He nearly did but stopped right before, though he peaked her curiosity and then she and Dante put their heads together and they finally added 5 and 10 together. Though at this point I think Julian is a time traveler, like the Doctor.



I am really getting flashbacks to the 'Marcie steals a baby" story they did on OLTL...




Oh lord I actually remember that...

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CD is really knocking it out of the park, as is MW.  Chad has the better story, though.  Maybe they'll let Maura get up off the floor tomorrow.


Ron C. does go to the Heather-escapes-and-causes-mayhem well far too often, but I do love RM. 


Sonny is one of the dumbest people on the planet.  He is arrogant enough to be a mob boss, but no way is he smart enough.  Yeah, genius, Ava shot Max.  A few people mentioned that it hasn't been officially concerned that MB is staying, so I'm allowing myself to hope that one of the scourges of GH may soon be gone.  (Please do not burst my bubble.  It's nice here.)


I don't care if they make stupid Kiki the daughter of revolting Nina.  If they do, maybe then they can both be written off together.  I very much want Michelle Stafford gone.  I thought her jazz hands, bouncing, and repeating were bad but her cold, dead eyes today were just as bad.  She's awful.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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CD was fantastic today.  I loved how deadly calm he was in his conversation with Dante.  You would never know that he just had his whole world imploded an hour earlier.  He was very matter-of-fact when talking to Dante, and he asked the right questions about Max's shooting, the way anyone would if they found out.  He did nothing to give Dante the impression that something was wrong, but in case Dante saw something in Michael's demeanor, Michael confessed that Franco ambushed Carly with a video that she and Sonny slept together in his apartment.  It was the perfect amount of information to explain why Michael wasn't at the wedding or upset.  When Dante was about to tell Michael that Sonny was a suspect, and Michael already suspected it was him, Dante asked him how, Michael calmly explained that it's not a leap that his father would be a suspect since he hated AJ (smart).  My favortie part was when Dante told Michael not to take matters into his own hands, and Michael responds with this almost smile "What do you think I'm going to do?"  It was a great line delivery by CD.  He was two different people from the Michael of yesterday to the Michael today.  


I am loving this reveal.  


I would be thankful to RC if he can take the Michael that was into a  totally different person. A person shaped by his past, who've reached a breaking point and started from pieces. He should be hardened and no longer the whiny victim he's been.  It would be far far more plausible than personality shift due to brain meeting tree. This is not a psychical trauma that Michael, it a psychological one that was seeded the minute Carly handed him over to Sonny to father. This collision course has been decades in the making, practically Michael's whole life.


Someone was saying on another forum how Guza missed the boat for Michael to feel the lasting ramification of having Sonny for a father. There's been brief events, like Michael saying how he didn't have any friends in school because of who his father is and how he didn't get why till he was older. The rape came later but his whole life, Michael has been paying for having a mobster for a father.  All because Carly, the person who was supposed to protect above all, gift wrapped him to Sonny. These are all things that should be resurfacing for Michael when he is alone. He couldn't have forgotten those things happening to him. They should al factor into how he'll deal with S&C from here on out, not just the AJ killing and coverup.


The kicker is that Michael has a perfectly functional family that yearned to love him. Above of all of them was his biological father. Sonny killing AJ is just the tip of the iceberg as far as the wrong done to Michael by Carly and Sonny. More so Carly. Jason wasn't any better because Carly had his stamp of approval, he too failed Michael big time. That is the main reason why, I feel Michael should have nothing to do with Jakeson also. As I mentioned, although he had no role in AJ's death, he was a major player in setting the ball rolling and Michael. In his new enlightenment, Michael should not forget that. It'll give him more depth as a character to take into consideration, the actions of the three of them since birth.


I might forgive RC force feeding us Nina and Franco if he got this just right. As much as I would like for the whole Q clan to spit in the faces of S&C, I would take a complete overhaul of Michael's character. He is the only one whose reaction they pretend to care about anyway.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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Nina knows.  She was with Franco when he was viewing his evil eye recording.


Did Heather tell Franco that Shawn kidnapped her at Sonny's request?  Imma need Carly to hear that Sonny is responsible for this.


I'm also a little PO'd that Heather didn't shoot Kiki while she had a chance. 


Yesterday my DVR skips the show because it didn't think it was new.  Today it records Obama.  Can't wait to see what it has in store for me tomorrow.  I might have to hire Shawn to take out my cable co.  (I kid I kid.  I'll have him bring them BLTs)

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As for Kiki and Morgan I'll give them a pass because they only found out "yesterday" in PC time when Ava told them.


Wait, whaaaaaat? Those scenes aired over a month ago, are you telling me it's only been a DAY in show time? How stupid.


But lately it's been the stuff like that and the editing that gets to me. Like today, my DVR got all of the ep except for the last 5-6 minutes. I went to YT, and then demanded on Twitter for someone to send me the correct link because it went from Ava talking to Nina and Maddie standing there to the next scene where Ava is yelling for her to come back - bad editing. But please give me more scenes of the SERIAL KILLER. Ugh. Ava was pretty awesome, pulling the manipulating card out even if it didn't work. The woman just gave birth with a psycho who tells horse birth stories delivering the baby, yet she was playing Nina like a fool. I don't know which is worse, having Nina there or having Sonny there. I need Heather to pop a cap in both their asses.


And yes, WHY didn't she shoot Kiki???? Unacceptable.


Another thing that was unacceptable? Bobbie's defense of Carly. Shut up, plastic.


Hate Carly, but LW has been excellent. Chad was pretty good today, I just don't know if I can count on him to sustain this level of rage and not go running back to Mommy and Daddy. I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Edited by tvgoddess
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Ava talking to Nina and Maddie standing there to the next scene where Ava is yelling for her to come back - bad editing.

I watched it on YouTube and thought the same thing.  Went to the ABC page and signed in with my cable co account ... and yea, that's what aired.  They didn't show how it resolved with Nina and Ava.  Just Ava screaming at a closed door.

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Nina knows.  She was with Franco when he was viewing his evil eye recording.


Did Heather tell Franco that Shawn kidnapped her at Sonny's request?  Imma need Carly to hear that Sonny is responsible for this.


I'm also a little PO'd that Heather didn't shoot Kiki while she had a chance. 


Yesterday my DVR skips the show because it didn't think it was new.  Today it records Obama.  Can't wait to see what it has in store for me tomorrow.  I might have to hire Shawn to take out my cable co.  (I kid I kid.  I'll have him bring them BLTs)



Never mind Carly. Diane is the one who needs that information because she can turn into a she-wolf where Max is concerned.

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Wait, whaaaaaat? Those scenes aired over a month ago, are you telling me it's only been a DAY in show time? How stupid.

No, Morgan told Sonny on Friday or Monday that he and Kiki had known for weeks.

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LOL, fuck Diane. She jazzercises her ass in and out of town at Full Broadway Blast, defends Sonny and chastises anyone who would stand against him in law enforcement, then comes crying and wailing and flailing around any time Big Max takes some hot lead. Shut it, Prince!

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Longest press conference, ever!!!!!

"For those of you longing for the day Michael finally turns on Sonny and Carly and that Scott has the goods on the Moobster, I hear you. For those who will lament that Sonny will skate once again because Sonny Ruins Everything, I hear you too."

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As for Kiki and Morgan I'll give them a pass because they only found out "yesterday" in PC time when Ava told them.



No, Morgan told Sonny on Friday or Monday that he and Kiki had known for weeks.




Then neither of them gets to skate. Good.

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Yeah, it's gross that all Bobbie cares about is her daughter being implicated - no signs of concern at all for her heartbroken grandson, no signs of sadness/pain/guilt that her child has helped cover up the murder of her dear friend Monica's child, also Michael's grandma.  Bobbie is utterly useless now - I had hoped (re: Michael) to see a return of the woman who was kind and compassionate to young Elizabeth Webber in the aftermath of rape. Also, if Bobbie didn't know before that Michael's a rape victim because of Franco and being 'raised' by Jason/Sonny, she does now - yet no reaction?! Ughhhhh

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No carly doesn't know that shawn and sonny where involved and I doubt she will find out which kinda pisses me off because there just as responsable for Heather roaming around as franco is.


We don't know what Franco's plan for Heather was (which is still driving me crazy), but I doubt it involved her wandering around the docks with a gun.  So, yeah, Carly should be pissed at Sonny/ Shawn.  But not as pissed as she should be that Sonny shot AJ, I guess.  Side note: I just remembered that Carly used to sleep with Shawn. That cracked me up, for some reason.  

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Michael has a perfectly functional family that yearned to love him


I wouldn't call the Qs functional. Edward loved pitting the men against each other and playing favorites. That's not a healthy environment. It's better than being around the mob, yes, but Michael wouldn't be unscathed had he been raised by AJ and the Qs. He'd have a different set of issues.


Did Heather tell Franco that Shawn kidnapped her at Sonny's request?  Imma need Carly to hear that Sonny is responsible for this.


Eh, Heather escapes all the time (i.e., when the plot demands it). Carly has bigger fish to fry than getting angry at Sonny.


I loved Sonny's expression when Ava opened the door at the very end. Yes, that's definitely a woman who shot Max and ran back to the brownstone for safety. You know Ava will have to beg Sonny to spare her life because his pea brain can't take in the obvious evidence that she's just given birth. He'll probably think she's hiding the newborn somewhere. He's such a dope.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I really liked Michael and Dante's scene. I'm surprised no one has mentioned that Dante told Michael about suspecting Sonny as soon as he could and said that's what a brother would do. I truely thought that was foreshadowing of Michael turning his back on Morgan over the lie. I think that is why Morgan quickly jumped on team Sonny about Ava. Morgan is going to be the only child to side with Sonny and Carly.


I do like Michael and Morgan's bond, but also liked Michael with Dante, plus really Michael and Dante are more alike and better people in general than Morgan is. I hope if Michael's relationship with Morgan is ruined he at least gets more scenes and bonding with Dante.


I really like all the gun drama on GH but how come with so many people angry with guns I feel like no one is going to die...geeze. Can't someone anyone at least take out Ava? Shawn? Kiki? GMAB

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I really liked Michael and Dante's scene. I'm surprised no one has mentioned that Dante told Michael about suspecting Sonny as soon as he could and said that's what a brother would do.

I did. :) Although quick nitpick - Dante actually said that he thought if it were true it would be better to hear it from her brothers first instead of accidentslly hearing it from a stranger.

I do think it will be meant to contrast with Morgan and everyone else in Michael's family but Dante is barely involved in the family nowadays. I'm sure if he were more involved they probably would have had him keep the secret too.

That said, there are a couple of important distinctions between Morgan and Dante besides Morgan being morally looser - for one, Dante is a cop. He knows if they find evidence Sonny is gonna be arrested so he might as well prepare Michael now. The other is while Dante will feel bad for his brothers, it's not *his* family unit that's gonna be torn apart. Dante certainly doesn't feel the need to protect Carly. When he finds out the truth about her he'll probably be secretly glad for an excuse to put her away after all this Franco bullshit lol. He already doesn't really like under normal circumstances.

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