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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Here's a question - if they weren't going to dig into anything real with Raymond Berlin, why couldn't those scenes with Rebecca Budig have been with Naomi, a character we've actually seen before?

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2 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

Don't worry. They've already set up the framework that Sam  wasn't competent when she shot Sonny, and she contracted the toxoplaximia because of Olivia, who was allowed to kidnap her because Julian didn't say anything even though he knew.

Ergo, Julian shot Sonny, so he's going to jail.

If only they could've shoehorned 'because Helena' into the scenario.  It would sum up GH for the last 5 years.

Worst part of previews was Sam sniveling apologies to Sonny.  

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I'm dreading seeing reruns of reruns of Sam confronting and shooting Sonny. Besides boring us to tears, the repetition gives the lazy writers an undeserved break, and the show gets to save bucks that it would have spent for different acting, writing, directing, scene props, etc. It's a new way to cheapen the show, and probably contributes $$$ bonus that pays for dayplayers, extra donuts and Cokes for MB and Laura Wright, and Kleenex for GF. 

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I have a bad feeling the Sam/Sonny flashbacks are already on their way to rivaling the OLTL Two Todds "You take my life, Victor, I take yours" flashbacks in quantity.  Anything to fill up time and save a few bucks of the dwindling budget, I guess.

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They've already set up the framework that Sam  wasn't competent when she shot Sonny

I think Sonny will keep the secret for weeks, though, until the gun shows up.  Maybe Carly's head could explode when she learns the truth?

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I often find Olivia's STUFF! exhausting, but I did like the scene with her and Monica, with Monica talking about feeling like an outside among the Q's at first and advising her.  That's nice, familial stuff you don't see enough.

Oh geez, Nelle talking about some dude from her past.  Clearly, he's either going to a) show up in town, possibly lured there by Bobbie or b) we'll find out Nelle had this dude's baby and gave it up for adoption and, possibly, that it's Oscar.

Ned was right about Michael's baby face, wrong about him having Edward's business savvy.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I knew today would be bad, but man, Sam collapsing in tears and genuflecting at Sonny's side was a special kind of awful. "I love you, Sonny, you're my family, I would never want anything to happen to you." She basically kissed his ring and pledged undying allegiance. I guess the balance in PC has been restored now that Sam's been welcomed back into the Cult of Sonny with open arms. 

Yes, Ned, fight for ELQ and kick Michael's Corinthos ass to the curb. I don't care how "savvy" Michael is, his mob connections are too deep for him to be trusted with ELQ, as his loyalty to Sonny is a huge liability.

Carly's like a dog with a bone when it comes to uncovering secrets, so she's going to be super obnoxious when she realizes Sonny's hiding the Sam story from her. 

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Color me surprised, the show allowed the fact that Michael is doing a shit job at ELQ stand.  Now, on a REAL soap, all of this would lead to Ned easily taking ELQ from Michael, and Michael fucking off to go work for Daddy or something stupid, but on GH, it'll lead to Michael humiliating Ned and keeping a firm hold on ELQ while the usual assholes gush over Michael's genius.

Sam BAWLING over Sonny the ENTIRE EPISODE started out embarrassing and eventually shifted to hilarious with each return from commercial break. All the while, Sonny's lying there like a slug barely enunciating the words and having ZERO emotion in his voice. And on what planet would Sam turn herself into the police for shooting Sonny? NO PLANET. So while she might be upset, Jason and Sonny's assertions about her mental state were stupid. Also, they were stupid about keeping it from Carly.  In general, the way Jason and Sonny talked about the women folk in their lives was just gross, especially considering that Sonny is easily the most emotionally stunted and immature individual on the show, so if anyone's going to emotionally fragile, it's HIS lame ass. Assholes.

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13 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

I hope Ned goes after ELQ because Michael has chosen to go into business with a MOBSTER.  Michael is setting ELQ up as a  mob front.  This is such a betrayal of Edward, Lila, Tracy and Monica.  Sonny has done such damage to the Quartermaine's and he killed AJ in cold blood.  How could Michael do this?  

Look at his parents.  He's a Corinthos first, last and despite any pesky bio-dad murders or banging/planning to marry his rape facilitator.

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4 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Here's a question - if they weren't going to dig into anything real with Raymond Berlin, why couldn't those scenes with Rebecca Budig have been with Naomi, a character we've actually seen before?

Maybe the actress wasn't available?

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10 minutes ago, Vella said:

Sam BAWLING over Sonny the ENTIRE EPISODE started out embarrassing and eventually shifted to hilarious with each return from commercial break. All the while, Sonny's lying there like a slug barely enunciating the words and having ZERO emotion in his voice. And on what planet would Sam turn herself into the police for shooting Sonny? NO PLANET. So while she might be upset, Jason and Sonny's assertions about her mental state were stupid. Also, they were stupid about keeping it from Carly.  In general, the way Jason and Sonny talked about the women folk in their lives was just gross, especially considering that Sonny is easily the most emotionally stunted and immature individual on the show, so if anyone's going to emotionally fragile, it's HIS lame ass. Assholes.

Jason, Sonny, Sam and Carly have a total, obnoxious disdain for all things law enforcement and yet Sam is talking about turning herself in to the cops?  Please.  But, naturally, we have to understand that Sam was WRONG for what she did.  Even though it must also be explained as not her true feelings, rather the Birthing-thru-her-Jeans-itis talking, we all must know she still feels terrible because EVERYONE must always feel AWFUL about doing anything other than canonizing Sonny.  The ones who don't are the show "villians."

Eff this show.

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olvia direspects monicas house and fires the cook. All this so she cook italian food. why is the cook named cook? 

does the name of nelles former boyfriend mean something? is he a long lost child of sonny's?

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Me:  Don't the Quartermaine's have a ton of money?  Why can't they build Olivia another kitchen?  Or at least get her to use the one in the cottage?

I"m really not looking forward to a "Ned fights Michael for ELQ" story.  Because I suspect Sonny will swoop in and save the day for Michael instead of a real dynasty fight.

Michael is just the wimpiest wimp that ever wimped.  (And that saying something on a show that has Valentin.)  Why can't the 30 year old man just tell his mother "I know Nelle's story exactly and I'm telling you to drop it now."

Oscar doesn't recognize a shell casing?  Carly and Michael should be thrilled that he wants to date Joss.

The stuff with Avery was just gross.  Yeah, she can't get to sleep unless Sonny is there; what happens on all the other nights he's doing his bidness?

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birthing through your jeansitis would be a funny cause for the nurses ball. lucy can emcee as always. sam will make an emotional video. 

sonny and jason can sing youre not alone in this world.all the food will be italian cooked in Monicas kitchen.

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43 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Oscar doesn't recognize a shell casing?  Carly and Michael should be thrilled that he wants to date Joss.

The fact that Oscar doesn't know what a shell casing looks like is a strike against him in Corrinthos Land.  I'm sure that Avery has a mobile over her crib that is made from them.

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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I often find Olivia's STUFF! exhausting, but I did like the scene with her and Monica, with Monica talking about feeling like an outside among the Q's at first and advising her.  That's nice, familial stuff you don't see enough.

It didn't take long for clueless Olivia to put her foot wrong now that she's married above her class. OLivia fired the cook, which she had no business doing, since Monica hired her and Monica owns the house. I thought Monica's advice was overly generous and potentially troublesome. Monica seemed to encourage Olivia to upset the status quo and start fights when she advised her new relative to make waves and assert herself. Monica should have defended the cook, who apparently pleases the family, and offered Olivia a compromise (i.e., cooking on weekends or one night a week or in the cottage.) Olivia has a realtively young baby, a new marriage, and a full-time job at the Metro as co-owner. She doesn't have time to be the Quartermaine cook. Monica failed at her leadership role. I see Subway sandwiches or pizza from a local eatery in the Quartermaines' future.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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2 hours ago, Linny said:

I knew today would be bad, but man, Sam collapsing in tears and genuflecting at Sonny's side was a special kind of awful. "I love you, Sonny, you're my family, I would never want anything to happen to you." She basically kissed his ring and pledged undying allegiance. I guess the balance in PC has been restored now that Sam's been welcomed back into the Cult of Sonny with open arms. 

I was actually nauseated at Sam's whining and sniveling, and her begging for understanding and forgiveness from St Sonny. To add insult to injury, spoilers say that this whole Sam hallucination and Sonny shooting story arc is preparing us for:


Freako's redemption when he returns. Sam will realize that illness made her do uncharacteristic and criminal acts when she was ill. So she will forgive Freako for all his crimes because he was ill with the tumah. Having experienced disability- caused hallucinations herself, Sam will open her arms and heart to Freako, and we also will be expected to trust him again. Fat chance!

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Sheesh.  Sam can terrorize children and their mother but snots over shooting a greasy old mobster?!  WTF!

Olivia gets on my nerves.

I thought Cook died two years ago?

Michael and Nelle are boring, bland and lame.

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10 minutes ago, Darklazr said:

Sheesh.  Sam can terrorize children and their mother but snots over shooting a greasy old mobster?!  WTF!

Olivia gets on my nerves.

I thought Cook died two years ago?

Michael and Nelle are boring, bland and lame.

Cook died during the Water Contamination Crisis in 2012.  The Quartermaines appear to  have hired a replacement with the same personality.  

These *&^%#$* flashbacks are making me feel as I may have contracted toxoplasmosis-induced encephalitis.   Make them stop!! 

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Dear Show: I think you have officially recouped your investment in that super thrilling location shoot. Please stop.

I think Sam LITERALLY kissed Sonny's ring. 

When is SB supposed to come back? OMG, if that is what I am clinging onto in the hopes of anything remotely interesting happening, these are seriously desperate times. 

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Wait to go, show. Wonderful job with the hospital computer system. Payment Confrim? No wonder GH was in financial dire straights. Pay for a real operating system.

Who the hell does Olivia think she is? She doesn't sign Cook's paycheck. Monica does. And why the hell wouldn't Monica or Ned just suggest that she use the kitchen in Ned's gatehouse home? Even offer to renovate that home? Or even just decide put in a small kitchen up stairs specifically for people not named Cook, who like to prepare their own food. Hell, just say that Leo has developed some food allergy and so this kitchen will be an allergic food free zone for him.

Go for it Ned! I would love to see the Q drama. And I would love to see Monica tell Michael off for all of his Sonny support. Especially having ELQ go into business with Sonny. 

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1 hour ago, stlbf said:

Wait to go, show. Wonderful job with the hospital computer system. Payment Confrim? No wonder GH was in financial dire straights. Pay for a real operating system.

Also, even if Hatechel is the Chief Financial Officer, no computer system for a business would let a wire transfer for a quarter million dollars go unchallenged with just the pressing of a button. Usually for an amount that large a check is cut and the check must have multiple (or at least more than one) signatures by officers of the company. For example, Monica as Chief of Staff might also countersign it., or the Chairman of the Board of the hospital. At some point, the hospital finances will be audited, and the audit trail will be clear regarding the money's disbursement and recipient.

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2 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Dear Show: I think you have officially recouped your investment in that super thrilling location shoot. Please stop.

I think Sam LITERALLY kissed Sonny's ring. 

When is SB supposed to come back? OMG, if that is what I am clinging onto in the hopes of anything remotely interesting happening, these are seriously desperate times. 

So agreed!  I don't know why I still watch this show, every storyline has such a dark side to it.

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7 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

I was actually nauseated at Sam's whining and sniveling, and her begging for understanding and forgiveness from St Sonny. To add insult to injury, spoilers say that this whole Sam hallucination and Sonny shooting story arc is preparing us for:

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Freako's redemption when he returns. Sam will realize that illness made her do uncharacteristic and criminal acts when she was ill. So she will forgive Freako for all his crimes because he was ill with the tumah. Having experienced disability- caused hallucinations herself, Sam will open her arms and heart to Freako, and we also will be expected to trust him again. Fat chance!

You have got to be kidding me. We all joked about the show going there but if they really are they are dumber than I even thought they were.

And if that is what they want it was a horrible narrative move to have Sam be apologetic and remorseful and immediately go to Sonny in tears and beg for forgiveness (no matter how dramatic it was or wasn't), because all it does is flash a huge neon sign on the fact that not once in five years has Franco been apologetic or remorseful to Sam, or any of his victims. He's almost been a parent to two of them!

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I hand-wave anything involving computers on this show. I mean...Spinelli. Need I say more? Lucky was a computer genius at one time, too, before he became a dimwitted police officer. Most of what they have shown people doing with computers could never happen in the real world, no matter how tech-savvy someone is supposed to be. Just about the only computer-related story I actually bought was Maximum Maxie (when the Kyle kid posted webcam footage of Maxie having sex, resulting in her slut-shaming). Not that the story was any good, but the blind monkeys did find a hot topic that time and dealt with it plausibly. Stuff like that actually does happen, especially to young people.  

That unseen Quartermaine cook who intimidates them has never been one of the running gags I've enjoyed much, so I was glad she was fired offscreen. I hope it takes. And I know that it is a legitimate real-world upper-class thing to say "I'll have Cook make you some breakfast," as if the person's job is his/her entire identity, but I've never liked it.  

Michael's infrequent snark is always welcome. I liked his "What do you think happened?" scenario to Carly when she was suspicious of Nelle:  Nelle discovering the shell casing herself, intentionally leaving Sonny in the hole, having a necklace made, waiting until just the right moment, and then using the shell casing to get credit for the rescue. Stick around, Snarky Michael. I suspect that that's closer to Duelly's real-life personality than a lot of what he says and does.  

As for the rest, I Just Can't. The Perils of Rebecca Budig...ugh. MB's lethargic line readings when he's laid up in a hospital bed aren't very different from his usual, and I've seen enough of KMo's waterworks for a lifetime. 

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Olivia's Italian mamma schtick has always gotten on my nerves. The writing overdoes the clichés and LiLoC overplays them. This business with Cook is really insulting and dumb. There's nothing wrong with Olivia using the kitchen, but she couldn't ask or give Cook a head's up? Try to get to know her before barging in and taking over her domain? Or, maybe believe Ned when he tells you what the house customs are. When I'm visiting my mom, in the house I grew up in, I always ask before I start cooking or baking, unless it's making coffee or toast or something like that. I'm in my mother's kitchen, not mine. It's called courtesy, Olivia. Look into it. And then she fires Cook? You aren't paying her salary, Liv. 

I loved the dress Olivia was wearing.

"[Avery] keeps asking for Dad." Please. We know Sonny spends two minutes a day with her, tops. That's a new Avery, isn't it? I love the chatty old one.

Sam didn't shoot Sonny intentionally. The gun went off when he was reaching for it. We saw it numerous times in the numerous flashbacks. What they should focus on is Sam deliberately (and awesomely) pushing Sonny into the pit. That said, Sonny sucks for not telling Sam what she wants to know. "You don't need to know." Uh, she says she does, jerk, so tell her. I FFed all that nonsense. Talk about overdone and overplayed. Gah. And Sonny's supercondescending "You've got to calm her down or she'll go to the police." Ugh. Jason trying to talk to Sam wasn't much better, and I don't get why Sam is so determined to "take responsibility." She knows she was sick. She's told Sonny (and told him and told him) she's sorry. Why isn't that enough?

7 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

The Perils of Rebecca Budig...ugh.

I know. 

"Behind that baby face is Grandfather's savvy." "Really?" Hee. 

I don't care about Nelle's past. It's a little late to start filling that in. And Michael sucked for throwing Nelle under the bus while she was flailing around telling Carly about the stupid necklace.

LOL at Stella shrieking in horror as she peeps through the bushes. How about not peeping through the bushes in the first place?

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Dying laughing at the whole "think of Scout and Danny!" plea by Jason to Sam as to why she shouldn't go to the police.  As if she'd spend a minute in jail.  Hell, she could've been in her right mind and she'd still get a hand-wave because Alexis would find some loophole and they'd all live happily ever after.  

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Seriously. And Sonny wouldn't testify against her if things got that far, so Sam would likely get probation at most. Gah. This fakakta show. There is no drama whatsoever in this story.

Edited by dubbel zout
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17 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Sam loves Sonny?

Did she tell him that when they were dating?

Does it matter? Now they've been in each other's lives for a long time. I have no problem with Sam saying she loves Sonny. My problem is her overreaction to what she did. She was pretty sick with a couple of different viruses, and while I definitely blame her for not getting help sooner, I don't blame her for what she did while in the throes of a hallucination. Feel guilty about accidentally shooting Sonny and deliberately pushing him into a pit if you must, but to insist you have to go to the PCPD? WTF is that?

The worst part is that if the shoe were on the other foot, Sonny would be demanding that Sam apologize to him for trying to deal with something she knew nothing about. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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It's annoying how Sonny draws a parallel between his bipolar and Sam's toxoplasmosis, and illness causing them to do bad things.  He knew he had the illness, and he consciously chose to stop* taking his medication.  It's not the same thing at all.

* which is part of the disease.

Edited by ciarra
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Um, Sonny, Jason, last time you covered up a "crime" that has extenuating circumstances and would have led to acquittal -- Michael got raped in prison and we got Franco.

So, in summary at the Q's:

Olivia: I cooked in the kitchen.

Qs: You dumb fuck! That's Cook 2.0 domain.

O: Waaaah! I'm a stereotypical Brooklyn Italian! I'll never be part of this family.

Qs: We didn't say that. We just want to let you know Cook is very sensitive about the kitchen. Even Sonny wouldn't go in there....

O: I know what to do!

*Exeunt, silence, returns*

O: I solved everything! I fired Cook!

Qs: You dumb fuck!

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On ‎8‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 11:28 AM, Cheyanne11 said:
On ‎8‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 8:38 AM, NutmegsDad said:

Don't worry. They've already set up the framework that Sam  wasn't competent when she shot Sonny, and she contracted the toxoplaximia because of Olivia, who was allowed to kidnap her because Julian didn't say anything even though he knew.

Ergo, Julian shot Sonny, so he's going to jail.

If only they could've shoehorned 'because Helena' into the scenario.  It would sum up GH for the last 5 years.

Only now these days it's "because Ava and Julian". The Ice Princess? It's their fault, and the PFMs are sticking to their retcon.

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I'd rather watch an hour of Olivia talking about her Italian cooking and how it relaxes her than watch one second of that "Avery can't sleep because Sonny's not there" bullshit they were flinging yesterday.  Constantly getting hit over the head with a 2 by 4 about what a great Dad Sonny is doesn't make him any more endearing.

Edited by Cheyanne11
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Everyone is at the park today. Weird. 

Kiki went a little too light with her highlights. It looks platinum. 

I'm guessing since she's going to take on a "fast paced course" to be a Dr, she'll have a full practice going by December. 

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I really do not understand what the show is trying to set up with Dr. Bensch.  He reappears today, completely divorced from Sam's storyline, even though he was the doctor who first saw her.  Then I was worried we were going somewhere skeevy with him talking to Kiki about applying to medical school.  And then he was flirting with Jordan, so maybe he's a spoiler for her and Curtis?  W-H-A-T?

Get it, Mac!

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Does it matter? 

No, I'm just curious, because it was such a crappy relationship, but there's a good chance she said to him anyway, because, well, Sonny.

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You're right; I'm sure she did just because it was Sonny.

LOL that being a good nurse's aide means Lauren will be a good doctor. Maybe she doesn't want all that responsibility. Maybe she wants regular hours. Maybe she doesn't want to spend three weeks (heh) becoming a doctor. Even though Dr. Bensch said there are never enough good nurses' aides, he still insulted them.

STFU, Stella. Poor Vernee Watson-Johnson. She so doesn't deserve this crappy character.

More zzzzzz with Rebecca Budig's story. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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Felicia and Mac getting caught in the park by that annoying judgy shrew is the stupidest thing ever.

No, this Hayden storyline is the stupidest thing ever.

No, the Sam/Sonny storyline is the stupidest thing ever.


Never mind.

Edited by seasons
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Props to Mac for looking decent without a shirt on for a man of his age. I'm all for him and Felicia spicing things up, but maybe not in public places in the middle of the day when kids could be around. I loved Maxie complaining about Mac not letting her wear low rise jeans as a teenager. Give me all the anecdotes about the Scorpio-Jones family, they're great.

Stella is the worst kind of meddler. Her behavior seriously makes me cringe. Her intentions may be good, but she has no concept of boundaries and what's appropriate. 

The idea of Dr. Kiki is still laughable to me, but at least Kiki's chasing a legitimate career and isn't living on her family's money. 

I am the embodiment of Jared's "tic toc" gif. Just get to the conclusion of this Hayden mess so we can move on and forget it ever happened. 

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One smart thing they could do - and won't do - with the idea of Kiki going to medical school is using that to beef up her age group.  They could start using TJ more prominently in that respect too, his entire med school/hospital program participant/aspirations of being a doctor life has been off-screen. 

Edited by TeeVee329
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