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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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2 minutes ago, TheMediaHo said:

Since there's a warrant for Freako's arrest and Liez is holding on to what could be a vital piece of evidence (um, blood?), I hope the PCPD captures them both, arrests Freako for murder and Liez for being an accessory and for withholding evidence. Then when Kiki's part in this comes out, as it will, all three of them are banished to that dog cage for eternity. As the overstuffed cage is being transported to Pentonville, it bounces off of the flatbed truck and lands in the river next to Morgan's trapped, unfound body and Kiki can REALLY feel guilty. Until they all drown.

Yep, I know most of you lost me at "PCPD captures them both," but a girl can dream, right?

Freako, Kiki AND Liez dead? 


  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, TheMediaHo said:

Since there's a warrant for Freako's arrest and Liez is holding on to what could be a vital piece of evidence (um, blood?), I hope the PCPD captures them both, arrests Freako for murder and Liez for being an accessory and for withholding evidence. Then when Kiki's part in this comes out, as it will, all three of them are banished to that dog cage for eternity. As the overstuffed cage is being transported to Pentonville, it bounces off of the flatbed truck and lands in the river next to Morgan's trapped, unfound body and Kiki can REALLY feel guilty. Until they all drown.

Yep, I know most of you lost me at "PCPD captures them both," but a girl can dream, right?

Freako, Kiki AND Liez dead? 


  • Love 1

I'm sure we were supposed to find J-A-K-E being the password to Franco's phone adorable, but I thought that was creepy as fuck, TBH.

I can't even with the contrivances today - Dillon's storage locker being right across from Franco is locked up (and btw, poor Dillon, getting dragged into this shit), Kiki finding Franco's note, but not reading it, etc.

  • Love 15

It looked like Franco's note said to call Elizabeth "Weber." Nice to have confirmation that Franco fails at all things including spelling. And the phone number he listed didn't match the number that Alexis had in Liz's contact information in her phone.

Liz is a piece of work, getting attitude with Sam because Sam wants to prove her mother's innocence. Sam protecting her mother is a hell of a lot more important than Liz protecting her psycho boyfriend. Liz claims to only want to find out the truth, but the truth is she's deluding herself into believing her boyfriend isn't the monster he has repeatedly proven himself to be.

"Is that blood?" Yes, Dillon, so maybe don't handle it with your bare hands. I hate that he got roped into this Franco mess.

Nice to see Tracy, Monica and Jason together. It probably won't happen again for another six months.

  • Love 13
7 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I'm sure we were supposed to find J-A-K-E being the password to Franco's phone adorable, but I thought that was creepy as fuck, TBH.


If I found out a rapist serial killer used my child's name as their phone password I would be calling the cops, the feds, child protective services, animal control, everything. Jelly are so stupid they don't even realize how creepy and gross they unintentionally make him look.


I'm preparing myself for the rage blackout I know I'm going to have thanks to these Sam/Liez scenes.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 5

Jake is Freakos phone password I cant!

Liez continues to have an attitude with Sam regarding sexual assaulter. She brings up Alexis being involved  then gets all huffy when  she is Sams motivation not her rapists bf. At least Sam got to verbalize with the sick freak did to her.

At this point Alexis drink till you die. I literally DGAF about this story anymore.

Edited by backhometome
  • Love 5

Three cheers for Box, who gallantly knocked Franco unconscious. 

I laughed SO hard!  Also, I kept expecting the gang from Storage Wars to open the room, see greasy haired Franco in there and lock it back up.  


Is that blood?" Yes, Dillon, so maybe don't handle it with your bare hands

why was it still wet?  I get that it was wet when Liz found it because it was sitting in the rain/snow, but then she put it in a baggie, which should have wiped it clean, but then hands it to Kiki and it's soaking and when Kiki hands it to Dillon, it's still soaking.  Did the phone cut itself and continue to bleed?


Memo to Franco:  see that vent right there, the one that's literally two feet from your greasy hair, yeah, that one, why don't you climb in and see if it will lead you out of the room.  Heck, if Lulu can climb into a vent in her pretty dress and six inch heels, surely you can too.  


I really wanted Alexis to tell Diane her story, like she did with Sam, so that I could see Diane's head explode before she smacked Alexis upside the head.  

"Admit it, you have feelings for me".  Shut up Curtis.  She said no.  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 7

So Tracy has gone from propping Finn and Hayden, to getting stuck with Jason.  Obviously, they aren't going to give JE another story any time soon. What a shame that she may be leaving and they aren't taking advantage by actually giving her material about her own character. I feel guilty complaining since I am not watching. But not THAT guilty. Deliberate stupidity must be called out at all times.

  • Love 1
44 minutes ago, Perkie said:

"Admit it, you have feelings for me".  Shut up Curtis.  She said no.

But her lips said yes....

What is it with this show and men who have no clue about consent? It's not cute, funny, sexy, or any other idea the writers are trying to push.

Edited by dubbel zout
Boundaries aren't the same as consent.
  • Love 3

Why does Liz think it's appropriate to give Sam bitchface and crap today about helping her because Sam, horror of horrors, is doing this only to exonerate her mom and doesn't give a flying fuck about Franco?

"I totally understand why you will always hate Franco, because that is how I feel about Tom Baker." No. No, you don't. Because if you really understood you wouldn't A) be dating him, B) put Sam in the position of having to see Franco when they exchange custody of Jake or C) ask Sam to help prove Franco's innocence of a crime Liz herself doesn't know he didn't commit. And then D) get attitude with Sam while she is helping you because she isn't Team Franco.  

Lulu is having lunch with her mom and Kevin tomorrow. Kevin and Laura both look (rightfully) concerned that Lulu told Charlotte that she is her mother. Good. If Lulu won't listen to Laura or Dante, there's a remote possibility that Kevin and his professional opinions might get through to her. I know that's too much to ask for.

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 11

I've read that Liz was on Sam's case, wanting her to - in so many words - "get over Franco". Is this true? If so, that is REPULSIVE. I know it is in service of Franco the Freak, but it REALLY makes Liz, a rape victim herself, look like a cold bitch.

Why can't this show just do a favor for both women and kill this bastard off?!

  • Love 9
46 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Lulu is having lunch with her mom and Kevin tomorrow. Kevin and Laura both look (rightfully) concerned that Lulu told Charlotte that she is her mother. Good. If Lulu won't listen to Laura or Dante, there's a remote possibility that Kevin and his professional opinions might get through to her. I know that's too much to ask for.

Poor Kevin.  He must really love Laura to subject himself to this crap.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

Poor Kevin.  He must really love Laura to subject himself to this crap.

Seriously. I hope Laura knows how lucky she is that he hasn't run away from her family's crazy. (Which started with him being SHOT because he followed her to Greece. And that brings it back to, the Cassadine that shot him is the one that is the father of Lulu's daughter / Laura's granddaughter. Geez.)

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

At least, before he has to be subjected to Lulu, Kevin should get to tell Laura some kind of story about him and Serena and/or Christina.

And's that's another installment of "Scenes I Would Have Rather Seen".

I think one of the posters here might have said this before but it's worth bringing up again. All the Corinthii, Franco, Nina, Hayden and the incompetent portion of the PCPD (So Dante gets to stay) should be transferred over to their own show. Leave the good stuff for GH.

YES. Can we get at least a minute of Kevin/Laura having a nice, quiet, non-Lulu related lunch/date before Lulu shows up and ruins it with Charlotte drama?

  • Love 1

Jordan needs to just hump Curtis and send that other guy a breakup text. 

Why does Liez ALWAYS have to get attitude and flash bitchface, even when someone is doing something that benefits her? She should've just told Sam thank you and left it at that instead of making snide comments. I wish Sam had slapped her in the face with a brick. 

I wish Dillon had told Kiki to fuck off. It would be nice if one person were allowed to refuse to help that rapist serial killer. 

The Dillon/Kiki/Freako scenes at the storage facility were the most ridiculous load of crap I've seen on this show since yesterday. 

Liez should've been freaked out when she realized her rapist serial killer boyfriend was using DNAJ's name as his phone password. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

I wish Dillon had told Kiki to fuck off. It would be nice if one person were allowed to refuse to help that rapist serial killer. 

What grosses me out the most is that the two people helping Franco that aren't Liz and Kiki are Sam and Dillon, two people that Franco has directly or indirectly victimized.

  • Love 5

How has Dillon been indirectly victimized, via Michael? That happened when he was in California. Not that Dillon shouldn't be angry/grossed out/upset about it, but he wasn't around for it. 

People shouldn't be helping Franco just on principle: HE'S A SERIAL KILLER. That alone should be enough for people to say, "Yeah, no."

  • Love 4
1 minute ago, dubbel zout said:

How has Dillon been indirectly victimized, via Michael? That happened when he was in California. Not that Dillon shouldn't be angry/grossed out/upset about it, but he wasn't around for it. 

People shouldn't be helping Franco just on principle: HE'S A SERIAL KILLER. That alone should be enough for people to say, "Yeah, no."

How about Franco, post-tumor, blackmailing his brother Ned out of his ELQ shares?

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Liz and that rapist serial killer. They're also known as Friz.


7 minutes ago, Michel said:

Liz (Elizabeth) and Freako (Franco).

Thanks! And not enough barf bags in the world for that pairing. Whoever came up with that genius idea, thanks!

It's in keeping with the great tradition of rapist heroes and the mobsters who rode in on magical unicorns.

  • Love 3
49 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

I think one of the posters here might have said this before but it's worth bringing up again. All the Corinthii, Franco, Nina, Hayden and the incompetent portion of the PCPD (So Dante gets to stay) should be transferred over to their own show. Leave the good stuff for GH.

Aw, poor Dante, he isn't competent, but I for one appreciate the sentiment!

I've seen a lot of complaints that Dante doesn't spend enough side with the Sonny side of the family and/or they forget that Dante is a part of the family, so I think that should qualify him for not getting shipped off, heh.

27 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I'm genuinely curious. Is there anyone out there who actually likes Franco?

I don't understand this need to destroy characters to prop his ass. 

I can understand how people can like Franco if they can put his past behind them. Although for me Franco's past isn't the clincher, it's stuff like today's where he was just sorting through garbage for (for this show) a long time.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

Liz is such a fucking piece of work, and BH needs to tone down the bitchy. 

Fucking A! Liz as written is horrible, but I'm sorry BH makes her 10 times worse. She does not need to go smug bitch all the time. Like particularly with Sam. Liz is beyond repairable at this point. I wish BH would have just left, it would've been better for everyone, her fans and haters alike.

2 hours ago, ulkis said:

Is it hard to get gaps in between teeth fixed? Not being snarky, I'm genuinely curious.

I lost my mind over this!

45 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I can understand how people can like Franco if they can put his past behind them. 

You can?!

Dillon's hair is so hideous right now. Thankfully it was so distracting that I barely paid any attention to the dreadful scenes he had today.

It was bad enough that Liz was a bitch to Sam, but then Kiki has to come in and give her attitude, too. STFU Kiki!

The Tracy/Jason and Monica/Jason scenes were nice, but only because we never see Monica or Tracy. Otherwise they basically sucked because idgaf about Jason.

DZ's beard in the promo for tomorrow makes it look like he's given up. I'm kinda into though lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

It was bad enough that Liz was a bitch to Sam, but then Kiki has to come in and give her attitude, too. STFU Kiki!


I forgot to comment on this. Who does Kiki think she is? I wanted Sam to throw a vodka bottle at her head. Enough with this stepford wife shit, summer of sleaze Sam needs to make an appearance and start sending armed goons after people.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Considering the blackmail was over Leo's paternity (right? that was when I had rage blackouts every day), Ned deserved it. 

What a stupid episode today was. 


No he didn't. At least not from fucking Franco. The only reason Franco did it wasn't his moral outrage but for cash. No Q owes him any loyalty or kindness. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 2
9 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Liez should've been freaked out when she realized her rapist serial killer boyfriend was using DNAJ's name as his phone password. 

Ughh, I thought the same thing. Not only is he a rapist serial killer, but he's also a legit child kidnapper. I really wonder about what these writers are thinking sometimes.  They can't really be this obtuse.

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

But her lips said yes....

What is it with this show and men who have no clue about consent? It's not cute, funny, sexy, or any other idea the writers are trying to push.

Yep. Not a clue. Yet I'd put money on the table that the writers were involved in the Woman's March this past weekend, claiming to be all Women's Rights and stuff while they're writing rape stories as often as I drink tea (which, every damn day). I'm in no way excusing the writers but what the hell are they thinking? "Hey, that 50 Shades of Who-cares  sequel is coming out soon, let's have some more forced sexy times in the script, all those wimmins watching love that forced shit." Stupid, stupid, clueless writers.

I don't think it's considered a spoiler to say what my TV description for todays episode is, if it is, I'll move it or delete it or whatever but I just can't wrap my head around this : Sonny shares his wisdom with Nelle.

Huh????? Sonny has wisdom?

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I'm genuinely curious. Is there anyone out there who actually likes Franco?

I don't understand this need to destroy characters to prop his ass. 

I hate Franco, but I do like RoHo, or maybe I should say I did like RoHo on OLTL. This thing on my television screen nowadays is not the RoHo I like. I despise the character of Franco and I despise that it was just a vanity project for James Franco that has eaten the show and spit out the real GH-ers and turned their characters into unrecognizable idiots.

  • Love 10

I don't find Franco any less vile than many of the other characters. So many people see Jason, Franco Sonny, Julian, Ava, etc to be viable romantic interests. I do not. I think they are all the types of characters that should never be in pairings, and if they are in pairings, the person they are with must be as twisted as they are, or otherwise, it's wrong. I find JaSam just as gross and twisted and wrong as Friz. Julian and Alexis, eh. They are both awful people and deserve each other, so I don't really care what one does to the other. Same with Sonny and Carly-they deserve each other. I'm all about containing the suck. But with Liz and Sam-yeah they both bore me, but overall they are not horrible people. They just have totally disgusting taste in men, and they both deserve better. But is Franco a worse human being than many of the men already on canvas? NOPE.

RoHo looks really unappealing  with the long hair, though. Not a good look for him now.

  • Love 7

Do Sonny and Carly have a monthly grief quota they have to meet? Because otherwise I don't understand why we keep getting these scenes. "Our son was messed up, we failed him, why couldn't we save him?" It's beyond time for them to circle back to Ava's involvement in all of this and move the story along. Stop shoving these weepy scenes in our faces.

Sam: "The cops are going to come talk to you about Tom Baker but let's focus on your relationship with my dad." Alexis: " Sounds good." Can Alexis please have a conversation without mentioning Julian? 

I was a little worried for Kevin when he said Lulu having sole custody might not be best for Charlotte. Lulu looked like she might lunge across the table at him.

Liz supports Franco "despite what he did in his past." I guess the things he did to Tom in December are far enough in the past that she's okay with it. Shut up, Liz.

Dillon's hair reminds me of the episode of Seinfeld where they have the low flow shower head. It looks so bad.

  • Love 11
1 minute ago, Linny said:

Dillon's hair reminds me of the episode of Seinfeld where they have the low flow shower head. It looks so bad.

Sam's hair was looking flat, and it usually looks good. 

I wish Nelle would stop talking to pictures of Sonny and Carly and start acting on whatever she's trying to do to them.

I liked the scene with Morgan's mail, but I think it would have had more emotional punch if Sonny and Carly didn't talk about him every time they're together. Carly should have found the pile of mail alone, then Sonny comes in later and sees her. 

1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

Poor Kevin, having to deal with Lulu's refusal to listen to sense and reason.

Poor everyone in Port Charles. What's the point of having Lulu feel sorry for herself if she's going to keep acting like an idiot? Shut up, Lulu.

  • Love 5

 It's beyond time for them to circle back to Ava's involvement i

I thought that's why we were having the scenes.  They had to put the Ava stuff on hold while they did the Nelle stuff, so now they're bringing it back up.  

I had to laugh at the giant stack of mail that Morgan's gotten in the past couple of months.  

Today was the day that I really  believe my theory that this Lulu/Charlotte story is being written for ER's maternity leave exit.  The first time that I truly thought Lulu is becoming a complete wackadoo and will need to be carted off to Ferncliff for a couple of months.  Her reaction to Kevin's very logical suggestions was just scary.  

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