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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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But will no one think of the cake

I did, because earlier, Nina was cutting a piece from it to give to Charlotte and 98% of the cake was still there, and I was all, what, no one ate the yummy looking cake.  So when Lulu landed on it, all I could think of was,  noooo, not the yummy looking cake!!  Probably not what I should have been thinking in that scene but there you go.  

I was also wondering how there was no broken ceiling or vent on the floor with Lulu and the cake or how she and Dante managed to wipe all of that cake off of her so that you couldn't even tell she was covered in it minutes later, or why Lante didn't just go home once Lulu was covered in cake.  But yeah, I probably shouldn't be paying attention to all of that!

  • Love 7

I'm shocked Finn is addicted to fake heroin. 

So Valentin is sad/angry at Anna because she rejected him decades ago. I'm crying. 

I wish Lulu had gotten cake stuck in her nose and suffocated, lapsing into a coma and waking up with her rabies gone. 

The Maxie/tree scenes were zzz.

STFU Liez and stop trying to save your rapist serial killer boyfriend. How about you go get your kids so Audrey can have the night off. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Perkie said:

We got the entire episode here in Toronto.   Here's what you missed (just the jist of it):

Lulu says she's Charlotte's mom.  Charlotte screams that she' s not her mom than storms out of the closet, jamming the door so that Lulu can't get out.  Lulu, somehow manages to climb into the vent on the ceiling and comes crashing out of the ceiling in the main room, landing on the cake.  She tells Dante about her convo with Charlotte and boo hoo hoo, I messed things up.

Hayden and Finn are in the afterglow.  She goes to shower, he grabs his needle, she sees it, he lies and says because he had the disease longer it's taking him longer to fight it off.  They go to the Rib, run into Brad, Hayden mentions the drugs, Brad figures out that Finn is addicted to it.

Valentin admits he was a analyst for the WSB, made a pass at Anna, got rejected, felt it was because he Igor the scary, decided to change his life (got scolio surgery, didn't know that was a thing).    Anna tells andre and Griffin that she thinks he's coming after her for revenge.

Charlotte tells Nina what Lulu said, then tells Valentin that she overheard Griffin say papa killed mommy.  Valentin claims he didn't kill Claudette and that he needs to discuss the LUlu thing iwth her at another time.  

Brad overhears Liz trying to find Franco and tells her that Monica is pissed he didn't show up for work and the police are looking for him.  Liz calls and meets with Scotty at Gene's.  Franco's car is in the lot but no Franco.  Scott says Tom's DNA came back on the dog cage .  They figure Franco left town to avoid getting caught.  Liz heads to the alley and finds Franco's phone covered in blood.

Naxie consumate their marriage than share a bunch of gifts.  

I think that was the jist of it.  

Thank you.

And Dante rolled his eyes at Lulu when she told him what she had done.  I liked that part. 

Surgery is a legit treatment for severe cases of scoliosis of the spine.  Some forms are treated by wearing braces.

4 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I can't even remember the last time Liz had a non-Franco-related conversation.  Maybe at one brief point when Rebecca Budig was "dying"?

You mean when she was being used to promote another FOF (Friend of Frank)?? 

  • Love 1

So Valentin is sad/angry at Anna because she rejected him decades ago.

I thought Olivia Jerome coming back from the dead 30 years later to avenge a guy who wasn't into her, who's been dead for 2 years, was a bad storyline, but this one is almost as bad.  

Because Valentin had a crush on Anna and tried to randomly kiss her on her birthday (seriously, keep your lips to yourself douchebag) and she says no, he figures she's rejecting him because he's ugly, and not because he thinks it's cool to randomly try to kiss her, so he's going to come back at her 20 years later, after he's gotten good looking and a boatload of money.  What?

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, Aurora2 said:

You mean when she [Liz] was being used to promote another FOF (Friend of Frank)?? 

If I had to choose, I'd glad taken the show actually doing something with Liz and Rebecca Budig being sisters than this Franco mess.  Connecting them was unnecessary, but connecting them and then doing nothing with it is even stupider.

  • Love 9
8 minutes ago, Perkie said:

he's going to come back at her 20 years later, after he's gotten good looking and a boatload of money.

That should be his revenge! He can annoy Anna by telling her that he's good looking and rich now; if only she'd been nicer to him back in the day. 

And the Duke/Olivia J. thing is galactically stupid. Duke is dead, his baby with Anna is dead, Anna is pretty miserable right now. Take the win you have, Olivia.

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

And the Duke/Olivia J. thing is galactically stupid. Duke is dead, his baby with Anna is dead, Anna is pretty miserable right now. Take the win you have, Olivia.

Olivia Jerome is pathetic and needs to be killed. I hope Anna shoots her while screaming about Justice For Duke/her unborn baby and is immediately carted off to ferncliff. 

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

And the Duke/Olivia J. thing is galactically stupid. Duke is dead, his baby with Anna is dead, Anna is pretty miserable right now. Take the win you have, Olivia.

*small voice* I kinda wouldn't hate it if she seduced Griffin and made sure Anna walked in on them *small voice*

Anna: You!

Olivia J: Yup, I'm BFTD.  And I just sexed up your surrogate son.  Well, bye.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 11
23 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

That should be his revenge! He can annoy Anna by telling her that he's good looking and rich now; if only she'd been nicer to him back in the day. 

So he'll "Pretty Woman on Rodeo Drive" her?  Somehow, I can't see him pulling off the outfit the way Julia Roberts did. ;)

15 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

*small voice* I kinda wouldn't hate it if she seduced Griffin and made sure Anna walked in on them *small voice*

Anna: You!

Olivia J: Yup, I'm BFTD.  And I just sexed up your surrogate son.  Well, bye.

She can't fuck her own son; well, she can but…gross. #notgivinguponOJ&Griffinasmotherandson

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, TeeVee329 said:

I'm fine with that idea too, that or her seducing him are the two clearest, soapiest options.

And then can Anna sleep with Nathan in front of O.? Gotta spread the love! (Just to be clear, that's not a jib at you cause you like O. (or liked?)  I've just always wanted that. Of course she would still have to think up a good revenge scenario for Olivia J as well.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Linny said:

Lulu fell ass first into that cake and then was walking around completely clean fifteen minutes later. Because a pound of cake and buttercream smeared into her dress is something she can dab off in the bathroom sink.

I hate that I missed the Valentin and Anna stuff. But I'm sure we'll get more flashbacks, so whatever.

Liz Nancy Drew-ing her way around town is boring. If there's anyone who is not worth the effort, it's Franco. Maybe she could spend time with her kids for a change.

Elizabeth is the best PI in town and her children are just fine.  As for Franco, he's not going anywhere due to FV forcing the show to keep RoHo employed.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Perkie said:

They go to the Rib, run into Brad, Hayden mentions the drugs, Brad figures out that Finn is addicted to it.

Oh, so that's what's up with that whole story. I skip so much of Finn/Hayden that I was super confused by why exactly Finn was lying. So Finn is actually cured, but now he's addicted to the drug he was taking.

1 hour ago, LeftPhalange said:

So Valentin is sad/angry at Anna because she rejected him decades ago. I'm crying. 

I mean at least they're finally doing this kind of tired ass story with a man!

48 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

*small voice* I kinda wouldn't hate it if she seduced Griffin and made sure Anna walked in on them *small voice*

Anna: You!

Olivia J: Yup, I'm BFTD.  And I just sexed up your surrogate son.  Well, bye.

This is literally the only way Olivia Jerome returning will be even marginally worth it. I guess Griffin being her son would be OK, but not as good.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Perkie said:

how she and Dante managed to wipe all of that cake off of her so that you couldn't even tell she was covered in it minutes later,

It was so obvious that they must have filmed the cake scene last because she was REALLY covered in cake, there is no way they could have wiped all that off with paper towels.  I would like to know how they filmed that, did someone actually lift her up and drop her into the cake?

I didn't watch GH way back in Anna's younger years, so was the Valentin-disfigured guy scences real, or at least the Anna parts?  Did that really happen?


So Finn is actually cured, but now he's addicted to the drug he was taking.




did someone actually lift her up and drop her into the cake?

They probably dropped the cake onto the floor so that it was all over the place, than she lay down on top of it, probably rolled around in order to smush it all over her back.  

I wonder what the script direction was in that scene.  "Drop cake on floor so it smashes into pieces.  Lower Emme onto the cake, have her really smush it so that it looks like Lulu fell from the ceiling, right onto it."  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, ulkis said:
28 minutes ago, Blackie said:

I didn't watch GH way back in Anna's younger years, so was the Valentin-disfigured guy scences real, or at least the Anna parts?  Did that really happen?


So those scenes of young Anna talking to Valentine, that wasn't present day FH was it?  Or was it a totally different Anna scene repurposed?  If it is present day FH, wow they did a good job of making her look 30 years younger

2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

If I had to choose, I'd glad taken the show actually doing something with Liz and Rebecca Budig being sisters than this Franco mess.  Connecting them was unnecessary, but connecting them and then doing nothing with it is even stupider.

I'd make the same choice for Liz. 

As well, doing nothing with that connection is not only stupid.  Doing nothing also underlines that linking Liz to Hayden was clearly about promoting Hayden by linking her to a legacy GH family. 

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, twoods said:

I'm wondering how he got recruited to be an agent with his scoliosis being that bad. 

He wasn't, he was an analyst with a desk job. How he was able to sit at a desk all day and crunch numbers escapes me, but this is a show where they defile delicious baked goods on a regular basis, so I guess nothing is out of the realm of possibilities.

  • Love 6

So he'll "Pretty Woman on Rodeo Drive" her?  Somehow, I can't see him pulling off the outfit the way Julia Roberts did. ;)

Interestingly enough, JPS was in Pretty Woman.  He only had one line and then a reaction shot; he played a bellboy / porter.

Lulu is so, so stupid.

Maxie and Nathan are so, so boring.

And there's no way Anna is that traumatized - blocking memories and shit - over an attempted and rejected kiss. The real Anna Devane simply would have brushed him off, or kicked his ass.  Bring back the real Anna Devane!

We get more Brad than we do Lucas.  I like Perry, but that's just wrong.

Edited by amaranta
  • Love 5

I don't know, I liked Liz as Nancy Drew. I thought that was one of Becky's most purely enjoyable scenes in a while, acting like a crime-obsessed ditz for the bartender. The bartender actor was pretty good too. You could see the moment when he let his guard down and thought, "Aw, she's harmless." But the scene of the phone discovery was (1) contrived (characters always find exactly the necessary clue in the right spot -- see also Dante and the bouquet), and (2) another case of the radio audience being well served. "Is that Franco's [phone]?" "It's covered in blood!" (Which, as ulkis pointed out, is still wet.) 

Did Lulu really have to crawl around in vents to get out of there? Couldn't she just have pounded on the door and yelled for a while? She would have been missed quickly by numerous people, the rooms closest to the dining area would be the first to check, and I don't think the Charlotte girl is quite mean-spirited enough to keep clammed up if people were saying, "Does anyone know where Lulu is?" I guess waiting to be let out isn't Can-Do Spencer enough, but landing on a cake ass-first is.  

I do agree they have not done enough with the Liz/Hayden relationship, but I'm not ready to write it off as something done expediently to make Hayden more important, now dropped. Obviously, this is a daytime soap, and Getting Some is more important than family or anything else, so Liz's story is mostly about Franco right now, and Hayden's is more about Dr. Michael Easton.  But I have confidence there will be more of these two. The first phase of their relationship reached a climactic point of sorts when Hayden almost died, and Liz helped care for her and said something like "We're sisters, and we're going to be annoying each other for a long time." So now they're in their separate love stories (I know, I know...Franco) with an uneasy truce. There's more story there for sure, and maybe it's going to suck, but it will happen.  

I still think the bad bet was not making them related through Naomi, though. Either "instead" or "in addition."  

Dubbel zout, I have Time-Warner-now-Spectrum too, and I never could watch anything at ABC's site because of it, but I noticed that Spectrum is now on the list of provider options. However, you have to register, and I didn't want to be bothered. So I watched the lo-fi version on YouTube, which has a somewhat jerky picture that is crammed into one corner of a larger display. It was good enough for me to see the scenes I cared about in the first half of the show.   

Hey, maybe the two Olivias on the show will actually come into play. Someone will say, "Olivia must be killed. Now!" and Pasta Psychic will take a bullet intended for Photo-Pasting Gangstress. "Oh, shit. I thought you meant the other Olivia!" and problem solved on the duplicated names. Good help is hard to find! 

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 5

Couldn't she just have pounded on the door and yelled for a while?

She did.  She pounded on the door for several minutes and tried to yank it open, but no one came.  I thought it was good that a woman finally thinks for herself, to save herself.  Of course, I can't picture her climbing up into that vent in that dress and shoes (she still had the shoes on when she fell on the cake).  

What's weird is that when Dante broke into the closet, he didn't notice the vent door open to know that's where she'd gone.  

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, Darklazr said:

Elizabeth The writers and   BH  TFGH are still trying to make Franco relevant.

Fixed that for you :)

Seriously though, even I, a pretty much die-hard fan of RoHo, have reached my limit with this whole Franco thing. Even when he's not on for one day out of an entire year, somebody has to at least mention his name. I weep over the disgustingness this show has become.  I've finally thrown my hat in the Cancel GH Club and I've been watching since 1976 when we'd often cut class to make it home in time to catch some of OLTL before GH came on. I'm normally a very loyal viewer and hate when a show I love gets cancelled.  I don't love TFGH anymore at all. Pull the plug.

Side note, I'm reading one of those spicy romance books by Vi Keeland (Stuck-Up Suit, if anyone cares lol) and there is a bunch of GH-related stuff woven thru the book; the MC's name is Graham J Morgan and we find out he used to watch GH with his Mom, who named him Graham Jason Morgan after the Borg, then we find out he named his dog Blackie after, you know, Blackie, and they talk a bit about the show throughout the book (I'm not finished with it yet so there may be more references to come), but my point is, when I was reading it I felt such a loss thinking about how badly they continue to ruin this show. Why would anyone do that? Do they even watch what they put on air? Are they so busy patting themselves on the back for slipping in another "in-joke" that they don't see how badly this show sucks? Does anyone there care? Are they all on crack?

At this point, I wish they'd give us a do-over by airing the first ever GH episode and continuing from there. It would be way better than anything I'm seeing on my screen. YMMV but give me the show I fell in love with please and thank you.

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, amaranta said:

And there's no way Anna is that traumatized - blocking memories and shit - over an attempted and rejected kiss. The real Anna Devan simply would have brushed him off, or kicked his ass.  Bring back the real Anna Devane!

I know! WTF?

ETA: Thanks for the info, Asp Burger. I'm in NYC and we got the whole episode (save for some interruptions about the weather), but it's good to know I can watch on the ABC site if I need to.

Edited by dubbel zout
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