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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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6 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

My Dillon/Valerie feels are still a holdover from my hope that Dillon and Valerie were going to fall for each other while scheming over Lante. Instead, there was that...unfortunate thing with Dante and then the nothing with Curtis.

I didn't like the way Dillon stabbed Valerie in the back by playing the confession video.  I know they buried the hatchet on that, but it bugged me.

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3 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

My Dillon/Valerie feels are still a holdover from my hope that Dillon and Valerie were going to fall for each other while scheming over Lante. Instead, there was that...unfortunate thing with Dante and then the nothing with Curtis.

Her story with Curtis was all about giving Curtis POV - but nothing for Valerie.  The writers didn't even try to make them a real couple.  Sure they had the love scenes.  However, being as those were DT's first taped love scenes, I expect the reason was to get him comfortable with them before he moved on to a pairing the writers are developing.  BTW, this comment comes from reading the actor's quotes in one of the mags.  He said that he was really nervous about his first love scene and that Brytni made it easy and helped a lot. 

Oh well. 

4 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

That's definitely the last time she ever talked to Lucas (who?).  Did she even visit him in the hospital after he got attacked?

Nope.  And, in spite of the fact that she had fairly recently dealt with the grief process and in spite of the fact that she had lived at Carly's house, we didn't see her for a minute in the Morgan's death story. 

1 hour ago, ulkis said:


If Liz would just tell him she feels so so scared by Tom and she wants Franco to get rid of him or at the very least, sleep in her doorway to protect her and be her personal body guard, then he wouldn't feel insecure and he would react in a rational way and he would just be telling Liz to keep her pepper spray and her cell phone on her and maybe go to good friend Sonny and ask him for a bodyguard if she really feels the need for it.

BUT, since she is not thinking of his feelings at ALL and telling him she'll be alright and he doesn't have to go after Tom, it is making him feel unloved and unwanted and that is what is making Franco put him in a cage. Otherwise Franco would never go to these extremes!! 

Damn. Have you ever considered a career in politics, Ulkis

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2 hours ago, ulkis said:

She did take his feelings into consideration.

Did she really, though? I think Dante felt, at least at that moment, that it was easier to go with the flow than raise the real issues that surround this. His discussion with Olivia reinforces this.

Either way, it's not going to make this story any more interesting to me. I hate it regardless.

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10 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I didn't like the way Dillon stabbed Valerie in the back by playing the confession video.  I know they buried the hatchet on that, but it bugged me.

There should have been a scene between them dealing with the fallout from that because they really did seem to be developing a legitimate friendship. Plus, if they'd ended up in the 'scheming friends become lovahs' category, Tracy would have been allowed to react to the fact that Valerie hurt someone that she cares about - which I would've found infinitely preferable to watching her encourage Dillon date someone who drugged Michael while he was living in their house so that he would endanger a baby that was under their care (same thing goes for Sabrina)


10 minutes ago, Aurora2 said:

However, being as those were DT's first taped love scenes, I expect the reason was to get him comfortable with them before he moved on to a pairing the writers are developing.  B

These writers are so freaking gross

Edited by Oracle42
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16 minutes ago, Francie said:

Damn. Have you ever considered a career in politics, Ulkis

Yes. :D I'm too wimpy for it though.

16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Did she really, though? I think Dante felt, at least at that moment, that it was easier to go with the flow than raise the real issues that surround this. His discussion with Olivia reinforces this.

I'd say yeah since she asked him. Whether she really cared is up to interpretation.

Is there anything really to discuss though up to a certain point? She's obviously not willing to give up her daughter, so as far as that's concerned, there's nothing really to discuss if Dante doesn't want the girl around at all.

Edited by ulkis
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Even if I ignore my Kiki hate I still don't understand what Dillon sees in her. She has no job, she's not in school, she has no ambition or goals. She just floats around town doing nothing and hanging out with her favorite serial killer. I see no reason why Dillon should be so eager to deal with her whiny, lazy, selfish, dumb self or her drama. 

  • Love 4
40 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Is there anything really to discuss though up to a certain point? She's obviously not willing to give up her daughter, so as far as that's concerned, there's nothing really to discuss if Dante doesn't want the girl around at all.

Fair point. But I think Lulu should hear (genuinely acknowledge) if Dante has any reservations. For the record, I don't think Dante would ever not want Charlotte around, but I don't he's unreasonable to not instantly welcome her into the family. He's always been the less emotional one when it came to anything regarding the embryo. I wish we'd have gotten a real in-depth conversation about it. Alas, that's not what the show is.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Aurora2 said:

I'm not content to let Lulu pass the lowest bar possible.   As well, I'm specifically not content to see her repeat the same low-bar behaviors that played a key part in last year's failed and damaging story.  

RE DZ's acting in that story, I have never thought he was as "checked out" as you and some others have.  Even as the scenes were happening, I saw him working at playing Dante as someone who was defeated and, therefore, less emotional.   His attempts apparently did not work with some viewers, but I do think he was working at showing something different but didn't connect with all of his audience in doing so.   Personally, when he submitted his Emmy reel, I appreciated the contrast with the emotional fire and range he showed in the first clip (Lulu's return home) and the subdued, defeated tone he played when the truth came out.  

I didn't expect Lulu to do an about-face on the Valerie issues the couple had last year. Her sea change, while welcome, seemed plot-pointy to me. And then when they finally had the re-wedding ceremony, it seemed deliberate but confusing that we only saw one party's vows being recited. Maybe the writers were trying to compress the vows and get to the insta-honeymoon before immediately reintroducing angst with Lulu spotting Charlotte and an insta-bond with her. Dante has had that perplexed, whiplashed look for awhile, and now he's admitting aloud as afraid to broach an open discussion with Lulu in case their Troubles might re-ignite.

I wish Dante would just dump Lulu and her deep and surface problems, but he wants to stay married and be settled in a family with someone. Even though Valerie probably wouldn't have him now, Dante would be happier with a less-fragile, less impulsive woman who doesn't bring the wild and crazy Spencer history and outlook into the relationship. BSC Lulu may be too damaged from her history to rise to more mature behavior levels. Dante might have to get out to survive.

11 hours ago, Sake614 said:

I'd love to see Valentin get a restraining order against Lulu. The child has absolutely no idea who this woman is other than the crazy lady who confronted her at the hospital and started asking 'how old are you? when's your birthday?'. And she's supposed to suddenly want to go with this crazy woman because she's the product of Lulu's egg? Yeah I don't think so!

Yes, this! Spencers, especially Lulu, have a gross sense of entitlement, dominance in relationships, and narcissistic revenge. Lulu's baby rabies hysteria and her immediate insistence that Charlotte is hers echo her hysterical and fluctuating reactions to discovering Dante's relationship with Valerie. I feel that Lulu is irreparably damaged by her prior history. (Laura also suffered such deep and long-lasting damage, but years of suffering and therapy have made a big difference in her healing.) In spite of his own mixed behavior, Valentine needs a legal prop to keep her in check while a mutual custody can be sorted out.

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9 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Yes, this! Spencers, especially Lulu, have a gross sense of entitlement, dominance in relationships, and narcissistic revenge. Lulu's baby rabies hysteria and her immediate insistence that Charlotte is hers echo her hysterical and fluctuating reactions to discovering Dante's relationship with Valerie. I feel that Lulu is irreparably damaged by her prior history. (Laura also suffered such deep and long-lasting damage, but years of suffering and therapy have made a big difference in her healing.) In spite of his own mixed behavior, Valentine needs a legal prop to keep her in check while a mutual custody can be sorted out.


If I was kidnapped by complete pyschos (plural), taken to a foreign country, frozen for non complicance because of the quibbles of 1) hating the psycho that is older than my parents 2) can't be the wife of the psycho because  I am already married and was legally married to that person in a religious Christian ceremony (which might have been the technicality that allowed Laura to be "married" to Stavros) 3)the later discoverery that I have been rendered completely infertile and unable to have any (at the time) biological children but at the same time my family's worst enemies have my eggs and embryos in their possession, I think I might be a little hysterical. Of course Lulu should and needs to take a step and at least wait until everything is confirmed, but we are dealing someone that for all intents and purpose is a sexual assualt victim. The babies rabies are about the control that assholes have continued to take away from her. She, with Dante, had every right to decide their family planning with only mother nature being the only one with any input.

And this might be delving into history, but that bitch Valerie never showed an ounce of remorse for banging another woman's husband when said woman in fact wasn't having an affair and continued to blame Lulu, very loudly and shirllery I might add, before Lulu hatched her plan with Johnny.

Of course Lulu, like Liz, is being pushed to the side so FV can promote his own characters, no matter how stupid and unappealing they are

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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12 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Yes, this! Spencers, especially Lulu, have a gross sense of entitlement, dominance in relationships, and narcissistic revenge. Lulu's baby rabies hysteria and her immediate insistence that Charlotte is hers echo her hysterical and fluctuating reactions to discovering Dante's relationship with Valerie. I feel that Lulu is irreparably damaged by her prior history. (Laura also suffered such deep and long-lasting damage, but years of suffering and therapy have made a big difference in her healing.) In spite of his own mixed behavior, Valentine needs a legal prop to keep her in check while a mutual custody can be sorted out.

This reference to Lulu's troubled history has been a signiifcant issue for me in relating to this version of Lulu ever since the recast in 2013.  The current Lulu has never given me a sense of having been connected to that difficult past whereas the previous Lulu always carried the essence of having been molded by that history.  For that reason, I have been unable to feel the empathy I used to feel for Lulu when she acted questionably in some situations.   I used to be able to feel frustrated for her - but still understanding and accepting. 

This is about more than Emme not being the face and voice who lived that past. Part of it has been in the writing which initially pushed the problems of the past aside and made them sound less significant than they were.  But the biggest part may been the cheery, sweet, bubbly Lulu as she has often been portrayed in the past 3½ years.  The irony is that the previous Lulu was sometimes criticized for being too glum - for not smiling enough.  However, it was that staying in the character of someone who was shaped by a complex past that made me able to understand and empathize with Lulu. 

Edited by Aurora2
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Of course Lulu should and needs to take a step and at least wait until everything is confirmed, but we are dealing someone that for all intents and purpose is a sexual assualt victim.

I don't think that Emme is gelling with Dom and KsT which (combined with poor writing and directing) is weakening her odds of making her relevant in a GH era focusing on vile thugs (hi Sonny and Jason) and sexual predators (hi Franco and Nina and Hayden).

Edited by sunnyface
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

And ugh, a triangle with Curtis/Jordan/Andre? Andre is the worst. I don't mind him as a doctor, but as a love interest, he's awful.

I have never liked Andre and I don't trust that he is one of the good guys.  The way he acts towards Jordan is a little creepy to me.  He just seems to treat her like a patient rather than a girlfriend.  He is always wearing his "shrink hat".   Andre is just a little too perfect.  The cadence and tone in which he speaks reminds me of how he would speak to a patient while hypnotizing them.   I keep waiting for him to be revealed as an "new evil mobster" or evil Cassidine plant. 

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm totally down for a Griffin/Elizabeth/Franco triangle, though. Seriously. I am not ashamed. AT ALL.

I hate Liz. I hate Franco. I hate Liz and Franco together. I hate Griffin at least half of the time. And yet, I too am sorta into this idea. I can't explain it. I really can't.

4 hours ago, ulkis said:

oh, they still have some budgetary issues . . . 


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Also, she seemed really low energy. Hopefully, she bounces back soon. 

I suspect that the actress has been having personal issues since having her baby. Didn't she have both her baby and her real-life husband on set several months ago? Now they haven't been around and she seems to have come down with persistent odd health issues. I have the feeling that KS' s daily personal feelings play havoc with her job responsibilities. And she also seems to have become quirkier and more physically jerky since working around Nina.

High five to Valentin for remaining calm and reasonable when Lulu came to pick a fight. No matter how many times they have Dante call Valentin crazy and unstable, that's not how it's being played. If anyone looks unstable it's Lulu, because she apparently sees nothing wrong with removing a seven year old from the only parent she's ever known. 

Oh, yay, we got more of Franco dehumanizing Tom. This unwashed asshole walks around looking and acting like a feral animal, yet Tom is the bad dog?

I'm sorry, there is no suspense about Finn living or dying. Even if he dies, Michael Easton will just pop back up in another few months as a different character, so it's all good.

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Now that we know ER is pregnant, I'm hyperaware of how they're shooting her. It can be done!

I loved how Valentin brutally put Lulu in her place by telling her he wouldn't fight her for Charlotte. 

5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I don't get why they had Nathan only think Charlotte was his daughter for 2 seconds.

Or Griffin, for that matter. Charlotte has has five parents in the two months (or whatever) she's been on the show. I don't think Valentin is out of line to want to take it slowly when it comes to Lulu.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 13
1 minute ago, dubbel zout said:

Or Griffin, for that matter. Charlotte has has five parents in the two months (or whatever) she's been on the show. I don't think Valentin is out of line to want to take it slowly when it comes to Lulu.

I left out Griffin cause if she was ultimately meant to be Lulu's, they should have never even bothered with that twist, because Lulu doesn't have much reason to be around Geiffin.

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Well, since Lulu announced at the end of today's show that she had no intention of taking Charlotte back to Valentin after the tree-lighting, she's already doing a pretty good job of proving she's BSC and Valentin is rational. What was that she said just last Thursday or Friday (which I think was earlier "today" in GH time) that she'd ask herself if any action she was about to take was something her dad would do, and if it was, she wouldn't do it? She's clearly forgotten that. 


Because if nothing else, Nina will be involved in this and the eye-bugoffs will be epic.

Edited by rur
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4 minutes ago, rur said:

Well, since Lulu announced at the end of today's show that she had no intention of taking Charlotte back to Valentin after the tree-lighting, she's already doing a pretty good job of proving she's BSC and Valentin is rational. What was that she said just last Thursday or Friday (which I think was earlier "today" in GH time) that she'd ask herself if any action she was about to take was something her dad would do, and if it was, she wouldn't do it? She's clearly forgotten that. 

Luke would never take the kid in the first place, so, she is in fact doing that. ;)

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