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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Morgan, Morgan, Morgan.  The characters getting more attention "dead" than when he was onscreen.

Lucy seeing Ava was more than a little random.  My fear, Ava kills Lucy to keep her quiet.

I'm still enjoying Valentin.  

I thought Lulu and Dante were cute.

Still not a fan of Liz/Franco.  A least it looked like he finally washed his hair.

Jordan, stfu.

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The actress who plays Lulu is beautiful, and I do not want to hurt her feelings. But as a character, Lulu makes me nauseated and angry. She's smug, is always willing to rush to judgment, and did I say yet that she is smug? I would be so tempted to pull childish and very mean practical jokes on her if I lived in Port Charles.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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On 11/4/2016 at 4:21 PM, ulkis said:

I don't think them being newbies is the problem. I liked plenty of new people right off. The problem is they're all mostly written horribly.

For me, a large part of the problem is that they are newbies because why are the writers so determined to write for these new characters to the detriment of the vets?  It's one thing if I saw equal screen time, but I'm not.  Too much of the airwaves is taken up with stories completely devoted to new characters with the vets playing to support the newbie.  Maxie isn't driving the Nathan/Claudette storyline.  Anna isn't driving the Griffin/Charlotte storyline.  Franco is the center of the Elizabeth story where she spends most of her time trying to reassure him.  Nina?  I have no idea what the hell her purpose is but I see her more than I see any of the Quartermaines.  Nelle?  I see her more than Michael in scenes with both Carly and Sonny.  Kiki gets more screen time than Dillon or Michael.  WTF?  Dante?  Laura?  Kevin?  They get seen once in a while while Finn and Hayden get storytime with Tracy playing second fiddle.  It's a problem.  I don't think the storylines are terrible.  I think the storylines are boring because I am not invested in these new characters the way I am invested in the vets and so to allow the newbies to carry the main stories with the vets walking two paces behind makes the episode lackluster.  Do I care what happens to Nina, Jordan, Andre, Kiki, Franco, etc?  I do like Hayden, Finn, Curtis, and Griffin, but I don't get why the vets are treated so poorly.  THEN when I do get the vets, I get the SAME vets over and over again for weeks:  Sonny, Carly, Sam, Elizabeth and Alexis.  Now I love these characters, but spread the wealth.  I hope the writers fix this problem soon.  Vets need to drive story with new characters mixed in SUPPORTING the vet story, not the other way around, and give Sonny, Carly, Sam/Jason, Elizabeth and Alexis some time off.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 6
27 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Well, Sonny did say he'd kill Ava after she gave birth.  Not much follow-through with that guy.

He had his chance during the prison break/escape, but he said Connie wouldn't want him to.  Whatever.

And speaking of Connie, yeah, it's kinda crazy that Ava wouldn't at least consider killing Lucy given she killed Connie for lower stakes than this.

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LOL that Sonny immediately sees the discrepancies in Morgan's diary, and Carly didn't point them out. I also find it amusing that Sonny instantly thinks Morgan tossed out his meds because they weren't working. There's no other possibility. Way to give your kid no credit, Sonny.

I forgot that Lulu and Dante weren't legally married, their divorce was so meaningless.

Franco and Liz were, as always, so gross. Franco assuming Liz wanted to draw him nude? Ew. Staaaaahp, writers.

Now that Griffin has found out Charlotte isn't his, it's a good thing he didn't talk to the bishop to renounce his priesthood.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

The actress who plays Lulu is beautiful, and I do not want to hurt her feelings. But as a character, Lulu makes me nauseated and angry. She's smug, is always willing to rush to judgment, and did I say yet that she is smug? I would be so tempted to pull childish and very mean practical jokes on her if I lived in Port Charles.

I haven't noticed the smugness -- mainly because the vocal fry she often resorts to puts me off. 


Dubbel Zout said: LOL that Sonny immediately sees the discrepancies in Morgan's diary, and Carly didn't point them out. I also find it amusing that Sonny instantly thinks Morgan tossed out his meds because they weren't working. There's no other possibility. Way to give your kid no credit, Sonny.

I thought that was realistic: It was something he thought of because he understands how a bipolar person might behave. What I didn't enjoy was the two of them rehashing all the same stuff Carly said on Friday. 

Edited by rur
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4 hours ago, coffee drinker said:

He wasn't the heavy to Liason.  He was the foil to Jason, just like AJ was before him with Jourtney.  Elizabeth didn't matter either because she lied to the stupid Spencer idiot during that time as well.  Not a good look on her.  And she got tossed into a meat grinder right away again (after Jason off-loaded her), by sleeping with Dik.  

I am taking this to the history thread.

1 hour ago, rur said:

I thought that was realistic: It was something he thought of because he understands how a bipolar person might behave. What I didn't enjoy was the two of them rehashing all the same stuff Carly said on Friday. 

It was more that he didn't consider any other possibility. Just because Sonny has BPD doesn't mean he knows everything about Morgan's. But it's all to get to the plot point of Morgan's meds being switched.

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On 11/6/2016 at 8:37 PM, TeeVee329 said:

I mean, amnesia storylines are as soapy as you can get, but that it seemed designed to leave Lulu free to make out with Milo was guh-ross.  As was the rape-tinged wrap-up, which I believe was Lulu having blocked out her memories because she felt bad she didn't let Stavros rape her to protect her family, or something?

I was just stunned Ron thought redoing Teen!Jess - one of the worst stories of his OLTL regime, IMO - was a good idea.

I've never been able to figure out why people thought they was ever any serious intent to put with Lulu with Milo.   The way I saw it then - and still see it - was that she was put in his  orbit because he was a very minor character, one they could use more for a temporary diversion than any real romance. 

Edited by Aurora2
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44 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

It was more that he didn't consider any other possibility. Just because Sonny has BPD doesn't mean he knows everything about Morgan's. But it's all to get to the plot point of Morgan's meds being switched.

What was weird is Andre talked about the possibilty of the meds not working which is what Morgan went to get tested for in the first place. Sonny and Carly completely ignored that.

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On 11/6/2016 at 5:08 PM, Oracle42 said:

I think Guza and Co had realized by then that GV was not capable of carrying a love story - or any story, really.  GV kinda worked with Liz because he was good at being a dad and the foundation for LL2 was so fucking solid that not even Yelly and Larry could destroy it

GV was too old to have been cast as Lucky Spencer in the first place and could have come on as one of Jimmy Lee Holt's sons.

I can't even enjoy Elizabeth talking about her art while she's stuck with that piece of slime.  And would someone please tell RoHo to get a shave, bath and haircut.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Aurora2 said:

I've never been able to figure out why people thought they was ever any serious intent to put with Lulu with Milo.   The way I saw it then - and still see it - was that she was put in his  orbit because he was a very minor character, one they could use more for a temporary diversion than any real romance. 

the tons of airtime, the new set, the sympathy writing v hothead Dante punching poor in-love Milo in the face . . . it does seem absurd that Ron would want to try to elevate Milo or try for an actual pairing, but Milo is/was pretty much RC/FV's type, a nicely chiseled chest with a bland face. And cheap, to boot. so they'd have the trifecta: model-handsome, cheap to pay, and they'd be able to claim they were using "long-time" GH characters in the midst of KA, RH and ME coming back as three pointless new characters.

ETA: I don't know 100% if they were completely serious about Milo and Milo/Lulu, but my point is it was definitely in the realm of possibility.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7
6 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm legit curious to see what happens to Ava once Sonny finds out about Morgan's meds switch. 

I'm curious as to why the writers keep writing Ava into corners like this and then come up with bullshit and/or convoluted ways to keep her alive. Sonny not killing her after he finds out about the meds is just as out of character as him letting Freako walk around town.

So I'm guessing Lucy will be thrown under the bus during this latest round of ridiculous stunts pulled by the writers to keep Ava from being murdered. Also, does Lucy not know Ava will do anything and kill anyone to save her own ass? Why is she playing this game with her?

Claud is gone yet people are STILL talking about her. STOP!

I agree with @HeatLifer that dealing with both Lante and Leako in the same episode was a lot. Dante and Lulu make me want to throw things and Liez and Freako disgust me as individuals and as a couple. 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Aurora2 said:

I've never been able to figure out why people thought they was ever any serious intent to put with Lulu with Milo.   The way I saw it then - and still see it - was that she was put in his  orbit because he was a very minor character, one they could use more for a temporary diversion than any real romance. 


2 hours ago, ulkis said:

the tons of airtime, the new set, the sympathy writing v hothead Dante punching poor in-love Milo in the face . . . it does seem absurd that Ron would want to try to elevate Milo or try for an actual pairing, but Milo is/was pretty much RC/FV's type, a nicely chiseled chest with a bland face. And cheap, to boot. so they'd have the trifecta: model-handsome, cheap to pay, and they'd be able to claim they were using "long-time" GH characters in the midst of KA, RH and ME coming back as three pointless new characters.

ETA: I don't know 100% if they were completely serious about Milo and Milo/Lulu, but my point is it was definitely in the realm of possibility.

Is Drew Cheetwood (Milo) even an actor? He was a personal trainer on set and TPTB decided to give him a part. I was always under the impression that he and Derk Cheetwood (Max) had non-acting careers and only did this show occasionally for fun/an easy check. Ron would waste screen time and a new set on a bit character like Milo but I never believed he was seriously thinking about putting him and Lulu together. To me, it just seemed like another one of his stupid time wasting diversions to keep Lante separated. If he actually wanted to put them together I don't see any reason why he would't have gone through with it. It's not like he cared what the audience wanted. 

11 hours ago, coffee drinker said:

Morgan, in real time, is only six months older than Cameron Webber.  Morgan was born in October 2003 and Cameron was born in May 2004.  Molly was born on screen in November 2005.  It's beyond stupid that Morgan and Molly are now 20-something adults while Cameron is still 12 years old.  

You can't over think all the inconsistent SORASing in soaps or it will make you crazy.  You just need to accept it and move past it.  In the case of Cameron Webber not being SORASed, I think the writers want to keep Liz a "young" single mother.

6 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Is Drew Cheetwood (Milo) even an actor?

He gets a check to be on a soap, so in the strictest sense, yes, he's an actor. Otherwise? He's a dopey, inoffensive, unnecessary presence. Pip's mainly offscreen relationship with him is where he belongs, IMO. (I do like the idea of their relationship, so I'm giving him that.)

5 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

In the case of Cameron Webber not being SORASed, I think the writers want to keep Liz a "young" single mother.

 It also keeps her "struggling" and vulnerable and something of a victim. Ugh.

Edited by dubbel zout
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3 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I still don't buy that Jason doesn't give her all the monies. He would want his son to live comfortably.

I wish they'd forget about money altogether. It's never consistently handled with Liz, and it's always about the plot point du jour. Have they ever said that Lucky isn't contributing financially? That's the only reason Liz should be having problems. Gah. 

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I wish they'd forget about money altogether. It's never consistently handled with Liz, and it's always about the plot point du jour. Have they ever said that Lucky isn't contributing financially? That's the only reason Liz should be having problems. Gah. 

This show wants me to believe that both Lucky and Jason (who has millions up the ass) don't support Liz financially and she's struggling to support herself and her children. No. Stop it.

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Is Drew Cheetwood (Milo) even an actor? He was a personal trainer on set and TPTB decided to give him a part. I was always under the impression that he and Derk Cheetwood (Max) had non-acting careers and only did this show occasionally for fun/an easy check. Ron would waste screen time and a new set on a bit character like Milo but I never believed he was seriously thinking about putting him and Lulu together. To me, it just seemed like another one of his stupid time wasting diversions to keep Lante separated. If he actually wanted to put them together I don't see any reason why he would't have gone through with it. It's not like he cared what the audience wanted. 

I think he didn't care up to a certain point. If it's about people he didn't really care about, then yeah if something wasn't working he'd give in. If it was Nina or Franco, then yeah, they'd keep on trucking.

7 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

You can't over think all the inconsistent SORASing in soaps or it will make you crazy.  You just need to accept it and move past it.  In the case of Cameron Webber not being SORASed, I think the writers want to keep Liz a "young" single mother.

I think that was the case at first. I think they would SORAS him now if they had a story for him/Liz. I think they don't even want to bother making him pre-teen/young teenager because they don't want to bother giving him lines that are other than "yes mom" "no mom" and "we wanna go to space camp mom!"

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If they want to give the preteen/everyone-younger-than-Molly-and TJ set stories, they need to recast with actors who can handle them. Moppet!Jake was cast for his looks, the current Danny is still pretty young, and Cam and Aiden are basically nonexistent. Joss is...in Australia with Jax again? They're all hauled out as plot points, and not even good plot points.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1
24 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I think he didn't care up to a certain point. If it's about people he didn't really care about, then yeah if something wasn't working he'd give in. If it was Nina or Franco, then yeah, they'd keep on trucking.

I think that was the case at first. I think they would SORAS him now if they had a story for him/Liz. I think they don't even want to bother making him pre-teen/young teenager because they don't want to bother giving him lines that are other than "yes mom" "no mom" and "we wanna go to space camp mom!"

I would hope Cam would pitch a fit that his mom is seriously considering dating Franco. At this point, Cam should be a bit put upon as Liz probably doesn't have a nanny (like Carly did since Michael was a newborn), so managing Aiden would fall on him. 

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I actually didn't watch the Lante scenes yesterday cause they were so short I could tell they weren't going to get into remotely anything I wanted them to say. But I watched it last night and for what they were, I liked them. I don't know why the writers are so afraid/are too lazy to have Dante say, "I screwed up and even though because I'm human and so will fail once in a while, I'm going to try my best to never hurt you again", (heck even in his first proposal he talked about wanting to be a better man and he hadn't even really done anything at that point) but they are. So in the absence of that, I wish they had had Lulu at least string him along for a segment or two or even him looking for the engagement ring to give to her and not being able to find and worried she trashed it. But for what they were I liked him. I would have even liked, if I thought the writers were doing it on purpose, the beginning scene where Dante puts his foot in his mouth by saying it was a good thing they didn't have two kids if they couldn't handle one hyped up on candy. Like it showed that even though how he was about to ask her to marry him again and try to be all romantic, they're still going to be flawed people who unintentionally mess up. But I'm 99% it was just to segue to Charlotte.

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

He had his chance during the prison break/escape, but he said Connie wouldn't want him to.  Whatever.

And speaking of Connie, yeah, it's kinda crazy that Ava wouldn't at least consider killing Lucy given she killed Connie for lower stakes than this.

Can I just say that I am so sick of the "Connie wouldn't want me to" excuse with Sonny?   Connie wanted to sleep with Johnny and have you catch them in bed, Sonny.  Connie wanted to take the rap for shooting out Anthony Z's tires, letting the whole town think she killed a young adult and a toddler.  Connie destroyed your birthday party by stabbing your cake and pretending it was you.  Connie revealed she'd already married Johnny on the day of your wedding.  Connie actually didn't want to reveal Lauren/Kiki wasn't a Quartermaine, essentially taking ELQ from AJ- Julian made her do that.  Connie actually flirted with AJ and had real chemistry with him and rather liked him.   Connie wrote Ava Jerome's initial's in blood, telling you that she murdered her and not AJ.   Connie is dead.   She probably wants you and everyone else to stop invoking her name for sympathy and/or karma brownie points for the shitty things you do.   Connie wants you to leave her alone.  

27 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

She spent all of her child support on taking care of Jakeson and now Freako.

I like Liz,  I do.  But damn.   It's got to be expensive taking care of eternally young children, though. 

  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I don't know why the writers are so afraid/are too lazy to have Dante say, "I screwed up and even though because I'm human and so will fail once in a while, I'm going to try my best to never hurt you again",

They've already forgotten about it. 

25 minutes ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Connie destroyed your birthday party by stabbing your cake

Her worst crime by a mile, AFAIC. You don't abuse baked goods like that!

  • Love 2

It's sooooo disgusting.  I don't care a fig about Sam, but revisiting Liz's rape to focus on FRANCO is just tone deaf and completely wrong. The problem is not Tom possibly getting parole and Liz revisiting what happened to her, but rather that it will primarily be about FRANCO.

There will be no Bobbie.  No recast Lucky. No Taggert. No visits to Emily or Nikolas' grave because she can't lean on her two closest friends who understand what she went through.  No visit from Sarah or Gram.  Liz has NOBODY to lean on.  Because the story will not be about her.

It'll be about Franco and that's both pathetic and awful.

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