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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I haven't watched yesterday yet, even though I want to see the proposal (the old Jasam fan in me will never die) and to see if Ava gives Morgan more eat shit looks. Those make my day.

But with apologies to any Emily's out there (and I'm friends with two of them), I just find that name so common and boring. Yawn. I like trendy names, sue me. OLTL had a decent run with baby names for a while, but GH has sucked at it for what seems like a long time. Since both sides of the family are represented in Daniel Edward Morgan, I say just choose something CUTE for a change. Although there is actually a trend of naming old-fashioned names these days. 

In regards to Joe/Sabrina, it has none of the spark/passion/fire that I saw with Sabrina and Carlos. One boring character + another boring character = a super boring couple.

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1 hour ago, tvgoddess said:

In regards to Joe/Sabrina, it has none of the spark/passion/fire that I saw with Sabrina and Carlos. One boring character + another boring character = a super boring couple.

GH -- we find talented actors and bury them in D stories and make them dull.

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2 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

In regards to Joe/Sabrina, it has none of the spark/passion/fire that I saw with Sabrina and Carlos. One boring character + another boring character = a super boring couple.

 yeah, Uncle Carlos is a dweeb. But honestly while I think JVP is great, I resent his presence on the show at this point.

5 hours ago, NetflixandChill said:

You and me both! I just want her to have one freaking baby she doesn't think is dead and gone! Just one! Let Nina steal someone else's baby. Take Dante and Lulu's, I'm sure they'll be pregnant any moment.

Nina does deserve a Stavros child.

10 hours ago, teenj12 said:

While I totally agree with Ava on the whole Morgan thing, I think this show needs to stop having Ava/Carly/Alexis treating Kiki/Morgan/Kristina/etc like they're all still 18. These are grown ass adults nearing their mid-20s. The fact that their parents are all somehow actively controlling/trying to control their love lives is ridiculous .

Oh, but it happens. Quite often.

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6 hours ago, In2You said:

The writers write these characters as if they were teens.

Ron wrote the near senior citizens Bobbie, Scotty, Lucy, and even Felicia in the same manner (Lucy and Bobbie literally pulling each other's hair?!!).

Ron also wrote 8-year-old kids that way. "Are you with him?" What [yelling alert] DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?

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2 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

In regards to Joe/Sabrina, it has none of the spark/passion/fire that I saw with Sabrina and Carlos. One boring character + another boring character = a super boring couple.

It's almost insulting to me how boring Michael/Sabrina/CarrrrJoe are.  Also, how badly structured this is.  Michael and Sabrina reunite in a completely boring, drama-free way after MONTHS apart.  They share one more episode of scenes and then the interlopers - CarrrrJoe and possibly Nelle - are introduced.  Why are we supposed to care?

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21 minutes ago, ulkis said:

But honestly while I think JVP is great, I resent his presence on the show at this point.

Same here. Sabrina, of all people, should not be in a triangle. And JVP should not have to tamp down his awesome telenovela-style acting to play a super boring character like Uncle Carrrlos.

Edited by dubbel zout
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4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Same here. Sabrina, of all people, should not be in a triangle. And JVP should not have to tamp down his awesome telenovela-style acting to play a super boring character like Uncle Carrrlos.

I will forever feel I missed out by not having them have JVP play a ghost haunting Anna's huge mansion.

He can be a playboy ghost, even, who's inclined to be entertaining lady guest ghosts, when Anna's away. Much to Anna's chagrin whenever she catches him.

The next week he's hosting a ghost craps game.  Joe Scully attends.

He keeps referencing an Edward Quartermaine who's always trying to get him to invest in some business deal.

But no Cassadines. They've been sent to a "different realm."

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There's a non-Franco SERIAL KILLER who's been on the loose in the hospital for months and the only person of note he's killed is strawman blowhard Dr. Mays.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I can't believe we're supposed to care who the killer is when s/he has offed absolutely no one of status. A couple of day player patients (one of whom we never saw!) and a doctor we were supposed to hate anyway? Pfft. What a colossal waste of time.

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On 8/16/2016 at 1:23 PM, TeeVee329 said:

It's almost insulting to me how boring Michael/Sabrina/CarrrrJoe are.  Also, how badly structured this is.  Michael and Sabrina reunite in a completely boring, drama-free way after MONTHS apart.  They share one more episode of scenes and then the interlopers - CarrrrJoe and possibly Nelle - are introduced.  Why are we supposed to care?

I'm starting to wish Maurice Benard won the lottery or something. Not only is Sonny not creating story anymore, but he's kinda bottling it up. Yeah, Guza would always walk back Sonny from the edge, but at least he was making the plot move. Now, no one (especially his friggin grown kids*) is allowed to do anything without Sonny giving them permission to go to the bathroom. It feels like everything's at a standstill while they have to wait for Sonny to come by.

*It's still hard for me to believe that Avery is around and they didn't make her Morgan's. What is Sonny doing with a FIFTH child? Is it so next time someone tries to arrest him Carly can wail that Sonny's kids need him, since when all his kids are over 18 that plea doesn't come across quite as well?

That said, I do still think Franco and Nina need to be gotten rid of before Sonny. But still.

Edited by ulkis
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What a colossal waste of time.

Do we already have a t-shirt that says this? I've lost track at this point!

That said, I do still think Franco and Nina need to be gotten rid of before Sonny. But still.

Please don't kill me for saying this:  Look at you, rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. So cute and hopeful!

Edited by Francie
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Keep Nina away from Sam for the next nine months, I don't want anything to happen to Baby Girl Morgan!

I'm not at all a Morgan fan, but Ava is wrong for messing with his meds. Did she forget that the last time Morgan had a manic episode Kiki got shot and almost died?

Edited by LexieLily
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12 minutes ago, Francie said:

Please don't kill me for saying this:  Look at you, rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. So cute and hopeful!

Oh trust me, all the while I'm re-arranging chairs, I keep an eye on the boats hoping the characters I like will get off on them.

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9 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

If anything, they'll keep adding characters, not subtracting. It's become this bizarre contest.

Whatever happened to "the departure was storyline dictated"? With the hospital killer, they have the perfect way to weed the cast. We don't see at least 85 percent of the cast on any sort of regular basis the way it is. Yet suddenly everyone is so necessary and critical to the show?

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1 hour ago, LeftPhalange said:

Where is The Mob War That Will Change Everything: 2016 Edition? I've been waiting eight months for some of Ron's characters to be murdered. 

I'm waiting too.   Currently rewatching Greys Anatomy and even their cast isn't as bloated.  

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Ava tampering with Morgan's bipolar meds is messed up, sure, but it also kinda feels like karmic justice for Morgan's blithely drugging Michael during Operation: Alcoholic.

WTF with Paul popping up out of nowhere today and then getting all bent out of shape when Tracy mentioned Susan?

Dillon and Kiki were cute when he was changing her tire.

I can't with Nina's baby rabies.

Shut up, Joss.

Edited by TeeVee329
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8 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Whatever happened to "the departure was storyline dictated"? With the hospital killer, they have the perfect way to weed the cast. We don't see at least 85 percent of the cast on any sort of regular basis the way it is. Yet suddenly everyone is so necessary and critical to the show?

I don't want anyone I like getting killed off, so I refrain from wishing death on most of the characters. That said, no reason why they can't just freaking leave town.

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If I liked Morgan even a tiny bit I would hate what Ava did today. As it stands, I hope he loses it and jumps off the hospital. Or maybe the Metro cuz the hospital roof jump isn't a sure death. Hmm..  or he could push Kiki off? Then Ava can kill herself as she becomes overcome with guilt from what she set in motion.

Also, I really don't want Nina to end up with a baby.

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Oh lord! I knew nothing good was going to come from Curtis associating with crazy ass Nina. She's just insane! She wants a baby so bad that you can just see Curtis doing something illegal to acquire one. This will ruin him, and it definitely looks like Sam will be the victim of this desperately insane plan of Nina's.

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Is Nina going to end up stealing Sam's baby?  (yawn)

Carly's dress looked like she forgot to zip up.

Nell, the 70's called, they want their hairstyle back. 

Writers, please give Ava and Nina a month off -- they're eating the show.

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21 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I don't want anyone I like getting killed off, so I refrain from wishing death on most of the characters. That said, no reason why they can't just freaking leave town.

I'm usually against killing off people, too, but there are too many unnecessary people on the show right now for me to not want some of them permanently gone. (I know death is never permanent on a soap, but still.) And they have this stupid hospital killer story going on! Use it!

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20 minutes ago, ulkis said:

That said, no reason why they can't just freaking leave town.

Ron thinks you're funny.

54 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Keep Nina away from Sam for the next nine months, I don't want anything to happen to Baby Girl Morgan!

I just think that story would be really repetitive. But I want Billy and Kelly to actually get some material, so something needs to happen during or after.

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20 minutes ago, ciarra said:

Carly's dress looked like she forgot to zip up.

It looked like a cocktail/evening dress to me. I was trying to figure out why she was wearing it in the middle of the day.


Maybe Val is going to get pregnant and Nina will get that baby. Then Nina would be connected to a Legacy(!) family and we'd have to stop complaining. (/sarcasm font)

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5 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm usually against killing off people, too, but there are too many unnecessary people on the show right now for me to not want some of them permanently gone. (I know death is never permanent on a soap, but still.) And they have this stupid hospital killer story going on! Use it!

It could all be so simple. Just let the serial killer kill off almost all of Ron's creations and Freako. That's at least 20 characters right there.

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6 minutes ago, rur said:

Maybe Val is going to get pregnant and Nina will get that baby. Then Nina would be connected to a Legacy(!) family and we'd have to stop complaining. (/sarcasm font)

Part of me still thinks this is a smokescreen for a miracle Cassadine baby.

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42 minutes ago, Syndicate said:

Oh lord! I knew nothing good was going to come from Curtis associating with crazy ass Nina. She's just insane! She wants a baby so bad that you can just see Curtis doing something illegal to acquire one. This will ruin him, and it definitely looks like Sam will be the victim of this desperately insane plan of Nina's.

I am not one bit happy that Curtis has to be in crazy ass Nina's story.  I'm all for sending her away for treatment - far away and for a few years at least!!

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25 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Ron thinks you're funny.

I just think that story would be really repetitive. But I want Billy and Kelly to actually get some material, so something needs to happen during or after.

I would like to see Billy with some material so I can see what he can actually do. Kelly, meh. (Sam fans, turn away. I feel bad cause I like a lot of you guys but I'm not a fan of hers or Kelly's acting so much.) It'll be the same stock crying she always does. Kelly Monaco is not a terrible actress but I feel like it's all rote with her. I mean, that's the case for 75% of the cast but I've always felt like that about KM.

Edited by ulkis
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I'm beyond tired of babies and now we've got Sam pregnant, Nina wanting a black market bambino, and in the preview, Lulu's baby rabies also on the rise.  EEEE-nough!

And yet, Cameron and Aiden are still 5-7 years of age and locked in a trunk in Liz's basement.

Edited by TeeVee329
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6 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I would like to see Billy with some material so I can see what he can actually do. Kelly, meh. (Sam fans, turn away. I feel bad cause I like a lot of you guys but I'm not a fan of hers or Kelly's acting so much.) It'll be the same stock crying she always does. Kelly Monaco is not a terrible actress but I feel like it's all rote with her. I mean, that's the case for 75% of the cast but I've always felt like that about KM.

Billy can be so good when he's given the material and the opportunity. I'll always believe that. And I think some fans were so used to an unfeeling, non-blinking, Borg Jason that Billy wasn't given a chance. He was automatically "Not Jason!"

For me, Kelly is at her best when she's not playing a good girl. That's my ultimate thing with her for years now. The crying thing is a whole other issue that I've had with her and MANY other characters, including Anna, Liz, and Carly, to name a few. SJB's Carly, as much as I loved her, would cry in EVERY damn scene. 

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Ava tampering with Morgan's bipolar meds is messed up, sure, but it also kinda feels like karmic justice for Morgan's blithely drugging Michael during Operation: Alcoholic.

Also a callback to when she messed with Sonny's bipolar meds, so cheers for being in character.

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Just now, dubbel zout said:

It's probably the actors' true feelings about the crap they have to say. Heh. 

LOL. Right. But this has happened on soaps from the get-go. It's the misconception that crying=good acting.

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2 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

Also a callback to when she messed with Sonny's bipolar meds, so cheers for being in character.

Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that.  Wait, did she mess with them or did she talk Sonny into not talking them?

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17 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

Nina legit asked Curtis to find her a baby?!  Wtf?  She needs to bang Sonny and make her own damn unwanted miracle mutant devil spawn.   Give Sonina a chance.   Although, I wonder if Nellie may be Coma Baby?   That could make her eligible for Michael.  

When he commits either his first felony, murder, or act of betrayal?  

There is some inner perverse part of me that ships Sonny/Nina.  I just want to see exactly how bad they would be.  

8 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:


Oh, and I'm calling it: Sam's baby is the Stavros-Lulu Embryo. They've let that plotline linger too long, plus it would be Helena's version of a middle-finger.

And the Valentin storyline is over, right? Because Sonny and Jason beat him up. Unless they want to trot him out to taunt, but that's Julian's purpose.

I said she'd be carrying that embryo the first time she fainted.  I still think it's a distinct possibility.  

2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I can't believe we're supposed to care who the killer is when s/he has offed absolutely no one of status. A couple of day player patients (one of whom we never saw!) and a doctor we were supposed to hate anyway? Pfft. What a colossal waste of time.

The killer should off Morgan.  (Although I suspect that the entire town would secretly be letting out a sigh of relief that they no longer had to tolerate and coddle his tiresome ass.)  Somehow, whatever Ava does to his medicine sends him to the hospital.  The killer happens past his room while he's on another one of his self indulgent "why does everything bad happen to me??? And why did Kiki leave my side for 2 minutes to pee?  Doesn't she know I need her??" whines, and decide to mercy kill him.  (I'll just keep telling myself that's what's going to happen, and that's why BryDog needs to unload his Vette right away.) 

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29 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I'm beyond tired of babies and now we've got Sam pregnant, Nina wanting a black market bambino, and in the preview, Lulu's baby rabies also on the rise.  EEEE-nough!

Yay for two female HWs crafting strong stories for wimmins.

Are there any women who have stories that aren't about children and/or terrible romantic choices?

5 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

There is some inner perverse part of me that ships Sonny/Nina.  I just want to see exactly how bad they would be.  

Soily happened; nothing is impossible

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Keep baby rabies Nina away from Sam. I swear if they do another baby switch I will be so annoyed. They already did that with Danny. I dont like these scenes of Nina talking about a baby and then cutting to JaSam. Be more subtle, guys. 

JaSam were cute a little side eye at Jason saying they both screwed up last time. Hmm you were an asshole Jason. 

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Seriously WTF at those random ass Paul/Tracy scenes? Paul shows up after like months of being off screen and goes ballistic at a mention of Susan. So weird. Also, I really hope this doesn't mean they're bringing Susan on. Like just stop adding characters please!

I skipped the bulk of this ep and what I did watch was boring or horrible. Except Dillon/Kiki. They're seriously sparkly together.

ETA: Who was that at the end of the promo for tomorrow?

Edited by peachmangosteen
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But, but, but, Nina wants a baby RIGHTNOW.  She's not going to wait nine months for JaSam's baby.  

Memo to Jax; maybe you should wait til your more than 4 feet away from everyone before making your super secret private phone calls

Memo to Morgan; maybe you shouldn't leave your backpack and go off into a different room where anyone and their mother can steal some of your meds.  Really.  Who does that?  


Was this exchange weird to anyone else or just me....

Joss:  Can you stay?

Nell:  Nope gotta get back to work

Carly:  Can you stay?  

Me:  What?  She just said no.  

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38 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Was this exchange weird to anyone else or just me....

Joss:  Can you stay?

Nell:  Nope gotta get back to work

Carly:  Can you stay?  

Me:  What?  She just said no.  

Jax taking a nefarious phone call within inches of all of them and then this had me rolling.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I  need Mo and MSt contained to scenes together.   So Ava is messing with the other bipolar Corinthos's meds now?  Brilliant.   Last time she messed with another asshole's psychiatric meds, AJ Quartermaine got shot.   Tracy needs to hire Curtis as Dillon's bodyguard.   If Nina wants a baby, she needs to bang Sonny like everyone else on the show.   Priorities!   I'm not about burying another Quartermaine because the Corinthos family is a bunch of trigger happy morons.   Literally at this point, Mo could coo to kittens, dance on rainbows, and sprinkle glitter everywhere and I'd still be like "You're the reason this show sucks.  Where are my Q's?".  

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13 minutes ago, NetflixandChill said:

Calling it now, Nina is going to steal Sam's baby, and Franco will be the one to save it and bring it back to Jasam, thus making everything "good".

Nina, with Curtis's help, is going to steal Sam's embryo somehow. She'll have an unscrupulous doctor inject it into her, and she'll be the one giving birth to Sam's child. YIKES! Well, she certainly wouldn't have to wait 9 months if she took this twisted route.

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