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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Sonny has done so many crimes and atrocities. It's not clear to me anymore which crime the governor's pardon was meant to cover. Was the governor pardoning Sonny for killing AJ? If so, perhaps that is why Sonny has control over Ava's ability to have her baby back currently, even though the court granted Ava official custody ?

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I hate Sonny with the heat of a thousand burning suns. I started hating him during the Karen Wexler days and aside from being decent to Stone when he was dying, Sonny has done nothing to redeem himself to me.

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The writers make no sense. They constantly have people whitewash Sonny but then have him talk about AJ like he didn't murder him. If they're not going to undo AJ being dead and they're not going to let Michael hate him for it then at least stop having him talk about AJ at all. Their incompetence would be funny if it weren't so infuriating. 

On any other show Liez would be in the corner shutting the fuck up, not having the audacity to act like a foul bitch. She doesn't even seem to care that much about Nik being dead, just how she can use the situation to her advantage. Since Hayden thinks Nik is probably dead I wish she would go ahead and tell the cops about him having her shot and Liez keeping quiet about it. 

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I hated everything about the Jordan/Diane/Sam/Jason scenes.

It seemed that they were psyched to be able to secure a camera shot of the long conference table and that the actresses playing Jordan/Diane seemed to be having fun. 
Those scenes were much more palatable than watching Sonny/Carly, but not as much fun as watching Jane Elliot interact with whatever weak-sauce actors for which she has to do the heavy lifting.  Liz and Hayden are fun to watch.  Alexis must have not been nice to the make-up artist.

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Jordan and Diane make better lawyers than Alexis any day.  I now wish to see Jordan represent the Q's on that wrongful death lawsuit on Sonny/Carly, knowing her stance on mob crimes and Jason in general.  It kinda warms my heart.  But damn, girl.  Save that video footage for the trial.  Alexis deserves to be disbarred for literally the last fifteen to twenty years of her life, and I'm sure Diane has not been that clean either.  

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8 hours ago, Lillybee said:

But the orange short one with the evil smile always needs to win.

No matter what the occasion, Sonny's smiles always gives me the creeps.

But the dimples!   Seriously, the dialogue between Ava/Sonny/Carly broke me.  This is 2016.  The show cannot paint Sonny/Carly as heroes and have him spewing misogynistic crap.  That shit was abusive.  The character of Sonny Corinthos promotes rape culture, and it disgusts me.  He constantly treats the people around him like puppets, and they take it because of his illness or fear.  His line about having power over Ava was disgusting.  Compare the murders of Connie and AJ.  Now, show has mostly wanted us to believe that Julian was the "bad mobster", so if Sonny shows mercy, clearly Jules wouldn't once Connie learned his secret.  Ava panicked and killed her.  She covered her tracks and preyed upon Sonny's weakness to protect herself.  She wasn't necessarily cruel about much.  Confronted by AJ and Sonny at different times, she admitted what she did.  Sonny heard AJ begging for his life, ignored him.  He shot him and left him for dead.  He was content to let another man rot in prison for the crime, while Michael grieved.  He crashed the funeral and had sex on AJ's grave.  He kept a trophy of his kill, like all serial killers do.  He never felt guilty nor showed any remorse for his crime and was rewarded with a pardon, a new baby, and a wife.  Ava has been used and abused by Paul and mentally tortured by Carly and constantly threatened by Sonny.  Now she looks like an abused animal under Sonny's power because of having sex.  She's being punished for having sex.   She's being punished for existing.  Sonny has power over a woman.  Again.  

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I watched Carly and Sonny rewriting history and thought...... it was brilliant.

If ever I wanted a template to see how villians and antagonists who see themselves as heroes look at the world from their own perspective, this is it.

As an exercise, I'm off to reread "To Kill a Mockingbird" to rewrite with Bob Ewell as the protagonist.....

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13 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

Aaah I forgot Dillon and kiki were on today, I'll have to catch it tomorrow. Were they good, at least? Kinda sounds boring today otherwise.

They were really cute. You should seek out their scenes. Skip literally everything else.

11 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

No one is going to agree with me, lol, but when Jason said, "I wouldn't fight him now bc of Emily," his voice sounded exactly like SBu's Jason. His body language was really similar, too. It was freaky.

I didn't think about him being like SBu there but I did notice that he sounded so different than he normally does.

9 hours ago, twoods said:

Since when have they started shooting scenes outside instead of that damn fake park they are always in?

They've been doing it for awhile. I really hope it's a sign the show's about to get canceled!

7 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

She [Liz] doesn't even seem to care that much about Nik being dead, just how she can use the situation to her advantage.

LOL she really doesn't seem to care at all. She was so damn insufferable today. I am not looking forward to this story where Jason is being wrongly accused by the cops on one side and Hayden is being wrongly accused by Liz on the other. No thanks.

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In another universe, there is an version of Show where, with Carly and Sonny gleefully talking in their living room about foiling Ava and how AJ deserved whatnot, there are microphone bugs from the Feds that Max and Spinelli cannot detect, signed off by a judge under the PATRIOT Act which Diane cannot have browbeaten into being inadmissible.

I'm off to find a TARDIS for the trials.

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27 minutes ago, NutmegsDad said:

I'm off to find a TARDIS for the trials.

Well, that comment sent me into a brief, but pleasant, reverie in which all the Daleks in the Whoniverse are coming for Sonny and endlessly repeating "Exterminate."

Edited by rur
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18 hours ago, Perkie said:

They got divorces so maybe she's back to using her mayden name.  

Well, Sam said she was right behind him, making it sound like there wasn't enough time for Jason to have done anything to Nik, but 7 minutes means there's lot of time to rough him up and throw him out a window.  

She's been introducing herself as Sam Morgan still though.  It wasn't the use of McCall that bothered me, it was the flip flopping of using it.  Jordan called her Morgan and then went back to McCall.  It was just weird.


Also Sam never said she was right behind him.  She said they were separated at the NB and she went to look for him.   So Jordan saying the videotape didn't match their stories was wtf.  


I do love though that they can devote 11 minutes of boring interrogation to JaSam yet they can't be assed to do more than 3 minutes of them deciding to divorce, or a few minutes of his MEMORIES fucking returning.  Nobody has time for that shit, let's get to asking the same fucking questions that were just asked the day before. It's like Anna crying for an entire fucking week in a jail cell across from Carlos, yet they can't seem to find the time to write a proper lante reunion.  The pacing on thus show is one huge joke.

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Jordan and Liez act like Jason and Hayden are the only people who might want Nik dead. He's been acting like a piece of shit for quite some time now so I'm sure there are a few other people who might want to push him out of a window. Also, Jason was a mobster and Hayden is a super evil criminal mastermind so I think they would be smart enough not to kill him in front of cameras. 

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Jason didn't know about the cameras, I don't think, but your other point remains.

This story is SO boring. Nik has been such an asshole that I don't care if he's dead or not. All the suspects are people I'd assume would have a motif, so there's little mystery, and it won't be some big "gasp!" moment when we find out who did it anyway. Way to craft a whodunnit, GH.

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12 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Jason didn't know about the cameras, I don't think, but your other point remains.

This story is SO boring. Nik has been such an asshole that I don't care if he's dead or not. All the suspects are people I'd assume would have a motif, so there's little mystery, and it won't be some big "gasp!" moment when we find out who did it anyway. Way to craft a whodunnit, GH.

Clearly it's Spencer.  That kid gave no fucks about his father being dead, went talk to the detectives, and then made a play for his father's wife.  In soap land, that's an admission of guilt.  All this time, we thought Jake was the sociopath kid, alas, it was Spencer Cassadine.  Touché.  

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Nik has been such a terrible father it wouldn't surprise me if Spencer decided to push him out a window. I wouldn't be surprised if Helena returned to do it. There is literally no one who would make me say, "Wow, I did not see that coming."

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53 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

She wouldn't have left Liez unharmed. 

True.  Also, Britt wouldn't have resisted seeing Brad at the hospital either.  Oh wait.  The Show is rewriting history for us, therefore,  Felix has always been Brad's bff.  So, Britt would've just probably pushed Nik, took Ben, and punched Liz before leaving.  Kinda worth the trip.  

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Geez-us, did we know that Dr. Michael Easton has a dead wife who he has man pain about failing in his backstory?  Because that worked out so great with the actual John McBain, and with Silas.  Why, Show, why!

So people like Sam and Maxie found out about Lucas, although nobody seems too bothered that he was almost killed.  And of course, Carly's more concerned that her bestie Dr. Michael Easton has been accused of the crime. #hate

Liz was beyond pathetic trying to tattle on Rebecca Budig.  And how convenient that she left out Nikolas TRYING TO HAVE HER KILLED when whining about Rebecca Budig's motive.

At least we were Sonny free, that's good on the ol' blood pressure.

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12 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Geez-us, did we know that Dr. Michael Easton has a dead wife who he has man pain about failing in his backstory?  Because that worked out so great with the actual John McBain, and with Silas.  Why, Show, why!

Maybe his wife was another lizard? That's the twist!

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12 minutes ago, Perkie said:

There is literally no one who would make me say, "Wow, I did not see that coming."




Nope, none of 'em. 

Okay, Teddy killing Nik would surprise me. 

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I think Nik faked his death and took the diamonds with him to live on until he comes back.

What do you mean Spencer isn't frightened by Nik's death?  The kid's hair is literally standing on end. 

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Someone, please punch Liz in her stupid face.  So busy shrilling about evil Hayden, and completely being okay with Jason blowing off a visit with Jake.

Speaking of Jason, I just love that he and Sam agree to dump Danny with Monica, blow off Jake and go investigate the disappearance of Nikolas like Jason's already been convicted of murder when he's simply a person of interest.  Kids? Responsibilities? What are those when I have to go do something I 100% do not have to do?

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54 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

So, in other words, we'll be seeing her in 3-6 months.

Is anyone leaving Y&R or Days that Frank must pair with ME?  Will this character have a list as well?   Or perhaps she was an alligator and Raymond Berlin turned her into a pair of shoes?

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23 minutes ago, Vella said:

Someone, please punch Liz in her stupid face.  So busy shrilling about evil Hayden, and completely being okay with Jason blowing off a visit with Jake.

Speaking of Jason, I just love that he and Sam agree to dump Danny with Monica, blow off Jake and go investigate the disappearance of Nikolas like Jason's already been convicted of murder when he's simply a person of interest.  Kids? Responsibilities? What are those when I have to go do something I 100% do not have to do?

I do appreciate that NuJason would trust his mother with one of his sons, OldJason definitely wouldn't.

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With the exception of Bobbie, why is no one else seemingly worried about Lucas.  Sam is all, yeah it sucks but I got other shit to deal with.  Maxie's all, yeah it sucks but hey Nathan's being released and we have to discuss our wedding RIGHTNOW.  And Carly.  Well, she's all, I can't deal Mom, so you deal with it alone while I go screech at Dr Finn, like it's my right.

I love how JaSam get to their safe house and it has everything they need, big yellow writing pad (where do people buy those?), big post it notes, makers, highlighters.  Sure.

I also find it funny that for years Monica never saw Danny, probably wouldn't be able to pick him out of a lineup but now she's basically raising him.  

Liz honey, I love you, but what you did today was not a good look on you.  Her shock, SHOCK I tell ya, that Hayden has an airtight alibi was hilarious in a sad, why writers, kind of way.  

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That hide-out is bigger than half the sets.

I haaaate the outdoor shots.

lol at Carly's horrified face that she might have misjudged a man she's known for 5 minutes.

I feel like there was something off about the Maxie's skin tone, but I may be projecting now that KSt's stated the reason for her leave of absence.

I don't think we will see the Finn wife anytime soon, if ever. I think she is Finn's version of Caitlin/Theresa (aka the killed-before-we-met-them-women who previous Michael Easton characters were connected to in order to gain them sympathy.) 

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LMAO when Jason and Sam cleared off a wall in the safe house and wrote on a string of yellow post-it notes to track the timing of their arrival and discovery of Nik's injuries and disappearance. What amateurs! How hard was it to remember the sequence of events and timing? And as rich as both Sam and Jason are said to be, why didn't they use an App on a laptop to construct the chain of events and organize details of every stage? I can barely read Sam's sloppy handwriting. A simple PowerPoint presentation would offer different views of the content and special places for notes or to attach videos, figures, pictures, spreadsheets, etc and then run the whole presentation as a slideshow for someone like Diane or Jordan or the FBI. As they were brainstorming, a computer was the higher-tech means to improved recall and analysis, rather than...YELLOW POST-IT NOTES?

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That hide-out is bigger than half the sets.

And it had a staircase, yet the room they were in had a bed. Where were the stairs leading to?!


I feel like there was something off about the Maxie's skin tone, but I may be projecting now that KSt's stated the reason for her leave of absence.

Me too.  She was very pale.  that makeup looked caked on.

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31 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

I do appreciate that NuJason would trust his mother with one of his sons, OldJason definitely wouldn't.

Actually Jason did want to tell everyone about Jake.  Remember that big bad Lizzy talked him out of it the morning Alan died.  She was almost always the big bad during that time.  Poor pitiful Jason, being led around by Lizzy.  

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28 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I don't think we will see the Finn wife anytime soon, if ever. I think she is Finn's version of Caitlin/Theresa (aka the killed-before-we-met-them-women who previous Michael Easton characters were connected to in order to gain them sympathy.) 

A.k.a. the original WE NEVER CARED.

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If Nik is said to have had many servants, why didn't Jordan think to question any of them? Or Spencer? Has she questioned Laura? I can see why the police would be tempted to rush to judgment because of Jason's past reputation, but Jordan looked either naive or lazy in her immediate conviction of Jason as chief suspect when she has more persons of interest to talk to.

Sam was still making the point that she arrived 7 minutes after Jason, but the question remains: wouldn't she and Jason normally take the same public launch over to the island? At that time of night (after midnight), probably only one launch was running: how many people could be expected to be going over to the island at that time of night? Didn't Jason and Sam arrive together on the same launch trip? Surely it takes more than 7 minutes for a roundtrip of the launch between the mainland and the island. To return the launch, pick up Sam, and bring her to the island would have taken more than 7 minutes roundtrip.

Are the police going to question the launch driver to find out the comings and goings from the island that night?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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5 hours ago, mybabyaidan said:

She's been introducing herself as Sam Morgan still though.  It wasn't the use of McCall that bothered me, it was the flip flopping of using it.  Jordan called her Morgan and then went back to McCall.  It was just weird.


Well, if it was intentional, it actually wasn't a bad piece of writing. I assume Jordan addressed her as Sam Morgan because the Morgan's divorce isn't public knowledge and they're always together. But Jordan followed Diane's lead and called her McCall later, assuming that, as Jason's attorney, Diane would be addressing Sam correctly

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Or Spencer? Has she questioned Laura?

Spencer was at a sleepover, Liz brought him home the next day.  Laura was at the ball with Kevin.


Sam was still making the point that she arrived 7 minutes after Jason, but the question remains: wouldn't she and Jason normally take the same public launch over to the island?

Jason left the ball first, and headed over to Windemere to confront NIk.  Sam, rightfully, assumed that's where he was headed and went after him.  They did not arrive together.  

As for the launch, it takes at least 15 minutes to get across, based on what Finn said to Hayden today (he was queasy from the shot and said something like, "nothing like 15 minutes on choppy waters couldn't cure".  It's possible that there are two launches, so that one can be on it's way there and one on it's way back.  


Are the police going to question the launch driver to find out the comings and goings from the island that night?

Well that would make too much sense.  We can't have that.  Although I wished the current writers would tweet so I could ask them that question.  

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 I also find it funny that for years Monica never saw Danny, probably wouldn't be able to pick him out of a lineup

Monica has always had a relationship with Danny. Sam was very good at keeping Monica/Qs involved with Danny even after Jason died. 

I`m surprised that Sam even went to see Lucas on screen. Even got a  Maxie/Sam scene today.

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LOL at Nathan's automatic assumption that he could dump his secret on Dr Griffin Monroe because Monroe is a priest. So Monroe patiently asks "Are you Catholic?" And Tree has to admit "Duh, no". Not the slightest concept of how Confession is a sacrament for a baptized Catholic, etc etc....

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23 hours ago, Fellaway said:

It's really nice to have occasional outdoors scenes, but I'm really getting tired of that bench and that must be the scruffiest park in PC.

Occasional outdoors scenes are nice, but it's like once they pay for that outdoor cam, they are BY GOD going to use it. Then nothing. Then, "WE'VE GOT THE CAM -- TAKE 'EM OUTSIDE!"

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12 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Jason left the ball first, and headed over to Windemere to confront NIk.  Sam, rightfully, assumed that's where he was headed and went after him.  They did not arrive together.

OK if JaSam did not arrive together, and it takes a launch 15 minutes for a one-way trip, and Sam arrived 7 minutes after Jason, what was Jason doing in the 7-8 minutes between his arrival and hers? Doesn't that give him time to rough up the furniture (given his impressive physique) and toss Nik onto the rocks? (Although I think Nik is probably faking his injuries and death.)

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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23 minutes ago, Broken Ox said:

Occasional outdoors scenes are nice, but it's like once they pay for that outdoor cam, they are BY GOD going to use it. Then nothing. Then, "WE'VE GOT THE CAM -- TAKE 'EM OUTSIDE!"

What outdoor cam?  They're probably using Frank's iPhone to shoot stuff at this point.

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what was Jason doing in the 7-8 minutes between his arrival and hers

Yeah, I have that question too.  He heard furniture scuffling and headed to that noise, then both he and Sam hear the window break.  So it took him 7 minutes to get upstairs to Nik's room?  How big is that house?

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5 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Yeah, I have that question too.  He heard furniture scuffling and headed to that noise, then both he and Sam hear the window break.  So it took him 7 minutes to get upstairs to Nik's room?  How big is that house?

Between regaining his memory, yelling at Liz about Franco and screwing Sam in barns, he hasn't had a lot of time for cardio, ok?

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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

I haaaate the outdoor shots.

Today BM and KeMo looked horrible in the natural light. It was very striking. I continue to hope all these shots in that super run down park mean the show is close to being canceled!


I feel like there was something off about the Maxie's skin tone, but I may be projecting now that KSt's stated the reason for her leave of absence.

I noticed it, too. It looked like her foundation was roughly 16 shades too light for her. I assumed they only had one color of super full coverage foundation and didn't have the money to buy a new one.

3 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Yeah, I have that question too.  He heard furniture scuffling and headed to that noise, then both he and Sam hear the window break.  So it took him 7 minutes to get upstairs to Nik's room?  How big is that house?

My sister watched today's ep and that was her first question. She was like, "It took him 7 minutes to get upstairs?!" LOL!

Griffin should be Claudette, dammit!

I can't at Finn having a dead wife. I'm just amazed at the sheer laziness of these writers. That being said, and I truly hate myself for this, I continue to like Finn. Also, and I really don't want to admit this, I am maybe sorta kinda not vehemently against Hayden/Finn. I'm so sorry! I need a confession with Priest Griffin immediately!

Another thing I can't with is no one giving one shit that someone tried to murder Lucas and that he's now in a coma. It's actually kinda funny in a maddening way.

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6 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Yeah, I have that question too.  He heard furniture scuffling and headed to that noise, then both he and Sam hear the window break.  So it took him 7 minutes to get upstairs to Nik's room?  How big is that house?

That I buy. It's supposed to be a huge estate. Especially if Jason didn't know just where his room was.

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41 minutes ago, Perkie said:

 It's possible that there are two launches, so that one can be on it's way there and one on it's way back.  

It always cracks me up when people come and go to Spoon Island as if there's a 24-hour shuttle service, but suddenly when the story demands it, there's one launch, and it takes forever.

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Silas Finn McBain has a dead wife? Let me guess. The not-so-dead-after-all wife will be played either by Melissa Archer (is that her last name) or Michelle Stafford, in a dual role.

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21 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Another thing I can't with is no one giving one shit that someone tried to murder Lucas and that he's now in a coma. It's actually kinda funny in a maddening way.

I hated the off-handed, conversational way Maxie asked Sam about Lucas.  If you didn't know the history, you'd have no idea that Maxie is Lucas' cousin and has had a familial relationship with him longer than Sam OR Carly.  And then she went right back to being chirpy about Nathan and Claudette.  Worst!

Meanwhile, Sam talked about her off-screen visit to Lucas' bedside like she was checking something off her to-do list.

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