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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Emma as always is/was adorbs, even with Dr. Xerox--and for "I'm a doctor, not a barber!" alone she almost singlehandedly earned the episode a pass.  And between that and Tracy/Monica/Ned/Dillon it actually earned a decent amount of goodwill...which it then squandered, if inevitably, in the name of whatever the hell this Nikolas/Rayden story is now.  I'm just over it, and Hayden's shifts from gold-digger to "I'm still into you, hubby" and back again every five seconds don't help one damn bit.  (Let alone Sam's general helpful attitude about the whole thing, which I wouldn't necessarily mind if they'd done a much better job of letting Sam at least briefly get her white-hot rage on at Nik before deciding "Fuck it, life's too short" or something and then deciding to help him in Spencer's name.  I actually kind of like Spencer's eternally doofy self, but if he's not around he makes a lousy damned scapegoat.)

  • Love 4

Then we have Anna.  I've loved her for decades, since she first came on the show, but now I kinda hate her.  That's what happens, Writers, when you make the show all about Sonny all the time, and every other character has to be in service to him.  Now I kinda want Paul to put one over on Anna, well and truly.


Hey now:




Actually, it's all right. Carry on.

  • Love 6

I <3 you for this, Francie ...

I feel your pain. On the one hand, I acknowledge Anna is a mess right now ... but I stubbornly refuse to stop liking her. I've got way more years invested in this than the crap current writers, darn it!

I can't even imagine how Liz and Nik fans feel these days ...

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 6

I <3 you for this, Francie ...

I feel your pain. On the one hand, I acknowledge Anna is a mess right now ... but I stubbornly refuse to stop liking her. I've got way more years invested in this than the crap current writers, darn it!

I can't even imagine how Liz and Nik fans feel these days ...

Word. I've been watching since birth. I'm never going to allow what Ron did or what Jelly are doing to EVER be important...to EVER color the way I feel about the characters. These aren't even characters I recognize. Hellllll to the NO will I ever act like they represented this show accurately. Nope.

It's why I loved watching Liz and Emma today. That relationship and the bonds with those characters and their families is faaaaaaaar greater than that AU fanfic vomit bullshit that aired in 2015, for example.

  • Love 5

Except for the cartoonish Dr. Mayes or whatever his name was and him being so awful that someone would actually prefer Dr. Hair Gel to him, I'm liking this hospital storyline. I like that Jane Elliott has no ego about how she looks and is lying in bed with no makeup, or at least made up to look like she's wearing no makeup, instead of the more typical Lulu, Maxie, or Kiki nearly drowning/having major surgery/bleeding out, but their eyeliner is perfection! scenario. I loved that shot of Monica, Michael, Ned, and Mayo standing together and watching Tracy be wheeled off to surgery. And I adored Monica and Tracy sniping at each other right before that. "Stay out of my jewelry." "Don't worry, I don't go for that cheap costume stuff."  Aw, they love each other but can't say it.


Then there's the Nikolas bullshit, which is too much already. He and Liz weren't SRSLY affronted that Hayden knew about the attempted murder, were they? How, in their twisted tiny little minds, does this make Hayden the worse person? Nik's reasoning is a whiny, "yes, I tried to kill her, but she's trying to use that against me!" And then here's dumbass Liz, "turn her in to the police Nikolas!" Although truthfully, I would enjoy seeing him do just that. Tell Dante that part about how Hayden's trying to blackmail you because you hired a hitman to kill her. Tell him. TELL HIM.


And where does Nik get off snotting off to Jason? And Jason took it. Shit, at least throw him off the balcony again.


I do like that Curtis has moved into Wyndemere. I hope this means he'll take off his shirt and punch Nik in the face.

  • Love 13

Besides Sonny, Sam/Jason, and Nik/Hayden actually loving that piece of shit, this was a great episode imo. I actually really loved everything besides the aforementioned.


I wish they'd move Paul back into Tracy's orbit. He's so much better there. Also, RPW does good work as a supporting son to Tracy imo. 


Emma/Griffin was cute as fuck. I can't!

  • Love 6

Then there's the Nikolas bullshit, which is too much already. He and Liz weren't SRSLY affronted that Hayden knew about the attempted murder, were they? How, in their twisted tiny little minds, does this make Hayden the worse person? Nik's reasoning is a whiny, "yes, I tried to kill her, but she's trying to use that against me!" And then here's dumbass Liz, "turn her in to the police Nikolas!" Although truthfully, I would enjoy seeing him do just that. Tell Dante that part about how Hayden's trying to blackmail you because you hired a hitman to kill her. Tell him. TELL HIM.


Nik and Liez are nasty gutter trash.

  • Love 8

I really want the show to have some fun with Curtis' stay at Wyndemere.  Have him track mud all over the rugs, wipe his nose on a priceless tapestry, challenge Helena's portrait to a staring contest, all to Nikolas'  bug-eyed horror.


And taking Liez and Nik's phones and then trapping them in a room for several days until they're near death.

  • Love 4

I never remember actors' names but whomever is playing Monica - good lord, someone please tell her to lay off what she is doing to her face - it is such a shame that plastic surgeons do not tell people enough is enough.


"Tracey" looks so good, natural, no work that I can see (if she has had anything done, it was well done) - She's doing this storyline really well - can't think of anyone else on the show right now who could pull it off as well as she is doing.  I do hope this all turns out okay with her - 


Sonny = ick - good grief, that hair!  Someone should alert someone about an oil slick...


The Tracey story is all I am in for at this point.  I don't have any feelings one way or the other about the new young doc so I'm cool with whatever they have him doing - Emma is adorable - she is really is such a good young actress - 

  • Love 4

LeftPhalange, please go to the fanfic thread and write me a Hunger Games story with the GH characters. K thnx.


It was a dark and stormy night....


Commercial break.


Franco, Sonny, Heather Brad, Britt, Dr. O, Brenda, Ava, Kiki, talking tree, Mayor Lomax, that asshole doctor guy, Liez, Nik, Val, DNAJ, the Lante embryo, Helena, Rosalie, Carlos, Nina, Nina's mother, Faison, Stavros, and Jerry are brutally murdered and stay dead forever.


The killer was feeling generous so Avery is allowed to flee to Canada and Morgan can live but is forced to repeat elementary school several times until he starts acting right. Sabrina might be allowed to survive and live a bland life with Michael. Maybe. 




The end.

  • Love 19

Has Brenda's name even been mentioned in the last year? Why does she need to die? I know some don't think she is very smart, but her "pea" brain is able to support herself  and her son, unlike Carly that needs a man du jour to protect her from the last man that she literally and/or figuratively screwed over. If absentee Brenda needs to die, so does Carly. I need longer than a six week break from that judgmental bitch. 

  • Love 3

Has Brenda's name even been mentioned in the last year? Why does she need to die? I know some don't think she is very smart, but her "pea" brain is able to support herself and her son, unlike Carly that needs a man du jour to protect her from the last man that she literally and/or figuratively screwed over. If absentee Brenda needs to die, so does Carly. I need longer than a six week break from that judgmental bitch.

LeftPhalange doesn't like Brenda. It's just a joke.

  • Love 6

I just watched today's episode. I'm glad I sprung for the no commercials plan on hulu. It makes the show go by faster. My God though Jason and Sam are pretty dumb. The writers are very dumb. So, Jason's only job before getting back his sweet Jason Morgan money was getting ELQ back, so now that he has it back, he builds IKEA furniture and follows Sam around on her one case (that happens to be helping the man who held his identity secret for about a million years) and drinking wine. Then, he solves that one case for Super Awesome PI, Sam. But not before Sam not only sells out the kid Jason raised as his own son and his dead brother's only son (that we know of), but a dying woman she'd just visited in the hospital hours earlier, and her own son.... all for a child who lives in a castle and has houses all over the world and probably won't even finish college. Or if he does, I don't see business degree in Spencer's future. With all the shit his dad has pulled, he's becoming an arts major or a film major. And the whole time Sam is going on about Hayden/Rachel/Vivian Darkbloom being a con artist... um, hello? Samantha? Come on. Really?

At least Curtis is now living at Castle De Creepy. That should be interesting.

  • Love 4


Now I kinda want Paul to put one over on Anna, well and truly.

Yeah, I'm an Anna fan from way back, and I wonder who this pod person is.   Julian must be reviled, but Sonny is okay?  Does she think Sonny is merely a coffee importer?

And the set-up for bugging and removing the bug from Paul's phone was as subtle as a trainwreck. 


Oh please don't mention Brenduh <insert inappropriate braying laugh here>.  I don't want her back.   She was only good at annoying Steve B's Jason.

  • Love 2

There is not any context in which the Sam/Nik scenes today made sense.

Is fucking Rebecca Budig's shooting supposed to be the impetus for Sam to finally be angry with Nikolas? Because, no. Sam gives as few fucks about Hayden as Carly should about Kiki. Also? Sam MARRIED A HITMAN, violence is not new and shocking for her. That would be as stupid as Carly's new handwringing over the violence in Sonny's bidnes.

She can be upset that Nik has apparently been replaced by a Douchey doppelgänger but having Sam, in particular, outraged by the hiring of a hitman would be extra special dumb

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 3

There is not in any context in which the Sam/Nik scenes today made sense.

Is fucking Rebecca Budig's shooting supposed to be the impetus for Sam to finally be angry with Nikolas? Because, no. Sam gives as few fucks about Hayden as Carly should about Kiki. Also? Sam MARRIED A HITMAN.

I still want to know what the writers are trying to accomplish here, I really would. Because, IMO, if the goal was to basically erase the shit Ron wrote and pretend it never happened (Liz's lie, Nik's whatever you call his behavior), wouldn't you accomplish that by having Nik and Liz act remorseful and sorry? And THEN try to move on from the story?

  • Love 9

It is bizarre that Liz, one of the designated "good girls" has managed to have two children from one night stands and one (with her fiancé) during an affair. Carly and Alexis, both of whom have also achieved the 3 daddy trifecta, were married to at least one of children's fathers - and in Carly's case, two of her children were planned with her respective husbands.


BH was pregnant in real life when the show wrote in Cam and Aiden.  I will never understand why Guza had Elizabeth sleep with Zander when she was still with Ric.  LnL2 could have remarried and then find out about Aiden, there would have been no need for Niz.

It's so frustrating because Rebecca Budig has a valid reason to hate Liz - for aiding and abetting Nikolas TRYING TO HAVE HER KILLED because of her desperation for mob peen.


But of course, that's not really why she hates Liz, she hates Liz because she and Nikolas are close friends and she's jelly.  What-fucking-ever!


Hayden came to town looking to con Jake Doe and for any dick in town (Ric, Jason and finally Nik).  Hayden was too busy screwing Nik and only ran to tell JaSam about Jake's real identity because Nik refused to allow her to continue to blackmail him.  Hayden's lucky Helena wasn't in town or her ass would be down right now!

  • Love 2

So is Nathan's new big secret that he has an 8 year old kid by Claudette?  A chip off the old wood block?  Does he think Maxie will disapprove of him because he left his child to be raised by someone else?  Hel-lo, does Georgie ring a bell?


JaSam's tag-team detective work continues to annoy.  She leads him around like a puppy.  A very stupid puppy.


Up next, Sam will help Jason tie his shoes!

I <3 you for this, Francie ...

I feel your pain. On the one hand, I acknowledge Anna is a mess right now ... but I stubbornly refuse to stop liking her. I've got way more years invested in this than the crap current writers, darn it!

I can't even imagine how Liz and Nik fans feel these days ...


Oh, but RC and JP/SA stated in interviews that Elizabeth was NOT being ruined as smoke comes out of my head!  Bottom line, the current writers no shit about the veteran characters.

Word. I've been watching since birth. I'm never going to allow what Ron did or what Jelly are doing to EVER be important...to EVER color the way I feel about the characters. These aren't even characters I recognize. Hellllll to the NO will I ever act like they represented this show accurately. Nope.

It's why I loved watching Liz and Emma today. That relationship and the bonds with those characters and their families is faaaaaaaar greater than that AU fanfic vomit bullshit that aired in 2015, for example.


Great scenes with Elizabeth and Emma!  

  • Love 4

I still want to know what the writers are trying to accomplish here, I really would. Because, IMO, if the goal was to basically erase the shit Ron wrote and pretend it never happened (Liz's lie, Nik's whatever you call his behavior), wouldn't you accomplish that by having Nik and Liz act remorseful and sorry? And THEN try to move on from the story?


There were so many terrible stories and ruined characters when RC left. I'd have been completely willing to pretend it never happened if they'd just said RC's last few years had all been Crazy Heather's nightmare 

  • Love 5

Except for the cartoonish Dr. Mayes or whatever his name was and him being so awful that someone would actually prefer Dr. Hair Gel to him, I'm liking this hospital storyline. I like that Jane Elliott has no ego about how she looks and is lying in bed with no makeup, or at least made up to look like she's wearing no makeup, instead of the more typical Lulu, Maxie, or Kiki nearly drowning/having major surgery/bleeding out, but their eyeliner is perfection! scenario. I loved that shot of Monica, Michael, Ned, and Mayo standing together and watching Tracy be wheeled off to surgery. And I adored Monica and Tracy sniping at each other right before that. "Stay out of my jewelry." "Don't worry, I don't go for that cheap costume stuff."  Aw, they love each other but can't say it.


Then there's the Nikolas bullshit, which is too much already. He and Liz weren't SRSLY affronted that Hayden knew about the attempted murder, were they? How, in their twisted tiny little minds, does this make Hayden the worse person? Nik's reasoning is a whiny, "yes, I tried to kill her, but she's trying to use that against me!" And then here's dumbass Liz, "turn her in to the police Nikolas!" Although truthfully, I would enjoy seeing him do just that. Tell Dante that part about how Hayden's trying to blackmail you because you hired a hitman to kill her. Tell him. TELL HIM.


And where does Nik get off snotting off to Jason? And Jason took it. Shit, at least throw him off the balcony again.


I do like that Curtis has moved into Wyndemere. I hope this means he'll take off his shirt and punch Nik in the face.


This reminds me of the stomach churning Niz which lead to the show firing BH and TC.   I think the plan all along was to get rid of Elizabeth/BH.  I am happy the ABC network stepped in and BH was given a new contract.

  • Love 5

There were so many terrible stories and ruined characters when RC left. I'd have been completely willing to pretend it never happened if they'd just said RC's last few years had all been Crazy Heather's nightmare 


JP/SA wrote Lake engagement and non wedding, and they continued having Elizabeth lie about Jake Doe's life instead of coming clean BEFORE the wedding.


There were so many terrible stories and ruined characters when RC left. I'd have been completely willing to pretend it never happened if they'd just said RC's last few years had all been Crazy Heather's nightmare

You know I refuse to acknowledge 2015, so yeah. I wouldn't care if it disappeared from the universe, it was that much stupid shit. But I also know it would have gone a hell of a long way to just have people be pissed at Liz/Nik for a few months or whatever while they were completely remorseful. That's all the show had to do. Some fans still wouldn't let go of The Lie, I'm sure, but that's nothing new.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 2

Sonny, who are you to judge Griffin for being judgemental when that is what you do on a daily basis. Sonny, where do you get off saying that boxing is the only way you can hit a cop and get away with it. Is your memory so bad that you don't remember knocking Dante out on Jax's plane when you had your vendetta against Jax. Go to hell and stay there Sonny.

  • Love 11



I thought her relationship with Michael was...ok. I just don't care enough about her one way or the other to want her dead. 


Morgans preferably to Brenda? He gets to live?


At least Morgan is...ok, I don't really have anything positive to say about him, but Brenda is so damn annoying. And stupid. And that laugh. And those sleeves. What's wrong with her? Does she have brain damage?  Maybe she wouldn't be on my shit list if she had the decency to take Sonny with her to Italy. 

There were so many terrible stories and ruined characters when RC left. I'd have been completely willing to pretend it never happened if they'd just said RC's last few years had all been Crazy Heather's nightmare 


All they had to do was say Helena poisoned the water supply. That wouldn't have been any more ridiculous than the other ridiculous shit that happens on a regular basis and it would have been an efficient way for them to resolve all of Ron's crap stories and start fresh. These people seem to be allergic to making sensible choices. 

  • Love 5

Agreed on both counts.



I can kinda get Sam being team Nik when it's Nik v Hayden, but not ratting out Tracy to Nik and helping Nik keep ELQ when it's a question of him v Michael, Jason, her own damn son.


Man, Michael would look so good if it weren't for that weird haircut emphasizing his teeny mouth.


First haircut - Dante.  No nice words.

  • Love 3

So I'm a week or so behind, I'm only watching occasionally when I feel like it and this is all going to be totally timely, buuuuttttt: Griffin needs to be bisexual. Putting that out there. They'll never do that of course, too gay with too much hunk. We already have so many other barely visible homos! And Kristina! And yeah, I am deeply uncomfortable with the amount of weird chemistry Matt Cohen(?) and Finola share. That would be so wrong and weirdly gothic but also potentially hot.


Rebecca Budig and TC have so much chemistry but Jesus Christ, Rachel/Hayden/Greenlee is a complete waste of time. She's just doing Greenlee opposite yet another goody two shoes (Liz, barely) to spar with. There's got to be a way to salvage this character or rework it short of going full Ron and making her a fucked-up Emily, but I can't see it yet.


I see they're still winging it on Paul the Anti-Saint. I can take a dirty DA just fine, but unlike Ric or even Scott the show seems to still think this guy might be a real heroic catch deep down. They need to let Richard Burgi just embrace the evil.

  • Love 3

I am deeply uncomfortable with the amount of weird chemistry Matt Cohen(?) and Finola share. That would be so wrong and weirdly gothic but also potentially hot.

I am not uncomfortable with their chemistry at all.  That day when Griffin started to disrobe in front of Anna to prove he wasn't wearing a wire, I was so like oh, don't stop.  Seduce her now, you stupid fool.  As a 50-plus woman who went through a phase of "playing" with guys in their 20s, I feel absolutely no guilt about Anna/Griffin "consoling" each other in Duke's name, not one even little bit.  

  • Love 4

I have no problem with May/December romance. It's the Duke angle I find squicky, but I think that could be hot and tortured too.


Michael Easton does have a lot of chemistry with Jane Elliot, speaking of. I don't think that's nearly enough reason to keep him around and I know FV would never go for it, but he's at least holding my interest more than most of the other characters at the moment. And so we're clear, that still doesn't mean he should not be re-fired quickly.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

There were so many terrible stories and ruined characters when RC left. I'd have been completely willing to pretend it never happened if they'd just said RC's last few years had all been Crazy Heather's nightmare

It's AJ's coma nightmare. Dr Michael Easton is the doctor treating him, as hired by Monica. Curtis is the director of the clinic, who's a snarky and hot guy. He's also very smart. Working there are Dr Sarah Webber, Liz's sister who hates that Liz is still friends with Nik because he's a douche, and Dr. Griffin Monroe, a new doctor who is related to the Q's. Jason is alive and knows AJ is alive, but hasn't told anyone. Mostly because he's figured out people in PC have big ass mouths. So, he, Tracy, Monica, and Michael are hiding AJ till he's totally better to, you know, get ELQ back, get revenge, and multiple other reasons. And obviously Cassadine stuff. AJ has had a weird nightmare.
  • Love 6

If the writers wanted us to pretend things didn't happened then they really needed to go full out with it and do Helena poisoned the water/it was all a dream. Still writing all the same shit but with an air of "But forget about all the stuff that hack wrote even though we're literally doing the same thing!" isn't really cutting it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

If the writers wanted us to pretend things didn't happened then they really needed to go full out with it and do Helena poisoned the water/it was all a dream. Still writing all the same shit but with an air of "But forget about all the stuff that hack wrote even though we're literally doing the same thing!" isn't really cutting it.


*puts on tinfoil hat*


Maybe they've been instructed to do whatever they can to get the show cancelled. Like how can they really believe that dragging out Ron's stories that got him fired is a good idea. Not only that, but they're making those already shit stories even worse. 

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