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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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If bed wants to make sure the annulment is legit, why doesn't he just go down to the courthouse and file the papers himself? Do they have to be filed by the attorney? once they're signed! isn't it just a matter of bringing them down to the county clerk for stamping or something? That way, even if Tracy and fluke think it's all a con, they'd be in for a rude Awakening when they tried to grab control of ELQ.


I know you mean Ned and not 'bed' heh, and since apparently in PC no one has heard of electronic filing, which is how 95% of courts throughout the United States do, to file legal filings, and probably does the hard copy, walk into court to file, then yes, anyone can go up to the clerk, and say, here you go, need to file this with the court.

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Edward always had the Q's at each others throats. he wanted them fighting to be the boss. No holds barred. He was a nasty old man , he was never happy that Alan was a doctor,and Jason also wanted to be  one. Don't think he was even happy that Jason ended up being a killer for hire in the end. Lila was another pain. Always so nice to Mr Corintios after he brought Jason into the mob and taught him how to kill. He was always on AJ , trying to get him to be as dirty as he could. he wanted Michael at the Q's and instead of blaming Jason it was all AJ  fault. The time carley fell down the stairs ,yes fell trying to be her usual nasty self to AJ. She was visiting Lila to tell  her all about Sonny's child she was carrying. Guza was a piece of work. Billy Warlock was such  talented actor he made me root for AJ over all the rest.Everytime AJ looks like he might win, Guza shoved him in a bottle. Sky was the only one that was on AJ's side. wally was always calling him junior and making it sound like a dig. You can have Ned.ASK was treated even worse. BW at least was on , sean was back burned all the time.Nothing has changed the faces may be diffferent but the garbage still smells.

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I never got or liked Sonny, either. And was mystified and suitably horrified that Alexis (one of my faves) was actually ATTRACTED to the dirtbag.


I still cannot believe I never got my Jaxis but was forced to suffer through Sexis.


And that Sexis love scene remains one of the most awkward love scenes I've ever seen.  It was awful. 

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Billy Warlock was such a talented actor he made me root for AJ over all the rest.


ICAM!  I liked Sean Kanan when he returned to the role of A.J., but I would be absolutely thrilled if they brought Billy Warlock back to play the role.  (Course then it would be a mite difficult to believe the man had a grown son - I swear Billy Warlock drinks the blood of the same virgins that Becky Herbst does.  He still looks young!). 


I never got or liked Sonny, either. And was mystified and suitably horrified that Alexis (one of my faves) was actually ATTRACTED to the dirtbag.


I still cannot believe I never got my Jaxis but was forced to suffer through Sexis.


Worse, when Guza finally broke up Sexis, he went on a years-long "Trash Alexis" bender that her character never really recovered from.  I still shudder thinking about the Dobson Debacle.

Edited by yowsah1
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Jesus, Dobson (and I think Guza thought he was being ironic; Bridget and Jerome DOBSON created Santa Barbara, the soap NLG was on prior to GH and also where Guza was once a staff writer - and Bridget Dobson is the daughter of Frank and Doris Hursley, who created time rival GH, ironically...). That crap gave me nightmares for eons.


How dare Alexis besmirch the Almighty S&C and have Sonny's spawn, so she HAD TO be taken down 100 pegs. That is essentially what it came down to.

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I there anything from last week worth going back and watching?

Ava escaping via hellicopter on the roof, Sonny losing and throwing a massive hissy, Julian and Ava at Gray Jerome HQ toasting to it, Silas and Sam's infinite teary breakup, Patrick gets fired, there was a cool press confrence, Nina told the reporters Pat told Sam he thought about killing Rafe, Dr O gave Pat das boot, Nina and Franco met (they have chemistry for reals), Carly is so jelly, Molly went home since Julexis are cooling it down for her, Shawn still fucks up everything, Olivia tried to boot Sonny out of the SonnyBucksHQ, but he pulled the Carly card, Anna and Jordan had a good scene at Julian's home-the park, Mickey questioned TJ about Jordan, Maxie is going to marry Levi so he doesn't go to Australia jail. Something about bunnies. Nathan and Dante remain the best, healthiest couple on this show. And Julian knows Sonny murdered AJ..

And that was GH this week. Oh and Spencer and Britt hatched a lame ass plan where Spencer is on the run from his shattered 9 year old heart. Whatever.

  • Love 1

Jesus, Dobson (and I think Guza thought he was being ironic; Bridget and Jerome DOBSON created Santa Barbara, the soap NLG was on prior to GH and also where Guza was once a staff writer - and Bridget Dobson is the daughter of Frank and Doris Hursley, who created time rival GH, ironically...). That crap gave me nightmares for eons.


How dare Alexis besmirch the Almighty S&C and have Sonny's spawn, so she HAD TO be taken down 100 pegs. That is essentially what it came down to.

I'm responding to this in the backstage thread.

Did anyone catch who was in that new opening?


I think i saw:

Pane 1: Patrick, Sam, Silas, Nina

Pane 2: Liz, Nik, Britt

Pane 3: Anna, Tracy


I think its interesting that Luke is absent from the place he should logically be.  Did TG go off contract?


Damn it, no!  There was a news break in NYC and I only caught the GH at the end.

I think its interesting that Luke is absent from the place he should logically be.  Did TG go off contract?


No; but they might be alternating people now that the 50th anniversary year is over. I think that's one reason why TG was featured a lot. Also, the cast has gotten so gigantic that they probably can't show everyone in the allotted time.

Edited by dubbel zout

Of course after watching the dvd Sam tells Sonny "I have to tell Silas someone really was eavesdropping on us", because it isn't as if the guy has been telling her from the get go that he didn't tell anyone and therefore of course someone was listening in on their conversation.


The drugged Silas and the Nina scenes were just vile.


Blowing up Alexis' cabin? I'm done. Julian should have put a bullet in notLuke's head months ago - he should have offed Micky as soon as he stepped foot into town. This is all just Ron's special grade A bullshit.

  • Love 4


Julian should have put a bullet in notLuke's head months ago - he should have offed Micky as soon as he stepped foot into town. This is all just Ron's special grade A bullshit.

Or at least tried. This drives me crazy!


Will we now see Julian acting like a mob boss? It's rather ridiculous. Were those guys that picked up Franco Ava and Julian's boys? If so, it makes it even sillier. They have other hitters besides Carlos. Some rather dude could have taken out Fluke or Mickey Diamond if Julian did not want to get his hands dirty personally.

  • Love 2

Msquared did you hear whether it will be rerun in the middle of the night? I am assuming that it is on in other parts of the country so they won't skip a day.


They showed the rest of the show after the credits on the NYC affiliate.


This is why I can't feel too bad for Olivia. I liked her today, but she just demonstrated that she KNOWS Sonny will put himself before his kids and anything else, but yet she's all pissy that she wasn't the exception to the rule and he did in fact "treat her like dirt"? Whatever, just glad she's out of her stupor. I actually didn't hate Franco today either.


I like the Jerome siblings working together again.


Oy with that giant recording device Jordan inefficiently planted.

  • Love 2

My biggest takeaway from today?  My Olivia rage. This is a woman who, storywise, should be around 40 -- a grown-ass-woman 40.  I'm sick of her middle-school whining about Sonny*. Shut up and DIAF, kiddo. 




(*although I did find it interesting that the writers stuck in the part about evicting Julian on a morals clause . . . however, considering the morals of the owners and most of the known tenants, a whole 'nuther can of worms could be opened there . . . )

  • Love 3

Silas is the dumbest doctor ever. Like A Brain Is Not A Foot level dumb. Dude, Nina fucking leaned out of her chair twice and somehow got under you on the couch. Now I'm no expert, but I'm sure that the handicapped can't get out of their chairs. And.... um..how strong is Nina? She's Sonny wife material since she clearly can lift Silas. Sonny would be a breeze. Max, your position has been filled.

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The fact that Julian hasn't even attempted to take out Fluke/Mickey by now leaves me a tiny little thread of hope that he is, in fact, undercover.  And, as much as he'd like to take them out, he is after something else, and taking them out would compromise his mission.  Yeah, I know, leave me to my delusions. 

I hope there's room in your delusions for me because I'm hoping the exact same thing. I don't even care if it makes no sense, just make it happen and maybe we'll overlook some of ReRon's ReRuns. Maybe. ;)

  • Love 3

Silas is the dumbest doctor ever. Like A Brain Is Not A Foot level dumb. Dude, Nina fucking leaned out of her chair twice and somehow got under you on the couch. Now I'm no expert, but I'm sure that the handicapped can't get out of their chairs. And.... um..how strong is Nina? She's Sonny wife material since she clearly can lift Silas. Sonny would be a breeze. Max, your position has been filled.


God I hope Ron takes this idea and runs with it next time he goes scrolling through message boards.  I'd pay to see Nina carrying Sonny up to bed. 

  • Love 4

So Sonny has shot his family members, been responsible for so many of them getting nearly blown to bits and some actually have died, not to mention the fact that many of them have been targeted due solely to their connection to him, and yet, yet, that gangster goober is called a "good father" and everything bad that happens because of him is either forgiven, forgotten, swept under the rug, or just plain ole ignored.


But why am I getting the inkling that Julian is going to get ripped to shreds?


I just...I need a Julian massage, stat.

  • Love 6

Why, just because she drugged and was all set to rape Silas?  In Ron's book, that's nothing. 


And I'm sure Nina has a DVD somewhere that shows she was just kidding, didn't really mean it, etc.


If Ron thinks that people having sex with someone, knowing that person has DID and is under the control of an alter (and would not want to have sex with them otherwise), is A-OK, then I'm sure someone's notdead wife trying to get it on with him while he's going under from something she slipped him is just "marital shenanigans, we've all been there, right?" kind of stuff. 

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Honestly, aside from Ava walking around wearing a window curtain, I liked this episode.  Seriously, did MW piss someone off behind the scenes, because they had Ava looking like a fool.  


On the other side of the spectrum, Jordan looked sexy as hell in that white pantsuit.  Those must be VA's own clothes.


Im pretty sure Alexis said they were going to Sam's to  get Giant!Danny's toy, and obviously none of those actors are leaving the show.  But what a shame they destroyed the one set without gray paint.  


I'm really hoping one of the other openings has Nathan, Maxie, Dante, and Lulu in a pane together, and ghat Levi is nowhefe to be seen.  

Edited by Tiger
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I still say Silas is dumb. I'll say it like on PLL, "Bitch can walk!" Like, if she can almost lean out of the chair, then Silas, she is not so helpless. Silas must have thoughts like "Oh my hair is pretty. Oh I am so angry. Oh someone is talking, I'm bored. Oh I'm Silas. I am the best." Like I want a blog for GH characters. Beginning with Sonny and ending with Sabrina. For days when I feel bad about myself, so I can be like no, you are a good person. You didn't draw ponies or think about your hair during a breakup today. Good job.


Color me shocked that Nina molested Silage on the couch instead of slinging him over her shoulder and skipping into the bedroom. I think the rapiness is vile though unsurprising. I'm sympathetic with whoever it was that said Silage deserves to be drugged if he's too much of a loser to figure out  that his single malt tastes wrong. Jerk.

Edited by yuggapukka
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