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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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3 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm not sure Morgan's struggle with BPD has been more informative than Sonny's, TBH, even though I think the show has done a better job with the followthrough. But "better" is super subjective, as the show's idea of having Sonny be in therapy was to have him hit on Lainey (the world's worst therapist). That was gross on so many levels. Morgan has done an awful lot of whining (as did Sonny), which I don't think does the story any favors. I really wish we would start to see him grow up about it. It's a chronic condition he'll have to stay on top of for the rest of his life, which is tedious, yes, but he acts like it's the worst thing that could have happened to him. It's not, not by a mile.

There was also Morgan using his BPD to manipulate Kiki, particularly that time he pouted until she slept with him.  Groddy.

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Morgan is the only character in the 20s set who I think would benefit from being stuck with a child.  The writers could use Avery to grow Morgan past the dumb frat boy characterization that RC stuck him with.

Morgan should have issues, he's Carly and Sonny's child - but, given SORAS, he was raised by Jax for most of his formative years and then went to military school and Vanderbilt - he shouldn't be such an idiot or such a mess

Edited by Oracle42
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52 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

I am so sick of the justice for Duke, justice for Kannie, justice for Susan and now they add justice for Sabrina to the mix. Is there an;y way we can chip in to buy those writers an imagination?

Thank you! I was actually screaming at my television demanding Justice For General Hospital. Might as well throw in some justice for those of us still watching this stupid show.

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Morgan definitely would have benefited from a personality transplant. We know Ava's messed with his meds but what behavior is exactly supposed to be telling us that? This is pretty much standard Morgan at this point. 

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3 hours ago, ulkis said:

So annoying they put new pictures in the credits and one of the panels is STILL Liz/Jason/Sam. :headbang:

I was laughing earlier bc there were a bunch of people all, "It doesn't mean anything." No, it actually does mean something. Those characters will never be out of each other's orbits. Sad. But true.

Edited by HeatLifer
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2 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

Morgan is the only character in the 20s set who I think would benefit from being stuck with a child.  The writers could use Avery to grow Morgan past the dumb frat boy characterization that RC stuck him with.

Morgan should have issues, he's Carly and Sonny's child - but, given SORAS, he was raised by Jax for most of his formative years and then went to military school and Vanderbilt - he shouldn't be such an idiot or such a mess

Having a child doesnt mature anyone. Look at all the immature characters currently on this show. Plus having a child young hasn't resulted in one good story for any young person on a soap in years.

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Kiki never went to college, did she? Yet Ava and Julian have enough mob money to send her. Instead she is dressing above her means and serving food and drinks at the Metrocourt bar area. Why can't Kiki go and study? Morgan messed his college opportunity up. His parents did not offer to get  a tutor to help him develop good study habits, and he didn't think of it himself. His shrink didn't suggest it either.

Is Kiki considered to be just window dressing, waiting around as a sidepiece for her man to become educated and developed into an adult? Couldn't she work at Ava's art gallery instead of slinging hash for Carly?? If she and Morgan are semi-engaged and planning a future, why isn't she helping him on the goal of finishing and launching himself?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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4 hours ago, ulkis said:

So annoying they put new pictures in the credits and one of the panels is STILL Liz/Jason/Sam. :headbang:

And one of the panels is Julian, with his baby mamas on either side of him. UGH.  Alexis should be in panel with Kristina and Molly, or replace Liz in that panel since Alexis is, in fact, their family.  Alexis and Olivia have not been rivals.

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1 hour ago, In2You said:

Having a child doesnt mature anyone. Look at all the immature characters currently on this show. Plus having a child young hasn't resulted in one good story for any young person on a soap in years.

Yes, but Morgan needs a radical change and this is fiction. It's a relatively simple way to take the character in a different direction and it provides story for several other characters

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2 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Alexis and Olivia have not been rivals.

Especially not over Julian. He and Olivia hate-fucked. There have never been fond feelings between them.

"It's not my fault no one will give me a baby." Uh, actually, Nina, it is your fault. You have a history of mental illness, for one thing, and you ripped a baby out of another woman's womb and kidnapped said baby. Those are deal-breakers for adoption.

I had to FF Jordan and Paul. Spare me the outrage, Jordan. You and your department weren't exactly on the ball with the investigation.

Claudette's story about Valentin was so boring.

So Michael can't understand JusticeForSusan, but he's fine with all the people Sonny killed? Alrighty then.

"He's dealing with his bipolar a lot harder than I did." Yeah, that's debatable, Sonny. You moped around unshaven in a velour tracksuit, throwing barware. Morgan is being a douche. It's more different strokes than anything else.

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15 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

So Michael can't understand JusticeForSusan, but he's fine with all the people Sonny killed? Alrighty then.

Does Michael even know Paul's motive? I may have missed something.  He told Kiki and Nelle that he "just found out" but he didn't say who called him, or the details when Kiki walked away to call Dillon. All I heard him say was Julian was in jail, too, but is now free, no justice, yada yada. I was hoping for a Michael-Tracy-Dillon scene.  Michael should comfort his cousin, since he knows what it's like to have a parent kill (I know, try to kill in T/P's case) another parent, and knows what it's like to have a parent responsible for the deaths of a bunch of people.   

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1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Does Michael even know Paul's motive? I may have missed something.  He told Kiki and Nelle that he "just found out" but he didn't say who called him, or the details when Kiki walked away to call Dillon. All I heard him say was Julian was in jail, too, but is now free, no justice, yada yada. I was hoping for a Michael-Tracy-Dillon scene.  Michael should comfort his cousin, since he knows what it's like to have a parent kill (I know, try to kill in T/P's case) another parent, and knows what it's like to have a parent responsible for the deaths of a bunch of people.   

I get that Michael's grieving Sabrina, but it would be nice if he took a minute to think about his Q family.  I don't recall him having reaction to his grandmother almost being killed the same time as Sabrina, and yeah, this would have been a nice opportunity build a bridge and bond between him and Dillon.

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I see Tess on my screen and I don't want it. 

Maxie and Tree need to be removed.

Nelly needs to be removed.

I liked Paul giving no fucks about Ava's whining. I only wish he would hand the flash drive over to the cops so we can move on.

This beef between Curtis and Jordan has been dragged out for months and months and we still don't have a complete idea of what happened. Lets move it along already.

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31 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I get that Michael's grieving Sabrina, but it would be nice if he took a minute to think about his Q family.  I don't recall him having reaction to his grandmother almost being killed the same time as Sabrina, and yeah, this would have been a nice opportunity build a bridge and bond between him and Dillon.

Tracy told him while they were sitting with Sabrina's body. He was shocked, and I believe said, "Is she okay?!" Tracy told him that Sabrina performing CPR saved Monica's life. Later when Dante was talking about timing with Jason and Michael, CD played the quiet anguish/rage as it sunk in that Sabrina was murdered because the killer knew she could identify him since she found Monica and got her breathing just after the injection. 

Michael has said that the killer needed to be stopped before he hurt anyone else - at that point he knew the person was most likely responsible for shoving Jason's ex/Jake's mom down a staircase, also tried to kill his grandmother, and then strangled his girlfriend to shut her up.  

Then to find out his aunt's ex-husband/cousin's dad is the one responsible ... is a lot to take in. In the hands of better writers, he would talk about - or yell at Sonny and Carly about - being betrayed again when a loved one is murdered at the hands of family/someone he thought could be trusted. Then Monica would walk up behind him, facing S&C, and say, "I couldn't agree more."

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3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

"He's dealing with his bipolar a lot harder than I did." Yeah, that's debatable, Sonny. You moped around unshaven in a velour tracksuit, throwing barware. Morgan is being a douche. It's more different strokes than anything else.

I've had a change of heart about Morgan. Sonny is right to muse about Morgan's behavior. Morgan surprised and impressed me when he made plans to get a college degree. His parents got him into the university, but then they dropped the ball. The university is not like high school, and Morgan is not mature enough to cope with managing all the details and expectations of this new world. And he is struggling with his bipolar condition and lack of medication. His parents, his counselors, and his shrink should work together to ensure that he doesn't take an overwhelming load, manages time well, and knows how to study and research. Instead of trying to write the paper alone, he should have taken guidance from his parents or a college-educated friend or a tutor. Kiki lends some moral support, but is a babe in the woods too.

Morgan needs to get some successes under his belt at college. He deserved much more support for his courageous decision to seek more professional credentials. Carly and Sonny need to make a plan and petition the Dean to let Morgan back in. Maybe he could audit a couple of classes this semester to get used to it, and then take a partial load next semester as he learns how to cope.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Michael has said that the killer needed to be stopped before he hurt anyone else - at that point he knew the person was most likely responsible for shoving Jason's ex/Jake's mom down a staircase, also tried to kill his grandmother, and then strangled his girlfriend to shut her up.  

Then to find out his aunt's ex-husband/cousin's dad is the one responsible ... is a lot to take in. In the hands of better writers, he would talk about - or yell at Sonny and Carly about - being betrayed again when a loved one is murdered at the hands of family/someone he thought could be trusted. Then Monica would walk up behind him, facing S&C, and say, "I couldn't agree more."

The whole idea of Michael being "BETRAYED by Paul" is pushing things. Michael barely knows Dillon. They have spent very limited time together on screen. Michael only saw Paul when Paul was at the Q mansion in the past year or so. It isn't like he grew up with "Uncle" Paul. 

Michael should be livid over Paul killing Sabrina and almost successfully murdering his grandmother and great aunt. But he should also still be enraged at Sonny and Carly. So Monica coming in and agreeing with Michael's justifiable anger with S&C.

And since when do Universities call and tattle on adult students to their parents? WTF? And then to hear Carly and Sonny say that the Dean was apologizing to them for Morgan being expelled? Mind then turned off with the high rate of brain rage. So much WRONG.

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6 hours ago, stlbf said:

The whole idea of Michael being "BETRAYED by Paul" is pushing things. Michael barely knows Dillon. They have spent very limited time together on screen. Michael only saw Paul when Paul was at the Q mansion in the past year or so. It isn't like he grew up with "Uncle" Paul. 

 And then to hear Carly and Sonny say that the Dean was apologizing to them for Morgan being expelled? Mind then turned off with the high rate of brain rage. So much WRONG.

I say betrayal because Paul lived at the Q mansion for a time (while plotting to kill people, including both of Michael's grandmothers), and still calls himself family. Sure, it's not betrayal of Michael specifically, but definitely a betrayal of his family that he claims to love.

I assumed the Dean was apologizing because he knows of Sonny's Mob reputation and is afraid of Sonny putting out a hit on (or ordering the beating of) himself or someone else at the university - 'cause that's what Sonny does when he's not getting what he wants.

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8 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Tracy told him while they were sitting with Sabrina's body. He was shocked, and I believe said, "Is she okay?!" Tracy told him that Sabrina performing CPR saved Monica's life. Later when Dante was talking about timing with Jason and Michael, CD played the quiet anguish/rage as it sunk in that Sabrina was murdered because the killer knew she could identify him since she found Monica and got her breathing just after the injection. 

Oh, I know Michael knows about Monica.  But there's been no follow-up there, we certainly never saw a scene between Michael and Monica about it where they talk, mourned Sabrina together, expressed their love for each other.  Because why show that when we can see Sonny and Carly traipsing all over the Q mansion. #hate

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Morgan should have issues, he's Carly and Sonny's child - but, given SORAS, he was raised by Jax for most of his formative years and then went to military school and Vanderbilt - he shouldn't be such an idiot or such a mess

Morgan has always been very AJ-ish in comparison to Michael's Jason-ish personality, which is why I will always have a soft spot for Morgan, douche king or not. I don't think BC is a horrible actor, either-though Emmy worthy? Maybe not, I think that's a term thrown about far too loosely. It's an actor's job to act, and they should do it well. I don't think they deserve an award-or even accolades-for every good performance. People on an assembly line don't get slaps on the back every time they put something together properly. Neither should actors get their egos propped up every time they hit their marks and remember their lines and do a good job.  I think the whole "Lexi Ainsworth was robbed" debacle from a few years ago, totally soured me on the whole Emmy thing.

Michael can yell about justice for Sabrina, but be totally cool about justice for AJ. Alrighty then.  Yep, Paul's a goner. Sad too, that people like Ava and Julian and several others, are STILL HERE. If Jane is retiring soon, I do predict it will be Tracy that does it, or Tracy takes the fall for Dillon or Ned.

Paul calling Ava out was the best part of yesterday's show. She really is just a rancid, vile excuse for a human being. She stinks up my Scotty's scenes, and that's inexcusable.

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Ava and Carly are both indeed vile, hypocritical characters but I love the actresses so much I will watch no matter what they do.  Having LW in scenes with MB does make it difficult .  Did anyone notice a quick edit yesterday when Sonny/Carly were talking about Morgan in the living room?  Then MB forgot his next line and LW saved him.  He was having a rougher than usual day.

I think BC is doing pretty well playing someone bi-polar.  I have known two...family members of close friends, different families....over the years and he acts like they do when they go off their meds.

I FF anything Nathan/Maxie/Griffin/Claudette.  Don't care.  And how in the hell does Nina think she has a shot at Charlotte?  That's right...she's nuckin' futs. I think Dr. O may have something to say about that.

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1 hour ago, IWantCandy71 said:

Morgan has always been very AJ-ish in comparison to Michael's Jason-ish personality,

But that's the thing, he wasn't. He was a rational, level headed, big-hearted kid and his upbringing was very, very different from Michael's. Why couldn't his jealousy stem from the fact that he wanted to be legit and follow in Jax's footsteps but being Sonny's son constantly prevented it - while Michael had the Q legacy handed to him and has repeatedly thrown it away with both hands?

Hell, Morgan should've been a little uncomfortable around Sonny because he didn't grow up with Sonny as a primary father figure. Inheriting bipolar disorder from Sonny should have been one more thing driving a wedge between them.

I understand the temptation to write Morgan as Fredo, but that never made sense given his actual history

Edited by Oracle42
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Maybe I should say adult Morgan, then. Adult Morgan has always been written as a sad sack loser, both before and after the bi polar diagnosis. I've never had a problem with them writing adult Morgan this way, because I've always ascribed a good portion of the behavior to the illness. As far as how he was a as a kid, many people grow up to be different from what they were as children. I can't really say-I think we saw about five minutes of Morgan as a child, so I can't remember how he was, honestly. If there was more than five minutes of him, I never paid attention to him/don't remember it. I absolutely do believe as a backstory/offscreen, that Morgan heard comparisons to Michael all his life, either to his face or behind his back. It's what bad parents do, and Sonny/Carly most definitely qualify as that. I also think that the comparisons to Michael were never favorable, and that's at least part of his problems. He knows he'll never measure up, so why try?

Edited by IWantCandy71
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11 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

This beef between Curtis and Jordan has been dragged out for months and months and we still don't have a complete idea of what happened. Lets move it along already.

And it apparently happened years ago. 

10 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

His parents got him into the university, but then they dropped the ball.

I disagree that Carly and Sonny dropped the ball. If Morgan was feeling overwhelmed, it's on him to get help. But his pride doesn't always allow it. Sonny and Carly doing everything for him is one of the reasons he's in trouble in the first place, IMO. I'd argue they were wrong to pull strings to get him into PCU. He could have audited classes for the rest of the semester to get an idea of the workload and responsibilities. But being Morgan, he plunged in without thinking.

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I would never deny that Carly/Sonny were bad parents but that's the point - Morgan didn't grow up with Sonny/Carly, he grew up with Carly/Jax. And if he was compared to Michael? Up until recently Michael would've gotten the worst of it because Michael was a problem child. Morgan was the easy kid

Resentment at the amount of attention that Michael received, that seems reasonable but Morgan wasn't Fredo. It's not just the writing/acting for Child!Morgan that doesn't fit the current characterization, it's the character's entire backstory up until RC brought him back

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29 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

I would never deny that Carly/Sonny were bad parents but that's the point - Morgan didn't grow up with Sonny/Carly, he grew up with Carly/Jax. And if he was compared to Michael? Up until recently Michael would've gotten the worst of it because Michael was a problem child. Morgan was the easy kid

Resentment at the amount of attention that Michael received, that seems reasonable but Morgan wasn't Fredo. It's not just the writing/acting for Child!Morgan that doesn't fit the current characterization, it's the character's entire backstory up until RC brought him back

He grew up with Jax, but up to a certain point - he was, what, 12 when they got divorced? I wrote about it in a post a while back here: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/2671-the-michael-sonny-corinthos-non-appreciation-thread/?page=4#comment-509203

He could be the problem child without being so Fredo about it though, but while I think BC is a decent actor, he can't quite overcome the fratboy vibes.

@IWantCandy71 , we actually did see quite a lot of young Morgan on-screen. I don't really count kid versions of characters when it comes to their grown selves, but with Morgan, even counting his kid characterization I can see why he turned out the way he did. (in the link above). He could stand to be less whiny though, and that's 50% the writing and 50% BC imo. He doesn't quite have enough gravitas.

Edited by ulkis
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13 minutes ago, ulkis said:

 He could stand to be less whiny though

God, yes. I put most of that on BC, though, because a tonal adjustment would change how those lines come across. (Though the stage directions might very well tell him to whine.)

Edited by dubbel zout
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19 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

That was really gross, but I think it was also a good representation of Morgan as an immature douche. In some ways, that had nothing to do with BPD: He'd have manipulated her one way or another. 

I'd give anything to see at least one character point out to him that sometimes douchebag behavior is just douchebag behavior, and he can't blame his BPD for everything.  

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12 hours ago, stlbf said:

Michael should be livid over Paul killing Sabrina and almost successfully murdering his grandmother and great aunt. But he should also still be enraged at Sonny and Carly. So Monica coming in and agreeing with Michael's justifiable anger with S&C.

Michael "should be" alot of things, but the writers only seem to like him written as 1) very understanding and forgiving about everything; 2) always willing to take on someone else's kid and set up house; and/or 3) having Sonny ALWAYS be the one to either a) take credit for something Michael did; or b) stop Michael from doing something that would at least give him more of an edge and some drama instead of always being the nice guy.  The writers are completely wasting CD and the character history of Michael in favor of every other newbie on the show.  

I wouldn't mind Michael going into Paul's cell block and quietly raging against Paul.  Michael needs to go a bit dark considering EVERYTHING this man has been through in his life, but I bet Sonny will give him the 150th pep talk (about advice that Sonny will never take himself), Michael will agree, and Michael will leave.  Then wait another three weeks until Michael shows up again while Claudette, Finn, Hayden, Nathan, Kiki, Nina, Franco, Curtis, Jordan, and the rest of the new characters get front and center storylines.  (insert eyeroll)

Edited by Bishop
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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

He could be the problem child without being so Fredo about it though, but while I think BC is a decent actor, he can't quite overcome the fratboy vibes.

Thanks for the link ulkis, that was a good Morgan discussion.

But, I still think that even if Morgan ended up crawling to Sonny for acceptance, there was no reason to have him start there. RC introduced him as a feckless moron without goals and without any ambition except holding onto Kiki. I suppose it's meta that Morgan's entire characterization was built around Morgan being unworthy and Michael being the better man so Keeks would choose him (and RC could throw KA&CD back together) but I think it was a disservice to a character who had the potential to be more interesting

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Nice scenes with Ned and Dillon talking about their shitty fathers.  But WTF was that with Ned advocating to Tracy that they have Paul killed?  Was it just to make Sonny and Carly's hypocritical halos shines that much brighter?

Classic Kiki, initially making what Dillon's going through about herself, foolishly whining to Tracy about him not calling her back.  But I do still kinda like them together so I enjoyed their scenes when she went to go check on him.

Also a good day for Dante.

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Dante is so much better when he's away from Lulu. All his talk about the innocent being caught in the crossfire--please, please let this be foreshadowing that Morgan will die.

It was nice to see Ned today. He, Dillon and Tracy have really good family chemistry, and I wish we got to see it more often.

Why do they bother with Jordan and Andre's relationship? He only ever seems to bring her bags of food while she bitches about her job.

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Curtis praising Jordan for catching the hospital killer was really lame.  What exactly did Jordan do, other than get a search warrant for a hotel room that was already compromised?  It was a real stretch just to have an excuse to bring the lottery ticket, beg for a job, and give an info dump about the bad old days. 

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52 minutes ago, Linny said:

It was nice to see Ned today. He, Dillon and Tracy have really good family chemistry, and I wish we got to see it more often.

It's always wonderful when Wally shows up on GH.  I just wish it wasn't for the once-and-gone cameo.  I agree that the three of them have great family chemistry, and if they would allow Michael to have scenes with the rest of the Q family besides Tracy, he would add to that family dynamic.  Have Michael and Dillon even shared scenes?  I can't remember anymore.


Why do they bother with Jordan and Andre's relationship? He only ever seems to bring her bags of food while she bitches about her job.

I don't find Jordan to be a very likable character at all.  She is SO self-righteous.  She won't forgive Curtis even though the guy trips over himself to try and be better, and when he asks for her forgiveness, she won't give it.  This is a woman who has lied repeatedly to various important people in her life and been forgiven herself.  I can't with her.  

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9 minutes ago, Bishop said:

Have Michael and Dillon even shared scenes?

I think they've been in the same place at the same time (last year's Q Thanksgiving, at the hospital when Tracy was sick, etc.), but they've definitely never had a one-on-one conversation.

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Was Morgan supposed to be hallucinating that kiss or something? Otherwise what could possibly make Dillon and Kiki look like they were making out in silhouette when they weren't?

I was so embarrassed for Kiki when she started telling Tracy how to get through the situation. Oh dear. She looked very pretty with her hair down though.

Why does Dante even bother? It was nice to see some actual tension (non-sexual, thank you very much to anyone who tries to make that joke) between Carly and Dante though. 

The Ned/Dillon scenes were nice although I'm not sure his advice was that great. And I'm going to wank that he suggested taking out a hit on Paul just to rile Tracy up and get her fighting again, because otherwise that was just dumb.

Is that fuzz on Michael's chin Chad Duell's attempt to scrounge up a beard of desperation/danger/sadness? I really hope that's just the beginning of it, cause otherwise please just shave that shit off.

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11 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

I would never deny that Carly/Sonny were bad parents but that's the point - Morgan didn't grow up with Sonny/Carly, he grew up with Carly/Jax.

Sure, when he was aging in real time. But I think SORAS makes everything that comes before a gray area. By virtue of the age being so exaggerated, it can now be assumed Morgan was around Sonny more.

It's kind of what happened over on Days of Our Lives during the whole Roman/John clusterfuck. It was RoJohn (John Black who believed he was Roman) who raised Roman and Marlena's kids. But once the younger twins were aged, there were occasional lines about dad Roman whom they never really knew. So the past becomes warped, in a sense.

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1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

Was it just to make Sonny and Carly's hypocritical halos shines that much brighter?

Isn't EVERYTHING this show does to make the Corinthi halos shine brighter?  Julian held a knife to Alexi's throat and threatened to kill her which was awful but Sonny makes it sound like he didn't threaten Carly when Olivia was shot or Alexis with a poker in her own living room.  So, yeah.  


Why do they bother with Jordan and Andre's relationship? He only ever seems to bring her bags of food while she bitches about her job

It's an incredible boring relationship but at least he's not holding a syringe or a dagger to her neck.  


Also a good day for Dante.

Love when DZ is allowed to shine like he did today.  Passionate Dante versus whiny Sonny is always a thing of beauty.  


Was Morgan supposed to be hallucinating that kiss or something?

I'm thinking it will be someone else, like he'll storm in there and it will be Ned and Olivia making out.  

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Why is show too cheap to invest in a prison/jail visiting room?  I hate the cell visits.


When Sonny was telling Dante that his job puts him and his family at risk, I was waiting for Dante to mention, yes I remember the time you shot me in the chest.

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4 hours ago, ulkis said:

@IWantCandy71 , we actually did see quite a lot of young Morgan on-screen. I don't really count kid versions of characters when it comes to their grown selves, but with Morgan, even counting his kid characterization I can see why he turned out the way he did. (in the link above). He could stand to be less whiny though, and that's 50% the writing and 50% BC imo. He doesn't quite have enough gravitas.

I never count kid characterizations, unless the same actor plays the character into adulthood-like Robin-or we see actual stories centered around the character as a child-like Michael.

So Ned is now threatening to kill people? I rarely say things are "OOC", but that? Oh, show. Now, blackmailing someone, setting someone up to go to jail for something they didn't do, and other scampy things, yes, Ned has done those. Paying someone to beat someone else up? He's done that, too.

But murder, oh please. And I'm getting kind of sick of tuning in or reading recaps and hearing almost every character talk about murder or trying to murder or how good they are at carrying out hits on people. It really is starting to make me physically sick, and in it's own way it is just as bad as anything Guza ever did. I really will miss JE(but I won't be watching after, so eh) if she leaves, but I'm not sure even she is worth the discomfort of even reading recaps to keep up with this show.

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22 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

Morgan is the only character in the 20s set who I think would benefit from being stuck with a child.  The writers could use Avery to grow Morgan past the dumb frat boy characterization that RC stuck him with.

Morgan should have issues, he's Carly and Sonny's child - but, given SORAS, he was raised by Jax for most of his formative years and then went to military school and Vanderbilt - he shouldn't be such an idiot or such a mess

I'm curious as to how much of Morgan being a frat boy douche is on the actor playing him.  I guess we will find out when he's recast.  I don't think he was supposed to be that was initially, going from the scenes of Morgan blowing up at the party at Sonny- which I still maintain was not BPD but a normal emotional reaction.  Well, as normal of a reaction as one can have when their drunk, manic crime boss father destroys your wedding reception by telling everyone that your brother and wife aren't related and can be together and that you begged him not to say anything because you know they want to be together so you got her to marry you suddenly.  I know I'd feel like my brother was a bit favored and be a bit angry at my dad.  I also recall that Morgan beautifully went off on his dad by blaming him for Connie getting killed.  He capped off the night by banging Ava, his ex wife's mom because eh why not?  Morgan was always destined to be screwed up.   Sonny is his biological father, Carly is his mother, and Jax was a father figure ripped away from him because once again Carly drove another person away.  Carly has never put her kids needs before hers.  Not even Michael.  Morgan has always literally been an afterthought.  I can see how keeping Avery's parentage from him ruined Morgan, but helped Sonny- again.  Which would be an excellent story. 

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"How do you know [Sonny is going after Julian]?" Really, Carly? Avery could figure that out. Good grief. And typical how Julian holding a knife to Alexis's throat and getting off for it somehow is an affront to Sonny.

LOL that it's Darcy's fault Morgan got caught for plagiarism. He really is Sonny's son.

Andre had anvil-dropping duty today, telling Morgan more than once he'd see him at therapy tomorrow.

14 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

When Sonny was telling Dante that his job puts him and his family at risk, I was waiting for Dante to mention, yes I remember the time you shot me in the chest.

I know. And then Sonny says he'll always keep danger away from his family. Tell that to Michael. Or Kate. 

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I disagree that Carly and Sonny dropped the ball. If Morgan was feeling overwhelmed, it's on him to get help. But his pride doesn't always allow it. Sonny and Carly doing everything for him is one of the reasons he's in trouble in the first place, IMO. I'd argue they were wrong to pull strings to get him into PCU. He could have audited classes for the rest of the semester to get an idea of the workload and responsibilities. But being Morgan, he plunged in without thinking.

I agree that Morgan has been an irritating, spoiled douche in the past, and I think that Sonny and Carly have been and still are helicopter parents with a false sense of entitlement for themselves and for Morgan. But when I saw Morgan conceive and begin to carry out his own plan to get more professional academic credentials that would impress the world (rather than entitlement), it looked like Morgan's integrity and personal character might be growing suddenly in a healthy, exciting spurt.  Maybe his brief exposure to meds for his bipolar condition had calmed his thinking and helped him make logical plans, even if Ava then deceitfully interrupted his meds.

But Sonny and Carly continued to think in terms of entitlement for Morgan, either bribing or threatening the Dean to get Morgan in and then to overlook the panicked mistake Morgan made by copying someone's paper. They were blind to the possibility that he was taking tentative steps toward maturity. I wish they would recognize his growth and support it, not by helicoptering but by getting a wise academic advocate to show Morgan the ropes and inform him about auditing, class loads, time management, peer pressure (for example, to buy a paper), etc in the university milieu. They could have risen above their own parenting mistakes by helping him overcome his tendency to plunge in without thinking, and taking ill-advised shortcuts. It was a huge missed opportunity, and then Ava disrupted his meds and physical progress.

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