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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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10 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

General Hospital has found their Claudette and it's One Life to Live's Bree Williamson!  http://daytimeconfidential.com/2016/05/26/bree-williamson-cast-as-general-hospitals-claudette So get ready for Claudette, who isn't imaginary after all.

On the one hand, wrong Buchannan twin(s). On the other hand, Show is Hot Mess......

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, tvgoddess said:

The Killon, I can't believe how much I love them. So the song, I despise and loathe that song but I thought both of them sang really well and it was definitely the best number out of all of them, musically. I kind of feel bad for making fun of RPW's talents before, but this was really nice to watch. And that kiss! Or should I say kisses, because there were at least two, and then actually they had to be kissing through the commercials when Lulu and Maxie caught them. Suck it, Morgan indeed. I wish he wasn't about to ruin things just when it's starting to get really good.

Hee, I really liked the song. At least the refrain! And I will never feel bad. Those outfits. Plus his voice is a bit too tinny for my taste so I still don't feel guilty.

I actually think this is the best NB since they started putting them on again. Last year had the horrendous Spencer of the Opera crap, which automatically qualified it for Worst Nurses Ball ever, and year before that KA Kiki had two numbers, so while that did not qualify it for Worst Ever, it did automatically tip the scales in favor of this year.

13 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Dante looked SO engaged with Robin's speech. I forgot for a second he was a POS. 

I've become slightly defensive of Dante again, so I'm giving you gentle bullet of love in the chest for that remark. :p

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, fishcakes said:

That bit of product placement made me laugh because that cream is evidently pretty greasy based on how shiny she was. Girl could have fried a chicken on her face.

Do the sponsors of the NB episodes actually donate money to HIV/AIDS research? I hadn't thought about it before, but it occurred to me this year that it's kind of gross if they're sponsoring GH in a way that makes it look as if they're supporting a cause when really they're just selling their product as usual.

I'm not 100% sure but I do believe some money is donated, yes. I think I read it in article about one of the NBs.

  • Love 1

And then of course Dr. Priest asks Finn if he injected Lucas with something.

Right?  What was that about?  Completely random and odd question to ask someone, which was clearly asked to remind the audience, in case we've already forgotten, that they want us to think that Finn and his giant needle are responsible, which clearly means that he isn't.  And that sentence is longer than it needed to be!

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Re; Lucas

As much as I hate that they're killing him off (or leaving him in a coma until they can recast) it makes sense that it would be him.  Any other character (like Hayden or Nina) we wouldn't care.  There would be no townspeople sitting vigil by their bedside.  Except maybe Franco with Nina, at least until he got distracted by something shiny.  And even though I'm sure ReBu and MSt have fans, I doubt any of them would be devastated by them being killed off.  

But if you have a legacy character, than you have a boatload of characters at his bedside (you already have his mother and fiance, and as soon as Carly gets her head out of her Aveeno bag, I'm sure she'll be there.  Sam on the other hand is so far up Jason's butt it might take her a few days to get the message).  

Also, an angel of mercy type story is interesting (if done right) and involves the hospital.  So while I'm sad to lose Lucas/RC, I'm okay with the story.  But I swear if they have Julian blame Sonny and then Sonny sitting in the chapel with a pound of visine dripping down his cheeks, I will be forced to hurt someone.  

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I hate to say it, but, yesterday was probably the first time, since before he returned Avery to Sonny, where I feel like CD was really selling Michael's interest in Sabrina. He definitely had a face lighting up moment when he realized she was there.  

And, God help me, both Kiki and Dillon are sooooooooooooo much better together than either was before this.  I'm almost embarrassed by how much I liked their scenes (and kiss) yesterday.  Morgan witnessing the kiss was the cherry on that sundae.  I hate that this is likely only a speed bump on the road to Kiki and Morgan's "twu wuv."  Come on, show, surprise me, have them be the real couple and bury Kiki/Morgan for good. 

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LOL that the current didn't take Nik away until Sam and Jason went down to get him. Who knows how long he was lying down there before.

The stuff Anna was saying about Julian also applied to Sonny, yet she's besties with Sonny. UGH.

How disappointing that Jordan let Michael take responsibility for Sabrina. It's not as if he has a father with lots of money and a private jet who could squirrel Sabrina and her baby out of the country. Oh, wait. 

  • Love 9

This show gives me whiplash. Example:

Jason: The cops are gonna think I'm guilty, they always do.

me: Oh, I how haven't missed the old "wah wah the cops think I'm guilty just because I am/used to be a hitman" line.

Hayden: We know you pushed Nikolas!

me: shut up, Hayden/Rachel whatever the hell your name is today!

Please let Ava not chicken out on taking the baby. I hate smug Paul so much and it would also be nice to see Carly be annoyed that her plan didn't work out.

But really, what are Paul and Ava still doing here? It's like the writers don't even care but they're like "oh yeah we have Paul Burgi and Maura West, we must use them."

ETA: I guess Ava's purpose is to stir up trouble for Sonny and Carly. Poor Ava.

Shut up Michael. Everybody does not know that Sabrina is not a flight risk. Sabrina had sex with EVIL MURDERER OF DUKE and then she ran away with EVIL MURDERER OF DUKE. He should pay bail with his shit ton of money then.

Duke's arm coming out of the blue light was like a zombie Barbie arm reaching out to Anna.

Overall though episode this was ok though. Although I skipped the Sonny/Carly scenes. Except for the last one.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

THANK YOU to the writer who let Robin explain why she's not bitter or vengeful after everything that happened to her. I always wanted some lines about that. It actually makes sense that she just wants to be happy with her family and not dwell over all the time that was lost.

AWW @ Robin squealing to Patrick about Emma on the phone. My babes are so giddy and adorbs. *jumps into a pool of powdered sugar*

Jason: No matter what happens, you're not coming in after me.
Sam: OK.

LOL. Sam only scubas for SBu's Jason.

  • Love 11
27 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Jason: No matter what happens, you're not coming in after me.
Sam: OK.

I was eager to see if that balloon of a gown would wrap around Sam and sink her like a stone to the bottom of the harbor.  Like how was she supposed to swim in that dress once she got waterlogged? Would that chest keep her afloat?

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This never ending custody bullshit with Avery is bad enough, I'm not interested in seeing more people fight over another baby. What the fuck is wrong with Tracy? Give Sabrina her damn baby back and stop acting crazy. 

I wish ghost Duke would've taken Anna with him.

Hayden, Sam, Jason, and Curtis should just leave the castle and pretend like nothing happened. 

  • Love 15
6 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Ava was already charged and convicted of Connie's murder? So WTF is she so worried about the damn flashdrive for? They can't charge her again!

Oh.  Because DA Paul Hornsby stole the flash drive, which means they had no evidence to convict her on.  Sonny, Carly, etc were/are angered and shocked by this miscarriage  of justice for Poor Dead Connie Falconeri.   Paul stole it to blackmail Ava into sitting at the Five Families meeting and lying that Carrlos shot Sonny.  We all saw Paul do it.  Ava then and since then has been his servant.  So to speak.  Which is why Paul is sleazy.   Also because he was staying in the Q mansion and had the recording of AJ getting murdered.  He still has it.   There's another copy out there, but no one knows what happened to it.  

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

So what was she in jail for when she was in jail at the same time Julian/Sonny/Franco were and they all made that escape?

When Michael learned Sonny murdered AJ and that the recording existed, he demanded it from Sonny.  Shawn delivered it in a surprising non botch.  Michael played  it for Monica privately and then Anna.  It cleared AJ and proved Ava killed Connie.  Ava was at GH for having Avery ripped  from her womb by Nina, so Anna arrested her.  She arrested a lot of ppl actually.  Carly, Duke, Sonny.  It was awesome.   Yes.  Anna arrested Duke for his part in AJ's murder too.  St. Duke.  So, Ava was in Pentonville with Sonny, Franco, and Jules.   Julian took the rap for killing Anthony Zacara, Franco went off to Canada with Avery and was eventually caught,  and Sonny pled guilty to save Duke and Carly.   Ava was in jail for murdering Connie.  

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

So Ava was in jail but hadn't had her trial yet, I assume? That's the only way this makes sense.

Yes.   But then she escaped, everyone thought she died, she had cancer, Silas saved her, he kidnapped Avery to do that, and then she returned  as Denise with Teh Wig.  We try not to speak of that time.  But then during Silas's murder trial, she admitted on the stand who she was and that she banged Morgan.  Again.  So, she was arrested again.  But the recording disappeared.  #thanksPaul  

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, perkie1968 said:

Re; Lucas

As much as I hate that they're killing him off (or leaving him in a coma until they can recast) it makes sense that it would be him.  Any other character (like Hayden or Nina) we wouldn't care.  There would be no townspeople sitting vigil by their bedside.  Except maybe Franco with Nina, at least until he got distracted by something shiny.  And even though I'm sure ReBu and MSt have fans, I doubt any of them would be devastated by them being killed off.  

But if you have a legacy character, than you have a boatload of characters at his bedside (you already have his mother and fiance, and as soon as Carly gets her head out of her Aveeno bag, I'm sure she'll be there.  Sam on the other hand is so far up Jason's butt it might take her a few days to get the message).  

Also, an angel of mercy type story is interesting (if done right) and involves the hospital.  So while I'm sad to lose Lucas/RC, I'm okay with the story.  But I swear if they have Julian blame Sonny and then Sonny sitting in the chapel with a pound of visine dripping down his cheeks, I will be forced to hurt someone.  

I am not, him dying that is, mainly because the short term gains of the story won't help the long term future of the show, so maybe the show is trying to commit suicide, as has been suggested. Same thing happened with Georgie's death: it facilitated a decent of story for Maxie for a few months, but I felt that a lot of Maxie's growth could have happened if Georgie was in a coma and then decided to leave Port Charles for study aboard, and unless if Georgie is being held prisoner somewhere, (and it just might happen with Kiki/Dillon) , she can no longer be a player in the future. The show has tons and tons of characters they put on heavy rotation that are trying to make happen, but one of the few characters the the audience is somewhat invested in, who is a doctor, a legacy and played by a veteran actor of this show they might toss for no good reason. It also doesn't help they have backburned the character, so the audience is more invested in Lucas as more of a name brand  than a character in his own right, as evidence by having his wedding at the fucking Nurses Ball. Then who do we have left? This isn't Game of Thrones or 80s/90s General Hospital where you can kill off popular characters and can even have those deaths drive stories because there are plenty of other well liked, complex characters still in place. GH no longer has that, instead  trying to make unpopular characters that can lift right out happen.

41 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Ava was already charged and convicted of Connie's murder? So WTF is she so worried about the damn flashdrive for? They can't charge her again!

No, it seals her fate. I don't think the charges have been dropped, just on hold. Because it is always wise it have a recorded confession on just one source.


Because Scotty took it. Paul has. The only way to keep Ava out of prison but have a measure of justice for AJ and Kate is for Monica to get her hands on it and torture Ava. 

38 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

Ava was charged and awaiting trial when she was "declared dead". Somehow the evidence went missing from Scotty's office and they didn't have any evidence to convict her.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 6
22 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

See, I don't even like Ava, but I just want Sonny and Carly to lose on principle.

I like Ava well enough, but I'm starting to hate SonnyandCarly; I especially hate all those little chats they keep having where they talk about how they're so superior to all those other people, the ones who lie, cheat, steal, murder, kidnap, and blackmail. Their Hypocrites At Home scenes are giving me rage blackouts. 

2 minutes ago, rur said:

ignore this. I somehow quoted myself by mistake

Edited by rur
  • Love 14
On 5/23/2016 at 4:43 PM, Bawoman said:

Hayden has never been self righteous and said things like "Liz doesn't deserve forgiveness" while making fun of her and delighting in her torment with her BFF aka: "Man who tied to blow her brains out over money". Nor did Hayden ever tell an apparently HUGE, marriage destroying secret to Liz's husband without letting Liz do so, even though she begged to be given the chance, even though she was once bestowed the same kindness by someone else when having to fess up to her own dirty deeds.

If the shoe were on the other foot, sure Hayden would feel the same....and can you blame her. I sure as all fucking hell wouldn't.

No, Hayden just showed up at Elizabeth's house and told a huge fat LIE that she was Jake Doe's wife and left out the part that she was being paid by Ric.  Hayden tried to sex up first Ric, followed by Jake Doe, and Nik dropped his pants all in the name of covering his ass.

Edited by Darklazr
  • Love 2
Just now, rur said:

I like Ava well enough, but I'm starting to hate SonnyandCarly; I especially hate all those little chats they keep having where they talk about how they're so superior to all those other people, the ones who lie, cheat, steal, murder, kidnap, and blackmail. Their Hypocrites At Home scenes are giving me rage blackouts. 

As if they don't do all those things and as if Sonny didn't murder his son's biological father. (Which, by the way, his son's mother is totally okay with!)

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

The Ghost tango was the matching book end to the rendition of "Yer Not A-Lone Anymore". Neither was necessary, and both were overkill.

I didn't mind the tango—it showed that Anna has clearly decided to move on. Sabrina, though, was pointless. She should have waited for Tracy and the baby at the Q mansion if she was so anxious to see him.

  • Love 6

Please let this be the last time we see or hear about Duke. It's time to move on, show!

I fast forwarded through all the Sonny/Carly scenes but their smug smiles caused me rage blackouts anyway. 

I liked Paul again for a hot minute when he was treating dumb ass Anna like the dumb ass she is but now his smugness over Ava is irritating me so he can go. I am going to lose my fucking mind if Ava gives in to Carscum. Please hold me, @tvgoddess!

Sam was 100% awesome in this episode. I think she should just keep wearing that dress forever, it makes her idgaf attitude really prominent and it's beautiful.

I'm so disappointed in this weird Tracy story. Why is she insane? Why are all the women horrible? Why do I still watch this show?

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 12

Maxie didn't even fake lip-synching

Dunno, maybe she's had enough of the show.  K. St. is taking a temporary leave, according to what's trending on Facebook.  With Tyler C. and now K St., maybe they'll start pulling in studio walk-bys and asking them to come in and play a part on GH. 

eta:  Why couldn't Valerie be the one to take Bobbie to GH instead of Lucas????

Edited by ciarra
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In other news, we heard that Carly is taking a shower in preparation to join Sonny in the bedroom at his invitation. I just can't help wondering, since she and Ava are such rivals, whether Carly will take a page out of Ava's book?

Since Ava taunted Carly about being sexually naive after she viewed the Ava/Paul sex tape, will Carly smugly propose a little bondage experimentation to Sonny? And will his head explode?

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 Why couldn't Valerie be the one to take Bobbie to GH instead of Lucas?

Are you asking legitimately or because you wanted Valerie to get the Lucas Needle of Love?  

Valerie was in the middle of her song when Lucas found Bobbie and took her to the hospital.  It would have been odd for Dr Lucas to pull police cadet Valerie off the stage to have her bring his mother to the hospital.  

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